Dear children,
Today we are on the eve of an important event, an event that once changed the facts of the history of the Divine Hierarchy with humanity.
On an August 18, 2011, your Most Holy Mother appeared again upon the sacred ground of Aurora, to ask that My Message and My call be made public.
It was then that the events that the Hierarchy was foreseeing began to change; because through Aurora and the date of August 8, 2007, the Divine Mother left you and humanity the open door of redemption, which the majority accepted, but few went through.
For this reason, the Sacred Hearts expanded Their mission and task with souls, so that, by means of regular instructions, souls could gradually understand, by themselves, that it was necessary to live this impulse, rather than just receive it.
Seventeen years ago your Divine Mother stepped, with Her Feet, upon the sacred ground of Aurora. Today I come to tell most of My children that you are still in time for being able to go through the safe door of redemption, so that humanity may also be redeemed someday.
Going through the door of redemption means that you dissolve from yourselves all personal will, power, or authority, so that, by the Grace of redemption, the life of My children may be ruled by the Power, impersonal Authority and the Will of the Most High Eternal Father, just as your Heavenly Mother was and is ruled by the Celestial Powers.
When the soul, for some reason, receives the impulse of the Divinity, but has its life aspects still not transformed, the soul enters into crisis, because it is subject to the play of its free will and personal will, which generates unnecessary suffering.
For this reason, on the eve of the celebration of the first day of the announcement of the Work of the Divine Messengers on a world scale, your Holy Mother reminds you and explains the reason for the revelation which was received in My beloved Aurora many years ago.
In this way, you will be able to understand that the Universal Hierarchy gives impulses and instructions so that souls may take their steps and not just remember a Message.
For this reason, August, this August of 2024, not only represents a previous cycle that has ended for everyone, but also represents the beginning of a cycle of spiritual and moral rebirth for souls that at some point professed their faith, trust, and confirmation before the Divine Hierarchy.
As always, I will be praying for this moment and for each one of My children, called upon to begin to walk with their own feet. It is now the time.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the spiritual and inner cycles
Place your heart, child, in the Crucified Heart of Christ, where you will understand the essence of emptiness, surrender, divestment, humility, the true meaning of having nothing nor wanting anything for the self, the true meaning of surrendering your life for others.
Place your heart in the Crucified Heart of Christ and you will understand the meaning of fullness, a fullness that does not come from this world and does not become filled with anything that belongs to it, the fullness of being in God beyond all and any circumstances.
The time and the hour has come for your being to learn to be in God and live the essence of His Project of Love, because everything has already been given to you for this: all the instructions have been given to you, all the Graces have been given to you, all the gifts have been given to you so that now, child, you may know how to divest your heart of yourself, of the world and its promises, and enter into the essence of the Purpose of life.
Do not go through the world without fulfilling your primary mission, which is to fill your heart, your spirit and your consciousness in the likeness of Christ, with His Christic path. And that means to live like Christ in His surrender, in His Love, in His submission, and in His emptiness.
Do not seek something else for yourself other than the Purpose of your Lord, and embrace everything which leads you into the fulfillment of that Purpose.
Love this cycle of the planet with your heart, because you came to the world for this. Do not fear testifying to an empty heart, do not fear testifying to a perfect Love. And to reach this emptiness and this Love, you must first live the divestment, the purification and an absolute surrender of everything you still hold on to with your hands.
Thus, simply walk in faith, and on this walk, where only the silence of the Creator will accompany you, let your steps also be silent, but full of the certainty of the triumph of Christ through your heart.
The world is in agony, child, and its suffering has no limits. The anguish of souls makes no sense and is unexplainable, has no measure. And to repair and balance this, the Creator calls upon His companions to live His Words and His Law, to live His Purpose and His Love.
Will you say yes?
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
On this special day, in which the cycle of the one hundred Prayer Meetings of Mercy is celebrated, it is My wish for each one of My children that they may place their gaze within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus, see how, on this day of victory of the Divine Mercy, His Rays of Love, Healing and Light touch and bless all souls, especially those who most need Mercy.
