You will defeat the indifference about everything that is happening in the world when, in your prayers, your heart is one with the heart of your brothers and sisters, no matter where they may be.

When you feel the Heart of God within you, and in it, the love for humanity and for the planet, then for you the pains of the world will be greater than your own. Feel the Love of God for this Plan of His. Feel the hope of the Father for multiplying the Spirit of Christ in His children.

On taking communion, do not simply put a piece of bread in your mouth. In Communion, live the greatest miracle of Christ that, in union with the Will of His Father, gave Himself to the cross and continues to give Himself every day, several times a day, on all the altars consecrated by God, to share Mercy through the Body of Christ.

Every day, the Lord takes on the sins of those who have faith and make the bread the Sacred Body of Christ, and the grape juice, His Precious Blood.

Where are you at Communion time? What do you understand of the great universal mystery of Transubstantiation and Mercy?

Do you know that all the creatures of this vast infinity observe you and, on their knees, plead that this bread become flesh and that you become one with Christ?

Go, small soul, dive beyond your ignorance. Do not allow the cycles to go by and your mind remain sick in the superficialities of life, when you have before you the greatest opportunity for transformation of this universe.

Do not pray only to calm your heart and to find a little more peace in the madhouse that this world is for you. Dive into the universe of prayer, merge with God, discover His Love and His Sorrows, alleviate His Most Sacred Heart. Open the door to the balm that flows until today from the Heart of Christ and allow His Mercy to pour over souls and over the Kingdoms of Nature.

Make your life the reason for the sacrifice of Christ. Make your permanent effort to merge with Him and be a Living Christ, the reason for Him still having His Eyes focused on the beings of Earth and not ceasing to offer His Heart in reparation for the sins of the world.

Transform yourself and fly far.

Have your feet firmly on this Earth so that, in your elevation, it may transcend the dimensions and enter with you into the Real Time, into the Time of God.

I bless you and keep you in My Heart so that you may unveil there the mysteries that I discovered in life and also in the glory of the Heavens.

Your father and companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Seeking the Truth must be the only existent aspiration in the heart of those who walk to God.

Look, for a moment, within yourself and feel the presence of the Creator within you, calling you to recognize the true reason of the life manifested in the world.

Breathe deeply and feel the principle of unity in the air that fills your body. Be for the planet as the air that gives you life, and in perfect unity with you, nurture each space of your being, balance it and take it to perfection.

Be for the planet as the air you breathe in the field. Allow that, in your presence, the consciousness of this Earth takes a deep breath, alleviated to find something pure and clean.

You are a bridge between Heaven and Earth; that is why you exist as a human, to generate balance and to attract the unity with God.

Be as the fresh breeze in a very warm and sunny day. With your prayers and with your unity with God, you bring not only life to Earth, but also encouragement, relief and peace.

Go to a field and, in silence, close your eyes and feel nature, breathe deeply the air that surrounds you, let your soul be joyful when listening to the praise of a bird. Feel relieved from the pressure of life on Earth: see how, before Nature, your soul finds meaning for the existence in the world. You must be like this for the planet. That in your prayers it may find relief; that in your unity with your neighbor it may find hope; that in your communion with the Kingdoms it may find peace. That in your consciousness of the existence of a higher spirit that shelters you, giving life to your planet, this spirit may find the reason for its existence and the faith in the achievement of its mission.

Perceive with the heart that this world has a spirit, a spirit that suffers with the wars and that animates itself in fraternity. A spirit that is wounded by the depredation and restored by the brotherhood among the Kingdoms.

Feel yourselves as part of this consciousness. You can be an ill cell, that generates a cancer in the world, or you can be a miraculous cell, which converts others and brings, thus, healing for the planetary body.

Become conscious of Life. Be part of a Whole and dissolve such beloved individuality of the human consciousness. Be one with your neighbor, with the Kingdoms, with God. Bring the Celestial Kingdom as a living principle in your interior.

Cast away what is old and be yourselves the fruitful principle of the new world, of the new redeemed Earth.

May peace and hope be a reality in the human heart and may they impel humanity to the renovation of life and of spirit.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The essence of a spirit that consecrates itself must be renovated, every day, in the adventure that is losing oneself to find in its place, the Living Christ.

For a new resident to enter your house, it must be uninhabited; otherwise, what a great confusion would it be, when such different inhabitants share a single house, being it so small.

Dears, Christ expects to be alive not only in the Eucharist, because He wants to be the living Eucharist inside every being of this world. But for this to be real, you must commune with Him every day.

Little by little, your bodies must give space to the Mystic Body of Christ, so that He can be the life that animates not only the soul, but also all that composes you, from matter to spirit.

This transformation in Christ is slow and, sometimes, painful, but you cannot escape from it, because Christ is transforming all that you are, and the transformation will be with you wherever you are. Many think that they undo with the mind a commitment made by the spirit, but this is not like that.

With all that you have already received in the last years, the seed of a new heart has already started to pulse inside of your beings: it is the Heart of Christ that asks you for space for Him to be your commander, as well He is in the whole Universe.

These are painful times for those who do not make of their own inner transition, a moment of grace and of surrender.  And the hardest will be when you do not want to see that, not only inside of you, but also outside, nothing will remain as it is.

Go ahead, soldiers! Be a little braver so that you can see, in losing yourselves, the great victory of Christ.

The Lord only wins when He defeats you, because He must be the great King of your inner world, and not yourselves.

Surrender yourselves, because it is already time to let yourselves be conducted by the Universal King.

I encourage you and take you to this great defeat at the feet of Christ.

May My blessing strengthen your consecration and give you the courage to be nothing and to surrender yourselves to The One that is all and that is in everything.

Your beloved Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus in the city of Bogota, Colombia, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before the whole Universe that rules us, I have come here to consecrate you in My Love and to show you My Sacred Heart that is still wounded by the sins of human beings.

Glimpse My Celestial Presence. Reconsider your surrender, and offer to God your sacrifices for the conversion of this humanity and the glorification of the Name of God, from the beginning to the end.

Today I have come to satiate you, for My spiritual food is important in these times, mainly for those who lean before Me and try to contemplate My merciful heart.

I wanted to come here for one primordial reason, on behalf of the need of the planet and of all souls that live here: you must not forget My Living Heart, which will sustain you in the coming times.

I came here so that you feel My Love and renew your vows with Me in this perfect communion with My Divine Spirit in this time of transition in which many souls are defining themselves whether for the light or the abyss.

Who will have compassion for My Heart and will be able to satiate the lack I feel from the souls? For I do not seek the perfect ones.

I come to resurrect your lives, souls, and spirits from the abysses where they have placed themselves.

I come to extend My Hand toward you to show you a new path, to offer you My Heart for all souls that offend Me and do not accept My prodigies nor any celestial design.

I come here so that you know My Power that is invincible and powerful, because it is the Power of My Father who is in the Heavens, seated on His Throne of Light, observing the whole Creation and each one of your lives. This power is loving, strong, and alive for those who invoke it from their hearts, because through My Living Heart you will know the Power of God, and there should be no fear in your lives anymore because the Will of God will be acting through your consciousnesses.

Thus I come to renew you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so that you may always remember that these times urge new soldiers who consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

I do not come to request impossible things from you. I come to ask you for the simplest things that exist, as I asked my apostles. But I know that very few want to listen to Me. For this reason, I cannot show Myself to everyone, because there must be an inner reception to listen to the message that comes from Heaven with the purpose to transform your lives and families into something sacred.

This is My last attempt before My glorious Return to the world. When My Return occurs, I will not be able to talk to you in this way. I will talk to you as I talk to humanity because I will come for humanity. I will come on the day of the Great Judgment when My Father will separate the chaff from the wheat and I will only be able to observe with My gaze of compassion and goodness towards those who always searched for My path in spite of the consequences and the tests. Because those, who are the last ones, will be victorious when the day of the final judgment arrives.

The scale is upon the table of My Father. The judgment is starting and very few perceive it. But those who follow My Living Heart and My resplendent flame of Love will transform themselves in spite of what happens, because the sacred merit, the great merit of Heaven, will be on the next Earth, in the next life that they will be invited to experience by the Lords of the Law, those who judge this world and others in these times of definition.

This is why I come to show you My Heart which is living because it pulsates in the Spirit of God and still wants to pour His last Mercy upon humanity.

I come to strengthen the devotion of all Colombians because this essence of devotion cannot be lost. It will be with your very hard work that, just like in the fields, this devotion will not be lost and this living flame will never be extinguished in your essences and in all hearts that surround you, every day of your lives.

