In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Although darkness embraces a great part of the planet, I Am now returning.
Although the tribulations afflict and disturb hearts, I Am now returning.
Although attempts are made to knock down My companions, I Am now returning.
Although the dark night may seem too long, I Am now returning.
Although division is seen in families, I Am now returning.
Although many already live their spiritual desert, I Am now returning; for there is nothing that can deter the Coming of the Lord.
Behold your Master and Friend. Behold the Lord of Peace and Mercy who has the Grace, once again, to gather you in this garden in Aljustrel. A place that is a favorite for Me and for My Most Holy Mother, where the souls that for such a long time have been seeking peace, can find it here time and again.
Just as I was so close to My apostles, today I Am close to you to give you, once again, My Life, the strength of My Spirit, the Love of My Heart, which comes to place meekness and serenity where they are most needed.
Now accompany the path that the Master is showing you. This is the path of the next steps in this month of August. Because I expect, in this culminating time, that My companions will finish preparing for the Coming of the Redeemer.
While the world agonizes, I Am now returning.
While innocent people die, I Am now returning.
While impunity is news in all parts of the world, I Am now returning.
The Lord will re-appear as a Humble Servant, just as He appeared on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to call the disciples by their names, just as I call you today, to follow Me and serve the Lord.
Just as the holy women did in that time, today My holy women of the end of times are called to accompany the Lord in this agony of the planet, so that each act, each gesture and each prayer may be an offering of reparation and healing of humanity, mainly of those who today are still prisoners of their own lives.
Thus, I come to dissolve, with My own Hands, the shackles of perdition. I come to remove from the hells of the planet, the many who are submerged in them, because I Am now returning. And just as it was written by Our God, it will be fulfilled by the intercession of the holy prophets and patriarchs.
Behold, once more before you, the Lord of Israel, who not only sees blood being shed in His holy land, but also sees slavery in many parts of the world, the impunity and agony that many consciousnesses now live for being imprisoned through the jails of society; however, I come to liberate you from the spiritual and material prisons.
There is no darkness that can oppose My Love, there is no fear that can oppose My Light, there is no suffering that cannot be dissolved by My Mercy. Because I gave you My Life on the Cross, just as today I give you My Life eternally so that you may have life in abundance through Me.
Companions, this is the time of the apostolate, just as it has been announced many times. It is time for each one to assume their part with Me, just as the apostles and the holy women did in that time.
The history that has already been written by the Hand of God, is being fulfilled again. The moment is different, but the circumstances are the same, because the Omnipresence of the Lord is uninterrupted and irrefutable, because it is an Eternal and inexhaustible Presence that, time and again, and from cycle to cycle, comes to give His Life, His Love and His Mercy for those who say ‘yes’ and respond to Him.
With a gaze of hope, see internally, before you and on your spiritual path, the Purpose being fulfilled, that Purpose that was thought from the origin of your existence in the ponds of the Love of God in the Universe.
Now, dare to walk on your own feet; and you and your brothers and sisters, do not fear. I Am the Lord of the next goal, the Lord of the Burning Aspiration of God for each one of the souls, for each one of the hearts.
Thus, tonight, when you receive Me and when you prepare for the last Marathon of Mercy with the Redeemer, receive again My Spiritual Anointment through the powerful Sign of the Cross, which liberates souls, dissolves suffering, liberates from prisons, heals hearts, makes life and the consciousness of each being be reborn.
Receive My powerful Sign of the Cross, the one upon which I was raised on the top of Mount Calvary as the Tree of Life, which surrendered Its own Blood and Its own Water at each moment of the Calvary, for the remission of all sins, for the liberation of humanity.
I want you to quench My thirst.
The Lord is thirsty for all those who suffer in this world, mainly those who are forgotten and discarded, those who are imprisoned in jails.
The Lord is thirsty for the women who sell their bodies in the streets, for the mothers who abort their children in the clinics, transgressing the law of life and maternal love.
I Am thirsty for those who are lost in wars, for the soldiers that fight, deceived to conquer an illusion that does not exist and which is unreal.
The Lord is thirsty for those who are sick in their homes and hospitals, for those who are moribund.
The Lord is thirsty for the forgotten elderly, for the disabled who are offended and kept at a distance.
The Lord is thirsty for the little orphaned children, for those who have lost their families, for those who fight and seek an opportunity in other nations of the world, crossing deserts, seas and oceans, and many of them losing their lives.
Who will quench this thirst of the Lord through their good acts of mercy, through works of charity and forgiveness?
Who will repent for those who do not repent?
Who will confess for those who do not confess but lie?
Who will be capable of protecting My Work from themselves, through the truth, transparency and justice?
The Lord of the Universe sees everything, nothing is hidden to God through His Most Beloved Son.
For this reason, you are in time to mend your acts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your thoughts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your feelings and all your intentions, for those who do not mend them; because My burning and deep desire is that all may be in the Law again.
For this reason, I remind you that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father if not through Me. This will always be so, because it is a Divine Law.
For this reason, in this month of August, may your hearts and lives be mended before God so that humanity may be repaired, healed and redeemed some day.
Happy are those who are true to themselves and to their brothers and sisters, because they will never lack spiritual happiness.
Happy are those who recognize their own faults and do not hide them, because they will be called children of the Redeemer.
Happy are those who try every day, although they fall and get up again, because they will be called servants of the Lord.
Happy are those who, in this hour of the recollection of Christ and of all Hierarchies, recognize the Graces and spiritual treasures they have received throughout the times and place them into practice through the example of a dignified life, because they will be called collaborators of the Plan.
Happy are those who draw near the Sacrament of Confession and do not resist, because they will be blessed by My Spirit and there will be no stain nor sin that may afflict them or disturb them, because by the universal priestly authority their sins and faults will be forgiven, and they will be called blessed of the Lord.
May this Marathon of Mercy not be just one more Marathon of prayer, but rather that each one of you may place, upon your table, just as the Hierarchy does, the difficult and grave situations of the planet so that they may be illuminated and filled by the light of prayer, and in this way also your lives and the lives of your families may be filled by the light of prayer.
I will be attentive once again to the voice of your supplications, because the world needs them and everyone needs them.
Feel My spiritual embrace. Feel the beating of My Heart, the Presence of My Soul and Divinity, and the power of the Love of My Spirit.
In profoundness, I thank you; receive My Peace, the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens and of the angels present here in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
With joy and jubilation in My Heart, today I meet with all consecrated life, which represents for God His main mirror, which can reflect on Earth the spiritual concretion of the Plan of God.
Therefore, dear children, consecrated life is the most precious tabernacle in which My Beloved Son can be present among His companions and peacemakers.
One of the causes of the interference of evil in consecrated life is that consecrated beings may attain holiness in life.
To be saints means living in and for Christ, walking in trust, following the footsteps of the Redeemer.
In this time, consecrated life lives its storms and also its tribulations. This does not prevent the Grace of God from acting and working in hearts.
As the Mother of all consecrated beings, I come to tell each of My children not to feel alone or abandoned; may each consecrated child know that the most important thing for Christ are His companions of the path, those who start from scratch every day in order to fulfill the Holy Will.
To all those who live consecration and renew their inner vows every day, I call you brave and hard-working children, because I know that you have to overcome yourselves, surpassing the human condition in every step.
Consecrated life is the great star in the darkness of these times. Each step and surrender that the consecrated person experiences, day by day, represents a victory that My Son achieves on this planet.
May consecrated life be strengthened and, to those of My children who are on the verge of one day living their consecration, I say that they are welcome to the path of apostolate and service for those who suffer.
I thank you for this special moment and for having responded to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of consecrated life
First Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I rejoice in the sacred reencounter with My spiritual family of Aurora.
Despite the critical situations of the planet, despite the times of tribulation, My Presence is here today to bless you once more, through My Light and My Peace.
How many inner storms you have gone through during these last three years! And how many tribulations humanity is facing today!
And today you are here in the name of My Love, just the way you are, just as I can contemplate and know you, regardless of any imperfection, regardless of all the great spiritual or inner desert.
