Monday, December 31 of 2018

Daily Messages

Just love one another, as I have loved you, as Father and Lord, from My Birth until My Ascension. 

Love one another always, and may this love of the heart never be missing from you, however poor or imperfect, may it be true and healthy love, capable of understanding and of accepting everything.

Love one another, much more than I love you, and surpass Me in love and in surrender. I have told you that you would do greater things than I did and this continues to be real and current for Me.

Love one another until you can express compassion, honesty, and transparency.

Love one another without fearing to unmask your characters and to only live for love and in love.

Love one another because it will be the love between brothers and sisters, disciples and friends, that will liberate you from yourselves.

Love without fearing to always say “yes” and to donate yourselves much more than I donated myself.

Love one another so that love may abound on Earth and so that it may be love that will defeat evil, falsehood and all pride.

Love one another in truth and you will fulfill My great Commandment.

Love one another and peace will not be lacking.

I thank all of you who made it possible to fulfill My call this year and those who will fulfill it next year so that the graces may abound on Earth.

Who blesses you always,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Sunday, December 30 of 2018

Daily Messages

Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop in beautiful Aurora to contemplate its splendor and the daily work of those who, out of love and unconditionality, offer their lives to God, every day.

I stop in Aurora to witness the beauty of its effort, the untiring work of those who sustain it, in spite of challenges, deserts and instability.

Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop here, within this place, to contemplate the faithfulness of a few; of those few who follow Me, no matter the consequences or the results; those who are faithful to My Word and testify to My Message through sacrifice and their constant giving of self.

All of that and much more is what causes me to stop in Aurora, to contemplate what many do not see with the eyes of the heart, but that some feel, through the perceptions of the soul.

Aurora is the House of the Son of God because it is something beyond the physical; it is a spiritual dwelling place that was a setting for the great Masters. This month, and in those coming, My Heart will be felt here, leaving you the message of My eternal company for an Aurora that gave completely of itself, beyond its possibilities and its means.

For this reason, God recognizes the brave, the soldiers and the sailors that in the storm have overcome shipwreck, loneliness and emptiness.

Behold the Son of Man, Who returns in the quietude of the coming months to dedicate His Consciousness to those who have always revered it.

Aurora is a part of My Heart, just as My Heart is part of the children of Aurora.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Saturday, December 29 of 2018

Daily Messages

Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.

Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.

Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.

Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.

Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.

Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.

Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Friday, December 28 of 2018

Daily Messages

I return to a place called Aurora, which throughout times has donated itself completely and which, in the silence of its imperceptible Kingdom, has sustained the Banner of the Redeemer, despite the challenges and trials.

Today, I return to a place that was witness of the Presence of God, a place that was chosen by that same Father to carry forward a planetary task.

Today, I return to the origin and the place where everything had once begun, and all of this gladdens Me, because I know that Aurora will never be forgotten, it will be like the bird that is reborn to again give testimony of My Presence in the world.

For this reason, I chose to return to Aurora, so that all those who had once and throughout times benefitted from it, will never forget that they owe very much to this Kingdom of Love.

Aurora will be reborn as a Mirror, and will be firmly sustained like a sword.

Aurora will always go to meet the valient ones, and will fill with its light those who seek it with humility.

Aurora is the portal that will again take us to the feeling of eternal gratitude.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Thursday, December 27 of 2018

Daily Messages

You will see Me coming to the world, opening the Heavens like a powerful beam of light, and I will bless the whole Earth, from East to West and from North to South.

In My Hand, I will have the Scepter of the Light of God, and to all, I will radiate the Grace of the Supreme Source.

Neither any creature nor any soul will I leave without receiving the Grace and the Mercy of My Divine Spirit.

I will fill essences with the most precious Codes of Heaven, and I will crown the hearts that remained constant and firm in Me until the end.

I will grant peace to all of those who had cried out for it and I will give the balm of My Love to those disciples of the end of times. In this way, My Victory will be realized.

Hearts will no longer remember suffering or pain.

I will take everyone toward My Father so that they may feel Him and know Him closely.

And the mysteries of the Universe will finally be revealed because the Plan will be fulfilled; first within beings, and lastly, all over the Earth.

I thank you for trusting in My Words!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Wednesday, December 26 of 2018

Daily Messages

Welcome into your heart all the revelations of God and let your consciousness expand to other planes and realities.

Receive these impulse as if they were the last and make an inner synthesis of all the revelations that have already been announced throughout time.

Nurture your consciousness with sacred knowledge and make your life even simpler so that the Treasures of God may reflect in your actions, and every space and place may be transformed and elevated according to Divine Will.

Thus, let the revelations of God bring you closer to His Divine Simplicity so that sufficient humility  may be incarnated in you to help you understand and experience the forms that come from the Universe and give impulse to cosmic life.

Let spirits be ennobled by all the knowledge received, as from the Supreme Source, sacred impulses are emanated that will simply cause the consciousness of humanity to elevate in plane.

Any revelation is always full of the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call and for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Tuesday, December 25 of 2018

Daily Messages

I do not look at your mistakes, but rather the potential and the capacity of the talents that I once gave to you.

So feel encouraged to discover, to feel and to perceive what each Gift that I gave to you can awaken upon the Earth.

Be the depository of My Graces, beyond your imperfections.

Understand, My child, that of you I need to make a new life so that you may be a new instrument.

Surrender to Me, again and again. Make yourself small and insignificant in everything.

Let My Truth pierce your heart so that your consciousness may learn to love without limits or obstacles.

Walk decidedly towards Me because, through Me, you will find the sure door to humility and to inner divestment.

Remember that you are part of a Project and that, through this Project, your life will be completely transformed.

Trust in Me and surrender to Me all that you are, you will thus be reborn every day.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monday, December 24 of 2018

Daily Messages

Today, for a moment, focus your attention and inwardly contemplate the mysterious but revealing Star of Bethlehem.

Concentrate your gaze and your prayer upon this ancient star of the Cosmos, which announced the arrival of the Divine Incarnation of the Firstborn Son.

Concentrate your ardent love upon the occult significance and on the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem, as well as on all the impulses of light, of peace, and of love that this star of the Cosmos brought to the human race.

Concentrate your mind and your heart upon this physical mystery of the Universe and upon all that it fostered and generated during the three preparatory days, before the arrival of the Redeemer.

Concentrate your devotion upon the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem and upon all the movement that it brought to Earth in that time, so as to bring order and reposition it within the universal Purpose.

Concentrate your attention on the rays of the Star of Bethlehem and upon all that it awakened in the depths of the inner levels of human beings, as well as upon all that it continues to awaken throughout time and the generations.

Concentrate your attention and your love upon the immovable Star of Bethlehem because, although it is no longer visible in space as it was two thousand years ago, the power of this star of the Cosmos represents the doorway of revelation for humanity.

May you find an inner guide in the Star of Bethlehem, just as the Kings of the East did by contemplating the sacred Star of Bethlehem.

I thank you for keeping the Mysteries of God in your heart!

Who blesses you

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Sunday, December 23 of 2018

Daily Messages

Now open the tabernacle of your hearts so that, during this next Nativity of the Lord, I may enter and finally be a part of your small lives.

Between you and I only a breath of Love exists. Between souls and God a powerful divine union exists.

Open the tabernacle of your hearts so that I may place My most precious gifts within you and so that those gifts, that one day will change into sacred talents, may be at the service of the Plan of God.

Simply open the tabernacle of your heart and all will be realized, and will be accomplished in your lives, according to the Will of the Most High.

Leave your inner tabernacle open so that your soul and all of your consciousness may live the preferred union with Me, through the Restorative Communion with My Body and with My Divine Blood.

I hope to enter the tabernacle of your heart so that you may receive the nonmaterial and spiritual help that you need.

Leave the tabernacle of your heart open to Me, for I wish for us to be one, so that, in perfect simplicity and love, we may be one in the Father in order to be one in Truth and in Justice.

On the eve of the rebirth of the Universal King, may your inner tabernacles be open, in vigil and in prayer, so that the Spirit of the Supreme Son may be within the Christs of the New Time.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Saturday, December 22 of 2018

Daily Messages

Through My Love, I give you the keys to expand and open the consciousness toward all the knowledge of the divine and the cosmic.

These keys which I give you will help in the concretization of the aspirations of God, which must be fulfilled through the unconditional surrender of the followers and those close to Christ.

To open the consciousness and to expand it means to be able to recognize within the self, the Plan of God, which is to be designed and formed with the unconditional dedication of each being that risks living an unknown Will, which goes beyond forms or the movements of the consciousness.

This is the time of definition so that the doors may open and souls may recognize that it is now time to take on the Plan and, mainly, the moment to live a transformation of consciousness which will be the means to manifest the Divine Plan within humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Friday, December 21 of 2018

The Sacred Call

And as it was said, I come descending from the heights of the Himalayas to bring a continuance to the revelation of the Plan of God, which is written in His sacred books, kept as a copy in the Ark of the Holy Covenant and within His immaterial Source, His great spiritual tributary, and His Divine Thought.

Today, the Master among masters comes to you to bring an end to this year, to this cycle that is already closing in humanity. A cycle that will enter into a new cycle, into a new history, and into a new movement guided and inspired by the Hierarchy.

