The Light of My Heart and My Blood can circulate through the blood, within you, through each new act of Communion.
Thus, a part of the mystery of the reparation that souls can spiritually experience is revealed when, through surrender, they relive the sorrowful Passion of their Lord.
In this moment of the act of communing with My Body and My Blood, it is possible to justify the possible errors committed before the Celestial Father and His divine Law.
In this way, the soul or souls receive a repairing atonement, because the Blood spiritually dissolves the sins committed against the celestial commandments.
Through the Blood of Jesus, the penitent recognize the power and, at the same time, the mystery of the consoling Love of Jesus.
In this way, life is purified and also ennobled through the spiritual merits granted by the sacrifice and surrender of Christ for the whole human race.
In every moment of communion, punishments or condemnations are dissolved when the heart is repentent and recognizes its imperfection before God. This sets it free.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is part of a very ancient continent of the planet, and that part of the continent, in remote times, was witness to important events for the human civilization.
Argentina was a region very close to the Antarctic, and a part of the Malvinas Islands belonged to the frozen austral continent that was the cradle of one of the first humanities.
All of the southern region, a very beautiful area of the planet due to its nature, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, was a space formerly consecrated to the development of an advanced and civilized form of life.
In that southern region, Antarctic was the primary center of a humanity that achieved high degrees of learning through the school of love and of brotherhood.
That civilization, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, slowly grew and its inhabitants were remnants of a culture advanced in the sphere of spiritual contact, as well as predecessors of the first native peoples that inhabited Argentina all the way to the first heights of the desert of Jujuy.
And so, Argentina is one of the regions of the planet that witnessed and gave testimony to the possibility that a civilized humanity had patterns and values of behavior held in its consciousness that maintained a true communion with nature and with the Universe.
Those values of spiritual life are what the Divine Hierarchy will try to reintegrate so that at least a part of the current population of Argentina becomes a carrier of attributes that may help in the most acute moments of the planetary transition, and that these values, which are profoundly spiritual and are united with the Creator Source, be what will maintain the presence of faith, of trust and of the love of the hearts.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In Argentina, companions, your Master and Lord will gather all the celestial powers to pour them out, as divine inner light, within essences.
So that this spiritual movement may be possible, your Redeemer will attract, from ancient sites of the Earth, the principles and attributes that conformed the first Hierarchic Brotherhood.
This means that the humanity from Argentina will enter into an inner communion with the patterns of behavior that were present in the origins of the Earth, patterns which formed the sacred spirit of the Brotherhood between the Heavenly Hierarchy and the former humanity.
But the most important event of all is that the devout hearts of Argentina, when receiving and recognizing the arrival of the Redeemer, will be able to remember within themselves the inner union with the Christic Love and, from there, get the strength to be able to cross and live these definitive times.
For this reason, the Celestial Father chose to be present in Argentina in the month of August, beyond any material and spiritual reason. He decided to congregate, for a divine reason, one of the first flocks of Christ.
Everything that is lovingly prepared, diffused and announced about the next Pilgrimage for Peace, as well as all the efforts that the servers from Argentina do in order to be able to be present in some of the meetings, will represent the absolute adherence to the proposal and intention of the Divine Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I will always wait for you, day and night, until you can finally reach Me in order to live the inner encounter with My Spirit, until the return of your Lord. I will come to you by means of Communion, of prayer, of confession and of the living Love of My Heart.
I want to be present all the time, close to you, so that you continue to realize, in this hour, the moment that your Master and Lord is living for humanity. I want to have you close so that you accompany Me in this cycle, since there is much to be done and to work out for this suffering planet. It is still necessary to expand and carry My Love to the world so that the souls may truly repent and change their lives forever.
Therefore, I bring you the support for your consciousnesses through the Sacred Sacraments. I bring you the opportunity to carry with Me the heavy spiritual cross of humanity because together, We must triumph in love, and for love, live eternally.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "At the Supper"
In this song, we enter into the temple of the heart and we withdraw during the night to pray with the Master.
The soul leaves behind miseries and fears to accompany the Master in the great ceremony of Communion.
In this song, the expression and the manifestation of the Communities-of-Light is prophesied and confirmed, these being guided by the Hand of the Great Shepherd who, gathering the People of God, celebrates with the self-summoned.
The preparation starts with a daily prayer to receive the Master of Love at the great conclave. He demonstrates His Love for all beings and withdraws, as Spirit, into the soul of each being.
