Dear Children,
May the hope of Jesus fill your hearts and through this luminous hope that comes from Christ, may souls rediscover the primordial meaning of living in God and in His Sacred Commandments.
Divine life is governed by Laws and it is through the actions of the Laws of God that perfect balance is manifested and all that is under the Greater Law remains in harmony.
I tell you this, dear children, so that you learn to distinguish when you are in communion with the Law and when you are not, and this will happen through your free will. This is how the soul knows when it is walking in righteousness or when it is deviating from its Purpose.
In these times of great challenges and unpredictable situations, being under the Law will protect and safeguard each one of your steps because, in the face of the threats of the world and of life, seeking, being and remaining in the Law will allow certain events not to be precipitated.
You, My children, through the state of the planet, can see with your own eyes how much humanity and the lives of My children are outside of the Law.
Therefore, those who are more conscious and who have had the Grace of being touched by the Word of the Sacred Hearts must make the greatest effort to be in the Law and to practice It on behalf of all those who transgress or deny It.
For this reason, I spoke to you last Saturday about obedience, because My Son asked Me to, so that your consciousnesses may be aware that, in these last Messages that I am delivering to you, are the final keys so that your lives may become a true mirror of Heaven on Earth through communion with the Laws of God. Many will need this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
After the coming of My Beloved Son to Argentina, as Mother of all and Lady of Lujan, I come to bless you for the last time.
I will continue praying for you, My children of Argentina. In this way, despite the traumatic social scenario of the country, your hearts may be comforted by the Love that My Motherly Heart offers you at this time.
My beloved children of Argentina, I wish that you carry in your hearts all the impulses you received in these last days, as part of the merciful and compassionate gesture of God for an Argentina that must already prepare itself for the Return of Christ.
Meanwhile, I encourage you, My children, to perform works of charity and good deeds, and to think that every moment of service to those who suffer, you will be doing it as a true act of reparation; thus, violence and mistreatment among the members of the human family may be eradicated from Argentina and hope, strength and faith, which has already dissolved in many hearts, may return to Argentina.
My children, your Mother and Lady of Luján asks you to be forerunners of the hope and joy that the Gospel gives you, because in this way more needy hearts in Argentina will have the Grace to be reborn in love and goodness.
I thank you, My children of Argentina, for having accompanied each of the steps of Our Sacred Hearts.
Go forward, My children of Argentina!
Who thanks you and blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
My dear children,
As Mother Nature and Mother of Life, today I descend with the Light of God upon this sacred mountain range to meet again with My children of this humanity.
I come on this day to assist and help all My children who, at this time, suffer and undergo their purifications and trials, facing overnight unexpected situations that change the destiny of the lives of many people.
But I would like to tell you, My children, that this does not mean that God is far from suffering or sickness. He is closer than it seems and He suffers together with all the sick and in need through His Son, Jesus Christ, who also suffers together with the Children of the Father.
This is the time of having to accept, but it is also the time to recognize the learnings of life, keeping in mind that every moment is a sacred opportunity for inner growth for all.
Each soul, in this final cycle, will experience that which it needs to learn most, so that in each of My children the Christic love may be born and emerge, which will allow them to understand life in its deepest essence.
As Sacred Hearts, before Our withdrawal, We can see how humanity is unprepared for the end of time. Therefore, the Spiritual Hierarchy dedicates every moment and every meeting to help in all possible situations.
At this turbulent and hostile time of the planet, may you learn to perpetuate the light of prayer and do not miss the opportunity to pray, to ask for My Graces and to intercede for all causes, for all situations and for all your brothers and sisters; because in this time it will be enough only to pray, but to pray from the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all who are sick in body and spirit
Dear children,
Throughout 2023, the trilogy of spiritual impulses will again take place, through My Son, Christ Jesus, the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and your Heavenly Mother.
Thus, in this year of 2023, devoted and prayerful souls will be able to avail themselves of three spiritual and divine currents that can place consciousnesses on the fastest path of redemption and conversion.
For this special reason, My children, I invite you to be receptive, vigilant and attentive to the precious instructions that the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will bring as the Water of Life to all His companions.
For this, dear children, the Three Sacred Hearts, through Their Words, will broaden the path for the transformation of the consciousness of human life. In this sense, each Divine Hierarchy, united as one Consciousness in God, will be able to help so that, in these critical times, open souls may receive more impulses from Our Eternal Legacy.
