In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come with the announcement of a night illuminated by the stars, but also by the Sun. I come as the Universal Aurora to fulfill what I have promised to My children of the Earth: to awaken the Creatures of God in the end time.
All possible signs are being delivered. The Spiritual Hierarchy works in this, this means a planetary, but also a cosmic movement.
The very elements of the universe, the strength and the union of the planets and the stars, foretell the time of the coming of My Son. Just as it has been said to all, there will be signs in Heaven, there will be signs on the Moon, there will be signs on the Sun, there will be signs within you.
And it is time for this to be fulfilled, dear children, because the Heavenly Father allowed it in view of the sensitive and grave planetary moment. The Heavenly Father wants to save His favorite Project, humanity.
Therefore, the wise and gifted Hierarchies work tirelessly to accomplish this end and this purpose. That is why today I present Myself to the world as the Universal Aurora, as the Sacred Feminine Energy that leads Her children to God, guarding them all in Her Immaculate Heart so that souls may stop suffering and enduring.
Beloved children, in spite of the signs of the universe, at the end of these times, which foretell the arrival and Return of Christ, I know that for many of My children it is still difficult to understand and accept that painful and even inexplicable experiences are lived, that souls live these experiences, many of them being prayerful and servants.
Could it be that this represents for you a punishment from God?
In Garabandal, I announced to you something similar; but I never told you that God would punish you, because God is not a judge, but a Father of eternal and infinite Mercy.
I announced to you in Garabandal that the time was ending for humankind, just as I announced in Fatima, Portugal, that humankind on the surface of the Earth had strayed from love and peace.
That is why, My children, within all groups of souls, at the end of these times, and in an unknown and, I would say, inexplicable way, there are souls who have offered to suffer for many more souls. And this does not mean a punishment, but a silent and anonymous service, just as My Beloved Son did for you until He died on the Cross.
This is something inexplicable for the souls of this time. For this reason, for some souls it could become painful. But understand, dear children, that My Beloved Son has very few and true apostles.
This is a reality and I do not want to bother you, My children. Just as Christ carried out His important task on Earth with so few apostles, in this time, in a similar way, My Son carries out His task with few apostles.
But this does not mean that there may not be other apostles in the world; it means, My children, that the apostles must be determined and devoted to Christ, so that He may carry out His spiritual task and especially His mission of return to Earth, through hearts that are depositories of His redeeming and consoling Love.
Today, My beloved children, you dedicated your prayers for peace in the nations. Again and again I will tell you, and I will not tire of telling you, that the prayer for the nations of the world and for their angels, for the angel of each nation of this world, at this time is fundamental and I would say essential that many hearts and many souls, like yours, join in this purpose.
Because from the first day that I asked you to found the Prayer for Peace in the Nations and to learn to pray in different languages the loving declaration of the Archangel Gabriel to My Immaculate Heart, the main cause of this spiritual and internal task is to appease the anger of the elements of nature, the lack of control of the planet, the balance of the axis of the Earth and mainly the end of wars; so that the time of peace, love and unity among the creatures of the same project and of the same purpose may be established.
Therefore, remember this cause of the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, because not only you or your families will be protected by praying the Holy Rosary for this cause of the Blessed Mother, but you will also help with your prayers and supplications so that the world will no longer be agitated, so that wars will no longer be aggravated, that conflicts no longer take place, that peace may be established, that faith may not disappear, that love may not dissolve, that unity may allow the descent of Grace into souls and hearts and, above all, that the soul and consciousness of this planet may be maintained in its balance.
Now, do you understand, My dear children, in how many causes the Mother of God works?
That is why I return here, again and again, to meet My beloved and dear children who have already left the school of little children, to enter the school of adulthood and spiritual maturity, a place and space where all the Hierarchies need to have you at this time, in this definitive cycle.
Therefore, I encourage and urge you, My children, as I asked you in the last Message, to decide to grow internally, so that the pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy on the planet are not only strengthened in the hearts and souls who serve God, but also that these pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy become a reality on this wounded and outraged surface so that everything, absolutely everything, can be healed and regenerated.
Now, do you understand why I come today as the Universal Aurora?