In the mountains of the Himalayas many treasures are kept, which the pure in heart have known, and just like all those close who have had an intimate relationship with the mountain, for the purpose of uplifting their consciousness.

The impulse of the consciousness of humanity, of its prompt elevation, must still continue. But it will depend on this end of cycle for this to occur. Meanwhile, companions, you are going through a transition very unknown to the majority, through purification and definition. But the spiritual Hierarchy still has not only more revelations to give you, but also keys that will lead your lives during this very hard stage of the purification, keys that will allow you to go through the times, the dimensions, and the planes so as to always be able to find the Hierarchy that works on one single line and one single purpose.

During this period of time in which the spiritual Hierarchy will be publicly withdrawn, this descent of information will depend on there being in each one of you a true reflection, beyond what you will have been able to understand and feel, beyond the symbol or the form, and even further, beyond the purpose and the infinite sense that unites Us with you, and with Us in this mission of the end of times for the rescue of the attributes of humanity and the redemption of lost souls outraged by My adversary.

For the Hierarchy to be able to continue acting on the planet and in human consciousness, for the Hierarchy to be able to continue working in the different regions of the planet through all the nations that They still have to journey through and visit, it will depend on the reflection of My companions and those close to Me. Because now, the answer must come from you and not from God.

It is time to assume the Purpose with transparency and humility so that the Plan can continue to be designed and realized. So that you understand the Immeasurable Work of the Mercy of God, today I bring you a part of this Divine and Cosmic Plan that My Holy Mother began to write and tell about through Her spiritual impulses and messages.

But this revelation does not end here, it will depend on this reflection. I say it again and I again repeat it, because it is important that you understand and that you accept it, because there is still much to be done.

There are souls that are still submerged in hell and the majority do not perceive this, because of what is superfluous in these times, and of the hypnotism of the modernities that blind the hearts and distances them from the life of the spirit. Meanwhile, each one of you, according to your school and your learning, according to the degree of love, and according to your maturity, have a responsibility toward the Plan of God.

There is no other place on the planet that has been chosen for this and indicated by God of the Heights, the Almighty, Himself.

Your faith in the immaterial rather than in phenomena is what allows the continuation of this work, because humanity has been too much deserving of miracles. Now the miracle, each one of you must build it within yourselves, so that My Project may triumph, so that My Victory may be concretized in all the redeemed.

I now want to hear the instrumental of "Thus Spoke the Master."

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the honor of God, of His Mercy, of the Source of His Grace, and of the infinite Universe of His compassion, His Firstborn Son Jesus Christ has the authority of opening His Sacred book so that His Sacred Golden Scriptures may be a source of renewal in souls, awakening in consciousnesses, and a continuance of the purpose in hearts.


Father Who are in the Heavens,
may the advent of Your coming Kingdom
in humanity be fulfilled.
May all veils of consciousness now fall 
so that the creatures of Earth may recognize their lineages, 
and Your most Sacred Talents may awaken within Your creatures 
so that they may serve, in the name of Love and Grace,  
all humanity, and consequently, this whole planet.


Abraham was the father who received the synthesis of the first humanities. In that time, the Great Patriarch of God who assembled the peoples that would be the preamble to the Advent of Christ, kept the Sacred Treasures of the Ark in what was later the Temple of Solomon.

In that time, many impulses were received by the Divinity. The Archangels Gabriel and Raphael descended to the Earth to deliver the symbols of the revelation into the very hands of Abraham, and so that these symbols, these sacred impulses might  be a source of renewal and of evolution in this very ancient civilization.

What took place in that time through Abraham and his people was so sacred, that up until today, the human consciousness itself, without knowing or understanding it, has kept within itself, in its deepest and most intimate nuclei, the legacy that Abraham achieved as Father and Patriarch of humanity.

He was transmuted by the Archangel Raphael, so that on Earth, within the sacred peoples he commanded, it would be possible to live the first laws of healing and of regeneration that would allow the unblocking of the process of evolution that this people kept from their decendents Adam and Eve.

In order for this to be possible, Abraham had to form a great family so that it might be heir to the knowledge that he received from the Archangel Raphael Himself, with the intention and the spiritual reason that the history of the Project of God that the Father Himself was revealing to the most simple and humble of humankind, could continue throughout time and the generations.

Abraham was a Patriarch who suffered and lived the impotence of seeing, in that time, the deviation of some of his children, which remained through the generations and up to the times of today between Israel and Palestine.

But this interminable cycle will end in the human consciousness. In the genes of humanity is kept this experience of love that Abraham lived in profound union and communnion with the Archangel Raphael. His legacy reached the hands of Moses through the commandments and the Laws which this next Patriarch learned from the spiritual and universal Hierarchies, on the sacred Mount Sinai.

Now these keys, which opened the doors of the consciousness of Abraham, will return to Earth through the impulse of the Firstborn Son Who comes from those Sacred Fathers, from that Sacred People that was in search of the Promised Land. But the true promise of God lies within you, in the realization of the Divine Life on the surface of the Earth, within reach of the different degrees of love and the constant donation of your spirits for the materialization of the Plan in the whole human consciousness.

And although we are in a time of great deviations, in which chaos and evil fight to gain a position, today I awaken all the human beings of the Earth, beyond their beliefs or their faith, to these principles and these keys that are also kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant as in the human heart that has absolute faith and confidence in the Plan of God.

For this reason, companions, just as Abraham availed himself of the Principles of God and of all celestial gifts, be worthy in the Lord and also avail yourselves of these principles and of these keys, fully identified and represented in the attributes of the Universal Mother.

If each one of these attributes is fulfilled and is strictly followed, a new humanity will be born and will already cease to be a promise. Even an advent will be a reality that will be built within each one of you, living the path of transformation and of transcendence, of the giving of self and of surrender for the millions of souls that are incarnated on this planet and do not do so.

Unity among peoples and religions, a prophecy written in the Sacred Bible, will occur when within each human being the inner Christ awakens, to bring a continuance to the Work of God and to His Divine Project on this planet as in others.

Be like Abraham, be like Moses or like My own cousin, John the Baptist, who were disseminators and forerunners of the Christic life through a way of life of simplicity, of truth and immeasurable surrender to God.

I do not ask you to be patriarchs or prophets nor great servers of Mine. I need the most miserable, the most imperfect, the most condemned and the most lost to redo Creation and finally, when I return physically to the world, establish a new colony of Christs that will know how to live love, brotherhood, fraternity, and unity with the One.

God gave Abraham a treasure that did not continue on the planet and in humanity. God gave Abraham knowledge about the coming of the Messiah, about the coming of the Mother of God as a simple woman who was chosen to be the receptacle of God itself. He gave him to know the coming of Saint Joseph, of a simple carpenter who would carry forward the most important mission of all times, from the beginning of Creation until the end of times.

So you, companions, before whom are you? Do you recognize our faces? Do you feel our hearts? Do you throb in our love and are you moved by our spirit to carry forward, at the end of this trajectory, the great Rescue Plan, which must have continuance through the sincere adherence of all who understand, beyond forms and the mind, the importance of the Plan of God materializing at this time?

Abraham knew the Sacred Hearts on the inner planes and taught all of his children and his people that it was essential and fundamental to live in love, beyond difficulties and all tests, beyond all darkness and gloom.

Now that you all know you are children of Abraham and of his descent, and of the ancient tribes of Israel, expanded throughout the four corners of the Earth, you will have in your hands, and most especially in your hearts, the opportunity of concretizing the Plan of God. And that through Love-Wisdom and the principle of the Sacred Brotherhood that transcends all differences, all difficulties, and all misunderstandings, you will be able to unite the cultures and the peoples in the essence of love and of truth. Because when this happens, it will be the sign of the human race that I will have the permission and the universal authority of returning to the world for the second time, so that all human race: the perfect and the imperfect, the fallen and the resurrected come to know the Son of God as He is, from the beginning to the end, so that in this way, the Law of Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Just as the Love of God reached Abraham, My Love always reached your hearts.

I want to generate within you a pure truth, capable of illuminating the end of times, of transcending borders, and of uniting with your neighbor beyond their religion or their creed, of their atheism and of their faith.

May the pillars of Christ, which will prepare the return of the Son of God, be implanted on the surface of the Earth. May the living pillars of God, represented by the followers of Christ who do not live any manipulation, who profess no lie, who are true, transparent, and crystalline as water, and who, beyond their impurities and their universal and planetary errors, will be announcing in themselves the return of the Lord, the "yes" of the return of the Lord, for this definite time and through this work.

When My words are fulfilled in you, especially in these next two months, I will ardently hope to return, to continue sharing with each one of Mine the fortitude they will need, the essential trust they will require in order to encompass the Work of God, beyond Brazil and South America. To open your consciousness and your heart to welcome and receive those who will seek the light of Christ, the light of Mary and of Saint Joseph in this place blessed by God and indicated by His Sacred Hand, before you incarnated on Earth.

So the commitment of all is very great; not only in the Work of God, but in the maintenance of the Islands of Salvation. I hope everyone will understand what I am saying, because each one knows what they should listen to so that they may become a responsible being, mature before the Divine Will and before the need to continue to make the Islands of Salvation flourish, and that too goes beyond the material aspect.

