Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-fourth Poem
Beloved Lady of Lourdes,
let us internally come to know
the unfathomable Mysteries of Light.
May we be able to renew
the Sacrament of Baptism within us
so that we may always be blessed,
just as Your beloved Son Jesus was blessed.
May we be able to convert our lives,
just as Christ converted the water into wine
during the Wedding at Cana.
At this time, may we be able to receive
the Good News with gratitude,
just as Christ announced and proclaimed
the Kingdom of the Heavens within the human heart.
May we be transfigured
and may our true beings be revealed
so that we may come out of illusion and appearances,
just as Jesus was transfigured
and showed the Power of His whole Being.
May we be deserving of the Grace
to always spiritually commune
with the merits of Christ,
just as Our Lord communed
with His companions, at that time,
and testified to the immensity
of God’s Work of Mercy.
In this way, most sweet and loving Mother,
with Your help, we will be able to live the Mysteries of Light
and finally be apostles of Christ,
praying servants of Your Immaculate Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
These are times of spiritual needs, but also of material ones.
These are times when only the opening of the heart and willingness will allow for bringing healing and redemption for souls.
Therefore, this is the time for embracing the needs of those who suffer, as well as welcoming those who have never been loved.
This is the time to express what each heart holds, to awaken good, peace and solidarity.
In this sense, I wish to tell you that just as the seasons change, the needs of the souls also change.
For this reason, through the pilgrimages, I take you and place you before meeting all needs, mainly those that require greater love and forgiveness.
This is why the experience with the Sacraments during these last years have represented the possibility that all could learn to avail themselves of the Christic Love, in order to know how to share it and give it, in the same way that I give you My Heart as a safe refuge.
Thus, I wish to tell you that only during the pilgrimages, beginning with the next meeting of prayer for the Amazon, pilgrims shall be welcomed and, according to their needs, they may approach one of the Sacraments in order to receive it.
For this, as from the next month, the 4th shall be eliminated and on the 5th and 6th, during the process of the Marathon during the morning, Sacraments shall be offered to those who need them.
In this way, two or three confessionals, two spaces for the Sacrament of Baptism as well as for Foot-Washing, and one space for the Sacrament of Anointing and the Anointing of the sick shall be placed.
Thus, while the exercise of the Marathon is taking place, the spiritual needs of souls will be served, and at the same time souls will receive the Graces they need.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I rejoice to see the hearts that open up to receive the sacraments. I rejoice to see the Spirit of God descending upon the world and permeating the souls and hearts of beings, awakening the Sacredness that exists within them, revealing their inner universe and their perfect resemblance with the Heavenly Father.
I rejoice to see that the Creator may manifest His Presence among His children, pouring out His Forgiveness and His Grace upon the hearts that become transparent before Him.
I rejoice to see the spiritual growth of those who were called by Christ to share His blessings and His atonement with the world.
When a Priest forgives the sins of a distressed soul, his own sins are also forgiven; when he washes the feet of a soul, thirsty for new steps leading to the Lord, his own feet are also washed; when they baptize in the name of the Spirit of God, revealing to souls their affiliation to the Almighty, their own souls are also baptized by the Fire of the Holy Spirit; when they anoint with the power of Christ in order to heal the deepest diseases of souls, their own souls and the entire human consciousness also receives the healing for that which is degenerated.
The Sacraments granted and received with love are Graces that permeate all life; they are a service to the whole Creation because, every time you receive the sacraments, you become closer to God and lead the entire humanity to return to His Heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Never forget My Mercy, for you will always need it.
Each time you exercise and practice My Mercy, a miracle of love is generated in your soul and in the soul of the planet.
For through the Chaplet you invoke Mercy due to the merits gained during My sorrowful Passion, and the Father, Who is infinitely merciful, receives this request and, instead of applying His Holy Justice to you or the world, grants His merciful Compassion to all sinners of the world.
Remember that each time you invoke the merits of My Passion, by means of the power of the Rosary of Mercy, you will be opening the Wound on My Side, and from Me will pour out the Light of the Blood and the Water of Christ, over all that has been spiritually corrupted and destroyed.
Happy will be those who always invoke My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because each time it is necessary, I will submerge and baptize them in the Ocean of My Mercy and I will grant them all the most immense Love of My Heart.
I thank all who present themselves as apostles of My Divine Mercy, because their sufferings will be My sufferings, their sorrows and anguishes will be My sorrows and anguishes, and through the power of My Love, I will free them.
Happy will be those who always trust in My Mercy, for I will not abandon them at the time of their death, but rather will be at their side like the Angel of Resurrection.
I thank you for invoking the Mercy of My Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
At last I have come to the place where I have been waiting for so long.
Carry on your breast the sign of My Return, because this sign will come from the Universe and nobody will be able to say they will not see it.
I will come for the just and for those who have been unjust, and from there I will reconfigure the Earth, I will repopulate the planet with new gifts, with something that has still not descended from the Universe and will come when I return to the world for the second time.
But so you may see Me again in Glory, first you must feel Me in your divinity.
I must build the new in you, I must sow the new in you, so that in this way, you will be prepared to receive Me for the second time.
Today I am here with the joy of the Spirit of God because of the receptivity of your souls and hearts, because even though you do not understand My Mystery, many of you have adhered to it and that is what makes it possible to expand the Work of My Mercy in the world.
While I speak to you, I purify you. While you feel, I consecrate you and elevate your spirits to the Kingdom of God so I can withdraw you from the superficiality of these times and enter you fully into the Kingdom of My Heart.
Everything you have done today, companions, has been of use so that I may be here among you, accompanying you.
Remember what I told you the last time when I was in Mendoza: that Argentina would live a great test of faith. This test is already happening, but I invite you to not ally with the test itself, but rather with its teaching, so that you may grow inwardly and demonstrate to the Celestial Father that you are understanding the definitive times, beyond the events and the experiences.
I need you to cultivate within yourselves the perfect balm of My Love, which will lead you to Divine Mercy and Peace, so that you may be free of any agitation and agony, and learn to go through the times in this final transition.
In this way, you will be true instruments of the Spiritual Hierarchy, present on Earth; thus you will be able to help your brothers and sisters on the path and all those unknown to you, so that they too may learn to live this final transition.
That is why you must remember your commitment to Me. Although you may have believed you never made it, your souls brought you here today to remind you of that commitment to My Eternal Heart; to fulfill at this time, what is written in the Heart of the Father, within the Universe of His Divine Will.
While My Grace descends to Earth, your spirits are uplifted to the Kingdom of God so that they may awaken in you the sacred talents that I brought you more than two thousand years ago; talents that I will need in these times to carry My Work to the four corners of the Earth.
May your spirits be able to feel the joy of this sacred reunion, of being able to participate in the Cenacle of My Love, in Communion with My Spirit and with My Essence; an Essence that dissolves errors and blame, fears and failures; an Essence that dissolves doubts and misunderstandings.
Feel part of a new spiritual family, the one that lives in the celestial Universe, because even though you are still on Earth, you can be part of it in the communion of your souls with the Spirit of God, where the Sacred Unity is built.
Argentina must be repopulated with brave armies of the Light, unconditional collaborators in the Plan of evolution, who are encouraged to awaken the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within themselves, so that all of their consciousness is present in these times and participates together with the commands of the spiritual Hierarchy in this rescue plan of the end of times, that operates silently, working in an invisible way in the very depths of the inner worlds of beings.
May your consciousnesses on this afternoon continue to be uplifted.
Raise the Consciousness of Argentina so that the spiritual plane is purified, not only in this city, but also in your whole country, in all of your brothers and sisters, who are also worthy of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because they suffer just like you suffer, because they wait, as do you, for hope.
In this communion, where your spirits are uplifted in plane and consciousness, may a great circle of fraternity that unites the origins and times be created, the essences and the souls with the great sidereal Government, which has given impulse to the manifestation on this material plane and in life throughout time.
May the love for life be constituted again in the spirit of Argentina, so that those who will be born in the coming times may have a place of rest and of love, of gladness and of hope, just as you have had.
This will allow the suffering in Argentina to be alleviated, the social crisis and the uncertainties in hearts.
The new Mercy brings new hope.
The sheep of God are called to follow the Great Shepherd of the end of times, who in His second coming to the world will, reveal His real Countenance, as it was revealed in the height of Mount Tabor, to some of My apostles.
The time of the greatest tribulation will pass, but you must persist, live in faith and practice hope, so that all may be transcended and the most difficult spaces of the planet may be filled by the Christic Light.
I also come for those who most need Me, for those that have this as their only and last opportunity.
Perhaps you will not understand what I say to you with this, but have trust in My Merciful Heart, because the door of My Divine Mercy is still open for those who have condemned themselves in spirit and in soul.
I do not come to seek from you what is imperfect. I come to awaken in you the virtues of God, so that your higher beings may fulfill their mission on Earth and learn to purify and to transform themselves day by day, knowing that the sublimation and the elevation of the consciousness is an tireless work of the true apostle of Christ.
If your lives are converted through My Love, if Argentina accepts My Call, more places of the world will transform, many catastrophes will be avoided, and it will not be necessary for souls to learn through suffering.
My Mercy is inexhaustible and unquenchable.
Sometimes I do not know where to place so much Mercy of My Heart in souls, because the majority does not cry out for it, nor live it.
