Dear children,
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, today, I illuminate the surface of the Earth to dispel the darkness that looms over it.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, I can remove from spiritual and material danger all those who are facing this threat to their lives.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can intercede for the angels of the nations, who today are under spiritual oppression.
It is My wish, My beloved ones, that your hearts, acts and works may someday radiate as much as does the Light of My Sublime Mirrors; because when this happens, I will be able to present to the Celestial Father the testimony of your transformation, which will justify, before a suffering world, all the errors that have been committed and that offended the Heart of God.
So that your hearts, acts and works may be similar to the sublime Light of My Celestial Mirrors, you must be pure and honest in your intentions, transparent in your acts, and humble in your works, without expecting anything in return, nor any reward or merit, but rather being an instrument in the Hands of God so that, through your purity, the world may be transformed and recover the innocence it has lost.
This is a daily work, filled with patience and perseverance, with the gift of peace and neutrality. Because only in this way, dear children, will your lives be all that God expects, lives that must be the perfect mirror of the Love of God in these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
When something comes to an end it does not mean that it is definitive, but it represents the moment and the opportunity to reconsider, before all the Graces of instruction and guidance that have flowed from Our Sacred Hearts.
Each moment of completion represents a moment of introspection, just as your Mother experienced at many moments, especially during the agony, Calvary and death of My Beloved Son.
You, dear children, are not separated from this moment of closure. On the contrary, your lives will have the possibility to meditate and reflect on so much, but so much, that was received out of Love from Our Sacred Hearts.
This is a time of review and awareness of what nations and peoples are experiencing today. This is the time for the Sacred Word to be fulfilled in each one of you and that, from now on, you cease to limit yourselves to only listening to the Divine Word.
This step means an inner effort for each of My children, because it represents that you are before the manifestation of the fruits, but also of the errors committed. You are before the opportunity to amend your lives so that they may be a mirror not only of love, but also of justice, charity and above all of truth.
After all that you have received for so many years, may you learn to live the Truth of Christ in yourselves, in the face of an opaque and dark world, without truth and transparency. The Truth and transparency of Christ will lead you on the path of protecting yourselves and the world, so that the Love of the Redeemer may reign in you.
As Mother and Mirror of Justice, I am here because My only longing is that many more may live the Truth that is Christ, Our Lord and Redeemer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for being here with Me today; because this place, where you are now, spiritually represents to Me a small Holy Land. And what is most wonderful in all this is being able to see that this Holy Land is formed by souls, by the hearts that faithfully respond to the Call, just as many of your brothers and sisters in the world or even within this Work faithfully respond to the Call of God.
Today I would like to linger, companions, on the Gaze of God upon this place, which was founded and conceived for the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth. However, this place is spiritually alive, for the souls that participate in it, for the servers that self-summon every day, regardless of their life experiences.
The Gaze of God upon this place is special, it is a tender and peaceful Gaze, because He can see His Will reflected upon this place, although His Will is perhaps a little unknown to you and your brothers and sisters; a Supreme and Divine Will that is palpable in this material life, in the experience of this Light-Nucleus; a life that reflects itself through the Will, through what each heart fulfills before God every day.
This is also wonderful for Me, in the face of the difficult planetary situation, in which brothers confront one another, in which entire nations are destroyed by impunity, by the lack of love for others, by the lack of respect for human life itself.
Do you now understand why this place, to Me, is a wonder of God, as so many other places in this Work?
Can you appreciate, companions, the value of this and of the continuity of its expression on this surface?
An expression intimately united to the Retreats of Love, an inexhaustible source that impels you to live the Plan of God every day, even if you do not know how to begin from scratch. This is part of the Greatness of God, of His inexhaustible and inextinguishable Love.
Few are the places in the world, nowadays, that can live fidelity to God; but there is not a mystery in all this, because fidelity to God is sustained by transparency and ardent love for the Divine Will, which is the one that gestates and creates the pillars of the Work of Christ on Earth, through souls.
Without fidelity, transparency and ardent love for the Will of God, it would not be possible for the Hierarchy to work on the planet. This allows, in the face of the spiritual debt of humanity, for the Divine Hierarchy to intervene in these critical times. Because there are places like this, small Holy Lands, which attract God’s Will to themselves through untiring service for those who suffer and have to endure, service for all those who are under the human condition.
I would like for you, companions and friends of Mine, to contemplate and value, from now on, this place and other places of the Work with the same Gaze of God, the Gaze of tenderness and peace-making.
Because He, who is in His Kingdom and in His Glory, takes care, together with all His Children, of each step and each detail, even the most insignificant, so that souls may grow in love and justice, so that souls may learn every day to give of themselves a little more, and to come out of themselves to attain redemption.
Behold My little Holy Land, the new Holy Land of God, among so many other lands sanctified by the Eternal Father on this planet. God ardently wishes for such a Grace to multiply, because it is a Grace for humanity, even for those who would not deserve it, due to their errors or sins.
Then see how wonderful is God’s Mercy, infinite, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, Divine Mercy that can embrace all His Children, Divine Mercy that can congregate all souls, Divine Mercy that can heal all hearts.