As prayerful soldiers of Christ, raise your banners and walk as a great army of Light toward the center of the Altar of the Lord so that, once again, the offering of each heart may be deposited at the Feet of the Redeemer, so that your inner vows may be renewed, and, as in the last one hundred Meetings of Mercy, you may contemplate the descent of God's Mercy.
Today, I also invite you to remember the moment, for each one of My children, when, for the first time, you made contact with Mercy, and this Mercy made of your life a testimonial of conversion.
Remember all the beautiful moments of praise and the prayers sustained throughout these recent years.
See, My children, for a moment, that the Will of God may be fulfilled within you.
May today, the Sacred Spirit of renewal and of the unfathomable Mercy of My Son keep healing the wounded Earth so that the Good and Peace may triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
As Mother and Lady of Garabandal, I prepare to return and help, through you, the entire people of Spain, who have been struck by the pandemic, hit by the lack of faith and devotion, due to so many difficult events.
Once I said in Garabandal that the glass was almost full, now the glass is already overflowing.
Dear children, My return to Europe is to try, once again, to withdraw many of My children from the indifference and discrimination that they experience in this time.
I pray, day and night, and, while in vigil, your Celestial Mother prepares to begin a new stage and a new cycle with all Her children of Europe, and from Europe to the entire world, including Asia and Oceania.
Therefore, beloved children, I ask you to continue to pray with fervor for each of My intentions so that, one day, they may be converted into a reality of abundance and Mercy, for all My children.
I also ask you to pray for My Plans of salvation and peace, which the Virgin of Garabandal, the Lady of Fatima, will need to carry forward in Africa and the Middle East, through the support and the loving and fraternal collaboration of all.
The time that I will remain in Europe, sending My Messages to the world, will be long, because the northern hemisphere, including Africa, needs a lot of Mercy.
Hence, I will be grateful to you.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I say goodbye to you because, on this day, after so many apparitions and miracles over the course of time, the daily task of your Heavenly Mother comes to an end. A very important impulse that, time after time, allowed me to become closer to My children.
Today this cycle of daily messages ends, after being with you for twelve years. My Heart will miss coming daily, but My Soul will always be with everyone who, with devotion and faith, responds to My call.
Today, one day before August 8, before such an important cycle for humanity is accomplished, I invite you, My children, to remember the Words of My Son, of Saint Joseph and of your Heavenly Mother, for in them we have left the greatest treasures of the Source of Knowledge for humanity.
Through the reading and the study of the messages of the Sacred Hearts, find the answer and the spiritual meaning of everything we have told you throughout the last twelve years.
May this treasure be recognized by each one of you, so that you can always be aware of it and, in this way, your lives may be the testimony itself of conversion through the instruction of the Sacred Hearts.
Dear children, on this day, let us give thanks, with our hearts, let this gratitude be true within each of you, so that humanity may continue to be blessed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In each cycle of human evolution, children, the time comes for the disciples to take their own steps and deliver the results of their learning to the Creator. This is experienced in Heaven as on Earth.
When the time comes to put into practice everything that you have learned, your first premise, the most basic as well as the primary one, is humility. Never forget that all the lessons received were based on the Grace of God, and not on human merit. Each instruction, each gift, each virtue and even each skill reached, everything is the result of the Divine Grace within your lives.
For this reason, children, do not lose sight of that Grace, and under the perpetual spirit of humility, know that you only triumph when you are in the Presence of the Lord and it is He Who acts through His children. Thus, prayer, silence and the eternal awareness of the Divine Presence and of the need for His Grace are that which will allow you to remain on the correct path.
