Friday, July 17 of 2020

Daily Messages

Blessed are they who, in spite of all gifts received, always allow themselves to be shaped and corrected by the Hands of God.

Blessed are they who never cease to be apprentices, those who never miss the chance to observe, learn and grow, each day, further becoming representatives of the good and of the peace in the world.

Blessed are those who teach by example, and from whose mouths comes forth wise words that love, and with love correct that which was off the path and the Purpose of God.

Blessed are they who seek humility, those who work so that others may grow, those who love the steps taken and the opportunities received by their brothers and sisters.

Blessed are they who observe the faults of others with compassion and do not affirm and reaffirm the error of a neighbor in order to justify their own errors, and feel themselves to be better than the rest.

Blessed are they who know how to be silent in order to bring peace, but who do not stop speaking to condemn with their thoughts, but rather they stop speaking in order to open their heart and, in thought, pray to attract Mercy.

Blessed are they who are transparent before God and their neighbors, those who free themselves from their ties through confession with Christ, those who do not fear to be seen as imperfect, weak and small in the eyes of the world.

Blessed are they who, in spite of everything, believe and seek the Kingdom of God within themselves, those who do not deny their human condition, but rather recognize it as a passage to something greater.

Blessed are they who see the sacred within life on Earth, those who are not satisfied with the energies of the world and who simply walk toward the Heart of God.

Blessed are they who believe in the celestial spheres, in universal and higher life, those who know themselves to be only a small part of an immense and unknown life.

Blessed are they who always recognize themselves as ignorant, but who do not remain as such. Blessed are they who open so that, into their ignorance, God may pour wisdom, and blessed are they who are always willing to go into infinity, from the simple fact of knowing themselves to be a part of it.

Blessed are they who love from the heart, because their own love will show them the path.

Blessed are they who aspire to be blessed and who strive for it, holding the fulfillment of the Will and the Plan of God as their only aspirations. Their efforts will be rewarded with a perfect union with the Creator.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph