My dear children,

During these days of special prayer, may your requests and prayers for Brazil come to Me with the warmest love of My children, as roses at the Feet of the Celestial Mother.

Dear children, let us unite, at this moment, to the Heart of My Son so that the Sublime Spiritual Government may fill the souls of this nation of Brazil, and thus the purpose of this country may be protected and sheltered under the luminous wings of Brazil’s Guardian Angel.

It is in this way, dear children, that through the powerful prayer from the heart, the Holy Spirit may also guide and inspire the hearts of My children so that the discernment and peace that this dear people of Brazil need may always prevail.

As your Mother, as the Lady of Aparecida, I am praying every day, together with you, and I unite My Voice of a Servant and Slave of God so that in Brazil and throughout the whole world the Will of the Eternal Father may be fulfilled.

The intention of My Motherly desire is for Brazil not to convert itself into a scenario of inconsistencies and lack of spiritual meaning.

You, my children, must proceed to allow the Lady of Aparecida to continue being the Governor of this nation, destined to be the cradle of the New Humanity.

Continue praying with fervor, allowing the Sacred Flame of Wisdom grant understanding and reason to humble hearts.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you,

You Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


They not only want the Amazon to disappear, but also, with the social crises, they want to unbalance the nations of South America and of Central America by means of ideological plans that are now being applied in which, up until today, there is no fidelity or transparency on the part of the leaders toward the peoples.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts, with the extraordinary assistance of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, will be preparing, in the Celestial Planes, to enter again into the nation of Colombia, which others also want to unbalance, through a condition of hostile creation and thought. 

In truth, the maximum Hierarchy of the Universe will be mobilized after the important meeting in Manaus, Amazonas, to give spiritual assistance to three Andean nations: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; as in these recent times they have been the scene of manifestations and social rebellion, which only move toward tragedies.

Venezuela was the doorway so that South America, as a future cradle of the New Humanity, would be brought into imbalance.

For this reason, the Divine Hierarchy appeals to all beings of goodwill who believe in the Celestial Father and in the concretization of the Divine Plan, to become mobilized, within all of South America and beyond it, to materialize the next Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia; as after the last 8th of August, the work as a whole has taken on attending to and aiding in planetary situations rather than regional or local situations.

So that this wave of imbalance in South America, generated by the exploiting countries of the first world, not end in a continental situation, I come to ask you for your collaboration, and I will also come to ask Colombia to become consecrated to the King of Peace so that an extraordinary Grace may appease the future anguish and desolation of the Andean peoples.

As from now, I am thankful for the adherence and the awareness of all.

For this, the Most Holy and Pure Mother, Queen of Chiquinquirá and Lady of the Apocalypse will also come to ask you for the re-consecration of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

If Her request is not attended to, worse and bloody happenings will come, which will be seen by the entire world.

There is still time to stop it.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Mary Aparecida, Eternal Patroness of Brazil

My dear children,

On this October 12th, in commemoration of Mary Aparecida and as Mother of all races, I invite you, to each prayerful heart, to re-consecrate Brazil to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that Divine Justice, and not the justice of men, may descend, and so that equality and dignity among peoples may emerge for these times so that Brazil may once again be considered the sacred Eden of South America.

Today, more than ever, your Celestial Mother and Lady of Aparecida collects, with Her hands, the prayers of all of Her children of Brazil and of the world, knowing that in these moments of definition and of tests, nothing will remain hidden.

For this reason, in its re-consecration, as Brazilian people to the Mother of God, the patronage of the Lady of Aparecida and Her celestial guard will be once again be established in the spirit of its country and of its people.

With the prayers of My children, I will imprison My adversary so that, in this final battle for the nations of the world, love and hope may triumph in everybody who trusts in God and in the near coming of His Kingdom.

Dear children, the planet and humanity will purify, that is why I invite you to remain in vigil and in prayer, because the most crucial hour is coming and you must not be taken by surprise when everything is unleashed in the world and on its surface.

For this reason, announce all of your faith and your consoling love for the flagellated Heart of the Mother of God, who is offended by the children who want to banish Her from all cultures and all peoples.

It is in the trust of My prayerful children where the Kingdom of the Mother of God will be established once again, because the permanent exercise of the Rosary will be the instrument that will defeat all lies, falsity and corruption in the nations of the world.

The time has come to make the prodigies of the Mother of God known in the redeemed and converted life of the believers in Christ.

Brazil is a land blessed by God.

All who pray must keep supplicating so that the Divine Justice may descend and the Divine Mercy be the powerful current that will redeem the most sinful, giving them the grace of rescue and of salvation.

On this day, when My children from Brazil recognize the Mother of God, may the altar of the inner temple of each Brazilian be offered so that the atoning Divine Grace may intercede for a country that may live equality and justice, and may once again be the cradle for a new and redeemed humanity.

May the Celestial Peace be present today in Brazil and in the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Pray for Brazil, as well as for all of South America. Pray for the whole world. Pray for each nation and pray fervently for those nations that were chosen by God to be the cradle of a New Life.