Today you are here in the name of My Love, and thus, I congregate you around My Divine Spirit, the Consoling Divine Spirit of God, who, in this final time, tries to flood souls with His Love. However, souls do not listen to Call of God, souls listen to the sound of wars and bombs, and to the catastrophes of nature.
This is the time that had been foreseen for humanity to live, a very unknown time for all, yet a time filled with opportunities and Graces for the hearts that are open to inner transformation so as to achieve redemption.
Today, I am standing upon sacred ground, the ground that has witnessed the descent of the Mother of God, who brought Her Message of Healing to the whole world. And today, I Am also a witness of all this, all the Legacy that the Hierarchy has transmitted to you throughout the ages, and the time has come for the synthesis of this Legacy to be lived.
Therefore, companions, you are also called to live this spiritual synthesis, in which you must meditate, for a moment, upon all that which the Hierarchy has done in the last few years, preparing you for this time of tribulation, and preparing many of your brothers and sisters to go through tribulation.
If I brought you a different promise, it would not be real. I bring you the truth of these times, which is hard to go through for many of My companions. But do not forget that I have granted you the gift of faith, so that you may continue to be My witnesses of Love, of this Christic truth that can emerge from each heart and spirit. This will help you to live this cycle of definition, because each cycle will bring you a new definition and a new step.
And now, after all that that has been learned and lived through Our Sacred Hearts, the time has finally come, companions, for each one to live the mission they have come to fulfill on Earth, so that this is no longer just a promise, but a reality, the reality of living the Will of God the way it is written for each essence of the planet.
Despite the painful times which humanity is going through, this is the moment for you to cling to Me, to be instruments of My Mercy, so that My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which is so necessary in all parts of the world, may spring as an inexhaustible fountain for all thirsty and needy hearts, for all the nations in the world that are going through their own tribulation, for the peoples, cultures and religions that are also going through their tribulation.
This is My Message of maturity that I give the world. I have told you once not so long ago, that you are at the same moment as the holy apostles were some time after My Ascension to the Heavens. This is the moment that each one of you will be facing, that of doing what I need you to do, of living what I need you to live, of manifesting what I need you to manifest and concretize on this material plane.
Because My Word, which are the Words of God, must not remain just held in the memory. My Words must be life in you, so that your lives may be in Me and I may be in you, even in spite of the time of the great planetary purification, in which, through your own eyes, you can see the reality of humanity, realities that are very painful and traumatic, in which hundreds of souls are at spiritual and material risk.
Therefore, now more than ever, your hearts must unite to the Supplicating Network. Your lives must be prayer itself, in your acts, thoughts and feelings, and in the innermost depth of the essence of each being.
This will balance the scales of Justice on the planet, in the face of so much imbalance and wickedness, and so many outrages in the world, in which the blood of the most innocent and pure continues to be shed, and this has a great weight before the Law.
For this reason, I tell you once again that your lives must be a prayer, an untiring conquest day by day; try it at each moment and each step. In this way, the Law of My Grace will be more present in the world, and My Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy will act and intercede before the grave errors of the world and humanity.
Uniting to the Supplicant Network is the premise of the apostles of the end times.
Uniting to the Network of Adoration of My Eucharistic Body is the priority of the apostles of the end times.
Because the evil energies that circulate on the planet and that cause whole nations and peoples to succumb, and destabilize the elements of nature, all these interferences must be expelled, so that balance may reign in humanity and, above all, on the consciousness of the planet.
I come to speak about all this for the last time, because the teachings have now been transmitted and shared, and now is the time for My apostles to be mediators between humanity and God, just as My Merciful Heart is the mediator between your souls and God. While this does not happen, innocent souls will continue to suffer, wars will continue to take place, and the imbalance will be greater.
However, even if in the end of times, you see things that you have never imagined or never thought of, do not be afraid, do not be disturbed, because the hour of the Return of the King is already written. This will be fulfilled, and I have told you that this is not very far away.
And through these last meetings with Me, I am preparing you so that, at the great moment of the planet, at the most definitive, the culminating hour of humanity, you may remember all that I have told you throughout the times and years.
Out of love, I want to tell you that My Divinity, My Soul and My Spirit will always bless you, but they will not force your own transformation, the need for change in your lives that I have. Because if you are here today, listening to Me, this is not by chance, which does not exist for God. What does exist is a cause, which, although it is unknown to you, has a Greater Purpose, a Higher and Infinite Purpose.
Aurora, throughout the times, has offered, on behalf of the planet and humanity, to be the Great Spiritual and Inner Consciousness that impels the revelation of the end times, impels the definition of hearts, impels the revelation of the prophecies and last Words of the Hierarchies.
This is why Aurora has come from very far and, in this last phase of the end of times, it will complete this last stage of its universal and planetary task. The Hierarchies are preparing for this.
I wish that you may always live in goodness and in peace, in the absolute trust in My Heart, knowing that this is a time of great efforts, not only material, but also spiritual; knowing that this is a time for each one of you to face your own reality, not fear it or retrogress, but rather go through it with bravery and courage, with a touch of Divine Hope so that agony may not establish itself, but rather that the great higher impulse of transformation may take place in as many souls as possible, toward an encounter with redemption, to live the encounter of inner healing, of liberation from the ties and chains of oppression, through a profound acceptance of My Mercy.
This is what I can give you, My Mercy, every time you need it and invoke it. Because the promise of My Mercy is to save the world and liberate humanity from its own captivity.
This is why My ardent wish is that, in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, your hearts may be converted into supplicating hearts that unite to the Network of Mirrors of the Universe, so that the great Spiritual Hierarchies may intercede again for this grave planetary situation, so that the Light and Love of Christ may triumph, and souls may no longer suffer, because they make My Heart suffer.
As My Mother told you the last time, the door to Christification is open for all those who want to cross it, without knowing what this Christification is.
And through this Marathon of Mercy, may weapons be silenced so that peace may be established, especially where it does not exist, especially where it is not felt and where it is not lived. Because the one who is in peace and lives in peace is in the Kingdom of the Heavens, even while living on Earth.
Now, I gather Myself in the hearts that open the doors of their souls for Me to enter, live and rule through the holy celebration of the Eucharist, which you will celebrate today, in My Name and for My Name, for the peace of those who do not have it, and in the name of the Light in the places where it no longer exists, above all the Light that has dissipated from many hearts.
We will celebrate so that the Divine Hope may descend and this Marathon may be a Marathon of supplication and glory, in which all the guardian angels may intercede and work to unite consciousnesses, reconcile hearts and protect all families under the Mantle of the Celestial Father.
may Your Light reign, despite the darkness.
may Your Sacred Sword cut the bonds with evil,
so that the souls in the world
may be liberated from spiritual captivity.
may Your Light be reborn in the thirsty hearts.
may Your Healing be fulfilled in those who aspire to find you.
open the doors of consciousness,
so that all may achieve relief and peace.
Hail, Aurora of the Lord!
I thank you for this loving and simple welcome. I thank all servers who live here and sustain, day by day, this Center of Love through the efforts of their hearts, through the giving of their lives, through the surrender of their hands to build a Divine and Higher Plan, which many still do not understand.
For this reason, I bless the bravery and courage of the consistent in Aurora.
And do not forget that, despite everything, I Am always there, in the silence of the stars, in the sunrise, in the prayerful and adoring heart. I Am there, because I Am that I Am.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Place your hands in a sign of reception, to receive the blessing and Light of Christ, Our Lord, and thus enter into Communion with His Divine Consciousness.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My children, thank you for having responded to My call once again.
I Am your Mother, the Mother of the Sacred Heaven of God, and today I bring you the Heavenly Domes, the different Heavens of God, so that souls may unite to the Father through the sacred presence of the angels and saints.
Today, a ray of Heaven touches the wounded Earth so that the streams of evil may be dissolved, so that hearts may be reborn in the hope and in the love that they have lost, so that those who are unprotected may be under My Mantle.
Today, dear children, I come not only for you but also for all of humanity. I come as the Perpetual Mother of prayer, Who cries out before God for Her children day and night, mainly for those who become lost in these times.
