Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as the evening sun to bring you the Light of God, because there is nothing that cannot be resolved through love. Love is saving, love is alive, love is resplendent.

When the children of God turn to love, nothing happens, all is transformed and is elevated; thus, do not fear. Feel the Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, and causes you to change, time after time.

My Heart is a Source of this Love, which you can participate in, day by day; this is why I need you to be like My Love, like the Love that saved you, like the Love that rescued you and redeemed you up to the cross.

It is this Love of God that surrendered and gave everything it had for each one of you. It is this Love that let itself be flagellated, that let itself be humiliated, that let itself be sacrificed for humankind so that humankind might learn from the truth that Love is.

I want to see you in this Love all the time, in a Love that regenerates, that brings life, that calms, that neutralizes forms and all struggles.

I hope to see the world in this Love, again and again, because I know that it is not and many are not because they do not know the miracles that this Love can do when one truly surrenders to It without fear. Because the Love of God is something that penetrates the Consciousness, it is a Love that brings confidence and brings strength in the face of situations in life and in events.

Today I wanted to give this Love to all those who are here. That is what I was hoping for, because I know that you have need of this Love that I bring you, for this end time in which the human consciousness must face itself to learn to transcend and be free of itself.

But everything is possible in Love, in the Love that I taught you, the Love that I professed to My apostles and all My followers.

It is this same Love that I bring you today and in which I make you participants of, again and again, so that you may know that the world needs to have beings of love who, as instruments, can mirror the Source of the Love of God, transforming their own love into a greater Love, a Love that comes to assist the world and the critical events of the Earth.

It is this Love that I offer to you that will allow you to experience the transition. Without love, nothing will be possible, everything will be a void, a desert and loneliness.

My Heart is a doorway to this Love that can transform and transcend you when you cannot manage to on your own, when you do not know where to go and to whom to appeal.

I not only speak to you about nonmaterial love, but also the love that I experienced as a human being, as a man and as consciousness.

This Love, which is also of God, acted in everything, participated in everything, and surrendered for you as you surrender for Me today.

Love will allow you to experience the fraternity that the world urgently needs to practice, a fraternity that sees the need of a fellow being, a fraternity that sees the need present in a peer.

I invite you to find this Love within yourselves, it is this Love that lets you see God in each moment, in each circumstance. It will be necessary to go through these times under this Law, to learn how to overcome oneself and help your brothers and sisters, your companions, overcome themselves.

But without Love, nothing can be done, it is like having no direction, it is like having no path. This is why I bring you this Source of Love for this end time, because humanity urgently needs it in order to stop committing errors and faults, to stop separating itself from God and losing the direction of its path.

Today I offer Myself as this Love that renews you, heals you, cures you, as this Love that brings many things to an end, and that opens doors to new experiences, new learnings, new schools.

I do not stop thinking about how much you still need to live in this Love, a love that is not palpable. It is a Love that moves Divine energy and causes it to flow throughout the Universe, and in all spaces of Creation.

In the same way that the angels live from the Source of this Love and are nurtured by it, you must also nurture yourselves from this Love of God that offers itself, time after time, unconditionally, so that souls may accomplish their purpose and, above all, the Will of God. While this does not happen and love is not present, everything becomes dark, fragile and weak.

Love allows you to be elevated all the time, it has you see reality and find a path of peace that will lead you to a mature and wise understanding. I only wish for you to find this love someday, because it is a living and Divine Love that will consecrate you, that will make you good servers and collaborators of My Work.

And those who live this love today, and truly practice it, let them continue to do so, because the planet needs it as a consciousness, humanity needs it as a race, just as all of the Kingdoms of Nature have need of the love of these people, so as to be able to evolve and awaken in order to grow, like you grow and live, in spite of the condition the world and humanity are in.

The Source of the Love of God is open to spiritually descend toward Earth; it must find instruments to be able to descend and express in, it must find open hearts to be able to be placed in, and thus multiply the Graces of God in all senses and in all of life.

This is the time for you to experience the miracle of love, but first believe in it so that you may feel it and live it. This will unify you, will make you more fraternal, more like companions with one another.

Feel My Heart that emanates this Love of God, and become calm. Everything is a transition and is an experience.

Love is eternal, the Love of God will never end; hardship will end and the Light will win when you enter into the current of the Love of God, and make it part of yourselves, because the Love of God will grant you forgiveness and reconciliation.

This is all that I expect for this time, to see My Work reflected like a living current of Love in the hearts and in the souls that say "yes" to the Creator and fully trust in Him, in His Will.

I make you participants in the Truth that comes from the Love of God so that you may find it someday, knowing that everything passes, but that the experience of Love is indestructible and unexchangeable for your consciousnesses.

God needs love to reign in the world and in hearts so that peace may be established and unity among brothers and sisters can be experienced, beyond everything.

I leave you My Love as a way out, as a Light on the horizon, as the sun that shines on you in this afternoon of Grace.

Today I do not come to judge your actions nor your undertakings. I come to invite you to enter the Universe of My Love, where you will find the Truth and experience it in a simple way.

In this way, I will make you representatives of My Work on Earth, and there will be beings on the surface of this planet that will be bridges of communication between the Earth and Heaven, which is what God needs, not only in priestly life, but also in all of those who pray and proclaim their faith toward the Creator. In this way, the world will stay stabilized and in balance, and everything will happen in a more harmonious way.

When souls do not live love, hearts suffer and do not understand why. Human love must be transformed into Divine Love, and only a Grace can grant this, in this time, so that humanity may understand that it made a mistake, and that it must reconsider so that Mercy may fill you and be able to save you.

It is the Love of My Heart that today brings you peace, and the peace of God blesses you and fills you so that you may continue onward for Me, so that the Project may be accomplished and Love may prevail, as He prevailed on the Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

My God, I believe in You...(x3)

My celestial victory is within each one of you and no other place.

Those who have decided to surrender their life to Me, know that from now and forever, you will belong to Me and will not belong to any other presence, because My Presence is unfathomable and infinite.

I want to make of your lives humble and peaceful hearts, that may be able to testify the Presence of the Son of God on Earth for these difficult and critical times.