Pray in unity with God and with your brothers and sisters because the seed of disunity was placed in the soil of the world and it is being fertilized by the unconscious actions of humankind.

Pray, child, and sow love in humanity. Ask for and grant forgiveness to your brothers and sisters to pull out, by the roots, this evil that is seeking to install itself over the world. Seek healing for the wounds of the human heart, starting with yourself, healing your spirit.

Pray, child, for the nations, in unity with all peoples and cultures. Answer the call of your Divine Mother to pray for peace and recognize that this is not your need, but rather an urgency for the planet.

Strengthen, every day, the Prayer for Peace in the Nations beyond the obstacles and the technologies. Redeem those vehicles, which for so many are the cause of perdition and of deceit, and turn them into an Instrument of God to unite His children in one voice, in one single cry for peace in this world.

See, child, that it is necessary to take a step in love, in prayer, in forgiveness and in reconciliation because the nations agonize and if you do not begin now to heal within yourself and what needs to be healed around you, nothing will be able to console you in the time that will come as humankind has deprived itself of the Mercy of God and will only receive His Divine Justice.

Thus, pray and cry out for peace. Be a bridge to the New Life.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Second Message

And today I come showing My Wounds to the world, to each one of the souls, as an offering for the wounds that Argentina has today, as a spiritual and material nation.

Today I come to offer My Blood as this perfect testimony of love for you and for each nation of this planet, especially for the nations that suffer the most, which are submitted and colonized by projects that do not come from God, but rather from humanity.

But this will end. It will not last for a long time.

I have come here, to Argentina, for all of this to begin to change from now on. 

I have chosen this nation for this start to happen, just as My Father has asked.

For this reason, I offer My Wounds, not as a symbol of suffering, but rather of victory, pouring out the Light of My Spirit from each one of them, for those who want to be bathed by My Grace. 

I come here to testify that the Kingdom of God is possible, inside and outside of beings, and on the surface of the planet, which, in spite of the chaos of the end of times and of the immediate purification, the Lord invites you to prevail in peace; invites you to build inside of you a path which is still unknown. 

This path that I offer to you is toward the Universe, where the Brotherhood is found; where a purpose is lived during the entire lifetime, until it can be fulfilled.

For this reason, you must seek inside of you, companions, the essence of what you truly are and of what you have come to accomplish in these final times, where the next Kingdom of God in humanity and on the planet will be defined, where many more things will happen, things that you must live to be able to learn and to experience the degrees of love and of forgiveness, in order to achieve, finally, the so awaited redemption.

For this reason, I invite you to be consequent with Me, as you have been in all these last days, where in each detail, in each labor and service, I have seen your love and your effort for Me, with the aim of the Work of the Divine Mercy to be accomplished in humanity, and especially in Argentina.

As I told you yesterday, here there are very valuable souls that have arrived in this time to experience the great change of consciousness, by means of strong experiences and deep livings that try to lead you to the comprehension of the reconciliation and of faith, of unity and of fraternity, in this beloved people.

Here is the preamble of a new race, as is in Brazil and in another parts of South-America. 

Everything that happens in these times on the surface of the Earth is part of the objective of My adversary which is to imbalance and destabilize the humanities, peoples and nations. But do not enter in this field nor into this energy of discord and of dissociation. 

Nourish yourselves, day by day, through the word of prayer and you will be able to reach the sublime spheres, and the sublime spheres, as guiding stars, will indicate the new path to you, the new direction that you must travel through your lives and experiences.

Do not fear to face the end of times nor the purification.

Do not fear to offer yourselves to suffer for Me, because what I will give you is what you really need, beyond what you would deserve. 

Trust in My Heart, because in it lies the Sacred Temple for your spirits, so that your souls may live the communion with Me, time and again.

For this reason, today I come again from Andromeda, to emit My proclamation of peace, to make of this peace a reality that many would like to live but cannot. But if you, companions, decide to be My instruments and not the instruments of the world, I will be able to continue working through your lives and consciousnesses. 

Thus, in spite of what happens or what may present itself in these times, I will build in you an unbreakable fortitude that will have its base in spiritual life, given by the fortitude of faith and of the trust in the One, Our Celestial Father.

My Father sends Me, not only to call you to understanding and comprehension, but also to the necessary correction that is vital for these critical times; a correction that will try to lead you always along the path of the Purpose and of the Truth, so that you do not lose the objective of what God needs to build in humanity and in all peoples. 

Through My Wounds, I illuminate your lives.

Through My Consciousness, I ennoble your spirits, because they are old spirits, originating from other stars and from other universes. Spirits that have congregated to accomplish a purpose in the name of the Son of God, a purpose that has not been accomplished yet and that has not ended, which is in the apex of its transition and of its definition.

Thus, everything you do for the good of God will build the new and the eternal, which will be invincible and will not be defeated.

Over you is the Hand of Grace. A Grace that helps you, a Grace that fills you, a Grace that leads you to live peace in times without peace. 