The gifts of God must not be taken away from here. This was the place chosen by the Father, just as the other Marian Centers so that, in the likeness of the simplicity of the House of Nazareth, they might be true receptacles and temples where the Living God is present in the moments of greatest tribulation, in which light will be scarce and darkness will be very great for blinding hearts with their own mirages.

For this reason, today I give you the Book of God, the revelation of the life of Abraham and of the legacy he received as a person, as soul, and as spirit. That legacy must not end in Israel, a story that is known of what happened there. This legacy must continue, vibrant and luminous, in the heart of the people that profess their faith to God and their trust so that His Sacred Will may be carried forward. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Closing the Book of God, I open the book of your inner stories so that My Words may be written in it, and may no longer be promises, but realities. Realities that will be true and that will be able to be manifested by the consistency and the adherence of those who are Mine. 

The decision is in your hands, and above all, in your hearts. Let us celebrate tonight the Eucharist of Reflection and of Wisdom so that discernment may be in all human beings in these next two months. So that daily prayer, daily communion, and daily confession with My Merciful Heart may be attributes that give the impulse to the awakening of consciousness and to the discernment fostered by the Holy Spirit so that the Will of God may be fulfilled. So be it.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us stand at the request of the Lord.

And at His request, we will celebrate this supper together with Him, blessing the elements of the Altar, offered by the noble hearts, the humble hearts that embrace the call of God throughout the times.

Each one of you at this moment, My companions, will have the opportunity before My Celestial Church of making your offering and your surrender, in the most intimate silence of the heart and the soul. Because in that place, in this sacred inner precinct of each being, God hears the voice of your pleas.

You may begin to pray inwardly.

Do not do it only for yourselves, but rather for the whole world. Embrace the planet just as I embrace it. Love the imperfect, immature, and mistaken humanity, just as I love it, since I was born until I taught, going through the cross and through the Passion, the Death, and the Resurrection, beyond the Ascension and the return of My Heart and of My Sacred Presence in humanity, I continue to love this race and to embrace this planet, beyond its condition and its learnings.

May this offer expand, let it not be restricted to your smallness. May it be an offering capable of going beyond the borders, the nations, and the peoples. May this offer reach the Heart of God, for those who truly suffer and have nothing, not even the gift of listening to Me here, just as you have listened to Me for quite a while.

If this offering is made in this way, you will leave Me relaxed and will pacify your hearts, because when I am no longer with you in the next cycle, it will be the sign that you have comprehended and understood that everything that you live and do, you must do it for love of humanity and of this planet so that its axis may remain in balance, beyond the purification and the transition that the Earth will harshly experience.

Heaven and Earth may pass, but My Words will be living in you. They will be pearls of light in the times of greatest tribulation; and you will have no doubts. Your faith will not weaken, will not become debilitated. It will be a strong and mature faith that will risk giving its life for Me.

Lord of the Universe,
Creator Father of Heaven and Earth,
inspirer of all religions,
present in His different Faces,
within all peoples and cultures;
in the end of these times,
may this whole generation, all religions
and peoples, unite on one path,
in the Fount that flows untiringly
from Your Heart,
the Fount of Your Love-Wisdom.


May the legacy of Your Sacred Ark descend to the Earth for the fulfillment of Your Divine Will.

Baptize them, Lord, with the Light of Your Spirit, so that the rain of Your Graces may penetrate to the depths of souls and heal the pained hearts.

Today My Immeasurable Love will be shown to all, in a simple act of consecration, so that you may be witnesses that today and until the end of times, I am with you..

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Lucy, of Venezuela, may come here to be consecrated as a Helper. The Lord needs a veil and oil for anointing.

At this moment, each one of your souls will have the opportunity, before the Celestial Father, of living again this inner consecration to My Sacred Heart. Remember that this is important for My Consciousness, just as it is important for Me that you continue to fervently pray for the re-consecration of Brazil to My Sacred Heart. This land must not be submerged or invaded; it must be the Eden that God chose from the beginning of His Creation to generate the universal family here.

My daughter, may God bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I anoint you with My Light, so that My Light may be in all those who surround you. Amen.

While I am here, the codes of the Sacred Ark descend upon you and the world.

In that time, I took the bread for you and, gathered with My apostles, who represented many more, I said to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body, which will be given up and outraged for humankind. Which will suffer and die for all for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me until the end of times."

In that time, I took the Holy Chalice of the Lord and elevating It to God, the Almighty blessed it. I gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, which will be eternal in all those who follow Me and live Me, throughout time, until I return to humanity for the second time."

"This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, happy are those who are called to be served of the Lord."

I am not worthy of your entering my home, 
but a word from you will be enough to heal me. 


Blessed will be those who today commune of My Body and of My Blood, because they will have the Grace and the impulse to represent Me inwardly for the next times.

Daughter of Israel and of Abraham, favorite daughter of the Most Holy Mary, My Daughter and Wife, receive the Sacrament of the Altar, the perpetual donation of My Heart for souls that must live My Love throughout time.

The Body of Christ...

Receive, from the Chalice, the powerful and precious Blood of Christ, the infinite spring of Grace and the Universe of Healing, so that all spiritual illnesses may dissipate and the Love and the Will of God may be established in your life.

The Blood of Christ...

Now is a moment of celebration, of joy and of gladness, for the redeemed are congregating.  The children of Adam and Eve are uniting. The children of Abraham are receiving their legacy and taking the step to live the Commandments that Moses once received; in order that the Earth, in this time, in spite of its decadence and its illness, in spite of the conflicts in nations and in peoples, of the death and the hunger, love may prevail, which will never be hidden nor overcome by those who pronounce the Victory of Christ in humanity, the Victory of Christ within themselves.

For this reason, blessed be the merciful, because they will always receive Mercy and give Mercy wherever they go and pass through.

In union with the Sacred Revelations of God and the Supreme Divine Source, a principle of Love and of Unity, in the name of the Archangels and of the Angels of the Universe and of all of the Spiritual Hierarchy, in the name of the Brotherhood and of the Fraternity, I bless you and bless the world for the inner Christs that will awaken on this Christmas.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for feeling encouraged to listen to me and for being open to the corrections of God.

A heart transforms by following a single path and being on a single boat, which is the boat that I offer to you, which will take you to the port of My Heart to live eternal Love, unquenchable Love, untransferable Love, invincible Love.

In the name of the Light of God, so that Light may be on Earth and in the new Christs, you will fraternally give one another the greeting of Peace.

I thank you!

Thursday, December 20 of 2018

Daily Messages

Come close to Me and I will take you to the Non-material Source of My Graces, a place in which you will wash your feet, your hands and your head to purify and re-consecrate yourself.

Stay in that Source so that your soul may be renewed and, as a result, all of humanity may be renewed because of your having achieved redemption.

Stay in My Non-material Source so that your being may be sublimated and find the sense of My Non-material Laws.

Stay in My Source so that everthing within may be healed, and what is most old and deep may be freed, so that the essence of the new being may be born.

Stay at My side after having purified yourself. Smile at life and you will experience a renewal.

Stay submerged within My Silence so that, finding within your being the Truth of God, you may participate in the communion with divine life, and also renew the path of apostolate and service to humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Wednesday, December 19 of 2018

Daily Messages

If the Son of God forgave a dying prisoner on the cross, converting him into the first saint in the history of humanity, what is it that you could not forgive to convert all the thieves in the world?

Beyond all evil, deep inside these consciousnesses, there is a place in their inner worlds where they fear abandonment and poverty.

As the Commandment of Moses said: Thou shall not steal. This means that this rule represents, mainly, not to fear the lack of something or somebody, not to be tempted, in lack or in blindness, to steal it.

When your Master forgave the thief on the Cross, He absolved him directly with the very Mercy that was still shedding from the Body of the Lord through His Blood while He was alive.

This act of Mercy, granted to the thief on the Cross, happened from an inner inspiration that the same thief received when he was condemned to death; and the promise of his Master, after the repentance of the dying prisoner, was what determined the entrance of his consciousness into Paradise.

Only an act of consoling and true love could allow the salvation and the redemption of somebody who was condemned to great punishment. In this case, Mercy appeased Justice.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ

Tuesday, December 18 of 2018

Daily Messages


Today I come, carrying in My Hand the Scepter of the Light of God; this announces that the times are defining themselves, first in the reality of each being, to then take place in all of humanity.

For this reason, I come with the Scepter of the Light of God in order to be able to guide My last flocks to the eternal stable of My Heart, so that My flocks may follow the steps that My flaming Voice announces for these times.

We are already in this definitive moment in which the souls will decide to be with Me or not, so that, after these definitions, the Plan may continue its course of concretion, even if the factors or the events change.

For this reason, I come with the Scepter of the Light of God to preach that the final time is approaching and that there will no longer be time to delay, nor will there be time for mediocrities.

As of now, it depends on what humanity will want to live from this next cycle on.

Be attentive to My Words, they will need to be registered in your memory, for they will serve as a net of salvation for all.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monday, December 17 of 2018

Daily Messages


It does not matter if you still do not have a completely pure heart for Me because what I expect is that someday you achieve this inner transparency, and that it be true within what is material, what is mental and what is spiritual.

