Decree of Hope for the Heart of the Earth
Hear, O Heart of the Earth!
The cycle of definition of your destiny has come.
Walk towards your new name, towards the expression of your new life.
In this calvary that you are experiencing, carrying the cross of the end of times,
see your Heart become the stage of a battle,
fought since the origins of human life and therebefore.
See that the time has come for this battle to end,
and prepare the hearts of your children
so that they may be triumphant in Love and in Truth.
O Heart of the Earth,
your new name is drawn like fire upon the horizon,
and nothing will be able to stop the triumph of your destiny.
Radiate the faith that is born in the center of your being toward each one of your children
so that, through it, they may come to know Truth and Good.
Dissolve, little by little, the time that is around you,
like veils that cover your face,
hiding the Truth that exists beyond you.
Let your children gradually enter into the Time of God, into the Real time,
so that they may recognize, not only the seriousness of these days,
but also the majesty of your purpose.
Let your children contemplate, not only the illusion
and the somnolence that absorbs beings,
but also let them know their origin and what caused them to come here,
to become human beings, hope of the Heart of God.
O Heart of the Earth,
that is in agony and has been saddened throughout this birthing of a child,
which has been seemingly eternal and
so much awaited for by all of Life.
Even though your contractions may be painful and your body may be tired,
do not lose the hope of seeing the new human, the new life, born from you.
Behold, gradually the promise arises that the Creator made to you,
since the beginning of your existence and before;
this promise that was renewed over the course of human evolution,
that triumphed on the Cross of the Savior and that must culminate
with the cross of these times, the planetary cross.
Let the promises of God become alive,
and see the prophecies of the Armageddon come out of the sacred books.
But, beyond that, also see the sky open, and among the clouds,
the choirs of angels preparing for the Return of the Living God to your embrace.
He will come with His Arms open to receive the children that were born of you,
and taking this new life into His Arms,
He will elevate the dimensions and soothe the pain.
He will bring His Kingdom to the world and you will no longer be called Earth, nor Jerusalem.
Your name will resound from the heights, that sacred sound,
pronounced by God since the beginning.
And with that vibration upon you, you will no longer see pain, but rather peace.
In you, your children will grow and, for a thousand years,
they will strengthen Love within themselves,
until they are ready to allow Love to triumph in all life.
Remember My words, o Heart of the Earth,
and remind your children that your story is already defined
and that, in spite of all the challenges, they must never lose faith.
I leave the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will unmask My false friends and everyone will see who they are.
I will not let any more deceptions and illusions exist, as they have existed in recent times.
I will raise the Scepter of the Power of the Love of God and, with a single decree, I will cleanse each consciousness and each space so that the Glory of God may descend to the world.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and with those who were faithful to Me, I will make the new flour as the symbol of the redemption of the planet.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, to the world, I will free souls from their captivity and I will let men know the immensity of the Love that has brought them here.
When I return, for the second time, I will see the eyes of My disciples, full of joy, because their Shepherd will be returning.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
I come here for a wounded world, and, in My hands, I carry the greatest cause of God, which is the fulfillment of His Plan of Love and Redemption on the surface.
I pray for this cherished Project and every day I relive the Words of the Creator, which He spoke to Me in His Kingdom:
“Dear Universal Mother, supreme and humble Mirror of Love, Your Father and Lord of the Universe asks that you tirelessly go forth to meet souls and the most simple because through them, I will be able to heal the planet and its humanity, I will repopulate the world with hundreds of suns, many more than I have created throughout the Universes.
I will make of each sun a prodigious emanation of My Source and, through them, I will pour out the Divine Codes of My Paternal Heart.
Go ahead, most sweet Lady of the Light, Governor of all the stars, fallen and non-fallen. Go ahead, appear and announce to the race that I deeply love them and that they are offending Me while setting themselves apart from the Universe of My Love.
Do everything in Your power, You have no boundaries, but rather thousands of angels and devas to reverse the lack of love and to transmute the indifference upon this planet.
You will always hold within Your Heart the unquenchable wisdom of My Words, because, through Your Grace, I will make of hearts luminous trophies of redemption, to place them at the foot of the celestial altar”.
In My silence, children, I hear this proclamation, every day. And I will be able to be the Mother of humanity and of all the Earth, as long as you allow Me to be. Thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Lady who unties all knots
Today, before you and the world, I again present Myself as the Lady Untier of Knots, so that souls may liberate themselves in these times from errors committed and thus, achieve peace.
I am the Lady who unties all knots
I have the celestial authority to untie even the impossible cases, so that in this way, the souls that are imprisoned within themselves know that the humility of My hands, along with the Angels of Liberation, may resolve these cases.
I am the Lady who unties all knots
With the Power of the Father, the Love of the Son, and the spiritual strength of the Holy Spirit, I untie the impossible causes and I make of each one of them a luminous present for God.
I am the Lady who unties all knots
Those who trust in My Grace are whole in Spirit and in the Divine Verb, and thus the paths open for them to experience their redemption.
With the help of Heaven and of the entire Universe, the most tightly tied knots are liberated by the swords of light of the holy angels, which give the Mother of God the already liberated ribbons.