When all are called, the room of the great encounter is revealed so that they may enter into communion with the Most High and thus souls may remain in the Lord.
He reveals the great moment of Communion, offering Himself to the Father, but also asking all to be vigilant and to pray always so as not to lose the way towards the Heart of God.
The Lord shows Himself to be loving and resplendent, and receives into His Kingdom all who have been called to serve Him, bringing them before the Throne of God so that they may receive the Graces from the Celestial Father, and thus revere Him forever and ever.
This song demonstrates the fidelity towards the Lord, a fidelity that we can live through daily prayer and thus find the path of return towards our origin.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Passion of Jesus meant and represented many occurrences for humanity. Some of these facts were known, but others are still unknown.
Many realities and situations took place, mostly in other planes of consciousness, something that was beyond the material and also the spiritual.
The Passion of the Lord was the true testimony that He, above all, had reincarnated to accomplish this mission, and there would be nothing that could modify or alter this event.
When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, the hour and the moment had come, as an incarnated man, for Him to render the human condition to the Father so that, through Him, that sacrifice would be transformed for the good of humanity, although humanity itself did not deserve such Grace.
The father, through His Son, knew that if such surrender and sacrifice did not happen, the human race would destroy itself.
Christ's fundamental reason, during His thirty-three years of life, was to be able to live and accomplish, beyond Himself, the Divine Will.
Jesus was a man born with evident Gifts from God, but He had to know, like every human being, the human condition; He went through temptations and tests so that His Spirit would emanate, all the time, the reason for His existence.
This immediate attainment of Jesus to the Will of His Father enabled Him not to perish.
Let us remember that Jesus arrived in a moment of humanity in which the perversion and the abuse of power were the abysses for which humanity was being condemned.
Jesus maintained the momentum of His Love for the Father. He Believed, above all, in the realization of the Divine Will, as it was written.
His Purpose was to reach the goal that His Father had given Him, in spite of all the difficulties that the Master would face.
His confidence in the manifestation of that Plan and, above all, His Love for it, made Him a spiritually free Being, capable of overcoming duality and the adversity that the human beings had created.
To Love that Will was the main spiritual objective of the life of Jesus. He knew that nothing and nobody could change the destiny that the Father had showed Him for His Mission upon Earth.
Living that Will was an imperative necessity of the Master, although sometimes, despite the sensory and mystical development of His Consciousness, He did not know how far this Will would take Him within His personal and Global Mission.
There were inextinguishable keys that protected and supported the accomplishment of all the work in the Life of Jesus, as in souls, which were humility and the selfless surrender of His Being. In that school no streak of pride and no sign of selfishness could prevail.
The communion that Jesus constantly lived with the Heights made Him truly free, and beyond Him, the Laws of universal Mercy and Grace could act and perform miracles.
What was fundamental in the Life of Jesus was the Love He brought as the Son of God and the teachings that His Consciousness left, that the sincere and true love would be able to transform and sublimate human corruption.
I Thank you for imitating the Will and the Love of the Lord!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I like it when the most sinful souls approach Me, contemplating the Way of the Cross.
That comforts Me a lot, because I know that souls are searching for the path and the way to be able to return to My Heart.
My words may sound determinant, but you must know that they are full of the most true love, the love that you need, day by day, to be able to perceive the reality and to not deceive yourselves.
Those who seek the means to reach My Heart, either through the Way of the Cross, Confession, repentance or Communion, will never be alone because they will be trying to open their heart to Me so that I can rule it.
My Love for souls is so strong that, at the same time, it is determinant. I always wish souls to know the Love that was able to give everything for their salvation.
Relive the Way of the Cross as many times as necessary, because those facts of the Lord hold the codes of Higher Love that you need, again and again and thousands of times in order to take the steps toward My Noble Heart.
I offer you everything that I Am.
I give you everything I have, because I know it is possible that more hearts will surpass the Master in love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
definitively liberate me
from my rotten miseries.
Wash me completely,
inside and out,
with the blessed Water
that springs from Your Sacred Heart.
Clean me and liberate me
from all atavisms
so that, renewed
by Your Spirit,
I may, once and for all, manage to
take the steps in Your redeeming Path.
Decompress the pressures of life.