This is what will uproot from your hearts any vestige of competitiveness and lack of union when you wish to impose your own ideas and thoughts upon the ideas and thoughts of others. May no one ever desire to establish their own will, rather, may everyone humbly gather in the Presence of the Creator, pray and ask for the Grace to act, decide and discern in the face of each situation in life. This will protect you, guide you and keep you safeguarded under the Law of the Grace and Mercy of God, even in the times of justice.
Everything in your lives must be guided by the Creator, and even though His Messengers become silent, you must learn to seek the Presence of the Father within your own hearts and listen to His designs. The bridges have already been created, the doors have already been opened; it is enough that your hearts remain always humble and conscious of the need for Grace in the face of any situation.
You have My blessing for this,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.
I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all, they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.
I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.
I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.
I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.
I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.
I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.
My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.
In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.
Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.
May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Understand that this is a time of transition and that you are at the doorway of a new time in which the old human being will no longer have the place they always thought they had, because everything will be renewed when I return to the world.
This is the time to be free of the old self, and all are being faced with this time.
It is an event that, until now, nobody has experienced.
The more open the heart is to the changes, the less it will suffer, because all will have the chance to go past that barrier that separates the current time from the Real Time.
But your consciousness must be expanded and, without prejudice, receive the change of cycle as has happened many times, except that this new time that is approaching is not the same or similar to any other.
It is a time in which everything will be reconfigured so that the weight of the errors of humanity will no longer be the obstacle that will get in the way of the elevation of consciousness.
Thus, in this unconditional openness, the Spiritual Hierarchy will be able to help so that consciousnesses which take the step may go forward to meet the new time, without the weight of yesterday nor the guilt of the past.
The new time will bring a very powerful current of healing.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
May the peace of God be in you.
It brings Me joy to share this new cycle with you. After the last eleven years, Your Heavenly Mother has managed to deepen into the task with the souls of humanity, much in need of consolation and love.
Over the course of the years, dear children, you learned about the school of daily prayer, and this granted merits before the Celestial Father and, in spite of how todays humanity is, this allowed Your Heavenly Mother to return for another cycle, to guide and lead each one of Her children along the path of redemption.
But now we are in the final cycle of all cycles. Everything, until now, was an important preparation and, at the same time, a path that led you to understand many of the Mysteries of God.
Now it is time for the rest of humanity to know the truth that dwells within each essence.
The time has come for humanity to abandon ignorance and awaken to divine reality. This is the purpose and the reason for the coming of Your Heavenly Mother in this new and last cycle.
Continue to pray, so that what should be built can be built and, in this way, the pillars will have been established so that My Son can return.
I love you and bless you all, and from here, I again say to you:
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
Since the beginning of your lives, during the manifestation of your essences in the Universe, the Purpose of God and His perfect Thought have been drawn for each one of you.
Each being of this Earth, and even beyond it, has a unique mission designed by God so that through their fulfillments not only the Plan of their Creator may be fulfilled, but His vast Creation, from cycle to cycle, can be recreated and renewed, based upon new and greater degrees of Love.
Each essence bears within itself a unique gift of the Spirit of God, a virtue that makes it unique in Creation and special for God, with its place kept in His Sacred Heart.
This virtue is like a musical note within a great celestial melody. Without it, the melody would not be complete. This note is in the chord that corresponds to it, with other notes that complement it; this note is in the perfect melody, in the perfect tempo so that, upon sounding its tone, a new door may open to Life.
I say this to you, My children, so that you may understand that nothing ends. Cycles do not mean an end, but a new step of an infinite evolutionary scale, which has been manifesting in your lives since the beginning of your creation, from the beginning of the creation of Life itself.
The evolution of beings is built, step by step, since the creation of their consciousnesses and, although their mission is the same, it deepens and is perfected so that through it something greater may be constructed.
Each consciousness, as it is created, receives a lineage to express and, life after life, on Earth or beyond it, this lineage is fulfilled and manifests more or less intensely, according to the awakening of the consciousness.
The beings that you know as visionaries manifest this lineage since the beginning of their existence, because their mission is to see beyond the dimensions and to communicate the perceived Will of God to all creatures.