The Three Sacred Hearts of Christ Jesus, St. Joseph and your Blessed Mother, will contemplate the different internal needs in this cycle so that the praying, devoted and persevering souls of the Work of the Divine Messengers may feel cared for and accompanied.
Therefore, this year, St. Joseph will work every week through His weekly Messages, as well as through His monthly Apparitions. Thus, St. Joseph will be addressing different spiritual reflections that will allow souls to see and observe themselves on the path of transcendence and ascension.
Once again, the Three Sacred Hearts will be reaching out Their Hands in offering so that all who feel so, may be accompanied, just as they were accompanied since the beginning of the Apparitions in 2007.
Dear children, be truly open in this cycle in which the Divine Messengers will be closer, so that you may feel Our support, Mercy and Love.
Let us celebrate the Grace of having St. Joseph again this year.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My dear children,
Today I come to the world as the Great Higher Mirror of God.
I come as a simple Instrument of the Eternal Father so that, through the Inner Mirror of My Heart, the victorious merits achieved by My Son Jesus may be reflected and deposited once again in Brazil and in the world, merits that are preciously kept within the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
It will be in this way, My children, that Brazil and the world will be relieved of the invasive information and stimuli that human beings receive in these times, which make their lives insensitive, autonomous from God and indifferent before the sorrowful situations that the current humanity goes through.
As this Great Higher Mirror of God, Your Heavenly Mother comes today so that as many souls as possible may be in contact with the Attributes of the Supreme Source in the inner planes. This is urgent because as times goes by in this chaotic surface, many souls become disconnected from that which is true and essential.
For this reason, the Celestial Father sends Me again to the world, the suffering world, to remind you, the believers and the nonbelievers, that many are letting themselves be dragged toward the abyss of the beast. And the beast, by means of its cunning, pride and arrogance, deceives and holds with its claws many priests of the Church, many peoples and nations that are already being converted into territory of extensive spiritual darkness.
With prayers and more consciousness, I come once again to ask you to continue praying for Brazil and South America because the destiny of Brazil and of the whole world is in your hands.
Meanwhile, in this time, the Mother of the Mirrors of God gathers all Her army upon the surface of the Earth to awaken and call them to the reality from which many want to hide because they fear facing it.
But My Son gave you His Word, He delivered His Message to you throughout the last years and granted you the path of your conversion and forgiveness through the spiritual science of the Sacraments.
Then, remember all the Graces received and act according to the Will of God because moments of greater watchfulness and discernment will come.
Trust in the Holy Spirit and do not stop taking the steps toward the Heart of God.
Do not forget the acts of Mercy. Do not become crystallized in the spiritual and prayerful path.
Be warriors available in love, tolerance and peace.
Cultivate dialogue, manifest coherence in your choices and faithfully follow the Attributes of God. In this way, you will make a planet that is freer of darkness, violence and impunity.
Love life and respect it. Do not allow Creation to continue to be outraged.
I pray for Brazil, for its destiny, for all its dear people of God.
Be peacemakers of My Son. We ask you once again not to get involved with lies and comments; may you love the Silence of God.
I thank you for responding to My Call in consciousness.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother is already on pilgrimage to Brasilia in the Celestial Planes to accompany the Sacred Task that the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will carry out, and also in order to be very united to My Son for the most important spiritual and internal help that, through the souls of Brasilia, He will offer to all of Brazil.
Dear children, in the same way, your Heavenly Mother calls you so that, from wherever you are and through the Prayer for Peace in Brazil, you may also go internally on pilgrimage, accompanying all the Divinity in this next stage of pilgrimage.
Dear children, I also invite you to propagate Our loving call in as many places as possible so that more souls in need of light, love, and above all, hope, may come, approaching the warm and devoted Meetings of Prayer that will be offered in Brasilia.
As from now, your Most Holy Mother accompanies you and, in advance, I thank you for all that will be built.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Dear children,
Praised be Jesus and the power of His Merciful Love in redeemed hearts.
My children, this is the great time of the Holy Rosary, for the needs of the world are many and these needs grow, day by day.
Your favored union with the Holy Rosary will allow you to you perceive your inner and outer reality with more wisdom and discernment.
When you learn to love the Holy Rosary, you will come to know other mysteries that are truths that Your Heavenly Mother also knew when She offered Herself in eternal and unconditional service for humanity.