My Jesus,
place Your holy Hands upon me
and, imposing the power
of all the Universe,
exorcise me, Lord,
so that finally I may
be liberated from the ties
and from all the prisons of life.
Keep me beside You, Lord.
Keep me close to You
and renew me constantly
and may I not lose the Grace
of transforming, day by day.
Under Your paternal Light,
close all uncertain doors
that may have been opened.
Close, within me,
any uncertain state
that separates me from Your Divine Love.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of living You and of feeling You.
Grant me the Grace
of being able to be in communion with You
after having been purified.
Grant me the Mercy that I need
to be able to learn to forgive myself
and my brothers and sisters.
Build within me, Lord,
the New Brotherhood.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear soul,
Guard soon your heart in the eternal refuge of My Temple. In this way you will liberate yourself from impure thoughts and you will see with clarity the infinite light of My Heart. I will be able to let you know My Sacred attributes, those that will impart special Graces for your life and for the life of others.
Allow, soul of Mine, that My Redeeming Light penetrate the depths of your little spirit so that all of the days you may be more liberated from yourself and live in the eternal service to God. Walk in safety by My Side and tell Me through this long walk what is your true aspiration.
O transfigured soul! I only wish that your life imitate My Apostolate because still there are many who want to get to know Me through your peaceful heart. Whenever you face the greater tests that you still cannot overcome by yourself, soul of Mine, draw in your thought My Divine Face so that in this way I may remove from your being all of the deceits that the enemy projects on you.
When only you call me or only think of My Heart, trust that the greater help will come to your life because a Good Shepherd will never abandon his sheep.
Dear soul, live Me fully without restrictions. It is pleasing to Your Lord of Mercy that you pour your spiritual caresses directly on the Redeeming Heart. And whenever you get discouraged, let that the problem be solved by My Unfathomable Wisdom, in this way you will find answers and infinite Graces that will come to you directly from My Chaste Shepherd Heart.
Now commune with Me and surrender to Me the best that you are because My Project in your life is still unknown to your consciousness. Abandon yourself to the Love of My Heart. I will not hurt you, but I will give you My Kind Peace.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you, dear soul, for marrying My Heart!
Christ Jesus
I Am the Great Priest and you are My apprentices so that you may be able to learn about love and about the truth.
I Am the Great Master and you are My beloved disciples so that you may be able to learn to live in the law.
In each one of My ones I pour My celestial gifts so that in the next time they may wake up to the service of the current humanity.
Every disciple must revere the instruction of His or Her Master because if it were not this way the disciple would not be born straight, as tree does when it directs its crown towards the High. Each teaching and learning has a question and an answer for your lives. Without the experiences of faith and of forgiveness it will not be possible to gestate the new humanity.
Today I call you to live in My Shepherd School because it is necessary that the new apostles wake up to the missionary call of love and of peace. In your essences is found the true being and in your hearts is found the truth for your lives. Never allow for the lie or the ignorance of the world to separate you from the Master of Truth. Try every day to be clear and transparent like the waters of the ocean. In this way you will be able to transmit the message of peace that many souls need.
The most important for this time is to participate in the Sacred Communion with Me. In this way the ignorance or the art of the enemy will not knock on your door. You must only seek Me day and night, in joy or in pain.
I Am everywhere when you simply feel Me in prayer. It is time to use the instruments of protection, such as prayer, communion and fasting. In this way nothing will knock you down, but you will have the understanding about things because I will give you the strength of My Redeeming Love. I Am with you. Go ahead!
Under the Supreme Will of God, be blessed.
Thank you for imparting eternal love to the entire world!
Christ Jesus
When your prayers are donated with love they arrive to My Heart as flowers of relief for It.
For this, My brothers and sisters, companions of the long trajectory to the infinite, give Me all that you are and that you are not so that I may transform it according to My designs. Surrender to Me what is good inside of you or that which anguishes your heart because at three in the afternoon My Heart pours the Source that liberates you from sin.
Assume that you will not be able to be anything, but only through Me. Do not be discouraged from your falls nor be happy for your successes because only the spirit of humility will let you know that all must be in the perpetual silence of the heart.
I guide My Sheep until the end of the path so that from there they may begin to walk with Me as apostles in redemption. If My Consciousness had chosen wise and perfect souls what would have been the reason of My coming to the Earth?