I pray, together with the Eternal Father, for more Holy Lands to exist, just as I hope, in the innermost depths of My Heart, that this may happen in Africa, so that the truest and most authentic values of those who suffer may be recognized. If the Heart of the Master is moved with Love for His children of Africa, especially for the smallest and most innocent, could your hearts be moved?
What is there, beyond that which is apparently miserable?
God hides in the smallest and most innocent ones. Thus, God knocks down from the throne all those who say they are powerful, because His Love is present in those who are anonymous, in those who do not seek anything for themselves, in those who distance themselves from any recognition.
Will the world place its gaze, once and for all, on Africa, so that humanity may understand, once and for all, that from Africa the New Humanity will emerge? Why is it destroyed? Why is it colonized? Why is Africa abused?
There is no longer sensitivity in many hearts that go unpunished. However, I will fulfill My promise to return to Africa, just as it is written and just as it was written that I would be here with you today.
This is why I need, companions, that in the end of these critical times, you may place in your hearts and prayers the next Projects of Christ. Because while these Projects are not manifested and concretized, many souls continue to become lost and to be abducted into the fires of hell.
Do you now understand the importance of places and spaces blessed by Me, such as this small community that you express here?
All is being given to you, all is being allowed to you, and all will be requested from you, above all a true inner response that may justify the treasures that you are receiving, because the Grace of God is abundant.
He wants that Grace to multiply and expand in the world so that, through this Work, conceived for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the servers of Christ that confirm themselves in this time, this Work may reach very distant places of the planet.
Because I have told you once, companions, there will not be many who will serve Me in this end time. But those who serve Me in this end time, although they are few, will have to be truthful. Just as this truth, which has brought you to this present time since the first day that this sacred place, this point of Light for the Hierarchy, manifested itself.
With all gratitude, I would like to announce to you, with all reverence and with all inner aspiration, that I will place here some priests, so that they may sustain, together with your brothers and sisters, this new cycle of the Light-Nucleus, through its sacred task of the House of Saint Lazarus as well as the other projects in which you will participate in the coming times. Because the spiritual channel must be quite strengthened so as to encompass and embrace as many souls as possible, on this and on other planes, who, through the House of Saint Lazarus, will seek relief from suffering.
I want you to know that here, in this house consecrated to My Most Holy Mother, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, in the deepest and most anonymous silence, finds a place of repose and relief.
It is time, companions, for you to perceive My Spiritual Presence here, and to know that I will never abandon you, but rather I will always impel you to fly with your own wings toward the dimensions and planes of consciousness where the Will of God must materialize on this surface.
As I have asked elsewhere in this Work, I wish for the Fountain of the Healing Christ here, the Unfathomable and Sacred Heart of Christ, so that those who cross the sacred door of this house may find My Water of Life, which will purify and cleanse them, relieve and renew them for the next service.
The water of the Fountain of the Healing Christ will be blessed not only for the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, but also for those who want to drink it or want to take it with them to bless their homes and families.
See, companions, how simple yet how profound is the Love of God, which hides in what is silent and anonymous, which distances itself from every wish to play the central role and exhibition. Because God is present in the life of the pilgrims, of the seekers of peace and good, of those who will work in these critical times so that the values of human dignity and fraternity and, above all, love, may not be dissolved from consciousnesses.
You will have two more days of meeting with Me in this sacred house. On the days that we still live of Lent, and of inner emptiness through your own deserts, I ask you to offer each task and each service in the name of the Lord. Also offer the days of the Marathon of prayer to My Sacred Heart.
My Gaze will be attentive to the actions of Mercy, so that the grave errors that are committed today in the world and through wars, may be dissolved, and a longer time of peace in the world may be granted.
For this reason, My friends, peace must begin first within you, by your taking care of your words, taking care of your gestures, taking care of your actions, taking care of your thoughts and feelings, taking care of your neighbor before you take care of yourselves.
Thus, fraternal charity, inspired throughout the times by many saints and blessed ones, will not be dissolved in the world, but will rather grant peace; and this fraternal charity will be reflected on faces with a beautiful smile for serving God. Thus, your own sufferings and agonies will dissolve, because the one who serves God becomes liberated from themselves forever.
Take into account all that which I tell you, and hold My Words in your hearts.
Once again I thank you for being here today.
Bless, Lord,
those who listen to Your Call.
Bless, Lord,
those who serve You untiringly.
Embrace, with Your Love,
those who invoke Your Name,
and guide the steps of the consistent.
May the wounds and grievances of hearts be healed,
for all the offenses
that they may have received throughout the times.
Glorify, Lord,
those who serve anonymously,
silence those who speak unjustly.
Because Your Power and Your Light will be in those who
always say ‘yes’ to you and do not step back,
because by surrendering their lives into Your Hands,
by surrendering their consciousnesses into Your Heart, Lord,
the time of consummation will be fulfilled,
just as Your Most Beloved Son fulfilled it when He expired on the Cross.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Guardians and Stewards of the Divine Plan
1. Are those who obey promptly, before even thinking of obeying.
2. Are those who adhere to the Divine Will, and, from their plane, work to live it and manifest it.
3. Are those who protect, from themselves, the Sacred Mystery.
4. Are those who love the unknown spontaneously, even if they do not know it.
5. Are those who profess and live humility through the permanent giving of self.
6. Are those who work every day to be able to live transparency within their degree of consecration in order to one day live Truth.
