Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Pace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Your Queen, Mother and Advocate

In the high Celestial Spheres, very close to the Fount of the Celestial Father, a state of Divine Consciousness exists, where Your Queen, Mother and Advocate, intercedes for causes that are impossible.

At this state of consciousness, which is a Spiritual and Divine Plane, where different Angelic Hierarchies are to be found, who accompany their Heavenly Mother in the spiritual process of intercession, the Guardian Angels of all souls in the world arrive also. They can present to the Eternal Father the merits attained by the good souls by means of service, the giving of self, prayer, the transformation and redemption of consciousness. But they can also silently present all that has not been attained by the souls that are lost and have not yet awakened to the powerful Light of God.

Before this scenario, your Queen, Mother and Advocate, appeals to the Eternal Father for a undeserved Grace, for a situation or a cause that is out of the Law. In this moment, the Celestial Father grants to your Queen, Mother and Advocate, to expose the reasons for Her requests and intention. So then the Celestial Universe receives from the Divine Mother the intention that was manifested, and proceeds to deliver a undeserved state of Grace, through the action of Divine Mercy.

In this hour, the angels receive the order of the One to liberate a consciousness or situation from the inferior state of consciousness and, in this way, through the merits attained by the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the soul or situation receives the help it urgently needs.

This powerful and unknown state of Divine Grace remains latent in the center of the light of the essence, of the soul that was crying out for help, and thus the action of the Law of Mercy, Forgiveness and Redemption is established.

This state of Grace will remain in the consciousness for the time that it values this state and recognizes it within itself, through a correct, transparent, pure and simple life, according to what is taught in the Gospel of Christ.

Meanwhile, in the Celestial Universe, the Most Holy Mother gathers all the prayers, offerings and intentions, that are elevated by the angels themselves to Heaven. And gathering all petitions, the same Holy Virgin places them, in an action of pure humility, at the Feet of the Creator.

At this moment, the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity, intercedes, so that the soul, for which the intervention occurs, or the cause for which the appeal is made, may receive the spiritual anointment of the Third and Divine Person.

Thus, in this blessing that is granted, the soul or situation for which the intervention is made receives the impulse for renewal and forgiveness; and the Sacrament of Reconciliation takes place between the soul and the Divine Universe.

Your Queen, Mother and Advocate, upon seeing that the alliance with the Eternal Father is re-established, proceeds to attend other necessities and urgencies, seeking that, beyond everything, Her children of the Earth may recover and live in the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

The Moon will announce My second coming to the world, the stars will proclaim the arrival of the Universal King and the whole macrocosm will be attentive to this movement.

Those who have been worthy of My Grace will feel within themselves the joy of My coming.

Those who have offended the Laws of God will have the last chance to repent.

But while the Son of God descends to Earth, the planet will tremble and nobody will be able to oppose this movement, because the Divine Light will be physically arriving and hearts will be glad in spite of what happens, because they will be freed of their captivity.

Behind Me will come the Archangel Michael, as I have already announced to you many times. He will defeat the most impure of the most impure, so that on Earth the water of life can spring forth again and all, all may be purified.

Meanwhile, prepare your hearts for this moment, because the Redeemer will come without warning, at the moment least expected by humanity.

Even when your church is going through its great test, let your faith not falter; let your faith and your trust in God strengthen, because you must always remember for these times that your only religion is the Love of God rather than the authority of humankind.

A long time ago, I came to teach you about the Kingdom of God, which lives and dwells within you.

After many tests, difficulties, and disturbances, today your souls have the Grace of recognizing the Kingdom of God, just as many more souls will have at the end of times.

When I return, the Cosmic Light will descend, and all the angels will descend together with Me.

The celestial choirs will group together at different points on the planet.

When the last trumpet of the Universe is sounded, you must place your head on the ground, pleading for a perverted humanity, so that the Mercy of the Redeemer may be more powerful than Justice, the errors may be placated, and all evil of souls may be dissolved.

But first you must believe in the Kingdom of God that is within you; this is what I come to announce for these definitive times, because the human life is very externalized; the essence of silence, of meditation, and reflection upon God have been lost.

Before more souls are lost in the world and do not manage to escape from their captivity, perform an act of love for each one of them, remembering every day and when you wake up each morning, that the Kingdom of God is within you and It shall descend to Earth with all Its Glory and Power.

Thus, the Archangel Saint Michael will work as he has never worked before, much more than he worked during My Divine and Sorrowful Passion, to cause the hells to fall to deeper levels of the consciousness so as to dissolve and to dispel all evil.

From the DNA of the human being to what is most external, everything will be redeemed.

Have trust and faith in what you are experiencing.

Gratefully accept My Summons and in your spirits, reignite the fire of sidereal commitment.

Because the Earth will have the last chance to be redeemed; there is no longer time to wait.

The consciousness of your planet is in agony day after day, as well as all that is on its surface.

Thus, companions, take the risk, of signing the commitment again with My Heart, which is not a mental commitment, nor a moral one; it is a profoundly spiritual commitment that may bring you ever closer to My Divine Mercy, in which all your souls will be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love, so that wounds and all the traumas experienced throughout time may be dissolved.

Through My Love, I bring you the new life, because your lives must be reborn for these coming times by means of the Sacraments that I offer you, so simply, so that your souls may revive the meeting with the Sacred Master of Love.