With the Light of the Heavens of God, as the Mother of the Sacred Heaven of the Father, I come to pour out the Light of My Graces, the Light of My Beatitudes, the Light of My Eternal and Immaculate Love, so that hearts may feel the relief from Heaven, so that the souls that cry out may hear the response of God within themselves.
My children, in this end time, may each one of you, as a good soul of God, continue to be united to Me in perpetual prayer, just as many of you in this place blessed by the Sacred Heaven of the Father dedicate your daily lives to the Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of My Son, so that balance may be maintained in humanity, so that the axis of the Earth may be maintained in its harmony and peace, despite the atrocities of these times.
Dear children, I invite you to elevate yourselves in spirit to the Sacred Heavens of God, because remember that here, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, which I bring to each one of you today, there is a dwelling that awaits you, in which you will eternally keep your experience on Earth, mainly your experiences of love, charity and mercy.
For this reason, continue to work in the name of My Son. Continue to be peacemakers on Earth so that the peace that reigns in the universe may descend to the planet, and especially to the places where war and conflict are experienced; because while nations and peoples are in confrontation, the doors of evil will remain open, and everything will take place.
Therefore, with maternal and special affection, I thank the brave hearts that are decided and disciplined in their inner lives, in the life of the spirit, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, which will always renew and appease you, which will always place you in the correct place and path.
How much My Heart longs for many more souls to find this secure path in these times!
How much My Heart suffers at seeing the souls lost and distracted!
How long will humanity be able to bear this inferior condition?
God created each one of you so that you might be happy and, through My Most Beloved Son, you might have life in abundance. This is why I Am decided, at each moment and at each new step, and I tirelessly go behind each of My children, although in this time many feel that nothing happens and that there is no solution.
Through Her Eyes of Love, the Eternal, silent and prayerful Mother watches each one of God’s Children, especially those who have condemned themselves to the fire of hell, even while living on this surface. Because in essence, My children, all are Children of God, all come here to be redeemed and to reconcile with higher levels.
God has given you this school so that you may learn and grow internally. And I, as a good Mother Who loves and guides you, offer you My Heart so that you may have a place where to feel sheltered and protected from the tribulations of these times.
But I also offer you My serving Hand so that you may hold it tight and follow the steps that I spiritually indicate, because My ardent desire, dear children, is that the world may cease to experience suffering and may rather experience peace.
However, My children, it is necessary that even in these critical times you may have your choices and decisions very much in mind, because peace vibrates throughout the universe and in all of Creation, and it can be present within the heart of each one of My children.
Therefore, do you understand that a correct decision is important?
Thus, you will never lack peace if you do not neglect your inner life, the life of the spirit. Because although you live the chaos of these times as humanity and as a planet, you will feel the strength of the Holy Spirit, the inexhaustible fire of the Love of My Son, which, as a sacred torch of Light, will illuminate the times of darkness and tribulation so that, through your souls, as good instruments of God, other souls may find again the path toward the House of the Father. Because you know, My children, that day by day many souls lose the path toward the House of God.
I do not come here to speak to you about something religious; I come to speak to you about something profoundly spiritual and internal. The world and humanity need to recognize that they are here for a Higher Purpose and for an infinite cause that many still do not know.
Despite this time of pain and anguish in the world, I come to open the door of My Immaculate Heart to you once again so that you may feel the presence of My Consoling Love, but I also come to open to you the door of consciousness and discernment, because humanity must no longer continue to take precipitated actions.
Therefore, My children, first protect yourselves from yourselves, and then from the world. Unite your families through prayer, because you will need it in this end time. In the Kingdom of the Heavens, lies all that you need, even in this cycle of intense purification.
I teach you not to lose trust in God.
I invite you to trust in the Love of My Son, the Christ.
I call you to surrender your miseries to My Immaculate Heart.
Because everything has a solution to God, My children. Even in painful learning experiences, everything has a spiritual cause and a reason. Therefore, do not question your tests, your purifications, or even your deserts.
Openly dare to go through these times of tribulation with bravery. Because I assure you, My children, that your own life experiences will help you not only to strengthen yourselves and understand the life of the spirit but also to help your loved ones and fellow beings, because the door of redemption is open to all.
After many years, many efforts, many true and unconditional surrenders, the Celestial Father has poured out His Grace here, a Source of rescue and reparation for thirsty souls, spiritually depositing one of His Sacred Heavens here so that souls may find again the path toward the Father, the meaning of life and a reason for living in these times, because nothing is by chance. My children, everything has a spiritual reason, and I Am here to make this known to you.
So that you may understand the magnitude of such Grace, that one of God’s Sacred Heavens, with His silent and imperceptible Light, may touch this Light-Nucleus, this point of Light, and this entire city and country, I come to ask you to build here the Fountain of Christ, the Supreme Healer, so that souls may cleanse and purify themselves, and drink from the Fountain of Graces of Christ’s Heart.
This little Fountain will be a wellspring of blessing for souls, as well as for moments of Sacraments.
Through His Fountain, My Son will deposit the blessing and Grace that souls need.
Next year My Son will come here to bless this Fountain. You will have one year for its manifestation.
Because as you know, My dear children, the thirst of souls is great but even greater is the thirst that My Son feels for souls when they cannot perceive that His Heart is filled with Mercy and Love for them, that His Heart overflows with so many Graces while not being able to deposit them in thirsty hearts.
This is why I come to ask you for this simple and humble Fountain of Christ, the Supreme Healer, so that souls may find the Laws of Healing that they need so much.
Trust, absolutely trust in the Higher Love, which will always bless each one at each new step, at each new challenge, at each new life experience.
This Sacred Fountain of Christ, which I ask you for out of Love today, will be especially dedicated to the unborn so that the Fountain of Graces of Christ, the Supreme Healer, may mend the errors of abortion and interruption of life of the little ones and innocent, because someone in the Heavens, My children, must assume these sorrowful souls.
As a gesture of renewal and Maternal Love, I will consecrate new Children of Mary again.
You may draw near.
Today you will be the flowers that I will offer to God, your souls at the Feet of the Most High. So different from one another but united in the same love and under the same spiritual cause, the untiring Love of your Celestial Mother.
Cristiano and Riad from Syria, you may come here.
In such little children, see the strength of great spirits that have crossed and made their way through the thresholds of a war to find here, in Brazil, a space and a place of love and hope.
This is why I bless this moment, I consecrate these little children of Mine and all of you, who are present here before Me, to take an eternal vow of union with Me, to be children of prayer and Mercy, souls that will open up to serve God with one goal: relieving the suffering of the world and of the souls that cry out for help throughout this planet.
Your spiritual task will be to pray for those who suffer and for those who are helpless.
Beloved children, under the authority that My Son has granted Me, as the Slave and Servant of the Lord, as the Mother of the angels and the Mother of all souls of the Earth, by the merits achieved during the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus and the Seven Agonies of the Heavenly Mother, by all the Graces that the Father has granted Me and that I deposit today upon all My children, those who are consecrating and those who are here, I bless and consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Children, I thank you once again for your response.
Move on, firm in faith, confident in hope, sustained by My Love.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing “Land of Mary” together to celebrate this moment of consecration.
Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
For those who cry out, My Heart is present.
For those who live in the terrors of war, My Heart is present.
For those who are condemned and die under the impunity of the laws of this world, My Heart is present.
For those who cry out for peace, My Heart is present.
For those who are forced to live in exile and are discarded, My Heart is present.
For those who are persecuted because of their faith and their love for Christ, My Heart is present.
For those who lost the right to be born, My Heart is present.
For those who are under lies, impunity and control, My Heart is present.
For the Kingdoms that suffer in silence, that are massacred and sacrificed without awareness of what is truly happening, My Heart is present.
For those who no longer have a future, for those who lost everything overnight, their families, their homes, their hope and their joy, for all of them, My Heart prays and is present.
Where is the heart of My children at this moment?
Are your hearts present in all these situations, as is My Maternal Heart?
In order for you to have a heart present in everything, you must seek to have a mature heart, a heart capable of loving as Christ loved on the Cross, as He loved at each step.
If you have a present heart, you will know how to understand the lessons of life, you will know how to come out from yourselves, for all those who do not and who believe they are absolutely with My Son.