Dear children, may the Holy Rosary now be your weapon of spiritual defense, may it be the portal that completely opens so that the Mercy of My Son may descend and thus, redemption may be achieved.
Your commitment to pray the Holy Rosary needs to be born within your hearts; it cannot be an obligation nor a spiritual task.
The Holy Rosary must emerge from a most intimate communion with Christ, from a most simple dialogue with the Celestial Father.
Children, this is the time to recognize the instruments that God gave you so that you may experience your conversion.
Through true praying of the Holy Rosary, you, My children, will essentially be united with Me, and I will defend you from possible dangers, from threats, from epidemics, and from suffering.
Know the Holy Rosary, beyond a spiritual recitation. Enter into its power and you will see the results.
Let us be united more than ever in this current field of battle.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
May your hearts prepare to receive within the coming of the Celestial Church, because all will need it.
Before the Spiritual Church of My Son, may your lives be in offering and in praise, so that all the intentions may reach the Feet of the Creator.
It is at this culminating moment of humanity that My Son will make His Celestial Church descend, so that the greatest number of souls may be assisted.
The need for the healing of humanity is very great. For this reason, I call you, My children, so that as from now, your consciousnesses may be in an action of a loving offering, so that the planet may also be benefited.
The Celestial Church will descend in its geometric and divine way.
It will be with its descent that souls will have the presence of the Gifts and Virtues of God available, so that the life of the servers may be completed with the inner impulse of love that the Holy Spirit will also bring.
It will be during those days, with the presence of the Church of My Son, that the planet will be able to be contemplated with Mercy, and humanity will be able to amend many of its errors through an act of sincere and true repentance.
Thus, the doors of the Heavens will remain open so that the angels may intervene in the impossible causes of these times, and for the penitent, they may bring the Graces of the Spiritual Universe as a balm of forgiveness and inner reconciliation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In times of battles and of definitions, may peace be with you, so that you may inwardly sow the seeds of change within your lives.
We are now coming to the final stage of My daily Messages, but I will accompany you, according to what was thought of for this time of transition of humanity.
Remain united to My Heart and I will protect you, I will lead you to be before My Son so that you may receive His Love and His Mercy.
Today I call you to the living practice of all that Saint Joseph and My Son have taught you throughout time.
This offer will prepare you for the next phase, and thus you will be able to represent My Son through the path of peace, of service to the fellow being and of prayer, because all of this will change the world, and the entire population of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When God created humankind, it was so that they could represent Him on Earth, as a part of His Divine Consciousness. Since humankind modified this principle, they separated from the Purpose of their creation and, through striving, had to work hard in order to approach the Purpose again.
Humankind only saw their outer beauty and forgot about the beauty of the soul; the influences and the movements of terrestrial life led them to become more mortal rather than sublime, as they once previously were.
So that humankind might have the chance of returning to the path of the elevation of consciousness, My Son came, because it was only through the Christic path, and not through the material one, that they would recover the pathway that, for different reasons, they had lost sight of.
Thus, in these times, the majority of human beings still remain in the outer senses and draw away from the inner senses.
The worldwide moment generates great contradictions and souls become confused. Only those who place themselves under the Presence of My Son will manage to recover the Purpose that, as a project, had been lost.
Determination, effort and the principles of life will help to gradually change those aspects of life that are in need of redemption and light.
Faith will be the foundation for all this to happen.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this special day, in which the pilgrims and devotees of the whole world remember the first apparition of the Divine Lady of Fatima, today, in the same way, My children of Sicily will always remember this loving visit of your Heavenly Mother to the South of Italy.
For love and immense Mercy, My children, I have arrived by means of the pilgrim group to Sicily so that these people may attain the Pity of God and the Forgiveness of My Son Jesus Christ, knowing that its people have witnessed, and continue witnessing, events of social and human life that do not fulfill the Commandments of God, including within the Church.
Therefore, My children, as the Mother of Grace, I approach you so that you may feel My maternal Love and listen attentively to My words, so that you may perceive that this meeting of today is unique, and it will depend on all of My children of Sicily for it to be repeated.
All of you, children of Sicily, know that you are much in need of love, of forgiveness and especially of penitence. Because by means of the exercise of these attributes in daily life, you will attain Divine Grace so that through the path of conversion you may become worthy children of God.
