Dear children,
With joy and jubilation in My Heart, today I meet with all consecrated life, which represents for God His main mirror, which can reflect on Earth the spiritual concretion of the Plan of God.
Therefore, dear children, consecrated life is the most precious tabernacle in which My Beloved Son can be present among His companions and peacemakers.
One of the causes of the interference of evil in consecrated life is that consecrated beings may attain holiness in life.
To be saints means living in and for Christ, walking in trust, following the footsteps of the Redeemer.
In this time, consecrated life lives its storms and also its tribulations. This does not prevent the Grace of God from acting and working in hearts.
As the Mother of all consecrated beings, I come to tell each of My children not to feel alone or abandoned; may each consecrated child know that the most important thing for Christ are His companions of the path, those who start from scratch every day in order to fulfill the Holy Will.
To all those who live consecration and renew their inner vows every day, I call you brave and hard-working children, because I know that you have to overcome yourselves, surpassing the human condition in every step.
Consecrated life is the great star in the darkness of these times. Each step and surrender that the consecrated person experiences, day by day, represents a victory that My Son achieves on this planet.
May consecrated life be strengthened and, to those of My children who are on the verge of one day living their consecration, I say that they are welcome to the path of apostolate and service for those who suffer.
I thank you for this special moment and for having responded to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of consecrated life
For those who cry out, My Heart is present.
For those who live in the terrors of war, My Heart is present.
For those who are condemned and die under the impunity of the laws of this world, My Heart is present.
For those who cry out for peace, My Heart is present.
For those who are forced to live in exile and are discarded, My Heart is present.
For those who are persecuted because of their faith and their love for Christ, My Heart is present.
For those who lost the right to be born, My Heart is present.
For those who are under lies, impunity and control, My Heart is present.
For the Kingdoms that suffer in silence, that are massacred and sacrificed without awareness of what is truly happening, My Heart is present.
For those who no longer have a future, for those who lost everything overnight, their families, their homes, their hope and their joy, for all of them, My Heart prays and is present.
Where is the heart of My children at this moment?
Are your hearts present in all these situations, as is My Maternal Heart?
In order for you to have a heart present in everything, you must seek to have a mature heart, a heart capable of loving as Christ loved on the Cross, as He loved at each step.
If you have a present heart, you will know how to understand the lessons of life, you will know how to come out from yourselves, for all those who do not and who believe they are absolutely with My Son.
This is what God asks of the world today: that you be capable of having a heart present in everything, that you have a heart capable of loving and enduring the end of times.
I will pray that you may have a mature heart, present in all that, in this time of tribulation, is necessary to help.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, and Mother of the Present Heart
Dear children,
On this beloved day, in which once more the Light and the Mercy of My Son descends, I invite you to renew yourselves in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so that all children who do not reconcile nor ask for forgiveness may have the Grace of awakening to true repentance and penance.
In this way, beloved children, there will be well-deserved reasons for humanity to be absolved of all its faults, of all mistakes committed.
With the strength and the power of merciful prayer, may my prayerful armies never tire of asking for Pity and Mercy, because the majority, those who do not ask for Pity or Mercy, end up condemning themselves to spiritual perdition.
My wish is that all the prayerful beings on Earth may hold on and continuously unite to the Mercy of My Son. Thus, not only will they be united to the redeeming Heart of Christ, but they will also maintain the doors of the Heavens open so that the holy angels of the Lord may intervene in all causes that seem impossible.
Dear children, keep building within yourselves the strength of the prayer of the heart. I ask you not to cease praying, no matter what happens.
May the mirror heart of each child of Mine reflect onto the world the love and the peace needed for these times of tribulation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
In this time of tribulation, you must be courageous and persevering to be alongside My Son.
His merciful and just Presence will make you know of yourselves everything that must die so that all this does not modify the spiritual evolution of your lives.
Being next to My Son means remaining naked as a consciousness and seeing yourselves as you are, each one of you, without fear of knowing the truth of your existence.
My Son needs you more empty, every day; He needs you humble so that He, through His redeeming Love, may make you trustworthy trustees of His Christic life.
In this way, My children, your consciousnesses will truly be transformed. In this way, you will open the doors to the world and to the whole human race so that His Mercy and His Heart are able to work.