There are different expressions of this spiritual lineage, which does not mean that they are better or worse than one another, but just that they are in different degrees of development, according to the Will of God and the mission of each consciousness.
From their universal and cosmic life, to their experience on Earth, a visionary has been deepening not only into their capability to perceive the dimensions, but above all to love them, to love what they perceive, to love what they transmit and to whom they transmit, and to do it each day more deeply and truly.
Each stage of the evolution of a visionary invites them to deepen not only into their perception, but also into their degrees of love and humility. And oftentimes a cycle that closes means a new and deeper cycle begins.
When the Divine Messengers begin a stage of retreat, this not only means, My children, that the visionary must begin to deepen into their mission and enter subtler and more unknown spheres, which are revealed in the solitude of their hearts. It also means that all those who share what is transmitted by God must begin a cycle of deepening and inner synthesis.
A note by itself cannot contain an entire melody within a song. The whole song collects the notes and deepens into its silence so that the note can then intensify during a later moment of this great melody.
In this way, I explain to you that this is a cycle of revelations, which must not only be heard, but also deepened into.
After this cycle, while we begin to retreat, a great silence will come, a moment when Our Voices must echo within each one of you.
This echo must enter into your consciousnesses, into your cells and atoms, echoing, within each one, the experience of superior Laws, the experience and living all that We have said throughout the years. Because it is through the depths of this silence that the fortitude will be built in you, which will make you worthy, not only of sustaining this planet, but also of re-building it from the Sacred Enclaves that, little by little, are revealed to you.
Live each cycle with your spirit filled with gratitude, with your heart ready for an even greater new step. Thus, My children, Our silence will not be a reason for you to weaken, but rather to elevate.
I take this time for you to understand that evolution is an eternal ascension, and that this Law is fulfilled beyond the appearances and the small human understanding.
Live each stage always looking toward the Heights, and there the Purpose of God will be, guiding your lives.
I love you and I am with you at each instant.
My Heart, from the birth of Christ to the Cross, My children, always remained silent, and I nonetheless did not cease to feel and live each instant of the life of Christ. I shared with Him each experience, each learning, each leap into the unknown, each challenge that was overcome, and this is what I am doing today, with each one of you.
Therefore, trust in My word of Love and, even more, trust in My mysterious and consoling silence, because it is there that I sustain your cross.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the Mother of God is in silence, it is because something important is about to happen, and at this moment you must understand this meaning.
This silence leads to introspection, to reflection and to discernment.
It is a moment for humanity to understand the cycles it is going through and experiencing in these times.
For this reason, the Messengers of God come to Earth, to prepare and guide it toward the next step and toward the new time.
I have come here today to bring you My message of peace, but also My message of consciousness, dear children.
Today, in the message given by your Heavenly Mother for the apparitions, a cycle closes and a new cycle will begin; from the month of March of this year onward, a moment in which you will be able to accompany Me throughout this last cycle that draws near, which will conclude an important stage for all inner worlds and also for all of humanity.
It is a moment for you to begin to harvest the fruits of the instruction and knowledge of the Hierarchy; a moment for you to be able to learn and drink from this Fountain, so that you may only depend on God, on His Grace and on His Mercy.
Thus, your souls will be strengthened upon this path and trajectory toward the eternal service for God on behalf of souls, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet.
Today I come here to announce the end of this cycle, the end of these messages that I have been delivering that prepare you for each new meeting with Me, whether in your hearts or before My Presence.
Thus, dear children, you will be able to understand, at this moment, the omniscience of the Mother of God. This omniscience and power that Her Son has given Her to carry forward this planetary task in the end of times, which is the last and great task for these times.
For this reason, I invite you to keep in mind all that I have said to you, from the first years in which I met you, to guide you, conduct you and make you live the Plan of God in its different manifestations and tasks.