At this time, children, everything is possible. If your efforts and interest for changing your habits and ways of life are true and not just apparent, you will demonstrate to the Universe that this urgent change of consciousness will take place and you will be lovingly protected by the Arms of God.
I come to Sicily so that the way of life that you have today can change, and that your repented hearts can be touched by the divine Mercy of God.
As Mother, I present Myself, as in other places of the world, to give you a warning. And this warning is that you are still in time to be able to live this change of life and of consciousness so that, not only you, My children, may be pervaded by the Divine Attributes, but also your families and acquaintances may be helped by the Love of God.
This change that I ask of you today, as Mother, is not a religious change, nor does it refer to a conversion into some institution. I speak to you, children, of the change of the way of life that has been going on for decades, and I know you understand what I am talking about.
You, My children, must live a spiritual and intimate change, between you and God, so that the doors to redemption do not close before there is still time.
Children of Sicily, by living your conversion, you will live your awaited redemption and My Son will take you into account so that, redeemed and forgiven, you may be part of His flock of Love and of Light.
I ask you, listen to My call, feel My Heart. I come to you as a Mother who loves you and who expects to see you immersed in Light and in Good.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Divine Project of Redemption
Within this material Universe, and in the infinite existence of many forms of life, the Creator lovingly thought to carry forward a Divine Project of Redemption that, by means of the surrender of His Beloved Son, could recover the souls back into union with the High and especially, the spiritual communion with the Celestial Father.
This Project could not have faults. Therefore, the Eternal Father entrusted it and delivered it into the care of the Archangels Micha-El and Gabriel. And another part of the Divine Project of Redemption was under the care of Archangel Raphael.
Thus, the experience and the testimony of the love that Christ left manifested in the consciousness of the planet by means of His Passion, Death and Resurrection, the great opportunity to experience the path of redemption approached all of humanity again, in different times and stages.
This is the reason why the Divine Project of Redemption renews itself time and again, through the steps of the souls in the School of the degrees of love and of forgiveness.
Each time some consciousness takes a step within the Divine Project of Redemption, this event begins to be part of the Christic Legacy of Love that the new humanity will receive to be able to begin to truly live the Plan of God.
This Divine Project of Redemption also focuses on the history of terrestrial and spiritual, soul and cosmic life, that each consciousness brings as inner baggage.
Thus, when souls make their definition of following the path of Christ and of fraternal life, all the history of the consciousness begins to become evident or is revealed through the impulses of its spiritual and service work.
When the consciousness faces its true history, and the unknown reveals the reality of its spirit and of its soul, in most cases the consciousnesses deny the origin or the feeling of this knowledge or stories which, throughout the ages, have marked a lasting spiritual wound which has brought spiritual, internal and even physical consequences and traumas.
The Divine Project of Redemption, which was attained by the Christ Himself under the manifestation and the expression of a wise, compassionate and merciful love, is the means through which the souls will be able to liberate themselves of their errors and stories of suffering or of failures that their own consciousness feels but whose origin it does not know.
The Divine Project of Redemption promises not only the spiritual and internal healing of past facts, but this Project governed by Christ Himself aspires to place the consciousness in the school and on the path that it should follow, without interferences nor obstacles on the part of its own consciousness.
This Divine Project that is still sustained throughout the times is the Project of God which has achieved the greatest number of miracles and conversions in the last times.
All the beings on the Earth are called to remember the sacrifice of the Son of God, to be able to enter the Redeeming Project so that their past may be transformed and their future may be prepared according to the Will of God.
That this Project may fulfill the designs for the consciousness will absolutely depend on the openness of the human being to the path of transformation and of inner change.
This will make of the Project a new victory on Earth, by means of the testimony of redemption of each being.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This is the cycle in which to recognize and face the miseries within oneself that are to be transformed; but it is also the cycle of discovering the talents that My Son left within your hearts.
It will be necessary, beloved children, to substitute your defects and imperfections for the talents and the virtues that must be at service for the love of humanity.
For this reason, children, live the present time as an opportunity to transcend the limits of the consciousness and the suffering that all this generates.
Discover in yourselves the seeds of Light that My Son once planted within you.
Truly attribute the potential that the virtues of the soul have for these times and everything, absolutely everything, will pass.
In this way you will learn to be more humble, available, considerate and helpful toward all the needs that present themselves.