I am the Lady who unties all knots
Through the faith of believers and devotees, the work of redemption is materialized, and many more knots are liberated in the planetary consciousness.
Come with Me and let us untie all knots, so that the doors to hope may be opened and thus, hearts may find again the Light of My Son.
I am the Lady who unties all knots
And your Mother and Lady Untier of Knots undoes the knots of consciousness; there is no being on this Earth that will remain without liberation.
I am the Lady who unties and dissolves the most difficult and impossible evils, so that Her children may be reborn in the faith and in the Love of God.
I am the Lady who unties all knots
Do not fear your prisons or the resistant knots in your paths; I send you the Angels of Liberation so that, with their swords, they may cut all which causes pain and incomprehension.
But only one door must be opened so that all knots may be liberated, and it is the door of the heart, where no impossible knot exists, because in there is God.
Live in the Lord and all knots will be liberated.
I am the Lady who unties all knots
Through Universal Mercy, your souls will be liberated from any spiritual captivity; implore for the power of your Lady Untier of Knots and instantly you will see your paths open up.
I am the Lady who unties all knots so that souls may achieve redemption and may victoriously live the forgiveness of the heart.
I am the Lady Untier of Knots and I invite you to invoke that divine power of liberation through this decree:
Lady Untier of Knots,
Who liberates the ties of human inertia,
untie all the knots of our consciousnesses
so that Christ may reign now and always,
and for all eternity.
A good vigil of liberation for all!
I thank you for accompanying Me.
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Invocation to the Original Plan of God
The Celestial Powers
unite in the Universe and
the rays of Liberation
and of Transmutation
expel the corrosive energies of evil.
The soldiers of Light
unite to the principle of Universal Love
and all the treacherous doors
are closed by the Great Awakening of Humanity.
Peace is established
in all of those who listen to the divine call
and the planet as a whole
receives the opportunity of Liberation.
The Celestial Masters
radiate the power of the stars
and all self-summoned
respond to the Greater Will.
The redeemed New Humanity emerges
because Christ, the Master amongst masters,
has returned to the Earth.
All souls are responsive
to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan
and the new Suns participate
in the Great Current of Fraternity.
The Celestial Universe
descends to the planet
and all that has been created and thought of
by the Mind and the Heart of God
receives the codes of christification.
The soldiers become resplendent flames
and illuminate the darknesses of this world.
The Great Master of Love,
Jesus Christ,
guides and accompanies
the evolution and the redemption
of all of the children of God.
The Plan of God is fulfilled in this era.
The Original Project
becomes possible and true
because the summoned respond to the
Universal Voice of Adonai.
Emmanuel becomes visible
amongst the creatures
and all the human beings
recognize His Spiritual Paternity.
The Divine Plan is vivified
in the existence of all of the beings
and the planet Earth enters into the thousand years of Peace.
The Universe manifests its true spiritual identity
and all of the living humanity,
in the four corners of the Earth,
receives in Glory the arrival of the Universal King.
All undergoes a new cycle,
all is transformed,
transmuted and redeemed.
Humanity is blessed
by the rays of the Universal Love
and all those who have awakened
commune again in the
Sacred Supper of Reconciliation.
Those who are oppressed
are liberated.
Those who are ill
are healed.
Those who are prisoners of themselves
become free.
Those who invoked the blessed name of God
are consecrated.
All is reconstructed.
All is restored.
All is elevated to the foot
of the Greater Celestial Altar.
The forces of evil are redeemed
and removed from the entire sphere of the Earth.
The New Humanity breaths Peace,
Harmony and Love.
Now the original promise is fulfilled
under the Supreme Light of the Creator.
This prayer is a spiritual and internal invocation for all of those who have been and will be self-summoned for the end of the times. It is an affirming prayer of internal and spiritual help for those who follow the steps of the Redeemer.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for decreeing through My Sacred Heart!
Glorified Christ Jesus
I Am the definitive healing and liberation for your lives because it is only through Me that you will achieve Mercy and be sanctified.
For this today I tell you once more to not fear because of the veils that fall now from your faces, in the face of what you had believed before. I do not only pour over you My Infinite Graces but I also show you the truth by means of the tests and of the constant challenges of transcendence for your hearts and consciousnesses.
When you manage to discover that which comes from yourselves and that torments you, do not detain yourselves thinking how you will get rid of it. Proceed in an intelligent way and declare through My Merciful Heart that you belong to My Eternal Light and to the perfect unity with My Father. In this way, that which must be burned by My Divine Fire will not disturb you anymore because each time that it may present itself to challenge you, you will have cultivated a peaceful heart and an open heart to the great transformation.
When I tell you all these things it is because I am talking directly with that part of your being that is already old and to which has arrived the moment of dying, so that your blessed spirit may be able to be born. For this be patient because in this earthly life there is still much to overcome and to learn. This will allow you to always have a joyful heart, capable of elevating itself to God and of not feeling guilt.
I invite you to get to know the science of the Divine Mercy, in this way you will be awakened to that which is true. It is necessary to be brave to be with Me. Because of this, very few take the risk to say yes to Me out of love for transformation.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more