This is the time to make the great and last synthesis. It is the time to live the knowledge of God so that you can learn to face that which will come, not only for your consciousnesses, but also for the whole planet, for the entire humanity.
Through each message, through each word and instruction, your Heavenly Mother has given you an impulse, a key, a gift, a virtue and a light so that they can be lit within your hearts and within your lives, and so that you can represent the Work of Christ upon Earth.
Thus, dear children, I call you to live the untiring apostolate, the apostolate of effort, the apostolate for love for all that God conceived from the beginning of this Creation, and so that this Creation can be regenerated, healed and redeemed.
This is the time when humanity will go through the last moments within its planetary transition. Therefore, I invite you to be conscious, but I also thank you for having responded to each call.
Having responded to My call, you have responded to the call of God. This call of God is to fulfill, at each stage, His Divine Will, His aspirations, His ardent wishes and His goals. It is in this way that He appears, reveals Himself and guides His children, so that all may follow the path of faith and trust in God, in the fulfillment of His Divine Purpose.
I need you, dear children, to help me accompany the coming cycle, because from the moment My Son visits you this year, during the Sacred Week of this year, a more definitive stage will close.
Understand, dear children, that now cycles are monthly and there are also cycles that are weekly. The Hierarchy will no longer be able to wait for twenty-five or more years for the human consciousness to be mature and be in the condition that the Plan needs in order to be fulfilled and accomplished.
Therefore, I lead you to understand the importance of knowledge and instruction, which are strongholds and principles for your lives; they are directions, paths and routes to find the Divine Purpose in its diversity, within the Law of the Hierarchy, within the Law of Love-Wisdom.
I leave you this message, dear children, this last message that prepares your inner worlds for this Apparition of today, a moment when each soul and each heart, beyond what it is going through and experiencing, will have the opportunity to make this synthesis and gather, in its inner world, all the treasures that the Hierarchy has delivered, throughout the years and the times.
Today is a culminating moment for all, from the inner planes but also from the spiritual planes, the Eternal Father will be contemplating this instance, when His children will again respond to the call of the Mother of God, by means of this meeting of prayer, which tries to strengthen all souls, all hearts and consciousnesses so that they do not fear, so that they may learn to go through the end of these times with bravery and momentum, under the impulse and company of the Great Chrsitic Consciousness.
Above all, dear children, may love always be within you, in your brothers and sisters, and everywhere. It is this love, the Love of God, that has brought you here, to live this time, to live this school, to live this learning, to serve God. There is nothing that can prevent this. There is nothing that can hinder it nor intervene.
The deserts are big, but the victories are vaster and more infinite.
Take back the inner strength that the Sacrament of the Communion gives you. Affirm your Baptism. Affirm your anointment in Christ, and all will be renewed.
I thank you for responding to My call and, under the Light of My Heart, I guide you toward the Greater Purpose, until this Purpose is fulfilled, in you and in the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
Never forget to pray for those who are spiritually condemned and do not know it, so that the Grace of consciousness and of awakening may reach each one of them.
My children, today I ask you this, because the majority of humanity is in this situation and, if you pray for those who are condemned, you will be granting to your Heavenly Mother the possibility to intervene for each one of these children.
To be spiritually condemned is not something so material, but rather profoundly internal.
Therefore, today I call you to pray from the heart for all those souls that, for decades of planetary history, find themselves under this spiritual condition that oppresses them and does not allow them to take any step toward the Divine Light.
As you pray for them, they will not only receive a Grace and a reprieve at some moment in life, but also those parallel worlds of suffering and agony, created by the very humanity of the surface, become liberated and closed forever, carrying forward the liberation of the spiritually condemned.
The planet, as a state of consciouness that feels and lives what humanity does to it, also manages to breathe and restore its consciousness and spiritual life.
Praying for those who are condemned and do not know it is like lovingly asking for the angels to send a message to the inner worlds of these lost souls so that, by means of Divine Grace, they can reconsider and again find the path to God that they had lost.