This is what God asks of the world today: that you be capable of having a heart present in everything, that you have a heart capable of loving and enduring the end of times.
I will pray that you may have a mature heart, present in all that, in this time of tribulation, is necessary to help.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, and Mother of the Present Heart
Dear children,
On this beloved day, in which once more the Light and the Mercy of My Son descends, I invite you to renew yourselves in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so that all children who do not reconcile nor ask for forgiveness may have the Grace of awakening to true repentance and penance.
In this way, beloved children, there will be well-deserved reasons for humanity to be absolved of all its faults, of all mistakes committed.
With the strength and the power of merciful prayer, may my prayerful armies never tire of asking for Pity and Mercy, because the majority, those who do not ask for Pity or Mercy, end up condemning themselves to spiritual perdition.
My wish is that all the prayerful beings on Earth may hold on and continuously unite to the Mercy of My Son. Thus, not only will they be united to the redeeming Heart of Christ, but they will also maintain the doors of the Heavens open so that the holy angels of the Lord may intervene in all causes that seem impossible.
Dear children, keep building within yourselves the strength of the prayer of the heart. I ask you not to cease praying, no matter what happens.
May the mirror heart of each child of Mine reflect onto the world the love and the peace needed for these times of tribulation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
In this time of tribulation, you must be courageous and persevering to be alongside My Son.
His merciful and just Presence will make you know of yourselves everything that must die so that all this does not modify the spiritual evolution of your lives.
Being next to My Son means remaining naked as a consciousness and seeing yourselves as you are, each one of you, without fear of knowing the truth of your existence.
My Son needs you more empty, every day; He needs you humble so that He, through His redeeming Love, may make you trustworthy trustees of His Christic life.
In this way, My children, your consciousnesses will truly be transformed. In this way, you will open the doors to the world and to the whole human race so that His Mercy and His Heart are able to work.
He needs His companions to define themselves; that they no longer dirty their feet with the impure mud of this world; that they undertake the path of redemption so that, one day, they may be called worthy children of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the suffering of the serving hearts of My Son be placated.
May the transitory experience of this planetary moment be offered beyond its repercussion so that the Eternal Father receives it as justification and atonement for all the mistakes made up to the present by this suffering humanity.
This is the time of the victim souls of My Son; it is the time to offer yourself to mend the injustice that embraces the hearts of all humanity.
I am by the side of every servant of Christ who lives, like the rest of the world, the experience of being in chaos.
This is the long-awaited hour of tribulation for all, but it is also the time to bring out the talents of holiness that My Son placed in you long ago.
I know that you have never been through something like this as humanity, but you must remember that, as essences, you were waiting for this moment to arrive in order to serve unconditionally so that My Son's Redemptive Plan may be fulfilled.
I ask you, My children, not to abandon the cross of this time, because at the end of the path of this world calvary, you will meet My Son and He will free you from this situation forever.
Only that for each child of Mine the time has come to go through their test of Christic love so that at last the consciousness is confirmed to the Plan and the Will of the Lord.
This is an unknown time, permeated with signs that, no matter what, will lead towards the change of consciousness through that which is unpredictable.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
XXVIII ; Peace and Wisdom for the Times of Transition
A soul that prepared for the great tribulation of the planet for a long time, felt ever more insecure and ignorant as this approached. The soul felt how unknown this planetary probation was and questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord and Eternal Father, how can I be ready to live these times? How can I go beyond my ignorance and enter Your Wisdom? How can I go beyond my fears and enter Your Peace?"
And the Lord responded: "As you see, little soul, these times are new and this probation is unknown and challenging for all life on Earth and beyond; but My Graces are to be found within you, along with all those gifts that one day, while you were praying and serving, I gradually placed within you. They will emerge and be your assistance and your peace.
Within you, however, also live a synthesis that allows you to find that which has still not been experienced: the love-wisdom not yet achieved in any period of humanity, only in the Heart of My Son. For this, little soul, allow all the most profound learnings experiences of humanity to be synthesized within you.
Live and feel the ignorance of the primitive peoples who, in their mental simplicity, did not remain there but were capable of launching into the unknown to survive and evolve. Take from there the deepest records of human possibility for breaking barriers and growing. So then grow, not only as a thinking human being but as a human being who feels life, who communes and is to be found in the Whole of Creation.
Live the purity of the indigenous peoples, the original peoples. Live the perseverance of those who, in spite of all the longing for power in humanity, chose pure wisdom and remained in its peace.
Within you, live the compassion of the East, the pure science of the study of the body, nature and the stars, which, at the same time, causes the human consciousness to recognize their greatness and their smallness.
Live the faith of the first Christians, who broke barriers and went beyond the first Sacred Scriptures; those who did not remain in words, but believed as they saw living prophecies; those who allowed themselves to be transformed and knew how to hear, more than the symbolic preaching of My Son, all the celestial revelations that He brought; those who lived the Kingdom and with Christ, discovered themselves as the Kingdom, imitating His steps, throughout the centuries.
Live the peace of simple souls, who do not tie themselves to the riches of the world, but rather sustained themselves in the joy of the Presence of God; souls whose strength was built on rock and who do not shake when the glory of the world collapses, but remain in God, even in the face of the tempests.
And so, beloved soul, experiencing within yourself the gifts that I gave humanity, at each period, in each people, in each religion, open to live something new, the fruit of all that has been learned. This is the transition of the times."
May this profound dialogue inspire you, children, to find peace and wisdom in the times of transition.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Seventh Poem
make my imperfect being
a result of redemption.
Make all my miseries
an act of rendition and forgiveness.
Mother, may Your Heart
fill me through Your Rays of Love
so that I may live
the Sacred Will of Your Son.
Liberate me from the chains that I am still dragging.
With Your Sword of Light, Divine Lady,
cut the spiritual ties with evil
so that the planet may also be liberated
from all that humanity causes it.
I ask, dear Mother,
that You may accompany me in each step,
that You may watch and guard
the treasures that my soul has received
through the Love of Your Son,
because my only aspiration, Queen of Heaven,
is to fulfill and live all that which Christ expects.
For this, raise me up, Mother,
from all my falls;
help me, Mother,
in the moments of great tribulation;
protect me from all harassment.
May my spirit, mind and body
be a temple
where God can remain.
Through Your blessing, Mother,
may I fulfill the promises of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Take some time in your day to meditate upon who you truly are, to think about how before this life there was a Greater Life, from which the Purpose and the meaning of all existence came.
Meditate upon Creation and the deep Love of God for you, when He thought of each one of His creatures. And how great His Love was for the life that allowed essences in likeness of His Divine Essence to be born so that they could love as He loves, multiply life like He multiplies, and re-create Creation as He re-creates and renews it, with each celestial breath.
Think about it, child, that beyond all the material chaos there is a sublime reality, that Paradise is more than a heaven of eternal peace, it is the beginning and the end of life, from where creatures come and to where they must return with all the gifts achieved in their evolution beyond the dimensions.
Remember that this planet is a school and that difficulties exist to be overcome, thus leading you into going beyond yourself in love each day through a greater Love, that which in some moment of your evolution will reveal the Love of God to you.
Do not look at the world merely with human eyes, eyes that are imprisoned in a condition of ignorance, eyes of who sees life behind veils. The Love of Christ tore the veils that covered your face. So look for this Love. Look for the point in your consciousness, capable of understanding life more broadly, and focus your heart there, above the waves of the tribulations of these times, walking with your Lord through these waters, for they are nothing more than the Wind of God blowing chaos out of the world, to remove that which was rotten and make everything new.
Elevate your consciousness beyond the atrocities, the battles of chaos and evil on the stage of the Earth and be, for this world, a bridge to the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
In times of epidemics, may prayer reign, so that prayer itself may be the spiritual and material shield that protects you along with your guardian angels.
In this time, may your hearts reaffirm your commitment to prayer, because humanity and the planet need it.
So that this epidemic may be dissolved from the consciousness of the planet, it is necessary, My children, that when you are by yourselves, in family and in your homes, altars of prayer be built so that the current situation may return to normal.
For this reason, concentrate, and do not become distracted; go to the correct source and I assure you that you will begin to know the sublime powers of prayer.