7. Are those who ardently aspire towards the best spiritual results in their fellow beings.
8. Are those who learn to love through mistakes in order to one day be able to love unconditionally.
9. Are those who do not break the rules and inner codes that they set for themselves.
10. Are those who assume to live the pain of humanity, but work every day to transcend the human condition.
11. Are those who are not afraid of being mistaken; however, they are afraid of not being able to repair the error, but they trust in the infinite Mercy.
12. Are those who aspire to lose control of their decisions in order to one day live the divine decisions.
13. Are those who revere the Instruction and make it a part of themselves, even though they think they do not need it.
14. Are those who recognize the Power and the Glory in one God, present in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
15. Are those who do not forget others.
16. Are those who learn to be compassionate with themselves in order to learn to be compassionate with others.
17. Are those who no longer justify themselves but always make themselves available.
18. Are those who understand, beyond themselves, the Plan of God.
19. Are those who live Justice, but, first, live Love.
20. Are those who stand in solidarity with everyone.
21. Are those who, above all else, fulfill their duty without complaints.
22. Are those who do not step back, but always advance.
23. Are those who promote and gestate brotherhood.
24. Are those who eradicate, within themselves, indifference and lack of collaboration.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When you become quiet, you can look within and truly know what it is that happens.
This is not only a work of reflection and meditation, but also an incessant search for knowledge and reality.
At this moment, turning inwards is attuning with the inner worlds, it is to know how to discover the truth that is beyond that which is concrete, it is to find the life of the spirit and, in the spirit, enter through the doors to the cosmos.
To know what happens within you is very important because the universe will reveal to you that which it so much expects. The effort to do so is permanent, but the responses will come, time and again.
Why do I say this to you?
Because souls do not look within, but rather outside of themselves; many of the experiences they live on this Earth could be relieved and perhaps it would not be necessary to undergo certain tests.
Openness to the inner world is fundamental in these times because the conscious world has to come to the point of discovering the truth in order to understand it and then accept it.
The Christic path is based on the unceasing search for the reality within, not as something personal nor as something of a group; it is an intelligent, very inner activity, that allows a soul to know which moment it is in and what its next step will be.
To know what happens within you is to be aware of what you have to transform and correct, where your attention and your vigilance must be so that nothing surprises you.
The unceasing search for knowledge within will bring you many answers, and also clarity to know what will be the next step.
In the inner worlds lies the Hierarchy, there lies the main epicenter of all its activities and works.
Nothing external could be based or materialized if there did not exist an inner knowledge, a permanent search for the truth and for reality in order to know them.
God writes in the inner worlds through intuition, perceptions and feelings.
In this unceasing search for Truth, the mind only has to collaborate, and not interfere; because what there is in the inner worlds of souls is very precious, but also unknown.
It is there, in this search, in this aspiration, in this continuous work, where you will find the inner wisdom for this crucial moment of humanity, in which the external answers are not clear and deviate the souls from the path of the Purpose.
As the end of times approach, the human impulses that lead souls to make definitive life decisions without wisdom or discernment also increases. This brings, as a consequence, unnecessary learning experiences, unnecessary sufferings, experiences that are not predicted, just because, from the external point of view, the soul wants to live its own will.
To get rid of that of which one believes they have power, control, authority or sovereignty, is an eternal work that leads the consciousness, the soul itself, to find on its inner levels all that of which it must gradually divest. And in this unceasing search for inner knowledge it may have the keys it needs in order to solve its unconcluded experiences, but also the marks of suffering.
When souls turn inwards, not as something personal and individualistic, but as a means to find the truth that God keeps in each human heart, the world will begin to change; while this does not happen, the world will keep suffering, and this will increase.
In this school of the planet Earth, it is up to souls to take the greater part on the path of transmutation, purification and redemption. Because when the Laws are not fulfilled, there is no balance nor harmony. Purification places you, little by little, within the Law, from where you once moved away.
The Laws of the universe exist, not only to guide the manifestation of Creation, but also to orient the inner worlds, which in truth is where the experience of Christic life must be concretized, without theories or illusions about a true Christic life, based on the common good, fraternity, on love and on Mercy.
To think of these attributes in daily life allows assistance for the inner worlds of souls to be strengthened and, in spite of what may happen in the external world, in adversity or in darkness, souls will not perish.
But the fundamental platform of your lives must be the confidence in My Presence. In this confidence, I can deposit the principles, laws and attributes that you need, time and again, so that your lives may be sanctified, so that your missions may be fulfilled in these times.
The service for the universe is not personal, but universal. It is based on the fraternal union of many inner consciousnesses that, in the different planes of consciousness, collaborate and give impulse to My Plan.