Therefore, My children, as you consciously pray for the spiritually condemned, you will also be praying for the nations and all they hold as experience and learning.
Everything can be contemplated in prayer. Prayer brings consciousness and discernment. Prayer indicates the inner path to be followed, a path that the entire humanity needs in this cycle of liberation and forgiveness.
The center that gives an impulse to all this movement of the power of prayer is the Love of Christ, which brings to all the merciful Love of God, which justifies errors and converts them, granting pity and redemption to souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My companions and apostles,
Every day I place you before the Grace and opportunity to serve God in infinite ways. But your heart must be in everything, because the heart that serves, feels the need and attends to it.
Thus, I have you trained in the service of love for humanity; since, in these difficult times, the spiritual, mental and material needs are great; but there are only a few that, in My Name, surrender like empty glasses so that the Greater Priest may fill them with His Gifts.
I come to remind you of the inner vows that were once made by you before My merciful Presence.
Let these vows be the perfect conviction and the true confirmation of going through this time out of love for Your Lord and Master, because more demanding times are coming.
Times that place the servers of Christ very far from themselves so that they may be available with all their being and consciousness, and completely able to experience the great and last convocation.
This is the cycle of recognizing yourself as an apostle and missionary of Christ so that, in an immediate way, the planet may be alleviated from its condition of adversity through the reparation and healing that the service of those of Mine can awaken within all that seems lost.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
On this special and spiritual day, the three Sacred Hearts again unite and come together out of love and for the redemption of this humanity and planet; and each of the Sacred Hearts emit and send a special impulse for all human consciousnesses.
This is the new cycle of the Sacred Hearts, a cycle that will bring the last instruction and warnings for humanity so that, after so many years of work and of service with us, the apostles of Christ may finally be available, prepared and conscious to move forward with the sustenance and immediate support of the Islands of Salvation, which will receive the consciousnesses that will also awaken to the path of the Spirit, as well as those souls that will be rescued from various situations and causes.
Thus, this is the cycle in which the message of the Sacred Hearts is to be lived in daily practice, so that the spiritual attributes and keys that the messages of the Hierarchy hold may be activated and be at the service of the great planetary need.
This is the time to perceive that humanity is approaching its last and most acute stage of purification, and all that will be done, experienced or practiced will contribute to alleviating the Kingdoms of Nature and the most lost souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The next meeting with the Light-Network of Uruguay will complete a cycle for the Spiritual Hierarchy which, for the Light-Network, will mean that a part of it will be spiritually strengthened further in order to carry forward the next steps of the Plan.
In this sense, the Hierarchy proposes to continue and gradually, stage by stage, gather together other light-members so that they may fully assume other sectors of the Work, which will need the support and assistance of everyone.
It will be in this way, as the Light-Network groups mature, that the Hierarchy will be able to entrust them with other tasks and commitments so that the different sectors of the Work of the Hierarchy may be assisted and attended to in the best way and, thus, each member of the Light-Network will be able to assume and carry forward their task.
This is the time in which the Hierarchy will gradually delegate missions and tasks so that a field of selfless service may be the keynote for this period.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I can return to the world as many times as possible, because on this planet are present the smallest and most innocent children of humanity.
If these little children were not present, I could not return because, through them, God reflects His image of purity, innocence and love for humanity.
But I also return to the world for the smallest and most innocent that are exploited and trafficked so that, through My intervention, their purity and innocence may not be assaulted by adults.
Within the smallest lies the potential for renewing and manifesting the new humanity, which will not be mental or outdated, for in the smallest exists the teaching and the example for all the adults who lost their sense of innocence and their inner child.
The smallest and most innocent are present in this culminating cycle of humanity to offer their lives for love, so that the peace and innocence of the whole world may have a place in the heart of the men and women of the Earth.