Be builders of the New Humanity. Postulate yourselves as pillars that will be the bases for the new race by means of attributes, of examples and of an unconditional service for humanity and the planet, as well as for all its Kingdoms. 

Elevate your thought toward the High and unite your thought to the Thought of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel and here there will not exist interferences nor disturbances, your attention will be fixed in the Purpose and in all that must happen in the next times. 

Argentina must achieve its transparency; it must manifest its equality. For this everything will be purified. 

Do not fear to know that everything will be purified. Do not fear to find the reason for this purification and of this moment. Know that everything is already foreseen and that your land has been called to live a new state of consciousness that will first be born in the human beings who live in the Lord, who accomplish His Designs and His Divine Will.

From you the new being may be born and the old being will be left behind, because you will have accepted to live the Principles of God, which will not only constitute new consciousnesses in you, but which will form the new peoples, the new race, the New Earth.

From the heart of the Universe, I emit My Voice, so that My Voice may be heard by all.

I leave for you the Love that I have for your Motherland and for your nation, knowing that God has given you the best that He has so that your people, from its origins, might learn to express its inner and spiritual virtue. 

It is this virtue that I come to seek from the Argentinian people, and it is this virtue that will not be dissolved from the essence of all those who live here.

Therefore, everything is in a battle and in definition, just as it is in Brazil. 

In the principles of the Earth, this region was preserved from much interferences. 

Here was the Eden of God, in its exuberance and splendor, in its beauty and loveliness, through all Kingdoms of Nature. Humanity has destroyed it and keeps destroying it.

So that everything can be reversed and change, so that the Eden can flourish again and express itself, from Argentina there must born this state of consciousness of restoration and of healing which not only its people need, but also a great part of the world.

The Celestial Brotherhood is setting its instruments on a region that has been called to express an important Will of God.

Although My Message is symbolic, My Words are clear, because I talk to your hearts and not to your minds. I talk to what is beyond your physical being and what is internal, which listens and knows everything that I say. 

It is here where the new consciousness will be sown. 

It is here where the seed of the new consciousness will be sown. 

It is here where what God expects so much will sprout, so that human beings finally may know their freedom and leave behind their constant captivity.

Be similar to the People of Israel. But you must not spend forty years to find the Promised Land and your true freedom, you are more conscious about the end of times.

Just follow My steps and enter into My Heart, in faith everything will be accomplished. Because among few the greatest thing will be done, among few the planet will be led to a new state and you are invited to participate in this. 

From Andromeda, I convoke you and I call you to unite, in love, to the grand Confraternity. 

I thank you for everything you have offered to Me, because this multiplies Grace, not only for your beings, but also for your country.

May the Kingdom of God be in your hearts and in your spirits. 

May the Lord of the Universe show you His Sacred Face and may you contemplate the splendor of His Existence so that you may feel blessed by His Divine Spirit, by His powerful Current of Mercy and of Peace.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My beloved companions of the path,

Today I arrive to this sacred place, a Kingdom of the Universal Mother and Her Firstborn Son, to bring to all the humility and simplicity that I learned during the time I was here on this Earth as Saint Joseph, and that have followed Me ever since.

It was this humility and this simplicity that allowed Me to live holiness but, above all things, allowed Me to let Myself be guided by God, by My Son Jesus and by My beloved wife Mary.  She used to guide My internal steps with Her loving silence, a silence that I loved and venerated at that time, as an example of service to God.

Today I come to tell you that to overcome this purification that you, My beloved disciples, are beginning to live, only the path of humility and simplicity and the love of silence will lead you to pass all the tests; tests that you will face to leave behind the old human that must no longer exist, so that the wineskin that My Son must fill with His new codes of light can be empty and ready for Him.

I speak to everyone, but today I want to call especially those who are confused. I ask these children to find in the inner silence the possibility to hear the voice of the heart and in humility the possibility to accept the guide of the instruction left by us, the Divine Messengers.

I also speak today especially to those who have always been confident because they are strong and feel clarity in their interior.  I want you to know that everyone will live the collapse of those structures that do not let you take steps towards full fraternity and humility that the Most High Father designed for your destinies.

Open your hearts and thus, willingly, study My instructions, those that have been given since I began to visit you; in them are kept many keys that must be the ones to help you in such sublime and expected times for your souls.

Be strong and persevering and do not let yourselves be frightened by the adversary of this plan of God, that will always want to use your skills on his behalf without you being able to perceive it.

Place yourself always below the others, live to serve your siblings without putting yourselves in the limelight and thus the virtue that is kept in your essences, that which the Creator placed in your beings, will be poured in and out of you in order to lead this path of effort that you must travel towards holiness.

I will be there to guide you, to shelter you and to protect you against yourselves.  You must simply accept Me as your companion of the path.

Today I bless this house, the cradle of the new humanity, and all of you, children of the Most High.

May God be always in your lives.

My Chaste Heart keeps you,

Saint Joseph, humble worker of God

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