It is in this way that a great network of Love, of Light and Mercy is manifested in the different planes of consciousness, from the immaterial life to the material life. And it is with this network of consciousness, of union to the purpose, that you must unite to in these times.
Thus, you will be able to step out of that which is superficial and indifferent. You will not be embraced by hatred, intolerance, anger, indignation, but rather from your inner worlds, just like many inner beings in the universe, you will be builders of the Plan of the Return of Christ.
Because the great inner construction of My Return is the most important one, it is there where all will take place and be carried out, it is from this state of consciousness that the New Humanity will be born.
A true, inner answer of wisdom comes through quietude and not apprehension, keep this in mind at the moment of making decisions.
The Light of the Universe can guide all forms and consciousnesses, the Light of the Universe will give you that which you strictly need, without wasting your Divine Principle.
If the search for the inner world stops, the planet will not be able to withstand. It is in the inner worlds where everything is understood and accepted, where everyone is equal as consciousnesses and spirits. Because it is there where all can recognize their origin in the Source and then return to the starting point, to the beginning, to the Matrix that created you in past times, when you were essences, when you were still a part of the Light of the Source and of Wisdom.
Your experiences in the inner worlds must recreate Creation so that there may be greater opportunities in the Plan of salvation of humanity and of the redemption of souls, in which the powerful Source of Mercy can mend, repair and heal all lives, all consciousnesses, although they do not deserve it.
My Consciousness Will return first to the inner worlds, where in the invisible and in the seemingly imperceptible things lies the truth of the realization of My Redeeming Work.
From there, I will give an impulse to the awakening of the New Christs, those who, in spite of their differences and forms of life, will be placed at the foot of the Sacred Purpose to fulfill the last Aspiration of God: to again see humanity in the beginning of its origin, and thus its heavy and traumatic history will dissolve as the Divine Law acts.
Know that in the external you will no longer find the answer or the guidance that you need. Know that in the external you will no longer find allies for your ideals or beliefs, for your criticism or value judgments.
The one who does not turn toward their inner world will not be able to endure the last stage of the end of times because, as times goes by, the fire of the universe will keep descending with increasing voltage and will remove the corrupt and malign particles from humanity, to liberate it forever.
In the inner worlds you will find balance, harmony and mainly peace, and you will be able to be My great collaborators, so that other souls may learn, through you, to endure the final times.
As the Central Sun expands its current of Light throughout the universe, its atomic-molecular, physical, electric and magnetic pressure will also expand, and everything that is part of life, as you are, will feel this movement.
The one who has not built their inner world, searched for it, recognized or revered it, will suffer the consequences of the movement of the universe.
So that a new cycle may come, the current cycle must be purified and rooted out in all planes of consciousness.
The solar energies are not offensive or transgressive, they are currents of the universe itself that regenerate life and correct that which has remained twisted and out of the Law.
There remains very little time to work with the inner worlds. This is the culminating moment, this is the time of awakening and not of complaining, it is the hour of inner maturity, it is the time to correspond and follow the Plan.
If someday you feel internally closed, work to internally open; you have the instrument of prayer and voice to open the doors of the universe and to receive the descent of help.
I only ask you not to feel as victims nor to make victims of yourselves; let each one, in My Name, assume their responsibilities and their errors, and correct them, because the door of My Mercy is still open to help you.
A true inner world is the one that, beyond its imperfections, seeks transparency; it is not false, it seeks the truth and tries to reflect it; it is not a liar, it seeks service to learn how to sacrifice; it is not a traitor, it seeks fidelity to learn to love God.
May the Lord protect you; may the Light of the Source give you an impulse to find within your inner worlds, truth and knowledge, because you will need them, you have to learn to recognize reality beyond that which it seems to be. Your perception must expand.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessed are they who, in spite of all gifts received, always allow themselves to be shaped and corrected by the Hands of God.
Blessed are they who never cease to be apprentices, those who never miss the chance to observe, learn and grow, each day, further becoming representatives of the good and of the peace in the world.
Blessed are those who teach by example, and from whose mouths comes forth wise words that love, and with love correct that which was off the path and the Purpose of God.
Blessed are they who seek humility, those who work so that others may grow, those who love the steps taken and the opportunities received by their brothers and sisters.
Blessed are they who observe the faults of others with compassion and do not affirm and reaffirm the error of a neighbor in order to justify their own errors, and feel themselves to be better than the rest.
Blessed are they who know how to be silent in order to bring peace, but who do not stop speaking to condemn with their thoughts, but rather they stop speaking in order to open their heart and, in thought, pray to attract Mercy.
Blessed are they who are transparent before God and their neighbors, those who free themselves from their ties through confession with Christ, those who do not fear to be seen as imperfect, weak and small in the eyes of the world.
Blessed are they who, in spite of everything, believe and seek the Kingdom of God within themselves, those who do not deny their human condition, but rather recognize it as a passage to something greater.
Blessed are they who see the sacred within life on Earth, those who are not satisfied with the energies of the world and who simply walk toward the Heart of God.
Blessed are they who believe in the celestial spheres, in universal and higher life, those who know themselves to be only a small part of an immense and unknown life.
