Not only in Colombia, but also in other nations of the world, a part of humanity, of the followers of Christ, must get together and assemble to await for the definitive moment of humanity, known as the Judgment of judgments.
These spaces and places for the ecumenical meeting of My followers will be the Light-Communities, where they will be free and protected from the imminent dangers that the human race itself will generate through its disagreements with the social and political life of the nations.
Because in truth, humanity will unmask those who only disseminated empty promises about a change or an improvement that never existed in any way; they were only pretty words dressed up in emotional and convincing speeches.
At least a part of humanity will turn to the Spiritual Hierarchy, wherever it may be, to have a guide and protection during the crucial moments.
Thus, companions, be attentive, because these moments are not so far away and you do not need to have fifty years go by to arrive to the end of times, because the end is here.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the hour of My Mercy, I have much to give to souls, but the majority are not encouraged to drink of My prodigies, from the Fount of Living Water, because in many cases they put their attention in other places and not upon Me.
The souls of the world sometimes wonder about the reason and the motive for their suffering, and the first thing they do is blame God for the consequences they live, when in reality, they are the result of their own acts.
But in the Hour of Mercy, My prodigious Heart has the power to reverse many evils and misunderstandings, as long as souls trust in My Merciful Heart.
I encourage My true followers to spread the redemptive Work of My Mercy so that souls may learn to not make hasty decisions that affect humanity.
I invite you to seek humility within your beings so that the Truth may someday set you free.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children of Mine,
Nothing which is occurring is outside the Will of God.
In this time and at this moment, souls are having the Grace of being able to define their lives for the coming cycle, even though they may not know it.
This is the reason why the Heavenly Father remains once again in deep silence before the entire humanity, especially before the followers of Christ, because after so many Graces received, hearts should already be able to recognize the Will of God for their lives and above all, their paths.
Decisive moments are coming for the lives of souls, when you will be before two paths, yet you must follow only one. I only hope, as a Mother, that it be the path of Christ.
I pray day and night, I beseech for the sake of My children at each new dawn, so that in this time they may make a correct decision, which is not based on human impulses neither on maladjusted emotions.
It is necessary children, to pray more for the souls that are before their great definition, a response that will reverberate on the rest of their existence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
On the day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, festivity of the first missionaries of Christ, I have come to Geneva in the name of peace and of unity to confirm the ecumenical alliance among all Christians.
This is the reason why the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the Church, has asked on this day, June 29th, for a special meeting in Geneva, headquarters of many state institutions, in order to unite all the believers of Christ in the inner planes, by means of the ecumenism shared among His servers.
The mission of each Christian is to love the Purpose of God and to carrying it forward by means of equality of conditions and under the sacred spirit of understanding of the different Christian manifestations of faith.
In this twenty-first century, in which the world faces great challenges, and also social and global inequalities, may the Flame of the Love of Christ be the point of union among all Christians, based on the principle of faith and in the Sacred Gospel of Christ.
As the Mother of the Church and of humanity, My Son sends Me to grant the deep Grace of understanding, of knowledge and of wisdom so that all of those who open their heart to the call of ecumenism may together, and in unity, solve and respond to the urgent needs of humanity, of all the People of God.
This inter-religious ecumenism will allow all Christians, under the same goal and supported by Divine Grace, to reach the complete vision of the different lacks and needs of humanity, knowing that it is urgent and immediate to dissolve together the evil, the wars and the conflicts that embrace many peoples in the world, and rescue from these very hard abysses those who suffer the most: the innocent.
By means of ecumenical and Christian unity, Christ will work more widely, because His disciples of these times must be witnesses of the Gospel in all the places, in order to sow the seeds of faith, of love and of unity in the most arid soils of this world.
And Christ, the Living Water, will be the One who will water and cultivate what His kin will accomplish in the world.
The ecumenical and Christian union will generate the spirit of respect and, above all, of a true solidarity among Christians that accompany the same God, the Only and Omnipresent, with their feeling and through their faith and their trust in the teachings of the Gospel.
On the day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, may the missionary spirit arise again in all Christian Churches, a spirit that will impel the revelation of the life of apostleship in Christ, so necessary to relieve suffering and to bring the healing and the love to the marginalized hearts.
Christ is for all.
He came on behalf of all and for all.
The effort of the witnesses of Christ will be, by means of ecumenical union, to carry forward the preparation of His glorious second coming, preparing in the souls the bases of their union with God and with all the attributes that awakens faith.