Children will always have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven; they will always have a place in the Heart of the Redeemer.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
A reprieve was granted to your Heavenly Mother so that, together with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, I could return daily, as in other cycles, in order to be able to closely accompany the planetary Calvary and inner Armageddon of My children.
For this reason, we have offered ourselves, myself and Saint Joseph, like in that time of the presentation of the little Child in the temple. But this time, Our offering was that of Our Sacred Hearts, and also the supplications and sacrifices of all those who have persisted by my side up to today, and who have lived the injustice of many painful occurences.
The Eternal Father has permitted Me that, after one year of weekly Messages is over, exactly on March 2, 2020, your Heavenly Mother may make a transition with Her Beloved Son, and assume the daily instruction throughout another year, until March 2, 2021.
I want you to know, My children, that My sorrowful maternal Heart not only suffers the horrors of these current times, but also suffers the abandonment of the children that had an apostolic mission together with My Son.
In this way, by the grace of this spiritual reprieve, I come today, in a special manner, to announce to you that these will be My last instructions to humanity, and that, as the year of weekly Messages conclude, I will no longer communicate written Messages for the Apparitions. I will only come to the world and to the loving meeting with you, as it has been in the last years, through the meetings of prayer that are shared worldwide.
I will come throughout another year due to a world emergency and, as Mother, I offered all My gifts and prayers so that the Celestial Father might grant me this most important Grace.
As from now, I announce this message so that you may know how to value and internally recognize My last and loving instructions.
I thank you, children, for having prayed a lot with Me today!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Certain Universal Laws sometimes fulfill and follow the mandate of a fundamental Law, such as the Law of Transmutation, which in this time is active and intervening as it has never intervened before.
The Law of Transmutation permanently prevents certain events from being triggered in humanity, or in a particular situation.
This Law assists in the spiritual unblocking of certain spiritual, mental and physical circuits that make it difficult for the Law of Harmony to be fulfilled.
Thus, the Law of Transmutation repels, and, at the same time, evacuates certain adverse currents that try to destroy the Plan of Love in humanity.
When this is about to happen, the Law of Transmutation enters into action to try to release and lead that which is impeding the flow of the Laws to other planes of consciousness.
In this time, the Law of Transmutation is present to grant the human hearts an opportunity to recreate their lives and their way of perceiving the reality of this cycle.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
After quite a while, I once again draw close to the south of Uruguay, after the Uruguayan people chose the new school, that it must go through.
As from now, this country will have a chance to be able to reverse the state of consciousness in which it spiritually placed itself and will have the opportunity to close a great many uncertain doors that it opened throughout the last fourteen years.
In this way, the Uruguayan people will achieve the freedom that it so believed it had for its life decisions. For this reason, the Universe will grant the Grace that many Uruguayans can again find a path of return to the house of the Celestial Father.
In the new coming cycle, Uruguay will experience the test of disagreements and opposition, because in order to reverse the spiritual situation it has entered, only a new cycle could generate a sufficiently large enough change, for the opposite of what this country has experienced in the last years to occur.
For this, the Hierarchy will intervene in the consciousness of Uruguay so that, together with Argentina, it may maintain the possibility of resuming upon the path it once lost.
For this reason, I pray that this Grace may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
We have reached the last month of the alternate year for humanity, a month in which hearts are called to be in Christ and so that the inner Christ may emerge, purify you and renew you for another year, so that you may continue to serve the Most High.
But it is also a month in which inattention and distraction will be the premises for the life of hundreds of people of this humanity.
And to not fall into that trap, idealized by My enemy, you must be attentive, vigilant and with your consciousness elevated toward the Universe, because for the human race a chronological year ends, but for the spiritual Hierarchy a change of cycle occurs again, and this new cycle will be full of challenges because it will be an important duty to be able to concretize many projects.
Thus, I invite you to remember the Hierarchy and all that the Hierarchy will give impulse to in this new stage. Because in the same way that the clock time runs, the cycles also change and the opportunities will only come around once.
December of 2019 is the preamble to the last times with the Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more