Reinforce the important commitment to the Holy Rosary and make the Rosary the weapon of defense against all darkness and tribulation, for in this way, your families will also be protected and will not lack peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
These are now My last Words within the great cycle of daily messages.
I only hope that just souls avail themselves of all these impulses so that, upon going through the tribulations of these times, they may always know how to find the way out toward the spiritual Light of the Divine Father.
The Hierarchy has said a lot during these last few years.
You were placed before true and sacred Knowledge of the Brotherhood, but you were also placed before the opportunity for your inner beings to be completely within the service of love and redemption of humanity.
In each one of My Words lies the help that each one needs to transform and continue to transform every day.
Thus, I invite you to value the sacred Instruction and take it into practice so that you do not run the risk of only having heard it and nothing more.
Consciously live the impulse of love that the Hierarchy brings you, the opportunity to convert all the beliefs of your consciousnesses, and the Grace of becoming free of the ties that imprison you. This is the reason for so much instruction.
Be what the whole Universe expects and testify that, through the work of the Holy Spirit, everything will be accomplished and concretized as has been foreseen. Just make the correct effort.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To come to be a knower of God, after having crossed the abysses, gone through the tribulations and the voids, you must persist in prayer.
The Rosary, children, will be your shelter in all stages of the desert.
The Holy Rosary will support you when your hearts are weak.
The Holy Rosary will protect you when your hearts are besieged.
The Holy Rosary will elevate you when your hearts are free.
The Holy Rosary will show you the Face of God when your spirits have become whole in prayer, surrendered to the Father and when your one and real aspiration is to reach Him.
It is from the hands of the Most Holy Mary that you will come to Christ and emulate His path.
In the same way that your Lord was fully and wholly united with His Celestial Mother and was thus safeguarded by Her silent and hidden prayers, both in the desert and on the Cross, so must each one of you be. With your heart intimately united with the Heart of Mary, allow yourselves to be guided and protected by Her.
Knowledgeable about the deserts as well as the cross, knowledgeable about death and the faith in resurrection, knowledgeable about the overcoming and the apostolate, knowledgeable about the celestial mysteries and the deep mysteries of the human consciousness, Your Most Holy Mother will always guide you.
And so, be it in the desert, in calvary, in life, in death, in resurrection or in the face of the celestial mysteries, trust in the guidance and the support of the Mother of God, the untiring Servant, thought of, manifested and sent by the Creator, to lead His creatures toward His Heart.
In Mary, see the Hands of God, which cross the dimensions to seek you and, in the Holy Rosary, see the bridge and the correct connection to remain united with Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
As of the coming year, the withdrawal of the daily Apparitions of your Master and Lord is approaching, and with sadness in My Heart for this parting, I respond to the Infinite Will of Creation.
When that moment arrives, your hearts will no longer be able to have doubts about what you came to do and to fulfill in this wounded world.
In spite of the deserts still left to cross, in spite of the tribulations still left to experience, even though you have still something to learn, My Word will be your sustenance and your strength for crossing the end of these times.
Thus, do not lose My impulses, because they are the last, but also do not get used to listening to My Words, because otherwise, My Words would be falling into the void.
Avail yourselves of the Love the Sacraments provide for you, and thus, take on your path of redemption and apostleship; because although you may be on My Ship, strong winds and storms will still come, which will attempt to cause you to desist from the path you have chosen.
At this crucial moment, fix your gaze on My Sacred Heart and in your cells, affirm the Divine Power of My Blood; in this way, you will triumph and win many times in My Name; you will carry My Divine Mercy to the world and My priests will forgive in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There will be no greater gloom or darkness that you cannot cross through the Light My Heart gives you. Be brave and continue forward, humanity still suffers the price of its own actions.
I will be in the Universe of My Father, waiting for the celestial order to return to the Earth in the most painful hour of the planet, and in that moment, I will call you by your real name so you may follow Me.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Heart is a Temple and a refuge of Love and Light for whoever accepts it as a perfect receptacle of God.
My Heart is a witness to the Creator Love of the Father and of all that He thought of to carry forward the project of the happiness of His children.
This is why My Heart offers Itself to the world as He offered Himself on the Cross, for each one, so that each being might have the Grace of inner rehabilitation and of redemption.
Here is My Heart which, even though being offended and hurt by the world, gives Itself, again and again, out of Love and Mercy so that planetary redemption may be established.
Stay in My Heart and nothing will remove you from It, because My Heart is the temple for the elevation of your consciousness, and is the consolation for your moments of purification.
I give you My Heart as the door of salvation and as a support in times of tribulation.
In My Heart, you will always find God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
By the infinite Mercy of My Heart, I descend to the lowest places of the Earth, to bring the Light of God to the world, that Divine Light which will redeem all consciousnesses and all spaces, the powerful Light of God that will redeem all times and all epochs, all facts and all events, so that the humanity of the surface may have a new opportunity and may know how to benefit from it.
Therefore, your Lord and Redeemer visits the most complex nations of the Earth where apparently nothing happens but, within the inner planes, they suffer much the consequence of their acts and errors. Errors that have not been forgiven yet, acts that have not been redeemed yet, and that only in this current time and within this final time will they begin to be liberated by the prayer of those who cry for God, by those who build toward Heaven the nonmaterial Churches through their profession of faith and through their daily prayer, their mantralization with the Heights, with infinity, with the Universe.
Only My merciful Heart can deposit here in Hungary a new opportunity, like also in the other nations that are witnesses of past errors that still have not converted, nor been forgiven.
But My intention is not to step back, it is not to remember the past nor the history. My intention is to liberate you from the chains, from the oppressions, from everything that makes you follow an involutionary course, from everything that makes you lose peace and hope in God.
Only the Son of God and no other consciousness, not even an angelic one, can take charge of this situation, however much the angels of the Universe may participate in this within the inner planes, and are removing the hells of the Earth so that they may be finally closed before the Second Coming of your Master and Redeemer. It will be the Son of the Supreme, the Son of the Creator, the one who is at the right side of the Father who will come to unite the religions into one belief, the belief of love and of compassion.
Therefore, companions, everything that will happen here in Hungary, everything that happens in Romania with the Holy Father, at this moment, everything has a sense and a spiritual reason that impels the Divine Fount of Creation to try to recover the planet at least through faith, faith in the celestial, faith in the divine, in the nonmaterial.
God sends His Son as a means of salvation for humanity, and the Son announces the Word of the Father that is Holy and Sacred so that the inner ears may listen to the good news of the time of liberation and of the time of peace.
But it will be necessary to yield and to humble, to surrender and to trust, so that what is in the Universe can descend to the Earth and make of the new nations a new Eden with redeemed creatures, forgiven and reconciled by the Spirit of the Love of God.
By means of the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy, you will offer to the Father your prayers for the nations of the world, especially for those nations that still keep deep inner wounds, which no one has manged to heal, not even through charity nor through love.
Therefore, this message must become conscious within each one of you, knowing that you not only take care of your homes, of your groups or of your works, but now you must take care for those who do not take care of themselves, who do not love themselves and who do not reconcile with God, and in millions of cases die without seeing the Light, the Light of God, and remain in the dark.
I want to put anend to the darkness of the world, which humanity itself generates with its actions and acts, with its feelings and thoughts. The psychic and mental plane of the Earth must be transmuted by all, through the collaboration of all, although the situations accelerate more each day.
You must not lose peace, nor the certainty that you are building the Plan of the Return of Christ to the Earth. You must always be within My Heart to be in the Divine Protection and in the fortitude of My spiritual Temple, of My Celestial Church, which congregates everyone so that you may drink of the Water of Life, of the Fount of Love and of the renewal that I bring to you, time and again.
My Heart contemplates all necessities of the Earth and My Spirit elevates all intentions of the children of God, including those intentions that are not pure and that you have as conveniences, but I purify all intentions because I know that the inner worlds need an opportunity in order to be able to reconsider and truly love.
Therefore, I welcome all needs, I receive all requests, I hear all supplications. This is the time when the Heart of God is attentive and open to feel the voice of your supplications, because no one on the surface of this Earth will be able to miss the opportunity of awakening and of truly uniting to God.