I came to the world to liberate it from error and to demonstrate to it that in My Mercy is found the liberation of oneself. For this continue walking in spite of the landslides on the path of life. My Hope for redeeming you will comfort you. Whenever you address yourself to Me, do it in confidence and without fears. I Am the Son of the God of Love, the One who will always understand you and encourage you to transform into something that you do not know because you will be a part of My redeeming Design for the end of time.
Rejoice at being conscious of Me and at knowing that, through My Eucharistic Communion, you will find eternal life.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Mediator
Today I celebrate from Heaven a new Easter Supper, the Easter of the heart, because the one who truly communes of My Body receives the ministry of the New Easter of the heart, an Easter that renews your spirits to remove them from constant sin and to resuscitate them in this way to the greater life of the stars.
The Sacred Easter of the Heart is that which all of the universe shares with Me, and these great but humble consciousnesses from the universe have been already living for some real time My Path of Christification.
This Easter is an Easter that comes from the essence of My Spirit and, in consequence, from the Supreme Divinity. As a Major Priest I gather the essences that were originally born from the various Fountains of God and in this earthly time in which you live, by means of My Grace and of My Divine Mercy, I lead the sheep towards the inner stable of My Heart.
Already reunited with My ones in this supper I present in love to them the new apostles of light, those that once were with Me in the Holy Land. These brothers and sisters of yours, the new server apostles of Christ, will be now your guide; they will be the shepherds that will spiritually prepare My Coming to the world for the second time.
For this today in this Spiritual Easter I ask you: unite yourselves to the example of the ancient but now renewed apostles so that the love for the word, the love for the service to the Plan of God, may be awakened in these New Christs that imperfect, intend to imitate Me.
I Am the mature fruit from the vine and from this fruit is born the Blood of Life that washes those and eternally redeems those who seek It above all things. Keep on cultivating in your hearts the path of the apostolate. It is time that My ones give the testimonial of redemption and of conversion that I have made in them.
For this remember that humility will accompany you so that someday, empty of yourselves, may emerge the new redeemed being that will become a part of the history of My Universal Legacy.
Remember that some will get to know the power and the greatness of My Kingdom.
It is time to trust Me, as says the prayer. Walk without delay towards My arms because I wait to wash your hands and your faces, to feed you of My New Redeeming Easter.
I thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart during this day of repairing prayer for the entire world. Many souls thirsty for My Light were collected from the abysses of the world.
Thank you for trusting My Infinite Mercy!
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Your King of Love, Christ Jesus
My Heart is the center of your Eucharist and through the Eucharist your beings will be redeemed from sin as from error.
Whoever communes with Me cleans every day the stains of their heart and affirms in each new encounter that My Sacred Spirit is a part of themselves. Through the Eucharistic Communion the evils of the souls are liberated and the steps are safe for whoever is willing to walk through the path of transformation.
It is through My Eucharistic Heart that the beings enter into the sublime act of the true reverence and it is at this moment that the consciousness finds the comfort and the strength that it seeks so much.
In this sense My Eucharistic Body is the solar element capable of liberating and of transmuting the deep traces that evil has left in the consciousness from the sieges received.
From the first moment in which My Life instituted the Eucharistic Communion as a ministry I was leaving to the world the power of My Solar and Divine Essence, because it was and it is only through the Eucharist that humanity will be able to liberate itself from the errors that it has imposed on itself.
For this in each new act of Communion of a soul with Me there is established a spiritual and divine relation capable of universally uniting Heaven and Earth for some moments. Whoever communes in Me not only opens the consciousness for new celestial things but also, that in an act of pacification, are removed from the world the grave and most heavy offenses that hurt Your God the Father.
It is necessary that humanity, before My Return, understands and gets to know what it is that happens when a being from the Earth communes in My Eucharistic Holy Spirit: the laws change and reverse the evil existent in the heart of all of the souls of the world. One’s own consciousness that communes with Me is forgiven and each time that it participates in the sacred ceremony its life becomes blank, as sheets of a sacred book.
The most sinful souls receive the opportunity of meeting Me in some moment of life and especially, the Eucharistic Communion of all of the beings with Me repairs and re-establishes the plans of life and of evolution for the consciousnesses as for their spirits.
For this it is time to open the chest that exists in the heart of each being so that the infinite light may pour and expand the Christic codes in each consciousness. The Eucharist in this time foresees a rapid process of redemption, expelling the indifferences and arrogances that the souls generate day by day.