Thus, you will be waiting for Me with another degree of preparation and supreme awareness, to then see the Son of God, who is already coming in His Divine Spirit, to later arrive in the flesh, to manifest Himself in Glory in the times to come.

But the world must still be purified and so must your lives. Do not fear that which you have to purify, because if you trust in My Heart, which is sacred and full, your purification will pass and you will be renewed in body, mind, and spirit, and you will be prepared to receive My energy of Light that wants to be poured out for the last time upon the world and especially upon the 144 thousand who will prepare the return of the Universal King.

While this is about to happen, companions, may your lives be more crystalline each day. May your acts be more merciful each time so that your pride and arrogance, which have made the world succumb, may disappear from your cells, and thus the spiritual energy of My heart can be instituted.

You must purify your beings all the time, thus you will be deserving of the Grace of God, for many Graces were poured out throughout the times and few considered them as something sacred and reverent.

For this reason, now that the scale of Law is at another point, prepare your hearts through the unceasing search for My Sacred Heart. Nourish your spirits with My Spirit of Life every day in the perfect Communion that is offered in all altars on Earth.

Thus, repent in time and confess every time it is necessary. Experience a life worthy of sacred examples, of prayer, of charity, of service, and in this way, you will be serving My merciful Heart. Because I will not see you as sinful souls, but I will see you as doors through which My energy can enter to work in other hearts. Thus everything will be fulfilled in the hearts that listen to My Call.

And just as in Jerusalem, when I was gathered with the twelve to give My last offering to the world, I told them: "Eat of My bread because it represents My  Body which is divinized by the Father through His maximum offering on the Cross; and drink from My Chalice that represents the Covenant, throughout the times, with all the hearts of the world; blood that is shed by your Lord to this day."

Offer this Communion in restoration and life, and may your hearts be purer every day to receive the Grace of the Kingdom of God.

And thus I also bless these sacred objects that you have brought to My altar so that they represent the signs of light to all those who carry them with reverence and love.

Let us pray.

Most Holy Heart of Christ
convert our hearts
into sacred flames
of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Face is merged 
into the great human heart.
May the coming descent 
of Your Celestial Glory
redeem all consciousnesses,
in honor and glory 
to the Celestial Father.

Prayer: Our Father.

Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to beings of goodwill.

And thus you confirm, companions, the promise to always seek My Heart in times of tribulation.

Joyful, blessed are those who do it because they will be rewarded in the Kingdom of God.

And thus, I bless you and your nation so that you may strengthen the consecration to My Sacred Heart that wants to be alive in each one of you. Thus the Will of the Father will be fulfilled.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now that you are cleansed, you will receive the Body and Blood that are alive in the Sacraments to strengthen the souls and your paths of life.

Go in peace and goodness.

I thank you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is a consciousness that has many degrees of love to offer us and today He offered one of the main ones, which is the profound love of His Heart.

Within that Heart, which He showed us today, a very strong flame of love for us, for the planet, and humanity was burning.

He came as the Sacred Heart and showed us part of the Kingdom of Heaven, where He comes from, where many crystals shone as light at His Feet. And those crystals, that light of the crystals that were at the Feet of the Master, shone throughout all Bogota.

With the help of the angels that were accompanying Him, the Master led us to the moment of Genesis, in which God started writing the history for this humanity, for this creation.

Jesus led us to that moment for us to remember the importance of this Project of God, which according to Jesus, each one of us as humanity has deviated throughout times.

He wants each of us to recover that, the main Project of God, the original one, so that we may know His Love, from which we have always separated.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus came today to Colombia and to the whole planet to remind us that He is the Love of the Living God, in whom we can always trust, in whom we can penetrate with our consciousnesses through the union that we can establish with Him.

God says He loves us profoundly and He comes to remind us of that commitment.

He came to liberate many souls from this region while He descended as a sphere of fire crossing the universe, the atmosphere of this planet until he located this place here where we are.

There a portal of light opened and the crystals appeared at His Feet. Behind Him was the Kindgom of Heavens, a part of this Kingdom, the angels that surrounded Him and that at the same time went through each part of the city of Bogota carrying a soul that was lost, that was looking for light and consolation.

He left us a main message for today which is that if we penetrate into the Love of Jesus, there is nothing to fear, in spite of what happens around us. Because if we trust in Him, as the Master told us today, His divine protection will always prevail.

Thank You Lord for all that You give us.


Dear children,

On the eve of the great meeting with My Beloved Son, today I remind you that the Sacred Chapel of the Marian Center of Figueira will fulfill a complementary task with the Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel of the Marian Center of Aurora.

It is within this Chapel of Christ that My Son will leave His spiritual Presence so that all who venerate His Holy Image may receive the gifts, which, by Grace, will help in the new reconfiguration of planetary life.

The Chapel of Christ is the symbol of the spiritual refuge for the souls that will come to meet with Him and that will have the possibility of finding peace as an aspiration.  The Sacred Chapel will be a precious portal for the liberation of the impure spirits through the fount of love and prayer that will be poured out by all those who clamor for inner freedom.

This Sacred Chapel will weekly have the blessing of the holy Ecumenical communion with Christ officiated there, and this will strengthen the union of souls with the King of the Universe.  The Chapel may be a place for the source of inner aspiration and vocations, which will first be prepared within the consciousness.

At the same time, those who cross the doors of the Chapel and may remain in adoration to Christ will receive the spiritual impulse of consecrating oneself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The Chapel will also be considered as the inner temple for each soul that seeks the elevation of matter and mainly, the healing of life.

The presence of the angels will never lack In the Chapel, they will be the leaders and guides for the souls that deposit their moments of prayer and supplications there.  Christ will have a space inside the Sacred Chapel; He will be calling the souls to dwell in the Temple of His Sacred Heart.

For this to be possible, the Most Pure Fountain of Saint Joseph will be the means that will cleanse the souls and quench the seekers of a true union with God.  The Fountain of Saint Joseph will represent the reminder of the constant search for the original purity and for the humility that each spirit may achieve in order to concretize this inner and spiritual fusion with Christ.

For this, the Fountain of Saint Joseph will be your drink of Divine Water, that which will cleanse and purify the stains of the past, and that which will renew hearts.  It will be important for the devotees and pilgrims to recite, before the Fountain of Saint Joseph, before being cleansed by the humility of the Chaste Heart, the following prayer:

       Prayer for Cleansing the Soul

O Sacred Fountain

that springs in humility

from the Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph!

Renew our lives,

purify our beings,

free us from all evil.


In this way, dear children, you will enter the Chapel more purified, and you will be able to offer Christ the sincere result of your conversion and redemption.

The Fountain of Saint Joseph is the preamble for the entrance into the Chapel.  The Most Chaste Saint Joseph is the Shepherd of souls, He is the Father of the essences of the world, of the essences that let themselves be conquered by His humble Love.  He is the Worker who builds the new redeemed souls, to then deliver them into the Arms of Christ and thus establish the Kingdom of God in each being.

The Chapel of Christ will signify for each being the moment of facing one of the aspects of God: the Divine Son.  In this way, in reverence and gratitude, each time you enter the Chapel, you will recite the following prayer:

       Prayer for Being Before the Divine Son

Sacred Heart of Jesus,

Glorified and Beloved Son,

have Mercy on us

and fulfill Your Perfect Work

through our beings

so that Your Powerful Light may reign,

now and always.


In this way, dear children, each time you are before Christ, you will be before God.  These two prayers may also be practiced by the pilgrims as a novena when they make a pilgrimage to the Marian Center of Figueira.

In the hope of redemption, I thank you for responding to My call.

On the eve of the divine consecration of the Chapel of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter in communion with the kingdoms of nature and learn to love the essence of the Creation.  Observe the kingdoms and learn how to live permanently under the sublime Laws of God, in perfect harmony with the Creator.

In His Divine Plan, the Creator granted an attribute for each expression of His Divine Face, for the kingdoms of the planet to manifest.

Commune with the peace, with the harmony, with the beauty of the waters; commune with the healing and with the liberation of the minerals.

Commune with the elevation of the trees and with the constant spirit of self-giving of the Plant Kingdom which, in its humility, always delivers the best to God, no matter how it will be treated, cared for or loved by others. The Plant Kingdom knows of the Divine Law of self-giving to God and to His Higher Plan. Contemplate this kingdom and through it discover the secret of the emptiness of self. 