For this reason, I have come to the world again with the Ray of Transfiguration, because the human consciousness will still have to be sublimated, so that its chains and all of its prisons may be released and the spirit may be free again as it was in the beginning, as it was from its origin, since its existence. That it may work and live again in God without being in the chain of suffering and agony.

What I offer you in this time, companions, is a great sacrifice and a great service for humanity, because as you know, humanity is out of balance not only from the psychic point of view but also from the material. And the balance that humanity has lost will have to be recovered again through instruments of My Mercy and My Grace.

This is why these times are difficult and definitive, in joy as in happiness, in battle as in challenge.

You will cross many bridges and go through many challenges, but you will also go through many abysses, within and outside of yourselves, and you will also see it in the whole of human consciousness.

It will not be enough for Me to describe today what is occurring in humanity, because you are seeing it daily.

The Fire of My conviction must reach you all the time. This will allow the Higher Laws to be active on Earth, and that the so awaited balance may be generated and presented in humanity.

While I am here, I am also with those who suffer, with those who are in agony and with those who despair, day after day.

Through the channel of Divine Mercy that has been opened, I am able to intercede today for each one of those souls, so in need of the Love of God, so in need of healing and redemption.

The only thing I can offer you today, companions, is the persistence that I achieved on the Cross, persistence that you will need for this critical time, for this definitive time, where the tests will be the schools and the learnings for everyone. Great moments of definition of your consciousness and of being able to take secure and firm leaps in the evolution of love and truth.

The tests will not come to intimidate you, but rather to strengthen you so that you may continue to be firm on the path I offer you. This will make you more real and simple, because it is what God expects of all His creatures, that they may be able to penetrate the Mystery of His Love and the Infinity of His Grace, principles that are still available for humanity and the planet.

But it will depend on the adherence of My companions and of My followers for those Sources of God to descend to Earth and things not become destabilized as quickly as the moving hands of the clock.

I need the world to be able to recuperate and be redeemed.

I need, upon the surface of the Earth, mirrors of prayer that are able to reflect towards all of the planet all the love that I give to your essences and spirits, because this will not allow chaos to win, but rather that love may overcome as it has always overcame throughout time, beyond errors, failures and all human actions, which have transgressed the Plan of God again and again.

But now a very important time for the planet has come, where that inner definition will be clear to all, and this will depend on you and God; He, not as a Judge but as a Father of Mercy and Grace Who thirsts for His children, for the love of His creatures, for the transparency of all the lives of the Earth, because this will defeat the principles that evil has sown in humanity, leading to the perdition and the despair of souls.

But you know, companions, that through these meetings I prepare you for My return, because first your spirit must be prepared, so that all of your consciousness may be ready to see Me and recognize Me.

In the most difficult moment of humanity is when I will return and will reveal My Face to everyone.

I will not set a time, nor a date. I will arrive at the most climactic moment of humanity, when everything is in great agony.

This is why I need you to be firm, clear and aware, in order to be able to recognize My commands and so that the doorways of Divine Mercy may still be open.

Meanwhile, persist through My Heart and do not have your lives become like the lives of others, which have lost the sense of the mission and the purpose and even of their own experience of life on Earth.

This goes beyond something spiritual. It is to be on the correct path that the soul came to fulfill on this planet, in order to be worthy of the Grace and the Mercy of God, in order to reciprocate with the Divine Purpose that has brought it to Earth, beyond the errors committed in other times.

Today I do not come to speak of the failures or the errors, but rather of the talents that you must still offer and give Me; talents that wait to awaken within you and that your souls cry out to put in service.

Thus, companions, perceive the end of the times with a profound clarity and wisdom.

Know how to differentiate the situations and the forms.

It is not for you to omit them, nor to reject them, because transformation is eternal and infinite. But in that transformation, the consciousness is uplifted and awakens and increasingly finds the meanig and the reason for having existed in this Universe and within the Spiritual Universe.

Everything has its communication and its inner and outer reflection; this goes beyond the mind or intelligence.

The meaning of the soul must be deep and true. It must be able to express its task in this end time. It cannot be disturbed by its miseries, by its doubts or incomprehension.

You must allow your souls to have the opportunity of serving and of loving and of managing to express the value they have so that they may fulfill the Will of God.

While this situation of souls in the world is not defined, the opportunities for Universal intervention are limited.

For this reason, I bring the balm of My Light to the whole world and the deep healing of My Heart so that souls may dare to take the steps they need to take, knowing that a definite commitment is still unknown to everyone and that you are still on the way to being able to find it and see it.

Dare to define your lives in the simple way of life, in love, in service and in charity; in the consideration for others and for your fellow being, such as for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The school taught here must remain eternally in the human consciousness.

The attributes that were sown here through instruction and the path of group living will have to be the pillars for sustaining the great planetary transition and the whole human crisis, knowing that in spite of the errors, the sufferings or the wars, the ignorance or the indifference, there is a place in the world where the attributes of God are lived in a simple but true way, just as they were lived by each one of the representatives of the peoples of the desert together with Moses.

You are the bridge, dear companions, for the Sacred Project of God, reflected and manifested in the human consciousness through divine and cosmic intervention, to have its continuity and above all, a future.

But it depends on the decision of the souls of these times, on the awareness and the attention before the call that is proclaimed from the Greater Universe, on the interest of each one of the souls of the world and above all, on the unity that may be generated among your consciousnesses, in spite of the differences or of the schools, beyond all learnings.

Because where love is, God is present and so His Divine Project is, My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are and that of each Universal Hierarchy that contemplates and observes the humanity of these times, and how it loses its codes and its experiences of love because of having become submerged in the current modernity and in global indifference.

These are the roots of the great worldwide illusion.

But you, companions, as well as each one who hears me, do not have these veils on the consciousness; you have awakened and have felt the call of the Hierarchy.

I hope you are able to make the most of My Words, because My Cycle with you is coming to an end. And when it ends, everything will happen, and they will not only be messages or words, or things invisible or far from your material reality.

You will have to seek again the Source that opened here through instruction and knowledge, to help support those who cannot support themselves, those who are more ignorant and foolish; in order to help heal and redeem, opening your arms and hearts to take in the world, the nations and their peoples, beyond their cultures and their beliefs.

The great challenge of Noah and his Spiritual Ark will be repeated again.

Here the peoples will assemble if the doors are open.

Here those who suffer will be received if love is present.