My Eucharistic Body, adored and venerated by souls, will establish the thousand years of peace for the future Earth. It is the moment to build this peace at a time in which peace does not exist so that all may, in this way, achieve it.
Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed.
Thank you for communing with your heart with My Spirit!
Christ Jesus, Eucharistic Spirit
I choose the hearts so that they may transmit in these times My Renewed Messages. This has a spiritual and divine aim because in them I try to repose with My Sacred Heart, aspiring that those who are awakening to Me and who return after such a long time may resume My Path of Holiness.
As a Son and Eternal Server of God, I come to the world to remove from My Disciples the weight that cause the past, impeding the materialization of My Project in each little soul. For this in this last cycle I renew My Soldiers through the path of merciful prayer, that which is consecrated to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.
This Chaplet will not only remind you day by day of My Passion so that you may imitate It, but It also reunites the universal powers that imprint themselves as codes of light in the soul that prays this powerful sacrament of prayer.
Prayer for Me is a great redeeming sacrament along with communion. These two sacerdotal principles will allow you to be closer to Me and, from the ecumenical perspective, to rescue the importance of living of My Body and of My Blood out of love and for the salvation of those who have, for a long time, communed with the modernities of the world and not with My Savior Spirit.
You will encounter Me, as has been said to you, in all of the sanctuaries of the Earth. For this go in trust to the shepherds, and to the consecrated ones, so that they may offer My Body and My Blood, symbols of eternal union with the Glorious Father of the Heights.
Today I remind you of these things because the moment has arrived for the existence of a universal order in everything, and in order for this to be a reality in your spirits, you must exercise the sacred sacraments.
I listen to you in the silence. I bless you in the prayer. I baptize you with the Water of Life in each confession. I surrender Myself to you in the Sacred Communion.
For this be attentive to the signs of the new times because only that soul that lives through the love of the heart will be able to recognize Me in My Return to the world.
I Am the Living and Eternal Heart. I Am the Heart that wants to beat strong inside of your beings when only you abandon yourselves in My Paternal Spirit.
Under the Mercy of the Father, I thank you all for having accompanied the great purpose of the Plan of God!
Peace and Good for My children,
Christ Jesus, the Universal King
I Am the Renewing Blood that enters into the heart of all of beings to give them eternal life. I Am the Water that peacefully purifies each interior and, thus, ignites the Codes of Light that will liberate Mine from sin.
For this reason, the Eucharist is the symbol and the faithful covenant that I have left for you so that you would unite to Me. The one who stops communing with Me in the Eucharist acts as if he or she were leaving Me aside. There is nothing more important than your union with Me.
My Work will not be able to be constructed in lives that resemble great places built of sand. My bases must be founded upon the pillar of prayer, the pillar of communion, the pillar of confession and the pillar of service. In this way an orderly and aligned temple will be raised with My Christic Laws.
As long as the wineskin holds with mistrust your relics of yesterday, My New Wine will be waiting in Heaven to be poured only into the redeemed wineskins.
It is time to decide in which place you will want to be. The stable and the barn are already open because the farmer from Heaven will be arriving to separate the old straw from the good and mature wheat.
All the decision will be in your hands and prayer will help you to take the great leap towards My Sacred Heart.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with love.
Christ Jesus
Friar Elías receives the written daily Message.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Well, let us share with all what Christ Jesus communicated to us.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ expressed His gratitude, especially to the Americas, for the task of prayer that is being carried out today. And, as a gift, as a Grace, He brought us and offered to us His Sacred Heart.
At a certain moment, in the first part of the Apparition, He took His Heart from His Chest. He remained alive and had His Heart on the palm of His right Hand. It pulsated strongly and with various colors, pulsating to a very defined rhythm.
Then, He said to us: “Dear companions, this is all that I have to give to you. This is why I offer this to you, as a consequence of your response.”
He also made a remark: “Tomorrow I want the Marathon to intensify, I would like if there is a little more effort and if you sing to Me with a little more joy.”
Then we asked Him: “Is it alright every 150 beads?” “Yes, it is alright, to continue.”
He expressed to us that a task had taken place, especially in the Americas, through the effect of the prayer of the Chaplet. And He sent this Message to all.
Then Friar Elías reads the daily Message received.
Dear companions,
Today My Arms of Love and Peace are open to welcome you eternally in the Kingdom of God.