Meanwhile, do not fear to find yourself and to refind yourself, again and again, with the aspects of life that have been formed through daily habits, the time will come to transcend them. 

Continue onward and trust in the relief that My Heart can give you.

There is no greater Love than that which the Master has for His friends.

Hold on and with faith walk towards an encounter with Me. I have everything to give you and to present to you.

Do not allow sadness or helplessness to defeat you.

Trust again in what you may achieve someday.

I know that love on Earth can be real when it is offered to God beyond all people.

Love is capable of freeing and not possessing. For this reason, sometimes souls suffer because they try to possess through love.

Dare to learn through Me.

My Love is a school.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Sunday, December 16 of 2018

Daily Messages

The light of the first Christs starts to dawn within the inner universe, because they are congregated for prayer and their voices proclaim the Blessings from Heaven.

The New Christs start to emerge because they have made a heartfelt commitment to witness the Love of the Redeemer and to retransmit it to the whole planetary consciousness.

These New Christs do not want anything for themselves, they only aspire to fulfill daily prayer for the Master of Love to guide their small steps.

The New Christs begin to manifest themselves and they are surprising because they will be the people you least imagine. They are witnesses and adorers of the Passion of the Lord, they are able to give all for love, under any circumstance.

The Christs of the New Time start from zero every time it is necessary until, by themselves, and by all means that the Hierarchy has given them, they are able to express the steps of the Plan, and they are also the ones who remain neutral not to get mixed up with anything from the world.

The New Christs only say "yes" and by this "yes" they live, in addition to everything they can give for the Creation to be renewed.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ

Saturday, December 15 of 2018

Daily Messages
Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


On the eve of the Nativity, I want to tell you to have, from this moment on, your hearts prepared to receive the inner impulses that will come directly from My Heart because, for this cycle, these impulses will place you upon the path to concretizing and representing the Work of Christ on Earth.

For this reason, for you, this cycle will mean an opportunity of placing all of your attention on the true circumstance it represents, rather than on the party that it popularly represents, year after year.

The Nativity is an inner opportunity for the renewal of vows with the inner Christ of each being, it is the opportunity of expanding the commitment that each soul acquired before incarnating on Earth.

For this reason, companions, the Nativity signifies the drawing closer of the Christic Laws to the planetary consciousness, for all of humanity.

Who in truth knows how to take advantage of this circumstance will be greatly benefitted, and will not be distracted by the parties that the enemy has created throughout time, on this special date.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Friday, December 14 of 2018

Daily Messages

As long as you believe that you will never manage to surpass or transcend yourself, you will not surpass or transcend yourself, because the way to surrender to the Universe begins with an act of inner resolution.

I know that this surpassing and transcending are not easy for today's human being, but the more love and the more faith you place on each new attempt, you will be able to take small steps toward the full goal of the consecration of your life.

I want you to know that I understand your weaknesses and the tests the Universe places you in. But there is something inside you that has already been built, and it is that which supports you and commits you to continue onward, beyond all difficulties and all tests.

Accept the example of My Life and of My Victory, and let that experience of unconditional love be the spiritual foundation for your life that, again and again, may confirm the victory of My Consciousness within you.

Support yourself in this time of tempest through all the true love that you can feel and express for Me.

I do not want to make you a saint in a few days; I only want you to be able to imitate Me and reflect Me in kindness, in charity and in the strength that the Love that comes from My Heart gives to you, which only elevates and elevates.

Trust that you will achieve.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Thursday, December 13 of 2018

Daily Messages

While the Sacred Book of God opens to reveal the true history of the Creation, the Universal Son listens attentively the words of the Sweet Mother, and, after Her Message has been propagated, the Redeemer gives continuity to the history written in the Greater Universe.

The “degrees of love” were the most direct path for Adam and Eve to be able to transcend and overcome duality.

It was thus that sometime later the Universal Project, which had begun on Earth with the first settlers of humanity, had to transit different schools of learning that began to arrive in the form of experiences and processes of life.

The place called Eden was the location within the Earth that was put to test.

The next generations of Adams and Eves,  aware of duality and free will, began to define within themselves the importance of giving continuity to the Greater Will that had brought them to the Earth.

They knew they were Children of God, that they had a Higher Father Who had given them everything He had so that they might be happy. They knew He was a Father of pure love that had created everything that exists in Heaven and on Earth so that the Adams and the Eves would love Him and recognize Him.

In this scene of Eden, as the Bible expresses, the tempting presence of the symbol of the serpent was not absent; a parallel movement that the adversary articulated to convince the Children of God that they, by having more freedom, could choose more, and thus satisfy themselves.

This whole plan of the fallen angel tried to boycott the Original Project that, in the end, was interfered with.

But the other Archangels of the Mental Universe helped the following generations of the Adams and the Eves to continue ahead and fulfill this yearned for Project of God, which holds planet Earth as the scene.

In that time, the Archangels made the Adams and Eves become aware that they had not been faithful, that by the error of their first parents, Adam and Eve, they had acquired duality and, as a result, they acquired original sin, which means to be born with a spiritual stain of impurity, due to what had happened in the past.

But within the aspiration of God, this Project of His first children began to be accomplished when they themselves discovered within that they could live a love as great and similar to the one the Father expressed for all through the manifestation of Creation.

For this reason, the Archangels made the Faithful Children of God become aware that they could overcome their choices and differences if, in truth, they loved life and everything that exists.

It was thus, some generations after Adam and Eve were capable, with their limited knowledge, of loving Creation, just as the Heavenly Father loves it.

In this school of being able to experience the first steps of Christic Love, there has been no shortage of temptations and tests, which lead to defining the future continuity of the first settlers of Earth.

The Archangels gave an infinity of impulses, spiritual and practical keys for the Adams and Eves to keep the principles that had brought them to the Earth alive so that later they might represent and be the reflection of a first terrestrial Brotherhood, which would faithfully follow the attributes of God.

In that time, these first people of the Earth attained this aspiration of God and managed to live very civilized patterns of behavior, which led them later to express, as states of consciousness, Christic codes in personal and family life.

In this way, God, as the Father of all that was created, testified in the origins of the Earth that, in spite of the plan of duality, of the fallen angel, the first human beings were able to overcome all barriers of consciousness through the unconditional surrender to the Designs of God and, especially, through the primary living of Christic Love.

The passage of the first settlers of the Earth and the result reached by the intervention and the work of the Archangels gave, as a result, the continuity of humanity so that it could be increasingly close to God.

We will continue these revelations in the internal Books of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Wednesday, December 12 of 2018

Daily Messages

Come, take refuge within the Temple of My Heart and avail yourself of the fullness of the Love the Celestial Father granted Me.

Come, divest yourself from the sufferings, the agonies and everything that distances you from My Presence.

Trust in Me and renew yourself. Renew yourself every day, embracing with gratitude and celebrating with joy the triumph of the Celestial Father in your life.

Come, remain in My Heart. Feel the power and the expansion of My Love.

Keep within yourself the inextinguishable encouragement of being able to be in God and that, in spite of what may happen, you may be able to continue fulfilling the Divine Will.

Come, remain within My Heart, and you will be filled with new attributes that will help you to bear the cross of these times.

Come, remain within My Heart. Receive from your Master all Love and all Grace so that My Victory may be accomplished in you.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 

Tuesday, December 11 of 2018

Daily Messages

This Christmas I would like My Spirit to be reborn in your inner world again and that you could receive from My Soul the blessings you will need to start the new year and the new cycle, filled by the Light of My Spirit.

My companion and friend, receive then the possibility to be reborn in My Christic Love so that each new day you may learn to share and express it so that souls also reencounter their inner Christ, the one they willl need so as to know how to face the end of time.

For this reason, prepare your heart, prepare your mind and above all your spirit, for My Christic Love to be able to rest and you, My friend, to receive the imperative strength of My Faith, the one that will impel you to take new steps with trust.

My Heart is full of Mercies for souls. Sometimes My Heart overflows with Love and does not find a place, space or enclosure where to place it.

I wish that this Christmas, the place that you will prepare to receive me be the one that will establish the inner communion with the Son of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the Heart.

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 

Monday, December 10 of 2018

Daily Messages

Today I do not come to contemplate your difficulties and tests, your inner disagreements or your possible doubts.

Today I come to make you resemble My Heart and My Life.

I come so that someday you may learn to imitate and represent Me, just as My apostles represented and imitated Me some time after I ascended to the Heavens.

With this I want to tell you that it is possible for you to live Me, to feel Me, and that you let Me act through your life, as long as you give Me permission to do so; for if you give Me permission, you will come to know those aspects of the consciousness that are like unconscious prisons, and that I will help you to defeat and transcend through love and sacred effort, always experiencing a non-transferable love and unlimited trust in My Heart.

Therefore, make the decision, encourage yourself day after day to surrender to Me what imprisons you in consciousness.

Come and be a part of Me, and one day you will perceive that you are now different and that you have been born to the life of the sacred spirit.

Persist for Me all the time and you will not fail.