I only ask you, My children, to no longer justify your actions and ways of life. Recognize every personal aspect as an opportunity for transcendence and forgiveness rather than for battle and struggle.
You have my blessing for going to meet the Twelve Talents of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
This is the time to find Jesus within you so that He may rule and reside in your deepest abodes.
This is the time in which Jesus can work and perform wonders within more souls of the world.
This is the time in which Jesus must be present, for a longer time, in your consciousnesses; being the impulse that promotes all things and the joy that renews all things.
This is the time in which Jesus must reign in your hearts so that the promise of His return to the hearts of humankind may be fulfilled.
This is the time in which Jesus can renew all things and can bring the opportunity of redemption to the human consciousness.
This is the time in which Jesus must awaken the last apostles so that in this definitive cycle the rescue mission may be accomplished.
This is the time in which Jesus will show Himself to be active and working through His disciples.
This is the time of the revelation of the Truth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My Face is full of tears, because I know that My children have not understood the meaning of what My Son said to you yesterday.
For this reason, My crying is in silence and in prayer, so that hearts may open and find the sense of what My Son truly announced.
His words are not transitory. His announcements are not temporary. My children, when My Son speaks, God is speaking directly to each human heart.
The realization of the Work of the Return of Christ is the responsibility of humanity, because it is humanity that is in need of divine intervention.
And as My children did not understand the meaning of the Presence of Christ on Earth, it is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother is crying, knowing that without divine intervention, it is not possible to support the planet, and even less, humanity.
All of those who do nothing will remember this message next time, because the Law will set them in the place where they should have always been.
They are in the same state as Rwanda was when, having heard and participated in the Presence of the Mother of God, years later lamented their most grave tragedy.
Children, reflect, asking for inner light in the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My Face looks down and kisses the ground of Argentina so that the Father may send towards the world His most profound feeling of Love, in order to fulfill His Will in this part of the world and in all of South America.
I have come as the Priest among priests to begin the celebration of this Eucharist which congregates everyone in love, in goodness and in peace. And that calls the cultures and the peoples to unite themselves to the Essence of My Love, because I have come to the world for all and for all peoples.
With My Love I teach you the truths, what you should learn for these difficult times, knowing that it is indispensable to learn, as My disciples, to unite yourselves to My Heaven for the Grace to descend and to fulfill you.
The most acute moment of humanity is approaching. Therefore I come in Divinity and in Spirit to prepare you, as I came to My apostles before Pentecost, to bring you the Good News, the announcement of My Resurrection.
But today I cannot come completely with all My Being, because you would not bear it, your bodies must continue purifying themselves to reach the necessary inner state so that you may be able to recognize Me when I return to the world, in a way never seen before.
Thus you will recognize the true Face of the Lord and the legacy that the Son of God received from the Universe, from the hand of the Father, will be known.
The Earth will have already purified and redeemed itself; the sinners will have been forgiven to be able to receive the legacy of the Heavenly Father, that will unite the peoples, the races and will constitute itself in the Holy Spirit, in a sole belief: the belief in the living God, the one that has always been with you, since before you existed, since before you appeared and since before you were created within this universal system.
For some, My Words will sound new, for others, My Words are already known.
It is time that you recognize the language of the Lord, the one that comes from the Primordial Source to rescue the world and its lost humanity. Therefore many more must consecrate themselves as My Apostles.
I have chosen to come outside the Church after all this time, so that the rest of humanity can recognize Me as the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, that propagates the Mercy of God in the world.
I invite you to elevate the consciousness from state through prayer, silence and forgiveness. Because first you should forgive yourselves so that you learn to forgive others, and so that humanity can forgive each other, in spite of what has happened and lived through the times and the last generations.
Trust fully in a new life that will begin on Earth and in which it will no longer be necessary for men and women to live in suffering and in pain. Because what I bring you today is something renewing, something more renewing than what I brought you the first time, when I incarnated in this world to announce the Good News and to declare My second return to humanity.
You must be worthy of the Grace of God.
You must be participants of the Divine Communion with the Spirit, because all come from the Sacred Spirit of God and this Holy Spirit will return some day, after going through the experience of Earth, through this school, and to learn to live Love, Forgiveness and Redemption.
I have never kissed the ground of any nation on Earth.
So that you may understand that symbol, you will see how great the planetary need is of unity among peoples and nations, in spite of who governs them.