I thank you, from now on, for the spiritual effort to comply with My Grand request for redemption and peace. The Divine Mercy, inexhaustible Fountain of Life and Pity, has descended victoriously over the heart of the nations of America, and this is because you have done today things greater than those that I have done.
The true salvation in this time will be concentrated in the life of permanent prayer. For this, today, not only are you serving Me out of love, but for yourselves also you are confirming that it is possible, everyday, give Me a little more. Because as it is in Heaven, also it is on Earth.
My dear brothers and sisters:
My Heart today is ennobled by the collaboration that you have given Me. For this I give you on this day My Precious Most Holy Heart, to pour in this way over you My Universal Love, and so that this merciful love renews you. When the souls pray directly to My Divine Heart, the Heavens answer immediately with Graces of love and forgiveness.
The one who eats humbly of My Holy Body will have the forgiveness of their sins, those committed against the Glorious Heart of God. But the one who receives communion with Me in devotion, will have Eternal Life after this life, and much as you, after having received communion of My Body, fail Me once again, I ask you to remember all this moment that you have shared with Me an unforgettable treasure for your conversion.
Today the universe was very attentive to your prayers, and tomorrow it will be too, because tomorrow you will come to pray with Me renewed in spirit and in soul. Never tire of aspiring to be with Me.
In this time I give you My Grace and My Spiritual Strength so that you may cross the bridge towards the liberation of yourselves.
I thank you for your fraternal answer; may all be kept in your memories forever.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.
Thank you for entering today in My Sacred Heart.
May Peace be with all.
Christ Jesus of Nazareth
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the end, He said that tomorrow, at 3 pm, during the work of the Marathon, He will also come here to be with us, and He promised to be closer to each one.
This is why He invited us to redouble our effort. Thus, we understood that this did not mean to pray more, but the way each one was praying, which was what He was observing: our attitude.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Now, we will thank the brothers and sisters who are accompanying us via the internet, which demonstrates that we may be spiritually united, even when we are not physically together.
And to close, we will sing the Hymn to the Divine Mercy.
Today I feel the sincere voice of your prayers, inner voices of love that touch My Sacred Heart, and the light generated radiates itself to the entire world in need of peace and of redemption.
Today, by means of My Sublime Grace, I pour again the light of My Shepherd Consciousness upon the world because My Flocks perfectly unite themselves to Me at the time of the infinite Mercy.
With this aim today I will announce to you the simple foundations for all of those who may want to exercise the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy.
Primary foundations for the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy that will take place on the 5th and 6th days of August of 2013 at the Marian Center of Aurora:
I ask of you as spiritual requirements:
1. To have a spirit of humility and of faith.
2. To love above all things the presence of God through Jesus.
3. To unite the hearts as a single evolutionary proposal.
4. To help humanity out of love.
5. To work during the marathon to construct a spirit of fraternity.
6. To allow yourselves to be partakers of the Law of the Divine Mercy.
7. To exercise the merciful prayer during these days under the action of forgiveness and of reconciliation.
8. To live a moment of absolute peace.
9. To dissolve from memory all preoccupations during the course of the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy.
10. To reverence each moment that will be shared.
11. To be willing from the inner world to receive healing and liberation.
12. To perceive with the heart the current of Love and of Mercy that will descend from Heaven during these days.
13. To wait with joy for the coming of the Great Master.
14. To vigil with the heart all that will be constructed.
15. To protect like angels each moment of prayer in the community.
16. To await silently for the presence of the Holy Spirit.
17. To interiorize in the spirit the Christic impulse that will be received.
18. To guard in the inner memory the union that there will be with Christ.
19. To donate life with the heart so that the power of prayer may flourish.
20. To reunite yourselves on these days as a single flock.
21. To sustain, out of love, the Flag of Peace.
22. To exercise the common good amongst all of the pilgrims.
23. To commune with Christ in reverence and joy.
Those children of Mine who make themselves available to fulfill, out of love, these simple requirements will be able to help Me so that the impulse of this praying marathon may radiate to the entire world, mainly to those most in need for healing and salvation.
During the two days of the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy all of those present will receive, after My Arrival at three in the afternoon the internal communion with My Consciousness through an ecumenical celebration. In the same way it will be possible to receive this source of Graces in all of the homes that unite themselves in love and in spirit to these two days of Mercy, preparing for the anniversary of the Apparitions of My Celestial Mother, of the Virgin Mary.