He needs His companions to define themselves; that they no longer dirty their feet with the impure mud of this world; that they undertake the path of redemption so that, one day, they may be called worthy children of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the suffering of the serving hearts of My Son be placated.
May the transitory experience of this planetary moment be offered beyond its repercussion so that the Eternal Father receives it as justification and atonement for all the mistakes made up to the present by this suffering humanity.
This is the time of the victim souls of My Son; it is the time to offer yourself to mend the injustice that embraces the hearts of all humanity.
I am by the side of every servant of Christ who lives, like the rest of the world, the experience of being in chaos.
This is the long-awaited hour of tribulation for all, but it is also the time to bring out the talents of holiness that My Son placed in you long ago.
I know that you have never been through something like this as humanity, but you must remember that, as essences, you were waiting for this moment to arrive in order to serve unconditionally so that My Son's Redemptive Plan may be fulfilled.
I ask you, My children, not to abandon the cross of this time, because at the end of the path of this world calvary, you will meet My Son and He will free you from this situation forever.
Only that for each child of Mine the time has come to go through their test of Christic love so that at last the consciousness is confirmed to the Plan and the Will of the Lord.
This is an unknown time, permeated with signs that, no matter what, will lead towards the change of consciousness through that which is unpredictable.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Seventh Poem
make my imperfect being
a result of redemption.
Make all my miseries
an act of rendition and forgiveness.
Mother, may Your Heart
fill me through Your Rays of Love
so that I may live
the Sacred Will of Your Son.
Liberate me from the chains that I am still dragging.
With Your Sword of Light, Divine Lady,
cut the spiritual ties with evil
so that the planet may also be liberated
from all that humanity causes it.
I ask, dear Mother,
that You may accompany me in each step,
that You may watch and guard
the treasures that my soul has received
through the Love of Your Son,
because my only aspiration, Queen of Heaven,
is to fulfill and live all that which Christ expects.
For this, raise me up, Mother,
from all my falls;
help me, Mother,
in the moments of great tribulation;
protect me from all harassment.
May my spirit, mind and body
be a temple
where God can remain.
Through Your blessing, Mother,
may I fulfill the promises of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In times of epidemics, may prayer reign, so that prayer itself may be the spiritual and material shield that protects you along with your guardian angels.
In this time, may your hearts reaffirm your commitment to prayer because humanity and the planet need it.
So that this epidemic may be dissolved from the consciousness of the planet, it is necessary, My children, that when you are by yourselves, in family and in your homes, altars of prayer be built so that the current situation may return to normal.
For this reason, concentrate, and do not become distracted; go to the correct source and I assure you that you will begin to know the sublime powers of prayer.
Reinforce your important commitment to the Holy Rosary and make of the Rosary the weapon of defense against all darkness and tribulation, for in this way, your families will also be protected and will not lack peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Remove all anguish and sorrow from your heart, and do not think you will not manage to do so.
Although it may seem unknown, dare to say 'yes' to the Universe in complete trust.
Take your steps toward Christ. Even in the moments of greatest tribulation, let My motherly Hand draw close to you so as to guide you.
Let that which is oldest in you gradually die while in your essence what you really are and what you came to fulfill on this blue planet awakens.
Trust that you will be able to carry on walking. Let the Sacred Flame of My Heart illumine your path and thus you may carry forward the inner purpose that the Father entrusted to you.
Meanwhile, my child, recover your hope from the beginning of your awakening, from the moment in which your heart had the feeling to follow this sacred but unknown path. From there, you must gain courage and inner strength to learn to transcend yourself, to learn to be uplifted and to find the justifiable sense of having to be here.
Now your life is like that moment in which Peter, the Apostle, had to confirm whether or not he was with Jesus, since, in spite of his denial, within the essence of Peter there existed that trust hidden by fear.
Open your heart and go through that threshold of fear that does not exist and say 'yes' to the Sacred Heart. Always say 'yes' even though you do not understand.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While the battle between light and darkness unleashes over the surface of this planet, I wish that all those who pray in the world maintain the conviction of praying with fervor, love, and devotion; in this way, your Heavenly Mother can count on all your prayers to have the Plan of Love of God triumph in the world, and above all in humanity.
