Dear Children,

When something comes to an end it does not mean that it is definitive, but it represents the moment and the opportunity to reconsider, before all the Graces of instruction and guidance that have flowed from Our Sacred Hearts.

Each moment of completion represents a moment of introspection, just as your Mother experienced at many moments, especially during the agony, Calvary and death of My Beloved Son.

You, dear children, are not separated from this moment of closure. On the contrary, your lives will have the possibility to meditate and reflect on so much, but so much, that was received out of Love from Our Sacred Hearts.

This is a time of review and awareness of what nations and peoples are experiencing today. This is the time for the Sacred Word to be fulfilled in each one of you and that, from now on, you cease to limit yourselves to only listening to the Divine Word.

This step means an inner effort for each of My children, because it represents that you are before the manifestation of the fruits, but also of the errors committed. You are before the opportunity to amend your lives so that they may be a mirror not only of love, but also of justice, charity and above all of truth.

After all that you have received for so many years, may you learn to live the Truth of Christ in yourselves, in the face of an opaque and dark world, without truth and transparency. The Truth and transparency of Christ will lead you on the path of protecting yourselves and the world, so that the Love of the Redeemer may reign in you.

As Mother and Mirror of Justice, I am here because My only longing is that many more may live the Truth that is Christ, Our Lord and Redeemer.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, as the Lady of Amparo, I meet you at this sacred place of Canada, a sublime place of the Science of My Mirrors, where all souls of the world can see themselves reflected in God.

This is the mystery that reveals itself before your eyes. This is the secret that rises in hearts because not only God, through His Creation, but also His Immaterial Presence, through the simplicity of life, wants to demonstrate to you His Divine Love.

Today I bring you to the school of My Inner Mirrors, precious instruments of the Science of God, kept in the precincts of His Creation on the planet and, especially, in the most absolute silence in Canada. Because the Science of My Inner Mirrors exists to heal and redeem humanity, and also to help the Kingdoms of Nature with compassion and love.

Today, I present this space of God to you so that you may contemplate it not only through your eyes, but also through your hearts, so that you may be permeated by the Laws of Healing, Harmony and Peace that presents themselves here. The Laws of Healing, Peace and Harmony that the sacred original peoples knew and lived through their contemplation of Creation and life.

It is these principles and attributes, kept as treasures in My Inner Mirrors in Canada, that will be given to the coming humanity, so that all human consciousness may be regenerated and repaired from the constant outrages of war and suffering.

This is the space offered to the spirit of each being so that it may regenerate and heal. This is why today I present it to all My children, so that they may also feel the embrace of God through His Creation and their lives, so that even their cells and atoms, including their own DNA, may identify again the Laws of Healing and Harmony, necessary principles for the emergence of the New Humanity.

Be aware that for each child of Mine an Inner Mirror is kept here, which identifies them and allows them to recognize themselves as Children of God, which even allows them to recognize their cosmic and immaterial origin.

Thus, My children, see how great and how deep is this service of the Kingdoms of Nature for humanity, because they were manifested to serve you, to sustain you in your tests and crises. They were created to liberate you from every spiritual or even inner prison. Thus, you will be able to understand that the Laws of Healing and Harmony for the planet are also at the disposal of souls and the inner worlds.

Imagine for a moment, My children, in how many places on the planet similar to this one there are also Mirrors of the Mother of God, of Mother Nature, and how infinite is the Science of the Healing of God, based on His inexhaustible Compassion and Love.

All has been given to humanity, all has been given so that each one of My children, before the presence of the Mercy and Grace of God, by means of My Inner Mirrors, may regenerate, heal and redeem themselves, and mainly, dear children, so that souls may continue forward, overcoming themselves, taking the steps that are necessary at this moment of the planet, and basing the spirit and purpose of their lives on the Sacred Attributes of God by means of His Creation.

Be like a peaceful mirror of water that radiates light and harmony.

Be like a tree that elevates to find the Light of the Wisdom of God.

Be like a bird that sings every morning to proclaim its gratitude to all of Creation.

Be like a deva that watches and guards the immaculate spaces of the Nature of God.

Be like an angel of the Creation that guards and protects the pure spaces of God and prays in its most perpetual silence, so that all the Kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom, may attain its state of evolution and awakening.

My Inner Mirrors in Canada foster all this. Do you now understand the importance that this country may also be protected and and also sheltered by the Mother of God, just as it is also protected by the original peoples who have lived here since the beginning?

The doors are open to a new time, to the time of commitment of each soul and each heart, which are directly or indirectly attracted to these sacred spaces of God so that, on the inner planes of the Divine Consciousness, they may live their process of healing and regeneration.

Feel purified and liberated.

Feel My Maternal Spirit of the rebirth, the emergence of the New Humanity, of the manifestation of the last Christs, who have committed to My Son to serve Him until the end of times under any condition.

Do not forget this. Your commitment was given, and is now consummated.

The wish of God cannot be erased from the heart of the universe, just as My ardent wish cannot be erased from your hearts.

I bless you and regenerate you through My Inner Mirrors, the Inner Mirrors of God. Be in peace.

Hope has not ended, because My Son will return and thus it will be fulfilled just as it is written.

I am the Mother of Amparo.

I thank you for responding to My call every day of your lives.

It is incalculable for the Creation that souls may respond to the Call of God despite everything.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

 Let us pray.


Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.

(six times)


Even if darkness seems to imprison the consciousness of the planet and all possible souls, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Even if all wars are unleashed throughout the world and souls emigrate to different nations, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if the three days of darkness draw near and mental confusion is present in the majority of My children, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if, in cities of different places of the world, many consciousnesses see entities walk, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if desperation, anguish and spiritual blindness are present in the majority of My children, especially in those who rule the nations and who subject all of society, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if suffering seems bigger than love, even if pain seems bigger than healing, even if lies seems bigger than the truth and even if impunity is stronger than fraternity, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

And even if the souls of this world, that is, all people, see that horrible things happen, that many uncertain doors open and that souls keep being subjected through the injustice and lies of this world, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

My promise remains in force and hidden.

I will come, after My Son, to re-establish the Spiritual and Celestial Kingdom on the planet. For this reason, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the moment of all the Children of Mary. This is moment of the confirmation of all apostles of Christ.

Who will sustain, together with the Heavenly Mother, the banner of Peace?

Who will not allow their heart to become cold in the face of this planetary indifference?

This is the time of the final confirmation of all Children of Mary, because the preparatory time has passed. Now you are no longer My children, now you are evolving adult servers.

Now you must be ambassadors of peace and citizens of this universe so that the Divine Attributes may descend to Earth and so that the millions of souls in the world do not forget, because of the wars and conflicts, that God is Love, Truth and Justice, and that no one nor any event will erase from hearts the essence of the Love of God, even if it seems that suffering, the conflicts and migrations erase the Truth from hearts, the Truth that is the Living God Himself.

This is why I tell you, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the time for the Children of Mary to be true consciousnesses that are decided to serve the Plan and allow the higher spirit of each child of Mine to descend, and who, through their own universal origin, allow for the establishment on Earth of the warrior spirits of prayer, the mirrors of prayer, the contemplatives of prayer, the guardians of prayer, the watchers of the Plan, the healers of the Love of God and the governors of the Universal King.

Place your consciousnesses in the correct direction, do not allow what is superficial and horizontal to take hold of you. Do not allow the forces that are contrary to the Light to keep subjecting all the consciousnesses through disinformation and lies.

Place your consciousnesses in a vertical position and see, on the top of the mounts of this world, the victorious and luminous Cross of the Redeemer, which will no longer be the Cross of suffering, but rather the Cross of Mercy, Justice and Love, which offers itself to you time and again, so that, through the victory of the Cross in your lives, your consciousnesses may rise to God, on behalf of all those who deny the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and so that your consciousnesses may establish Spiritual Justice and Compassion in this world. This will allow those who have condemned themselves to the fires of hell, I speak of those who rule the nations and all their subjects, to have the opportunity, through My Son, the Redeemer and Resurrected Christ, for all to be redeemed, because this is true Love, to love one’s enemy and to not destroy them.

Even if the enemy destroys what is material, mental or spiritual, I invite you, My beloved prayerful armies, I invite you, My beloved Children of Mary, in these times, to be true strategists of the Plan of God, to not fight with weapons, to not offend with words, to not attract, through thought, what is negative, but rather to be like My Son, the Christ, who, on top of Mount Calvary, redeemed the whole world, until the last moment of His expiration.

This is why, My beloved children, it is time to change the frequency of this world and, through the pillars of prayer, service, dialogue, compassion and understanding, to allow the Doors of the Heavens to open so that the Graces of reparation, healing and redemption may descend upon the neediest souls in these times and, thus, the hells of the surface of the Earth may close, where great negative consciousnesses work within the involution of consciousnesses and souls.

But in this spiritual strategy that I invite you to practice through prayer, adoration, Communion and service, you must not challenge nor tempt the enemy. The strategy of silence will be your shield, the strategy of prayer will be your sword, which will cut the shackles of evil and dissolve the hells, where many souls stay without being able to find Light and Love.

Do you now understand the strategy of these times?

Because evil will be dissolved through its own evil. Remember that My Son is Love, He is the Truth and He is your Life, and that His Love is what closes the doors to evil.

Decide, Children of Mary, not only to be the apostles of the end of times, not only to be available, decided and defined consciousnesses, but also offer yourselves to My Son and to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart as sparks of the Light of Christ, codes of His Redeeming Love, mirrors of the Heavenly Mother, which can shine on the surface of this planet so that chaos can be vanquished, purged and removed from the human consciousness.

Just as I told you yesterday, I do not want to come with a Message of warning or fear. Through the Celestial Universe, I bring you the truth and the reality so that your eyes may no longer be confused, so that your attention may not be deviated by the chaos of this world and by illusion.

Through kind and generous souls, through souls of sacrifice and through the victims of Christ's Love, once again the Love, Justice and the Good of God shall triumph. And this will be the great and victorious justification in the face of all sins and errors of the world, and even in the face of all wars, condemnations, sacrileges and indifferences, because souls will be this justification before God. the souls, the Children of Mary, who, as from now, decide that their lives no longer belong to them, but rather that their lives belong to God, the Creator.

Thus you will open the correct door to live His Divine Will. Believe that this is so. Believe, at this moment, and feel, at this moment, the same inner and spiritual situation that your Heavenly Mother, the Virgin Mary, lived with the Archangel Gabriel.

Do you by any chance believe that I doubted the Call of God when I received this Call from Heaven?

You are before the same inner moment. You are before the great opportunity, in the name of many lost children, to embrace the Call of God, to love the Cross so that it may become more victorious and redeeming.