Here the Hierarchy will be present if adherence and response are sincere and true.

This will allow that our Fire may never lack, that our Light may always guide you, that our Consciousness may always reflect discernment and wisdom for you.

But the time has come, companions, for you to definitely live the new cycle so that everything that is in the Spiritual Universe may be able to descend to the Material Universe and thus, the Plan of Rescue may be carried forward in the end of these times.

I accept your offerings, I hear your hearts and receive your intentions in union with the Hierarchy.

May the sacred mission that you have come to carry out be accomplished in you.

May your inner senses open so that you may perceive the emergency of these times and the immediate call that comes from Heaven, to uplift human consciousness in state and condition.

Let us celebrate, at this hour, the communion with the soul of each being, and before the presence of My Celestial Church, that not only takes the elements of this Altar that are offered today, to the Heart of the Father but also the deepest and inner intentions of your spirits, in this donation that your souls can do for these times for many, many more souls that do not do so, nor live it in this time. Thus, you will also alleviate My Heart of the great human blindness that I am seeing in humanity and how this submerges souls in illusion and in indifference.

May the love that your hearts will offer today before the Universal King be able to dissolve the contrary currents, and souls may be able to be reborn to life in the perfect encounter with the Divine Essence.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father sung in Latin, so that the doors of His Celestial Church may open and His Grace descend to all hearts.

We may stand for the consecration.

Pater Noster...

Christ Jesus:

At that time, I gave you My Body so that you may resurrect.

At that time, I gave you My Blood so that you may purify, consecrate to Me, in order to consecrate to the Plan of God.

At this hour and in this moment the sacrifice of the Lamb of God is relived.

When in that time I took the bread giving thanks to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed it. I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them, so that they may tell humanity, that "this is My Body which was given for all for the forgiveness of sins."

I took the Chalice and lifting It up to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed It. I handed It to My Apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink of It; this is the Chalice of My Blood, that throughout time and generations will shed the most precious Blood of the Lamb of God, so that all may receive Its Codes of Light and be redeemed."

This is the Body and the Blood of Whom gave His life for you up to the heights of Mount Calvary and suffered for humanity so that it may not lose the meaning of its existence and the perfect path of its soul.

Glory to God in the Highest, peace on Earth for all beings of good will.

And now that the Father has received the offering of the elements on the Altar and the offering of hearts, the time for the blessing through the divine infusion that the Father spreads for all the souls of the Earth and through the Work, the Science of the Holy Spirit, has come.

May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in all the beings of the Earth, so that you may be carriers of the peace and the Mercy of God, in order that wars, hunger, suffering and the despair of hearts may end.

For the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this country and in the world, I declare you My apostles and My companions and I give you My spiritual and paternal blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. (x3)

In fraternity and in compassion you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I was called by the sweet voice of your hearts; that is what truly drew Me here to be close to your spirits, to be able to engrave in your consciousnesses My Impulses of Light.

Through this scenario, we can understand and feel how much beauty God manifested for us.

The human being only needs to love in order to open the door to the Will of God, and through the steps taken in life, learn to live it.

I wanted so much to be here in Brazil! I counted each day to be able to be here with you. Because you know that I love you and I understand you and I hope for the best for your lives, what you really came to do here as consciousnesses, what you really came to fulfill and to manifest through the Gifts of God.

That which is so sacred and sublime, which is found in the inner world of each being, is what I have come to rescue from the human consciousness, especially from Brazil.

Because that inner and spiritual force of each human heart is what allows Me to be here, just like the other Spiritual Hierarchies, which come with the Silence of God, in complete neutrality, in order to aid the planet and humanity.

The human being of this time, within the end of these times, must establish in itself what it is, what God deposited in its essences since the beginning. That is what will cause the Earth to be repopulated with new attributes.

Good works, cooperation, the good, and the love of all beings is what will repopulate the Earth with new codes and principles.

Because while the world suffers and a large part of humanity is in agony, you have the Grace, companions, of having Me close as Consciousness and Spirit, as Soul and Divinity, that comes to the world in the name of God to awaken the human consciousness to its true reality, which until now it has never seen.

And through your prayers and your love, I have the permission of your souls and inner worlds to be able to help the planet, and the energy of Divine Mercy is able to reach places very unknown to you, where souls are thirsty for My Light and fervently plead for My Redeeming Love.

I come from the Universe, bringing the Consciousness of the Eternal Father so that humanity may become rescuable and does not miss the opportunity of growing inwardly, knowing that the values of faith and the principles of prayer will be what will transform the Earth and make of souls true Temples of God.

While I am here with you, I not only contemplate Brazil, but also the whole world, and I listen to the pleas of My servers and companions, calling them and elevating them through the Consciousness of God; because when I hear the prayer of My companions, I go to their aid.

When the prayer is fervent, it transforms many situations on the Earth, unimaginable things within and outside of the consciousness of beings, because the power of prayer is still unknown. For this reason, do not stop immersing yourselves in this school, because in this way, you will become rescuable beings and instruments at the service of God, collaborators in the maximum work of My Heart.

Today I have also come here to give you My blessing through the Sacraments. Because each time this spiritual practice is renewed, the greater the opportunities of redemption, of conversion, and awakening of the consciousnesses, and a Grace draws close to your lives to transform everything into something sacred, just as the Father needs it.

Today I want you to live this legacy as if for the first time, knowing that through it, you will be able to be renewed, healed, redeemed of your spiritual and inner ills, and as a result, you will heal humanity through the sacred offertory of your prayers and lives to the Kingdom of God.

Let these spiritual treasures be revived today by everyone.

May lives be restored through the Foot-washing,  may history be erased so that the power of the spirit of each being be reborn, and that through the Communion with My Body and with My Blood, the codes of My perfection may enter again into your essences and the temple of your souls, for this will allow you to understand many more things of the Spiritual Universe, of the Sacred Will of God for these defining times. From here is radiated the great Mirror of My Heart for the world.

The oceans do not only cry out for healing, but they also radiate their sacred energies to transform and sublimate the human consciousness.

The Elements unite with this divine conjuncture of the entry of the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe so that many more souls may be assisted, as well as everything that lives within this planet and that is greatly suffering.

Through the Sacraments, I come to restore your lives and give you the possibility of finding the true love, which will bring Redemption to the world.