My children, through your prayers and daily sacrifices may all the barriers and the obstacles that are imposed by My adversary by means of conflicts and disharmony be transcended in the powerful action of the fire of prayer.
It is in this way that gradually, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will keep all the spiritual plans, as well as the mental and material ones, under a certain order.
Each one of you in this cycle must set, as a spiritual exercise within My discipleship, the goal or the inner purpose of overcoming and of abandoning indifference in the face of the events that daily precipitate in some nations of the world.
It is in this way that, with the minority of soldiers awakened to My call, I will have the redemptive Plan of My Beloved Son triumph before His next return.
My children, with all the devotion and pleading of your spirits, pray with love and trust so that the very prayer of the heart can guide you in this moment, and above all, can spiritually help a great many souls, which in this same time are passing through the cycle of planetary tribulation.
Open to hearing the voice of your Heavenly Mother, I ask you, dear children, that you keep My requests well in mind, because they are divine lights in the middle of the darkness of these times.
With the faith and the love of the heart, My adversary will lose the battle; believe in that.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who is among you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To My beloved and hurting Venezuela
My beloved and suffering children of Venezuela,
With the voice of My Immaculate Heart, in the highest and most elevated Heaven, your Heavenly Mother implores for Mercy and Pity for all the leaders of that nation.
The universe implores for Mercy and consolation on seeing so much suffering, hunger and pain in all My children of Venezuela.
The door to Grace and happiness was closed in Venezuela and the angels pray at all the borders of this beloved country, to support the crisis generated by the surface human being.
Do not forget that I appeared in Beatnik and there, at one time, all Venezuelans could find me and I asked all your people for real order and true social justice.
Venezuela is one of the first nations of America that is going through the most severe cycle of the tribulation, in which everything is in play.
I request that sister nations welcome all My children of Venezuela into their cities, towns, homes and farms who are escaping from the national hell placed there by My eternal rival.
Know, My children of Venezuela, that I am praying to My Son for those who are still present there, who are thousands of souls, so that He does not impose His Sovereign Justice in this loved country that always welcomed Me.
It is time, My children, for all the Servers of the Plan of God on Earth to provide refuge, living space, food, and most especially all your love, to calm this continuous and very hard suffering.
With My Eyes full of tears, I do not cease to see the crying of those who cry out for Mercy and Pity.
Venezuela is the representation of human chaos, placed through a lack of love and equality.
Dear children, with profound love, embrace all those who are refugees on the border with Brazil. Help them and do not demand anything from them. Those souls, at all times, know only despair and horror.
I ask the Venezuelans who still survive in their country, that you come together more often to pray for everything happening to you and beyond yourselves. I ask that you consecrate an altar to My Heart in your homes and that, at the foot of this, implore without ceasing together with your Heavenly Mother.
If there were a great stream of charity between Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Paraguay, many things could be avoided.
I am inviting you, from now on, to be a spiritual family that comes together to transcend the end of times.
Pray, pray for all those who suffer from the chaos, May the Grace that many of you receive today be multiplied and poured out upon all.
To My children of Venezuela, I say that I share the pain and suffering that each one is experiencing through bad human actions.
May the Mercy of God illumine you and may Holy Peace finally be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prays without ceasing,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
From the invisible levels of the Earth emerges all darkness that has been hidden. The souls that have been in pain and suffering for many centuries raise their arms asking for the light and forgiveness of God. Evil no longer hides its actions because Good is also expanding and announcing its triumph.
It is a great battle between the duality of this world, because the time of definition has come for the entire human race; it is time to live the absolute unity with God or be taken to primary scales of evolution, to start over.
In many parts of the world, the Sun seems to be hidden by the clouds of pain and suffering.
In the East, what was once a sea of graces, has become a sea of terror and despair through the indifference of humankind. But that does not mean, My children, that My Heart will not triumph.
In the heart of the Americas, the light begins to expand and the Sun of a new time arises, as the Aurora of dawn. The fire that emanates its cosmic light comes from the love of awakened hearts.
Human beings are discovering their likeness to God through prayer, and the truth descends on Earth with the same power of Mercy emanated a long time ago by My Son on His Cross.