Today I can pour out My Divine Mercy, because you have cried out for it, and this will have a repercussion in your lives until the next world. Thus the Divine Will will be manifested, and you will participate in eternity after this experience on Earth.
It is your spirits that should fly to the heights while you transform your matter, purify your mind, and uplift your feelings.
Continue onward, trusting in the tributary of My Mercy, and do not tire of calling for Me; because as much as I am not with you in the coming time, My Omnipresence is accomplished where souls call for the Lord.
The Consciousness of the Son of God rose up to the Heavens to continue in His Mission and Task, to summon all those who are self-summoned for the end of times, to carry on with the Work of the Return of Christ and the descent of His Divine and Infinite Mercy.
Believe that on the invisible planes many things happen. It is there where you must focus your attention.
You must learn to perceive, you must learn to intuit what is on the higher planes of consciousness and all the celestial treasures, which can descend not only in your lives, but also on to the planet.
Thus, do not fear to embrace your cross and follow Me, because I can bring relief for your cross, I can dissolve your suffering, transmute your agony when your hearts are sincere with Mine and truly open to My Divine Laws, so that on the surface of this planet the Divine Will may be fulfilled.
Now I invite you, companions of Argentina, and placing your hand on your chest, to feel and find in yourselves the Kingdom of God, beyond what you have lived and what you have felt, what you have suffered or experienced.
Trust in the Kingdom of God that is within you and make it a part of your lives in each moment, so that this inner Kingdom which is in the depths of your essences, may be radiated to the whole world, and especially to your country, deserving of an extraordinary Grace.
Feel this Light that can emerge from within you and feel the Love of God and His Trust.
Strengthen this moment as the one moment of your lives.
Avail yourselves of the Spirit of God that descends through the Voice of His Son to strengthen hearts, to unite souls to the powerful Kingdom of God.
While the doors of Heaven continue to open over Argentina, your spirits are filled by cosmic Laws.
Feel the descent of the Divine Light and the blessing of the Sacred Spirit of God, so like your Baptism and your First Communion.
Kneeling before the Thrones of the Father, let us cry out for Pity, Mercy, and Redemption, so that more souls may be carried to Heaven; so that more spirits live the joy of remaining in the Kingdom of God and in His Glory, forever and ever.
And now that you know what in truth is within yourselves and is eternal, remember your origin, the Source from which you come, the Source from which you emerged to live this school of love and of forgiveness on Earth.
And even though you have the veils over your consciousness, today I remove them, so that you may remember and be nurtured by the Sacred Knowledge of the Stars; a divine impulse that in the name of Light comes to rebuild the planetary consciousness and to heal spirits wounded by the errors of the past.
And now that My Celestial Church has been presented on Earth, the true Church of God that only lives in the Celestial Universe before the Doors of Heaven, may your essences surrender and give of themselves in such an unconditional way, just as I gave myself and I surrendered for you on the Cross, suffering Wound after Wound, drop of Blood by drop of Blood, so that the Love of God could triumph.
In this Love I invite you to immerse yourselves. In this Infinite Ocean I invite you to remain and to live, because it will be this Eternal Love that comes from the Source of Creation that will help you to continue forward, in spite of what may happen or what you may live.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Beginning this ceremony of consecration before the Celestial Church of Christ and of the doors of Heaven, let us intone the names of God, so that Heaven may descend to Earth through the Love of Our Master.
We may stand up.
Each one of us at this moment, at the request of Christ, in the silence of your heart, will make your offering to God, not only for yourselves, but for Argentina, and will place at the Feet of Christ your petition so that it may be contemplated and heard by the Eternal Father.
May the elements that the Father created for this material Universe be blessed, and sublimate the energies so that the Purpose may be realized.
They sing the Names of God.
Two thousand years ago I taught something very simple: it was to wash the feet one for another, so that you would not only be purified of your suffering and pain, but so that humility would incarnate in souls, so you would be able to recognize the Sacred Countenance of God.
May those who today will wash their feet and also purify their souls be able to recognize in themselves the Merciful Countenance of God, which appeases all justice. Amen.
In the river Jordan, My Cousin John blessed you with water, but I bless you with the Spirit of God, so that your consciousnesses may be consecrated and uplifted in constant sacrifice and reparation.
May these elements be impregnated with the Light of Love, so that the soul may be sanctified, find peace again, and the relief it so much seeks. So may it be.
Christ calls up an auxiliary sister.
I have waited for this moment so that you may receive My Blessing, because for God everything has its timing.
Whoever trusts and persists, recognizes the Will of God, is part of His Divine Grace.
Today My Spirit blesses you together with the angels of Heaven because of your unconditional service to humanity.
More than two thousand years ago, I taught you to share the bread so that you could have eternal life. I taught you to share My Blood so that you could learn to purify your lives.
Today the Lord of the Universe makes this offering for Argentina, so that its purpose may be established again and find at the end of times the joy of living in the sublime Spirit of God.
At that time, I took the bread, gave thanks to God and He blessed it. Then I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them: Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for you for the forgiveness of sins.
I took the Chalice of Salvation and in that time I said to them: Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood and the New Covenant, which will be spilled for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Always celebrate this in Remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.
May the Body and the Blood of Christ be a reason for reparation and the healing in souls, joy and hope for the coming times.
We take each other's hands.
Our Father...
Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Let us repeat:
Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Also in that time, I taught you to love through a very simple but profound gesture for the life of Spirit.
Today in My Ascension to Heaven I ask you to fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Do not fear.
I am the Queen of Peace, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, Mother of all peoples, Virgin of all cultures, Mother of all languages and Queen of Love.
I come to the world as Mother of the Universe, to remove from your hearts all that distances you from love, all that keeps you apart from God, all that is not part of His Divine Plan.
This is why I have come to Vienna to conclude the mission that My Son has started, to end the suffering of human beings, especially those sufferings that have marked the history of humanity and that nobody, nobody has been able to erase.
This is why I come from Heaven to announce that I Am your Mother who loves Her Children, a Mother who understands humanity and its mistakes, a Mother who has come to the world many times to warn humanity, to correct humanity, to guide them on the path of love.
You have time, My children, to live all that I promise you and bring you, of transforming your lives according to My designs, of forming part of My celestial commands and of making this planet a planet of redemption together with all the Kingdoms of Nature.
Remember then, My children, the unconditional service of your Guardian Angel who is there, present close to you, to take you by the hand towards the Design of God, to remove you from the path of constant suffering and agony that many souls live on many degrees of the consciousness.
Therefore I come through My Grace to grant you the Grace of God, the one you will need to awaken the consciousness, the one you will need to live in life the Principles of God according to His Will.
I want you to open your consciousnesses to the Universe and to all that exists beyond this planet and this humanity.
I invite you, My children, to look up to the Highest, to find in the infinite your history and your origin, to reencounter your path according to the Will of God and to make this a sacred path so that in you and in time you may awaken the virtues of Divinity and these may be part of the project of redemption of humanity.
I come to open the eyes of your superior consciousnesses, searching in all of this path for unity, the one that will lead you to wisdom, in the joy of serving God and above all, in the path of faith.
Austria, like all of Eastern Europe, still needs to heal its most profound wounds of war.
I come to grant you and your last generations My maternal Grace in order to remove the pain from your hearts, the hatred or resentment for having felt apparently abandoned by God.
But God was, in that moment, contemplating His children and sent Me to the world in those times, to announce My Message in Fatima, in order to rescue many souls, many families who escaped from suffering and the horrors of those times.
I do not want, children, to remind you of the past, but to submerge you, through My Heart, in the eternal present, where you will find the Design of God for each one of your lives and consciousnesses.
I come to encourage you to renew the times and to transform theses times into great moments of forgiveness and redemption.
I invite you to continue living the School of Prayer because with prayer in your lives and especially in your hearts, you will be able to perceive, My children, which is the new path that you will have to go through at this time.
Therefore, I am here today, with all the angels of the Universe, those you sing Glory to God, to offer you the consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
In this way, My children, in this very simple consecration, but true, that your lives can offer Me at this moment, you will be able to not only help your families who also need the forgiveness and the Love of God, but also help all of Austria and beyond it, radiating, through your consecration, the renewal of time and humanity that forms part of Eastern Europe.
At this moment, before the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a new step is granted to your consciousnesses, which want to be led through the path of awakening so that some day, under the aspiration of My Heart, you may feel motivated to serve the world and its humanity expanding, together with your Heavenly Mother, this network of Light, prayer and forgiveness.
Europe still needs much mercy for all it owes to Africa and to America.
I invite you to convert the mistakes of all times into love, in this way you will be sincere hearts, that listen to the Call of God and dare to take a step in the name of Love.
Therefore, I bring you Peace, so that Peace may be conceived in your lives and may triumph in humanity.
We have come now to the moment of your consecration.
May the music of the Children of Mary sound so that I can bless those who will consecrate today.
And today I call Austria to renewal and hope so that, in this place, forgiveness and love may be reached in the hearts that need them the most.
Now, children, that you are at My Feet and that you will know My mysteries, make a sincere petition to Me in the silence of your hearts, so that I may be able to take it to God and it may be fulfilled according to the Divine Will.
May this petition not only be something for your lives, which today are renewed in the Holy Spirit, but also a petition for humanity, that cries out for love and relief of suffering. So be it.
I bless this water in the name of My Son, for you to be baptized and blessed by the fire of the Holy Spirit of the Mother of God and for the talents of your hearts to awaken in honor of the Triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.
I thank you for responding to My call.
May Peace and Goodness descend upon Austria and all the souls who are congregated here.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Within the Mysteries of Light, souls find the inner strength they need in order to learn how to overcome this time within themselves.
But what does the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan mean to you? And the first miracle granted at the wedding in Cana?
What does the proclaiming of the Good News through the announcement of the Gospel mean to you? And the luminous Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor?
What does the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles mean to you?
In all events we not only see the Light of Christ acting, working and transforming all things, but we also see the Light of God manifested by means of His beloved Son.
The Mysteries of Light are the revelation of the Divine Source by means of the public life of Christ. In such deeds we see the Divine Knowledge act through the Sacred Word.
The Word again demonstrates to earthly humankind that It is the beginning, for in the beginning was the Word, and from the Word, life arose.
By means of the Mysteries of Light, we shall find the Light of knowledge that will lead us into making our whole being sacred, as well as our whole existence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Baptize yourself, once and again, in the Lake of My Mercy, so the impurities of the soul may be purified, and the gift of the purity of Spirit may be reborn.
How many times do you need to submerge yourself in the Ocean of My Mercy, so the Divine Piety may rejoice in your being and encourage it to go forward?
Let My infinite Water of Mercy reconsecrate all of your being and lead you to love the mysteries of the Universe more and to understand better the designs of Heaven.
Allow My Mercy to generate in you the effect that it needs.
Surrender to it and be peaceful so that day and night your soul can count on this powerful spring that will renew your being and bring the necessary graces to be able to carry forward the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My dear children,
Today I take you all to the very important and luminous moment of the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, an event that, through the Savior, led the whole world, during that time, to regain the spiritual dignity and the merit the Love of the Creator.
The Baptism of Jesus instituted the divine and spiritual purpose of that sacred Sacrament so that souls, through the Sacrament of Baptism, would recover the inner dignity of being children of God.
Fort this reason, the sacred Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan not only signified the initiation of the Divine Son in His public task, from this moment on and for the next three years, but it also opened the doors so that the Holy Spirit could work in the world until after His Ascension.
The power of the Sacrament of Baptism and the profound humility of the Divine Son represented, at that time, the possibility of reintegrating the human consciousness into the universal Laws through experiencing the Commandments given to Moses, but with the fundamental key Christ revealed during His public life: “You shall love God above all things, as well as love your neighbor as yourself.”
At that planetary moment, this closed the cycle of acute perdition in which the whole planet through ignorance. found itself
The Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan also represented the reintegration of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which humanity once lived in the beginning, through Adam and Eve.
The Sacrament of Baptism, instituted through the Baptism of Jesus, brought to the world the opportunity of learning every day to love the life of the spirit and to not be separate from it in spite of what may happen.
Christ represents the Sacrament of Renewal through the Sacrament of Baptism. He is the beginning of our spiritual path and, at the same time, He is the end of our trajectory on this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Celestial Commander
Here is the Celestial Commander, who carries stamped on Her Maternal Heart the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who commands armies of angels and souls in this Universe to be able to establish long periods of Peace.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who together with Her Beloved Son carries forward the Rescue Plan, the one Who builds the bridges of light and the fraternal bonds of love through the prayers of all Her children.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who silently works in this Universe, the one Who ignites the Mirrors of hearts so that souls feel the ardor of the Love of Christ.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who seeks the good in Her children, the one Who promotes the redeeming prayer, the Mother Who will always bring you closer to God.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who descends from the Kingdom of the Heavens to grant hearts a Grace, the one Who accompanies, helps, and understands Her fellow beings.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries with Her the Sword of Light of the Archangels of Heaven, in order to expel the invading spirits, to separate souls from the path of perdition.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries between Her Hands the Shield of the Archangel Michael, to be able to defend Her children during the battles, the one Who protects and supports the innocent souls.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who intercedes for the impossible causes, the one Who defends the souls during their judgement, the one Who grants hearts moments of Peace.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who raises the consciousnesses towards what is true, the one Who prevents destruction in this world, Who guides and accompanies the inner awakening of souls.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who brings from the Universe the Gifts of God, to pour them upon the world as infinite Graces, the Mother Who presents the offerings of Her children to God.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who interrelates the Universes so that the Rays may transfigure the planet from time to time, the Commander Who, transmutes from cycle to cycle, the chaos of humanity.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who gestates in Her Most Pure Womb the emergence of a new humanity, the one Who will show the world the door through which Christ will return.
Here is the tireless Celestial Commander, the one Who baptizes Her children with the Holy Spirit, the Mother who grants the inner reconciliation.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who today descends in Glory upon this Marian Center, to be able to open the eyes of Her children and show them the true path of the spirit, the path of perpetual prayer.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the Patroness of Brazil, the Lady Aparecida, the Kind Mother Who protects the spirit of the nations.
That today, on the day of Her celestial celebration, the souls receive from the Lady Aparecida sufficient strength of love to be able to live the changes that will come.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who prepares the souls for the return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The House of the Child King
Dear children,
It is with joy, bliss and rejoicing that your Celestial Mother arrives today at the Marian Center of the Child King to consecrate the House of Prayer that will be especially dedicated in honor, healing and reparation of all the children of the world.
It is for this reason that this Marian Center was consecrated to the Child Jesus since the beginning, so that all the children who arrive here may enter into communion with the Heights and thus heal their deepest wounds.
I still feel that this Marian Center, which today conceives in its main core the new House of Prayer, represents for the universe an Island of Salvation and a new Ark of the Divine Covenant between souls and God.
The House of Prayer of the Child King can undertake the task for which it was created at this time; a task that will be to pray and to offer to God each encounter, just as each monthly liturgy of the Marian Center, for the salvation of the little and most helpless ones throughout the world.
I will use each liturgy of this new House of Prayer to prevent the exploitation, the trafficking and the selling of the little ones so that, through it, I can save their essences, which are now lost, as well as rescue, with My own hands, all the children and youth who are being taken along the same path.
The manifestation of this new House of Prayer, at the Marian Center of the Child King, will try to justify before the Eternal Father the faults, outrages and omissions that a great part of the adult humanity commits against the little ones of the world.
That is why today I come to ask that this Marian Center and, especially the new House of Prayer, dedicates a special liturgy daily for the salvation, protection and repair of the children of the world, as well as a monthly meeting at the same Marian Center, where the little ones can, through prayer, art and music, offer to God their little hearts as a reparation for the great imbalance caused in this world.
If these requests are fulfilled, as the recent manifestation of the House of Prayer was, I promise, as the Mother of all, to remove from the hands of the adversary and their oppressors on Earth all the children who are victims of exploitation and abuse. I promise to disarm and expose everything that is hidden and unfair regarding this. I promise to take care and help, one by one, the souls of the most helpless children.
I have been waiting for so long for this new House of Prayer, that in the meeting that we will have in these next days, your Mother and Queen of the children of the world will arrive accompanied by the Child King so that He, in His infinite Glory, blesses you, and may this mission, which from today on you will undertake, be always filled with many Graces.
But, if in this House of Prayer you bring Me the children most in need of help and if they are baptized at the feet of the holy image of Mary, I promise to withdraw them from the profound and unfair pain that affects them. I also promise, in the name of the Child King, to return the joy of living and the spiritual feeling of their lives.
It is the mission of all collaborators and volunteers of the state of Rio de Janeiro to take on this task that I entrust you with today for the salvation and the rescue of the children of the world.
Lastly, I wish for, inside the House of Prayer, a mural with faces of the children of the world, of all peoples and all races, so that whoever enters this House may feel called to pray for the little ones.
May your hearts rejoice on this day because the Mother of God will be among you offering each prayer, each song and each gesture of love to God for the salvation of the children.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feast of Saint John the Baptist
Dear children,
May humanity renew on this day its spiritual baptism, and not its habits.
On the Feast of Saint John, may souls remember the message of this holy man, cousin of Jesus.
May all return to the Kingdom of God, which is much forgotten.
May the majority of souls unite again with God and not with all that is lived and fostered on the surface of this world.
On this festive day of Saint John, may the consciousnesses of this planet celebrate the Sacrament that Saint John brought to the world: the possibility of being renewed by the Father, by the Son, and by the Holy Spirit.
On this day may you not only remember your baptism, bestowed by the priest through water, but also remember the spiritual blessing bestowed by the Holy Spirit.
In truth, the purpose of the feast of Saint John, as of the other saints, was distorted by My adversary; he was able to draw the attention of all souls toward something external, mediocre, and superficial.
Instead, on this day, Saint John brings the message that, at each new year, souls may be renewed in faith, remembering the Sacrament of their baptism and confirming themselves before God and before His Divine Will.
Baptism is the blessing that the soul receives directly from the Source of Grace and of Mercy that allows it to be liberated from stains and all sins.
The purpose of the Feast of Saint John was that souls that communed on this day could renew their baptism through an act of faith and of union with Christ.
Nowadays, this intention is far from the attention of souls, and many of them, instead of renewing themselves, condemn themselves to Purgatory without even realizing it.