Today, I come from a place in the universe, from a place of this solar system, where the Heavenly Mirrors work again for peace in the world, in a silent and imperceptible way.

Therefore, on this very special day for Me, when many Children of Mary have the opportunity to renew their inner vows and take a definitive and true step, I invite all praying souls, all mirror hearts, to be quite united to the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God; because you know that humanity needs it, it needs this peace that has been jeopardized, this hope that has been put under condition, this love that has been oppressed and buried, this fraternity that has been dissolved through evil, lack of piety and war.

It is the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God that today reflect within the prayerful hearts, that elevate their word toward the Thrones of God to supplicate for Mercy and Redemption.

May those who have persisted up to this moment rejoice.

May those who have not managed to follow the Steps of Christ meditate.

May all My children pray for those who were deviated from the purpose of Love, for different situations and circumstances.

Today, in the face of the cruel reality of the world, the pain and suffering of the most innocent and inoffensive souls, I want My Children, the Children of Mary, not only to feel enveloped by My Heavenly Mantle so that the Star of the Brotherhood may shine within their hearts, but also so that, in the name of those who cannot reach Me, due to conflict and wars, desperation and anguish, the darkness and the absolute void of the deserts of life, I want My Children of Mary, in the name of each one of them, to place their heads upon my chest so that I can embrace you with My Light and My Love.

At this moment, in the silence of the heart, feel the beating of the Heart of the Divine Mother, a Heart that loves you, a Heart that accepts you, a Heat that embraces you, a Heart that bathes you with the Love of God, a Heart that illuminates you in each one of your steps.

For a moment, feel the Heart of the Mother of God, a Heart that suffers for the world when souls distance themselves from God, when souls distance themselves from the Father of Divine Mercy.

Now, embrace Me, placing your hands on My waist, upon the golden belt of the Mother of God, place your ears upon My chest, the Feminine Center of the Light of Creation, which guards and protects the whole universe and all life.

In this alliance with Me, internally renew your vows with the Creator Father.

I thank you for listening to Me and I also thank you for having the bravery to persist so that the Return of Christ may be a victory in the whole world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us pray. Still with our heads upon the chest of the Mother of God, let us pray together with Her in unity and trust, in fraternity and love.


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive 
and build Your temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.

(three times)


Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to the world as the Mirror of Peace so that My children may remember that Peace exists, but that Peace has dissolved, in this times, in many hearts.

This is why I come as the Mirror of Peace, bringing with My Presence the Celestial Universe, all its tools and attributes, bringing the Angels of God that reflect the Hierarchy in the Higher Universes.

Through the Portal of My Heart, I want each one of you to enter My Peace again, because the more whom among you enter My Peace, through the Portal of My Heart, the more situations will be solved, and fury or adversity will not be unleashed in the oppressed hearts.

Now, I extend My arms towards you, so that you may take My hands and, like little children that learn to take steps in evolution helped by the Heavenly Mother, you may enter the Universe of Peace. Believe that Peace exists beyond the life situations, the challenges, the lessons or the tests.

Beloved children, I am the Mirror of Peace and, if you are in My Heart, you will be in the Peace of God, in the Peace of Christ, in spite of all that may present itself or manifest itself in these times, because My aspiration on this day is to heal you through My Peace.

The lack of Peace sickens the body and the spirit, maddens the mind and disturbs the heart. For this reason, the lack of Peace leads souls and the world to conflict, to disharmony, to the absence of faith.

But I, who am your Mother, the Mother that has accepted you since the Cross, the unconditional and eternal Mother, the Mother that loves and consoles you without conditions or rules, I want you to enter the Universe of My Peace, because in this way, My children, each one of you and of your brothers and sisters will understand what is happening to you in these times, what you are going through in these times, what you are facing in these times.

Let us go together, in this spiritual exercise, toward the encounter with the Peace of God in the Celestial Universe, where His Heavenly Mirrors radiate, to all Creation and all life present in the universe, the regenerating and healing attributes of Peace.

Little ones, My children in evolution, it is time for you to grow and become strong. It is time for you to mature your spirits and forge within your consciousnesses the warrior of God, the unconditional server, the untiring apostle who understands and comprehends the Will of My Son, which is the Will of the Father.

Therefore, approach the Heavenly Mirrors of Peace and, before the Creator Universe and all the Angels of God, let us enter the consciousness of the Mirrors of Peace, sacred emanations of the Heavenly Light that purify the inner worlds, that strengthen souls, that ignite the living flame of faith within the hearts.

Through the Heart of your Mother, contemplate the Mirrors of Peace so that, through you, as instruments of the Father, Peace may reflect itself throughout the world and may be established in the souls that have lost it.

In the Mirrors of Peace there is a mystery that will be unveiled today: when God thought of Creation, absolute void and the deep silence of the universe, do you know what He thought of through His Creator Mind?

That, in your neighbor, that in all the creatures that He would create, there should exist the molecule of Peace at the center of the essence of each being.

Therefore, all that you have lived throughout the times or even throughout the different civilizations, has been situations that have led you to lose Peace.

In all that you live, at this moment, you are invaded by and even permeated by different pieces of information or situations. All the stimuli of this modernity that lead you toward spiritual disconnection, have the goal of taking Peace away from you, and, being disconnected from God, from His Source, your bodies sicken, your spirits become oppressed, because they do not find Peace.

There is only one tool, one instrument that is common to all, which will lead you to recover Peace. And, as you recover Peace, in spite of what you may keep living or experiencing, you will not lose spiritual strength, bravery, courage, the willingness to serve God or experience sacrifice. This instrument is the prayer from the heart.

This is why, in these times, so that you, your brothers and sisters may recover Peace, you must unite even more your word to the Creator Word of God so that, in this inner fusion and in this inextinguishable unity, you may be guided toward the Source of Peace, and so that all which may happen in these times, and what will happen in the coming times may not take Peace from you, but rather you may become bearers of Peace, instruments of Christ’s Peace that, in consciousness and in unity, will prepare His Return.

He needs to have Mirrors the Mother of God's Peace: who will volunteer? Who will be a postulant to be a Mirror of the Divine Mother? Who will bring to the Earth the Attributes that were outraged, interfered with and dissolved within many consciousnesses?

Through prayer, you must keep uniting Heaven and Earth, your souls with God, the planet with the Divine Source. There is no other way out. Each one, living the prayer from the heart, lives Peace, and learns to carry their own cross, in spite of what may happen or the weight that it may represent.

Now, turn your gaze inward, place your souls before the Mirror of Peace. And, all of you together, united to Me, at this moment, will re-establish the Peace of the Celestial Father in the inner worlds and, from the inner worlds, in the whole planet, so that consciousnesses and souls may be relieved, may recover their faith and confidence in the Father, and all may be healed and renewed. For this, we will sing the word “Peace” as a sacred mantra of elevation and, thus, we will ignite the Mirror of Peace of the Celestial Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Having the Light of the Mirrors of Peace descend and embrace all the consciousness of the world, reaching each heart on this planet.

Let us breath in.


Remember that I am the Queen of Peace, and that you can always seek Peace through Me, knowing that, in spite of everything, God loves you and blesses you through His Eternal Love.

My Heart collects all the intentions that were deposited, through the prayerful hearts, on this day of reencounter with Me.

Through the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, I have asked for a basket of intentions to be placed today at the foot of My Altar, together with a sincere and honest offering on behalf of all humanity and of all who aspire to receive a response from the Heights.

Today, not only this basket that is at My feet will be attended to as God has thought, and as the Father determines, but also these intentions will be responded to as an instruction for all My children.

Through this example, I invite you to strengthen your faith in prayer so that your requests and intentions may be elevated to the Father in a correct way and, above all, you may always seek the common good and the need of all so that everyone may receive the Graces they need.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

First intention of a brother of the Community Fleur-de-Lys:

“Humility, grant to the world the Grace of awakening and may they know and feel Your Love.”

Our Lady responds that, in this, She has worked today with all those who have listened to this Message.


“Mary, lead this humanity to know True Love.”

True Love, says Our Mother, is found in our selflessness, in our untiring service for others and for the Plan of God.


“For the relief of suffering of all children throughout the world and for all those who rule the nations.”

This is the main purpose that My Son has, said the Mother of God: that those who rule these nations and govern peoples may have a consciousness of fraternity and equality, having the opportunity and the Grace, when My Son returns, to know true Self-Government.


“To be an expression of Will and of Truth, which descends from the Heights and dwells within us so that, united to this Source, we may be an expression of the Higher Reality.”

It was a sincere intention, said the Divine Mother.


“Mother, may the souls of the darkest places of the abysses be rescued by Your Love and taken to the Kingdom of God.”

She said She thanks you for having the consciousness of this intention.


“May all have the opportunity to follow the steps toward Christ. For all priests.”

The Mother of God said that Her main strength are the priests, when they manage to fulfill the requests of Christ, because the priests are Her favorite children. Without priests there is no unity between Heaven and Earth, there is no communion between Heaven and humanity.


“For Peace and Healing in the whole world.”

This is what the Mother of God did today.


“May all those who were called be strengthened by God, in these times of inner and external tribulation. And wherever there is someone who prays to Our Lady, may they find Peace for their entire people.”

Mary said, So be it.


And now let us go to the last intention, among so many that were received:

“Divine Mother, may Your Mantle of Light always illuminate me so that I may reach the Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.”

The Divine Mother said that She works for this eternally and untiringly.


And just as I have responded to these intentions, may My other children who listen at this moment know that I hear the intentions of your hearts and souls, because everything has its right time.

I bless you, under the Mirrors of the Peace of God.

Be strong and brave. My hand guides you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A story is written in the Mirrors of Heaven, a story that you should come to know today. It is the Will, but it is also the impulse of your great awakening, of the awakening of consciousness that all the creatures on Earth should experience, although we are in a time of transition.

Within the Mirrors that I rule throughout the universe, the Will of God is deposited, and, through this Will, His most ardent aspirations are written. One of these aspirations, My children, is that humanity be withdrawn from illusion, from world illusion, so that it may enter the Celestial Truth, that which we call the “awakening of consciousness”.

If today you have come here, and if others arrive later, it is because you have already begun the path toward the great awakening, toward the discovery of your true inner being, which can allow you day by day to step out of appearances and illusions. May all of you have the Grace of coming to know your essences and of being aware that you are a part of a great system of universal communication, a system that the planet integrates.

Today I want to lead you through My Divine Consciousness toward these spaces. I want you, just like your Celestial Mother, to only contemplate, in reverence and in solemnity, the great network of the subtle Mirrors of the universe, of which a part of your being is a part.