To all who hear Me, I will say not to fear but to feel in your lives the triumph of My Heart. My mantle expands beyond the continents and I grow the seed of new life that I have planted in the Americas in the hearts of all those who, anywhere in the world, accept to respond to My call.
There will be no tribulation to knock down My soldiers, because they will be sustained by the strength of My maternal and infinite Love. Not even the greatest of beasts that rises against My little ones will make them falter, because the truth impressed in their pure hearts will bring them the certainty that reality dwells only in the light and consciousness of God, and all that is outside of Him is part of an ancient illusion, which ties consciousnesses to the damnations this world.
Children, even though the darkness that emerges in and outside of you, and in many parts of the world, seems to be infinite, do not fear and remember My words when I tell you that the potential of the Sun of God in your hearts will defeat any night and any darkness. The darkest night announces the clarity of a day of renewal and Graces.
For a thousand years of peace to happen, there must be in each heart and each consciousness the choice to live love and unity with God.
Once the seed of love is planted in the consciousness of all those who have made a commitment with My Son, it will be enough for the triumph of the Creator because Christification will only fully flourish in an entire race, when light prevails on Earth and - consecrated with another name - enters the new time, the real time.
Little by little the veils fall from the eyes of My children and everything that has been kept in holy books as tales and illusions will take their place in truth, and will depose the reign of indifference and numbness.
Beloved children, despite the terror that you see in many parts of the world, I want your hearts to never lose the certainty of the triumph of My Heart, because just as purification has begun suddenly and unexpectedly for many, the light will also emerge suddenly and be consolidated in the consciousness, without you realizing it.
Pray with the heart and when you least expect it, My Son – who reigns in the universes –will reingn in each particle of your being and will begin to build, within each one of you, the New Jerusalem, the race of the redeemed by Christ.
I love you and leave you My Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate today the invaluable Grace of being in My Presence and in deep union with My Immaculate Heart. Clamor to God for an opportunity for this world.
Yesterday, when you reconsecrated your souls to My Plan of love, I removed from your lives the roots of all suffering, of all anguish, of all that had been keeping you from finding God, despite your faith and devotion.
And today, My beloved, I will ask you for a spiritual intercession in the name of all those who do not know Me, who deny Me and who do not accept My maternal Love out of fear, out of insecurity, out of ignorance or because they are blind and with their hearts closed.
I will ask from all My children a greater depth in their own surrender, a greater openness to the experience of love and forgiveness, and also for communion with the Kingdoms of Nature. Because you, children, among the majority of human beings, are few who are living a greater awakening to love and higher knowledge.
There are other children of Mine in the world who follow Me and who respond to My Call, but who are also conditioned by their lives and their cultures. Therefore I cannot ask them the impossible for the human mind, as I venture to ask you.
Your hearts, My dears, have opened to manifest the impossible, to respond to the higher designs, even if this often means that you seem to be crazy in the eyes of the world.
My Heart can count on that space of your consciousness which - despite understanding, respecting and valuing life on Earth - knows that, in truth, this is only a path, a way to something higher.
I tell you this, My children, because I am preparing your hearts for a deeper and more complete surrender to the experience of an ever holier madness – sanctified by the fulfilling of My Plans.
As the human consciousness is so far removed from the plans of God and clinging to material things, it will cost you a lot to understand the spiritual designs of the Creator, and this is why you will appear to be crazy in the eyes of the world. But those who respond to Me, even without understanding, will see the fruit and the manifestations expected by God and only then, children, you will be able to confirm the truth of what I have been telling you for so many years.
When chaos permeates the whole world, but not the hearts of My children, humanity will understand what I wanted to tell you when I promised the establishment of My Peace in your lives.
When the nations I have visited manifest, in times of trouble, the response to the operation of Grace delivered by Me, through the awakening of the spirits, everyone will be able to see that My pilgrimages were not symbolic and what I was trying to show you was not so invisible.
Children, when the conversions of those who make contact with My words multiply and radiate to others through example, you will understand the power of My maternal Word and that there is something more than simple phrases full of love in what I tell you.
Maybe you do not really understand what I ask of you today, perhaps the dynamics of the transformation of the Plan and its constant adaptation, according to the response of everyone, causes you a lot of doubts and confusion. But this time, My beloved, just fix your eyes on what I have built within your hearts and measure the truth of My presence through the love that I deposited in your beings and not through what your minds can comprehend. Because the logic of the Plans of God and the Laws on which they are based are not the same which are comprehensible to the human mind.