Blessed are they who always recognize themselves as ignorant, but who do not remain as such. Blessed are they who open so that, into their ignorance, God may pour wisdom, and blessed are they who are always willing to go into infinity, from the simple fact of knowing themselves to be a part of it.
Blessed are they who love from the heart, because their own love will show them the path.
Blessed are they who aspire to be blessed and who strive for it, holding the fulfillment of the Will and the Plan of God as their only aspirations. Their efforts will be rewarded with a perfect union with the Creator.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To be in the Heart of the Hierarchy and remain there, you must, above all things, live unity. A unity that is built with transparency and with love; a unity that is built knowing to first listen, and then speak; a unity that is built by being capable of perceiving the real value of each being and how others are an indispensable piece in the Work that God is carrying out in the human consciousness.
To be in unity is to know how to relate to others, aware of the Divine Presence in this relationship; to know that, while you speak, think, feel, act, the Eyes of God are upon you, His Presence blesses you, His Laws guide you.
To consciously place oneself in the Presence of God, in each instant of life, will be that which will distance you from the stimuli of the enemy and stop the most human aspects of yourself from being that which governs your lives. In the Presence of God, those aspects will gradually transform and be sublimated, and it is your souls and your spirits that can guide the expression of your beings.
Being in the Presence of God, you will have your heart in His Kingdom, and that Kingdom will enfold you, protect you and always safeguard you. For this reason, children, this is the great secret for remaining upon the path of the Hierarchy: to always be in the Presence of God, under His Gaze and within His Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXI - The Simple Presence of God
Feeling a profound anguish in their chest that was unexplainable, a soul quesioned the Lord saying: "Lord, within my heart there is a feeling that I cannot explain. I do not know if it is sadness or confusion. I do not know if it is anguish or grief. I do not know if I lack a meaning for living or if I am feeling Your sorrow, the sorrow of the world. Could you explain what I feel?"
And the Lord responded, saying: "Little soul, contemplate the infinite and the vastness of the universe. Contemplate the greatness and the complexity of life. Contemplate the mysteries hidden in the stars. Your own being is as iinfinite life and many times that you feel and experience does not come from this Earth nor this time, but rather from a space and time distant from that you experience today. Many times, the anguish of your heart comes from the infinite, from parts of your consciousness that dwell in the universe, where life continues its evolution, constantly creating and re-creating itself.
But it does not matter what you feel or where it comes from. If you want to relieve your little heart, simply come to Me, I Who is your God and knows the deepest roots of your being, of your thoughts, feelings; and ultimately, of your life.
Come toward Me, little soul, surrendered and sincere, transparent and fragile. You will not have an explanation for everything, because sometimes it is not the time for you to know certain things about yourself but rather for you to have relief for everything, and this is to be found within Me.
Therefore, humbly come to Me, knowing you are small. Come to Me as a child who finds refuge in their father, I will explain to you what I can. And when it is no the time for this, I will simply relieve you, and whatever My response may be, it will cause you to grow, because sometimes you grow through knowledge and, other times, you grow through knowing that you do not know anything."
May this dialogue, children, teach you to always seek relief in God; not always to find responses, but to give thanks for His Silence as well as for His Voice and, above all, to welcome the Love of His simple Presence.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-fifth Poem
Mother and Lady of Absolute Truth,
lead us, in this life,
along the path of transparency and giving.
May our efforts be similar
to the inner efforts made by Christ
during His sorrowful Passion.
Make us capable of listening to Truth,
because we aspire to become more conscious
and more attentive each day
in order to learn to take care of and protect
the Plan of the Creator from ourselves.
Empty us of mind and spirit, Mother,
so that Your sacred impulses
may be reflected in our lives.
Teach us, dear Lady, to love fidelity.
May our doubts and tests
not place us upon an uncertain path.
May we be able to lovingly fulfill
everything that the Universe asks of us.
Thus, we will gradually learn to come out
of ourselves a little more
so that, with maturity and awareness,
we may carry out the aspirations of Christ.
May the spirit of loyalty be built
within our consciousnesses.
May we forever abandon
mediocrity and pride
so that Your Son may find in us
a place to return.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirteenth Poem
Most Holy Mother of Truth,
take from our eyes the veils that blind us
so that, freed by You from illusion,
ignorance and indifference,
we may recognize the majestic Work
of Christ on Earth.
Lady of Divine Justice,
lead us to commit ourselves every day
to the Sacred Commandments.
No one, more than You,
was the obedient example of God
on the surface of the Earth.
Therefore, we supplicate to You, sweet Lady,
make us love each Divine Law
so that our lives may be mirrors
of transparency, fidelity and commitment.
May our emotions not confuse us.
Make us see reality
in each moment of life
so that we may learn
and, thus, the divine gift of Your maternal Wisdom
may descend upon us,
because, dear Mother, we need
to mature and respond as apostles of Christ.
Impel us to seek awareness in everything.
May our responses to the Divine Plan
not be personal or impulsive,
but, rather, may they be responses in accordance
with wisdom and discernment.