Today I wash you in My Fountain and I fully purify you through My Grace so that the Divine Will be accomplished.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Sunday, December 9 of 2018

Daily Messages

I open the doors of My Consciousness so that Mercy may descend and act upon the beings.

Today I receive the most sincere offer of your hearts, while the other part of humanity is distracted by the modernities of the present times.

For this reason, I keep the Sacred Temple of My Heart for all, knowing it will be necessary and urgent for souls to count on immediate support when I am no longer among you as before.

This will be the moment to make a greater effort to be able to attain Mercy and Grace, the Grace of being able to heal the most profound and inner wounds.

I will give you permission to do this.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Saturday, December 8 of 2018

Daily Messages

I do not intend your lives to be perfect for Me, but that your lives and actions reflect the truth, the opportunity to make something greater for others, for humanity and the planet.

Your lives must be at My reach in each circumstance, in each challenge as in each test, because perfection awaits you in the next stage of your school.

In the meantime, may in this cycle your lives reflect the love of My Heart, the temperance of My Soul and the unconditionality of My Spirit, because thus I will make you part of Me and I will be part of you on this path of ascension towards the House of the Celestial Father.

May your lives be the mirror that reflect My Divine Purpose and My ardent aspiration so that, at least on Earth, New Christs may exist, souls that are bearers of My Love and My Peace.

I only hope, in the joy of God, that your lives be part of Me, so that the project of Christification may be fulfilled in a part of the human consciousness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


Friday, December 7 of 2018

Daily Messages

Most souls only believe that I am present in a certain place if there are miracles.

Miracles are acts of Love that the Father emanates to His children, so that souls can be transformed and renewed.

But the true faith and trust of knowing where the Son of God is lies in the gift of the heart, because the heart thus united to Christ never fails, for the trust and firmness that He radiates is indelible for the end of these times.

This fortitude of heart will allow you to live the new cycles and will lead you to embrace the new challenges that will come to impel you and lead you towards the goal.

The path of faith of the heart is something unchangeable. That is worth much more than hundreds of words, because faith awakens fortitude, and this fortitude helps the consciousness to accept the new times.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Thursday, December 6 of 2018

Marathon of Divine Mercy

The Ark of the Holy Covenant was in Noah's Ark, just like in the hands of Moses and in the Temple of Solomon.

Today it is in My Hands, to bring a spiritual impulse, definitive and precise to the world, within these times of chaos.

This Ark, contemplated by the angels and archangels, holds within it the revelation that humanity needs, the most sacred writings of the Universe, the thought transmitted by the Mind of God, within Divine Purpose.

This is the Ark that will be part of the New Humanity and will no longer be kept in the inner confines.

it will be placed upon the surface, soon after My return to the world, when I will have already assembled all My flocks, from all times and from all generations; when I will have overcame evil through love, and thus transcended duality in each human consciousness.

That will be the prelude to the advent of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will carry the Holy Grail to humanity, with all the Divine Codes, with all impulses transformed, sublimated and elevated by the Consciousness of the Son of God; with all the divine experiences that once lived on Earth among the apostles and followers; with all the codes of the Resurrection and of the Transfiguration, as well as the codes of the Ascension.

I know that you do not know what this means and what this represents, because it is something that will take place in this humanity.

Meanwhile, companions, may your perseverance with Me not be poor, nor weakened; may your trust in Me not be mediocre, nor indifferent; because the difficult times will come, but for those that trust in Me, the treasures of Heaven will not be lacking.

Just as from the planes of the Divinity, today I bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the Lamb that was sacrificed and that rose among the dead, bringing the victory of Love and Truth, glorious and resplendent, which will return to the Earth in His great Divine and Universal Consciousness, never before seen by any human being of the Earth, only contemplated and admired by the Mother of God.

This is the Divine Consciousness of the Firstborn Son, of the risen and glorified Son, Who will return to the world for the second time.

Keep vigil and be in adoration for this revelation. Continue to wholeheartedly and constantly pray, and the fruits of the new time will come to your hearts and lives.

But the time of darkness, which the human race has generated for this time of Armageddon, is necessary and essential because souls must learn to overcome inner duality through the strength and the power of Love.

It is no good to Me, companions, if you give up. After everything that I have given you, your thought must be in My thought and your feelings must be My sublimated and uplifted feelings.

Thus, you will not perish and you will not lack the keys for opening the doors that will lead you to the Kingdom of My Heart, to the House of the Celestial Father, even though you are still on the surface of this planet.

Today, in My Hands, I bring this Universal Teraphin so that it may be contemplated and admired.

In this material Universe, the Ark of the Holy Covenant represents the Will of God manifested for this Universe and for all of created life within the physical plane.

There, in that Sacred Ark, is to be found the pure story of God before He thought of and conceived the Creation, as well as the most evolutionary story of the Universe: the triumph of many humanities and the story written in many stars, as well as the story of His Firstborn Son and of the Divine Conception in the most pure Womb of the Universal Mother; the story about the accompaniment of all the angels and the defeat of the great hells of evil; the story of Archangel Michael in humanity and the divine fusion with the Divine Son, as well as the incalculable and unalterable presence of Archangel Gabriel within the Consciousness of the Mother of God; the presence of Archangel Raphael and the humble and simple experience of Saint Joseph.

And furthermore, companions, this Sacred Ark holds the evolutionary story of the first humanities, of those who were able to represent God in a simple and true way, those who were able to experience the mysteries of the Universe and draw a fraternal life of brotherhood toward the Earth, those who learned to sustain the Plan of God through the difficult times, both in the past and in the present, the story of love experienced by the great patriarchs, the experience of redemption of the apostles, the sanctification of the women of Jerusalem and all of the commitment relived and lived again and again throughout time, until the present time, by all of those who committed themselves to Me, throughout the whole history of humanity and the planet, to be a part of this Divine Covenant with the Sacred Ark of the Celestial Father.

Now this entire history will not be able to be interfered with, nor stopped. It depends on you, on your willingness, your adherence and your unconditional commitment so that your life story, your story of redemption, forgiveness and rehabilitation may be part of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, like the triumph of the transfiguring Christic Code in each human consciousness, in each human heart, in the spiritual life of each being.

For this reason, I encourage you to continue onward. The weight of your cross will pass and My Word, which is eternal, will triumph.

The only thing that I ask of you is that you be constant, consistent and responsible with the Divine impulses you receive, because I tell you again today, companions, with the humility of My Heart, that My time with you is close to coming to an end so that the New Christs may be seen on Earth as the bearers of Peace, Mercy and Good.

You are called to bring continuity to My divine Work and to submerge in the chaos and the tribulation to save souls, and even though it could be necessary to give your lives for Me, I will then be able to testify that your surrender has been real.

I have not come to ask you for the impossible, nor what you still cannot give me. I only ask you to walk by My side, that you be sustained in Me, that you trust in Me, and that you ask for My Mercy, just as the Apostle John did constantly, availing himself of each moment to be close to the Lord, to be close to God, in communion with Life and the Spirit of God

May the Ark of the Holy Covenant represent for you the symbol of the elevation of consciousness and the permanent aspiration to achieve the Kingdom of God, knowing that nothing that happens is by chance, that everything has a meaning and a goal for the Celestial Father.

If your inner hells are very large or if your joy is infinite for your souls, there is nothing to fear, because everything has its reason. Unite with this Creator Principle and, from the Ark of the Holy Covenant, receive today the last impulse of the Redeemer, for the transformation of your lives and the redemption of your beings, in the name of the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Standing before the Celestial Church that today gathers you together, before the priests of the Universe and the patriarchs of the Divine Word, before the angels of Heaven and all human beings who throughout history became sanctified by means of the experience of My Love, before the thorned Heart of Jesus and the silent agony of Mary because of all that is happening in the world, before the strength and the power of prayer, before the trust of all My disciples and pilgrims and the Love of all My kin, before the presence of the throne of the Celestial Father and of His Non-material Source, I accept and receive the re-consecration of Brazil to My Sacred Heart and today I extend to this people a special and atoning Grace that must be cared for and protected by each one.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master is lifting up His right Hand to bless Brazil and placing His left Hand over His Heart.

Christ Jesus:

Today I beg you, Father, that you rest in the love of Your children, and that you rejoice in the purity of the souls that consecrate themselves and that You may be alive and present in each human heart, so that the beat of Your Spirit be the pulsating of the heart of each being, the infinite beat of Your Love and the glorious expansion of Your Grace.

Bless this people, Lord, and all the humble beings that, in the silence of their simplicity, represent Your Work on Earth and live the ministry of My Heart.

And before the higher Universes that grant this Divine intervention, I re-consecrate Brazil to My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, so that the Christs of this people may sustain the end of times, the three days of darkness, as true witnesses of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

May the strength of their faith never break, may the temperance of their hearts be supported by the temperance of My Heart and may the Fire of the Holy Spirit place the divine word upon their lips, so as to defend My Redeeming Work in these end times.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before blessing the elements that souls will avail themselves of to receive My Grace and My Mercy, I wish to announce to the whole world that the continuation of this Work with the Divine Messengers will experience a pause towards the end of this month of December and that it will continue on when all has been fulfilled, not only on a spiritual level but also on a material level.