Those who want to understand the Plans of the Most High, before loving them and following them, will be confused. For this reason, trust the Law of Love and remember that the victory of My Son seemed to be a failure for many. In this way you will see how the plans of God are incomprehensible to the human mind that does not know how to love.
Focus today on what I will tell you and open your own hearts, not to reason but to absolute love. In this way, I will be able to teach you what is the true keynote of these times and you will know how to think and feel as My Immaculate Heart does, so that at the end of everything you know how to guide your brothers and sisters as I have guided you.
I love you and bless you always.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To all the groups of prayer and to the dearest families of the praying groups
Dear children,
On the eve of the birth of Christ in your hearts and in the new cycle that has already begun for all, I would like to ask you, for this Christmas that is arriving, that each one of the groups of prayer and their respective families send a greeting of peace and of hope to the next nativity of the Lord. Through the offering of your greeting of peace, My Heart will be able to attract new principles of love and of fraternity for all of the families of the world.
For that, dear children, on the 24th and 25th of December you will be participants among many children of Mine of the delivery of this greeting of peace and of brotherhood so that love be sown in the human consciousness again.
You shall send your Greetings, those that may be recorded and filmed, to Mercy Mary TV, which will organize and later on will transmit them on the 24th and 25th of December.
This work and greeting of peace shall be made in a simple and loving way, really radiating the hope that many need in this time. This greeting of peace is meant to reach those children who on those dates will be alone, sick in the hospitals and in the nursing homes, and those who need much the power of faith. In this way, dear children, I will be congregating all around the sacred manger that will bring Light to this world in these times of tribulation.
Dear children, I ask that you prepare this work with great care but with simplicity so that it will promote the renovation of faith and of love in the souls of the world.
Children of Mine, on this Christmas Aurora will be dressed very beautifully in order to receive the Spirit of Christ in each praying or not praying heart.
For that, all of the pilgrims and consecrated children of Mary that will be in Aurora are also called by Your Mother of Heaven to prepare the stage where this holy and simple celebration will take place. The auditorium will be covered with all of the Christmas symbols as to create the inner environment needed for all of the families to feel welcome, and in this way the Sacred Spirit of Christianity will be sown in each consciousness.
All of My children, those who lovingly and under a spirit of peace are willing to collaborate in the preparation of the Christmas setting in Aurora, are invited to participate. This Marian Center works with healing through simplicity and beauty, which allows for attracting the souls that need redemption and forgiveness.
In union with each child of Mine, I wish a good Christmas task of peace to all!
I thank you for answering to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children of Mine,
As your Mother of Help, I open the doors of My Heart to shelter in these times the souls lost for the illusions of the world. Along with My Son Jesus I work for the redemption of humanity and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, those which in the past decades have been subject to an excessive manipulation which led to the deterioration of the spirit of the Kingdoms.
For this I come as the Mother of Help, looking for the hearts that may repent soon and may not waste time on material things. Many of My children in the world live for themselves and do not live for God and in their lives they face, as a result, loneliness, abandonment and lack of love and inner faith.
But I come from Heaven everyday to teach you for the last time the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father. That is why My final work will be supported by My disciples and children consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart. It will be in this way that your Heavenly Mother will make the last attempt to remove from the hell on Earth those who submerge themselves day by day in the sea of despair and sin.
Those who live in prayer will be safe, and their homes will be like the arch of Noah, thus your homes will be living temples in the middle of the tribulation that the souls live, far from God and from His Eternal Love.
I receive all of you in My Heart because I love you. My work will end when the majority has found the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who leads you to the consciousness of the spiritual awakening,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens be opened and the sublime and celestial spheres descent in Glory to the kingdom of this world to transform and awaken all of the creatures of this blessed Earth.
My beloveds, may you all rejoice and be glad because I am descending in an extraordinary way to the world in order to pour, once again, a river of Graces upon humanity.
While the world sleeps, may those who are awake love sacrifice and the absolute surrender.
While the world let extinguish its own inner flame and faith fades from the consciousness of humanity, may those who are by My side be unshakable, and may not be any doubts from others that may take away from them the faith that I placed in their hearts.