Dear companions, may peace remain always in your beings.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for answering to My requests with the love of your hearts.
Merciful Christ Jesus.
I Am the true Bread of Life that renovates you and nourishes you with the essence of the Spirit of My Father. Only through Me will you get to God.
I am the Living Body that gives you eternal life and I am the Blood that purifies you and consecrates you to the Supreme Divinity. Come to Me and seek the Source of the entire life of the spirit so that, united to Me, your consciousnesses may take steps towards inner consecration
Come to Me and sit at My Table of eternity because the moment has come to give as food My Mystical Body to My Disciples and to give as drink My Sacred Blood to all of those who follow Me without delay. Open your eyes and see how descends upon you My Merciful Rays. Do not lose sight of Me because I have for My ones something precious in the Heavens.
Only say yes all the days and you will recognize My Face of Light and of Grace.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My Light in your hearts!
Christ Jesus, your Eternal Master.
My Shepherd Priesthood accompanies those followers of Mine, such as the sacerdotes who are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that they may acquire the gift of the wise and divine word of God. Through their spiritual exercises in the Holy and Sacred Communion, they elevate to Heaven thousands of souls, souls that hope to reach the eternal light.
Through the Sacred Communion many faults are liberated and the hearts of people find, in each new ceremony, the Firstborn Son resplendent in Glory. Each inner act of Communion realized by the kind souls of sacerdotes open the doors of the Heavens so that Grace and Reconciliation may be present.
For this divine gift of forgiveness you and all of the followers of Christ must keep watch because in this time of intense changes the lonely souls and the souls empty of the love of God will find the perfect refuge that they so much search for.
Love the Ministers that profess their faith by means of their sublime encounter with the Communion, see My Presence manifested in them and collect from their teachings the gift for your lives. For this you must be in another state to be able to recognize My Beloved Shepherds, those who will succeed through your prayer of the heart.
Pray for My Ministers because they, through Me, will conduct the awakening of the new flocks of the Great Shepherd.
Under the Glory of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, be merciful and guardians of the word of life of the Gospel.
Thank you for uniting your hearts to My purpose of redemption and salvation!
Christ Jesus.
It pleases Me to know that many of My Servers make an effort every day to love My Redeeming Love. I am able to know in the depths of your beings what is the dimension of your unconditional love for Me. This love that matures and grows through true experiences of love, I distribute it in the hearts that have been without love for a long time.
Now, in a time of great changes My Redeeming Love must be lived, known and contemplated through your union with Me in the Eucharist. By means of the Sacred Communion I will be able to straighten and harmonize you in life, in the day by day, even in your feelings and thoughts.
But today I come to remind you again of the commitment that you have with the Unfathomable Source of Peace and of Mercy. Today My hands bless those who work in this time to have a pure and wise heart, a heart surrendered to My precepts and designs.
I want to be the sign, the visible and living mark in your little souls so that those who will cross the path may be able to recognize Me through your love for Me, though your sacred devotion for My redeeming Task.
My brothers and sisters,
I Am here in Spirit and in Consciousness opening the Doors of the Heavens in order to redeem, convert and liberate the hell that many live today. Delay no longer to step into My Boat of the New Time. The Shepherd and Fisher of people has prepared precious designs for those who may live the sacrifice, the adoration to My Sacred Heart and the prayer of the heart.
The Navigator of the Universe will steer the new Ark of Noah to discover in the humble hearts the gifts that were given to the ones who once said yes to Me without restrictions. I feel the love of each one of My children, this sincere love without possessions, that relieves the pain that My Heart feels for this sleeping humanity.
You, My friends, awakened to the new time, must carry in your hands the torch of My Liberating Fire. I hope to enlighten the deepest spaces in the consciousness of those who for a long time have been in eternal obscurity.
My Light comes to enlighten what is dark.
My Love comes to give life to what is dead.
My Mercy comes to the world to rehabilitate it before God.
My Faith comes to stand up those who have fallen.
My Redemption comes to purify those who are blind and deaf.
My Eternal Glory comes to seek My companions, to go soon to Paradise, to the Earth Promised by My Lord.
I told you once that I could not bring you with Me to where some time ago I went, and now after so much that the world has been through, I come to call you: Wake up, My soldiers of the Divine Mercy!
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for listening with attention to My words!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more