At last will emerge the burning wish of the Lord, that His followers and companions of missionary and apostolic path may unite to attend the current world crisis.
For this reason, I come to Geneva to give the blessing to all and to encourage you to carry forward the announcement of the Word and the Love of Christ by means of the works and the ecumenical unity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of La Salette
Praised be your Holy God in the Heights! Because holy will be those who, in humility, collaborate with the accomplishment of the promise of My return, which is written in the Sacred book of the Bible.
May those rejoice who also in sincerity consecrate themselves to My Heart, because they will always have a safe space in the Kingdom of My Father.
May those rejoice who collaborate with Me, so that My Task is incarnated in those that I have chosen from the beginning. Without the help of My collaborators of the Divine Mercy, the Orders united to My Spirit could not exist.
I give you to drink from My Fountain, and from My Fountain emanates the Great Spirit for all the universe. Whoever directs themselves to Me will lose nothing, because they will find the infinite path that they seek so much. But whoever sustains all the Orders are those who live the great sacrifice out there; in them My Heart is supported, because in Love and in Grace they permit that My apostles walk towards the mission that My Father has entrusted to them.
Praised be all those who are part of My Eucharistic Body, because a cell of My light has been planted in those who have said yes to Me. For this never forget the Life of the Spirit; your spirit will be like the times, it will adapt itself to the final changes, and humanity will be able to sustain itself by the unbreakable faith of all My followers of Mercy.
Now go two by two and say that I have consecrated you in body, in mind and in heart, and say that I have resuscitated you in spirit, and that again you have seen My inner light.
Be firm bridges for those who must cross. Today I give you three keys that will protect you from yourselves and from the enemy, these keys are humility, purity and love. May these three fountains spring again in your hearts; in this way those who are thirsty may drink and go out of the desert in which they live.
Before My return certain Orders, to which I have entrusted My legacy, will serve as salvation and rescue for those who are in need of My Absolute Love. Go and say that I love them always and that I am with you.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words from the heart and from the spirit!
Christ Jesus, Your Humble King
Never forget that I Am the Lord of Pity and that I always remain by your side to assist your consciousnesses along the path.
Those who meet with Me will never regret it. Those who unite themselves with Me will be saved. This will be the Law of Love for those who fervently encourage themselves to follow Me without concern for anything else.
For this, today I will tell you the story of one of My Disciples.
Once upon a time, in a city not very distant from here, there was a server who was still asleep to the spiritual path. She was awakened overnight because I came to visit her heart.
Her life was given to the world and I asked her to surrender her existence to Me. Then, when I announced Myself, I told her, as I told My Apostles: “Take all that you are and follow Me, without looking back, and trust in Me”.
Her life changed because her poor and lonely heart was invaded by My Confident Love. From that day on, she surrendered all for all, including the previous life that she had formed, for living only the unbreakable experience of My Divine Love.
It was this Love of Mine that gave her wisdom to take steps into the emptiness that I was marking for her. It was the Love of My Heart that guided her in spite of the blindfold, and it was this that led her to find the path that from my Spirit I so much wished for her. It was Love and Pity that redeemed her and she abandoned herself entirely into My Arms, and she was upon My Lap without any fear within.
But the greatest moment of her life was to cross the unknown threshold, in order to live My Eternal Will. When it happened the doors were opened and the world stopped being her spouse so that I could convert Myself into Her Eternal Faithful.
From then on, the Kingdom and the Universe spoke to her and formed her as a part of My Heart, and thus My Consciousness entrusted several flocks to her eternal guidance and instruction.
After all this, the Lord gave everything to her because of the trust that she had radiated to Me since the beginning and, in this way, under her maternal mantle, new sheep that entered into My Discipleship and Apostolate were born.
For this, today I want to demonstrate to you the power of My Pity and of My Trust, trust that comes from the manifested Universe.
Why do I pass this story on to you?
So that you may believe, from now on, that My Project upon you has a beginning and an end, and that those who allow themselves be guided by Me will not suffer, but they will receive the breath of the Thought of God, so He can make the decisions, even in the most simple things.
This is My Divine Example, that of a disciple who only would say to Me: “yes, Master, I want to be in You”.
For this, your hearts are potential doors of light so that other hearts and other souls may enter into My Universe, into My True Universe of Superior Love.