Therefore, everything you do will be for something that must happen after and before I return to the world, under the Glory of God and the splendor of all the Universe. On the surface of the Earth there are still many fallen stars that must find again the path of redemption, and these fallen stars are within the nations and also within the religions.
Fraternity will be this basis that will build the Temple of Redemption for all these fallen stars that must resume their commitment with God and recover their faith in the Light of Christ. For this reason, I offer Myself directly to you and to the world as a Door to the House of God, our Father, so that His Divine Attributes may be among you and may fill you.
I make you apostles of the times of tribulation so that you may learn to win as I won in the silence of the Cross and in the true and deep Love that exorcised all the hells of the Earth at that time.
The world needs a high and incalculable Love and you can be instruments so that this Love may come here and build new things in the world, for peace to reign in all spaces.
Eastern Europe must be a people renewed in faith and in the trust in God. And this work has just begun through the self-summoned, those who are internally called by Christ, your Master and Lord, to serve Him in His Plan of Redemption and of Love.
Celebrate this Marathon as an opportunity of living the apostleship of these times, regardless of the place or of the necessity, intention or cause, because I will place you where I need you, however it may be or however much it takes. I will place you in the place where love, healing and forgiveness is most needed. I will put you where the Light has never descended.
The work of the apostleship will prepare the Return of Christ. For this reason, union among religions will be important; the union in love, in human fraternity, in faith and in charity will impel the world to become aware that it must make a great change before the last day of the final transition comes, when your King Himself, the Christ, and the Archangel Gabriel will judge that fallen angel that has caused everything throughout the times and the centuries.
Everything that is done now is for these times that will come. The Fount of My Mercy is still open to the whole world, just place yourselves under My Light with the intention of the heart and the consciousness to be able to be purified and transmuted, to be able to be consecrated as My Apostle of Peace.
I thank you for your reception and response to My call!
My Mercy still springs as an infinite Fount from My Heart to the most lost and suffering souls of the whole world.
I bless you,
By means of the Holy Eucharistic you will find the inner portal that will unite you to God and, from that place of consciousness, there will descend all the attributes that you need to reach transformation.
By means of the Eucharist you will find the living God present in the perfect form of His Son. In the Father you will feel His powerful Presence and you will be able to accompany, as servants, the manifestation of His Will.
By means of the Eucharist you will find the path that will always lead you to the Light and you will feel within you an inner uplifting force, which will impel you towards transcendence.
By means of the Eucharist you will find every answer you seek and you will feel within yourself the confidence in God that is necessary in order to take the steps on the Christic path.
By means of the Eucharist you will find the food that will nourish your faith for the times that will come. And, despite the cycle of tribulation, your faith will not falter because you would have built within yourself the full union with the Most Holy Trinity.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Ark of the Holy Covenant was in Noah's Ark, just like in the hands of Moses and in the Temple of Solomon.
Today it is in My Hands, to bring a spiritual impulse, definitive and precise to the world, within these times of chaos.
This Ark, contemplated by the angels and archangels, holds within it the revelation that humanity needs, the most sacred writings of the Universe, the thought transmitted by the Mind of God, within Divine Purpose.
This is the Ark that will be part of the New Humanity and will no longer be kept in the inner confines.
it will be placed upon the surface, soon after My return to the world, when I will have already assembled all My flocks, from all times and from all generations; when I will have overcame evil through love, and thus transcended duality in each human consciousness.
That will be the prelude to the advent of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will carry the Holy Grail to humanity, with all the Divine Codes, with all impulses transformed, sublimated and elevated by the Consciousness of the Son of God; with all the divine experiences that once lived on Earth among the apostles and followers; with all the codes of the Resurrection and of the Transfiguration, as well as the codes of the Ascension.
I know that you do not know what this means and what this represents, because it is something that will take place in this humanity.
Meanwhile, companions, may your perseverance with Me not be poor, nor weakened; may your trust in Me not be mediocre, nor indifferent; because the difficult times will come, but for those that trust in Me, the treasures of Heaven will not be lacking.
Just as from the planes of the Divinity, today I bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the Lamb that was sacrificed and that rose among the dead, bringing the victory of Love and Truth, glorious and resplendent, which will return to the Earth in His great Divine and Universal Consciousness, never before seen by any human being of the Earth, only contemplated and admired by the Mother of God.
This is the Divine Consciousness of the Firstborn Son, of the risen and glorified Son, Who will return to the world for the second time.
Keep vigil and be in adoration for this revelation. Continue to wholeheartedly and constantly pray, and the fruits of the new time will come to your hearts and lives.
But the time of darkness, which the human race has generated for this time of Armageddon, is necessary and essential because souls must learn to overcome inner duality through the strength and the power of Love.
It is no good to Me, companions, if you give up. After everything that I have given you, your thought must be in My thought and your feelings must be My sublimated and uplifted feelings.
Thus, you will not perish and you will not lack the keys for opening the doors that will lead you to the Kingdom of My Heart, to the House of the Celestial Father, even though you are still on the surface of this planet.
Today, in My Hands, I bring this Universal Teraphin so that it may be contemplated and admired.
In this material Universe, the Ark of the Holy Covenant represents the Will of God manifested for this Universe and for all of created life within the physical plane.
There, in that Sacred Ark, is to be found the pure story of God before He thought of and conceived the Creation, as well as the most evolutionary story of the Universe: the triumph of many humanities and the story written in many stars, as well as the story of His Firstborn Son and of the Divine Conception in the most pure Womb of the Universal Mother; the story about the accompaniment of all the angels and the defeat of the great hells of evil; the story of Archangel Michael in humanity and the divine fusion with the Divine Son, as well as the incalculable and unalterable presence of Archangel Gabriel within the Consciousness of the Mother of God; the presence of Archangel Raphael and the humble and simple experience of Saint Joseph.
And furthermore, companions, this Sacred Ark holds the evolutionary story of the first humanities, of those who were able to represent God in a simple and true way, those who were able to experience the mysteries of the Universe and draw a fraternal life of brotherhood toward the Earth, those who learned to sustain the Plan of God through the difficult times, both in the past and in the present, the story of love experienced by the great patriarchs, the experience of redemption of the apostles, the sanctification of the women of Jerusalem and all of the commitment relived and lived again and again throughout time, until the present time, by all of those who committed themselves to Me, throughout the whole history of humanity and the planet, to be a part of this Divine Covenant with the Sacred Ark of the Celestial Father.
Now this entire history will not be able to be interfered with, nor stopped. It depends on you, on your willingness, your adherence and your unconditional commitment so that your life story, your story of redemption, forgiveness and rehabilitation may be part of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, like the triumph of the transfiguring Christic Code in each human consciousness, in each human heart, in the spiritual life of each being.
For this reason, I encourage you to continue onward. The weight of your cross will pass and My Word, which is eternal, will triumph.
The only thing that I ask of you is that you be constant, consistent and responsible with the Divine impulses you receive, because I tell you again today, companions, with the humility of My Heart, that My time with you is close to coming to an end so that the New Christs may be seen on Earth as the bearers of Peace, Mercy and Good.
You are called to bring continuity to My divine Work and to submerge in the chaos and the tribulation to save souls, and even though it could be necessary to give your lives for Me, I will then be able to testify that your surrender has been real.
I have not come to ask you for the impossible, nor what you still cannot give me. I only ask you to walk by My side, that you be sustained in Me, that you trust in Me, and that you ask for My Mercy, just as the Apostle John did constantly, availing himself of each moment to be close to the Lord, to be close to God, in communion with Life and the Spirit of God
May the Ark of the Holy Covenant represent for you the symbol of the elevation of consciousness and the permanent aspiration to achieve the Kingdom of God, knowing that nothing that happens is by chance, that everything has a meaning and a goal for the Celestial Father.