Your true existence is in the High, in the Universe, in what you can receive from the Heavenly Father and that no one will take from you, by no means.
You must place your gaze towards the stars and not toward the superficial.
Thus you will learn to go through the times and you will conquer new states of consciousness, that will take you understand many things by means of the Divine Wisdom.
Thus you will help others to awaken and learn to live My Gospel as a basic school in this time of awakening, in which the consciousnesses must recognize that they must change to be able to be part of the new, of what will come from heaven during My second return.
God has given you an eternal server that is your guardian angel, the one who always waits for your steps in the Work of Mercy, of Service and of Redemption, so that you learn to grow internally, so that you to learn to be good persons, in spite of the imperfections and defects.
I come to look for what exists within you, what God deposited within you and that is part of My Celestial Church.
I wish to penetrate your inner temples. I wish to live in your hearts so that you can feel different things from what you feel today, so that you can vivify My Consciousness and thus, be part of the flocks of God that are guided by the Love of Christ and that only aspire to love and to love more each day.
This will free you from the spiritual salvery that many consciences and souls live in these times.
This will free you from the spiritual and material ailments.
But you must open your heart to Me so that in you My Redemption Project is constituted.
Argentina is a country I profoundly love because I know it was created by a Greater Purpose that many still do not know.
Here must arise the new light of dawn, so that after the three days of darkness, the souls rediscover the meaning of walking towards the infinite and in repentance, ask for forgiveness to Creation for so many mistakes made.
Argentina is a people that must regenerate its consciousness in union with the Spiritual Hierarchy, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus so that its decisions can be coherent and are within the Divine Law and not the law of man. This will avoid much suffering and much pain, bitterness and great anxieties.
Companions,I come to remove you from the inventions of My enemy awakening your consciousness towards the High, towards what comes from the Source and is eternal.
It is this Love that lives within My Heart that brings me here today, for each one of you and of your brothers, for each of your families, of your towns and cities, for each being who lives in South America.
But I know that not everyone will answer to what I need.
As two thousand years ago, I will call you to go two by two, so that you are witnesses of My Return and, in trust, testify My Presence in humanity.
I will give you the power of the word and the humility of the heart, so that the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit may guide you and show you that I Am the Son of God, who is announcing His return at the most crucial moment of humanity and of the planet.
Open your eyes to this Mystery that is being revealed in Argentina, because I have chosen the most simple place among the simple that exist, to give you this good news and to announce that the end of your captivity is near.
Believe that all will be renewed. Start imitating My example in the good deeds and do what the good wherever you go, because love is what will save the world and not the weapons.
Renew yourselves in the hope of My Heart and continue opening the doors of My Divine Mercy, because I still have thirst for many souls, especially of those who suffer in solitude and in silence.
I want everyone to know that it is Jesus of Nazareth who is speaking to you and announcing the advent of His Glory and of the Kingdom of God for the whole planet, at the most culminating moment of humanity.
Receive then the holy Sacraments so that you may be blessed by My Spirit.
Learn to love the Word of God, but put it into practice during your lives, because it will not be enough to see the Word of God, but to live it.
The parables I have left you are basic teachings for those who are just starting to live the path of Christ. But there is still more to know and discover.
The divine knowledge does not end with the Bible.
The Universe of God is approaching to deliver its revelations and as the Prophets and Patriarchs, finally humanity can consecrate itself, in the name of the Lord.
Lifting a Hand toward Heaven and placing the other onto My Heart, pray for you saying:
Father descend your Pious Compassion upon Argentina for the souls to discover the wonderful powers of Your Love, that saves all, that heals all and that redeems all.
Place all in Your Heart so that the Blow of Your Spirit may guide the men and women of the Earth, as You guided, Father, the people in the desert together with Moses, in order to discover Your Promised Land.
That Your Will, that originated all life, be vivified.
That the souls may be born in this world, to experience the richness of Your Love among the families and the peoples.
I desire profoundly, Lord, that in everything is found Your Divine and fathomless Mercy so that the mistakes may be dissolved and the heart of the beings of the Earth may rejoice when finding Your Peace. Amen.
This is the moment in which My Celestial Church approaches the Earth, so that the elements offered on the Altar are consecrated to the good, to the goodness and the Mercy in men and in all who believe in the Return of Christ.