While anguish and fear take over the hearts of those who do not fulfill the designs of the Creator, may My soldiers rejoice and, even in face of the great planetary tribulation, may they be strong, firm and confident in the fulfillment of the Celestial Plans.
While the world fears the collapse of a material system, may the disciples of Christ only wait entrusted to His return and observe each event as the true sign that this return is approaching.
While the world worries about the time that passes and the death that comes, may those who accompany Me open their consciousnesses in order to transcend the times and to enter into the infinite time, in which there is only eternity, the unity with God and with all of His creation.
My beloveds, I come to invite you today to transcend the laws of this world and all of its tendencies. I invite you to withdraw the heart from the earthly and material loves, that embrace only what this world offers you, so that in this way you may get to know a sublime love, that knows all in depth, that lives and loves to fulfill the Plans of God and to manifest His Creation, such as He thought in His Most Sacred Spirit.
My dear ones, these are times to leave the common living and fight with the heart in order to persevere in a path that, in a short time and in an absolute way, will go against all the tendencies and the energies of this world.
You must be strengthened by the power of the word of the Divine Messengers and never let yourselves be shaken by the internal processes that others will live or by the purification of the planet itself.
Open the eyes to a reality that the majority of humanity is not able to see, and know that behind all the tests of this world there is a Great Purpose that tries to strengthen you and confirm your spirits in the adhesion to the Most Sacred Spirit of God Almighty.
May the faith in your hearts never dissipate itself. May the hope in the return of My Son only strengthen and grow as an imperishable truth within His disciples and apostles.
Many will only believe in His return by seeing Him cross the Sky and put His Feet on the ground of this Earth, such as it was in His resurrection. However, blessed will be those who know that He lives, such as they knew that He was the Messiah, and know that He will return, such as they knew that He would defeat death. These are the ones who will perpetuate His Presence in the world.
Raise today to the Heavens the endless gratitude of your spirits, for being directly guided by God and by those who are the echo of His Voice and the spiritual manifestation of His Will for the entire Universe.
My beloved children, I leave you my blessing and My most precious Graces so that, with love and bravery, you may transit through the tests that will come.
May My beloved daughter that today renew herself in My Heart, be strengthened by the power of My Love.
Unite and love each other always. Live the principles of the Kingdom of God.
I love you and I hope to find you with faith and inner peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May My Peace be established in the world, and may this Peace reign in the hearts of all humankind and in the essences of all Kingdoms of Nature.
My children, I invite you to a deep process of inner peace to thus defeat all adversities of these times. Only Peace held within creatures will allow them to live the times of great tribulation in the world.
Know, My beloveds, that you must learn to overcome your own inner conflicts through peace; to learn to let the reign of My Peace be greater than any tribulation that the purifications and assaults of these times may cause you.
I want you to know that the plans contrary to the Plans of God will always seek to destabilize My soldiers and defeat them through tension, conflict and the weariness of their hearts.
This is a time in which learning stages will still take place, in which you may fall and stand back up again and again. Therefore, do not tire of overcoming your own tribulations to establish peace within yourselves, thus allowing it to reach the hearts of other beings of this world; because in the time that is to come, this peace must already be established within each one of you so that in this way you may experience a greater trial, which is to establish My Peace in the moments of planetary chaos.
My beloveds, do not allow confrontations to draw you out of My refuge of Peace, because the absolute power of My Love and the compelling force of My Holy Peace are greater than any confrontation that you may experience in this world.
As Rose of Peace and as Mother of Jesus, I want to teach you to be peacemakers in the face of any situation in your lives.
Remember, My children, the example that I set for you when I saw My Son being flagellated and crucified, for even knowing that assaulting the Son of God was the greatest injustice that was being committed in this universe, My Heart never lost Its peace, for It never lost Its trust in the Creator of all things who called us by name to fulfill His Plan, and who will always guarantee that each event in our lives will bring us the exact learning experience that we must have.
For these times and for the times that will come, remember that My Peace must reign within each one of My children and that, through them, this Peace must be expanded throughout the world.