It depends on you and of the whole world that My Word and My Presence reach more places in Brazil in order to support it and assist it, as well as My Divine Word reaching other nations of the world and other continents.

God recognizes the efforts, but the efforts must be balanced and just.

All are deserving of the Grace of My Presence in this end time and in the nations of the world it will not be easy, and you know this.

It is a commitment of humanity that My Presence and My Message may be in other places of the world until the Celestial Father may indicate it and consider it thus.

I still have plans to fulfill with you and with humanity, which are the plans of the end times and of the last spiritual impulses that each Sacred Heart will give the world before the most difficult moment of humanity.

We thirst for good souls and also for repentant hearts.

The Rescue Plan will be built with the cooperation of all, under the Law of the Brotherhood.

At the request of My Father, I am announcing this pause and this break.

And the response of everyone and of the whole world will be what will allow Me to continue onward. Otherwise, in the name of the Law of Divine Justice and of the Law of Equilibrium, Sacred Attributes for the Universe, We will only be able to continue until the end of this month, but you will not cease to receive Our Words.

We will not be able to be present in those spaces where we should be. You know that Our Consciousness is omnipresent and it would not cost anything to be in any place that is necessary, but I am giving you the opportunity to serve God and of lightening your spiritual debts so that you may finally be reborn in Love, and may help others to be reborn in Love.

I will patiently be in the heights of the mountains so that in these next months I may hear your response.

God bless this moment, so that each being may become more aware and take up what they have come to fulfill in the name of Love and of Unity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We can stand for the consecration.

Christ Jesus:

Lord, you know that souls love You. That is why I ask you, Father, to accept all the offers that are made to You today, so that Your Project of Love may triumph. Amen.

Bless this water, Lord, so that Your Grace may spread throughout the world, and like the water that falls on the planet as rain, it may turn into a rain of an infinite Grace of Love in souls, so that all may be fulfilled. Amen.

Father, baptize those who have suffered with Your Spirit, so that the spiritual illnesses may dissipate and disappear from the human consciousness.

May the infinite flow of Your Love, may the spring of Your Grace, of Your Forgiveness and of Your Healing sanctify those who today will be baptized by Your Spirit, in union with Your infinite Love. Amen.

Pater noster....

Abhun debashmaia....

Lord, anoint, with this oil, sick bodies, exorcize possessed souls and free souls from the currents of evil.

Through the powerful union with the cross, may all evil be defeated and removed. And just as the Son of God was anointed by the Women of Jerusalem, today may those who will be anointed be restored and repaired by divine healing. Amen.

By the power of the Ark of the Holy Covenant may the codes descend.

And we make a memory of the Mystery of the Love of the Son of God during the last supper, when He took the bread, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, the Father blessed it and giving it to the apostles, I said, "All take and eat of it, because this is My Body that will be surrendered for humankind for the atonement of sins."

In the same way, your Master and Lord took the Chalice, not only to radiate peace to the world and the redemption of humanity but also so that the Father sanctify it and bless it, and, giving it to the apostles, I told them to drink of it because "this is My Blood that will be shed for humankind and for the martyrs for the forgiveness of sins."

Do this always in My Memory.

Here is the Body and the Blood of Christ, Fount of Mercy and of Salvation for all the souls that trust in Him.

Happy be, My companions, all those who will avail themselves of this Sacrament. But before, confess and repent so that the Divine Body and the Precious Blood may purify your souls and sanctify your hearts. Amen.

Trust that all will be fulfilled as God has foreseen.

In your trust is the key to the concretization of the Plan.

If as from now you begin to live and to deeply feel, the Plan will be fulfilled, as has been written.

May your hearts be glad, because Brazil has re-consecrated itself to My Merciful Heart, and it will deepen its re-consecration in the coming months, with the constancy and the devotion of those who pray and the cry of all the people of God.

Glory to God in the highest, Peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.

Stretching out My Arms in the sign of the cross as a testimonial to the true Love of God for all His creatures and the planet, I unite you with the Power of the Sacred Cross and the infinite mystery of its exorcistic impulse.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (x3)

May peace be in all the inner worlds so that it may be in all humankind on the Earth, as well as in all the nations of the world.

Let us continue to pray for Peace, for the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

So be it.

You will fraternally give each other the greeting of Peace, so that Peace may be in the families of wars and in all the families of the world that are not able to live Unity on this Sacred Christmas.

I thank you!

Wednesday, December 5 of 2018

Marathon of Divine Mercy

My God, I believe in You...(x3)

My celestial victory is within each one of you and no other place.

Those who have decided to surrender their life to Me, know that from now and forever, you will belong to Me and will not belong to any other presence, because My Presence is unfathomable and infinite.

I want to make of your lives humble and peaceful hearts, that may be able to testify the Presence of the Son of God on Earth for these difficult and critical times.

For this reason, I have come to the world again with the Ray of Transfiguration, because the human consciousness will still have to be sublimated, so that its chains and all of its prisons may be released and the spirit may be free again as it was in the beginning, as it was from its origin, since its existence. That it may work and live again in God without being in the chain of suffering and agony.

What I offer you in this time, companions, is a great sacrifice and a great service for humanity, because as you know, humanity is out of balance not only from the psychic point of view but also from the material. And the balance that humanity has lost will have to be recovered again through instruments of My Mercy and My Grace.

This is why these times are difficult and definitive, in joy as in happiness, in battle as in challenge.

You will cross many bridges and go through many challenges, but you will also go through many abysses, within and outside of yourselves, and you will also see it in the whole of human consciousness.

It will not be enough for Me to describe today what is occurring in humanity, because you are seeing it daily.

The Fire of My conviction must reach you all the time. This will allow the Higher Laws to be active on Earth, and that the so awaited balance may be generated and presented in humanity.

While I am here, I am also with those who suffer, with those who are in agony and with those who despair, day after day.

Through the channel of Divine Mercy that has been opened, I am able to intercede today for each one of those souls, so in need of the Love of God, so in need of healing and redemption.

The only thing I can offer you today, companions, is the persistence that I achieved on the Cross, persistence that you will need for this critical time, for this definitive time, where the tests will be the schools and the learnings for everyone. Great moments of definition of your consciousness and of being able to take secure and firm leaps in the evolution of love and truth.

The tests will not come to intimidate you, but rather to strengthen you so that you may continue to be firm on the path I offer you. This will make you more real and simple, because it is what God expects of all His creatures, that they may be able to penetrate the Mystery of His Love and the Infinity of His Grace, principles that are still available for humanity and the planet.

But it will depend on the adherence of My companions and of My followers for those Sources of God to descend to Earth and things not become destabilized as quickly as the moving hands of the clock.

I need the world to be able to recuperate and be redeemed.

I need, upon the surface of the Earth, mirrors of prayer that are able to reflect towards all of the planet all the love that I give to your essences and spirits, because this will not allow chaos to win, but rather that love may overcome as it has always overcame throughout time, beyond errors, failures and all human actions, which have transgressed the Plan of God again and again.

But now a very important time for the planet has come, where that inner definition will be clear to all, and this will depend on you and God; He, not as a Judge but as a Father of Mercy and Grace Who thirsts for His children, for the love of His creatures, for the transparency of all the lives of the Earth, because this will defeat the principles that evil has sown in humanity, leading to the perdition and the despair of souls.

But you know, companions, that through these meetings I prepare you for My return, because first your spirit must be prepared, so that all of your consciousness may be ready to see Me and recognize Me.

In the most difficult moment of humanity is when I will return and will reveal My Face to everyone.

I will not set a time, nor a date. I will arrive at the most climactic moment of humanity, when everything is in great agony.

This is why I need you to be firm, clear and aware, in order to be able to recognize My commands and so that the doorways of Divine Mercy may still be open.

Meanwhile, persist through My Heart and do not have your lives become like the lives of others, which have lost the sense of the mission and the purpose and even of their own experience of life on Earth.

This goes beyond something spiritual. It is to be on the correct path that the soul came to fulfill on this planet, in order to be worthy of the Grace and the Mercy of God, in order to reciprocate with the Divine Purpose that has brought it to Earth, beyond the errors committed in other times.

Today I do not come to speak of the failures or the errors, but rather of the talents that you must still offer and give Me; talents that wait to awaken within you and that your souls cry out to put in service.

Thus, companions, perceive the end of the times with a profound clarity and wisdom.

Know how to differentiate the situations and the forms.

It is not for you to omit them, nor to reject them, because transformation is eternal and infinite. But in that transformation, the consciousness is uplifted and awakens and increasingly finds the meanig and the reason for having existed in this Universe and within the Spiritual Universe.

Everything has its communication and its inner and outer reflection; this goes beyond the mind or intelligence.

The meaning of the soul must be deep and true. It must be able to express its task in this end time. It cannot be disturbed by its miseries, by its doubts or incomprehension.

You must allow your souls to have the opportunity of serving and of loving and of managing to express the value they have so that they may fulfill the Will of God.

While this situation of souls in the world is not defined, the opportunities for Universal intervention are limited.