Contemplate the Animal Kingdom and learn from its love for life; learn to defend the Laws of God, to take care of your neighbor and to be always faithful to the One you fully love.  Learn from the plenitude of the Animal Kingdom and, with the same naturalness of heart, be a guardian of Life and of the Perfection of God.

Contemplate in your inner world the angels and devas, who in the invisible create and recreate the beauty of this manifested world.  Learn from them to manifest beauty in silence, to work in secret and to deliver the best, without the need for anyone to know of your existence.  Live the sublime attribute of humility that the angels and devas express in the world.

Contemplate the elements and how they complement one another; then discover how to share what the other needs in order to express themselves.  Be like the wind, which permits the existence of fire, and gives to its neighbor all possibilities for being that which is perfect and which is latent in their interior.

And, learning from the Kingdoms of Nature, express that which is most sublime that the human being has: its possibility of learning that which is most beautiful in all Existence, and of living it, within itself, in the essence of love for the Creation.

I love you and wait for you to have simple hearts and meek spirits, always willing to observe the Creation and to learn; always willing to love and to give from yourselves that which is missing in the other, for them to achieve perfection.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

Saint Joseph, Apprentice and Servant of the Kingdoms of Creation


As the Mother of the vocations and guardian of the hearts of Christ, Our Lord, today I bring to all of you an act of gratitude for answering to the call of consecration of the Sons of God to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

On this day in which a rain of Graces is poured over the world through the Infinite Light of My immaculate Heart, this Grace, favorite children, is what gathers you today in this favorite oratory of your Heavenly Mother. 

Today, open your hearts before the Most High so that it is cultivated in your spirits the gift that will promote the salvation of the souls through the Love of Christ, and especially the reencounter that each creature must have with My Son in this time.

For this, I gather you around the sacred table of the Lord, so that, united to Me, we may offer once again this sacrament of the communion as an act of reconciliation and forgiveness for the whole world.

Dear favorite children, embrace then these gifts in the same way that you must embrace your own cross to start realizing the Work of God in the end of these times.

Children, you know that I Am your Mother and I wish the best for all; learn in this time to conduct the souls to the most pure ocean of the Love of Christ, because in this way your consciousnesses will participate of the rescue commands of Christ during the crucial time of the tribulation.

Favorite children, today you are called to convert yourselves in the Heart and in the Luminous Face of Christ.  You are called to present the evangelization of love through the sacraments.  You are invited to pray with Me all of the days to come.

It is for this reason that today My Heart will accompany you so that you may take this step of an intimate fusion with Christ and with His legacy.  My feet of light will walk by your side when you stand up to offer your lives to the Lord.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who guides you to the sacerdotal life.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In the time that comes I want to invite you to live the spirit of love and of peace, something you must always seek through your prayers and communion with My Beloved Son.

With this purpose I come from Heaven to announce to you that peace is possible on these times, despite the serious condition in which the world is found.

My children, I bring to you the possibility of finding the state of silence such as the peace of heart.  Day by day I want to see you strong and humbler so that you may be able to face such decisive times that will place all of humanity before the judgment of the Divine Law and Justice, something that no one can image how will happen.

But I open the doors of My Heart so that you may be able to feel, in every moment, that you are in My lap, despite the spiritual battles that humanity will face in the last cycle of the final time.

Children, I reveal to you the only path of peace because if you are in My Peace, in spite of all, you will be able to see the Face of My Beloved Son shining in you little hearts.

Children, the time has come to act according to the indications of the Will of God.  As the Mother of all, I know that the majority follow other paths.  For this, day by day I come, through these messages, to guide you and mainly for you to value the Word of God.

If that happens at least in a small part of the humanity, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who takes you to the consciousness of Truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


On the sacred day of Corpus Christi I descend to the world to remind you that you must adore the Son of God by means of the Most Holy Sacrament that is offered by all of the priests, My favorite children in the world.

On this day on which the Sacred Blood and the Glorious Body of Christ are venerated by humanity, I invite all of those who do not live in Christ to make a decision to do it so that, absolved by His Mercy, they may find again the Kingdom of God in their interior.

See My Son: glorious, humble and poor in the Eucharist; visit Him and talk to Him about all that which anguishes your little hearts.   Within the holy mystery of the Eucharist is found the Science of God, that which can convert your lives and arrogances by the simple act of confessing and communing from the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Today is a day of feast in the Heavens, the Redeemer surrenders Himself again out of love for you, this time through the Holy Eucharist.   Blessed are those who today commune in gratitude because their consciousnesses will receive the Grace of a life redeemed in Christ.  Your steps will determine your next path.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

Every day at noon when this sacred hour is fulfilled in this part of the world, an infinite ocean of Repairing Graces is poured from My Most Pure Heart of Mother.

These extraordinary Graces are the ones that allow to carry out the conversion of heart in this time, and I wish today this announcement to be clear for everyone.  Your Eternal Father has allowed Me to let you know how the whole humanity at this hour just thinks about nourishing themselves with the things of the world instead of nourishing themselves with the spirit that the prayer of the heart provides.

Children, go and testify My message.  I hope that you can give the example of a life redeemed by My Immaculate Heart.  Today I let you know the celestial wisdom, that which has allowed through My intercession to help you and instruct you with maternal love.

For this, children, I need you to open your hearts and recognize the daily Laws of your Father, who always waits for you to enter in truthful communion and in truthful nourishment for your spirits.

As your Mother I lead you to walk through safe pathways so that one day you may find the peace of the heart.

Therefore, My children, let My feet mark your paths so that united to My Heart you may awaken to the importance of seeking the union with the Kingdom of God before anything.

I always bless you and pray for your sacred mission.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who embraces you with special maternity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

On the eve of the Annual Feast of the Divine Mercy, a holy day on which you are in cenacle and prayer, I desire that you spread to all My children the importance of living the day of Divine Mercy that My Son instituted for the world.

Children, I come for all, for the sinners and the faithful, for the conscious and for the ignorant of heart; I come in the name of My beloved Son for all humanity.

The day of the Feast of Mercy will be dedicated, in a special way, to all of you and to all those of My children who participate in that day. From wherever you are, if you receive communion and ask for forgiveness, making an act of reparation and devoutly praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, you will be absolved of the grave debts that have kept you prisoners of involution and in this way, you will regain a spirit of faith and inner strength for the times to come.

Those children of Mine will have the Grace to spiritually help their families and loved ones through the act of Communion on the Day of Mercy; and My Son, from His Kingdom, will impart a Grace of salvation, never seen in the last 50 years, to all sinful souls.

Why is it important for everyone to celebrate the Day of the Divine Mercy with Me?

Because, by making it conscious in your lives, you will allow attributes such as redemption and conversion to touch the hearts of non-believers and, above all, the sinners and unjust to receive the ultimate lifeline of salvation, which will be the Divine and unfathomable Mercy.

The universe is preparing and so are you, and the angels will pour out the gifts upon those who receive communion on behalf of all.

During that day there will be a universal atonement through the Mercy that Christ will pour out upon the world and upon the souls who especially celebrate that day of glory and of spiritual resurrection for all.

For this cause, I wish that on April 13, at the Marian Center of Aurora, two altars be erected representing the Merciful Jesus and His Divine Mother. In honor of the victory that My Son achieved, I desire that you place garlands of blood and water color, and decorate not only the altar, but also the room where Jesus and Mary will descend on April 13 to give a special blessing to the world and a centennial atonement for all the debts committed against the Sacred Heart of the Celestial Father.

If My children unite in effort and love to prepare the house for their Lord, the angels will understand that they will be able to work extensively upon the planetary consciousness.

On the Day of the Divine Mercy, your God will be attentive to the supplications and intentions of all His Children. Thus, you will be able to enter the ocean of Graces and many possibilities of awakening and repentance will flow from the hearts.

Dear children, we wait for you all on that day.

I thank you for responding to this important call!

Who prepares you for the Day of Mercy of your Lord,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

After your spirits resurrected in Christ, it will not be able to exist between you and My Son any contrary wind that can overthrow this perfect union that you have made with Jesus.

However, My adversary, that is cunning and controller, subjects the hearts to the point of cornering them beyond their issues and problems, but the hearts that live in the Heart of the Lord will not be submitted by the cunning of evil.

Children, the love for your fellows cultivated in your beings sets you free from any situation and friction that My adversary creates among the minds that are not united to the Love of God.

On this day, recognize that the critical times have arrived and that, everything that is under the Spiritual Universe of your Celestial Father, will be purified and transmuted by the rays that His Heart spreads throughout the Cosmos.