It is toward this origin that you must return today, because, by returning to your origins, My children, you will allow the consciousness of humanity to be elevated and transmuted. You will allow the suffering, the anguish and all the conflict of the world to be dissolved by the spiritual Light of My Mirrors, which can descend to your lives through sincere and true prayer.

Today, this great system of great universal communication is latent and present at this moment upon the world, upon what you call the orbit of the Earth, so that this humanity may be helped and alleviated, so that the soul of your planet may be withdrawn from the hell in which it lives in this time.

Do not forget, My children, that My Son and His Heavenly Mother have incarnated here, and that we are a part of this humanity, we are great universal Consciousnesses that understand the human condition and work every day towards sublimating this inferior condition by means of the great keys of Love, Mercy and Peace.

I want you to enter with Me into three specific mirrors that today I reveal to you, to your souls and to your inner beings, which are the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom.

For a moment, open your inner eyes, feel your inner senses, and contemplate the Purpose of God, which, through you, must still be revealed and built.

In these Mirrors lies a part of your existence, of your origins, of your universal trajectory. You can perceive that you are not only matter, but that what is true is your spirit united to the Divine Spirit of God. You can perceive, at this moment, how through a simple but loving attunement with Me, you can reach God and come to know, from within yourselves, the purpose that He has for each one of you.

Today I make your essences return toward the great Mirrors of Creation, which have their foundations upon the Mirror of Unity. Let it be Love, Peace and Wisdom that lead you to build, within and outside of yourselves, Sacred Unity.

All of you have walked much throughout this universe. So many experiences are registered in the Mirrors of Creation! What a long trajectory you have lived throughout the times, the eras and the generations! And you still aspire for your awakening? So that once and for all you may recognize that you are not only what is imperfect, but rather that within yourselves, within the innermost essence of each being, there lies the Perfection of God, which was thought of by the Eternal Father Himself, before the emergence of Creation.

Do you dare to love the mystery ever more? So that the mystery may some day be converted into a revelation, and the sacred secrets may be unveiled so that souls may awaken and know, beyond everything, that each one of you has a purpose and a mission to accomplish in this life and in the next one.

Work for this, every day, strive for this, every day, because the Kingdom of God is drawing near and the Sacred King of the Universe will meet you again, face to face, and will ask you for the talents that He left within your heart. In this crucial time of humanity, may these talents be converted into virtues, into concrete actions, into the expression of the higher Love of God in all situations and circumstances so that, My children, you may learn, each day more, to love among yourselves.

For this reason, God still awaits, through your service, that through your surrender and obedience to the Plan of the Creator, you may come to know His Will, which must be the will in you in the three planes of manifestation: material, mental and spiritual.

With the effort that you experience in this time, with dedication to the life of prayer and to service for your fellow beings, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, many are approaching this truth written in the story of the Mirrors, because within it your spirits will live the synthesis and find the meaning and reason for having come here to Earth, to live this school of forgiveness and redemption.

For this reason, today, I tell you, My children, that many of you can count on the sacred places that are present throughout the Americas, places where the different Purposes of God beat, not only for this planet, but also for all souls of humanity.

Sooner or later, the consciousnesses will face the Will of God, and they will have just one instant to decide which path they will take.

But today, I not only come for you, so that you may keep walking toward this Will and toward this Purpose, so that the great awakening may be more real in each one of you, but I also come as the Mother of the World, for all those who have lost the path toward the Purpose, for the most lost.

In this time of tribulation, a point of Light of the Third Order of the Brotherhood shines upon the surface of the Earth, which after 33 years has become a reality. May the Sacred Star of Divine Union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God, between the servers and the Hierarchies, shine within your chests.

Carry within you a feeling of true concretion, not only of your path of redemption, but also of concretion of the Divine Plan, by means of all those who someday self-summoned to respond to this call of the Brotherhood.

I want to tell you, My beloved children, that the loving and compassionate gaze of the Hierarchies is at this moment upon you and especially upon this wounded and outraged planet.

Who will dare to go, together with Us, to the rescue of the essence of this planet and of this humanity?

Who will dare, together with Me, to listen to the cry of the soul of the Earth, subjected and enslaved by human beings, by those who outrage Creation?

May your prayers and all your services, in the coming times, mend the mistakes that are being lived today, and, above all, the grave climatic causes that the planet is experiencing today.

Do not cease, not even for a moment, to pray, although you may see in the coming times a dark sky or even the Moon painted red like blood. Do not see the horrors nor listen to the cries of despair of many nations.

Elevate your hearts toward God and cry out with the power of the Divine Word. May your words not only be words, may your prayers be decrees in the moments of greater tribulation, may your hearts burn in the love for service so that many more souls may have one last opportunity.

This is what is emitted today by the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom, Mirrors that not only remind you of your origin, where the principle of your harmony and balance exists, but also Mirrors that reveal today the true situation of humanity, where evil has conquered many hearts.

Because if you have ever been struck, as My Son was struck, stand up. Because if you are ever humiliated, do not respond, and, thank God. Always practice the good, because in the good you will find peace and the certainty that you are serving God, in spite of the consequences.

Today, I extend My arms toward the wounded world. Today, I open My Mantle so that all My children, those awakened and those not awakened, can be under Me, under My spiritual and maternal Light.

For 33 years, since 1988 began, the Hierarchy was waiting for this moment, for a united Fraternity to be present in the three planes of consciousness. Today, this great spiritual triangulation is complete, the Brotherhood of the Divine, the Brotherhood of the Universe and the Brotherhood upon the surface of the Earth, prepared to face the last moment of the Armageddon, the great and last battle between the Light and the darkness.

I also pray, from this day on, that all My children, all possible consciousnesses, may have the Grace to recognize the Return of Christ, who will not come as many may think, but He will come in an indescribable way, and I would even say an unknown way, because no one has seen and no one knows how He will come, but the hearts will feel His arrival in the very depths of their beings. At that moment, in spite of where they may find themselves or wherever they are, they will start walking toward the Return of Christ, and many will hear about His arrival.

But pay attention not to be confused. Many will use this moment to benefit themselves. The true Return of Christ is the one which you will only feel within your heart. If your hearts do not feel the Return of Christ, it is because it will not be My Son, but rather others who will pretend to be Jesus.

But those who in these last eight years had the Grace of His Presence, within this Work of the Mercy of God, have learned to recognize Christ as a sacred spiritual vibration that leads them to peace and to feel His ardent Love. In His Words you will always find strength, in His Sacraments, you will always find salvation.

As hard as these times may be, never lose faith, because if you have come this far, My beloveds, how much more will you be able to do in the end of these times? He died for you, to give you eternal life, because, in Him, all will always be renewed, rest assured of this.

As the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of Aurora, today I bid farewell, and, after fourteen years, I am here again to be close to all My children, to bring them the healing of the heart of Aurora, which will always be able to shine within you, if you just trust in the Light of Aurora.

Let us recognize the Grace of God, at this moment, and, just for an instant, let us see, My children, all that has been built through effort and surrender, and, especially how much your lives have changed up to the present moment. Believe in the power of the Love of Christ so that all may be renewed, although it may seem impossible in these times.

Today, I bless the planet, I bless the continents, especially all the regions that are suffering the catastrophes of these times, all those who are exiled and take refuge in other places of the world, fleeing wars, mistreatment, blood. Today, I pour out My Light upon all those who are sick, lost, forgotten, forsaken, impoverished and miserable.

May this Light of Aurora that you have received throughout these years, by an act of true Love and Mercy, be deposited in the places that need it the most. May this spiritual family bless the families of the world so that, once and for all, upon this horizon of Creation, the New Humanity may emerge, the New Humanity may awaken, the New Humanity may arise.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I leave here, listening to a poem that was made for My Heart. May this poem, that you will hear today, through a song, confirm you to My Heart forever.

I am very grateful.

See you soon.


Dear children,

In this month of May that now begins, may the prayer of the Rosary be the preamble and also the inner preparation for the upcoming events.

May your faith be fixed upon My Immaculate Heart, a maternal Heart that opens a spiritual door for all My children to pass through and, thus, enter the House of the Heavenly Father.

This is the time that My soldiers of prayer must already live in the contemplative state.

May the daily exercise, through the prayerful word, be the way to awaken the mirror heart within you, so that I may have the permission for your souls to receive from Heaven the impulses of Redemption and Mercy that are kept in My great inner network of Celestial Mirrors.

This is the great moment for each of My servants to broaden their consciousnesses and to actively participate together with the Celestial Mother in Her great intercessions for humanity and for the planet.

To be in contemplation is to be in silence, but it is also to practice the life of prayer so that your hearts are blessed receptacles of the Graces that My hands wait to pour out upon all of humanity.

By awakening your mirror heart, you will be more sensitized by the difficult planetary situation, and your consciousnesses will rise to unite in spirit to My great spiritual network of supplication that exists in the great Celestial Kingdom, from where I come to deliver My Words of Love to you.

Dear children, I invite you once again to place your minds and especially your hearts in the Heights, in Heaven, in the Universe, because that is where you will find inner peace.

I thank you for postulating to be part of My Praying and Supplicating Armies of Heaven! 

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


III - The True Treasure

A poor soul, lacking the basic means to survive in the world, questioned the Lord, asking where He was and what was the reason for their suffering, saying: "Lord, I who so seek and ask in Your Name, receive no answers but rather I received ever greater suffering and woes. Tell me the reason for the imbalance in this world, and why I cannot have as much as my fellow beings"

And responding also with a question, the Lord said: "Where lies your treasure, little soul? In longing for accumulating things on Earth or in discovering the mysteries of Heaven? So contemplate those who truly came to know Me. The illumination of their consciousness allowed them to give up all goods of the world, and having become poor among the poor, yet they were rich before Me.

Therefore, contemplate My Son. Was He sent to the world to accumulate riches, to experience pleasures, to satiate His Body, Mind and Feelings? Is My Son your example and guide? Is He the mirror in which  you want to find yourself reflected every day? 

Then, little soul, understand that the suffering and poverty of this life comes to balance the great many excesses of humanity. For you, they must be a symbol that your school is not through accumulation, but rather in renunciation and gratitude.

Teach the world through a humble example and open the Doors of Heaven for those who are ignorant of this truth, and who seek in the world rather than in Me for the way of filling their lives."

I am telling you this story so that you may learn where lies the true treasure of your lives. And when you feel that something is lacking, give thanks, and be an example of the humble Love of God. In this way, you will open the Doors of Heaven for the most ignorant.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fourth Poem

Most Beautiful Rose of God,
may we recognize Your purity
in all that was created,
and may our hearts and lives
be part of Your original Purity.

Venerable Flower of the Father,
help us to find the beauty and the Love
that God, through His Son,
deposited within us.

May we dare to take the steps
towards the consecration of our souls,
just as You, dear Holy Mother,
consecrated Your life and Your entire being
with the yes to the Archangel Gabriel.