Under the Light and the Forgiveness of God, be blessed.
Thank you for experiencing My words from the heart!
Christ Jesus of the Divine Pity
The merciful rays of My Heart are poured mainly upon those who most need of My Redemption and Compassion.
For this, every day I count on those servers who are willing to be available to all, to throw the nets so that others may also be saved.
You, with Me, live in a different time, which you witness day by day, because the time that My Heart radiates upon My Followers is a time that prepares, redeems and advances the steps of those who are less prepared.
Seek the time to be with Me because in this way My Heart will use the spontaneity of those who, risking everything, love those who most need My Peace and Love. I just want that for this time that you live with Me, that you be transmitters of My Voice and of My Word, of My Love and of My Peace.
I just ask you this because if you do like this the world as a whole will see itself more relieved and the hearts of all of the souls will liberate themselves from the path that takes them to constant sin and perdition.
I need, in My special Time, neutral soldiers who may be able to deal with the reality of the consciousnesses who most need help for these times. And you have as a primordial key love and prayer, because love and prayer are only one inseparable path that your consciousnesses must strengthen in the inner. In this way you will learn to live My Laws and you will answer to the needs that My Father will reveal moment by moment to each one of the souls.
Bring in your heart a humble and noble spirit that may truly radiate what it is in life because above all things I know you very well and I know what it is that each disciple of Mine needs.
Know that I love you as you are and I guide you from the heart.
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
I rejoice by seeing that My followers make an effort to be united and gathered in My name.
For those who in these times are losing the faith and the trust in My Plan of Rescue I say: may each one of you take your own cross and follow me through the path that I am silently tracing for the souls.
Now some of My followers are found almost on the top of the Calvary, prepared to transcend the last stretch of the battle that overwhelms them, that tires them and that takes out from them the necessary force, wanting to make them give up following Me until the end.
The path of Glory will not be for many yet, but My Mercy is so kind that I will be able to advance those who are many steps behind. I come today to you to give you My Encouragement, My Aspiration, My Comfort. By now there is nothing more important, My dears, than to move on without looking backwards, leaving to the side the mistakes, the anger and the misunderstandings.
Allow one more time that My universal rays transform you and purify you so that shining like a new pearl I may give you crystalline and pure to the hands of My Father. There is nothing to do anymore, there is nothing to look backwards to. I know you so much that I know what it is that you need in each second of your lives.
It is not the moment to allow yourself to lower the arms nor to rest, as if it were normal times, because the battle still has not begun. Be transparent like water and crystalline like rain so that nothing may dirty you, nothing that comes from this world. Try to be united to My purpose, leave behind the ideas that exalt you, it is the moment of being as empty as a new wineskin, so that My New and Transfiguring Blood may consecrate you as servers of My message.
Dears, it is time to sustain with fervor the torch of faith and of light, do not allow the enemy to awaken astute disagreements between your hearts, and be attentive to the only and lasts signs that My Heart will pronounce in a short time. Above all things My Paternal Spirit sustains you in impossible times and in irreversible situations.
Those who are willing to follow me, that follow me and renovate themselves with Me day by day in the infinite faith of the heart, I am at your side without rest, I wait ardently for the new Apostles.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding and meditating My words from the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
My words of Peace must be in your hearts so that in them flows the Love of My Son.
Dear children, each cycle that you live in life is a moment of renovation for the feeling of the heart. With this I want to say that your lives are precious before the Kingdom of the Lord. For this My children, remember that the prayer that comes from the fountain of the heart will bring you closer to the Kingdom of God.
As Mother of Assistance of all those who follow and who do not follow Christ, today again I give you My Peace so that by receiving it in your hearts it may be as a flame of light and truth for everyone.
In the immense bliss of the Glory of God, today I ask you that in prayer you elevate to Heaven all pleas that are urgent for the hearts that day by day have their inner flames extinguished.
Dear children, we are commemorating My seven months of transmissions of daily messages of instruction. For this, I ask you to meditate and to enter in each one of the announcements and that in prayer you live the greatness of My Love for all of you.
If it were like this, little children, the paths of humanity could be permeated by the existence of Grace.
My little children, smile to the life that God the Father gave to you. That within the Kingdom of Divine Mercy of Jesus, all the souls may be reborn under My Mantle of Peace.
We are in prayer for all causes. My Immaculate Heart accompanies follows you in each step you take towards the Lord of Love.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more