Today you are under My Mantle. I will protect you and will welcome you always; I will safeguard you from evil and will heal your spirits and your hearts when you are weary of this battle in order to establish the Reign of the Lord throughout the world.
My beloveds, do not give up, but rather proceed with confidence. Understand the Calvary, which many are experiencing, as the only path for the re-establishment of Mercy among beings. But for this, you must travel this path without losing sight of the Will of God and of His great Plan of Love, which must be reflected in your essences as pure love.
I love you and I bless you.
I give you My Peace; take it to the whole world.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Queen of Peace and of the world
For the sake of the Source of My Grace, you shall be washed during the culminating time of your difficult purification.
For the sake of the Light that flows out from My Grace, you will be healed during the greater cycle of your liberation.
For the sake of the Love that is born from My Immaculate Heart, you will be consecrated during the definite moment of your interior congregation.
Children, My rays demonstrate to the world its lack of gratitude and respect towards the Creator of all things. Thus, to those who have encouraged themselves to face the interior Armageddon, I say: only find encouragement in the Sacred Spirit of the Divine Messengers of God.
Children of Mine, the time of your captivity will end, no longer feel in yourselves any tie that may link you to the past, but celebrate with joy the great day of your redemption. Do not fear to meet all that has made you get lost and distracted from the sacred path offered to you by My Beloved Son.
My adversary may laugh at you and at your falls, but My Invincible Heart shall raise you and take you to the Ocean of the Mercy of the Redeemer where you will find the possibility to remedy your own evils and sins.
Remember, dear children, that you are at the beginning of the planetary tribulation and that everything which is occult to the eyes of your fellow humans will have the time for its purification.
Bend your heads towards the ground. The God of Mercy will liberate you from all perdition. Your Eternal Father wishes to find you replenished for the Christian life that you have chosen to follow, so with your efforts and works dedicated to the Lord you will prepare the path through which My Son will come to establish the final peace.
Do not permit yourselves to be frightened, you already knew that the time of surrender would come as an offer to all, but actually, many children thought that they would be removed from their own captivity in another way.
From Heaven I extend you My hands so that you may unite to Your Celestial Mother, to Your Mother of the Divine Piety. I expect all the time to be able to guide you and help you to remove the old impurities that do not let the true soul, renovated in the Lord and in His Holy Spirit, be born.
Free from bitterness and resentments, live the time of your purification with gratitude and faith, without ceasing to understand that you are getting free from your own prisons of the past.
Aún necesito, hijos, que sostengan la bandera de la Paz que Yo les he entregado, pues el Plan deberá cumplirse por encima de vuestras debilidades y pruebas. Quien aspire a ser una consciencia diferente delo que hoy es, pídalo al universo, la voz de vuestras súplicas será escuchada por los Mensajeros de Dios.
I still need, children, that you raise the flag of Peace, which I have handed you because the Plan must be accomplished above your weaknesses and tests. Whoever aspires to be a consciousness different from what they are today, ask for it to the universe, the voice of your supplications will be heard by the Messengers of God.
Do not waste time in your small matters, day by day My adversary makes the souls get lost from their true spiritual path, this is something planetary now.
Follow My steps without looking backwards!
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you in the Mercy of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Enter into My Peace to discover the truths of Heaven and to know the most ancient mysteries of the heart.
Enter into My Peace, so that your heart may become quiet and find a secure path to follow towards My Son.
Enter into My Peace, so that your consciousness may understand My Presence and your heart recognize My Spirit.
Enter into My Peace, so that your souls may draw near, and your spirits may live united to your heart, helping you to consolidate the steps of consciousness.
Enter into My Peace, because only within it you will know God and His Celestial Kingdom.
Enter into My Peace, because within it you will be free from all tribulations of the world, and your heart will not get involved with what lives outside My Heart.
Enter into My Peace to be under My Mantle and, from there, to be the intercessor of the souls most in need.
Enter into My Peace to know silence. Enter into silence to know My Peace.
Enter into My Peace, the one that My Presence deposits in the hearts and radiates throughout the world.
To be in My Peace, you must be in My Presence and, to attract My Presence, you must be in perpetual prayer.
Be in My Peace by living in prayer. Radiate My Peace by living in prayer. Be My Peace by being the prayer.