Teach us to understand, beyond everything,
the reason and the purpose
for us to be here on Earth.

Awaken our consciousnesses
to the true existence
and, offering the temple of our imperfect hearts,
tell our Father, God and Lord,
 to live within us
so that, someday,
we may learn to love Him as He loves us.

We thank You, Holy and humble Virgin.

Do not cease to refract upon us
Your Mirror of Love and Compassion.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the Light of the Mirrors, the sacred Spiritual Hierarchy brings attributes toward the planet that humanity needs to learn in order to take the correct step that will withdraw it from the illusion in which it lives.

The Mirrors, as part of non-material life, represent that state of consciousness in which is established inner communication between the spiritual and the material.

In this time, the Mirrors work far more than before, because humanity is at the moment of finishing going through the last and great cycle.

With them, the Mirrors will bring the spiritual impulse of powerful currents, which will help to transform and reveal that which humanity needs.

At least a part of humanity and the planet, through the Mirrors, will achieve the real time and, little by little, consciousnesses will see this alternate time dissolve before their eyes, because the Mirrors will achieve the spiritual union that will allow the truth of Knowledge to be revealed.

For this reason, this is the time of definition for the whole planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Canada is a land of many histories, although they have been written by the limited comprehension of the human being, that did not prevent this region of the planet from being one of the most important inner centers of the world that works silently for a new configuration of the human being, through special existing work plants, by means of the planetary Mirrors located throughout the country.

Canada has not had the opportunity until recent days to be conscious of what it holds as a spiritual and inner legacy for humanity.

Its history is not the only truth of what happened here. Canada, through the expression of its nature and of its preservation, has generated an adequate atmosphere for the great tools of the Hierarchy to largely work to the point of uniting, in the inner planes, important spaces with Antartida.

Through Canada, the natural integration among races and cultures is also reflected upon the surface.

From different places of the Earth, different ethnicities and races come to Canada, to be socially integrated under a form of life that unites them all in common.

In this sense, Canada represents this bridge of continuation of the project of the families of the world, which brings with them the synthesis of the different experiences of their origins.

As this intercultural relation is expressed upon the surface of Canada, also within the inner planes of Canada there is a similar relation, which now the moment has arrived to know and understand.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come back here to Colombia as the Solar Son and, at My Feet, I show you, in the inner planes, the sacred city of Guatavita, that legendary city that once was expressed upon the surface and brought to the Andes a sacred knowledge that has still not been revealed to the humanity of today.

But many of you participated in this.

This is why I am returning to Colombia, to gather you in My name and so that you define your paths for one Hierarchy, for one Law, for one group.

This group of souls is congregted by My Love, like many groups of souls that I have in the world, which in this time come to Me, to serve Me and to express My redeeming Work, before this sacred city that shines like gold and copper. I have you inwardly revere this legacy, to which you have belonged in other times, in other experiences, and now the veils over your consciousness fall so that you can see the truth and the primary reason for being here, in this place, present in this country, and united like brothers and sisters.

This is what is most important, that I need in this time, so that Colombia can finally express its task. There is still much to do and there is still much to carry forward. You are the preamble of something very important, but remember unity and the Law of Hierarchy. If this is not accomplished among you, nothing will manifest.

I know that it is not easy for many consciousnesses to obey what I ask of you and to strictly carry out what the Hierarchy says. But, companions, My brothers and sisters, there is no longer time, there is no time left. And this is the reality of it.

The impulses of the inner Hierarchy come to change hearts, to awaken them, to purify and transform them. This is why today I bring My Solar Consciousness and, as a Mirror Being, I reflect upon the sacred city of Guatavita all the principles and attributes of God, which this sacred city, indigenous and internal, also achieved in other times.

The values of the culture of Colombia are very important for God, as are the values of the Aztec culture and of the Mayan culture. These are the values that today's humanity will need in order to experience the transition of the times and the Armageddon; to not forget the principles, the attributes and the commandments of the Father, which are basic Laws for its evolution and its awakening; so that it may go deeper in degrees of love and in degrees of solidarity.

This will build among you, and in many more that will come, the true brotherhood of the surface, this sacred third Order that must be expressed in South America so as to be able to bear and contain the end of times, the time of purification, the time of tribulation.

Among you, there must not exist lies, deceit nor appearances. It is something that I taught My apostles in the past and it is something that I have been teaching all of you for many years.

I do not come to see your imperfections nor miseries, because My Mercy grants you the transformation and liberation for your lives.

All I ask of you, companions, is for loyalty, transparency and crystalline unity. This will allow for My Work to expand in Colombia and for many more emergencies to be attended to by the Hierarchy.

But meanwhile, and in spite of all that you receive, of all the impulses that were given since the inner Hierarchy expressed itself in this place of Guatavita, there is still much to purify.

But I, as a Solar Mirror, give you My hand so that you may hold it tightly, so that you may trust, so that you may repent and reconcile.

This will allow to dissolve, in Colombia, many streams of chaos and of adversity that still surround this country and this beloved people, to which I come to give My Mercy and My forgiveness today, so that it may be reborn and re-emerge through the impulse that the Holy Spirit brings as Solar Essence.

Return to your origins, regain the roots of your culture, and preserve from yourselves all that is sacred, blessed and sublime; everything that comes from the Hierarchy, be it Its knowledge, be it Its word, or be it Its love or Its presence.

If you, My companions, are here today, congregated by My Presence, and not other people, it is for some spiritual reason that you still do not know.

Never break the rules because the Father and, above all, His Son, see everything.

Elevate your hearts in a spirit of repentance and someday you will receive the sacred flame of redemption, which are the Christic Codes, the merits achieved by your Master and Lord when He was on Earth.

And, in this way, you will become My memorable apostles, the apostles of the end of times, those who will protect the legacy of the Hierarchy, not only on the surface, but also in the inner worlds, and who will be able to reflect and represent the Brotherhood, wherever or whenever.

For this, I need you to be firm, available and open to change, not only in consciousness, but also in heart, in personality and in ego.

This will allow the legacy that is held in the sacred city of Guatavita to always be protected and radiate its principles toward humanity, which so needs it in this time. Because not only will you receive transformation and renewal, but also other peoples in other parts of the world, who continue to lose the values and the principles of their culture, those which they have received and experienced throughout time, and those which My adversary set about dissolving, dividing and erasing from the memory of the men and the women of the Earth.

That is why South America is at stake, not only in a political, social or economic way; South America is at stake in a spiritual way, and it is on this level where the real and serious situations present themselves and where the Hierarchy must face and attend to them in this time.

You must not only be suns on the surface of the Earth, as was the sacred city of Guatavita, but you must also be mirrors of love, of solidarity, of brotherhood, of good, of transparency. It is now time for there to no longer be any trace of evil, any trace of adversity or contrariness within you.

You are now depositaries of the Christic Love of My Heart, and you must protect it and support it so that it can grow and expand into the world, because many, many souls are missing the opportunity, not only of evolving, but also of awakening, of carrying out their true task and mission in this time.

This people of Colombia has had the grace of being blessed by the Hierarchy and it is in the small groups of souls where the Plan is carried out, to then give a chance and graces to all the rest of the souls of the world.

So that you can do all that I ask of you, companions, you must trust in My Presence, in My Word, in My support and, especially, in My Love that is immeasurable and unconditional for souls.

Let all that no longer belongs to you be withdrawn. Empty yourselves, empty yourselves in this moment and offer your lives, your souls and your hearts to God, through the Solar Presence of the Son of God, and elevate your aspirations to the Heights, the aspirations for redemption, for reconciliation, for unity and for peace, so that those attributes may descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters, and a solid, firm and crystalline brotherhood may be built, which lives for the Plan of God and its fulfillment in this cycle.

I bring you this golden city of Guatavita, the sacred city of Guatavita, so that you can be reborn and rediscover your origins within; the main reason that brought you up to here, which is not personal nor individual; which is group-oriented, which is among souls, to serve God and to fulfill His aspirations, not only for Colombia but also for the rest of South America.

Remember that you have the assistance and support of the sacred Sites, where you will be able to place your consciousnesses, souls and beings so that they may be worked on and healed, and still continue to experience the process of redemption.

Be these sparks of redemption of My Heart, because the world needs it, so that someday it may realize that it was mistaken and that it has deviated completely from the truth.

Colombia is still to awaken; it must awaken more deeply than it has awakened. But for this to be possible, the transformation and the change must first begin within you, My companions, who represent Me before God in this spiritual task for Colombia, and for all the souls that are to be found here.

It is in this way that the spiritual and material slavery will end in this country and souls will be able to become aware of the importance of turning toward God in order to be able to hear Him and deeply feel Him again.

Offer this next Marathon of Divine Mercy as an opportunity for returning to your origins, to your beginnings and to your original culture; and may you benefit from the company of all the inner beings that collaborate in brotherhood and love for the Hierarchy at this moment.

Let Colombia be reborn to the principles of its culture, of its solidarity and of its love for the Celestial Father.

For this reason, companions, to all of you and to all your brothers and sisters that are listening, I give you a blessing so that this task, through the Meeting of the Prayer of Mercy, may be blessed and filled by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And I ask you to trust in the coming of these gifts, that will not only transform and give impulse to your spirits and consciousnesses, but also to your material life that, day after day, must be a mirror of the Brotherhood upon the surface.

As the Sun of the Universe, of the center of this Galaxy, that shines upon this sacred city of Guatavita, which today reflects its principles and its origins towards the souls that have belonged to it, just as to all the souls that have belonged to the original peoples of the Andes, I give you Peace and a blessing, wishing you a beautiful and glorious task in this crucial time in which souls must be reborn to love and to forgiveness.

With the rays of the Central Sun that come from the emanation of the Heart of God, and in union with the Great Universal Confraternity, let Colombia be elevated, let hearts be firm to experience their redemption in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children, let the Spirit and the Love of God envelope you, just as today this dawn, this day, fills you, in which the inner light in each consciousness is vivified under the rays of the Grace of God and of the presence of His Divine Spirit.

It is in the name of His Grace that I come today to meet you, that I come today to be with you, with My dear children, and in this Sacred Center of Figueira, as in other Centers, igniting the light of My Mirrors so that you may receive the impulses of light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos and of all Creation, so that the Attributes of Life may continue to be present in the consciousness of the human beings and of the planet, so that the sublime spheres of Creation and of all its existence may be closer to humanity and to the world that suffers, day by day.

It is by means of the Light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos that today I reignite the inner mirror in each human heart so that it may recover its filiation with God and the communion with the heights, so that it may be a partaker of the universal life and of everything that lives and vibrates in the Universe.