Through the signs of the night, through the signs of the day, through the signs in every heart; I come to remind you, My children, that humanity is in urgent need of healing and peace, and this healing and peace will be completed at the Return of Christ to Earth.
Today, I open for all the Temple of My Mirror Heart, just as this lake opens spiritually as a mirror in donation to capture in the impulses of the Heavenly Mother and to radiate them to the whole world.
Through this simple but beautiful place, I want, My children, that your souls see themselves reflected in this mirror, so that you can rediscover in yourselves your origins and can start from scratch from there, reviving the Values and the Principles of God that the world needs so much in order to experience healing and redemption.
May the Spiritual Light that descends to the world through Mount Shasta, relieve the suffering souls who live the climatic catastrophes, raise again the hearts that have lost faith because of suffering and unify the essences with Our Father-Mother Creator.
How simple but profound is the beauty of God's Creation! He has given us everything, absolutely everything, so that we would be happy from the beginning of this Project.
In order for you to reach that spiritual happiness and that heavenly joy, beloved children, be obedient for those who are not obedient. Thus the world, under the protection of the Law of Love, will find peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
May you all be in My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.
I give you the blessing of My Son and of the Almighty, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
The united family is God's most precious gift. The family is the original treasure of the Eternal Father's Project.
Throughout the ages and the different humanities, the spiritual archetype of the family has been present so that, in the union between its members, the authentic and spontaneous virtue that each family has is represented.
Each family, for God, has a purpose in life. Each family has a goal to achieve and concretize; but that concretion of the spiritual purpose of the family does not happen separately, but the family, in the persevering exercise of understanding, tolerance and love, beyond all things, will allow the expression of that spiritual gift that each member of the family has to manifest.
In other times, as it was for the Holy Family of Nazareth, that Gift of God, reflected through the family by means of charity, service and help to the needy, opened the internal doors so that new families could be formed, the cell of the Project of God could be enlarged and the souls that formed the groups of families could reach the same virtues that the Holy Family of Nazareth once reached.
Today, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, once again emanate internally and spiritually the same impulse that was gestated on the Sacred Birth of Jesus, so that the families may be under the shelter and protection of their spiritual purpose, so that the families of the world, martyred and persecuted today by all the threats of these times, may carry forward the expression of that archetype of the family, that is authentic and original in every family that was formed.
Therefore, the novena for the families of the whole world, in this month of December, reminds us that the family is the center of the New Humanity and the possible fulfillment of the Will of the Father through families.
I pray every day for families.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As an ocean of Cosmic Light, I come to the world, to have souls become immersed in the great Essence of God, so that, in this Infinite and Eternal Essence, souls may find again the path toward their origin, toward the first Law and toward the first Purpose that created them in this sacred immaterial universe.
In union with this Eternal Essence of God, may the souls incarnated in this world find the path of return to the House of the Father. Through the secure door of My Heart, they find again the Principles that emerged and came forth in the Origin, for the manifestation and expression of each divine essence.
For this reason, I place you within this universe of Light, which was the first to emerge and become manifested before the Law of Creation, before all existed in the sacred mental universe. And in this material universe, that Light of the Divine Origin was what manifested itself before did the Creator Fathers, known as the angels and archangels.
And today, because of an emergency and a great necessity, humanity is in contact with this unknown pattern, which is an Attribute of God. In truth, it was His first Thought, before His Project manifested itself in the dimensions and on the planes of consciousness.
It is in this Light that you will manage to be nothing. You will become immersed in the void, to be completed by the Sacred Matrices of the All.
I know that today I Am speaking to you through symbols and analogies, but open your hearts so that this Law, which today descends upon the planet for the first time, may touch what is most supreme in your spirits, so that they may be filled by this Higher Light, which slowly transforms all forms and principles, converting them according to the Will of God.
This is how it is possible to correct this Human Project, through a minimum representation of humanity that says ‘yes’ to the Call of the Master.
But today it is not just Jesus the Christ that is here with you, but the One who is speaking to you is His Face of Ascension, that Face that was able to touch the Higher Spheres, and was welcomed by the great Masters and Hierarchies to begin to live the Spiritual Government.