Receive from My Spirit the most holy blessing, that which will make you invincible as long as you remember to profess the sacrament of the communion and the internal state of luminous prayer.

Dear children, the current time sets a before and an after.  From what you have been you will not be able recover anything, and from what you are not yet and cannot wait for results.

Your consciousness and your matter are in constant transmutation, led by the hands through the beginning of the permanent purification.

When the time of purification reaches each one, you will count on My Maternal Guidance, so that you may avoid mistaken and take the wrong path.  In this way, the law of purification will allow you, when it is lived in peace, that you may be able to find new staircases of consciousness and, in this way, ascend in trust to the Kingdom of God.

Do not fear, the internal resistance will be the first wall to be broken.  However, if your love is pacific and full, the whole structure will be dissolved, and I promise you that in this moment you will be freer than the birds in the sky.

The time is indicating an inner preparation because now the school of prayer that I teach you will allow you to transcend any difficulty, and when you are free from the human prisons, you will find the site of the sacred temple that lives forever in your hearts.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who blesses you under the essence of the Holy Spirit.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Prostrate yourselves before My Heart and drink of My Mercy.

The time of darkness will come to the world, but few will accept it. Happy and true will be the ones who live in My Heart because they will not perish.

Today I bring you the Light of My Most Holy Eucharistic Heart. Therefore, before the Thrones of God, you sinners must also honor the Son of God, because He washed away your impurities, filled your hearts, and alleviated all desperation.

Drink from the Source of My spiritual Heart, which is now poured out upon the world, Light that walks over your beings and extends like a Mantle of Light upon the planet.

See the infinite to My right and the end to My left. Look above Me for the Trinity and below My feet the world. See My hand that points to the Heart.

Do not miss this moment that absolves you. Feel and do not try to understand. The doors of evil are closing for many and My victory is established once more upon the Earth.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground like the apostles of the past. Reverence the Son of God, Who has come to help you in Mercy and splendor.

Contemplate My Eucharistic Heart. It is still present before your little spirits.

Reverence the angels who worship My Heart and participate in this celestial Communion that I am offering to everyone today. Heaven is before your eyes. Even if you do not see it, it resides in your spirits.

Do not try to understand with the mind. This communion I offer you today goes beyond this material Universe. Here you are facing another Kingdom that you have never seen or known. The Kingdom of the humility and poverty of God.

If you are tired, rest in my arms, because I wait for you in the invisible Presence of My Heart.

Jesus is showing us a chalice that He takes between His hands and He is surrounded by different Angelic Hierarchies, in different shapes and aspects. He is transfigured into light, and behind Him are other universes that lead to infinity, to a beginning. This light not only expands here. The Master is taking it to five continents. He is raising the dead of spirit on five continents.

While here, Jesus says:

I allow you to say all these things so that you realize that I am not here by chance or just to visit you. My Spirit prepares the New Christs; Christs who will be born from the most imperfect, the most impure, the denied and lost in the spiritual life.

That is why I congregate you as one flock and today you will only be able to stand before Me prostrate on the ground, because God is the one who allows Me to be here, celebrating with you and with many redeemed souls, the spiritual Communion with My Divinity, which is what is revealed today to everyone in the world who believes in Me.

Cry and release your anguish. Your time is coming. The hour of peace.

The angels are depositing a liquid into the Cup of the Lord. The chalice lights up like a heart and beats in light, in golden light.

Be quiet. You are not only before Me, but Emmanuel.

Those who cannot resist prostrate on the ground, sit carefully, in order to not disable what God is building and, as if you do not step on the ground, feel the levitation of My Light that leaves you sublime and purer, free from stains and debts.

Encourage yourselves to touch My invisible Spirit with your hands, because I am reaching to the center of the heart of those who open themselves today, humbled, to receive me. Do not waste any time with Me, because these are the last ones before the great Armageddon.

Feel My Light in your hearts, the Light that alleviates and heals, that releases and forgives your past actions. And so this reverberates in the consciousness of your world.

The angels lay crystals at the feet of the Lord of different colors and shapes, and the Lord says:

I bring you through this example the presence of your origin, the origin of the Original Project, which is written for this humanity.

Archangel Metatron has just appeared to the right of our Lord and has a strong light on his forehead and a fire is emanated from his chest, which he collects with his hands.

Other angelic Hierarchies collect this fire and carry it to the four points of the Earth at an incalculable speed. It is as if they are here and in other parts of the world at the same time. They are entering cities, villages and continents. The Lord shows that there are conflicts there and this fire dissolves everything in light and harmony.

Get up. Your bodies are already tired, but the task goes on. Allow My Light to reside in you and leave here transformed, wasting no time along these days.

While I am here with you, I'm with everyone. This Communion is not finished, and I teach you, My companions, that when you cannot commune with Me, do it through the spirit, because with this it will be true and you will have a memory of this day and the days to come, of what I lived with you today, all that I have brought to you in the name of Grace and redemption. Remember this exercise of Eucharistic Communion with My Heart.

And now you will sing to the Christ of Love that resides in you. But you sing softly, as a mother puts her child to sleep.

Place your hands in a sign of donation, because the Communion with My Spirit still continues. While you sing, gather in your hearts the Communion with My Spirit, the perfect code for redemption. Once again.

You can place your hands on your heart and reconfirm the vow you have made with Me for this life, each one in their degree of surrender and trust, to My merciful Heart. In the same way, may all those who hear Me, on the four points of the planet, do so, because the Communion is spreading towards the planetary sphere, to the spirit of the planet that was flagellated by all of you before My coming to the world and after My Resurrection until today.

See how great is the sin of humanity and how unfathomable is the Justice of God, because My Mercy is sustaining many things. But the Judgment day will come, and by that time the prepared and the most unconscious must be ready. There I alone will separate  the chaff from the wheat, the true from the false.

And now, in union with the universe of this planet, which is filled with the spheres of Adonai, receive in glory and honor this day of resurrection, in this material Universe, the Presence of My Eucharistic Body, which after I have gone from here, you will contemplate, adore, and focus on My Heart and My Spirit, for five minutes. Today I institute the planetary Adoration.

Cover your heads with hoods and headscarves, all those who have them, in an act of love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let us repeat in honor to God of the Heights so that through this prayer, conceived by My universal and omnipresent Spirit, souls may receive the essence of My Mercy. And today, in this place, as in the Marian Centers, the Holy Monstrance of My Heart will be open for those who wish to drink of My spring of Graces, through sacred Adoration.

With faith and hope before the Thrones of the angels and archangels and the Kingdom of the humility and poverty of God, repeat from your heart:

Sacred Monstrance of Light, 
symbol of the Universal God, 
radiate Your principles over the world, 
dispel all cruelties of evil, 
build with Your Solar Rays
the new essence of humanity.
O Sacred Monstrance of Light, 
unfathomable Presence of the Son of God,
redeem all that was created,
restore all that has been damaged, 
reestablish, now and always,
the Christic Code of the Universal King.

Fourteen chimes.

Blessed are those who commune with My Heart, because they thus prepare themselves on this day of resurrection for the feast of Mercy. Remember this sacred request.

In communion with the High, I say goodbye to you companions, on this Sacred Week of redemption and peace for the consequent souls and all the spirits of the world who perpetually seek the essence of My Love.

I bless you under the power God has given me, as His glorified and beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Ring the bells to announce the day of My Resurrection. And now sing to God, the Hallelujah.

Song: Hallelujah

Holy Trinity,
Father Son and Holy Spirit
I adore you deeply
and I offer you the most beautiful body
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the earth.
And in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference
with which he is offended
and for the infinite merits of His Most Holy Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
I ask for the conversion of poor sinners.

The Lord wants to hear you proclaim from your lips: Thank you Redeemer for all that you give us!, for seven times.

Your day of glory has come, and despite the consequences the world is living, do not forsake My way, because I will come for you at the definitive time.

I thank you. Peace to the world.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 20th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I bring you My Sacred Heart as proof of My Love and of My Truth for all of you.

My Heart is gladdened on seeing good and persevering hearts, those that immediately respond to My Call and that, in spite of the consequences, always say 'yes' to Me.

Live in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I again offer Myself to the world as the great offering of love for all souls and for the whole of this wounded planet.

Seek the Source of My Sacred Heart and do not tire of quenching your thirst, for you will still thirst, My beloveds, until the last days of your lives.