Today I bring you the gift of the Love of God that is an inexhaustible present for your consciousnesses and for this planetary time in which balance, harmony and peace must be your daily path, your goal and your purpose.

Today I ignite the Mirrors of the Sacred Center of Figueira so that the new trees, that have already grown, may bear their first fruits in the manifestation of the Attributes of God and especially of His Will, so that these fruits may someday be harvested by My children of the whole world and they are able to be nourished from the spirituality that God has granted and conceived in this place, since the first years of the manifestation of this Light-Community.

Today, the fruits of the Sacred Instruction are shared with the whole world and the Center of Light of Figueira opens its doors so that, with charity and love, it may welcome the suffering souls of humanity and carry the Love of the Father, the Love that He deposited in this place from the beginning, to those who most need it so that hope may not die in the human heart, so that faith may not fall away, so that the light may never go out.

I bring to you the Light of My Mirrors, the Light that existed in the beginning and before this material creation. It is this Divine Light, mysterious and unknown, that comes from the Source of the Father and from His Universe of Love, that once touched this sacred ground of the Center of Light of Figueira and brought everyone the Grace of the awakening of their consciousness, of the recognition and the living of inner divinity, in each being, of union with the Most High and His Will for the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth.

Behold the Light of the Sacred Centers, of the Marian Centers, of the Centers of Love, that emanate their divine and nonmaterial Attributes for the equilibrium of humanity and the planet, for the experience and the school of Love and Forgiveness, for the infinite union with God above all things.

Today you are before one of the Mysteries of God that the Mother of the World unveils by means of the Divine Source, in union with the Mirrors of the Cosmos that prepare consciousnesses for the next cycle.

South America is the cradle of many Sacred Sites, where the experience of the Love of God is present and is still unknown.

Therefore, today the Center of Light of Figueira manifests on its surface so that the doors to Divine Mercy may be kept open and more columns of Light may manifest upon this humanity on the surface of the Earth and by means of the hearts that proclaim their faith in the Lord.

Enter then, My children, into the Universe of My Mirrors and feel yourselves in the inner void, in the complete surrender, in the unconditional spirit and in the perfect union with the Eternal Father so that your lives, My children, may be instruments of the Heights, of the Will, of the Living Love that is eternal and inexhaustible that is an infinite and incalculable Love. It is the Love that created you, it is the Love that made you partakers of life, of the feeling of truth, of the knowledge of the sacred and of the union with the Infinite.

The Center of Light of Figueira expresses itself today to humanity and to the planet and reminds its disciples that it will always be here to receive them and welcome them, to fill them with its attributes that are part of a divine truth, of a supreme will, of a celestial destiny.

I need, My children, for you to propagate this light into the world, this light that comes from the Center of Light of Figueira, as from other Centers of Light in the world, which are part of the Will of God and, since before the existence of humankind on the surface, have been present on the planet to bring souls the knowledge of God and the unceasing search for truth, a truth that someday you will achieve, a truth that will make you free of yourselves, of the chains of error and of fault.

Because the essence of this truth is Love, the Love that comes from the Source, the Love of My Son, the Christ, this makes you participate in the Communion with His Celestial Light and with His Life.

Today the Heavenly Hierarchy reignites the Center of Light of Figueira so that souls may remember the principles that were founded here and that will be lived for the New Earth, for the emergence of the New Humanity.

A life that will be based on Love, on Truth and on Divine Unity; on the possibility of sharing, of loving and of surrendering that which each one truly is, beyond shortcomings or imperfections.

It is this inner light that the Center of Light of Figueira today comes to awaken in its disciples, in all those who were touched by the instruction of the inner Master, by their companion and friend, José Trigueirinho.

See how this instrument surrendered to God to manifest the Light of the Sacred Centers, a Light that would aid humanity in the end of times and would make possible, for all of the Heavenly Hierarchy, the Plan of intervention and rescue of the souls of the world through an awakening of the consciousness, love and prayer.

Today, you face the step of being instruments in the hands of God, just as your instructor and friend José Trigueirinho was, in the simplicity of life, in the action of love, in sustenance of the purifications and tests, in the strengthening of faith, in the expansion of the consciousness through devotion to and reverence for the Divine Hierarchy.

Commune of this moment, commune of the Light of the Center of Light of Figueira and, in this way, in the renewal of the spirit, receive Peace through My Mirrors that today contact the Sacred Centers of the planet, which in a single Network of Light and Love, will aid souls and will strengthen the servers that fully trust in the Hierarchy.

May God, My children, always make you partakers of His Gifts, of His Truth, and mainly, of His Mercy.

Let  the Center of Light of Figueira shine today in each human heart, beyond knowing it or not knowing it, beyond penetrating it or understanding it.

Let the Center of Light of Figueira and of the Hierarchy accompany you so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

So be it.

I bless you in the Light of the divine spirituality and of the greater consciousness of the Mirrors of Grace and of Mercy, under the Light of the spirit of Peace and Reconciliation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


And now that the most important stages of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe have been accomplished, according to the Will of the Heights and because of the inner adherence of all those who collaborated in this manifestation, this is the moment of the pause, of stillness, and of experiencing an important spiritual synthesis in order to see, in the events of the last pilgrimage, the evident signs that the Hierarchy left so that the next steps may be accomplished.

This pilgrimage was characterized by all that it transmuted while going through different cities, cultures, and peoples; and also, it stood out by all that it, through the Hierarchy and the Angelic Universe, managed to deactivate that was negative in the consciousness of a people and a nation.

In this sense, the last Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe seemed that it was not going to be completed until the group unity and the unity of inner spirit, with the sincere collaboration of everyone, allowed the destiny of different peoples and nations to be taken toward the threshold of a new opportunity through Divine Mercy.

For this, the endless days of transmutation, of travels, of going from country to country, generated in an evident way the possibility for the Hierarchy to be able to increasingly embrace complex and grave situations that were compromising the continuity of certain nations and peoples on the surface.

And so, during this last pilgrimage, the Hierarchy used certain divine and cosmic instruments, such as the Great Mirrors or the Celestial Doors, so that great Light Consciousnesses, in absolute silence and meditation, could help in the process of liberation of nations, which took place through each song offered.

The mental, emotional and psychological effort on the part of the pilgrim group, within the goal of embracing and of learning the native language of each people, meant for the Divinity the possibility of the Message of God and of His Celestial Messengers to be able to reach the whole world by means of an ardent devotion and love for the Divine Hierarchy.

The commitment consciously assumed by praying for such different new nations and peoples also generated a greater opening so that, over time, the field of work can expand through new seeds of Light that will be sown in Europe, Africa and Russia.

In synthesis, the victory of Christic Love was great, at a planetary time in which hate, vengeance and conflict knock on the doors of millions of homes in the world.

And so the nations that are freed become potential mirror consciousnesses so that not only the peoples may receive new attributes of life, but also the world can be supported in this cycle by an unbreakable faith and by an unquenchable love that is born from each heart redeemed and touched by the Grace of God.

Infinite thanks to all the servers of Christ on Earth!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as the evening sun to bring you the Light of God, because there is nothing that cannot be resolved through love. Love is saving, love is alive, love is resplendent.

When the children of God turn to love, nothing happens, all is transformed and is elevated; thus, do not fear. Feel the Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, and causes you to change, time after time.

My Heart is a Source of this Love, which you can participate in, day by day; this is why I need you to be like My Love, like the Love that saved you, like the Love that rescued you and redeemed you up to the cross.

It is this Love of God that surrendered and gave everything it had for each one of you. It is this Love that let itself be flagellated, that let itself be humiliated, that let itself be sacrificed for humankind so that humankind might learn from the truth that Love is.

I want to see you in this Love all the time, in a Love that regenerates, that brings life, that calms, that neutralizes forms and all struggles.

I hope to see the world in this Love, again and again, because I know that it is not and many are not because they do not know the miracles that this Love can do when one truly surrenders to It without fear. Because the Love of God is something that penetrates the Consciousness, it is a Love that brings confidence and brings strength in the face of situations in life and in events.

Today I wanted to give this Love to all those who are here. That is what I was hoping for, because I know that you have need of this Love that I bring you, for this end time in which the human consciousness must face itself to learn to transcend and be free of itself.

But everything is possible in Love, in the Love that I taught you, the Love that I professed to My apostles and all My followers.

It is this same Love that I bring you today and in which I make you participants of, again and again, so that you may know that the world needs to have beings of love who, as instruments, can mirror the Source of the Love of God, transforming their own love into a greater Love, a Love that comes to assist the world and the critical events of the Earth.

It is this Love that I offer to you that will allow you to experience the transition. Without love, nothing will be possible, everything will be a void, a desert and loneliness.

My Heart is a doorway to this Love that can transform and transcend you when you cannot manage to on your own, when you do not know where to go and to whom to appeal.

I not only speak to you about nonmaterial love, but also the love that I experienced as a human being, as a man and as consciousness.

This Love, which is also of God, acted in everything, participated in everything, and surrendered for you as you surrender for Me today.

Love will allow you to experience the fraternity that the world urgently needs to practice, a fraternity that sees the need of a fellow being, a fraternity that sees the need present in a peer.

I invite you to find this Love within yourselves, it is this Love that lets you see God in each moment, in each circumstance. It will be necessary to go through these times under this Law, to learn how to overcome oneself and help your brothers and sisters, your companions, overcome themselves.

But without Love, nothing can be done, it is like having no direction, it is like having no path. This is why I bring you this Source of Love for this end time, because humanity urgently needs it in order to stop committing errors and faults, to stop separating itself from God and losing the direction of its path.

Today I offer Myself as this Love that renews you, heals you, cures you, as this Love that brings many things to an end, and that opens doors to new experiences, new learnings, new schools.

I do not stop thinking about how much you still need to live in this Love, a love that is not palpable. It is a Love that moves Divine energy and causes it to flow throughout the Universe, and in all spaces of Creation.

In the same way that the angels live from the Source of this Love and are nurtured by it, you must also nurture yourselves from this Love of God that offers itself, time after time, unconditionally, so that souls may accomplish their purpose and, above all, the Will of God. While this does not happen and love is not present, everything becomes dark, fragile and weak.

Love allows you to be elevated all the time, it has you see reality and find a path of peace that will lead you to a mature and wise understanding. I only wish for you to find this love someday, because it is a living and Divine Love that will consecrate you, that will make you good servers and collaborators of My Work.

And those who live this love today, and truly practice it, let them continue to do so, because the planet needs it as a consciousness, humanity needs it as a race, just as all of the Kingdoms of Nature have need of the love of these people, so as to be able to evolve and awaken in order to grow, like you grow and live, in spite of the condition the world and humanity are in.