Because My Spiritual Government begins to concretize itself and become a reality first in the hearts of the anonymous beings, of all those who are devoted to Me, and do not fear the righteousness of My Laws, because what I promise to you for the next life is something very great. It is in no way similar to what you live here on Earth, in this world of afflictions and sadness.
I, as the Son of God and the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, incarnated among the men and women of the Earth to announce the Good News, carry the Cross of the sins of the world, endure, suffer and die for you, and then resurrect in Glory on the third day.
You must live the same school, but a school of first dying to yourselves, to all that in which you believe and that you know, to all personal and individualistic convictions.
To attain the Kingdom of the Heavens in the next life, you must not only become detached, but you must also become divested of yourselves. You cannot bring the burdens of this world to the Paradise, because your spirits learn, in this school of redemption, to fly quite high, like birds, so as to merge in the Light with the Divine Essence of the Father.
This Light, which I bring you today from the Creative Essence, was the same that inspired the first twelve main archangels to design the Plan in this material universe. A Plan that first had to be permeated by the mental and ultra-terrestrial forms so that it might follow the principle of the Good and of unity, something that is not lived in the world today, and this unity and this good are not seen in all places of the Earth.
Therefore, companions, so that this Divine Light of God’s Essence may permeate the most corrupt particles of your beings and of the beings of the Earth, and for the corrupt to be transformed into what is incorrupt, you must first take the steps toward the total surrender of attaining the emptiness of yourselves, and of living the different degrees of renunciation, which is not about sacrifices or sufferings, but rather a gradual divestment that will free you from the concrete and corrupt forms, which you know as spiritual ties and prisons.
Today I present to you this apparently abstract Message so that your minds and consciousnesses may come out of the normal form and may enter the great geometry of what is immaterial and unknown, from which all eternally emerges and manifests itself.
All this, and much more, through the Divine essence of God, is what your Master and Lord found when He ascended to the Heavens.
And through the sacred ministry of the Eucharist, through the institution of the Body and Blood of Christ for souls, these first Matrices descended so that, after two-thousand years of spiritual and priestly exercise, souls and hearts in this end of times could have the Grace of receiving, on this day and for the first time, this spiritual impulse that My Ascensional Face brings. In this way, everything will have the opportunity of redemption, so that you will always know and remember that there is a way out beyond the lesson being learned or the school, beyond what it means and represents for you.
This is the ocean of the Divine Light of God, which invades and blesses the orbit of the Earth today, so that all beings of the Earth, all of this humanity, may receive the Grace of redemption, which perhaps they do not deserve, because all this is for one reason: for Love.
As this Law, which acts today through My Words, is unknown to you, this is as far as I can go today, because all has its time and moment for God. Although the schools among you are so different, the Light of the Divine Essence of God is not selective, it blesses all creatures without exception.
Lastly, I want to tell you, so that you may meditate on it later, that it was this Light of the Divine Essence of God that granted My Resurrection, and transformed Me into an Immortal Being.
All those who in the past, participated in the reappearance of Christ after His Death and His Resurrection, had the Grace of being before this Light. Therefore, I declare and explain to you that I told Mary Magdalene not to touch Me when she saw Me and recognized Me, because I had not yet ascended to the House of My Father.
Before manifesting Creation, God first thought of His Light, preciously permeated by His Love and His Unity, so that souls and above all essences, might learn to spiritually drink from His Fountain every time it was necessary. Just as today you are before this Light, which comes to bring understanding and wisdom for a wounded world.
Because when I return, the main spiritual bases of the Project of God must be pre-established in souls, in all those who throughout the times, regardless of their religion or belief, have received My Christic Love from the East to the West.
I want to thank you for solemnly sustaining this moment. Because God is not only grand and powerful, God is simple, He is close, He is a Father and a Friend, He is a Shoulder on which you can always lean and the Hands that you can always hold, to feel His Love and His Strength.
And now, let us celebrate the Holy Eucharist, so that souls may again have contact with this Creative Light.