May we, now and forever,
be guided by the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The only thing that God expects from you is that your life be permeated by transparency and truth.
That when you pray, you do so in truth, pronouncing each word with all your being and that, even though you do not understand the celestial mysteries and the Divine Laws that move within a sincere prayer, you simply do it because of knowing that the world needs it.
That when you sing, you do so in truth, emanating each note with the simple intention of praising God, as the angels and the archangels do, who do not sing for themselves nor for the harmony and the good feelings that are generated when singing, but simply because of knowing that singing opens the Portals of Heaven and draws the neediest creatures toward God.
That when you serve, you do so in truth, recognizing your limitations, but always willing to overcome limits, so that each day you may discover that you are capable of giving a little more of yourself and, in this way, in this constant overcoming, you may discover the true potential of the human being.
That when you strive to transform something, may your striving be real, and may the result of your transformation not matter but rather your true striving in the correct direction. If you do it in this way, it will be Divine Mercy Itself that will enter into you and transform that which seemed impossible to you. In this way, you will know what it is to be a child of Mercy and live in permanent Grace.
That when you look to the universe in search of your origin, you do so in truth, opening your consciousness to the unknown, and not limiting existence to your small human understanding. In this way, you will be allowing a sublime reality to be revealed to you and to the world.
Live each instant of your life inspired by truth, breaking away from lies and human illusion, consecrating your spirit, mind and heart with transparency, with striving, with valor and humility, always willing to move beyond obstacles and, at the same time, always open to receive the help that comes through many ways and forms sent by God.
If you did everything in truth, you would remain within Divine Truth and, even in a time of craziness and uncertainties for humanity, in which chaos permeates the world with clouds of confusion, while humankind is blind because of the darkness, your eyes will be beyond the clouds, seeing the sun that hides above the shadows, and knowing that light always remains far beyond that which seems to be darkness.
For this reason, child, keep your heart in truth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Evolutionary Laws of a Light-Nucleus
If these principles and rules are applied, the members that are or will be a part of a Light-Nucleus will learn new things, and will not waste time or space, helping the Hierarchy with everything that They must establish in the end of these times.
I thank you for placing these principles in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To find God, children, it is enough to be sincere of heart, truthful and transparent.
Washed by the Mercy, which descends upon your souls, when you confess with God and you surrender to Him, this is when you will be ready to cross your own inner doors and enter into His Kingdom.
It is not enough to want to know, to understand or to acquire divine knowledge in order to enhance your human personalities because, in this way, children, your minds will be full of half-truths that mankind may achieve, but empty of Wisdom and of the Gift of Discernment and Divine Science.
To want to know is a step, but it is not the treaded path. To want to be is another step, which also does not complete your destiny. To surrender to God in humility is more than a step, it is a key which opens the door for the encounter with the Redeemer and with the Creator of all things.
Therefore, I teach you about humility, before revealing to you the divine sciences. Therefore, I speak to you about surrender, before speaking about knowledge; I speak to you about love, before understanding; I speak to you about faith, before the revelation of the Truth.
In order to go through the narrow door of union with the Father, you must first remove from yourselves the many layers that do not allow you cross it. And this, children, happens through the Sacrament of confession, transparency, humility and the surrender before God.
You have My blessing to tread this path.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Behold, the Lady of all peoples and of all races comes to meet you with the potency of the Scepter of God in Her hands, with the love of the stars of the sky in Her Heart.
Behold, the Mother and Lady of all peoples of Heaven and of Earth, Mother of humanity, of the angels and of the Son of God comes to meet you, bringing Peace in Her Heart, pouring out Graces from between Her hands.
My Crown of stars pours Mercy upon the world. The scepter of God in My hands deters the Justice that descends upon the souls because, in spite of the indifference and of the ignorance of humanity before celestial things, the Love of God for His children has no end.
I come today, children, for people who must recover their Faith in God and their spirituality, extracting from its consciousness the roots of evil, of separateness, of injustice and of lack of love.
I come to show you the doors of the Celestial Church of your Creator Father and the path through which you will reach it, regardless of your culture, race or creed on this Earth.
I come to lead you to the conversion of heart, of consciousness and of life, not to show you a new religion, but to lead you to a new standard of life in which your hearts may unite with God through transparency, truth and love, and may express this unity with your brothers and sisters through service, fraternity and love for your fellow beings.
I come to unite Heaven and Earth, in the priesthood of forgiveness and healing, which My Son granted to Me while on the Cross.
I come to guide the apostles of the last times and the latter-day saints, awakening you and congregating you within and outside of the Church, because it is not only in the churches of the Earth where the children of God and the companions of Christ are. I come to get you in the four corners of the world, because the time for you to awaken has come.
My Heart prepares the arrival of the Messiah in the world and, just as I once gestated Him in My Womb and opened the doors so that His Spirit, Soul, Body and Divinity might be on Earth among those of His, today, children, I come to prepare His return, together with you. I come to announce the good news of His arrival in the world and prepare the flocks that will accompany the Shepherd in the institution of a New Life.