My children, to be in peace is a great need in the world, because peace has died in the hearts of human beings and I count on the fingers of My hands those of My Children who today can experience eternal peace, because they experience eternal prayer.
Therefore, pray, pray a lot. Dissolve in prayer the afflictions of your Heart and the afflictions of the world. Remove from your heart the pain through the joy of living in God and fulfilling His Divine Will.
Place at my feet, day by day, that which hinders you from experiencing peace, and through prayer, strengthen this peace in the world and radiate peace to the consciousnesses.
No longer raise conflicts, criticisms, judgments; do not unite with your neighbor to feed evil, to judge, to destroy, to attract discord among the hearts.
Cut the evil impulses that live in the human cells, do not feed the mundane forces that live in the hearts, but rather, as Marian Soldiers, experience the first battle, which is within yourselves, to remove evil and implant peace.
Pray, My dear ones, pray a lot, because the world needs it.
Do not allow yourselves to emit a word that does not build Light, and if the will to do so is greater than the power of peace in your hearts, be silent, be silent and enter into prayer.
It is time to create with consciousness, it is time to experience love among creatures. I invite you to dissolve in My Heart all that you have been until this moment, to experience My universal Purpose of Peace.
As in Fatima, I awaken the hearts of the world so that they may be reborn in My Eternal Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
As the Lady Aparecida I give you My Peace and My Blessing from the Merciful Heart of My Resurrected Son.
Today I call you, dear children, to live the flame of redemption through this day of prayer and peace that is necessary for these times in order to live a true conversion. Today also, My little children, I thank you for having responded to My call, because God Omnipotent, by means of the presence of My Immaculate Heart, sends you the plenitude of Forgiveness and Grace for reencountering the path through the call of the Faithful Servant of God.
I want to tell you, My children, that the Lord Christ, through the response of all, is pouring His Infinite and Divine Mercy over some nations that need absolute forgiveness. Through the “yes” of all My dear children and through the intercession of My Immaculate Heart, I have received the faithful permission before God so that millions of lost souls, throughout this final time, may be touched by the Light of My Maternal Heart.
Dear children, because of the response of this part of humanity, My Plans of Peace are descending upon the world. This means, My children, that the sincere prayer of all of you and of all the faithful to My Immaculate Heart has allowed, once more, the victory of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph of the Plan of God in this cycle of tribulation.
Because of all this, dearest children, I call you to visit time and again and according to the possibilities of each heart, this Sanctuary of Aparecida, dedicated to the humble honor of My Immaculate Heart.
Come to Me through the Sanctuary of Aparecida, because on this path you will be collaborating in the salvation of those who are most lost and far from God.
Unite to the consoling principle of My Heart so that in renovated faith of all My children, hearts may arrive towards the Kingdom of the Father, which is equal and humble for all, where the Love of My Son reigns.
Carry in your lives the strength of My Heart and may this attribute give you the opportunity to live the eternal state of forgiveness.
Thank you, little children, for responding to My call.
I thank your hearts, in the Peace of My Heart.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity,
the Blessed Aparecida of Brazil
Dear children,
In My arms you will find the refuge that your lives seek so much. I bring you My Peace so that you may live it and imitate it with the heart.
My children, today I invite you to the opening of the heart, a heart that must give itself and surrender itself with confidence to the Creator. Thus, dear children, your lives will travel the pathways that God proposes to each one of the souls: the pathway of love, the pathway of peace and the pathway of reconciliation. In this way, My children, you will be able to find My Son, present in each one of your lives.
Dear children, raise your lives and your hearts to Heaven so that through the holy prayer, the Heart of My Son may be able to call all of those who have distanced themselves from Him.
My little ones, it is the time of conversion, therefore everything will happen according to the Will of God, which you must love and revere.
Dear children, recognize the Purpose of the Celestial Father in your lives, which will be revealed to you when you contemplate with Me in prayer. Many of My children need to reencounter the path because they have distanced themselves from My Son. This is why your prayer will contribute so that, in this time of tribulation, many of My children may be able to be rescued, as you were rescued through the power of prayer.
Cultivate a healthy joy in your lives because the world without joy will not be able to reach peace. Trust the Merciful Love of My Glorified Son.
May this Easter renew your hearts. Be with My Son, the Redeeming High Priest.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more