Remember your origin and beginning, the path of emptiness, but the path of the Whole, where unity based on Love and the Truth can be lived.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children:
Once again, I invite all of you to prepare, in your homes, for the coming of Christ into every human heart in this coming Nativity.
I invite you, in a special way, to prepare your mangers so that, like the Holy Family of Nazareth, you may await the coming of the Child God.
This loving gesture of My children, by dedicating a space to prepare the manger, will allow the celestial doors to open internally on the planet so that all of humanity can be helped.
Therefore, in the name of the Nativity of the Lord and out of love for all families, I wish that in the preparation of the manger in every home the Light of the Holy Star of Bethlehem may begin to shine.
This union with the spiritual symbol of the Holy Manger will help millions of families in the world; families that, as cells of the Project of God, in these times go through countless painful situations and learnings that need the balm of peace and God's relief.
In the preparation of the different mangers, in the homes of the world, the members of each family will be granted, for a moment, the spiritual grace of being before one of the most important acts of Love and Mercy in the history of humanity.
I would like, as a Mother, that this coming Nativity of the Lord be celebrated in reconciliation and forgiveness for all families going through the horror of war in their peoples and nations, as well as those going through war in their own families, so that the Holy Spirit of Peace, of that Peace which filled the Grotto of Bethlehem, may be present in these times in all families.
Remember, My children, that families are the future of the New Humanity. Therefore, we must pray for families so that each family may reach the expression of God's burning desire.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rivers of blood flood the surface of the Earth; just as this ocean, before your eyes, floods life.
Who will pay the price for the innocence that was destroyed?
Who will take charge, My children, after the Precious Blood of My Son was shed, drop by drop, in order to redeem and save the world?
Today, I come to Russia, also as the Mother of this nation, which has another Spiritual Purpose and not the one that it is committing in these times.
If all the nations of the world had fulfilled their Spiritual Purpose from the beginning, I assure you, My children, that war, famine, exile and impunity would not exist.
But this Project of God, on the surface of the Earth, deviated from its intended path. For that, God the Father sends us to the world as His Messengers to awaken the consciousness of humanity.
How much more will have to happen on this surface, My children, for something to change in the human being?
Although the majority is not responsible for the wrong decisions made by very few and which have repercussions on millions of souls in the world, I ask you, My beloved children, that your profound school of prayer, in these critical and challenging times, be deepened even more, so that this school of prayer, which is a permanent invocation to the Kingdom of Heaven, may touch the Heart of God, a Heart offended and hurt by His Children.
But I come to offer to the world the Reliquary of My Immaculate Heart so that souls may enter God through My Heart, and the difficult and complex situations that are lived in these times may be repaired by the offer of good souls, of souls who seek God unceasingly, of souls who live the gift of the Fear of God, not as a justice, but as the imperious need to be in Him and for Him, serving on this surface of the Earth.
Weapons are still being activated. Humankind still lives in war and the souls who, on this surface, are under these difficult living conditions, are frightened and terrified by what they hear and by what they see, day by day; from My youngest children, who are the most innocent and pure, to My oldest and most adult children, who are subdued by the arrogance and by the power of a few.
Unfortunately, in this world there is an infernal network that conditions many populations of the planet; but this cannot continue, My children, because the signs of the planetary birth continue to increase. The Earth will continue to tremble, volcanoes will continue to erupt, nature will show its fury and its power for not having been cared for and respected.
Can you imagine, My children, just for a moment, how many will be under this condition?
We can only pray, in heart and in truth, not allowing a single day to fail to be permeated by the light of prayer.
As Mother of perpetual prayer, who prays for all Her children of the world; as Mother of Mercy, in the face of so many injustices and errors; as Queen of Peace, in the face of so many conflicts and wars that are committed; I come to ask you, My children, once again, to heed the appeal of My Heart, because I assure you, dear children, that very few are prepared for the end of times; so few are prepared as the number of angels that accompany Me today.
Do you understand the urgency of these times?
I do not come to give you fear or dread, because that is not from God. I come to pray, today, on my knees, that Russia may be converted to My Immaculate Heart so that the Third Secret of Fatima may not be fulfilled, so that evil and impunity may not continue to spread in the world. My Thorned Heart is pressed by the thorns of My children's pain and My Heart sheds Blood on this day, just as My Son shed His Blood on the Cross.