He will come, brighter than one thousand suns, with the splendor of God in His Heart. His Face will show itself to all with truth and power, more transparent than He showed Himself to His apostles in His Transfiguration. His presence will make visible the miseries and the virtues of human beings and, with a mere gaze, it will knock down the structures of the false spiritualities of the Earth. And those who did not know how to love will understand their errors and will repent, but for some it will be too late.
For this reason, My children, the Redeemer sends His Servant to the world, not to intimidate you, but to awaken you, to show you the path of Mercy and of the Grace of God.
I come so that your hearts may recognize the deviations of your lives and may reconcile with God, while there is still time.
I come so that there may be love in the hearts of human beings and that this same love can heal the stains and deepest wounds of the consciousnesses of the nations.
I come to tell you and show you that, through prayer, you will heal your hearts and your nations of all errors from the past.
I come so that you may repent, children, on behalf of humanity, and cry out to God from the heart for a greater Grace, because it is now in His Hands, ready to be poured out upon the world, it suffices that you just say “yes” to Him.
Today, receive My words with love and pray with Me for a greater good. Feel My presence in your hearts. May My Love reveal a new human being within you so that, from today on and forever, you may not be the same, but may be perpetually united in love with your Celestial Father.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On this day, I want you to contemplate My Universe, beyond everything, and that through My Universe you may find the Truth, this Truth that comes from God and that will elevate you: the Truth of Transparency and of Wisdom; a Divine Truth that will unite you, that will strengthen you as consciousnesses and as a group.
I come from a very far away place of the Universe to bring and deposit My Peace in you, not only as Soul, but also as Planetary Consciousness, as a Race and as a Civilization.
Because it is a culminating moment that you face, in this time and in this cycle, in which you must place, above everything, My Consoling and Merciful Love. Just as I taught the apostles in the past, today I teach you, My companions.
You must keep being My peacemakers, My bearers of peace, My servers of good and of light who listen to the Word from the Heights, and who make it resound within you so that My Divine Impulses may transform you, elevate and conduct you toward the Purpose of God.
I know it is for everyone a moment of overcoming and of tests, of extreme trust and of an infinite fortitude that is attained through the prayer of the heart, a prayer that will always lead you toward My Doorway, so that through My Universe you may find My Wisdom, My Understanding and My Peace; attributes that I come to deposit in a world that is ill and wounded, that has completely lost the sense of spiritual life.
Therefore, in this age, in this cycle, at this time, I come to meet you and to meet your brothers and sisters, to remind you all of the commitment with Me, to make you see reality, a reality that arises from the Heart of God as an infinite fount that pervades all spaces, all universes, all galaxies and all stars.
You are part of a macrocosm, you must not stay only in what is superficial and material, or in what is mental or intellectual. You must go beyond the thresholds of consciousness to be able to attain Christic Light, that which gives the impulse to all spirits in the moment of the great awakening, not only under the gift of love and of wisdom, but also through the gift of humility and of resignation.
This will allow for balancing the world, and all errors committed by all peoples and all nations, which time and again distance themselves from the Purpose of God, establishing principles and ways of life that are not evolutionary nor transparent, that do not bring spiritual nor mental health.
Therefore, God will find, in spaces like this, where His own life manifests through the Kingdoms and the creatures, by means of the elements, all that He thought and created with attention out of love for you so that you could experience and recognize the happiness of God, to have creatures on this planet and in others that love Him, recognize Him, venerate Him and accept Him as their Celestial Father.
Therefore, I come today from an infinite horizon called “Universe of the Consciousness of God”, in which all of His Founts of Light and His Cosmic Founts are present to interrelate with this material universe and also with the mental universe, in which the angels are present and also have participated in this Divine Purpose for eons of time, since a time that is not known, nor identified by the human being of the surface.
What I bring to you from the Universe is something more than abstract, it is something more than nonmaterial, it is something more than spiritual. Through My Heart, I bring to you this principle that life originated from, and an existence which brought to everyone the meaning and reason for living here, and learning here together with their brothers and sisters of the path, and with humanity.
To find this meaning and this path, God mirrors Himself and reflects. time and again, in the Creation by means of Nature: by means of the oceans, the mountains, each Younger Kingdom, which brings to the Earth a spiritual principle and a principle of elevation which, up until now, humanity has not known, and only in this time is it awakening to know this wisdom which expresses itself and is kept in the Kingdoms of Nature.
For this reason, God sends His Messengers, the Sacred Hearts, on pilgrimage throughout the world, so that all races and all peoples can awaken and recognize God in all that was created, and can be in communion with Him without hurting Him nor damaging Him, nor offending Him, nor mistreating Him through the Kingdoms of Nature.
God manifests His Attributes in the Younger Kingdoms. God also mirrors His Will also through the Younger Kingdoms, which brings into their group essence the Universe of God, which is this Universe of Love and of Wisdom, which allows us to maintain an inner contact with the Source and with all of Its Gifts.
With this, I want to tell you, companions, that your intellectual and spiritual mission must go beyond appearances, human aspects or resistance. You must apply in your lives the Law of Love that I taught you by means of My Sacrifice, not only in public life, but also on the Cross and by means of each drop of Blood shed for the liberation and redemption of the world and its creatures.