For this reason, I bring the balm of My Light to the whole world and the deep healing of My Heart so that souls may dare to take the steps they need to take, knowing that a definite commitment is still unknown to everyone and that you are still on the way to being able to find it and see it.

Dare to define your lives in the simple way of life, in love, in service and in charity; in the consideration for others and for your fellow being, such as for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The school taught here must remain eternally in the human consciousness.

The attributes that were sown here through instruction and the path of group living will have to be the pillars for sustaining the great planetary transition and the whole human crisis, knowing that in spite of the errors, the sufferings or the wars, the ignorance or the indifference, there is a place in the world where the attributes of God are lived in a simple but true way, just as they were lived by each one of the representatives of the peoples of the desert together with Moses.

You are the bridge, dear companions, for the Sacred Project of God, reflected and manifested in the human consciousness through divine and cosmic intervention, to have its continuity and above all, a future.

But it depends on the decision of the souls of these times, on the awareness and the attention before the call that is proclaimed from the Greater Universe, on the interest of each one of the souls of the world and above all, on the unity that may be generated among your consciousnesses, in spite of the differences or of the schools, beyond all learnings.

Because where love is, God is present and so His Divine Project is, My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are and that of each Universal Hierarchy that contemplates and observes the humanity of these times, and how it loses its codes and its experiences of love because of having become submerged in the current modernity and in global indifference.

These are the roots of the great worldwide illusion.

But you, companions, as well as each one who hears me, do not have these veils on the consciousness; you have awakened and have felt the call of the Hierarchy.

I hope you are able to make the most of My Words, because My Cycle with you is coming to an end. And when it ends, everything will happen, and they will not only be messages or words, or things invisible or far from your material reality.

You will have to seek again the Source that opened here through instruction and knowledge, to help support those who cannot support themselves, those who are more ignorant and foolish; in order to help heal and redeem, opening your arms and hearts to take in the world, the nations and their peoples, beyond their cultures and their beliefs.

The great challenge of Noah and his Spiritual Ark will be repeated again.

Here the peoples will assemble if the doors are open.

Here those who suffer will be received if love is present.

Here the Hierarchy will be present if adherence and response are sincere and true.

This will allow that our Fire may never lack, that our Light may always guide you, that our Consciousness may always reflect discernment and wisdom for you.

But the time has come, companions, for you to definitely live the new cycle so that everything that is in the Spiritual Universe may be able to descend to the Material Universe and thus, the Plan of Rescue may be carried forward in the end of these times.

I accept your offerings, I hear your hearts and receive your intentions in union with the Hierarchy.

May the sacred mission that you have come to carry out be accomplished in you.

May your inner senses open so that you may perceive the emergency of these times and the immediate call that comes from Heaven, to uplift human consciousness in state and condition.

Let us celebrate, at this hour, the communion with the soul of each being, and before the presence of My Celestial Church, that not only takes the elements of this Altar that are offered today, to the Heart of the Father but also the deepest and inner intentions of your spirits, in this donation that your souls can do for these times for many, many more souls that do not do so, nor live it in this time. Thus, you will also alleviate My Heart of the great human blindness that I am seeing in humanity and how this submerges souls in illusion and in indifference.

May the love that your hearts will offer today before the Universal King be able to dissolve the contrary currents, and souls may be able to be reborn to life in the perfect encounter with the Divine Essence.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father sung in Latin, so that the doors of His Celestial Church may open and His Grace descend to all hearts.

We may stand for the consecration.

Pater Noster...

Christ Jesus:

At that time, I gave you My Body so that you may resurrect.

At that time, I gave you My Blood so that you may purify, consecrate to Me, in order to consecrate to the Plan of God.

At this hour and in this moment the sacrifice of the Lamb of God is relived.

When in that time I took the bread giving thanks to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed it. I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them, so that they may tell humanity, that "this is My Body which was given for all for the forgiveness of sins."

I took the Chalice and lifting It up to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed It. I handed It to My Apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink of It; this is the Chalice of My Blood, that throughout time and generations will shed the most precious Blood of the Lamb of God, so that all may receive Its Codes of Light and be redeemed."

This is the Body and the Blood of Whom gave His life for you up to the heights of Mount Calvary and suffered for humanity so that it may not lose the meaning of its existence and the perfect path of its soul.

Glory to God in the Highest, peace on Earth for all beings of good will.

And now that the Father has received the offering of the elements on the Altar and the offering of hearts, the time for the blessing through the divine infusion that the Father spreads for all the souls of the Earth and through the Work, the Science of the Holy Spirit, has come.

May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in all the beings of the Earth, so that you may be carriers of the peace and the Mercy of God, in order that wars, hunger, suffering and the despair of hearts may end.

For the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this country and in the world, I declare you My apostles and My companions and I give you My spiritual and paternal blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. (x3)

In fraternity and in compassion you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Tuesday, December 4 of 2018

Monthly Messages

Second Message

The revelation of the mystery is approaching the human consciousness. This is the moment of knowing the Truth deeply and of being able to penetrate this mystery through the revelation of its divine and cosmic knowledge.

Today I come again from the Sun because this is the universal star that rules and illuminates you, day by day.

In spite of what may happen, and before any event, the Sun, as an essence, gives you life, regeneration and healing.

For this reason, today My Message also comes from this place, from this Sun that governs this solar system and that concentrates many universal and cosmic Laws for the evolution of life and consciousness.

The Sun will be the witness of the events of the end of times on this planet and in its humanity, and in it, all the principles will be poured so that the solar system may be regenerated again and everything may start from scratch.

The Sun that rules you is not only a physical, material or cosmic element; it is an energy that has been placed within this system of life so that all could learn from it throughout the cycles and seasons.

Each element, just as each event, has its place and its hour. The Sun that rules you will enter a new state and a new form through its divine self-purification and that of its laws that are part of this Material Universe; laws that are also part of hundreds of Suns in other regions of the vast Cosmos.

In this Sun, you will find power plants for the regeneration of human essences and of their spiritual counterparts that will still have to live their redemption, purification and, lastly, their rehabilitation.

The waves that it will emit for these times will be intense and decisive. A part of humanity will identify this as a punishment, as a global imbalance, or as part of a universal event; although this is true, the intention and purpose is another, the Universe never stops and has never stopped, it lives in a constant dynamism and a permanent acceleration.

You, as humanity and as a planet, are within this system of life and within this system of evolution that reaches the deepest of your bodies, matter, cells and atoms.

The acceleration of these times is part of the acceleration of the Universe and of this solar system that prepares to enter into a new time that, spiritually, will not be so perceptible to all but that it will be visible in the movement of the laws of material life or, even, in the hands of a clock. Time seems to run and not be enough.

The transition of humanity and the apex of its great purification are approaching in order to enter the real time of the Universe, in which only the eternal present exists.

For this reason, the Hierarchies, throughout times and generations, through all ages and decades, have prepared the preamble for the entrance of this new time; otherwise, humanity would have suffered the acceleration of time too much, within its consciousness and spirit.

Universal assistance comes to the aid of all, the approach of the Hierarchy comes to the aid of all. It will only suffice to live the rules in order to fulfill the Plan and carry it out according to the Divine Purpose.

It will be worthless to do much in humanity if the mission is not based on love and truth, on transparency and obedience, fundamental attributes for the current times, when many spiritual and human manifestations will be presented and will convince the majority that they are real and autonomous.

Following the Hierarchy has a single meaning and a single aim, a single purpose, a single goal, which is to achieve the fusion in brotherhood, unity and with faith; attributes that promote the materialization of the Plan on the surface of this planet and in others.

The humanities of this Universe are offering themselves to help this current humanity, this race that comes from the Adams and the Eves and from a continuity of mistakes and faults that have taken place throughout the times and ages; but the end of the Law of Suffering is drawing near so that the doors to healing and relief of pain may be opened.

The more you cry out for My Mercy and for the Piety of God, the more the doors will open.

The more you demonstrate that you are understanding what We say and what We speak, the more the doors to Mercy will open and each one, in spite of where or how they are, will receive what they need. Trust in what I Tell you.

The Sun, for humanity, represents this spiritual fusion between souls and God, a fundamental principle that once had to be lived in the existence of the Adams and the Eves, but that did not succeed due to many different circumstances.

Now history will be recalculated and the Plan will deepen itself in the human consciousness so that every being on the Surface of this planet may keep clearly in mind what the Will of God means.

Do not fail to open your hearts to the mysteries. Drink from this Nonmaterial Fount that I bring you today so that your lives may be renewed and you may never, never be thirsty; because communion with higher life is possible while one lives this lower life on the surface of the Earth.

The School of the New Christs will be ruled by this master, the Sun of the Local Universe; the one who imparts many more energies and principles for human life, for the planet and the Universe.

From this Solar Fount, the New Time will be born and it will fill all Hierarchies and their disciples, all their servers and collaborators.

Now it is the time to take this leap and this step towards the fulfillment of the last part of the Plan, which is a responsibility of all, which is a responsibility of each one with God and the Universe.

The signature of your spirits has been conceived, the permit has been granted and the time is approaching for this event in which all, congregated in love, will internally prepare the emergence of this New Humanity that will cease to be mental so that it may finally be spiritual and divine, just as the Father has thought it since the Origins, since before the Universe and all of its life existed.

