Monthly Message of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Thank you, My child, for fasting; in this way, weaknesses and temptations fade away from the depths of the consciousness.

Dare to give Me that which you can truly give Me; because it is only through you that I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world.

I Am the Sun of the starry night. I Am the Star that brings rejoicing and serenity for whomever seeks them. I Am the Path that opens to find the peace of the heart in this time.

Unite with My precepts and you will know My will, which I wish to concretize in your life.

Today, I bring you to the Portal of Peace so you may enter into My Kingdom and find the Peace that is not in you. Thus, join the universe of wonders and allow Me, through My Love, to bless you.

With this water with which today I bless everybody, I decree by this element the Purifying and Eternal Love of God, so the particles of the enemy may be dispelled and hearts find healing.

Over the water I pour the codes of Redemption and the Glory of My Son Jesus, so that those who have been sad and lonely may be able to again find unity with the Celestial Father.

Today I come so that, through this water, your debts be washed away and the Love of Christ the Redeemer enter into you.

With this same water, I will wash away your offenses, imperfections and fears; through it, I will leave the sign of Baptism and Renewal, by means of the Powerful Essence of the Holy Spirit.

Like the water with which Jesus was baptized, today I baptize you for the redemption of all, so that you may feel My caresses of Motherliness and of Peace.

Let the healing of the spirit be the goal for all; in this way, the doors of Paradise will be open for those who simply said 'yes' to Me from the start.

Over this water, I leave the universal Love of the Cosmos, the visible sign of purification and holiness for the newly redeemed.

Receive this water as the symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father, so this Sacrament of Spiritual Baptism allows you to commune with the Gifts of God and His Adorable Son.

As your Mother, over this water I pour the spirit of liberation and of transfiguration, so that good spirits may rise up and find the peace of the heart.

I redeem you. I purify you. I absolve you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

As Mary transmitted this Message, She was consecrating this water.

So, let's receive this blessing with great love and much gratitude; in this way, as She said, we will feel ourselves washed by this water of life.

After Mother Zorobable does this blessing, there will be two brothers at the exit who will be breaking this bread with their hands, so those who feel like it, are able to commune and carry the Body of Christ in their hearts.

While the Mother does the blessing, let's sing.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord asks those present if any of the brothers or sisters want to be baptized.

I would like to remain a long time with you, the world needs Me.

When one is baptized, the spirit of all is baptized. I will choose fifty of you to be baptized. This is the symbol and the sign of My Return.

While we sing, dear companions, I will choose them.

Know that those who are not baptized will also receive My Presence. Because I do not come here only for you, but rather for this world that suffers and endures.

You have to baptize your brothers and sisters with the love of the Holy Spirit, be a reflection of the love of the Holy Spirit.

With this simple act of love, you will baptize in spirit. This is what John the Baptist wanted to teach, beyond an act or a ritual.

What My Father teaches all the self-summoned is the Truth.

Let us thus prepare this moment in glory and love.

I will withdraw from your presence, but I will be here, accompanying you in a spirit of love. Remember that God gave Me the Grace of being omnipresent, just as I wish you to be in charity and in love.

I bless you and gather you all in My Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Jesus.

I accompany you from Heaven, at this moment. Know that I am here, in this sacred moment.

I thank you!

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

This moment of the Baptism was very special, because in some way, as the Master said, we were all baptized in spirit.

In those who were specially called by Our Lord, He explained that He saw a need that these souls have. They need to heal something, free something, forgive something. That something is a task He does directly with those souls.

But we also know that He told us that the opportunity will not be lacking for others to be able to be baptized at another moment.

As you have perceived, this is something that He is teaching us to do, about which we know nothing.

We understand that He tries to teach us, to instruct us as He did in that other time also.

His cousin, John the Baptist, was who, according to Our Lord, left an important legacy through the Sacrament of Baptism.

Today, when Christ appeared in a special way, on His Breast, over His Heart, He brought a medallion, which He named and explained.

It is what He left us today in His special Message.


INFINITE PEACE, will be the new baptism of your beings because only through Infinite Peace will your souls fulfill the mission that God has entrusted you in this time.

Dear companions,

This is the love that I want to reveal to you, that through My Infinite Peace your lives will be able to be united to the universe, and the Earth and the Heaven will be one, as it was predicted from the beginning.