Now is the time for all evil to be reversed and transmuted into Light, into the powerful Light that comes from the spiritual and cosmic Universe so that the consciousnesses of the Earth, human beings, may have a pitying opportunity of awakening and of again finding the meaning of being here, beyond the material or the intellectual.
Today I place you before one of the Wills of God, not yet revealed to the world, but which today becomes present through the Son, the Son Beloved by the Father, the Father that loves all of His children.
Place this message in your heart and try to discover its meaning and its essence so that, beyond everything, you can perceive the reality of all that I want to tell you at this moment.
After all the prayers that are lovingly offered today by you, making the Christic Love of My Heart expand for all souls and the planet, I come closer to make you bearers of My Peace and of My Love, so that you may feel Me close by, and so that you may listen to My Heart.
Today, I leave you My blessing and My Peace, My renewal and My trust, so that all this can touch the souls in the world and its essences.
I give you My Peace and under My Light, I bless you universally.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Until now, nobody has knelt in this place and for this land to implore the Mercy of My Heart.
For this reason, and for many others, your Master and Lord continues working in Italian land to unmask everything that will not be in the next humanity.
The transparent hearts will be those who will reach the Kingdom of the Heavens. Through them, I will make all things new, and give My Graces to all those who knew how to recognize and value them.
There is still time for Italy to experience the Mercy of God, but first there must exist sincere and true repentance, so that the Law of My Love can set apart the Law of Justice from the path of the lost.
Naples is a land full of bad stories. This is why only the Light of My Mercy will be able to cleanse and purify that which souls allow Me.
I open the door of My Heart so that everything may be liberated.
I call all of you to the total repentance of all your actions.
I call Italy to reconsider and repair what was violated and outraged. Thus, the nation will deserve something grand that will save it and that will come from Heaven.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Confess to God in order to reach the path of His Heart, and find the answers full of wisdom that He has for you.
Allow your heart to be transparent before the Father, to find the path to enter into His Truth and His Love.
The Creator wants you to be a partaker of His infinite Wisdom, the knowledge of His sublime Laws, of His celestial Truth, but for this, child, you must begin by opening yourself, by knowing yourself deeply, without layers, without masks, without resistances, to find that which is most hidden within your human consciousness.
It is only through unveiling the illusion that you will know the truth. Being true before God, you will find that which is most pure within you, and it is within your own essence that everything will be revealed to you, because there you will find the path toward God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the end, My Work will always be fulfilled in the simple hearts, a place and enclosure where I will be able to move My Plan of Love forward and I will be able to radiate it to the ends of the Earth.
Silently, I am found in the heart of the humble, in all those capable of representing Me with humility, transparency and purity. I will always reside in those hearts, I will always be present to welcome the needy, the sick, the dying, the one who has not yet found My Light.
In the heart of the humble, I vivify My Project and, time after time, accomplish the requests of My Father.
Through the hearts of the simple, I can uplift the consciousness of humanity and sanctify those who enter My Path for the first time.
In the heart of the simple, I trustingly place My Celestial Church and have the humble hearts participate in My Gifts and in My Graces.
In the heart of the humble, I find the poverty and the void, the simplicity and the peace to be able to return and bring relief to My Spirit.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
To separate from Me means to separate from the Truth. It is the same as breaking the consecration with Me, it is to lose the closeness of My Heart to the life of the being.
There are souls that have come to the Earth with a spiritual commitment which is undeniable and goes beyond every human moral or internal situation.
When this alliance between the soul and My Heart is broken, everything which surrounds the world, its most inexplicable fears, frustrations and deceptions of an apparent well-being, come toward the life of whom, by their own free will, has separated from Me.
In truth, to have the courage in this time to take such action forward means to have not accepted, experienced nor participated even once in the codes that I had once poured out and gave to those who before followed Me.
In this sense, it is the action of the soul itself that prevents the intervention of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.
There is no being on the surface of the Earth that, after having abandoned Me and after having blatantly abandoned their brothers and sisters, can have peace or joy in such a crucial moment like this one.
This is the time of giving all or retaining all. It is the time when souls easily put their spiritual path at stake for feeling misfit.
Those who in truth drink from My Fount shall never thirst, even if they are purifying.
This is My declaration of transparency for those who have decided to live in the Truth.
I thank you for considering My Instructions!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I am happy to know that you can sincerely open your heart to Me, and that through your brothers and sisters, I can listen, alleviate and encourage you to continue walking on this path of Sacred Redemption.
I am happy to know that you can be transparent and clear with your closest brothers and sisters and that you will not take advantage of or benefit from your talks with your peers.
I am happy to know that within you there still exists that unalterable truth, that humility that is capable of presenting reality and situations as they really are, without adding anything personal or emotional.
I am happy to know that I can count on you, that in spite of your purification or of your tests, you are faithful and work a little more every day.
I am happy to know that your being does not hide behind a mask of clay to try to go unnoticed.
I love the truth that My friends are able to give Me, because with that truth I build the new.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more