So uplift your hearts before My Celestial Church and may your souls, in a deep silence, proclaim the offertory to the Celestial Father, so that more situations may be redeemed and restored, and especially, may Brazil not lose peace. Because the devotion that this people has before the Celestial Universe is what allows peace throughout the times and the generations, and thus, your spirits are also carriers of My Peace.

Today this peace is radiated to the world from the great Mirror of these oceans so that the angelic consciousness may descend, transfigure, and transform what has been corrupted; so that in the transformation of matter and of the spirit, the human consciousness may unify in God and thus, the Divine Grace may descend, which will always bring you gladness and the joy of living in the Celestial Father.

So let us begin, companions, with this consecration so that your lives may also be consecrated to My Sacred Heart, so that an extremely powerful Mercy, like an infinite tributary of Grace, of Compassion, and of Pity, may descend in this moment over Brazil and the world, so that peace, prosperity, and justice for this people may continue to be strengthened.

I have not lost hope of Brazil being the Eden of the New Humanity and that you will be part of this new Eden, which is not something physical, but profoundly inner and immaterial that can be reflected in a spiritual way upon everything created within the material Universe.

Brazil is the cradle of this future emergence. You are a transition so that this can take place.

God wants to establish Genesis here again, as it was in the beginning, so that everything that has been lived throughout the times and the eras may be erased, and the human being, in a profound rehabilitation, may again take the place that it lost after so many errors and deviations.

That is the work of the infinite Mercy of God and it is possible for these times. But first, companions, this will begin within you, in coexistence  with your families and loved ones, in the days of work and labor and in the important moments of prayer. 

Draw to the world the Attributes of the Universe, because humanity is sinking in a great abyss, and during the most difficult moment is when I will return. You should no longer hear My words, but rather feel and see My Presence; it will come from the Glory of the Celestial Father, from the Universe announcing the new time, the resurgence and the advent of hope.

May your faith be sustained by My Love and may your love be sustained by My Spirit, so that you may always be connected with Me in that perfect inner attunement with the Greater Universe.

Let us begin the ceremony.

We stand up.

Father of infinite life, Divine Breath of Spirit, Creator of all that exists in what is visible and invisible, through My Plea, the Plea of Your Divine Son, pour out all Your possible Graces, so that souls may be restored by the balm of Your Love and for Brazil to be constituted as the Promised Land. So be it.

With this water, Lord, bless all those who plead for You, through Your Grace and Your Mercy; that those who cry be consoled, those who suffer be relieved, the ill be healed, and the pain be erased, and may Your Divine Love and infinite Joy return to those who believe in You, so that Your Peace may be established for ever and ever. Amen.

Lord, You who are Life and Mercy, Who vivifies everything You touch and in Your Love re-ignites all who plead to You and also hear You; deposit Your Gifts in these elements so that souls be washed by Your Spirit and souls be healed by the sublime joy of Your infinite Love. So be it.

Wash the feet of the past, activate Your disciples, Lord, so that they may walk in faith and in love, they fulfill , Father, Your Divine Project in the four corners of the Earth. Amen.

And more than two thousand years ago, I left you an indelible spiritual legacy that reverberates throughout time and the generations. It is the great mystery of My Love for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

I remind you that at that time I took the bread, gave thanks to God for this Sacrifice, and told My apostles: "Take and all eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me until the end of times."

And upon this bread I leave not only the transubstantiation of My Eucharistic Body, faithfully adored by all the adorers on the Earth, but also I leave My cellular Christic Code, that which achieved perfection in the Passion and the Death.

In the same way, I took the Chalice that the holy women had specially prepared for Me, and God blessed It. I gave thanks for that Sacrifice and said to My apostles: "Take and all drink from It, for this is My Blood of the new covenant between beings and God; Blood that will be preciously spilled by humankind, for the forgiveness of all errors. Do this also in Remembrance of Me until I return in the end of times to give you My living Word."

I transubstantiate this element into My precious Blood in the presence of the Celestial Choirs and in offering to the Celestial Father for the sincerity of all the souls present and united with Me in this moment, for the Redemption of humanity, the conversion of hearts, and the renewal of life. So be it.

In gladness and joy, companions, avail yourselves of these sacred elements that manifest the Sacrifice of the Son of God for humanity and the inextinguishable opportunity for each one of you to learn to love more each day, just as I love you for all eternity.

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
Amen. (x3)

May the Unity, Love, and Peace that come from the eternal Heart of the Celestial Father be in your hearts, in all of Brazil, and humanity, so that the new Christs may emerge that will repopulate the Earth with the infinite Codes of My Love.

As I said to My apostles, today I say to you: "I give you My Peace so that you may live My Peace and take peace to all the corners of the Earth."

In remembrance of My spiritual Legacy, for the Sacrifice, Passion, and Death of Our Lord, I fraternally ask you to give each other the greeting of peace so that Peace may be in Brazil.

I thank you for having been with Me today.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We give each other the greeting of peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Place in My Heart what you need most.

Open your heart to receive My Mystery, the deepest revelation of My Love for you, and quench the thirst of your spirit from the Fount of My Heart.

Shelter yourselve in My Mantle in the harsh winters of the desert.

Warm your soul with My Fire and transform all doubts into Light.

Remove from your interior everything that weighs on you and hold me tight to feel My Strength.

Abandon me, but not as you think.

Embrace me with joy so that I may empty you.

Dissolve from your interior everything that does not want to be transformed yet.

Take refuge in Me and feel the joy of living in God.

Leave the world and enter into Me, because in this way you will know what I need, so you will receive what I have saved for you, and your soul will vivify the greatness of being in God and receiving His Kingdom, from time to time, without limits or forms.

I want you to deposit in My Heart what you still do not understand, I want you to remove from you what you still do not accept, because all that you live is what you have cultivated in your life, nobody has responsibility in that.

Everything you experience is part of a transformation, just as I transformed the human condition.

When I ask you to abandon Me, it is not for you to leave me, but so that you surpass Me in love, because someone must do something greater than what I did.

And I will stop being your Master when you have learned what the Universe needs, and in this way, you will open the door so that new masters are able to guide you, who exist in the Universe and are part of My Brotherhood.

Until you reach the great Avatar, you must go through many masters, because many schools are experienced in the souls that choose to follow me.

Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.

Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.

Great Masters wait to guide humanity. Their Silence is already eternal, but it is time for them to speak to bring the great revelation, in the end of these times.

They know their dwelling places. They obey My Principles and thus unite with all the Laws. They live in perfect harmony with the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental, and material, and are part of that great chain of Light that vibrates in the heights of the Universe, in the heavenly vault of the Hierarchy.

They have intervened many times in humanity. Many in the East and some in the West.

The mastery of the great Masters is sovereign because their essence is based on Love-Wisdom.

Each one comes from a special sphere of the Universe, each one has emerged from a great experience they had in recent times.

They are the masters of loyalty and of wisdom.

They make up one of the seventy-seven Wills of God and in their inner world envisage the expression of one of the Holy Names of God, Adonai.

For the Masters, Knowledge emerges from the Source of Wisdom.

Service for the Universe makes them humble and resigned, in likeness to the Master of Love. They have prepared for this planetary moment and have visited the world many times, to learn about the existence of this humanity and what My Father has conceived of for this human Project

And so, you are all part of a story that is being written in a Sacred Book; you are part of a story that tries to be corrected, aligned, and be united with the Universe.

The Masters are emanations of Love-Wisdom and they know through their experience, the christic life.

They were in Shambhala and then in the heights of Peru.

They know all human history, so similar to the palms of their hands, or the lines on their faces.

Wisdom has been achieved by them; It is the fruit of the Love of God, because they try to carry forward His Will: holy, full and peaceful.

They will come to the aid of those who say ‘yes’, no matter where your find yourselve or where you are. They will meet you to take you to the Truth.

They have been designated by the Eternal Father, through the Archangels who created them, to help the humanity at the end of these times, to safeguard the Project of God, as well as the Father once protected you through the incarnation of his Divine Son in the humble manger of Bethlehem.

They had knowledge of My Birth, they honored My Presence and bowed down before the Son-God; there they were initiated for this moment, for this transition of the Earth and this change of cycle in humanity.

Now they will call everyone by their origins and thus awaken the talents of Creation, they will teach deeper things than what I have taught because they already live them, they are part of them.

They have something inextinguishable on their breasts. With their hand they trace the line of the Brotherhood. They are known for their wisdom and discernment.

Any humanity existing in the universe knows who they are, because they emanate what they truly are and what they have transcended throughout time, everything that has unified them in the great chain of the Confraternity.

They know the planet because they have contemplated it many times and they know about the history of this civilization.

In essence, they know what God thought of in the beginning and today they work in silence and in harmony in order to be able to support the ardent desire of God in humanity, that the men and women of the Earth come to know true happiness, which is not physical, but internal.

I Am one of those Masters of Wisdom and I have been present in the East as well as in the West.

Through My Words I am revealing to you a story written in the Mirrors, something that is being refracted to Earth at this time through the doors of the Universe that are open.

Aurora welcomes this information and this knowledge, and all internal beings prostrate themselves on the ground, for being in front of the Source of Wisdom, which has manifested many times in the world and in their humanity through the Masters who have incarnated to teach the true essence of Love and the Sacred Spirit of Unity, which is something that comes from the Eternal.

Today, the Lord of lords and the Master among masters brings you the synthesis of everything experienced on Earth and the loving contributions of Love that have come through the Masters to this humanity.

That is why there is still time to be able to rescue the world, even if the abysses are shaken in the world. Mercy is leading souls to redemption.

Receive this knowledge and remember it. This story is to be found in the memory of your cells, this legacy is in the depths of your spirits.

In truth, you are something totally different from what you truly believe you are.

The Masters will gather their disciples together and will emit their great summons to humanity.

Different races and people will be assembled and they will all be gathered together for prayer, when the world is in its great definition and the moon will be clothed again in the color of blood.

From Mars will come help, and relief will come from Venus.

The Moon will be a witness to that moment, because its aspect will be completely transformed, as it never was transformed before. At that moment everything will have been said, the Masters will already be present on Earth to guide the last tribes that were self-summoned.

At that time no color, race, or nation will exist, all will be recognized by what is inside of them.

Thus, in this moment let the great Master polish you, for the Light within you must shine again.

Recognize the Master that you have so long searched for within you and carry out your great mission on Earth, because you will be called to serve in unexplainable situations and in climactic moments of humanity.

There is when I will see My Church emerge from the depths of hearts and My Word will be alive in you, My Fire will be eternal in each one of you, and that will move you to live the Plan.

Transform humanity with your acts of love, redeem the Earth with your examples of peace, and thus, with My own Eyes I will be able to see the New Christs emerging from the imperfections and the miseries, transformed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, colonizing the Earth with new attributes, carrying the message of the great revelation and being carriers of peace.

For this reason, do not let yourselves be carried away by any message other than Mine. You must have discernment in the moment of hearing, that makes you grow in the Truth and will have you mature in Love.

In My Words are kept the vibrations of your destiny. Happy are those who adopt them and live them because they will be transformed and will not allow themselves to be defeated by anyone.

Be intelligent and you will be able to live the Plan.

If I am here, it is because the Plan continues, otherwise, I would not be here and the Plan would not be fulfilled.

Follow the Law of the Hierarchy and you will be in the necessary protection.

Those who are not here is because they have not understood Me, but I will be the one who will judge them.

Now it is time to move forward and to advance.

There are still souls that die without seeing the Light, there are still hearts that do not receive love, I am still in sick bodies, that need healing.

I am still in the world waiting for you to recognize Me in the one who has been forgotten, in the brother or sister who is imprisoned, in the heart that has closed, out of fear and apprehension.

I give you the authority to love the world much more than I loved it, I still hope that you can take that great step.

The Kingdoms of Nature still wait to be more loved.

The New Christs will not just be human, the Creation that already exists will also be able to be the new Christic life on the planet, completely redeemed and healed by the hands that give of themselves to serve it, and the hearts that surrender to love it.

The planet waits for your unconditional love and for your great awareness in support of its restoration.

Everyone has a place to serve and to be able to grow in love. That is why My Arms are open for all, and My Heart is expanded for all. It offers itself as a refuge for your redemption, for the dissolution of doubts and blame, of the misunderstandings and incomprehension.