I come this afternoon to clean your impurities and to uplift your spirits again to the Kingdom of God, because the hour of My return to the world is drawing closer and with all of My Heart, I need more souls to be prepared so as to receive Me consciously.

Feel the inner joy that, in some way or on some plane, you will be able to find Me again and that I will not be your judge, but your mediator and intercessor before the Celestial Father.

I am not speaking about the sins, but rather what the world still needs to purify in order to be a promised land again.

This promised land, companions, will first begin in you.

And if this promised land is born and emerges, the great change in consciousness will be seen in humanity.

But you must give Me something for this to happen, you must give up something so that your lives may truly transform.

I cannot ask the whole world for a great sacrifice because I know it will not give it to Me, but I know that I can ask you for small sacrifices so that the world can change, little by little.

The sacrifice that I ask of you is not suffering or pain.

I ask you to place your sufferings at My Feet so that I may transform them all in the Fount of My Divine Mercy, a Source of Love and of Reparation that at some point will close, because the Source of Divine Justice will descend to the world.

I will always tell you the truth, so that you are not deceived by anyone.

But you, My companions and My souls, can be the forerunners of that great change in humanity, strengthening again the gestures of love and of brotherhood in your families, placing prayer rooms in your families so that the breath of the Holy Spirit may descend upon your homes, and you may be protected and safeguarded by the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity.

With such simple but real things, the world will be able to experience its great change of consciousness; I only need you to live My designs in a real way so that I can be closer to you and again, bless you once more.

All of this will prepare My second coming to humanity. The seals of the Apocalypse will already be open. What before was a mystery, will be a great revelation in the world; that is why the angels of the Universe will descend to Earth to announce it.

All who have been sustained in Christ and for Christ will receive this inner revelation.

In the depths of your heart and of your essence, you will feel the Return of Christ.

You will feel that you must withdraw, become silent and pray, adore and contemplate the immensity of the Celestial Universe, because the Son of God will be arriving in the world.

In a way never before seen, everything will cease to be a promise. Because the incarnated Verb will be realized again; He will manifest in humanity in His Glorious second Coming.

Many of the things I tell you today you will not understand, because they are words that come from the Spiritual Universe and that first try and nurture your spirits, so that your essences may be filled by My Divine Grace.

Because it will be My Divine Grace that will give you an understanding and comprehension; a divine and infinite Grace that constantly gives of itself for the salvation of souls and the rescue of the planet.

Now that you have reactivated your inner commitment to Me within yourselves, remember the existence of your guardian angels, who also suffer from the perversion of human beings. Call them, day after day, with the prayer of the heart. Ask them to accompany you in the moments of work and of family.

Repopulate your homes with the angels of God, so that the capital forces may be exorcised and evil may be dissolved by the power of Love.

The Argentine family must be rebuilt, recovering the values of Faith, beyond the errors of the church.

I invite you, companions, to uplift your consciousnesses on a plane so that your souls may ally with the true Source of light, the non-material Source that comes from the Eternal Father and which emits impulses time after time for the evolution of souls and the redemption of hearts.

Yesterday I offered you My Wounds. Today I offer you the Sacred Chalice that I have specially carried in My Hands, so that the Blood of the Lamb of God may be poured out upon the souls that accept drinking from this Chalice of reparation and of healing.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of the Celestial Father, we will chant "Sacred Chalice of the Lord," opening this ceremony between Heaven and Earth for the descent of the Celestial Church through the gifting of the Heart of the Master and of all the angels present in this moment.

Uplift your hearts to God in deep gratitude and reclusion.

Let us listen to the song of this prayer that invokes Mercy for the planet.

I am listening:

Sacred Chalice of the Lord...

To be worthy of My Grace and of My Mercy, first you must be worthy of My Body and My Blood, sacred elements that I offer you for the redemption of your consciousnesses and the upliftment of your spirits, in order that Divine Will be fulfilled.

On this afternoon, let Argentina be bathed in the divine attributes of My Blood and of My Body, so that the perverse currents may be dissolved and the Light of the Sacred Heart of God may triumph forever. Amen.

Remember when I gave you the Bread and told you to eat of it because this is My Body that was given and is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Eat of My Substance of Light.

And today, again I give you to drink of the Chalice, saying to you that this is My Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God. Blood shed by the Lamb of God for the forgiveness and the redemption of sins.

Remember the Mount of the Beatitudes and when I taught you that simple but powerful prayer that unites you with God in full consciousness and essence.

Let us pray:

Our Father...

Glory to God in the highest and Peace on Earth for beings of goodwill.

And so, I sanctify you all with My Spirit, so that your lives may someday achieve the spirit of sanctity, which is to be real people that live in kindness and in the goodness of God, to repopulate the Codes of Heaven on Earth in all the hearts that seek and find the same path of return to the House of God.

As I said to My Apostles and to many who were present on the inner planes:

My Peace I leave you and My Peace I give you.

Today I contemplate your essences rather than your sins so that you may relive the joy of finding the Kingdom of God within you again.

Let your spirits enter into joy, let your souls achieve the bliss of God, and let all the contrary forces be dispelled by the Presence of the Second Person of God, the Firstborn and Only Begotten, your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.

I bless you:

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity, give one another a greeting of peace, so that Peace may be in Argentina.

So be it.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