This Marathon means the passage into a new time and into a new spiritual energy conceded by the Hierarchy.

The past will remain in yesterday, the present will begin to be part of the future and the doors will open to a new cycle so that human consciousness may participate in the impulses that will come from the great master Sun.

May My Words be converted, in you, into a source of wisdom and clarity, into a source of discernment, healing and love; because the goal of all of this impulse is a greater goal, based on the Love of God and on the unity with the Supreme Source that rules you, since the origin of your essences in the Material Universe.

So that, finally, companions, you may be this spark of light for the world during the time of darkness and tribulation, so that more veils of the consciousness may fall from the faces of beings and the doors to knowledge and awakening may open.

Receive, then, all the assistance from this Solar Fount that will reveal itself to the world in a short while through its principles and signs, through its higher emanations and energies.

Come with Me to the Fount of the great Sun and let us commune, in essence, with the new life that will be free of errors, suffering and pain.

In the essence, the new being will be born, that will become like a Sun to illuminate the new times.

Receive My blessing and My understanding, My Grace and My Mercy for the times that will come.

Under this Sun that governs this part of the universal life, under the stars of this Universe that are witnesses of many experiences and lives, under the existence of the Material Universe and its powerful currents, attributes, rays and energies that are part of the elevation of consciousness and of the unity with God, I bless you for this new cycle, which will be sustained by your love and faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday, December 3 of 2018

Monthly Messages

First Message

The Sacred Gardener of Space comes today, showing His Aspect of Transfiguration, to announce to the world the time of the great changes.

The hour is approaching, this moment is drawing near. For this reason, I come today to the Earth through the portal of the great Sun that rules this Local Universe and this system of life.

I come to bring you the Laws of Transfiguration, those Laws that were applied during the Transfiguration of the Divine Son on Mount Tabor.

You will need these principles in order to be able to live the changes and everything that the new time will announce.

As you are in a moment of transition, these principles come to your aid because they will make of your consciousnesses beings in greater contact with the Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This is part of a divine intervention, of a possibility and an opportunity that the flow of My Mercy brings to the souls of this world.

And although everything is precipitating in all spaces of the Earth, you must still trust in Me, because I will give you the sustenance that you need to be able to go through these times of tribulation and of great definitions.

I bring you the opportunity of uplifting your consciousness, and, in this upliftment, attaining the purpose that each one of you has come to fulfill in this humanity and within this planet.

The time is approaching to announce My true Aspect, that Aspect that I once showed to some of My Apostles and that, in truth, until the current days, is only a mystery. But the door to the great revelation is opening little by little. Time is forging this moment and also the planetary need.

The awakening of consciousnesses will be fundamental, through this impulse that I Myself will give from the Universe to the Earth.

The transfiguration of your consciousnesses will allow you to simplify your lives, order your movements and be in attunement with on High, which is the most important thing for these times.

Perhaps you will feel that what I tell you today is something abstract, but it will be something close to your lives and consciousnesses, because, by My being closer to humanity, souls will be able to capture My impulses and manifest them on Earth through experiences of love and service to humanity.

The change of consciousness will not be a formula nor a practice; it will take place through the degrees of love and the constancy in their experience.

Thus, I will be able to reflect onto the surface of the Earth the New Christs, those who will have to govern with Me in love and in humility, based on the simplicity of life.

Many, little by little, are approaching this path, but still more efforts will be necessary  to be able to balance the maladjustments of humanity and of the planet, of everything that is violent which is carried out by the human being of these times and of all the transgressions that are committed, day by day, to life and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

The awakening of these Christs of the new time will begin within you, by means of the intervention of the Law of Transfiguration and of all its principles that will try to transform the human consciousness, leading it to a state of a new consciousness, which will begin with the living of the message of the Hierarchy and of all of its attributes.

The portal towards this opportunity is opening to all, but someone will have to cross it. Or at least some will have to cross it.

When this moment draws close, it will be a definitive moment, not only for these consciousnesses that will take this step for many more, but also for the planet, that will be on its greatest apex of definition and transition.

In truth, it does not matter who takes this step, but rather that this step be taken for all, just as I once took it for each one of you.

You must keep in mind that this is the moment that was so expected by all the inner beings; the moment of being able, in truth, to do what they have come to do and what they have come to fulfill, beyond the circumstances and the tests, the confrontations or the challenges.

The Lord of the Universe comes with His Law of Transfiguration so as to be able to change it all and so that, definitely, the Plan may be fulfilled, at least in some beings.

For this reason the Universe articulates itself for a great movement and unites for a great task, to carry out  a mission on the planet and in humanity, which will go beyond any human situation or any event.

This event will not be announced, it will just take place, and many will be able to benefit from it, because it will be a help that will come from the Divine and from the Source, in order to reinforce the commitments of the apostles of Christ and of the last apostles of the last days.

Today, the Gardener of the Universal Space again waters the Sacred Tree with His Water of Life so that its roots may penetrate the earth even more and its tree crown of light may be strengthened with the fruits of knowledge and Instruction.

Because, once more, the Sacred Tree will bear its fruits so that all may be able to avail themselves and, spiritually, be nourished by its impulses and gifts.

Those who have eaten from the Tree and its fruits and did not know how to benefit from it, will feel pity in their hearts for not having been humble, for not having humiliated themselves, for not having recognized their ignorance and for not truly having asked for help.

But those who were left behind, I will route them, just as I route the sheep that are not ready to take the steps that I demand in this time.

Because everything has a meaning, beyond the material and the spiritual. Everything is part of a Purpose and of a plan of manifestation for this humanity.

May this Ray of Transfiguration give you the impulse to the change of daily life so that the spirit of each one of you can enter into your consciousnesses and carry out its task and its mission for these times, leaving behind the instability and the disharmony, living the eternal present and the operative mission with the Hierarchy of Light.

Thus, the portals of the Universe will remain open and, in spite of the confrontations, the universal help will not lack. Because everything that happens has a meaning, is part of a school and a learning experience; this causes the New Christs to awaken to the path of love and service, to the unconditional experience for others.

May this Marathon represent this opportunity of transfiguring your consciousnesses and lives, and of doing it in truth, committing yourselves at each moment of prayer and offering that you will make to the Universe; knowing that all of this will also have a repercussion in Brazil, which needs it so much for the next months. 

And all this moment of prayer will stop unnecessary events and difficult tests for this dear people that is alive in the center of My Heart.

I will thank as from now for the offering of each Brazilian and also of each praying being of the Earth, because this is not only restricted to a country or a people.

Each situation that is lived in each part of the Earth is part of all of humanity, because humanity is only one, it is the same family that has become sick and distanced itself from God for different reasons, and for all of this and for all consciousnesses, will need to come the Ray of Transfiguration and Healing, so promising for these critical times.

Celebrate this Marathon with Me, in joy and bliss.

May the faces of those who live upon this Inner Sanctuary be of joy and not of sadness, because the one who accepts the invitation will be helped and will be transformed.

Embrace, then, My great call and the assistance of the Universe, which will come to Earth and will be within your reach.

I offer you My Experience as a demonstration that it is possible to live the Transfiguration, and that this Transfiguration begins in the small and also in the invisible; from there is built the true inner temple that is offered to God as an act of great surrender.

I wish you a most beautiful Marathon and a joyful day, because the apostles, untiringly, will have to announce the triumph of Christ in each human heart. 

From the great Sun that rules this Milky Way, in union to the center of the Universe and the great Star of the Brotherhood that governs all the worlds, and in union with the Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, where God is, and is invincible, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, December 2 of 2018

Daily Messages

In the face of the movements and events of the end of times, My Heart pacifies and neutralizes all forms so that souls may become aware and perceive what is wrong.

This is the time of the greatest challenges and of infinite tests; and there will be only one way to overcome everything, and it is through the love of the heart.

If there were enough love in the heart, and above all, in the consciousness, nothing that will happen would change the development and the awakening of the consciousness because everything would be a possibility for increasing the degrees of love and of drawing to the planet the opportunities that hundreds of souls lost through their various errors.

In this sense, the opportunity to serve and to attend to others will be expanded; sometimes it will only be necessary to listen to be able to open the inner spaces so that healing may descend.

These are times in which everything will be evaluated and nobody will be able to isolate themselves or omit this evaluation because it will be within them. This evaluation will define the next path and the next school and will not depend on the responsibility of anyone, because it will be a moment between the soul and God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Saturday, December 1 of 2018

Daily Messages

Like the water that falls with the rain, this afternoon, this is the way I bathe and wash you with My Mercy, for the souls to be able to purify themselves from all the wounds of the past.

Through My Mercy, I bring you to the Source of Divine Pity, so necessary for these times of definition, because it is through Piety that I guide you by your hand to live and experience the Compassion of God.

Companions, your lives, in service and love, can reach, in some time or another, this Source, so necessary for your transformation and redemption.

Day by day, while asking for the Mercy of My Heart, remember that you are not only praying for My Name, but that you are also imploring for Mercy for yourselves, for humanity and for the world.

Gather from the Source of Pity and Compassion, all the light that you need for the darkness of the world to be transmuted, even more.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