Whoever is in Me, will be in the Light of God and will be able to renew yourselves until achieving your great awakening.

Closing the doors of universal knowledge, I open the doors to the sacramental ceremony, so that the celestial Church may descend and the Sacred Will be carried out.

The time is coming when you must review My Words many times, because I will no longer be able to continue speaking to you.

All I have given you is all that I Am, but there is still to be revealed the great mystery of the Son of God, of Who He truly is. When I returns to the world for the second time, there you will get to know this revelation, and everyone will be aware of this.

Let us be immersed in the Celestial Church.

Let us adore the Sacred Heart of the Father, let us glorify His Name together with the angels of heaven, so that souls may merge into your pure and original essence. Amen.

We can stand up for the consecration.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ that always renews you, unconditionally offered for the healing of souls and as a balm of peace for all hearts. Happy will be those who avail themselves of Them in this Sacred Sacrament of the altar.

Lord, I am not worthy of You entering my house,

but one Word from You will be enough to heal me.


Our father...

Please come up here, Guissepe, Luci, and Mateus.

May Your Power, Father, descend through My Body so that souls may vivify the wholeness of Your Spirit.

Father, may Your Grace descend through My Blood, so that souls may be washed of everything and be reborn in the sublime Fire of Your Love. Amen.

Celestial Father Who leads everyone,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will go to Heaven with My task accomplished, full of the love of those who are self-summoned in My Name, carrying this experience of transformation to the Thrones of God, so that He may contemplate it in His infinity of Grace and of Mercy.

And now, in the name of love and of sacred unity, you will give each other the greeting of peace so that peace may expand to the Earth.

I thank you for having been with Me on this special anniversary.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the inner planes, I show My experience of the Passion, because I need the most contrary forces of this planet to learn to be redeemed and to turn into Light. And although that may appear impossible for the world, when the Scepter of God is taken by My Hand and your Master descends to the world, darkness will end.

You will no longer see faces with tears, nor people suffering, because the planet will have been purified, will have already gone through the last phase, the most acute one for humanity. And so you will see the signs in Heaven that I have revealed to you at other times: signs that will indicate a new time for the awakening of a new consciousness.

The New Testament will be fulfilled, because in these times I have rewritten the story in the souls that listen to Me, in the hearts that are within Me in solemnity, in the spirits that perpetually adore Me.

The Archangel Gabriel will come, bringing the Tables of the Law; and in this way, what humanity has never known will be revealed to the world: are the Tables of God, the eternal Laws that live in His Celestial Universe.

That will be the moment in which the world will enter into judgment and your Master and Shepherd will presence this event.

But from a very unknown place will come the Woman clothed with the Sun, bringing under Her mantle millions of fallen stars, which as essences, She will place at the Feet of the Creator.

And in the presence of the Holy Archangels, at a certain moment, you will see a very powerful sign, like hundreds of storms all together, that explode in the Heavens to emanate Light.

This will be the Archangel Saint Michael, who will bury His Sword of Light in the planet, burning the last cores of damnation; and everything that was the rival will be defeated by the testimony of His Infinite Love to the Supreme Source.

In this time, souls will no longer feel lost, nor lack in guidance, because your King will be here to entrust you with new challenges, to accomplish new goals, to manifest the New Humanity, that will be full of gratitude, that will be vivified by Love, the Love that has always prevailed throughout all time.

And the Woman clothed with the Sun will intercede one last time, after having escaped the desert, from the great beast that seeks Her children.

But the shadowy one will be confused, because its fallen stars, the last rescued stars, will become part of Her Crown of Light, of the Crown of Light of the Great Lady of all times.

The Crown will illuminate the planet, will illuminate the nations, will fill to the brim with Graces the spirits that never received a opportunity.

Your Master will also be a witness to this. He will write with His own Hand in the Book of God this great event, in which the Lady of the Light will have triumphed over evil. 

Those who have been marked by the Seal of God will be recognized in this next time and many will not believe that this is possible. For this reason, the Son of Man comes again to meet with you, to gestate in essences this moment, a moment that is non-material and that will become material in all this world.

When Archangel Gabriel arrives with the Tables of the Law, many things will end and those who have lived the martyrdom of the times will be freed of their captivity.

There will no longer be man or woman in this world that is able to govern the planet, because the Almighty will show Himself through the Resplendence of His Divine Son.

All the cultures and all the people will recognize Him, because they will know that He comes from the Source of Love, from which everything has emerged and begun.

That is why you are receiving the sacraments in this time. Do not think that a Sacrament is just another sacrament, because if your brothers and sisters live it, you too will be living it.

I invite you to enter into eternal Communion, to be able to understand the Divine Knowledge.

These are My last Words for the world, My task is finishing, and when it ends, you must enter into vigilance, because from that point, everything will happen.

Today I am telling you this for real, not so that you be afraid, but for you to grow in consciousness and always, always step outside of yourselves. And in this way, you will be able to see what the true reality is.

Many will come knocking on your doors in various ways to ask: what have you experienced here? Some will seek help and others will seek to have you lose the faith you live in Me.

That will be the moment when the world will be on trial, and if John, who baptized Me in the Jordan River, gave his head for Me, who will give it for Me now?

My Project in this time is bold, but My Victory is unknown by My eternal rival.

I come to make of your lives a new dwelling place, so that you may be strengthened. And if sometimes you feel that I have spoken these words many times, ask yourselves if in truth you have heard them attentively. I come to repeat what humanity has not yet learned, because it is necessary to grow inwardly, to be a soldier of the Light in the end of times.

Do not think now about who will give their head for Me, because I will not let that happen. A lot of blood is already spilled in this world through the wars and many innocents suffer all the unimaginable things of those who want to govern.

I bring you the true Government of the Universe, one that is far from the lie and deceit, from illusion or appearance, from materialism or impunity.

I wish you could enter this Universal Government, which is formed by many Consciousnesses of the Light.

The time has come for you to, in this month of August, enter the domain of the Brotherhood and for your lives to, on the surface of this Earth, be mirrors of the Centers of Love, of all the islands of salvation that I will gradually activate in the end of these times.

So everything you live, offer it to Me, as a sacrifice, as an opportunity of maturing your love and of expanding the consciousness beyond the stars.