If your inner hells are very large or if your joy is infinite for your souls, there is nothing to fear, because everything has its reason. Unite with this Creator Principle and, from the Ark of the Holy Covenant, receive today the last impulse of the Redeemer, for the transformation of your lives and the redemption of your beings, in the name of the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Standing before the Celestial Church that today gathers you together, before the priests of the Universe and the patriarchs of the Divine Word, before the angels of Heaven and all human beings who throughout history became sanctified by means of the experience of My Love, before the thorned Heart of Jesus and the silent agony of Mary because of all that is happening in the world, before the strength and the power of prayer, before the trust of all My disciples and pilgrims and the Love of all My kin, before the presence of the throne of the Celestial Father and of His Non-material Source, I accept and receive the re-consecration of Brazil to My Sacred Heart and today I extend to this people a special and atoning Grace that must be cared for and protected by each one.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Master is lifting up His right Hand to bless Brazil and placing His left Hand over His Heart.
Christ Jesus:
Today I beg you, Father, that you rest in the love of Your children, and that you rejoice in the purity of the souls that consecrate themselves and that You may be alive and present in each human heart, so that the beat of Your Spirit be the pulsating of the heart of each being, the infinite beat of Your Love and the glorious expansion of Your Grace.
Bless this people, Lord, and all the humble beings that, in the silence of their simplicity, represent Your Work on Earth and live the ministry of My Heart.
And before the higher Universes that grant this Divine intervention, I re-consecrate Brazil to My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, so that the Christs of this people may sustain the end of times, the three days of darkness, as true witnesses of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
May the strength of their faith never break, may the temperance of their hearts be supported by the temperance of My Heart and may the Fire of the Holy Spirit place the divine word upon their lips, so as to defend My Redeeming Work in these end times.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Before blessing the elements that souls will avail themselves of to receive My Grace and My Mercy, I wish to announce to the whole world that the continuation of this Work with the Divine Messengers will experience a pause towards the end of this month of December and that it will continue on when all has been fulfilled, not only on a spiritual level but also on a material level.
It depends on you and of the whole world that My Word and My Presence reach more places in Brazil in order to support it and assist it, as well as My Divine Word reaching other nations of the world and other continents.
God recognizes the efforts, but the efforts must be balanced and just.
All are deserving of the Grace of My Presence in this end time and in the nations of the world it will not be easy, and you know this.
It is a commitment of humanity that My Presence and My Message may be in other places of the world until the Celestial Father may indicate it and consider it thus.
I still have plans to fulfill with you and with humanity, which are the plans of the end times and of the last spiritual impulses that each Sacred Heart will give the world before the most difficult moment of humanity.
We thirst for good souls and also for repentant hearts.
The Rescue Plan will be built with the cooperation of all, under the Law of the Brotherhood.
At the request of My Father, I am announcing this pause and this break.
And the response of everyone and of the whole world will be what will allow Me to continue onward. Otherwise, in the name of the Law of Divine Justice and of the Law of Equilibrium, Sacred Attributes for the Universe, We will only be able to continue until the end of this month, but you will not cease to receive Our Words.
We will not be able to be present in those spaces where we should be. You know that Our Consciousness is omnipresent and it would not cost anything to be in any place that is necessary, but I am giving you the opportunity to serve God and of lightening your spiritual debts so that you may finally be reborn in Love, and may help others to be reborn in Love.
I will patiently be in the heights of the mountains so that in these next months I may hear your response.
God bless this moment, so that each being may become more aware and take up what they have come to fulfill in the name of Love and of Unity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We can stand for the consecration.
Christ Jesus:
Lord, you know that souls love You. That is why I ask you, Father, to accept all the offers that are made to You today, so that Your Project of Love may triumph. Amen.
Bless this water, Lord, so that Your Grace may spread throughout the world, and like the water that falls on the planet as rain, it may turn into a rain of an infinite Grace of Love in souls, so that all may be fulfilled. Amen.
Father, baptize those who have suffered with Your Spirit, so that the spiritual illnesses may dissipate and disappear from the human consciousness.
May the infinite flow of Your Love, may the spring of Your Grace, of Your Forgiveness and of Your Healing sanctify those who today will be baptized by Your Spirit, in union with Your infinite Love. Amen.
Pater noster....
Abhun debashmaia....
Lord, anoint, with this oil, sick bodies, exorcize possessed souls and free souls from the currents of evil.
Through the powerful union with the cross, may all evil be defeated and removed. And just as the Son of God was anointed by the Women of Jerusalem, today may those who will be anointed be restored and repaired by divine healing. Amen.
By the power of the Ark of the Holy Covenant may the codes descend.
And we make a memory of the Mystery of the Love of the Son of God during the last supper, when He took the bread, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, the Father blessed it and giving it to the apostles, I said, "All take and eat of it, because this is My Body that will be surrendered for humankind for the atonement of sins."
In the same way, your Master and Lord took the Chalice, not only to radiate peace to the world and the redemption of humanity but also so that the Father sanctify it and bless it, and, giving it to the apostles, I told them to drink of it because "this is My Blood that will be shed for humankind and for the martyrs for the forgiveness of sins."
Do this always in My Memory.
Here is the Body and the Blood of Christ, Fount of Mercy and of Salvation for all the souls that trust in Him.
Happy be, My companions, all those who will avail themselves of this Sacrament. But before, confess and repent so that the Divine Body and the Precious Blood may purify your souls and sanctify your hearts. Amen.
Trust that all will be fulfilled as God has foreseen.
In your trust is the key to the concretization of the Plan.
If as from now you begin to live and to deeply feel, the Plan will be fulfilled, as has been written.
May your hearts be glad, because Brazil has re-consecrated itself to My Merciful Heart, and it will deepen its re-consecration in the coming months, with the constancy and the devotion of those who pray and the cry of all the people of God.
Glory to God in the highest, Peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.
Stretching out My Arms in the sign of the cross as a testimonial to the true Love of God for all His creatures and the planet, I unite you with the Power of the Sacred Cross and the infinite mystery of its exorcistic impulse.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (x3)
May peace be in all the inner worlds so that it may be in all humankind on the Earth, as well as in all the nations of the world.
Let us continue to pray for Peace, for the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
So be it.
You will fraternally give each other the greeting of Peace, so that Peace may be in the families of wars and in all the families of the world that are not able to live Unity on this Sacred Christmas.
I thank you!
At last I have come to the place where I have been waiting for so long.
Carry on your breast the sign of My Return, because this sign will come from the Universe and nobody will be able to say they will not see it.
I will come for the just and for those who have been unjust, and from there I will reconfigure the Earth, I will repopulate the planet with new gifts, with something that has still not descended from the Universe and will come when I return to the world for the second time.
But so you may see Me again in Glory, first you must feel Me in your divinity.
I must build the new in you, I must sow the new in you, so that in this way, you will be prepared to receive Me for the second time.
Today I am here with the joy of the Spirit of God because of the receptivity of your souls and hearts, because even though you do not understand My Mystery, many of you have adhered to it and that is what makes it possible to expand the Work of My Mercy in the world.
While I speak to you, I purify you. While you feel, I consecrate you and elevate your spirits to the Kingdom of God so I can withdraw you from the superficiality of these times and enter you fully into the Kingdom of My Heart.
Everything you have done today, companions, has been of use so that I may be here among you, accompanying you.
Remember what I told you the last time when I was in Mendoza: that Argentina would live a great test of faith. This test is already happening, but I invite you to not ally with the test itself, but rather with its teaching, so that you may grow inwardly and demonstrate to the Celestial Father that you are understanding the definitive times, beyond the events and the experiences.
I need you to cultivate within yourselves the perfect balm of My Love, which will lead you to Divine Mercy and Peace, so that you may be free of any agitation and agony, and learn to go through the times in this final transition.
In this way, you will be true instruments of the Spiritual Hierarchy, present on Earth; thus you will be able to help your brothers and sisters on the path and all those unknown to you, so that they too may learn to live this final transition.
That is why you must remember your commitment to Me. Although you may have believed you never made it, your souls brought you here today to remind you of that commitment to My Eternal Heart; to fulfill at this time, what is written in the Heart of the Father, within the Universe of His Divine Will.
While My Grace descends to Earth, your spirits are uplifted to the Kingdom of God so that they may awaken in you the sacred talents that I brought you more than two thousand years ago; talents that I will need in these times to carry My Work to the four corners of the Earth.