Live in My Sacred Heart. Act through My merciful Heart and you will have nothing to fear, for I will be on your paths, lighting your destinies and accomplishing your projects, the Projects of God.

For this reason, live in My Sacred Heart.

Just as I requested in Rwanda, seek My Heart of Light, for the times are already difficult, souls are very fragile and few are prepared for facing what will come.

Come to My Heart of Light.

Take refuge in My loving Heart.

Rest your souls in My Spirit and be like children, who always seek the embrace of the Celestial Father.

Be little all the time, through your simple and humble works. Please the Heart of God, which continues to be outraged just as Mine is.

Gladden the Heart of the Celestial Father and be renewed every day through Communion.

I come to offer the only thing I have: the Source of My Love and My Truth, which is My Sacred Heart.

Do not waste time, My companions. Move away from tribulations.

Enter the path of Light that I am offering to you and do not cause My Heart to weep when your tests are difficult.

Rather, with the courage I have given you over the course of time, you have the inner strength to transcend all things.

I give you everything I have. But there are still many souls that do not receive anything.

Who will give the first testimony of My coming to the world? Who will risk living in My Name and profess My Sacred Word in humanity?

In this way, My beloveds, I invite you to the apostleship of sacrifice. Because only through sacrifice and surrender, the sweat of your bodies and the crying of your countenances, will humanity be able to be converted.

But do not experience sacrifice as suffering.

God had Me incarnate in this humanity as part of His absolute Love so that hearts not re-experience the martyrdom nor the suffering that completely suffocates all souls.

But today's humanity has not understood and many did not hear My Call in Rwanda.

I again make My pronouncement in this most holy place, where My Heart is pleased to see redeemed souls, resurrected by the love of a mother, of a good mother, surrendered to My Plan of Love.

I invite you, My companions, to decide to be My apostles. My Messages must not only pass by here; they must penetrate your hearts, strengthen your faith and conviction of living in Me.

My Words are no longer theories. On this plane I need living testimonies that represent what nobody wants to do.

Beloved children of God, there will no longer be a time nor moment in which humanity can again say it was not warned. This is My last Call.

My God has allowed Me to draw close to your hearts and souls, to find in you the consolation that I lack, because of the constant, inner and spiritual flagellation that I receive from ungrateful hearts.

But I know that many do not believe I am here. Happy are the hearts that believe without having seen Me, for they will be like the apostles of the past, many of whom did not know Me, but knew how to deeply live Me, living in My Word and in My Gospel.

I open the doors of My Heart of Light to you, as the only alternative for the end of times.

Do not waste time on superficial things. Time is running out fast and souls are becoming more and more lost, deceived by the things of this world and the offerings of a material life that cause deviations in the paths of My poor hearts. But My blessed Mother of Heaven prays together with Me at the Feet of the Creator.

I invite you, dear friends, to imitate this spiritual example. Kneel down at the Feet of the Creator and pray with all your heart and with all your soul.

I could not say, My companions, what will happen as from now, over the next months, for the world must deeply repent, recognize the damage it has caused to other hearts and deeply ask for My unfathomable Mercy.

Know, My companions, that I do not come to bring you fear, but rather a true awareness of what is done by all of humanity, the difficult consequences that drag many souls toward the abysses without light. 

But I Am the resplendent Sun of the Universe, the living Molecule of the Heart of God that awakens many more molecules, in those hearts that offer themselves to My Heart, to renounce everything, transform completely and live My Divine Will absolutely.

I do not come to ask you for impossible things. I come to ask you for greater collaboration. I am still waiting, beloved children, for the missionaries of peace of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to arrive in the African lands to alleviate the suffering existing there and that few know about.

The hands of the clock continue to move forward and the need increases each day.

I need merciful souls, true merciful souls, who give the example in these times of the presence of My living Heart in this world, and who, through the Sacred Sacraments, which I invite you to experience again, renew your spirits, revive your souls and are freed from all blame. Therefore, be glad on this merciful afternoon.

May all souls hear the fullness of My Voice and may all angels lift up to Heaven the true promise of this civilization, which will be to comply with the redemption no matter the cost, with whomever it may be, for My Heart is counting on you all. But it is very few who respond to the true need that I put before you.

Today I stretch out My Hands upon you and pour out the Light of the Heart, so that peace may be achieved.

Divine Light of Jesus,
transform my atoms, molecules, cells, and all of my being,
for the Glory of God.

Today I receive the offering of this Communion, which I also radiate with all My merciful Love to communities and monasteries, in this so definite hour, of transition and of changes, in which all the souls of the world must respond to the Call of the Creator through the Divine Messengers.

We will lift up to Heaven, My beloveds, this sacred offering, so that it may convert into My Body and My Blood, Life in your lives, healing for your spirits, redemption for your molecules.

At this moment, in the silence of the heart and of the soul, lift a spiritual petition to My merciful Heart.

I am listening.

In the four corners of the Earth, I consecrate all the elements that are the living manifestation of the union of souls with the eternal Creator Father. In this way, companions, let us consecrate in union with God and His principle of Love and of Unity.

My Rays are radiated to you on this afternoon; may this consecrated Body and this precious Blood serve as reparation, mainly for those who do not listen to Me.

And just as it occurred on the Cross, today I spill My Blood and My Water upon you, so that you never forget the principle of constant renewal, which is the Source of Love.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Immaculate Heart comes to this world for the purpose of conquering your lives. I gather you together for another day to glorify the Heart of God. The doors of Heaven open in this city to pour out His Mercy, and all are assembled through My Immaculate Heart.

Day and night, I visit your homes and all the corners of this city, which is in such need of My Maternal Light, to listen to your pleas.

Thus, dear children, I ask that your homes be temples of prayer and of peace; in this way, you will prepare, dear children, for the Glorious Coming of Christ.

Let harmony and balance exist among your hearts; let there no longer be disunity or separation.

Let your families be sacred families; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have the Law of God be light in this world and on all corners of the Earth.

I invite you to create groups of prayer, the mission of which is to achieve My Divine Word; in this way, you will be united with the great Thought of God and will build new foundations in your lives.

I want to unite you with Me through the Holy Rosary, through Communion and Confession to My Son.

The enemy has managed to distract you from the Sacred Sacraments that unite you with the Heavens and the Universe. Remember to live the simple Commandments of Moses. You will open the doors of salvation for your lives when, in daily activity, through your families, you fulfill the Laws of God.

Everything will be rebuilt, everything will be in peace again, and love will not be lacking in your hearts. I come as the Queen of Peace, seeking peace in your lives.

Let your lives sow peace wherever you go.

Let your lips proclaim the greatness of God; in this way, your lives will be transformed by the power of My Marian Spirit, by the grandeur and the Mercy of Jesus, and mainly, by the Compassion of God.

Let your paths become straight, continue forward, continue through Me; do not lose sight of My call.

My eyes contemplate your hearts, My Mantle protects you and holds you when you truly follow My steps, steps that continue on to Jesus and which will carry you to a greater goal.

Dear children, it is time to become soldiers of prayer, it is the moment for praying armies to exist in this world.

The light is more powerful than evil. Love always wins, brings you hope and peace; thus, dare to take this great leap in evolution.

Let your lives be a perpetual prayer.

Let your spirits be in perpetual communion, and not lose sight of the path I indicate.

Dear children, My Heart must continue assisting humanity, It must continue to give torches of Light to all the hearts of the Earth so that, in this time of transition and of chaos, the essence of peace is not lost in the world.

The more you pray with Me every day, the more you will learn to grow through love, and feel what is real in your hearts; no evil or disturbance will exist, because your essences, which come from the Source of God, from the Greater Creation, will be firm and brave to continue onward, walking in Christ and for Christ, waking up the new apostles in everyone.

I bring you a simple but urgent call.

My Voice continues to reverberate in this local universe; all the Angels and Archangels hear this call, all of Creation works for the salvation of this world.

My dear children, have you perceived that I come to prevent many things?

Observe in your lives: how much time do you dedicate to God?, how much do you see, within yourselves the rich inner universe, which always lives in you and must be at the service of God through charity and the giving of self, for the good of this world and of souls?

I am the great Guiding Star of this universe; I am the second Sun of this universe, which comes to illumine your spiritual life, to rebuild your hearts and essences. I come mainly to bring you reconciliation with God.

In this way, My little ones, your lives will be healed and it will no longer be necessary to suffer; for this, you must pray with the heart, be united with My Maternal Essence.

How much I want to hold you always in My arms! My Son has allowed Me this special Grace of embracing you and sheltering you, of transmitting the warmth of My Immaculate Heart to you so you may feel trust and faith.