I do not wish you to leave here distracted, feeling and thinking the same, but rather growing in the Truth that will make you free, just as humanity needs to be free from its own spiritual illness.

I come to bring you the healing you need, but I also come to offer you the surrender you need, because that will make you more merciful, full in Unity and in Grace.

Not all will be here when the Universal Judgment takes place. That does not mean that it will be delayed, because the first steps of this Judgment have already begun. But yes, all will be called, regardless of the place where they are, or the plane of consciousness they inhabit.

All, absolutely all, will be called by Me; the believers and the non-believers, the atheists, the humble, the peacemakers, and also those who have deceived this humanity throughout time.

Archangel Gabriel will call all of you and Archangel Michael will order the lines of this Universal Judgment. Through His sword and the emanation of His Light, He will indicate the different contingents where you all should be, to declare to the Universe.

In that moment, it will be the loving Divine Justice that will act and nobody*, nobody will escape this Justice.

Happy will be those who have followed the Dame of the Light, because they will be on the correct paths, on the pathways that will take them to the Kingdom of God.

The last one that will be called will be the father that has fallen, one of the twelve archangels, but the Earth in that moment will be a little more uplifted; unimaginable things will be seen, because it is its own hell that will be seen on the surface.

The planet will be in a golden ruby fire, a thousand times more than a sunset. That will call the attention of humanity, because everyone will already know that they will be judged, not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to change, and of living new instructions, in other points of the Universe.

I know that not all understand what I am saying today.

So that you can understand what I tell you, through so many symbols, review My Words as many times as necessary, because  remember that My Words are not wasted and if they are lost from you, it is because you are not attentive, in order to grow in consciousness.

I confess that I can count on only one Hand, those who read all My Messages.

I am not complaining about your lack of love for My eternal Plan, for the Divine Instruction and the Sacred Knowledge. The most important thing for Me is that your hearts grow and expand in Love, just as you have demonstrated today, bringing hope to the world.

Do not feel judged. I am the Lord of Divine Mercy and Mercy is in My Words, no matter how direct they may seem.

I open My Heart of Light in this afternoon of this month of August to reveal the Mysteries to you that are very far from souls, very far from the true consciousness. But your prayers have allowed that.

After forty-nine meetings, today I can tell you all these things, because your hearts are softer, more flexible, to hear the Word of your Lord. If I had told you this at the first Marathon of Divine Mercy, you would have already left Me behind, or you would have thought that all this was a big lie.

See through My Presence, the Presence of God, the Patience of the Father, the Love of the Son, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

You have the key, through prayer, to change the world. For this reason, My Holy Mother, through the ages, has repeated to you: pray with the heart and do not tire of doing so, because if you pray, you will not be mistaken nor will you step outside the Law, like the world does every day, abandoning the Love of the Universe and the Mercy of the Father.

Your missionary hearts are already prepared to know the Truth and know, consciously how to disseminate it , without changing My Words, nor modifying My Message, because it could be lethal.

I choose each word with love, to be able to pronounce it to My companions. Because each word that comes from My Lips is Living Water.

If I come from the Source, you must be satiated through Me, not because I am better than you.

I Am the Great Slave of God, Who has surrendered to redeem the world.

I Am Jesus, the Nazarene, but also, I Am the Universal Christ.

My Consciousness has risen up to the Father so that at the end of these times, I am able to uplift humanity from its permanent deviation.

Feel gladness for all that I tell you, because you are waking up to a reality that is unknown by the majority of the world.

I come in this way, to give you, through these worlds, the revelation of the Glorified Christ for the end of these times.

Remember that you signed the commitment of being here, in this time, and in this humanity, living this transition of the whole planet.

From you may emerge the possibility of changing everything.

From you may emerge the Grace of being able to love beyond how this world loves, just as the Father loves.

Through My Wounds, I come to leave the signs for the end times.

Through My Heart, I come to give you the symbol for your awakening.

Never cease to be sincere hearts, because in this way, you will be protected from yourselves.

Be like My sincere Heart that comes, in this time, to transform everything, to make of this humanity a civilization that can be rescued from the most profound miseries, from the most extensive abysses, in which My Love will triumph.

I want to hear your sincere hearts through this Glory that is descending, so that many more hearts wake up to the definition of these times, of being in love, or in indifference.

I want to hear your sincere hearts, as if you were singing to a child that must learn to survive in these times.

Sing this song softly, while your hearts become sincere with Mine; because the great definition is coming for this world in flames, in which the peacemakers must achieve the goal so that the Kingdom of God may be established.

I'm listening

We stand up.

Pray for the world... canto No. 93

From the most intimate of My Heart I leave Peace for you, for the whole world. Amen.

May the Lord always bless you, keep you, and make you happy in His Celestial Kingdom.

May your feet be free to walk toward the near future, in which the new christs will repopulate the Planet. Let it be so.

We place our hands in the sign of reception.

Receive from the most sublime of My Consciousness, the gifts of the Light, which will make the servants of Christ souls committed to My Plan of Love and of Redemption.

May this Light that I place today over your hands be carefully guarded.

Call for this Light when you are being tested, or in some conflict, because know that My Light, is the Light of My Father, is the Love of the Source for all of this Creation.

Now, hold it.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being here today with Me and for having the courage to listen to My Revelations of the end of these times.

Remember to be guardians of My Words and My Messages, because the souls most in need will come to meet you to seek what you found. They will come with the hope of regaining peace, and this is everybody's task.

I thank you.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.

Now for the last time let us sing Sincere Heart, offering this song in gratitude like a prayer.

*Jesus has lowered His Eyes, looking at the ground.


I bring Peace to a place where Peace does not exist, this is why I have come here, seeking from you a true response that is able to encompass My Heart, through all of your pleas.

From this place, I come to withdraw what causes pain and all mistakes.

With My Hand, I come to separate what causes the children of God to lose the path of Light and Love.

This is why I have come here in spirit, under the Spirit of My father, to awaken your consciousnesses to something that is necessary in these times, which is to be consistent, as a Nation and as a people, with the Plans of God, which, in spite of being unknown by all, must be carried out with the surrender of your hearts to My Redeeming Purpose, which must reach many more consciousnesses throughout the world.

In this way, you will be able to understand, companions, how important your step is in the face of all that is happening in the world, and that which will still take place in this Nation.