Thus, your Mother, the Queen of Peace, on a 24th of June in 1981, descended to Medjugorje at the Feast of Saint John, to try to reverse this human custom that, up to today and after 35 years of Apparitions, continues to carry many souls to the precipice.
The choice is in the hands of each soul.
Your Mother, the Queen of Peace, came to Medjugorje to unite again a people that had been destroyed and separated by war.
My Son asked that on the Feast of His cousin Saint John, His Heavenly Mother appear to remind the world of the time that it still has for returning to the Heart of God and cease offending Him.
After 35 years in Medjugorje and almost 10 years being present in South America, the Mother of God comes to warn Her children that it is urgent to convert and to surrender as soon as possible to the Love of God, in order to not lose inner peace when the world is violently purified.
Thus, today the Queen of Peace descends to confirm one more year of Her maternal and loving Presence among Her children who love Her and that invoke Her.
The Celestial Father hopes that, as soon as possible, all may look within themselves to perceive how urgent it is that there be a change in humanity, before the definite door to Holy and Divine Justice opens.
Today, on the Feast of Saint John, your Celestial Mother comes to awaken many hearts from the earthly dream and from a hypnotism, who are far from the Kingdom of God and walk towards suffering.
Through the work of Grace, the Queen of Peace invites all Her children to renew today their baptism and that they also do it for those that no longer remember this spiritual blessing.
On this day of prayer for peace in the nations, let us remember the coming of Mary, Queen of Peace, to Medjugorje, so that the human consciousness may be elevated and purified.
Your Heavenly Mother returns to Barcelona, because there exists here an open path to begin to live this change that Gods so expects to see manifested in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you, renewing the Sacrament of Baptism,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I purify My children from all debts and sins.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I baptize My children in the name of Christ.
With water I give life to spiritual creatures and constitute the inner fusion with the Celestial Father.
Dear children, I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I heal the deepest wounds.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I sanctify My children and pour out all My Graces upon them.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I divinize everything they touch and moisten, because within the essence of water is purification, as well as the elevation of life.
Dear children, I am the Lady of the Waters, and through them I mirror My attributes of light to the world.
Anyone who unites to the divine consciousness of water will be able to feel its purity and chastity; it is through this sacred element that God created where everything can be regenerated and renewed.
I am the Lady of the Waters, and with them I erase the evils of this world through the light that physically emanates from them.
As the Lady of the Waters, I invite you to protect from yourselves everything they hold so that, in the future life, the new humanity learns to love the sacred power of this element.
With this water, you will wash your feet from the past and you will renew yourselves in essence and in life because water, when it is sanctified, allows to dissipate and clean every inner situation.
Renew yourselves, renew yourselves through water, and may all purity emerge from your hearts so that there may exist a little more peace.
As the Lady of the Waters, I purify and consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for protecting all the waters of the world and for praying for them!
Who heals you spiritually,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a being and a human consciousness consecrate themselves to the Celestial Father, it is a reason of praise and Glory in the Heavens, because the prophecy of My Son, that at the end of times and before His return there will be new Christs, meek of heart and pure of feeling, is accomplished again.
A new door opens from Heaven towards Earth for the ungrateful humanity to receive an opportunity of salvation. It is through the consecrated soul that a bridge of light and mercy is established, when the consciousness simply declares, “Yes, My Lord and My God, I accept.”
At this moment, dear children, the portals open themselves and new Laws of mercy act upon the sick humanity.
I would like, beloved children, that everyone would understand the celestial value of a consecration, because not only one consciousness renews itself, but all those who are around this new consecrated being also receive a Higher Grace.
Thus, see in your hearts the steps that Christ took for each one of His followers so that the spiritual purpose could be fulfilled.
A consecration means for the Universe an act of giving in and of surrendering; it also means the opening for the spirit of this small consciousness to cleanse its sins and to be baptized by the spiritual and divine Light of My Beloved Son.
Finally, this consecration attracts to the consciousness the deepening of its commitment with Christ, and an important spiritual fusion is established, which would be called a transverberation that happens at the moment in which the soul receives this Grace of consecrating itself; thus the soul will not forget this moment for the rest of its life, because it has been ignited in a potent flow of love.
Thus I reveal the beauty that God conceived for each soul of this planet, a beauty that My adversary tries to destroy through the spiritual detour. Whoever consecrates themselves to My Immaculate Heart and follows My steps, may you know that you will not perish.
Praised be God for impelling His creatures to the spiritual consecration!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today the consecrated Holy Mothers are to come here and bow down before My Altar.
Like the Holy Women of Jerusalem, I will give you My Legacy for this definitive time.
Bow down and together with My Most Holy Mother, who today has come with Me, experience the Eternal Communion, so that we may celebrate this ceremony together with you.
Those who can, kneel on the ground, like the angels, at least for some time; in this way, you will enter into the Universe of My Heart to participate in this Eucharist that I come again to renew on this Holy Thursday.
I want the Holy Mothers to have a lit candle with which to adore Me, just like they did yesterday in union with My Heart of Light.
Today the Cenacle is being established in this place, the Spiritual Cenacle that conceived and allowed the manifestation of Holy Communion, through My Body and My Blood in the bread and the wine.
Happy are those who know how to celebrate this, who repent and humble themselves before the Master of Masters; because they may be new consciousnesses, souls in rehabilitation and peace, spirits assembled by Me from different points of the Universe that will carry My banner of Peace, just as My Glorified Heart is carried for the four corners of the Earth.
Be happy and live My eternal Communion, the renewal of your vows in the Plan of the Creator in the face of a time of crises.
Before lighting the candles, I wish to bless them so that they may be purified, for My Spirit lives in purity, just as I introduce you all in My Spirit of Peace, so that you work your sublimation.
I am preparing a ceremony for you. Pay attention to what I do, because it is unique to this time and for all the hearts of the Earth.
We will renew this sacred table with offerings you have made to Me, from your hearts to Mine.
Be in adoration as My Mother is, prostrated at My Feet, praying for the world in Her Magnificent Saintliness.
Blessed water, please...
Follow the instructions that I am giving you so that the Ceremony be perfect, in Heaven as on Earth, in your souls as in your bodies, in this institution that I carry out of the Codes of My Light in each one of the elements.
The Mothers come here, please...
With this candle that I give you, you will pray for thirteen days after Easter, so that My Heart may be glorified further in the world, especially for the souls that should awaken and that are lost.
You will do so together with My Mother, each time that you light this candle, to commemorate My Merciful Heart. You will do it especially for those, your spiritual children, who must be cared for by your motherhood, just as My Mother cares for all Her children until the end of times.
Dear Mothers, give this testimony of perseverance and of love, so that your children may walk just like you walk.
Now stand in a semi-circle from one end of the table to the other.
Each one, within herself, will emit an offering to My Heart, for humanity, which I will wholly take in, so that it may be transformed by My Mercy and by My Peace.
I listen to you in the silence.
Place your left hand over your heart, Mothers, and emit that petition to your Celestial Husband.
Before the Divinity of Mary, merge with My Heart and reestablish My Legacy in the world for all the creatures that you may come across on your paths and that need much help to bear the transition.
Just as I gathered together the twelve in the Cenacle, I gathered together the Women of Jerusalem, in the Spiritual Communion with My Body and My Divine Blood.
Gathered with Mary, they all communed and prepared to face the Passion of your Lord and thus helped Me to bear the cruelties of the world, the injustices of humankind, and the omission of hearts, phases that you may experience in these times, Mothers. But in the wholeness of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Governor and Commander will overcome everything through the extremely powerful Fire of Love and of Peace, in Forgiveness and Mercy.
Now, behind the Mothers will be the priests so that they may celebrate together with Me this Eucharistic renewal.
Do everything harmoniously, because I am gifting a special time for you and for the world, one of great importance for this place.
When the priests are ready, I will be able to continue with this celebration and this Cenacle.
Bring the incense and the blessed water to Me again, so that I may purify this table.
Now companions, at the foot of this scenario the consecrated residents of the Light-Communities must stand and together with Me they will accompany this Consecration, just like I consecrate them to My Eternal Father.
We are preparing the table for this Sacred Sacrament.
Let us together sing Kyrie Eleison.
Kyrie Eleison...
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We can kneel, the mothers and the consecrated as well.
Let us prepare, companions, for the divination of these elements.
Water, Blood, Life, and Compassion that sprang from the blessed wounded Heart of Jesus, have pity, mercy, and redemption for all of us. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus says that we are to listen to "Thus spoke the Master."
The Mothers can come to wash their hands.
Jesus says that another jar of water must be brought.
With this water I purify your feelings and sublimate your ideas. With it I baptize the humble and uplift the simple, I unite the pure with God, I sanctify those who are consecrating themselves, I lift up the small to the Kingdom of God; I forgive and heal those who have always sought Me, in the servers I find Peace, I transcend all to My Kingdom, I live the sacrifice of those who have only just begun, I present Myself in open hearts, I am vivified in those who suffer. I am uplifted in those who pray with Me, healed in those who seek Me, served in those who give themselves, I free them in the power of silence.
In that time, companions, the Holy Women communed with Me. In the same way as I did with the twelve, with My Holy Mother they did so in order to institute the power of Motherhood, throughout the times, the infinite work of love and of charity for all fallen and lost hearts.