The Source of the Love of God is open to spiritually descend toward Earth; it must find instruments to be able to descend and express in, it must find open hearts to be able to be placed in, and thus multiply the Graces of God in all senses and in all of life.

This is the time for you to experience the miracle of love, but first believe in it so that you may feel it and live it. This will unify you, will make you more fraternal, more like companions with one another.

Feel My Heart that emanates this Love of God, and become calm. Everything is a transition and is an experience.

Love is eternal, the Love of God will never end; hardship will end and the Light will win when you enter into the current of the Love of God, and make it part of yourselves, because the Love of God will grant you forgiveness and reconciliation.

This is all that I expect for this time, to see My Work reflected like a living current of Love in the hearts and in the souls that say "yes" to the Creator and fully trust in Him, in His Will.

I make you participants in the Truth that comes from the Love of God so that you may find it someday, knowing that everything passes, but that the experience of Love is indestructible and unexchangeable for your consciousnesses.

God needs love to reign in the world and in hearts so that peace may be established and unity among brothers and sisters can be experienced, beyond everything.

I leave you My Love as a way out, as a Light on the horizon, as the sun that shines on you in this afternoon of Grace.

Today I do not come to judge your actions nor your undertakings. I come to invite you to enter the Universe of My Love, where you will find the Truth and experience it in a simple way.

In this way, I will make you representatives of My Work on Earth, and there will be beings on the surface of this planet that will be bridges of communication between the Earth and Heaven, which is what God needs, not only in priestly life, but also in all of those who pray and proclaim their faith toward the Creator. In this way, the world will stay stabilized and in balance, and everything will happen in a more harmonious way.

When souls do not live love, hearts suffer and do not understand why. Human love must be transformed into Divine Love, and only a Grace can grant this, in this time, so that humanity may understand that it made a mistake, and that it must reconsider so that Mercy may fill you and be able to save you.

It is the Love of My Heart that today brings you peace, and the peace of God blesses you and fills you so that you may continue onward for Me, so that the Project may be accomplished and Love may prevail, as He prevailed on the Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

My God, I believe in You...(x3)

My celestial victory is within each one of you and no other place.

Those who have decided to surrender their life to Me, know that from now and forever, you will belong to Me and will not belong to any other presence, because My Presence is unfathomable and infinite.

I want to make of your lives humble and peaceful hearts, that may be able to testify the Presence of the Son of God on Earth for these difficult and critical times.

For this reason, I have come to the world again with the Ray of Transfiguration, because the human consciousness will still have to be sublimated, so that its chains and all of its prisons may be released and the spirit may be free again as it was in the beginning, as it was from its origin, since its existence. That it may work and live again in God without being in the chain of suffering and agony.

What I offer you in this time, companions, is a great sacrifice and a great service for humanity, because as you know, humanity is out of balance not only from the psychic point of view but also from the material. And the balance that humanity has lost will have to be recovered again through instruments of My Mercy and My Grace.

This is why these times are difficult and definitive, in joy as in happiness, in battle as in challenge.

You will cross many bridges and go through many challenges, but you will also go through many abysses, within and outside of yourselves, and you will also see it in the whole of human consciousness.

It will not be enough for Me to describe today what is occurring in humanity, because you are seeing it daily.

The Fire of My conviction must reach you all the time. This will allow the Higher Laws to be active on Earth, and that the so awaited balance may be generated and presented in humanity.

While I am here, I am also with those who suffer, with those who are in agony and with those who despair, day after day.

Through the channel of Divine Mercy that has been opened, I am able to intercede today for each one of those souls, so in need of the Love of God, so in need of healing and redemption.

The only thing I can offer you today, companions, is the persistence that I achieved on the Cross, persistence that you will need for this critical time, for this definitive time, where the tests will be the schools and the learnings for everyone. Great moments of definition of your consciousness and of being able to take secure and firm leaps in the evolution of love and truth.

The tests will not come to intimidate you, but rather to strengthen you so that you may continue to be firm on the path I offer you. This will make you more real and simple, because it is what God expects of all His creatures, that they may be able to penetrate the Mystery of His Love and the Infinity of His Grace, principles that are still available for humanity and the planet.

But it will depend on the adherence of My companions and of My followers for those Sources of God to descend to Earth and things not become destabilized as quickly as the moving hands of the clock.

I need the world to be able to recuperate and be redeemed.

I need, upon the surface of the Earth, mirrors of prayer that are able to reflect towards all of the planet all the love that I give to your essences and spirits, because this will not allow chaos to win, but rather that love may overcome as it has always overcame throughout time, beyond errors, failures and all human actions, which have transgressed the Plan of God again and again.

But now a very important time for the planet has come, where that inner definition will be clear to all, and this will depend on you and God; He, not as a Judge but as a Father of Mercy and Grace Who thirsts for His children, for the love of His creatures, for the transparency of all the lives of the Earth, because this will defeat the principles that evil has sown in humanity, leading to the perdition and the despair of souls.

But you know, companions, that through these meetings I prepare you for My return, because first your spirit must be prepared, so that all of your consciousness may be ready to see Me and recognize Me.

In the most difficult moment of humanity is when I will return and will reveal My Face to everyone.

I will not set a time, nor a date. I will arrive at the most climactic moment of humanity, when everything is in great agony.

This is why I need you to be firm, clear and aware, in order to be able to recognize My commands and so that the doorways of Divine Mercy may still be open.

Meanwhile, persist through My Heart and do not have your lives become like the lives of others, which have lost the sense of the mission and the purpose and even of their own experience of life on Earth.

This goes beyond something spiritual. It is to be on the correct path that the soul came to fulfill on this planet, in order to be worthy of the Grace and the Mercy of God, in order to reciprocate with the Divine Purpose that has brought it to Earth, beyond the errors committed in other times.

Today I do not come to speak of the failures or the errors, but rather of the talents that you must still offer and give Me; talents that wait to awaken within you and that your souls cry out to put in service.

Thus, companions, perceive the end of the times with a profound clarity and wisdom.

Know how to differentiate the situations and the forms.

It is not for you to omit them, nor to reject them, because transformation is eternal and infinite. But in that transformation, the consciousness is uplifted and awakens and increasingly finds the meanig and the reason for having existed in this Universe and within the Spiritual Universe.

Everything has its communication and its inner and outer reflection; this goes beyond the mind or intelligence.

The meaning of the soul must be deep and true. It must be able to express its task in this end time. It cannot be disturbed by its miseries, by its doubts or incomprehension.

You must allow your souls to have the opportunity of serving and of loving and of managing to express the value they have so that they may fulfill the Will of God.

While this situation of souls in the world is not defined, the opportunities for Universal intervention are limited.

For this reason, I bring the balm of My Light to the whole world and the deep healing of My Heart so that souls may dare to take the steps they need to take, knowing that a definite commitment is still unknown to everyone and that you are still on the way to being able to find it and see it.

Dare to define your lives in the simple way of life, in love, in service and in charity; in the consideration for others and for your fellow being, such as for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The school taught here must remain eternally in the human consciousness.

The attributes that were sown here through instruction and the path of group living will have to be the pillars for sustaining the great planetary transition and the whole human crisis, knowing that in spite of the errors, the sufferings or the wars, the ignorance or the indifference, there is a place in the world where the attributes of God are lived in a simple but true way, just as they were lived by each one of the representatives of the peoples of the desert together with Moses.

You are the bridge, dear companions, for the Sacred Project of God, reflected and manifested in the human consciousness through divine and cosmic intervention, to have its continuity and above all, a future.

But it depends on the decision of the souls of these times, on the awareness and the attention before the call that is proclaimed from the Greater Universe, on the interest of each one of the souls of the world and above all, on the unity that may be generated among your consciousnesses, in spite of the differences or of the schools, beyond all learnings.

Because where love is, God is present and so His Divine Project is, My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are and that of each Universal Hierarchy that contemplates and observes the humanity of these times, and how it loses its codes and its experiences of love because of having become submerged in the current modernity and in global indifference.

These are the roots of the great worldwide illusion.

But you, companions, as well as each one who hears me, do not have these veils on the consciousness; you have awakened and have felt the call of the Hierarchy.

I hope you are able to make the most of My Words, because My Cycle with you is coming to an end. And when it ends, everything will happen, and they will not only be messages or words, or things invisible or far from your material reality.

You will have to seek again the Source that opened here through instruction and knowledge, to help support those who cannot support themselves, those who are more ignorant and foolish; in order to help heal and redeem, opening your arms and hearts to take in the world, the nations and their peoples, beyond their cultures and their beliefs.

The great challenge of Noah and his Spiritual Ark will be repeated again.

Here the peoples will assemble if the doors are open.

Here those who suffer will be received if love is present.

Here the Hierarchy will be present if adherence and response are sincere and true.

This will allow that our Fire may never lack, that our Light may always guide you, that our Consciousness may always reflect discernment and wisdom for you.

But the time has come, companions, for you to definitely live the new cycle so that everything that is in the Spiritual Universe may be able to descend to the Material Universe and thus, the Plan of Rescue may be carried forward in the end of these times.

I accept your offerings, I hear your hearts and receive your intentions in union with the Hierarchy.

May the sacred mission that you have come to carry out be accomplished in you.

May your inner senses open so that you may perceive the emergency of these times and the immediate call that comes from Heaven, to uplift human consciousness in state and condition.

Let us celebrate, at this hour, the communion with the soul of each being, and before the presence of My Celestial Church, that not only takes the elements of this Altar that are offered today, to the Heart of the Father but also the deepest and inner intentions of your spirits, in this donation that your souls can do for these times for many, many more souls that do not do so, nor live it in this time. Thus, you will also alleviate My Heart of the great human blindness that I am seeing in humanity and how this submerges souls in illusion and in indifference.

May the love that your hearts will offer today before the Universal King be able to dissolve the contrary currents, and souls may be able to be reborn to life in the perfect encounter with the Divine Essence.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father sung in Latin, so that the doors of His Celestial Church may open and His Grace descend to all hearts.

We may stand for the consecration.

Pater Noster...

Christ Jesus:

At that time, I gave you My Body so that you may resurrect.

At that time, I gave you My Blood so that you may purify, consecrate to Me, in order to consecrate to the Plan of God.

At this hour and in this moment the sacrifice of the Lamb of God is relived.

When in that time I took the bread giving thanks to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed it. I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them, so that they may tell humanity, that "this is My Body which was given for all for the forgiveness of sins."

I took the Chalice and lifting It up to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed It. I handed It to My Apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink of It; this is the Chalice of My Blood, that throughout time and generations will shed the most precious Blood of the Lamb of God, so that all may receive Its Codes of Light and be redeemed."