I cannot promise you great things in this place, I can only promise you My Kingdom, which is safe and eternal for all hearts.

Thus, companions, beginning with your true step, My Work will expand and reach those hearts that are still closed, that do not know the greatness of My Love nor the power of My Mercy.

Today, companions, I came to bring you a unique opportunity of confirming your souls to consecration, the consecration that is important so that many more Graces may descend upon those who do not deserve them.

And why do I tell you this? Because the power of My Mercy transcends all limits and barriers, all errors and obstacles throughout time and within all of humanity.

If you accept this Fount of Mercy, which is immaterial and luminous, your spirits, which expect this, will be deeply grateful to you from the moment in which you opened your consciousnesses to the call of My Word, to the proclamation of My Divine Spirit, for each one of you, and for each one of your brothers and sisters.

It is thus that the Eternal Father, in His infinite Mercy and through the intercession of His Divine Son, has decided, companions, to continue with this pilgrimage, that is not only material, but profoundly spiritual, guided by the One Source so that the majority of hearts may be touched by this Great Redeeming Spirit.

Because in truth, I tell you, companions, that this is the last chance for awakening the consciousnesses to the truth that many have not seen.

It is for this reason that today I come from a far away desert, which is part of your North American nation, a very well-known desert that must also be consecrated in its austerity and solitude to My Sacred Heart.

However, as I know, companions, many of you do not have knowledge of the true reality that takes place in the deserts of the world. Your Master of Love, before coming here on this day, thus placed His Feet upon that place to deactivate many things that must not happen in humanity.

Thus, by means of the renewal that I bring for each one of your lives and with the impulse of your hearts, to embrace this great proposal of My Eternal Heart of Love, I invite you to contemplate with your hearts the whole Creation of God that, on this Planet and in this humanity, is being destroyed and forgotten by most.

You may ask yourselves, companions, why I am taking you to the desert of New Mexico? Because just like the rest of the deserts of the world, which are a part of a spiritual task, of the transcendence of humanity, of its human condition through the inner desert, I request that, through this example, you may contemplate the deserts of the world, that each one of you may be able to find Me in that desert of New Mexico, just as you have found Me in Shambhala, in Chilca, as well as in the desert of Atacama.

Just like the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth, who reveals the power of Her Mirrors to you, the immaterial communication between souls and God throughout the deserts of the world, I demonstrate the possibility of finding the God of Love, the God of Forgiveness, the God of Divine Mercy within each one of you.

Through this desert that I have crossed today, I tried to renew many principles that in essence are a part of the spiritual consciousness of this humanity, especially of your Nation and your people which, like the ancient peoples of the desert, must recover not only your original purity, but mainly your wisdom so that you can make decisions under the protection and guidance of the divine Laws of God, which are altered in these times by human deeds, by human actions, by the response humanity gives to the true need for reconciliation, for forgiveness and for the redemption of all human consciousnesses before God.

I thus came to withdraw something that darkens souls, so that they might be illuminated by My Spirit.

In this definitive hour, in which everything is at stake within and outside of beings, in which all your paths are facing a great definition and the possibility of a profound awakening of the higher consciousness, for each one of the human beings.

And this will be possible, companions, through a Law that you have forgotten, which the whole North American consciousness has forgotten, which is the Law that is manifesting today before your eyes and hearts: the Law of Love, of Love-Wisdom, which will lead you to find the path that many have lost.

And so it is that at My right I open a door for you, a new door, so that at My side and within Me, you may begin a new stage, a new path, a new pathway, toward the eternal redemption of all aspects that have led the North American people into errors and wars, into conflicts, into the disharmony of the nations of the world.

I invite you to enter the doorway of humility for, in this way, the Eternal Father will see within your hearts a true rather than superficial surrender.

As My Mother has requested in Fatima in 1917, so that war might end and evil may be uprooted from the world, She revealed the Purity of Her Immaculate Heart, which can be venerated by all souls of the world, regardless of religion or beliefs.

This doorway to humility that I open for you today is a definitive door that will lead you to be closer to God and within His Project of Love, which He wishes to carry out in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.

It will depend on this step, of crossing this threshold towards a true surrender that you lovingly and through your prayerful word will open the doors for all those who have had them spiritually closed for centuries.

See then, companions, how far the power of the Love of My Mercy can go.

Thus, I am returning, although many do not believe so.

Happy are those who experience each one of My Words and make them flesh of their own flesh.

For, in this way, they will be with Me, step by step, moment by moment, and they will be able to help those who have denied these revelations of the end of times, and they will be able to help those who have mocked Our Sacred Presences.

Happy are the humble, blessed are the joyful, because they will be worthy of seeing the Redeemer in His greatest Glory and in His true aspect, the aspect of His Existence, of His intimate and eternal Union with the Creator.

And now that some of you have humbled yourselves for many more who do not humble themselves before the Celestial Father, we will perform this inner communion with My Sacred Heart.

Through the communion and the offering that each one of your souls make to the Eternal, at this moment, so that the Purpose of God in this Nation and in this humanity may be fulfilled, with the angels of the Universe who adore My Sacred Heart as a Source of Wonder and of Grace, I invite you, companions, to free yourselves of your sins, of your wounds, of all your misunderstandings, of your obstacles, of all the bindings and chains that throughout time have not let you be worthy children of God.

Remember that the Holy Communion on this Friday is for this whole Nation, and as an act of thanks for the presence of your Humble Master of Love in this beloved land.

Prayer of the Angel of Peace done three times, in English.

The incense is the offering of all the angels of the Universe to all the holy archangels, Creator Fathers of the Celestial Universe, who through this sacred element exorcise the forces of the Universe, free the spaces and consecrate the dimensions to the Light of the Creator.

With the authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, may all evil be released and souls be reborn to the power of My Redeeming Love.

This is the water that purifies, that sanctifies, that blesses souls with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and with Its immaterial presence throughout  the whole Universe.

This is the Living Symbol of My Blood and My Body, preciously poured out for the salvation of the souls of the world and for all planes of consciousness.

This is the Grail that is coming to radiate Its codes of awakening and redemption within all of humanity.

I invite you to re-experience My Last Supper, especially those who have never done so, so that you open your hearts and your souls to receive the definite union with the Almighty through this communion.

Let us sing.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