Let us celebrate this moment with joy in the spirit, for a spiritual renewal in Argentina, so that this people consecrate as a flock of God that listens and answers to His sacred designs.
Lord, bless everything that You have created to give to Your children the goodness of Your heart and the Infinite Spirit of Your Grace.
That the souls in this communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, find the path toward Your Celestial House.
That the doors of Heaven open and that the rain of love of the Holy Spirit descend for the souls to be blessed by the Mercy of God and by His Infinite goodness, that unites the hearts under a same purpose.
Today the Mystery of the Glorified Body of Christ is renewed, present in the Live Bread that nourishes the souls with His Sublime Spirit.
Today is renewed the Mystery of the Holy Chalice that sheds the Blood of the Lamb and that liberated from oppression the human beings from the whole Earth in order for the Love of God to triumph through time.
At that time, I took the bread and giving thanks to God, My Divine Spirit blessed it and repeating the Words that the Celestial Father dictated to My Heart, I said to My Apostles and to all who were present: Take and eat all from it, because this is My Body that will be given for the forgiveness of the sins.
In the same way I raised the Chalice and the Father blessed it with the Immaterial and Universal Power of His Spirit. I said to My Apostles: Take and drink all because this is the Chalice of the New Alliance between human beings and God, between the souls and the Celestial Father.
Blood, exorcize, forgive and repair the hearts!
Divine Blood of Christ that vivifies the souls in the Great Universe of the Creative Love of God,
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ that through the times has surrendered and that will continue to surrender for the redemption of the world and of humanity,in order to awaken the new humanity in the impulse of new christs.
And now let us pray together for more souls to commune of My Spirit and of My renewing Strength of.
Our Father...
That the Peace of the Heavenly Father be in your hearts and in the hearts of all beings on Earth.
That Peace always be in Argentina and that it be proclaimed to the world, from South America the triumph of the Divine Mercy in humanity.
That the doors be closed to suffering, to the past and to perdition.
That the doors to the new life and to the healing of all the consciousnesses be opened so that all may feel like participants of the second coming of the Kingdom of God.
With the Light of My Wounds, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In fraternity, for Argentina and for the world, you will give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion within himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion in himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the silence of the heart, may the Words of the Mother of God, the Mother of Heaven, be heard, Who speaks to Her children to lead them on the path of good and of peace.
But while a large part of humanity submerges into the illusions of the world, I come to call those who listen to Me, those who have been brave by My side, those who unconditionally follow My steps.
I come to speak to you with the Voice of My Heart and of My Soul. I come to express My Message to the world at the request of the Celestial Father.
You must be brave and move forward; you must continue to gestate in your spirits the second coming of Christ, for He still waits to be able to experience it together with you and with humanity.
However, as long as your efforts are poor, lacking in enthusiasm and dedication, poor will be the results for this great planetary moment. It will depend on you, My children, that everything may be accomplished.
There is nothing more Heaven can do, but to only wait for the response of the creatures of God; to only listen silently to the prayers of those who have committed with Christ for these times.
In truth I tell you, dear children, what is being done is still not enough. The consciousness of equality must reign in you, for this will protect the Work from the enemy itself; for this will balance all of you under the powerful impulse of Fraternity and of Good.
I dedicate this message to those who truly want to listen; to those who will dare to cross the thresholds of indifference and of human ignorance; to those who will risk transcending times, experiencing transformation within themselves and making Our Words come alive, one by one.
Children, the Universe needs a greater integration from you, and not only good or passing moments.
It is necessary that the Plan of God incarnate in your cells and you make It part of yourselves, for thus you will be able to represent Christ on the Earth and become His true followers, become His true Church, become His true testimony.
He hopes everything He did more than two thousand years ago has not been in vain and, even though humanity still does not know all of the Mysteries of Christ, one day humanity will be aware of what the true Surrender of the Lord meant, on all the planes of consciousness and in the essence of the spiritual plane.
I need, dear children, to shift you out of mediocrity, from what is tepid and unsafe; this is why I must talk to you with a celestial transparency and immediate clarity, free of confusion or of opinions.
I need you to understand and to comprehend what I tell you at this moment; the continuity of the Work is in your hands, because you were called to live it and you yourselves have taken it on, without thinking about what it would be or what it would mean; from there comes your responsibility and your commitment, from there comes the value of what that means for this time, so crucial in humanity.
