With the Light of My Wounds, I continue to illuminate the darkest spaces of the consciousness of Argentina so that more souls from this country may have the opportunity to be reborn, to awaken and to love.
With the Light of My Wounds, I justify before the Celestial Father the mistakes that humankind continues to commit and thus, the Law of Mercy and of Grace, in an extraordinary way, grants moments of forgiveness to the most lost and sleeping hearts.
With the Light of My Wounds I transmute the precarious conditions of the consciousness and move forward with the liberation of the most corrupt states of the consciousness of the nations, so that they do not miss the opportunity of seeing God.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring hearts closer to the truth so that each one may recognize it must change, even further, aspects of the consciousness that prevent the freedom of taking steps in the evolution of the being.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring healing to that which is sick and I cure the inner wounds that do not allow souls to experience renovation.
With the Light of My Wounds I open the doors for you to feel and to find God again.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
If the Eternal Father did not send Me to the world every day, humanity would have no way of freeing itself from errors and oppressions.
For this reason, during the Hour of My Mercy, the powerful Spring of My Heart opens so that souls may be bathed by the most powerful Light that is born of My Merciful Heart.
When souls call for Divine and unfathomable Mercy, no matter where they may be, I approach them to give them to drink of the Water of Life.
If those souls place the planet and humanity in their prayers, the world also benefits and many sinners are forgiven through the expiation that I grant them.
Each time souls unite with My Mercy, a part of My Consciousness approaches to help them. If that help is truly asked for, the spiritual intervention becomes even broader.
Thus, it is important, in this time, to have in mind what the Mercy of My Heart represents, because the more the power of My Expiation is invoked, the greater the spiritual benefits are for souls and, in this way, your lives will change.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Transmuters are souls consecrated to be victims of the Love of Christ in order to transform, sublimate and liberate the contrary and dense currents that hinder spiritual ascent and the evolution of consciousness.
Transmuters are absolutely at the service of Christ, and, in silence, without recognition or comments, they relieve the pain of the world.
Transmuters are directly chosen by the Hierarchy because this is a task, a need of the Plan, and part of the Divine Will.
Nobody can declare themselves as a transmuter, since that state of consciousness depends on the alignment with the Hierarchy.
In most cases, purifiers exist, which are consciousnesses that, in a permanent and slow way, are purifying themselves, cleaning the spiritual register of their debts and errors through the impulse of a Higher Law that comes to their assistance, such as Mercy.
The Law of Mercy places those who are miserable of spirit within the energy of Grace but, for this to be possible, they must purify themselves.
Transmuters do not have a specific hour or time for this task. This mission of liberating and sublimating, through transmutation, is something the spirit learns throughout time and it has nothing to do with anything personal.
In these times, the Lord will call more transmuters to His service due to the need of the planet and the chaos of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Behold, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven, through which all souls will have to enter at the moment of their definition.
When Mercy and Justice have already descended upon the world, when peace has consolidadted in the hearts of those who have opened to receive the Love and the Kingdom of the Mother of God; when darkness has settled into the heart of the ungodly who cry out, who will weep for a new opportunity, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven so that all souls may enter through them.
The first one will be narrow, simple, and luminous; the second will be as wide as the sea, but its destination will not lead to the Kingdom of the Heavens nor to the kingdom of the world, but to restart, to the void, to nothingness.
Up until the last moment of time, of this world, the Creator will try to rescue and awaken His Children; but those who insist on deceit and, with the malice of their hearts, condemn themselves, will shape their own destiny and build for themselves the path to the wide and uncertain door, empty of light and of God, for at that moment, the Father will only be able to observe His children.
The Angels of the Lord do not feel like humanity does; within their hearts only the Law dwells; their hands signal the destiny chosen by each being, their rays hasten the steps of the beings.
All those who honored and respected the king of darkness will return with him into his abyss. In his kingdom there will only be moans and darkness until the end of the Thousand Years of Peace when the day of Redemption will also come for them.
Prophecies will cease to be prophecies, which are called threats for those who do not know God. His promises will be true for everyone.
Those who have honored the King of kings, the Son of God, the Truth of beings, with Him shall see the fulfillment of His promises and in Him will serve until the end of their days, until the day of Unity, of the return to the Heart of the Father.