May this Blood, shed by the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be repaired by the sincere prayer of Her children, those who know that praying is not an obligation, those who already know that praying is a necessity and an emergency, because under the light of prayer they will be protected and sheltered by My Mantle of immaterial and universal Light.
My Hands today are not enough to help all those in need. The hosts of Light, sacred angels of the Eternal Father, are also unable to attend to so many emergencies and needs that are not only physical, but also spiritual, because spiritual needs are the most urgent.
Who will decide to take the step to assume, together with the Mother of Sorrows, this planetary cross?
Who will no longer distance themselves from the cross and will be the new Cyrenian who, through silence, persistence and faith, will carry with My Son all the sins of the world, with the ardent aspiration to help the Lord?
Who will decide, once and for all, to be a mirror of prayer on Earth, to understand that it is no longer the time for selfishness and individualism, to understand that it is the time and it is the hour for the "we", where the whole Celestial Brotherhood vibrates?
Regrettably, mistakes will continue to be made in the world, and this will be so until My Son returns. He knows this, He watches in His utmost silence; but His Love does not judge, His Mind does not question, His Spiritual Government does not pressure, His Light radiates, His Compassion is established beyond the borders of this material plane.
But do not lose faith, affirm in yourselves the Divine Hope. The world will need, more and more each day, that there be good instruments of God, so that His Love may be deposited and His Light may be poured into all the tabernacles of the Earth, which are the sincere souls who offer themselves to enter into communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the sacred science of the Sacraments and of the sublime adoration of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
May all the Blessed Sacraments be opened, in these times, so that the Light of Christ may be multiplied in the world, so that equilibrium may be established, so that peace may fill the spaces and consciousnesses.
As Mother of Russia, I ask you to pray for the religion of this country, sadly conditioned, empty of spirit because of its commitments that are not with God. Many, many souls depend on this.
Now, do you understand My affliction? Now, do you feel My Heart?
I will thank you for heeding My spiritual requests, because you do not have to do anything different from what you already do. You must only become more aware of the reality and the time of emergency, so that the nations do not continue to engage in evil and so that millions of people are not under this condition.
I come to ask you, once again, to pray for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart.
Today, I come here to give this special Message because God has allowed Me to do so. I will do all that is possible and a little more for My children, so that they do not lose peace and unity with the Eternal Father.
Now, your Heavenly Mother will withdraw into silence and thus, She invites Her children to withdraw into the sacred silence, so that My Words do not go unnoticed or souls forget them from one moment to the next, because it is God who sends Me to give this Message, it is the Voice of God that resounds through My Words and My Lips, so that His Love may echo in the world.
I thank you for being here with Me today in this place, praying on your knees next to the Mother of God.
May the Love and Light of My Son bless you all.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the planet at My Feet, being radiated by the Rays of My Merciful Heart.
Behold the souls on this blue planet, within the school of redemption and forgiveness.
I Am a part of this sacred planet. I Am a part of humanity because I was born among you, lived among you, preached to you, and suffered for you, for one cause, because of God’s Love.
This is why, in this new Marathon of Divine Mercy, I want you to contemplate, before yourselves, the planet and all its suffering, so that the Rays of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy, which flow out from My Heart, may embrace the world and souls even more, especially those condemned to the fire of hell.
This is why I speak to you today, and I present Myself to all My companions, all My disciples, from the Sacred Montserrat, where the Voice of God echoes through the inner planes of those who have their hearts open to hear and recognize the Presence of the Lord.
Today I Am here with you once again for the entire planet. For its oceans and Kingdoms, for its forests, mountain ranges and mounts, for all life and all Creation, gravely outraged in this time by the hand of humankind, by the unconsciousness of those who ambition power.
But behold My Unfathomable Heart, which does not cease to pour out its Graces upon the world and upon the whole universe.
Behold the silent Heart of Christ, which suffers the martyrdom and sins of humanity. The Heart of Christ, which once again offers itself for souls; the Heart that opens like a great door so that all, without exception, may cross it.