Dear children, I call on you at this time because it is a definitive cycle for all; you can no longer continue to do what you always do; something must change in your spiritual lives.

My Son has granted Me to be able to come to Betim so as to proclaim the awakening of all.

The time indicates a profound change. Thus, dear children, seek silence through prayer, step away from the noises of this world; look in nature for the Creation of the Father; in this way, you will be united with the universe and will be able to know the Will of God; because I assure you, dear children, that in this end time, each has their mission.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I deeply thank you for overcoming the inertia of the world, for defeating the fear of meeting with what is Divine and coming to meet with Me.

Dear children, I know how difficult it is for you to have the Kingdom of God manifest in your lives, because you live in a time of chaos, in which modernities have dominated the minds and hearts of humankind. But today I ask, My children, that you find a source of hope in My Presence, because this is what I bring you in this time. Through My Presence in the world, I bring a unique opportunity so all the souls that live on Earth are able to accomplish the mission that is theirs to do and are able to return to the Celestial Origin with this divine mission fulfilled.

Thus, My children, although you consider it difficult to make My Words come alive in the simple daily activity of your consciousnesses, I ask those who hear Me with their heart to dissolve the impossibilities, because before this portal that is opening to the Kingdom of God, nothing is impossible.

I only need your lives to have the impetus of living in prayer, that you have the courage, each day, to face the worldly forces that live in each of your essences, and which, My dears, do not allow the Light of the Greater Kingdom to manifest in your beings. To the one who says 'yes', a Ray of the Celestial Heart will design your lives and will free them from all evil, so that in this time, My children, you are able to live the Words that I bring to the world.

Today, I ask you to receive the spring of hope and divine pity I bring to the world. I am announcing that this is still a time of Mercy, and even when the definitive time of Justice comes, it will be possible for those who cry out with the heart to reverse the evil in their lives, and through the Mercy of My Son, draw Divine Light to this world.

My dears, today I invite you to what seems impossible to you, so that in this time, you are able to see the world from another point of view.

No longer be, My children, in the small things of your lives, because if today you are here, it is because the Lord called each of your souls to manifest a Greater Purpose. In this time, you must discover that the Truth of God descends to the world to completely transform it, thus preparing the Second Coming of My Son and His Glorious Return to definitively redeem all the souls of this Earth, those still living and those no longer living, but who continue in the illusion this world once offered them.

My beloveds, if you accept responding to My call, I invite you to become part of this army of peace of Mine, so that peace can reach all the spaces of this world, for in this time, the Word I bring you crosses all boundaries, dissolves obstacles and reaches the most forgotten souls so they may receive an opportunity for redemption.

My beloveds, I aspire that on this night, the Light of the Celestial Kingdom touches each of your essences and transforms your lives forever.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

For this reason, the path of persistence will allow you to reach this purpose of Mine.

I speak to you with Love and in the name of Love. I bring you the Grace of serenity and of hope.

Today, I carry your pleas and intentions to Heaven; continue to pray so they can be accomplished. Everything has its timing in the universe of Will.

On this night of Graces, in which I see your ignited hearts, filled with the Spirit of God the Father, I consecrate these flowers and these images especially for you, My little children; so that through this symbol, through the flowers, you remember that your hearts are a perfect beauty for God, and even more so each of your lives.

Thank you, My little ones, for responding to My call.

The Universe blesses you and My Heart thanks you, go in peace, in complete trust and faith, remember Christ in your lives.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

This evening, Our Lady approached us, showed Herself as the Queen of Peace, and mentioned the importance the Plan of God has on Earth, that Her children should listen to Her with the heart rather than the mind.

She also mentioned the importance of Her next steps in the pilgrimage. She reminded us that the United States, Her next place of pilgrimage, is the number one nation for Her to carry conversion to. And that She expects all Her children of the world, irrespective of their nationality, to understand the importance of Her being able to speak with Her children of the United States.

She said that the souls that live in that nation have great need of Her Love, have great need of conversion and need to know Her more deeply, because She will go to that nation as the Mother of the World and expects to carry out a great task with all the inhabitants of the United States.

She especially mentioned the original nation, that of the indigenous people of that country.

You know that throughout all these years of pilgrimage, Our Lady as the Mother of Guadalupe, Mary of Guadalupe, has carried out a great task with the original peoples, peoples who have suffered a great deal in these last centuries. She is carrying relief to those souls that today are still on the surface of the Earth and to those who have still not been able to transcend into the light and are on other planes of consciousness.

So She asks that we pay attention to this pilgrimage because it will be a great triumph of the Light and of Her Immaculate Heart, and calls all Her children of the world to help Her reach the United States.

All the information on this great pilgrimage is on the webpage.

And after the United States, She, as we told you today, wants to go to Africa to finish a task.

So we are all very determined to carry the Light of God to all those places; in the same way that today we received the Love and the spiritual Healing of Our Lady.

Our Lady blessed the flowers here, on the altar, so that you could take them to your homes, as if you were taking a little piece of the Heart of Our Lady.

So we are going to ask the Children of Mary, who are dressed with a blue shirt, that while we sing, they come up here and then go back down to hand out the flowers to all of you.

And to all of you, we thank you with all our heart for having been with us tonight; and if you want Mary to return to this place, ask Her with your heart, and after some time, She will come back here.

Song: "Mary of Nazareth."

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!


Feel in My Silence the saying of everything, the truth that emerges to the life that was death.

Today I am together with the twelve, those who were with Me in the past. I brought them so that you may recognize and appreciate them as redeemed, the humanity that has redeemed and will keep redeeming.

While I walk by your side in these days, I bring good news to all, hope for the hearts and souls, and mercy to share and spread.

I thank this afternoon for those who make an effort and who in weariness work for My Father, without time and without deterring. Know that this will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heavens. God does not separate from His prodigious children, but supports and accompanies them in the silence of the heart.

Today I would like to share with you an important deed: before the Last Supper in that time, many good souls joined Me in prayer.

In different parts of the East, around Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem they joined My inner Passion and opened the doors so that the Mercy of God would accompany them.

In that time, everything that was happening was important, from solitude to joy. I was living each step in the Passion, a new sign that God was manifesting, for My Consciousness and My Heart, when I instituted the Supper as an important ceremony.

I wanted, in that time, everyone to be able to live My Passion in a true way, therefore I opened the doors so that the Divine Laws would descend and everyone could recognize that the Son of God was present on Earth.

The Laws were fulfilled in that time so difficult, but My Mercy was diffused throughout the whole world in the same way that I did with Faustina Kowalska, bringing again to humanity something important and mysterious, which is the Mercy of My Passion, the Water and Blood that redeem and wash, that purify and transmute the sins.

Therefore, live in this Greater Source, the Source that springs out from My tireless Heart and is available for those who search for and are encouraged to serve from it and to be nurtured by the Spirit of My Heart, by My Divinity and My Greater Consciousness.

In these days I come to reactivate your hearts. I come to remind you of the commitments that you have with the Sacraments, because each ritual of the Sacraments is important for your spirits, gestates new things to the soul, to the consciousness and to the life, and everything becomes lighter, more serene and more peaceful.      

What I bring you in these times is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which you will live through the other Sacraments. It is not by chance that I instituted the Eucharist so that My Universal Spirit would be present in bread and wine, and in each new communion which the soul lives with Me, may renew and open itself to the Greater.

Know that your whole being communes with Me; each part of your beings and each particle, the cells and blood of your beings, the water that circulates in your bodies are nurtured by My Spirit at the moment of the Communion. 

I invite you to know this mystery, to open your eyes for the reality that you live for the Communion, because are kept there many keys for everyone, mainly for those who live in My trust.

In the Last Supper, at that time, I instituted something important for the planet which is the descent of God through My Body and Blood, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in bread and wine, the Transfiguration and Resurrection that I lived for all. Laws that are unknown by this Earth, but many who were simple lived and practiced them with humility.

Imitate those beings that lived holiness. Follow the steps that they followed in a simple way, because God needs from your hearts a pure and whole dwell, available to receive the Will of the Lord.

I come again to open your eyes to something greater and something divine.

I gather you in this afternoon again, so that you reinforce your commitment with Me and drink with peace of My Blood and My Water, spiritual gifts to the whole humanity poured out spiritually in this time for the hearts that thirst for the Light of God and need to heal their consciousnesses so that they may be redeemed, blessed and be good servers of the Firstborn Son.