This is the Body and the Blood of Whom gave His life for you up to the heights of Mount Calvary and suffered for humanity so that it may not lose the meaning of its existence and the perfect path of its soul.

Glory to God in the Highest, peace on Earth for all beings of good will.

And now that the Father has received the offering of the elements on the Altar and the offering of hearts, the time for the blessing through the divine infusion that the Father spreads for all the souls of the Earth and through the Work, the Science of the Holy Spirit, has come.

May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in all the beings of the Earth, so that you may be carriers of the peace and the Mercy of God, in order that wars, hunger, suffering and the despair of hearts may end.

For the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this country and in the world, I declare you My apostles and My companions and I give you My spiritual and paternal blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. (x3)

In fraternity and in compassion you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I was called by the sweet voice of your hearts; that is what truly drew Me here to be close to your spirits, to be able to engrave in your consciousnesses My Impulses of Light.

Through this scenario, we can understand and feel how much beauty God manifested for us.

The human being only needs to love in order to open the door to the Will of God, and through the steps taken in life, learn to live it.

I wanted so much to be here in Brazil! I counted each day to be able to be here with you. Because you know that I love you and I understand you and I hope for the best for your lives, what you really came to do here as consciousnesses, what you really came to fulfill and to manifest through the Gifts of God.

That which is so sacred and sublime, which is found in the inner world of each being, is what I have come to rescue from the human consciousness, especially from Brazil.

Because that inner and spiritual force of each human heart is what allows Me to be here, just like the other Spiritual Hierarchies, which come with the Silence of God, in complete neutrality, in order to aid the planet and humanity.

The human being of this time, within the end of these times, must establish in itself what it is, what God deposited in its essences since the beginning. That is what will cause the Earth to be repopulated with new attributes.

Good works, cooperation, the good, and the love of all beings is what will repopulate the Earth with new codes and principles.

Because while the world suffers and a large part of humanity is in agony, you have the Grace, companions, of having Me close as Consciousness and Spirit, as Soul and Divinity, that comes to the world in the name of God to awaken the human consciousness to its true reality, which until now it has never seen.

And through your prayers and your love, I have the permission of your souls and inner worlds to be able to help the planet, and the energy of Divine Mercy is able to reach places very unknown to you, where souls are thirsty for My Light and fervently plead for My Redeeming Love.

I come from the Universe, bringing the Consciousness of the Eternal Father so that humanity may become rescuable and does not miss the opportunity of growing inwardly, knowing that the values of faith and the principles of prayer will be what will transform the Earth and make of souls true Temples of God.

While I am here with you, I not only contemplate Brazil, but also the whole world, and I listen to the pleas of My servers and companions, calling them and elevating them through the Consciousness of God; because when I hear the prayer of My companions, I go to their aid.

When the prayer is fervent, it transforms many situations on the Earth, unimaginable things within and outside of the consciousness of beings, because the power of prayer is still unknown. For this reason, do not stop immersing yourselves in this school, because in this way, you will become rescuable beings and instruments at the service of God, collaborators in the maximum work of My Heart.

Today I have also come here to give you My blessing through the Sacraments. Because each time this spiritual practice is renewed, the greater the opportunities of redemption, of conversion, and awakening of the consciousnesses, and a Grace draws close to your lives to transform everything into something sacred, just as the Father needs it.

Today I want you to live this legacy as if for the first time, knowing that through it, you will be able to be renewed, healed, redeemed of your spiritual and inner ills, and as a result, you will heal humanity through the sacred offertory of your prayers and lives to the Kingdom of God.

Let these spiritual treasures be revived today by everyone.

May lives be restored through the Foot-washing,  may history be erased so that the power of the spirit of each being be reborn, and that through the Communion with My Body and with My Blood, the codes of My perfection may enter again into your essences and the temple of your souls, for this will allow you to understand many more things of the Spiritual Universe, of the Sacred Will of God for these defining times. From here is radiated the great Mirror of My Heart for the world.

The oceans do not only cry out for healing, but they also radiate their sacred energies to transform and sublimate the human consciousness.

The Elements unite with this divine conjuncture of the entry of the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe so that many more souls may be assisted, as well as everything that lives within this planet and that is greatly suffering.

Through the Sacraments, I come to restore your lives and give you the possibility of finding the true love, which will bring Redemption to the world.

So uplift your hearts before My Celestial Church and may your souls, in a deep silence, proclaim the offertory to the Celestial Father, so that more situations may be redeemed and restored, and especially, may Brazil not lose peace. Because the devotion that this people has before the Celestial Universe is what allows peace throughout the times and the generations, and thus, your spirits are also carriers of My Peace.

Today this peace is radiated to the world from the great Mirror of these oceans so that the angelic consciousness may descend, transfigure, and transform what has been corrupted; so that in the transformation of matter and of the spirit, the human consciousness may unify in God and thus, the Divine Grace may descend, which will always bring you gladness and the joy of living in the Celestial Father.

So let us begin, companions, with this consecration so that your lives may also be consecrated to My Sacred Heart, so that an extremely powerful Mercy, like an infinite tributary of Grace, of Compassion, and of Pity, may descend in this moment over Brazil and the world, so that peace, prosperity, and justice for this people may continue to be strengthened.

I have not lost hope of Brazil being the Eden of the New Humanity and that you will be part of this new Eden, which is not something physical, but profoundly inner and immaterial that can be reflected in a spiritual way upon everything created within the material Universe.

Brazil is the cradle of this future emergence. You are a transition so that this can take place.

God wants to establish Genesis here again, as it was in the beginning, so that everything that has been lived throughout the times and the eras may be erased, and the human being, in a profound rehabilitation, may again take the place that it lost after so many errors and deviations.

That is the work of the infinite Mercy of God and it is possible for these times. But first, companions, this will begin within you, in coexistence  with your families and loved ones, in the days of work and labor and in the important moments of prayer. 

Draw to the world the Attributes of the Universe, because humanity is sinking in a great abyss, and during the most difficult moment is when I will return. You should no longer hear My words, but rather feel and see My Presence; it will come from the Glory of the Celestial Father, from the Universe announcing the new time, the resurgence and the advent of hope.

May your faith be sustained by My Love and may your love be sustained by My Spirit, so that you may always be connected with Me in that perfect inner attunement with the Greater Universe.

Let us begin the ceremony.

We stand up.

Father of infinite life, Divine Breath of Spirit, Creator of all that exists in what is visible and invisible, through My Plea, the Plea of Your Divine Son, pour out all Your possible Graces, so that souls may be restored by the balm of Your Love and for Brazil to be constituted as the Promised Land. So be it.

With this water, Lord, bless all those who plead for You, through Your Grace and Your Mercy; that those who cry be consoled, those who suffer be relieved, the ill be healed, and the pain be erased, and may Your Divine Love and infinite Joy return to those who believe in You, so that Your Peace may be established for ever and ever. Amen.

Lord, You who are Life and Mercy, Who vivifies everything You touch and in Your Love re-ignites all who plead to You and also hear You; deposit Your Gifts in these elements so that souls be washed by Your Spirit and souls be healed by the sublime joy of Your infinite Love. So be it.

Wash the feet of the past, activate Your disciples, Lord, so that they may walk in faith and in love, they fulfill , Father, Your Divine Project in the four corners of the Earth. Amen.

And more than two thousand years ago, I left you an indelible spiritual legacy that reverberates throughout time and the generations. It is the great mystery of My Love for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

I remind you that at that time I took the bread, gave thanks to God for this Sacrifice, and told My apostles: "Take and all eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me until the end of times."

And upon this bread I leave not only the transubstantiation of My Eucharistic Body, faithfully adored by all the adorers on the Earth, but also I leave My cellular Christic Code, that which achieved perfection in the Passion and the Death.

In the same way, I took the Chalice that the holy women had specially prepared for Me, and God blessed It. I gave thanks for that Sacrifice and said to My apostles: "Take and all drink from It, for this is My Blood of the new covenant between beings and God; Blood that will be preciously spilled by humankind, for the forgiveness of all errors. Do this also in Remembrance of Me until I return in the end of times to give you My living Word."

I transubstantiate this element into My precious Blood in the presence of the Celestial Choirs and in offering to the Celestial Father for the sincerity of all the souls present and united with Me in this moment, for the Redemption of humanity, the conversion of hearts, and the renewal of life. So be it.

In gladness and joy, companions, avail yourselves of these sacred elements that manifest the Sacrifice of the Son of God for humanity and the inextinguishable opportunity for each one of you to learn to love more each day, just as I love you for all eternity.

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
Amen. (x3)

May the Unity, Love, and Peace that come from the eternal Heart of the Celestial Father be in your hearts, in all of Brazil, and humanity, so that the new Christs may emerge that will repopulate the Earth with the infinite Codes of My Love.

As I said to My apostles, today I say to you: "I give you My Peace so that you may live My Peace and take peace to all the corners of the Earth."

In remembrance of My spiritual Legacy, for the Sacrifice, Passion, and Death of Our Lord, I fraternally ask you to give each other the greeting of peace so that Peace may be in Brazil.

I thank you for having been with Me today.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We give each other the greeting of peace.


With the Union of Heaven and Earth, I descend to the world in order to help it, bringing in My Heart all the wonders of God, and through the angels, all possible Graces for hearts.

Today, My inner voice resounds in the world, and the inner worlds listen to the word of the Mother of God, Who comes to rescue Her children from exile and the wreck of these times, Who comes to bring the healing of humanity through Her hands.

I only wish, My children, for the good in each one of you, and that many more of My children recover their spiritual affiliation with the Celestial Father, knowing that for these difficult and critical times, the affiliation with the Creator Father will be essential for all souls.

That is why I come as a Great Mirror Consciousness, so that through prayer, the Mother of God may be united with all Her children who invoke Light, Good, and Redemption for humanity through the prayerful Word.

But I encourage you, dear children, to continue building within yourselves the end of times through a life of service and of prayer for others, knowing that there is much to be healed in this humanity and on this planet.

Each time you practice these attributes, My children, you will allow the Mother of God to intercede again, just as She is interceding today for Argentina.

I desire that your hearts open more and more to this call that comes from Heaven and that in this life will not be deeply known, but if your hearts unite with My Immaculate Heart, like a single chain of light and of love, through the Rosary for Peace in the Nations, I will be able to embrace many more souls in need of love and of light.

Great is the captivity of millions of souls in this humanity, and they are not able to get out of that state, because of having many obstacles and barriers.

But you know, My children, My presence has many aspects, and the Mother of God counts on Her Powerful Sword to be able to defeat evil by means of love and of faith, bringing liberation to the world and peace to the hearts that most need to again find God within themselves, to live, in these difficult times, a true communion with what is High, a profound union with the Divine.