My Rays, the Rays of My Heart, need to reach the planet even more, all the terrestrial sphere. Grave are the errors committed in these times, and you already know it. But the change of consciousness is still not happening in the majority but only in the minority.
It is necessary to truly continue praying and commit yourselves with the strength and power of prayer because while this does not happen, greater will be the outrages of the world, greater will be the weight of the Law and its consequences.
This is the moment for you to be radiated by the Light of My Heart, just as I have done many times, out of Love and Mercy.
Do not allow the doors of My Grace to close. Open these doors completely through your consecration and service, not only to the Human Kingdom but also to all the Kingdoms of Nature so that the pain of the most inoffensive Kingdoms of this world may be appeased and relieved, even if through a small or anonymous act. This in itself will greatly relieve the suffering of the world and of the Kingdoms.
So that a New Humanity may be born, so that a new planet may emerge, it is necessary for you to invoke the Law of Healing through prayer, because many wounds must still be healed, many painful events must be dissolved so that the Love of God may triumph in all His Creatures.
In this Marathon, and before the important month of August, when the Spiritual Hierarchy will make new decisions for this Human Project, behold My Merciful Heart, pouring out Blood and Water, through Its Rays, upon this wounded and outraged planet.
May you rise from the abysses.
May the people of Israel rise from the abysses, incessant wayfarers of the desert in search of the Promised Land, which is no longer just a promise but rather a reality.
This is the Earth. This is the planet promised by God for all His Children and Creatures. Value, revere and respect its natural and spiritual riches, for many are the treasures that the inner worlds hold. These are the keys of redemption for all of humanity. They are the new attributes that will emerge from the Inner Kingdoms toward the surface in order to rebuild this whole planet in My Return.
May the old people of Israel come to Me and walk confidently, without losing hope or faith. Even if you see incredible or inexplicable things in this world, do not stop.
May the light of prayer guide your steps and may this pathway, which the light of prayer manifests to you, lead you until you find the Purpose in the innermost depths of your beings. There, you will be in communion with Me and the Father, because in the innermost depths lies the Temple of God, His Home, through the essences of His Children throughout life.
May no one else have the intention of aborting life.
May no one else have the intention of raising a weapon to wound or hurt.
May bombs and weapons no longer be heard among brothers and sisters of the same people or the same race, because I will come to deter all these things, just as I have done in the past.
My signs will not be symbolic but rather forceful. I will mark a line on the ground between the past and the future, between the old time and the New Time, and everything will start from scratch. Therefore, keep walking through My Light in these crucial times of challenges and new experiences.
Although My time with you is now coming to an end, may My Words resound forever so that you may recognize the Voice of the Return of the Lord, which will be heard in the entire universe, just as a storm is heard in the sky.
Thus I prepare you for the last and great time, and through the Presence of My Father, I renew you, and once again give and deliver My Peace to you.
May this Marathon not be lived with a feeling of obligation but rather of spiritual responsibility of the one who is awake and aware that we are in the last hour and in the end time, and that a bead of prayer could deter a war and the destruction of entire peoples, whole lives.
May all those who have consecrated themselves to Me be responsible. You must represent Me in the end of these times, just as My apostles of the past represented Me when I was no longer physically with them.
But the Spirit of God will never be lacking. It will come just as in the Pentecost, like a blazing flame upon your heads, to give you the Discernment and the Wisdom of God so that you may help other souls and may give of yourselves for them.
Thus, the great change will be a reality rather than a promise. Thus, everything will be transfigured, just as the Lord was transfigured on Mount Tabor.
Be brave and persist. My Heart is close to the consistent.
I thank you for listening to Me and for recognizing the Lord in the most intimate core of your hearts, where lies divine life for all souls.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Just as the Light shone in the humble Grotto of Bethlehem, a profound eternal Light shines in the essence of each of My children.
Although at this planetary moment the Sacred Project of God, that Project that was thought of by the Eternal Father, is being put at stake by humanity of the surface, in spite of all circumstances, in spite of all the situations that deviate humanity from Supreme Will, despite everything, My children, there is a profound Light in the essence of each of My children, an eternal Light similar to the one that emerged in the humble Grotto of Bethlehem, in the Incarnation of the Son of God.