From today on you will remember something important during three consecutive days, which is the birth of My Consciousness in humanity and everything that I did for you in that time.

In each moment that you share with Me, each deed and each passage that I will deliver you, live it as something true and important. Thus your consciousnesses will be nurtured through My Christic Spirit and you will receive the Divine Fire of transformation.

And after a time you will not recognize yourselves, because I will have you completely transformed and you will not notice it because you will be transfigured by My Light and My Love.

Be encouraged, risk yourselves that I may overcome you through Love and Mercy.

In little time you will not recognize yourselves, because you will have drunk from My Fountain in a sincere and true way by means of the Communion and constant prayer, keys that will help to change humanity, keys that will open new doors for the coming time.

But, for that to be fulfilled, companions, it is necessary to risk a little more  and fear nothing, because you count on My trust and My inner support, when you only say "yes" to Me.

Today the apostles come to bless you all, through the pastoral exercise, of the blessing of the great Spirit of God that each one of those consciousnesses cultivated within their hearts.

Today I show you all these things so that you may believe that it is possible to live in holiness. And it will not be necessary to consecrate just to Me, but to live a life of charity, service, of prayer, which may be testimonies to your brothers and sisters, which may be incandescent flames of light for the other brothers and sisters, wherever you walk through or wherever you go.

When you reach this point of consecration and surrender, many will recognize My presence in you, because I remain being the Great Shepherd of Humility, the Star of the Universe for the whole planet, who prepares the advent and return of the transformed and renewed Christ, who everyone will see and be surprised at.

For the first time, dear companions, I will answer to seven intentions of this basket. But know that all of them are important to My Heart. I deeply know them, but I know the meaning and value that the answers have to you in this life, answers which come from My Most Sacred Heart, light for darkness, wisdom for confusion, lightness for gloom, love for the one who is bad, hurt, whipped or tired.

I love and correct you because your are flocks with the potential of awakening. Everything that I say comes from Love, from the Spirit of My Father. 

"Juan, I wait for you, when you simply accept to enter in My Kingdom."

"Be calm, your family will be saved. Unite yourself day by day to Me. The reconciliation will be established, because My Spirit will be part of your home and I will comfort your consciousness."

"Franco, your angel is called Joel. My Path is being prepared so that you may enter it as a new apostle of love. Be encouraged to follow Me, I await you."

"May your aspiration be to love the planet every day, because it will be home for those who are coming soon."

"Humility is found in the key of service, in endless charity, in saying "yes" every day to every need that presents itself, thus the spirit is forged to transformation."

"Yes, they already know it, they are now in Heaven with Me, your steps have allowed it. Today they salute you."

"I would like you to be a daughter of My Divine Mercy, thus you may consecrate to My Sacred Heart and everything will be fulfilled in your spirit."

Yesterday, I liberated many souls that were condemned, but I need instruments willing to help Me, transmutation pillars that serve Me and constantly donate themselves. If that would be possible in the greater part of humanity, humanity would be saved.

Today I am going to give you a blessing through the sacred oil, the same oil that anointed My wounded Body, that restored and healed it and prepared it for the Resurrection.

The oil unites you to the soul, and you are anointed by the Divine Spirit of God, with the Primordial Source of His Love and His Unity.

Each time that you are anointed, your spiritual scars and wounds are dissolved by My Merciful Love.

The sacred oil has the power of reparation, opens the doors to the principles of the healing of the ill body and soul and opens the doors to the Greater Spirit of God, simply with a sign of the Cross. Thus all will be done.

I bless all these elements that today will be part of the new communion of you with Me, preparing you for the Holy Thursday, where I will invite you to sit at My table and to confirm yourselves as the apostles of Love, as the servers of Mercy.

I bless you always with My Spirit of Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me today. 


Dear beloved and favorite ones,

I am present here, believe that for an instant.

I come to gather the not chosen, those who have remained behind on the path of transformation.

I come to open the door of your hearts through My Heart, so that the infinite mysteries of My Love may be revealed.

I need to create new apostles upon the surface of this humanity, and that there may emerge those who will announce My near coming in a simple, humble, and austere way, because the true Word comes from the Divine Word of God, and your hearts can be enriched by the Light of the Holy Spirit.

As it was some time ago, I come again to be in your lives for seven consecutive days. My hope is to share the Instruction and parables with all of you, as I did once in the past.

So I will gather you around My sacred table again, so that you may share the Bread of Life and the Redeeming Blood with Me.

New souls congregate in the consecration to My Sacred Heart this evening. For this reason, I gather the beginners again, those who must learn to love and serve.

In truth I want you to be able to feel the warm Word of Life.

I will also be gathered with all of those who are by My side, sharing this path with Me in each center of prayer and each home. Thus, you will be able to see, dear companions, how My merciful Rays stretch out upon all the places on Earth.

The Holy Father Francis has begun this Sacred Week with an important question for humanity, which I consider to be important for you. I have meditated upon it and I wish to tell you, not as an observation, but rather as meditation and reflection for your consciousnesses: On which side were you in the epoch of Jesus?  Were you the Apostles or the Pharisees?

It does not matter who may have condemned Me or who may have loved Me, I come to demonstrate the power of My infinite Mercy to you because the Love of God can do anything when the soul is willing to experience it from the heart and to learn the new lessons that Heaven presents to all souls that are on the Earth.

Today I want to address Myself to you through Love, to open the dwelling places of your hearts through the new keys that I bring in My Hands to assist hearts that have fallen and to heal souls that are wounded.

In each new meeting with Me through merciful prayer, in a group of souls as well as in solitude, I am present there to help you.

My Silence is eternal and permanent. My Words are spoken in your hearts through the Guardian angels, through all those that follow this Higher Plan.

Thus, in this week that is beginning, may your hearts begin to warm up through My Divine Fire. I would wish to place many gifts upon you so that the task may be fulfilled and the mission may be concretized just as I have foreseen from the beginning.

I would like to send a greeting of peace to all those who unite with My Passion. Precious and divine codes will be poured out upon the consciousnesses that open to listening to My call of the end of time.

I come directly from Heaven into your lives to announce something better, something good and kind that is born from My Merciful Heart. For this reason, do not fear to abandon that which you have not done well.

My Heart comes to heal the past and also the present. Open yourselves to the channel of My redeeming Healing. In these days I will be a stream of Light in your hearts, water that will wash your wounds, and linen that will heal your wounds.

I offer Myself this evening to listen to more prayers that may ignite My Merciful Heart, to feel your true love for Me, so that more Light can be poured out upon the world, mainly upon those souls that have been denying My Presence for such a long time, and even though I crossed their paths, and had been seen by everyone, they did not recognize My Priestly Presence through the good hearts that serve in prayer and service, because through such simple acts, I am also present in everything.

I gather you all in the cenacle of My Most Sacred Heart. A new celestial gathering, a new meeting with Me is being gestated and this will be born through My Divine authority, through the power of My invocation to all souls. Because My Light, My Love, and My Spirit are disseminated throughout the world as a fire of peace, igniting new sparks of light in hearts, bringing healing and redemption to all.

I know that many have questions for Me. Offer them, because I will listen to them, and in due time I will respond to them.

I have a perfect path for each one of you. The time has come for you to return to the Master, to the Shepherd of the heart.

Now bring the water, the bread, and the wine for the consecration, Heaven awaits.

Each Communion will be different on these days. I invite you to find the answer in the act of Communion with Me. If you open your hearts and minds, you will find the answer.

I will pour out a divine gift upon each Communion, and at each new Supper, a further piece of your beings will be healed.

The Light of the Universe resplendently shines today.

I invite you to bow down before Me for the consecration. Today is the day, it is the beginning. Today is the Alfa and Sunday will be the day of the Omega.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking for more water because he says it is too little.

This water will be sprinkled upon all those present, as my first blessing on this Sacred Week.

Let us pray, at a request of Our Lord, the Devotional to the Divine Mercy seven times:

Water, Blood, Life and Redemption
that flowed out from the Blessed wounded Heart of Jesus,
Have pity, mercy, and compassion
on all of us. (x2)

Celestial Father,
Supreme Unity,
Supreme Consciousness,
Supreme Love,
Have compassion on all of us
and on all humanity.

This afternoon, My Feet land on the ground of Aurora, very close to your hearts and lives.

I come to bring relief to those who cry out for redemption and especially for those who have forgotten My Father. Make an offering to God at this moment.