May your spirits be able to feel the joy of this sacred reunion, of being able to participate in the Cenacle of My Love, in Communion with My Spirit and with My Essence; an Essence that dissolves errors and blame, fears and failures; an Essence that dissolves doubts and misunderstandings.
Feel part of a new spiritual family, the one that lives in the celestial Universe, because even though you are still on Earth, you can be part of it in the communion of your souls with the Spirit of God, where the Sacred Unity is built.
Argentina must be repopulated with brave armies of the Light, unconditional collaborators in the Plan of evolution, who are encouraged to awaken the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within themselves, so that all of their consciousness is present in these times and participates together with the commands of the spiritual Hierarchy in this rescue plan of the end of times, that operates silently, working in an invisible way in the very depths of the inner worlds of beings.
May your consciousnesses on this afternoon continue to be uplifted.
Raise the Consciousness of Argentina so that the spiritual plane is purified, not only in this city, but also in your whole country, in all of your brothers and sisters, who are also worthy of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because they suffer just like you suffer, because they wait, as do you, for hope.
In this communion, where your spirits are uplifted in plane and consciousness, may a great circle of fraternity that unites the origins and times be created, the essences and the souls with the great sidereal Government, which has given impulse to the manifestation on this material plane and in life throughout time.
May the love for life be constituted again in the spirit of Argentina, so that those who will be born in the coming times may have a place of rest and of love, of gladness and of hope, just as you have had.
This will allow the suffering in Argentina to be alleviated, the social crisis and the uncertainties in hearts.
The new Mercy brings new hope.
The sheep of God are called to follow the Great Shepherd of the end of times, who in His second coming to the world will, reveal His real Countenance, as it was revealed in the height of Mount Tabor, to some of My apostles.
The time of the greatest tribulation will pass, but you must persist, live in faith and practice hope, so that all may be transcended and the most difficult spaces of the planet may be filled by the Christic Light.
I also come for those who most need Me, for those that have this as their only and last opportunity.
Perhaps you will not understand what I say to you with this, but have trust in My Merciful Heart, because the door of My Divine Mercy is still open for those who have condemned themselves in spirit and in soul.
I do not come to seek from you what is imperfect. I come to awaken in you the virtues of God, so that your higher beings may fulfill their mission on Earth and learn to purify and to transform themselves day by day, knowing that the sublimation and the elevation of the consciousness is an tireless work of the true apostle of Christ.
If your lives are converted through My Love, if Argentina accepts My Call, more places of the world will transform, many catastrophes will be avoided, and it will not be necessary for souls to learn through suffering.
My Mercy is inexhaustible and unquenchable.
Sometimes I do not know where to place so much Mercy of My Heart in souls, because the majority does not cry out for it, nor live it.
Today I can pour out My Divine Mercy, because you have cried out for it, and this will have a repercussion in your lives until the next world. Thus the Divine Will will be manifested, and you will participate in eternity after this experience on Earth.
It is your spirits that should fly to the heights while you transform your matter, purify your mind, and uplift your feelings.
Continue onward, trusting in the tributary of My Mercy, and do not tire of calling for Me; because as much as I am not with you in the coming time, My Omnipresence is accomplished where souls call for the Lord.
The Consciousness of the Son of God rose up to the Heavens to continue in His Mission and Task, to summon all those who are self-summoned for the end of times, to carry on with the Work of the Return of Christ and the descent of His Divine and Infinite Mercy.
Believe that on the invisible planes many things happen. It is there where you must focus your attention.
You must learn to perceive, you must learn to intuit what is on the higher planes of consciousness and all the celestial treasures, which can descend not only in your lives, but also on to the planet.
Thus, do not fear to embrace your cross and follow Me, because I can bring relief for your cross, I can dissolve your suffering, transmute your agony when your hearts are sincere with Mine and truly open to My Divine Laws, so that on the surface of this planet the Divine Will may be fulfilled.
Now I invite you, companions of Argentina, and placing your hand on your chest, to feel and find in yourselves the Kingdom of God, beyond what you have lived and what you have felt, what you have suffered or experienced.
Trust in the Kingdom of God that is within you and make it a part of your lives in each moment, so that this inner Kingdom which is in the depths of your essences, may be radiated to the whole world, and especially to your country, deserving of an extraordinary Grace.
Feel this Light that can emerge from within you and feel the Love of God and His Trust.
Strengthen this moment as the one moment of your lives.
Avail yourselves of the Spirit of God that descends through the Voice of His Son to strengthen hearts, to unite souls to the powerful Kingdom of God.
While the doors of Heaven continue to open over Argentina, your spirits are filled by cosmic Laws.
Feel the descent of the Divine Light and the blessing of the Sacred Spirit of God, so like your Baptism and your First Communion.
Kneeling before the Thrones of the Father, let us cry out for Pity, Mercy, and Redemption, so that more souls may be carried to Heaven; so that more spirits live the joy of remaining in the Kingdom of God and in His Glory, forever and ever.
And now that you know what in truth is within yourselves and is eternal, remember your origin, the Source from which you come, the Source from which you emerged to live this school of love and of forgiveness on Earth.
And even though you have the veils over your consciousness, today I remove them, so that you may remember and be nurtured by the Sacred Knowledge of the Stars; a divine impulse that in the name of Light comes to rebuild the planetary consciousness and to heal spirits wounded by the errors of the past.
And now that My Celestial Church has been presented on Earth, the true Church of God that only lives in the Celestial Universe before the Doors of Heaven, may your essences surrender and give of themselves in such an unconditional way, just as I gave myself and I surrendered for you on the Cross, suffering Wound after Wound, drop of Blood by drop of Blood, so that the Love of God could triumph.
In this Love I invite you to immerse yourselves. In this Infinite Ocean I invite you to remain and to live, because it will be this Eternal Love that comes from the Source of Creation that will help you to continue forward, in spite of what may happen or what you may live.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Beginning this ceremony of consecration before the Celestial Church of Christ and of the doors of Heaven, let us intone the names of God, so that Heaven may descend to Earth through the Love of Our Master.
We may stand up.
Each one of us at this moment, at the request of Christ, in the silence of your heart, will make your offering to God, not only for yourselves, but for Argentina, and will place at the Feet of Christ your petition so that it may be contemplated and heard by the Eternal Father.
May the elements that the Father created for this material Universe be blessed, and sublimate the energies so that the Purpose may be realized.
They sing the Names of God.
Two thousand years ago I taught something very simple: it was to wash the feet one for another, so that you would not only be purified of your suffering and pain, but so that humility would incarnate in souls, so you would be able to recognize the Sacred Countenance of God.
May those who today will wash their feet and also purify their souls be able to recognize in themselves the Merciful Countenance of God, which appeases all justice. Amen.
In the river Jordan, My Cousin John blessed you with water, but I bless you with the Spirit of God, so that your consciousnesses may be consecrated and uplifted in constant sacrifice and reparation.
May these elements be impregnated with the Light of Love, so that the soul may be sanctified, find peace again, and the relief it so much seeks. So may it be.
Christ calls up an auxiliary sister.
I have waited for this moment so that you may receive My Blessing, because for God everything has its timing.
Whoever trusts and persists, recognizes the Will of God, is part of His Divine Grace.
Today My Spirit blesses you together with the angels of Heaven because of your unconditional service to humanity.
More than two thousand years ago, I taught you to share the bread so that you could have eternal life. I taught you to share My Blood so that you could learn to purify your lives.
Today the Lord of the Universe makes this offering for Argentina, so that its purpose may be established again and find at the end of times the joy of living in the sublime Spirit of God.
At that time, I took the bread, gave thanks to God and He blessed it. Then I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them: Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for you for the forgiveness of sins.
I took the Chalice of Salvation and in that time I said to them: Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood and the New Covenant, which will be spilled for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Always celebrate this in Remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.
May the Body and the Blood of Christ be a reason for reparation and the healing in souls, joy and hope for the coming times.
We take each other's hands.
Our Father...
Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Let us repeat:
Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Also in that time, I taught you to love through a very simple but profound gesture for the life of Spirit.
Today in My Ascension to Heaven I ask you to fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more