For this to happen you must first incarnate Infinite Peace in your hearts because it will be the perfect path so that you may be able to truly love one another as I have taught you from the beginning, when My Life was among you.

Only through Infinite Peace will you find the chosen pathway of humility and in this way your souls will shine before My Kingdom because they will be fulfilling the precious gift of living in peace.

The world fades away from the lack of the true peace. Search for this Infinite Peace in your origin, in nature, in the heart of each peace maker brother and sister. Today I ask you to be an example of peace so that at least the great events of the Law of God may not weigh upon those who are not peace makers.

That through this Third Marathon of prayer to My Infinite Mercy you, as soldiers of the prayer of peace, may be able to go out strengthened and sheltered, ready to realize the missionary and apostolic task that I invite you to in this time.

Brothers and sisters, I feel a profound joy by seeing Argentinian hearts a little more mature and open to the collaboration of the Plan of My Father. That in this meeting your beings may be able to be reborn and to acquire the Spirit of God to work with your neighbors, united with the heart and with the soul.

Have a good merciful journey for the day of tomorrow. My Heart accompanies your pleas of love.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus of Argentina

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Who seeks the Great Sun will always illuminate their path. For this reason, on this afternoon, I come to meet with My apostles, and together with My twelve apostles from the past, I come to meet the New Christs, the inner Christs.

On this afternoon, as I have done in the past, I will wash your countenances and your feet and will consecrate the bread of life so that you may leave here united with Me, in attunement with My Heart.

Souls wait for this great moment, those that are far from our eyes and need to gain peace.

My Mercy comes to the world to free wounded hearts. Thus, the doors must be open so that I can enter your lives. If you do not open your inner door to Me, I will not be able to enter.

We are in a time of changes and this change is governed by My Heart, for the universe of My Father has entrusted it to Me.

Who is united with Me will not perish. They will be guided all the time.

On this afternoon, recognize that My priesthood is unique and is not of this world. But My Rays descend upon the shepherds so that they may find the same channel of Light, the Source that provides life and feeds souls with the Spirit of God.

Blessed are they that follow Me without delay, for they will be with Me at the end of time, and in spite of the tests, I will lift them up to a meeting with My Father.

Who communes with Me from the heart, communes with Me in soul and spirit, and all of their being is permeated by My Light.

Thus, it is time that you accept the Laws of Heaven so that life may be renewed and those dead in life may awaken to the Greater Spirit of My Heart.

Ask yourselves if you are truly with Me.

Prayer has shown you the signs, especially to those who were attentive.

Prayer is the path that is built toward infinity. In this way, the soul will not fall into the abysses, for it will walk safely through My Steps.

My Water washes your stains. My Blood purifies your hearts. My Soul consecrates you to God and My Divinity leads your spirits toward Greater Life.

Prayer: Our Father (repeated several times).

The path of inner consecration is for all the souls of the world. All souls that link with My Spirit and with My Heart permanently receive My blessing and My Grace. Each soul can give Me a step of their consecration. All this is deeply considered by My Heart.

What is important, My dear friends, is that you be united with My Heart, so that all of you will be united as one and will form part of the new flock in this definitive time.

Thus, today I leave you with these two Sacraments that renew souls throughout time. They are the Communion with My Body and with My Blood and the Baptism through the washing of your feet. In this way, the past is spontaneously erased and you will be able to come to My Table renewed in love and in truth.

Today I am more present among you because you have opened a door to Me.

I would wish that all could see Me, but I have not been allowed. My Presence also respects the Laws.

All of us are governed by a Greater Good and to that we must respond so that the good may be in all places, and in this way, sacred unity may unite all souls under the principle of Love, the only Love, the pure Love of God.

At the Last Supper, I gathered together those whom I had assembled from the universe so that they could share the path of consecration with Me. Thus, it was necessary to banish aspects of life. And this legacy, which I gave you in the Eucharist, was so that these effects could be generated in all souls.

It is necessary to set aside the past to be able to be born again in spirit. In this way, you will renew your lives and each day you will be closer to My Heart.

When I give you My Body so that you may eat it, it is so that you may be closer to Me, very close to the Kingdom of Heaven, the place where, someday, you must go with your brothers and sisters, with humanity.

May the Holy Spirit accompany this moment, may the Love of the Father hold each essence of this world, and may the Son of God gather you in celebration and joy on this afternoon of infinite Mercy.

I trust in those who are Mine, as those who are Mine trust in Me.