I come to invite you, dear children, to learn to live the divine Laws, through the attributes which are conceived in the prayer of the Universal Mother.

If you live these attributes and apply them in your lives daily, it will not be necessary for Argentina or any other nation, to endure the sufferings generated by the peoples themselves.

The attributes that I bring you, My children, are born of My Maternal Fount, they are attributes that are born of the humility of the Mother of God, because of Her eternal service and as Servant of God.

But if you, My children, strive to live them daily, you will not only build an invincible and unbreakable fortitude in your souls, but you will also help your nations so that more souls may be contemplated in the Ocean of Mercy of God.

The time has come, My children, to live fraternity and cooperation among the peoples, this will demonstrate to God and the whole Universe that humanity is understanding something, and the Grace of God in Argentina and in the world will be inexhaustible, in spite of the extremely grave mistakes that many souls make in these times, and that from time to time outrage the Heart of God.

But today a new story is granted for Argentina and for its essences. The prayer work done today has helped a great deal, so that the Mother of God and your Mother may intercede, knowing that there are many souls that do not deserve the Grace of God, but as your advocate, and celestial intercessor between Heaven and Earth, God has granted Me the salvation of more hearts for the times that will come.

My children, the giving of your lives will be the key of the great transformation and the portals of the Universe will open before your eyes, you will see the spiritual Universe descend, and the great archangels, creator fathers of all the planes of consciousness, will assist you and help you to live, in these times, inside of an unknown, I would say, unalterable Universe of Peace.

This is possible thanks to the power of constant prayer, and to your daily commitment to the Holy Rosary. Thus, My children, you will be protected under My mantle, your families will also be protected from all evil; this will come even more to all places, because the Light of My Heart radiates to the whole world through the prayers of My children who are aware and have the discernment that prayer is a basic key for these difficult times.

Submerge in this practice and in a short time you will not recognize yourselves, your lives will have transformed completely, and you will manage to walk towards a freedom from self, achieving a transcendence from matter, and uniting your spirits with non-material life.

So that all these attributes to the Universal Mother may be in your hearts and in your peoples, today I open My Immaculate Heart as a house and refuge for hearts, as relief for the afflicted, and healing for the sick, to receive from your voices, the Sacred Prayer to the Universal Mother.

I am listening.

The Prayer to the “Universal Mother” is recited three times.

And in this way, I will be able to carry your pleas and deep intentions to Heaven, placing at the Feet of Our Creator Father, the intentions of His children, of His creatures, so that His Plan of Love may triumph in humanity and on the planet.

Remember this prayer as something fundamental for Argentina.

Today, My request for this nation is that a third weekly day of prayer for Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay exist, but this time praying the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that these sibling nations may be contemplated by the Mercy of God, and the divine attributes of My maternal Heart may be established in souls as a divine spiritual protection.

I would wish that all of My children, beyond Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, be united in this practice of praying to the Universal Mother, so that the attributes also be radiated to the others nations of the world.

But today I ask for this prayer especially for these three nations, because they are the ones that most need it, to maintain their spiritual balance and their harmony in these times.

Prayer, whichever it is, that invokes the Divine Plan of God and that opens the doors of the Universe, will be the weapon of defense against the adversary, and the Mother of God, through the prayer of all of Her children, will step again with Her feet on the head of evil.

May the Project of God triumph in this Land of Argentina.

May hearts again find their affiliation with the High, and universal healing occur in souls, and in hearts, may the talents of Christ come alight, so that the commitment to the Universe be alive, real, and faithful for this final time. So be it

Like in all the places I visit, with immense love and gentleness for those who most suffer and despair, today we will experience a new consecration, reaffirming this commitment to union with the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that many more may feel drawn to the Fire of Love of My Maternal Heart, and thus souls may be healed and redeemed, freeing themselves from their chains and their prisons, so that the light of their spirits may fly.

At the request of the Mother of God, those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary should come forward to receive Her blessing.

And in this moment of consecration before the Mother of the Most High, we will begin to listen to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, so that those who will be consecrated, and those already consecrated, may renew this commitment to the Mother of God, so that it be real and alive.

Children represent the happiness of Jesus on Earth, thus His Celestial Kingdom descends in the most pure and innocent, and reaches all the men and women of the planet in order that the Sacred Family be constituted in humanity, through this offering to Me that is done today by your hearts.

I have come to bless you and give you My love, My consoling and healing love, so that your souls be reborn in the enjoyment of the Divine Spirit, and so find again the peace that dwells in the Heart of God.

May your souls light up in joy and gladness, so that the spiritual soul of this nation lights up in the Gladness of God, deeply believing that it will be able to fulfill the designs of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

My Spiritual Light descends upon you and enters your hearts, establishing this consecration as My beloved children, faithful followers of Christ, creatures loved by the Celestial Father.

I baptize you with the light of the Holy Spirit.

In name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call, for all the efforts made, for the triumph of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart in Argentina.

While you sing, I will contemplate you, so that your voices may reach Heaven as a plea of humanity to the Celestial Universe.

I thank you!



With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.

With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The radiation of certain Mirrors can quickly alter and modify the organic and spiritual composition of the human being.

This is so because the Mirrors, which are great energy plants that reverse processes of resistance or spiritual stagnation, mobilize planetary or personal situations and also work within group consciousnesses.

Thus the Mirrors work in various levels of consciousness, bringing the human being into contact with higher voltages of vibration and harmony.

Therefore, the Mirrors are recognized as transmitters of divine information, and at the same time, they generate the vibration elevation of certain regions or situations of the planet. 

The Mirrors are bearers of luminous codes and impulses which, each time more, access increasingly higher states of consciousness . 

The Mirrors are capable of preventing a risk or emergency situation on a spiritual level.

The Mirrors connect human beings with greater vibrations of light and love.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From a place in the Universe I have come to bring you the science of My Peace and so that through it you may be united with Me, by means of the communication with the Mirrors.

Today I bring a message from Cygnus, a place so far from the Earth, but also very close to it, in omnipresence and in unconditionality.

Receive from Cygnus its legacy, its science and its energy.

Embrace its principles in your hearts and watch for the Greater knowledge, because the Earth needs it to be able to persist and continue onward.

So through My Heart, I bring you what is real, eternal and permanent.

To you I reveal a place of contemplation and healing, a sacred enclosure for the Greater Universe, in which many schools have been lived and many experiences have been carried out for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousness.

Today, with My arms stretched out in the form of a cross, I bring you the Love from Cygnus, so that you may remember the origin of an important principle within this Creation and within the life of the material Universe.

From this place receive its attributes and embrace its call in your spirits.

Through its Mirrors, may its principles be reflected and may souls be able to receive its impulses, to be able to vivify the Plan, again and again.

From that place I come with joy and to that place I will return, taking from within you the response to this call of the Greater Universe.

In the stars of Cygnus, healing and the opportunity of redemption are established for all those who have forgotten the opportunity of reconciliation.

Enter into this Universe with gratitude and elevate your consciousnesses to the stars, so that from Cygnus this flame of love may spring that you need in these critical times; a flame that will nourish you and spiritually sustain each one of My children.

In this place find its message of peace, and remember that it is always latent and never changes.

Today its Mirrors emanate what humanity needs, and through its celestial spheres, impulses are sent to the Earth so that, during a time of purification, souls may find the path for their inner support.

From Cygnus will come the encouragement for humanity, the hope that everything will be renewed, the impulse that will rebuild everything so that the experience of forgiveness and of love may be established.

From this constellation comes a powerful energy and its Masters unite in a single purpose to aid the Earth and humanity.

From the Heart of Cygnus emanates the flame of Love, which the whole of humanity needs in order to survive and thus learn to reconcile with one another, so that indifference and ignorance may be dispelled, so that evil and confusion may be dissipated.

From Cygnus will come the inner strength that humanity will need to experience its time of purification and transcendence.

Today I gather all of its Mirrors in My Heart.

And today, My Universal Consciousness mirrors its Energy and the register of love of this Constellation, so that the Suns on Earth may learn to nourish themselves from the Source and from its great lakes of light, in which the synthesis of many experiences is kept in the Universe, a legacy that will repopulate future humanity with new principles and attributes.

Aspire to find this path of return to Cygnus and thus, you will be returning to your origins, where everything once began and emerged, just as God had thought and meditated upon, just as the archangels had established for this Material Universe.

Through Me, reignite your inner Sun and overcome the limits of matter, the obstacles of consciousness, the difficulties of the spirit, because in essence, you all have an origin, which is the origin that Cygnus holds, and there you will find again the meaning of your existence, the reason and the cause of having come to the Earth to experience such a necessary school for your beings, something that will never be forgotten and that will be held in your cosmic memory.

This union with the Love of Cygnus will help you in the elevation of consciousness, and thus you will help to elevate humanity, which is very distracted and lost; a humanity that each day distances itself more from the truth and from the meaning of its purpose.

But if, at least in a very few, a union is established with Infinity, and today especially with the Constellation of Cygnus, something inexplicable will take place for the coming times, and the People of Israel will continue to walk in the desert in search of the Promised Land, which in a short while will be a reality to the eyes of the New Humanity.

The Universe is waiting for the response from humanity and its doors are open between the Universes to lead the spirit of the consciousnesses towards the spheres of the Brotherhood, in which Love and Unity are lived, following one same purpose and one single aim.

Today Cygnus approaches, for those who have been consistent with the Plan, for those who persist and remain on the path of faith and of trust in the Hierarchy, knowing that everything they experience today will have its results in the near future, on the New Earth.

Thus, contemplate within yourselves this inner Universe, which unites with the Higher Universe, and receive from Cygnus the sacred Flame of Love that will always illumine your lives when you invoke it and feel it within yourselves, just like you feel Christ in each moment of surrender and of prayer.

Today Cygnus emits its message of reconciliation to the world.

Today its Mirrors illumine universal spaces so that this local Universe may receive the assistance it needs in these times, and especially so that humanity may be conscious that it is not alone, and that it is now time to know reality and the truth.

In My Heart, I bring what is most sacred that exists in Cygnus, so that you may remember your origin and your commitment to the Creator, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed on Earth, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed in all those who say “yes” to an unknown Will.

Through the Great Constellation of Cygnus, may the inner Suns be reignited and may they watch for the Flame of the Divine Purpose, so that more and more help may come to humanity and to the planet.

I thank you for responding to this call for an awareness of the Plan and of its manifestation on Earth.

May the Flame of the inner universe vibrate in your hearts and may it be unified with the current of Love from Cygnus, so that its Mirrors may continue to emit its principles and attributes, so necessary for these times in humanity.

May Love be fulfilled in the hearts that truly accept to live it, in perfect union with the Source of Creation.

I thank you now and always.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