That is why Mary, in Her Holy Goodness, instead of taking a Chalice with wine, held in Her Hands a Chalice with water, lifted it up in the name of the Power of Her Son, to institute the liberation of the planet from evil and the redemption of souls, through Her infinite charity.
In that time, in the silent Cenacle of Mary, She lifted up the Chalice in the Name of the Passion of Her Son, thanked God for that sacrifice that the Firstborn Son of God would live, and with the Chalice being sanctified by the angels of all of the Universe and in Her holy vision and inner locution, she said:
My daughters, take and drink of this powerful Sacrifice that My Son will pour out for you and for all humankind, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this for your sainthood and for the sainthood of all the beings of the Earth until the time when He returns to the world for the second time. Drink of the Precious Blood that is spilled by the Lamb of God. Purify your bodies with the infusion of His Divine Spirit, which shelters you in His Most Pure Heart. Drink of the Humility that the Father Himself manifested through His Heart, the Heart of His Son.
Do not waste time, for just as He pours out His Blood, He spills His Mercy until the end of the times. Drink, My daughters, of the perfect Code of redemption and nurture your essences with the divine Passion of My Son."
In the same way, I did this with the twelve, when I lifted up the Chalice of Redemption and of Peace for all the outrages of the world and I spoke to My companions as I speak to you today:
"Take and all drink of it, for this is My Blood that will lift you up to Heaven and will purify you in spirit." Drink and do not fear because My Light will become visible in your hearts.
Trust in what I have poured out for the whole world. Trust and love just as I loved when I poured out each drop of Blood for the souls of that time and for these present times.
Repent wholeheartedly and you will not lose the path that I have come to commend for your lives, before the angels of Heaven, that today are assembled to have the Earth shine forever and ever.
So Mary, among Her Holy Women, took the bread, lifted it up in the powerful Name of Her Son and of all the Celestial Kingdoms, asking the Creator, Adonai, that it be changed into the precious Body of Her Son and into the Spiritual Communion with all the souls of the Earth.
At that same instant, your Master and Redeemer also lifted up the bread, instituting the Eucharist in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity, broke it and spoke in the humility of His Heart, as Mary did, eat, My daughters, this is the Body of Your Lord, which in the name of all, is surrendering to establish forgiveness for sins. Eat and before My hour, experience the Passion of the Lamb of God. Eat and renew your vows with God the Creator.
And thus, companions, before My Death, I left My great testimony of love for the world, for those who would hand Me over throughout time, for their indifference, assaults, and for the punishment of the innocent.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Jesus Christ, for all that you give us.
Afterwards, companions, you may have your siblings commune of this most sacred blessing that today My Heart has carried out for all those present.
I rise up in prayer and in vigil until the moment of My Cross.
While souls live Me, your hearts ignite with Mercy and that is something real, it is something that I always look for in all the hearts of the Earth.
Today I show Myself to you in Glory.
Just as I Am in Heaven, thus I Am before My Father, Who deserves glory and praise.
Today I come from a very special place of the Universe, to where you may be able to go someday, after My Work in this humanity is accomplished.
Today I want you to not only contemplate My Heart, but also feel it here, present among you, communing with the essence of unity and brotherhood among all the spirits of goodwill that, throughout time, assemble to listen to Me, just as you listened to Me in the Holy Land.
For this reason, My Father has placed you here, on this part of the planet, so that you may once again vivify My Principles of instruction and of transformation.
Today I can definitely stretch out My Hand over you and place it on your heads, as My Mother has requested in Her perpetual prayers.
Today I can definitely say that the Love of God overcomes and transforms all things, when He is truly recognized by the souls that sincerely cry out.
Today My Grace is approaching the dark world to illumine it again in My Spirit; in My Spirit of Peace and of Mercy.
But today, companions, I am not only with you, but also with those who open their hearts and their homes to receive Me in this spiritual communion with the Heart that permanently loves you, without restrictions or conditions; with the Heart that suffered the martyrdoms of the Passion and of the Cross for you; and that at the culminating moment, said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
But today I do not want you to think about what you were in that moment, but rather that you live Me in this eternal present, of which I make you participants at each new meeting.
Today, many of those who are here represent the nations of the planet, their debts and their commitments. I need your hearts, companions, to be My missionaries of peace, like those who have served Me in the Middle East, in the middle of the tribulation and the chaos, fully trusting in the steps of My Holy Mother, Who rejoices in the hearts that love My Heart and My Mercy.
Today I come to give you what the world needs for this end time, which is the Love of God that must renew all things and must redeem the hearts that are still closed to My Call.
But I wait, as I waited in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the absolute solitude of the Heart and of the Consciousness, with the supreme assistance of the angels of Heaven, that consoled My offering on the Cross and in the Passion.
I no longer want to see you asleep.
My Words are codes of light for all.
My Love is the balm for your spirits, it is the consolation for souls, it is deep healing for those who have been wounded through their own actions.
But know, companions, that I still cannot return in Glory, because the hearts that I have chosen must be prepared to receive Me in this moment, to be able to recognize Me and open the doors of their souls to Me, to strongly embrace Me and know Who I Am.
I wish that you could not only see Me, but that you could recognize Me when the moment comes, you and your brothers and sisters of the world, that still sleep in the dream of illusion, of personal realization, and personal power.
Today I am here, in Glory, before the hearts that have said "yes" to redemption. Thus, I will first bless you with My Spirit, which is the Spirit of God, which illumines all forms and exalts the good feelings of souls that are reconciled with God all the days of their lives.
You adore Me, you wait for Me, and you love Me. I also wait for you, I also adore what is real in what you are, and I love what really exists in you, which is the most beautiful thing that God created for his Universe: Unity.
If your hearts were not united when I am no longer here, present among you, what will you do?
How will you wait for Me when I knock on the door of your dwelling places?
How will you transmit My Word to those that should hear it in such a critical hour?
You have no reason to be disturbed, that is something of My adversary.
Those who are distressed in their heart feel that way because they do not love Me, or does not yet know how to live Me; but if I come in Glory for all those who are consistent with Me and for those who have still to wake up in each part of this Earth, what do you fear, if you are in My Light, if you believe you are living in My Heart, which can do all things?
When I fell with the Cross for the second time, My Mother approached, living My pain, because it was something shared under the Purpose of God, to share the pain of the world and of perverted sinners.
She Herself uplifted Me, She picked Me up from the ground when My Body was very tired; because it was the weariness of God suffering in My body for all the ungrateful souls, for the sinners of the world; but it was the love that made Me strong, it was not My Will; because My Will was in My Father.
My Father was in Me, doing His Will. That is what you are to live, just as I lived it, each one in their proportion and to their degree.
At that moment, in the second fall, I thought I would die on the road to calvary. And the look of My Mother was what saved Me; a look of love, of consolation, and of protection. That is when Archangel Michael gave Me the strength to stand up and continue, and at that time I said: Mother, I renew all things, because it is My Father that renews them in Me and in You.
You must allow yourselves to be renewed by My Heart, which is being offered for those who may want to receive it; because there will be no place to go, companions, when the chaos manifests; there will be no refuge, house, or person that will help you. My Heart is your salvation and your eternal faith.
Thus, I will be able to help My children when I am in your hearts all the time, and not only for a few moments.
I need My Existence to expand in you for a longer time. You, companions, are the repositories of an inexplicable grace, of an incalculable opportunity in the face of the debt of the planet and of humanity; for this reason, I persist with you until I get want I want.
We must be in perpetual Adoration for the difficult times. This is what I requested of Faustina in the Most Holy Body of Christ.
In the Shrine is the renewing Strength for all that seek it.
I will bless you and go with you. Make a pilgrimage to My Heart, and do not tire of doing so; in this way, you will understand many things in the coming time.
Now, I have come here so that all may feel purified, for My Light expands like molecules in all those who open their hearts to receive it, in gratitude and love.
In silence, rest your heads upon My Breast and feel My Glorified Heart that consoles and heals all wounds, no matter which it may be, because for the Son of God there is nothing impossible.
If your faith is strong, My Love will be strong in you and will be felt in the hearts that approach to recognize Me in My brothers and sisters.
Today this water will bless you all, as a symbol of the renewal of your first baptism; and those who were not baptized as I was, in the Jordan river, will receive this first blessing that will prepare you for your first baptism, in which all evil will be dispelled, and the Light of My Glory will be established over the souls that may rejoice in My Spirit.
Let us pray as the Father taught us through His Son, so that in Glory, the Holy Spirit may descend and sanctify this water, which is the first sign of the Creation of God on this planet and in the whole Universe, the water that quenches the thirst of souls.
Praised be God, glorious is His Reign, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen.
With this blessing, companions, may the Gifts of My Father be able to manifest in you, through the living of the Sacraments and the renewal of your vows with the Most High Project of God.
May your souls be glad and never cease to be so, living all the sacrifices for humanity and the planet, for the final redemption of evil.
My Heart triumphed again today in the world because of your response.
May My Peace be established in those who do not have it.
May My Faith be propagated like the subtle aroma of the Universe.
May My Love expand like the blowing of the wind and may all feel the hope of living in God, forever.
I bless you and those who most need it in this world, as I did on the Mount of Beatitudes, lifting up My right Hand toward My Father, placing My left Hand over My Heart, which is the Heart of God, opening up the Heavens, I have invoked the Holy Spirit.
Thus, I bless you in the Holy name of My Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I have come to the shore, to call you, as I did with the apostles.