I consecrate these elements, living signs of union with My Spirit in all this material universe.

Under the Love of the Father, the Good of the Son, and the protection of the Holy Spirit, may the Kingdom of God and conversion descend upon all souls forever.

So be it for the good of all consciousnesses.

Thank you for being with Me today!

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Jesus, for all that You give us! In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. Amen.

Dear companions, every Master makes divine announcements for souls. Thus, on this evening, you will receive the special visit of Saint Joseph, the faithful Servant of God. Follow in His footsteps to find peace.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

It is lovely to receive the Master as a surprise, because we never know what He will ask of us. But everything He requests from us is for a Greater Good, as He told us today. At this moment, we feel what it is that each one of us inwardly needs for their life.

We would like to briefly tell you how He came here today, which is something He asked us to share.

He came from the universe, on this day, accompanied by many galaxies. There was an infinite path charted to here, to the Earth.

On the right and left, Our Lord was accompanied by some Archangels and some legions of those Archangels. They also came moving like in a procession, a sacred movement.

Suddenly, before Christ arrived, over the stage appeared the scene of the Last Supper. Immediately, He was showing us how He washed the feet and the hands of His apostles.

He was calling each one of them to sit at His Table. At that moment, we thought He was showing us something that had already happened, but during His Apparition, He explained that it was something He was asking us to practice again, that we remember again that which we once did with Him.

At that moment, He presented the twelve apostles, calling them "the twelve renewed apostles", that are serving on a mission, here on Earth, a spiritual mission, and a mission that His apostles, those who were with Him, have with the humanity of this time.

It is something that we are going to discover, according to what He said to us, in an unknown way and in a way that will take humanity by surprise so that it may truly prepare through the apostles that had been with Jesus, for when He returns.

Friar Elías reads the transmitted daily message.


I am present in your lives to teach you to forgive and to love.

If you were truly able to trust in My Mercy all the days a little more the past that disturbs you and makes you restless would be dissolved by the light that would enter inside of you from My Sacred Heart.

But you still have the opportunity of living by means of My Merciful Rays because in this way My Plan will be able to be fulfilled in those who I always call, the most imperfect ones and the most forgotten ones. My Graces of redemption and light are poured in the simplest ones. For this try to always have a heart as pure and as crystalline, as loving and as compassionate as My Unfathomable Heart.

I want that there exist new Christ’s who may be true apostles, who may demonstrate to the world that it is possible to live in God and for God as something beautiful and wonderful for the life of each soul. For this I need that you leave the garments from the past so that your heart and spirit may see itself free from every stain. The path to achieve this is the merciful prayer and the purification for these new times.

Each one, as a child of God, will receive the part that he or she must purify either in temperament or in consciousness. I only need your loving permission so that My Mercy may be able to be poured in all that your little beings may need.

The time has come in which the Master of the Light of the Father may gather again His friends for the Supper with the aim of renovating you in spirit and of baptizing you again with the Water of Life of Christ Jesus.

Know that the burning times have come for all and your perseverance and love for seeking Me all the time in My Mercy will be what will unite you to My Heart, and in this way you will be relived from all evil. Do not complain, do not punish your being anymore because in you is God and in God is His Beloved Son who comes to announce to you the Good News of Mercy and of Redemption.

I need you firm in spite of the falls, radiating love and peacefulness in spite of the great tribulations of life because then I will truly confirm with who I will be until the end of times.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


On this day, dear children, I invite you to withdraw within My Maternal Manger. Today I call you to remain close to the warmth of My Immaculate Heart, of My Maternal Love, just as Jesus was from His birth.

Today I ask you to unite your essences to My Maternal Essence so that the True Love for the Creator may awaken in your lives.

Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the power of prayer so that your souls may awaken the spiritual gifts that prayer offers as fruit for the souls.

My children, when I call you to remain within My maternal manger I am calling you to be humble and simple so that God may find your dwellings crystalline and pure. For this, your hearts must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

The world still has not changed, therefore your prayer of the heart will permit that many situations may find the Light of My Son.

Little children, today I am not only calling you to awaken your consciousness, but also to find, through Me, Jesus the Redeemer. My call is announced so that My soldiers may find the path towards My Immaculate Peace.

My children, today I call you to mature the heart and to rec- ognize God in each thing because the Father waits to baptize you with His Spirit of Peace. Trust in the priesthood of My Son, commune of His Merciful Heart.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