Empty your hearts of the sins of the world and do not surrender to the temptations of these times. Remember that, like this prophecy, everything that you live today has already been prophesied to you, and no one has been left unadvised of its definition.
''Persevere'', says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Hold firmly to one another's hands. Life in the world is losing its meaning for those who do not discover their only meaning is the renewal of Love.
Do not listen to the voice of those who sow discord; rather, cry out to the Father so that unity may reign and, embracing your brothers, strengthen one another and make your fortitude indestructible.
The narrow Door of the Lord will open for beings and inside of it, infinite will be the Mercy, eternal will be the Life in Christ.
''Confirm yourselves! Renew yourselves!", says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Those who do not want to continue walking toward the Light shall fall, by their own weight, by your side, but you keep your eyes lifted to God. The Creator should be your eternal goal.
Your Father and Companion until the end of days,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Kingdom of God may descend upon the Earth and His Celestial Church may be established and manifested in all the churches of the world, revealing the divine spirituality and renewing the spirits who persevere in the search of a true faith.
Pray to raise your consciences and hearts to the Heart of God and find there the wonders of His Kingdom, in order not to lose the love in your hearts.
Pray for the priests of this world, for those who have lost the Grace of God and who no longer attract His Presence, but who have become instruments of darkness and of perdition, destroying the celestial treasures that the Father has granted them for their redemption and salvation.
Pray for the priests who make an effort to reach the grace to stand firm in their vocation, and which, day and night, are tested not to serve God, but to fall into the temptations of the world.
Pray for the religious of this Earth, consecrated to the Plan of the Creator in the different congregations and true spiritual lineages, hoping to be a light in the darkness of the world so that it is not lost and there can be a day worthy of the presence of the Celestial Kingdom.
Pray, my children, for it is the time for the deepest sins in the human consciousness to come to the light, and many will succumb into darkness, leaving aside the graces they once received to manifest the Kingdom of God.
It is time to wash yourselves in the pure waters of the end of times, which makes you transparent before God and before the world, so that, recognizing your weaknesses and sins, you repent and return to your paths.
The time has come for the definition of the planet, because soon there will be only two Laws acting on Earth: Justice and Mercy. Justice will be given to those who define themselves for it, and Mercy to those who open to it, surrendered in the truth of their hearts.
Pray for the souls not to be afraid or ashamed of repentance; do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for or to grant forgiveness.
Pray for all to have the courage to see themselves transparent and yet surrender before God, so that He makes you new and renews you in His Grace; so that you may be witnesses of His Piety to the world and, holding in your hearts the Divine Mercy, you multiply it in selfless service to others.
Pray for the Humanitarian Missions and for all those who will open their hearts to the missionary spirit, so that they may receive the opportunity to awaken and to redeem their faults through service. And pray for all those who will be served and who will receive the help of God through their fellow beings, so that they may see the flames of love, hope and faith awakened in their hearts again, which was disappearing from their spirits through suffering and darkness.
Pray, My children, for this planet, so that, despite all purification and all tests, these times may be the preparation of a new time.
As humanity will purify and cleanse themselves to be others, surrendered to God in His Grace, may this planet also purify and cleanse itself, and always count on firm spirits who, in prayer, will sustain it, so that one day it may be worthy to be the cradle of a new life, a life that will express the truth and resemblance to the Kingdom of God.
After all is fulfilled, the Earth will be worthy to receive a new name, reborn in Christ and under the Grace of the Spirit of God. The whole planet will enter the time of eternity, where the hours will not be counted.
When all has passed, My children, and love has triumphed in the hearts of those who persevered, being peacekeepers, this peace will expand beyond their hearts and reach the horizon of the stars, the firmament in the Universe, returning to settle where you did not even know it was lost.
Pray, then, so that souls may have this goal in their hearts and that, in the face of all the tests, do not forget it and do not lose sight of it.
You will see upon the world unbelievable accomplishments and events, but today I will tell you, My children, that even greater than all of this, there will be the triumph of the Plan of God which will succeed these events. Thus have faith, pray and persevere.
As My Voice speaks in the world, I will help you and accompany you always. And by revealing to you the celestial mysteries, I will teach you to attract the Truth to the Earth and to live it.
I bless you and thank you for carrying forward this Plan of Love and of Peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more