Yesterday I heard this song and today I wish you to do it in gratitude to My Father.
You may go in peace.
What do you fear? When I am present, Light reigns and darkness is dispelled from the deepest spaces of all beings.
Why do you fear? Is not the Power that God has given Me stronger than a thousand armies?
The Power that comes from God is invincible but cannot be tempted by anybody.
The fallen angel has not come out of his abyss yet because I still have to return to give you My Victory and My Peace.
I take you all through a long desert and some fear to die on the way due to so much thirst.
I Am that great Mirror of Water, I Am that Oasis that is halfway of your paths to save you and give you to drink from the last Water of Life that saves all, that redeems all and that heals all.
You are still at the doorways of this great desert that I invite you to cross through experiences and tests. Do you not trust that I might be there to help you?
Today lie prostrate as I once was at Gethsemane.
Solitude is part of the test of all initiates. If I, Who Am your Life suffered it, so will you, but not to the same degree that I suffered for you and for the whole world, up to nowadays.
There is nowhere to escape to, companions. Armageddon is the entryway to the Apocalypse, that many believe has not arrived yet but that is unfolding in a devastating way in this humanity.
I am that Sacred Heart that consoles you, that moves you, that unites you with the Heavenly Father.
The thorns in My Heart are a sample of the gravity of the world and of all its inhabitants.
The yoke is intense in these times, but there is nothing to fear; work for My Father and together with Me, to serve Me in the name of Love, of Infinite Love.
Today the great and first spiritual battle is unleashed in the world, which is not visible, nor in anybody's reach.
For this reason, I have come this evening to comfort you, to give you to drink from My Water, that will not cause you to die but to be reborn in spirit, in union with Me.
These are difficult times, and they will become even more difficult, but I need you to hold fast to My Heart so that you may be in the Heart of My Father.
I also suffer because of so many cruelties, so much discouragement, so many sins; but I died for you on the Cross and the Mercy of God was granted to Me.
The same God had Himself nailed to the Cross for you, so that you did not lose yourselves. But that experience seems not to be sufficient for today's humanity, which in its deep consciousness believes the Master failed.
The victory is in the strength of true and invincible Love that comes from the Fount of My Father and which regenerates all things, those most lost things.
If your paths ever deviate from Mine, know that you can return.
So much love have I to give to the souls and few avail themselves of it!
For so long have I My Arms open and stretched out to you to receive you and few embrace Me!
So much peace can I give to you and few seek it!
I gave you the Sacraments, the signs of salvation so that you could live them again and again; because the body can die, but the soul lives in eternity.
It is your souls you must not fail, it is your spirits you must not hurt with your actions, your doubts, your little faith.
I know that many do not dare to cross this very large and hard desert.
Whoever trusts in My Mercy will be saved and will not be lost.
Today I come as the Jesus of the Divine Justice for the world.
My Hands continue to be wounded because of the faults of the world, because of the pride, the arrogance, the lack of penance. But I give you the strength to rebuild you, to heal you, to renew you again and again.
I am at the doorway of this desert to accompany you, since many souls will not know how to walk it because they do not have the inner guidance. But I Am that path that will lead you to the Father, to the house of the Heavenly Father where there is no fear, there is no darkness, only Love reigns.
I offered Myself to the world so that you may reach My Father, so that you may ascend to the heighest. Many times your bodies do not want it, but do not feel intimidated, the universe is still dual and the experience is alive for all.
But if there is love among My own, nothing will happen, because where there is true and not proud love, I am present. Perhaps you will not see Me nor feel Me in the most critical moments, but when the battle is at its peak, I will be there to support you.
For you I lived the first war of Redemption through the Passion and the Cross. I showed you how to do it in silence, in surrender and trusting in God, but many do not want to do it because they are afraid of failing.
Non-resistance will be your cordial sister, the one that will give you the strength to go through the tests, just as they are written. If you do not purify yourselves, you cannot reach the Kingdom of God.
Adam and Eve left this project during the Genesis and from that moment, original sin was cultivated in the heart of the men and women of the Earth.
The Patriarchs came to straighten out the paths of humanity.
The Prophets came to announce the salvation of the world through Christ.
Mary, your Mother, came to accompany you in love and in faith; if that very simple woman decided to live the powers of Heaven, embracing them with fervor and devotion, accepting the Will of the Father, why do you not do it?
Everything that is shown on your paths is part of an experience.
Sanctity is the goal of the new christs, of the new lambs that will go to different slaughterhouses; but nobody will go to the slaughterhouse as I did, for each one of the essences that lacked peace and reconciliation.
My Blood was poured out upon the world and few adored it; it is the Blood of God made flesh that was surrendered for Redemption.
The light of the mysteries is for all without exception; the mysteries of the Blood poured out, the mysteries of the Cross, of the Passion, of the Agony, and of the Resurrection were and are so that the world may be able to take its steps towards the Lord.
While I talk to you, I contemplate the world that is in agony and others celebrate their own realization. What is more valuable? That a humanity saves or that a nation develops through its poor powers? Weapons were created to instigate hearts to create fear and persecution.
If you are united to Me, you may die, but your spirits will always rise. The victory is to be found in Love, in the Unity that is commended by My Father to the whole Universe.
While I speak to you, I walk in the desert together with you, just as I did with the twelve to show them where truth was to be found.
May your hearts become peaceful, calm, may they be meek and loving. Your peers may fail but your love cannot disappear.
How will I be present in you if the Power of Love that moves all and recreates all for souls to grow in the Love of God is not there?
Today I comfort those who have fallen, those who are not able to raise from the ground because of their own experiences.
Today I baptize you as John baptized Me in the Jordan and I entrust you the joy of living this experience that many do not understand because it is unknown.
Do not lose hope, let your faith not succumb, because today the King of God, the Son of Man, the Servant of the Most High steps with His Feet on what causes pain and bitterness in the hearts, delivering you from sins, from temptations and from deviations.
I give you My Faith which is what I can bequeath to you. Do not cease to seek Me, for many hearts need Me through My true disciples.
Today I bring serenity and calmness, for the battles will not end, and each time many more souls will have to join so that this Army of Light never falls away.
Your Mother runs to the desert to seek refuge, just as John said; you too should do it before the bad time comes. Many will be surprised for not having prepared.
The Sacraments will be the keys to enter that refuge, as well as prayer and vigil.
You must not persecute yourselves, you must not feel intimidated, but rather be at service for what God needs for humanity. Because in this Book that I hold today in My Hands, there are few who have committed themselves, although there could be many more if everybody walked in faith.
I love you, I bless you and I baptize you in the indulgence granted by My Divine Mercy.
Worship the Lord, worship Adonai.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges
and indifferences
by which He Himself is offended,
And by the infinite merits
of His Most Sacred Heart,
and The Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg Thee for the conversion of poor sinners.
Look at my Heart without fear so that your lives may shine, for the desire of My Father is that His promises are fulfilled through all His children in the world.
For this to be possible, companions, your hearts must be entrusted, faithful and secure within My path of Light, and there cannot be any separations between your consciousnesses, because thus the promises will not be fulfilled.
May your hearts be attentive beyond your minds and feelings. May your hearts feel that My promise is being fulfilled at this moment, in this return that I have been preparing in your lives, in silence and prayer.
Just as your prayers are heard all the time, My Heart also answers them all the time.
Sometimes, companions, you will not experience that which you desire so much because it is not the Will of My Lord. The tests will come your way to strengthen your faith and fidelity in God.
For this reason, I need crystalline hearts that seek My Sacred Heart all the time and do not become tired of looking at It because from It sprouts the strength for the transformation of your lives and paths.
Today I invite you to abandon your resistances, so the ties may be undone. My sword will not be able to cut your ties any longer. Through the Unfathomable Source of My Mercy, your hearts already know how to do it, not only with the prayer from the heart but through the examples of your lives, of a life transformed in Christ and by Christ.
Why do you think I do not want to baptize you? In the plans of My Father, everything has its time and moment. I come to baptize you with My Spirit. Does the water have more strength than My Spirit?
My Spirit is present in everything and wants to be within you so I can baptize you in Grace and Love. Is My Presence this afternoon not a baptism to your hearts?
Blissful are those who believe without having seen, because they will be baptized a second time.
There are no preferences in My Kingdom, neither in My Apostles. This is why I come to transform you, little by little, so your lives will not submerge in sadness, despair, or in the disturbance of not believing that you can make it. If you look at My Heart, you can do everything.
I come to offer you the best that I have all the time, and I will not become tired until you are able to feel and understand it, because My Heart is the Grace that penetrates everything, it is the balm that gives you Life, the Universal Life, the immaterial Life.
Is this not a baptism to you? John prophesied it. I baptize you in the name of the Holy Spirit that is the greatest and the maximum Gift among the gifts, which comes from the Heart of My Father to resurrect the life of the matter and make it pure in the immaterial Source.
I wish everyone could live the Sacraments only once, but I come to remember that the gifts of the Sacraments are sacred to the Father, and the souls have not known how to benefit from them throughout the history of this world.
This is why I come to ask you to baptize yourselves in the name of My Spirit; to purify yourselves, washing your feet in the name of rendition, and to be anointed with the Cross of My Heart in the name of cure and peace.