The Altars of Heaven open through My pastoral Priesthood so that all the offerings may be placed at the feet of the Creator. My Heart will be like a bridge to you for this to happen.  

I Am the expansion of the Light of God to the world.

I Am infinite Love for all beings, the living and resplendent Love, the curing and healing Love.

Receive the blessing of My Heart at this moment.

A Ray of My Heart is emanated upon these elements and all humanity.

I expand the entire Source of My Divine Mercy from My Celestial Universe.

I bring you Peace and rehabilitation, the new path that you must follow with Me, which I invite you to follow in trust and wholeness through the powers and gifts of the Father, through the powers and gifts of the Son, through the powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I bless you and I bless all the hearts that listen to Me.

Go ahead, a Higher Paradise awaits you. Trust in Me.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Song: "Mercy, Supreme Creator".

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Most Holy Heart of Christ,
convert our hearts
into sacred flames of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Countenance may envelop the great human heart.
May the coming descent of Your Celestial Glory
redeem all consciousnesses,
in honor and in glory to the Celestial Father.

Through this Message, I have left you a powerful key of conversion, as I also gave you the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration.

They are important keys for redemption in these times. One who truly and honestly uses them will be transformed and will not recognize themselves from the past, but rather in the eternal present of My Heart.

Let hearts be gladdened on this afternoon and never tire of searching for Me.

My Ears hear all your prayers. I Am your merciful Shepherd and you are My sheep that must go toward My Stable, toward the Temple of My Heart. In that place, nothing will cause you to be afraid and you will not fear anything because you will be in My Love and in My Mercy.

I say goodbye, blessing the sacred elements, which you can bring up here to My Presence.

Communion unifies the Cosmos and the Earth, a perfect unity between souls and God. Those who commune with My Heart are unified with the universe and, at the end of times, will recognize the visible signs that I will bring on My Return.

I thank you.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Today we had a genetic experience with Christ, and we will explain what that genetic experience is about that He carried out with each one of us.

When He appeared, He came as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus. At one moment in the Apparition, He showed that He carried a symbol in His Hands. 

At first, we didn't understand what it was He wanted to transmit to us, but He simply asked us to observe so that we could share it with you.

He always opens His Arms when He appears to welcome us, to receive us, radiating a gesture of love and of fellowship for us.

But when He opened His Arms, in the palm of His right Hand there were five drops of Blood, the Blood He had spilled in the Passion. And we were not quite sure how it happened, but when He showed those five drops of Blood, He was converted into a spring of precious Blood and a strong ray of blood-colored light began to pierce our physical being, our soul, our bodies. 

After a moment, everything became blank and we only felt His Consciousness present.

In a matter of seconds, Christ took us to the moment of His Passion and to some culminating moments that He lived. For example, He took us to the moment when He was flagellated and spilled His Blood, and He showed us our Mother Mary gathering up that precious Blood.

When He received the crown of thorns was another moment He carried us to, what He felt and what God accomplished through that sacrifice He offered.

And He also showed us the moment of the Cross in a different way from what we have known in the history of humanity, because today, Christ proposed to truly show us what happened when He died on the Cross.

He asked us to become attuned, that we meditate on His Blood, because He told us that He was dealing with various aspects during His Passion. For this reason, He asked that we concentrate specifically on the power of His Blood.

At a certain point, we asked Him why He wanted to transmit this to us at this time. Because the power of His Blood, He said, will prepare the return of the Savior to the Earth.

The practice of concentrating on the Blood of Jesus, in the visualization of that precious Blood, as He calls it, can reveal to our lives and our spirits many powers that He calls divine powers, celestial powers.

After He led us through those moments of His Passion, we saw ourselves as a group, submerged in that story of the Passion of Jesus, to the point where He showed us the different look we had in that time, what we looked like physically, what clothes we wore, and what role each one of us fulfilled in that moment of the Passion of Jesus.

So, in light of all these things, we asked Him why He was doing all this, at that moment, and He did not respond, He was in silence, and then said: I will reveal it in the Message.

What was most important was the experience Christ transmitted to us so that we could understand the power of His Blood, because He needs us to adore and contemplate his Blood in a spiritual way. That is how He requested it of us on this day, because He said that the one who allies themselves with that precious Blood could resolve and heal many irreparable things.

So today we faced a significant spiritual experience for each one of us, which came directly from the Heart of the Master.

Friar Elías reads the Message of Christ Jesus of March 5, 2014.

At that moment, the Master begins to transmit the Devotional to the Powerful Blood of Jesus as part of the Message.

And at the end, He said to us:

Meditate on what I gave you today. They are secret keys of My Transfiguration.

Under the Power of God, be blessed.

Thank you for walking at My side!

Christ Jesus

Mother María Shimani:

While the Friar was reading, I was remembering that both Christ and our Divine Mother told us that for this new cycle in this year, They were going to reveal new celestial mysteries to us, a lot of Christic information that humanity needs to know to be able to face this purification we are beginning to experience, this apocalypse that we have been expecting for so long.

So all these gifts and these Graces from Heaven are coming so that any person on Earth can be saved.

Let us be with this reflection in our heart, and today, before sleeping, let us give many thanks with our consciousness. Gratitude is one of the shortest paths for reaching God.

Thank you, God, for all that You give us!

Thank you all who accompanied us today.


As a Star of Peace I come from the universe to radiate to the world the Great Love that God has for His Creatures.

My dear children,

For the second time I return to San Jose of Rio Preto to consecrate it again to My Immaculate Heart as a spiritual city.

In this time of crisis that My children and the world live I need the prayer of all the souls, those that in simplicity and love may be able to dedicate time to the prayer of the heart.  My Son expects that all the souls respond to the need of prayer that exists for this time in your families and beloved ones.

As a Star of Peace My Maternal Love shines before your hearts and lives.  In deep love I bring you a message of Peace and Hope.

You, My dear and beloved children, know how important it will be that you be formed within My School of Prayer.  As Mother I will wait for you answer and immediate surrender to My Immaculate Heart.

Today I remind you of something urgent: to not forget to live the Sacred Sacraments that My Son has left to you.  Seek the inner communion with My Son.  In this way you will relieve His Sacred Heart from the weight that He receives from the world from the constant offenses.

Seek a life of constant confession.  May it be sincere, repairing and reconciling because My Son is expecting to listen to the clamor of your hearts day and night.  Remember that He is the High Priest. 

Seek now, in this time, the sacrament that the Lord institutes today, that is the sacrament of fraternity.  Only if the souls are fraternal and united will the world be able to heal many things and humanity will be able to achieve a new state of Grace and Mercy.

Dear children, I Am at your side like a radiant Star during the night.  I vigil and accompany the steps of those who open themselves to listen to My Loving Voice.

And today I tell you, My dears, it is time to live in Peace, it is time to Forgive and to Love, it is time to construct a new hope for the world through the praying heart.

For this encounter of today with you, I thank you.

For your sincere answer of faith, I bless you always.

Thank you, San Jose of Rio Preto, for opening the doors of your hearts!

In the Light of Christ,

Your Most Beloved Mother Mary, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of the Peace


Dear soul,

Guard soon your heart in the eternal refuge of My Temple.  In this way you will liberate yourself from impure thoughts and you will see with clarity the infinite light of My Heart.   I will be able to let you know My Sacred attributes, those that will impart special Graces for your life and for the life of others.  

Allow, soul of Mine, that My Redeeming Light penetrate the depths of your little spirit so that all of the days you may be more liberated from yourself and live in the eternal service to God.  Walk in safety by My Side and tell Me through this long walk what is your true aspiration.

O transfigured soul!  I only wish that your life imitate My Apostolate because still there are many who want to get to know Me through your peaceful heart.  Whenever you face the greater tests that you still cannot overcome by yourself, soul of Mine, draw in your thought My Divine Face so that in this way I may remove from your being all of the deceits that the enemy projects on you.

When only you call me or only think of My Heart, trust that the greater help will come to your life because a Good Shepherd will never abandon his sheep.

Dear soul, live Me fully without restrictions.  It is pleasing to Your Lord of Mercy that you pour your spiritual caresses directly on the Redeeming Heart.  And whenever you get discouraged, let that the problem be solved by My Unfathomable Wisdom, in this way you will find answers and infinite Graces that will come to you directly from My Chaste Shepherd Heart. 

Now commune with Me and surrender to Me the best that you are because My Project in your life is still unknown to your consciousness.  Abandon yourself to the Love of My Heart.  I will not hurt you, but I will give you My Kind Peace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, dear soul, for marrying My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