I do not mean to say you will be the liberators of these times, because the only One is Christ, Our Lord and King of the Universe.
You must be multiplied sparks of that Divine Plan of God, that from time to time come to humanity to give it the impulse to change, to a redemption of its debts, and to a forgiveness of its sins.
The Graces that My Heart brings are inextinguishable, the Mercy that My Son brings is non-transferable, there is nothing that can change it; taking this step into total surrender will depend on you, as it corresponds to each one in this cycle.
Because God does not expect saintliness from everyone, but does so with consecration, the absolute experiencing of the commitment with My Beloved Son and to His Plan of rescue.
Each thing you can give to the Plan will be welcome; but not with what you have left over, but with what spontaneously comes from the heart, and is real.
The return of Christ will be a laborious task and the fulfillment of this Plan must be born from you, so that it may manifest on the surface of the Earth.
Thus, you will lack nothing, because in truth, humanity owes a great deal to the Universe, as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature, which still continue to suffer the consequences of these times.
It was said that after the last Sacred Week with the Lord, the cycle would change; here is this cycle that has now come, which your inner eyes need to see and your hearts need to feel, without fearing to know what this represents for Creation.
This is why you must work upon an immediate inner divestment, not wanting anything for oneself, but rather everything for others, sharing what one has and experiencing the love that others live within themselves.
In this way, the great current of Light will be transformed, the great current of Light will be renewed, and your feet will walk free of the past and the errors, because you will be at the service of Christ, in fullness and joy.
And in spite of what may happen in this world, you will not desist, but rather, each test will be taken as a confirmation of your trust in Christ, because you will not fear what you consider you might lose.
Everything that was given to you must someday return to the Father, and that day is near, that retribution is close, because now you are aware and you are not in the worldwide ignorance.
The Plan of God is a definitive consciousness that very few dare to cross with resolve; but now the moment has come for all, that they be able to cross this portal toward a total living of the Plan, making it a part of your lives and of your daily lives, and not setting it aside as something secondary or momentary.
The Plan will be fulfilled with the collaboration of all and I will not tire of repeating it, dear children, because it is necessary that your other cells awaken and be able to recognize the Truth that arises from God, through My Immaculate Heart.
In the name of My Beloved Son, I come to reinforce His requests and His pleas.
The planet must still sustain itself, although it may seem that it will sink and will then lose everything. But it is that strength of consoling love and of the commitment of humankind that will make it possible for the planet to sustain itself, with this indifferent humanity, that only seeks God when it needs Him and that does not cross the doorway of repentance.
I want you, children, in the freedom of the heart and the expression of the soul.
The end time approaches and it is time to take on your commitments, so that Christ may work in you, without limitations and without obstacles, so that He may fulfill the promise of His return to humanity, and everything may finally begin again, as it was thought of in the beginning, in the origin of this race.
And in that absolute surrender, you will participate in the Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and will thus be renewed.
May My Words awaken you, may My impulses lead you to walk towards this objective of being true forerunners of the second coming of Christ, carrying it forward in the time left to us, so that the majority of humanity may be saved and recognize its filiation with God; and thus, evil may end in hearts and in the world, and peace, brotherhood, and goodness may reign, which are part of the project of this race and of the New Christs.
I thank you for listening to me with an open heart, living My Message and putting it into practice, applying it every day through effort and dedication, without allowing My Words to be dissipated from your consciousnesses, but rather, on the contrary, their being fire and light in your spirits.
I give you Peace in the name of My Son and in response to His request.
There is still much to be done and we await your responses, as you have done in other times, always giving a little more of yourselves, without fear of losing anything, but rather being a part of the Universe of Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
May the Glory, the Grace and the Peace of Jesus Christ be in your hearts, and let nothing and nobody prevent the propagation of Peace; because the time will come for the ceasing of spiritual wars, and hearts will fervently support the banner of Christ so that the people may reconcile, so that souls may receive universal forgiveness and absolution.
Nothing will remain unfinished; on the contrary, My beloved Son will come to the world under the sovereign Power of God to dismiss the kingdom of the enemy. Only, that sacred defeat will take it by surprise, because the Lord of the Universe will bury His sword in the essence of evil and all darkness will dissolve in a matter of seconds.
Believe in this, because the sacred Name of Jesus will triumph in the planetary life.
I thank you for responding to My humble call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more