However, for you to live it, the Spirit and the Gifts that come from My Father cannot be desired. How will the Spirit of God transform you while your will exists?
I come to divest you from everything, each one in your own degree of learning. I come to reform you in body, soul, and spirit through the Sacraments. But the more baptized will be the ones who live it in the name of their brothers and sisters than for themselves.
While I am present, think about Me. Place the ardent attention in My Heart, so that your lives participate in this Communion with Me.
Yesterday I came to give you a lesson of humility, that is necessary for the world because the hearts should know what they must change in time so they do not deceive themselves.
I come to bring you the Truth because even though you do not deeply know It, since It is a Truth that comes from the Heart of God, I bring a part of this Truth so that your hearts, though My Wisdom, grow in maturity and awareness.
While My angels work in the world, I wanted to see you more available to carry forward My Works of Light, for you have received a lot and will continue to receive a lot from My Heart when there is a true balance between humanity and God.
I bring you a very unknown science that, though My simple Words, you are being invited to know, because My Life in the Heavens is simple. There is no mystery in this Work, only those which people place, like a seal, in the Heart of God. The Heart of God is open to receive you. Your hearts are the ones which close before the Presence of God, and even more before His Son.
I do not come to demand anything to the world, but for you to be aware of what you do and what you think, so as to not degenerate perdition even more.
I open a door for you every day so that your hearts rejoice and amplify your spirits in the sacred attunement with God.
Through this ministry of the Sacraments, that I ask you to live in My Name, I come to bring new Graces, but great Graces will be carried to the hearts that unite to their brothers and sisters who live the Sacrament.
Now, do you understand how things work? Many times you were baptized by My Spirit, but only a few noticed it. I come to bring you this Truth because they are My last Gifts that today I poured out upon the world and upon all souls that strengthen in Me to fulfill the Project of God.
May your hearts not be distressed, but may your eyes open, the eyes of the heart, to feel My Life, to see My prodigies, to recognize My Spirit that lovingly and tirelessly visits you.
But today I am not only here, I am in omnipresence and omnipotence in Aurora and in each human heart that, at this hour of unfathomable Mercy, has opened the door of their hearts, breaking the barrier of their inner resistances.
I do not come to force anything on you. I come to bring you a new Grace that flows from My Heart and My Hands to all the souls in the world.
You are a group of souls constituted by My Spirit of Light. When a soul fades away, many more will fade away. It is like a rotten apple in the basket with other apples. Who will save them in time, before their hearts are hardened?
I come to work with your obstacles because something must happen on this planet in the face of everything that is happening. Many are not aware of what it means to die at the hands of others, to starve and not have consolation in their hearts, a house to live in nor a bed to sleep in.
You have everything. My Heart has given it all to you. What else do you want from Me? While the world suffers and the lights of the souls fade away, will you take the risk to work with Me and leave your conveniences?
I do not come to disturb you. I come to give you My Message of Peace and Truth. The flames of hell burn upon the planet, but the Islands of Salvation still exist. Hearts madden day by day and minds lose their control. I come to give you the balance of the universe which is called unity. If there is not unity in you, there is no unity in the world.
It is time for you to leap beyond the abyss to find the Kingdom of God. My Heart is consoled by those who feel safe for being in God and in themselves. My Heart rejoices for those who pray with sincerity and that despite everything that I tell you today, they feel deep inside that it is true, thus the seed of Light is planted for the next Earth in the spirits who are consequent to My Call.
While I speak to you, you are gathered around My table, around My Celestial Altar, full of angels of Light that glorify God all the time.
The Primordial Source wants to see you peaceful so that the Work may be manifested. What are you waiting for? Come to Me without fear. My Heart will embrace you. My Fire will transform you. My Spirit will raise you to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
The Father also needs to be consoled for the horrors that He sees in the world, for the horrors that He sees in the world, I repeat it because a great part of the world is a horror. But all this can be changed if you follow me at this hour of Mercy.
Companions, while I speak to you, I not only observe you but everyone who listens to Me in each part of this world.
I come in serenity to tell you all this because I know your hearts can be receptive, and later on, when everything is over, you will understand it.
And now, by the Grace that was granted to Me on the Cross, let us glorify God, and I will bless each one of you, in this perfect union with Me through the Sacraments of Light which are the means for souls to attain existence.
My children, come here to be part of this consecration, in harmony and silence, not forgetting that My Spirit is present here.
While I bless you with My Spirit of Life, ask God for forgiveness in the name of humanity, for all the times to come, so the Work of the Son of God may be fulfilled through His Graces that are poured upon all the hearts and souls that sincerely seek rendition.
After My prodigies were poured out on each one of these elements, I bless you once again as a part of this unique humanity that should glimpse the New Earth on the coming horizon.
Blissful are those who cry, because they will be consoled by Me.
Blissful are those who repent, because they will see their new spirit be born.
Blissful are those who forgive, because they will find peace.
Blissful are those who unite, because they will live in My brotherhood.
Blissful are those who rejoice themselves, because they will live in the joy of My Heart.
Blissful are those who free themselves, because they will find their freedom.
Blissful are those who are merciful, because they will see the Light.
Blissful are those who reconcile, because they will be in the Unity of God.
Blissful are those who pray, because they will be awarded in Heaven with the sweet Crowns of the King.
Now you will listen to a song that filled My Heart during the Sacred Week, for in these words, as simple as they seem, the feeling of true love for My Heart is found.
Before the afflictions that the world causes me, I give you My Divine Mercy so that, in the times to come, you be true apostles of My Heart.
Now listen and feel, to understand what I ask of you.
While I elevate to the House of My Father, where a place for your next life awaits you, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You must be like children to understand My Kingdom, because they are the first ones to enter Paradise.
I thank you and give you My Peace. Hallelujah!
Smile, companions, for this is part of the healing that My Heart radiates to you for these times of crises. Those who smile from their soul, smile with their spirits, and God sees His original Project reflected in your faces.
Peace for everyone.
So be it.
Song: "You are the King".
My cousin John baptized you with water, but I baptize you with the Spirit of God.
Blessed are those who congregate to remember My passage on Earth.
Today I come in the holy company of Elizabeth, John and your Mother Mary, congregated by the Love of God, participants in this infinite encounter between the souls and Heaven, between hearts and God.
Joyful are those who were willing to be baptized, like those who asked to wash their feet to erase the past and the pain of their lives.
In this way, My companions, I do not come to institute a new Church, but to renew the Sacraments in a simple and pure way, as I taught the apostles in the past.
The Sacraments will serve as salvation for souls, but also prayer will serve for your conversion.
Before My Eucharistic Heart, contemplate My glorious, merciful and redeeming Face, which I bring from the universe for all.
Elizabeth accompanies you in the spirit of Love. John accompanies you in the consecration of your hearts. My Mother congregates you to join Me, because in this place, My Most Holy Mother instituted Adoration, a commitment that is a part of everyone so that this humanity and this city may be liberated by My Mercy and not by My Justice.
While you are aware today, a great part of humanity sleeps in illusion because many lose their faith for not finding Me in the ancient priests. But I am present in the Sacraments, which are the Source of Life and renewal for all.
In every Sacrament you find a key to access My Heart, because My Rays permeate every one of the Sacraments. I provide the renewal and healing, the transmutation and liberation of your lives.
Therefore, every time you ask for a new Sacrament, meditate for a single moment on what you will receive, because it is something sacred and blessed that I offer to Mine.
Therefore, celebrate and rejoice when every new brother or sister is baptized and blessed by the Sacraments of God, because they will be receiving them on behalf of all humanity.
Your hearts and essences are unique in the Eyes of God.
My companions, in Heaven and in the Universe there is no separation between souls. I come to unite you in this time. I come to unite you through Love and Truth, for the enemy has taken it upon himself, at this time, to turn away from My paths the good hearts that must achieve redemption.
Today think of Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, two great Missionaries of the Celestial Universe, guardians of the holy Sacraments of God from the moment of My Ascension to Heaven.
Therefore, My companions, may your thirst for seeking Me never end. I am not only present in the Sacraments, but also in hearts that seek unity with God all the time. I am also among the little ones, among those who cry out for redemption and peace.
This world must be liberated, My friends, and through your sincere consecration that will happen.
I am also present in these times, in the tests that each of My children is experiencing, because through suffering and tests I come to strengthen you in the love of sacrifice, surrender and liberation.
I leave you on this afternoon of Mercy My Graces, in the Most Holy Presence of Mary, John and Saint Elizabeth, who have been gathered in this universe, in this space and in this place, so that your hearts may shine in perfect fusion with the Spirit of God.
Continue to pray every day. Do not tire of praying for Mercy. Remember that you will be praying for those who do not pray and do not love God. Therefore, I need you at this time, steadfast and willing.
I will come to meet you when you allow Me, because I live in each of your hearts. I must have a place in your essences so that the evil that disturbs them may be released and thus the Grace of God may reign in many hearts that need it.
Today I expose before your hearts and spirits My Most Holy Eucharistic Heart, which is the true Sun of the Celestial Universe, the true reason for your lives and paths.
Therefore, today I gather you in the spirit of renewal and faith, so that the hope of continuing to pursue it may prevail in your consciousness and that My Mercy may not be lost in you.
I have left a seed in this place that must be sown carefully, for from it new fruits will be born and new hearts will come forth, in a constant search for redemption and liberation.
I thank you for your efforts to adore Me every day. This is the greatest sacrifice that I adore, when the souls contemplate Me with sincerity and enter the Essence of My luminous Heart, through the Most Holy Sacrament that I expose to the world and humanity in all tabernacles on Earth. Remember My Presence in the tabernacles. Remember My Presence in your inner tabernacles. There, I am always present, and when you call Me, I will answer you.
I open My Arms and extend My Hands over you.
Place your palms upwards so that I may bless you and, in this divine and spiritual magnetism, your essences may be united with My Heart.
Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:
He says that He is praying for us, that we just listen.
Contemplate the Glorified Jesus, He is present in simple hearts. For I still hope that all beings will know My new Face, so that all may have Me present in their homes and always remember that I am the Shepherd of souls.
I wish I could be with you longer, but I must help the whole world and the humanity that is fallen into the hellish abysses of this world.
Yet through your merciful prayer in these days, your care and your love for Me, many souls have been elevated to Heaven and many have entered the ocean of My infinite Mercy.
Engrave in your consciousnesses and hearts My Most Sacred Eucharistic Heart, the Sun of your salvation.
Silently, make a petition to My Heart, a request or a plea that I will raise to Heaven at the Feet of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for sharing this time of Adoration with Me.
As I rise up, I will listen to your songs. When they are true and loving, they alleviate the Heart of God and serious faults are dissolved, Mercy is installed and poor hearts are resurrected.
Dear companions, after being blessed by the Water of Life, receive My Glorified Body in reparation and forgiveness, through Communion with My Blood and with My Body.
Remember that I will always wait for you. My ocean of Mercy is available to all. Just seek God and His Love. Thus you will gladden My Heart.
Go in peace and give thanks to the Eternal Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Good afternoon to everyone and thank you for accompanying us. We are in the final stretch of this Marathon of Divine Mercy, and yesterday, Our Lord told us that He had been able to do part of the task that He had entrusted to us, of carrying the essences of the unborn to the Kingdom of God.
And today, with this very intense task that took place here, which was heard in all the spaces of this place, Our Lord certainly did the other part of the task. So now, we are going to begin to pray and sing, preparing for His coming, and see what He has for us this afternoon.
We want to remind you that He asked us to pray with all our hearts because if we do it in this way, we will be united with His Heart. Yesterday He told us that from His Heart pity should be poured out for this world.
So if we are connected with Him, we will certainly receive a great blessing this afternoon. So let us apply all of our energy, all of our love on this final stretch.
Good work of prayer to everyone!
Today My Heart emits Its Voice of Peace to the world. I bring hope and joy to those that have lost it. I come to bring a great silence to this very noisy world, so that hearts may enter into My universal harmony.
I bring you the faith and the confirmation of My Presence. For this reason, I bring you the Light of the universe so that your eyes can open to the unknown and to that which is new.
Today I offer you My Heart as special gratitude due to the effort you have made to pray with Me these days.
Today Heaven opens to your souls and it pours out Its Graces and treasures upon simple hearts; seeds that will sprout in the future so the gifts may be available in this final Project that must be accomplished through you and humanity.
Feel the beat of My Heart and stay with Me in this very difficult hour, for the world needs a great deal of relief and much healing and consequently, much prayer.
I thank all My companions who commune with Me. The prizes will be given in the universe and you will be honored in the Kingdom of My Father. The doors are opening in this place so as to be able to bless everyone, mainly those that have closed their hearts to My Heart. My Light penetrates into what is deepest and darkest, it dispels the darkness and brings the light of healing for this humanity.
I gather you in the name of Love and of Truth. I bring you the consolation that you are in so much need of so that at the end of this time you may be renewed by the Spirit of God and you may prepare, as My warriors, for the moment of the great Return of Christ.
Many of you will see Me, but some will not recognize Me. Be consequent with Me every day of your life, and thus I will avail Myself of your virtues and skills to accomplish My Redemptive Work at the end of this cycle.
Give Me that which you have still not given Me. I need the warmth of your hearts so that you can perceive pure thought and feeling, the mysterious flame that transforms and redeems you.
I Am the Glorified Heart of Jesus. Blessed will be those that honor Me in this cycle. Glorified will be those that serve Me fully, for they will be performing works of service and charity, of surrender and sacrifice for those who still do not do them.
As I did in Rwanda, I come to avoid the Law of God applied to this world, for this world belongs to Me since the beginning.
I Am the emanation of the Great Spirit of the Creator. My sublime Laws can permeate and heal you, erase any pain from your cells so that you may live in My Mercy in this very difficult time.
Every day, at three in the afternoon, My source opens for all of humanity. My Heart deeply gives of Itself to those who may wish to receive it and transforms that which is un-transformable, redeem that which is irredeemable, heal that which is incurable. Thus, trust in My hour of Mercy.
I come in this time to this world, not only for you so as to awaken you, but for those who continue to sleep in their own illusions.
Woe to those who deny the Son of God! How will I be able to pour out My Graces upon them?
For this reason, I need all your instruments, your hearts, and your lives, so that My currents of redemption and healing can be poured out upon all of humanity.
This moment that you share with Me is unique and will not be repeated in this place. The need of the world is very great, the emergency in souls is even greater. There are many lacks, many needs to be resolved in this era.
So that all this may be covered and everyone receives that which is necessary, I need missionaries of My Mercy, missionaries of prayer and service that can transmit My Higher Law, the Law of the Father, which is the Law of Love. A Law that will lead you to unity and redemption.
Do not fear purifying yourselves in this time. Allow My angels to untie your knots. This moment is unique for all and many do not receive these Graces, for My Spirit, which is immaculate and pure, which comes from the Greater Source of God, comes from the highest to meet with you so that you can awaken and understand what is happening within you and to Me.
Have you ever asked yourselves about it, My companions?
Many of you already understand all these things. You have walked with Me for a long time in the great deserts and valleys; you have heard My preaching and My Words of Life. You are remnants of ancient peoples, the great peoples of the desert who heard God, from Moses to Abraham, you have always been with Me in spirit and life.
But the time has come, My dear companions, for you to assume the final task in this time. Each knows what they can give Me. I do not come searching for perfect nor preferred things. I need your miseries to be able to transform them.
Thus, I will rebuild all your essences and those of your brothers and sisters so that you may rise again in spirit and, renewed by My Light and Peace, you can find again the path you have lost.
In truth, I tell you, My friends, all those who have gone through the Marathons of Mercy have already returned to My merciful Heart. I give thanks to those who have persisted in accompanying Me during the two days; who have renounced such vain, material, and mundane things to meet with the power of My Heart.
My beloveds, you have been transformed by My Celestial Light and this brings consequences of transformation in all of humanity. The sorrows of this world are being alleviated and many hearts that suffer are finding consolation.
I want to have you recognize the Kingdom of God, which is approaching through My cosmic Presence.
This is My last Call, before the great and awaited return. Do not think about how I will return; just seek to be within Me every day. That will be enough for you to recognize Me at the great and awaited moment. Nothing will cause you to fear. Nothing will disturb you. Nothing will take away your faith and inner strength because this will have been a great consequence of your perfect transformation through My Heart.
Today I will bless you with the Water of Life, with the bread and the wine that represent My Body and My Blood, precious codes that transform you, day after day.
My Hands will wash your feet and I will also pour out blessings upon your heads, giving you the Baptism of My Heart so that you may be bathed by My Holy Spirit.
My companions, renewed through this meeting with Me, enter into the Kingdom of My Father because He always awaits you in silence. He is always there to help you, listen to you, console you, and love you.
Believe in what I tell you because the time of the great change is coming and at that moment your hearts and souls must already be strengthened, because through Me, through My infinite Mercy, you will be immovable and will accomplish the part of the Project that I am giving you today. A Project that is unknown to your minds, but deeply known to your souls.
Through this Infinite Heaven that communes with you, I bless, forgive, renew and redeem you. I give you My holy Body and My precious Blood as codes of transfiguration for your lives.
I bless you and love you by the Power that God gave Me for this world. Go in peace and trusting in Me.
With your hands, hold up the torch of rehabilitation. Liberation is close for many. Joyful are those who trust before experiencing it because they will lack nothing.
Now I observe you in silence to elevate your miseries. My Love is strong and transforming, a Love that comprehends and understands your lives, no matter the degree of error; what matters is your trust in Me. In this way, you will not be separated from Me and will always be blessed.
Open your hearts to forgiveness. Free your essences from the stains that darken them. I bring you the renewing fountain, the beating strength of the Higher Universe, the Celestial and Divine Unity that quenches the thirst from all hearts. I bring you the power of reconciliation and infinite life for those who truly believe in the Redeemer.
I thank you for elevating the unborn into the Higher Kingdoms, where they will be able to be born again, in spirit, in the dwelling places of the Father.
The strength of Mercy will never separate you from Me, as long as you trust in what you do. When you pray from the heart and soul, Mercy will always help you and everything will be resolved in this definitive time.
I thank you for trying to be merciful in these times.
Move forward and with faith; My Heart accompanies you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Our Lord, we will sing "Christs of the New Time" with a lot of devotion, to say farewell to His Higher Consciousness.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We wait for you all in the Heart of the Divine Messengers. Remember to always pray, every day, so that His Plans may be concretized.
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more