However, today, I come as your Heavenly Mother to remind the world, to remind souls that, despite all error and darkness, this eternal Light can never be put out, because from it comes not only that which God expects from each creature, but also in the eternal and profound Light of each one of My children is written the path and the trajectory that they must follow after this incarnation, with all they have learned and lived on this planet.
Therefore, let humanity not forget this eternal and profound Light that is alive in the essence of each of My children, the essence that is illuminated and nourished by the Essence of Christ. Thus, fulfilling in this universe the Creative Principle with which My Own Son may make of His apostles the Christs of the New Times, who will receive the spiritual and universal Legacy so that, after this transition of the Earth, humanity may be repopulated with new principles, attributes and codes.
However, do not think, My children, that this is very far away, because if the Return of My Son is very near in these times, the moment is also very near when humanity will be liberated from spiritual captivity, the chains, the ties and all oppressions that places consciousnesses on a path that is far from God.
Therefore, at this moment, I come to spiritually rebuild all that My children need so they may not only live their path of awakening and elevation in these times, but also be placed within the Commands of Christ, following His Will, listening to His guidance and concretizing that which, in these final times, He has thought of to prepare this Earth, to prepare the inner worlds, for what is to come, what is wonderful and is to come from the Universe when this spiritual captivity on the planet may finally end.
This is why, My children, I do not come today to contemplate what you have not done right. I come at the request of My Son to contemplate the eternal Light that God has given to you since the origin of your consciousnesses, in the sacred spaces of this universe, where the Project of God once began. This Project, although it is old, is alive, because it must still be fulfilled in those who dare to live their awakening.
The greater number of souls that awaken in these times, the greater will be the interventions of the Spiritual Hierarchy to dissolve and placate the events of the Armageddon.
Do you understand what I am saying to you?
To be part of this moment with the Hierarchy is unique, not only for that which you can live or experience, but also for what you can get to know or discover about that which is kept as a mystery in this cosmos.
Many have come to the Earth as fallen stars. After such a long time of so many lessons and tests, many of these stars have converted and transformed into a part of this spiritual and eternal firmament, giving a living and concrete testimonial of the conversion that Christ has made in hearts, bringing them to the path of Love and of the Truth.
Therefore, My children, you must not lose heart at this moment. Although the events on the planet become more serious or precipitate, you must not lose heart, you must not stop. There is a Greater Life that awaits not only you, but also your brothers and sisters on the planet.
I want to tell you in clear Words, My beloved children, that there is something that awaits you beyond this material and concrete life. And that which exists beyond is not only spiritual or immaterial. It is also a part of this material universe.
Therefore, the Hierarchy, throughout the times, has been preparing you for this moment. You could not be facing the revelation of a mystery if your inner worlds were not in the correct vibration. This is why purification is necessary, because if the Little Child, the Son of the Father, was purified in the Temple to live His Great Task, could the Law of Purification be unnecessary in this universe?
The Law of Purification has been distorted by what is understood at this moment. Purification is a process of liberation. It is the first step of the school of transcendence. It is the great spiritual opportunity for hearts, before God, to become free from the ties, the oppressions and from the suffering in which this humanity is submerged.
In the Law of Purification lies the Light of the Divine Essence, and souls and the inner worlds can find it when they decide to face it and not resist it. Just imagine what would have happened if the Son of God had not undergone purification.
Could the Project of the Father be mistaken?
No, My children, not only did the Son of God undergo purification in the Temple, but also the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as well as your Most Holy Mother, were purified during that event.
I know that today I speak to you again about a mystery, but there is no better way to understand My Words than placing them in your hearts.
Pray, meditate, and become interested in having the revelation of what is kept in the Mystery of God, because life, My children, does not end here.
Our Work on this planet has a special goal: that incarnated consciousnesses may achieve the steps of ascension in daily transformation, in daily effort, in the determination to convert their consciousnesses into that ardent, deep and eternal aspiration that the Celestial Father thought of before your origins.
Therefore, it must be clear for you that this is the cause of your incarnation. Thus, for a moment you may feel and imagine what the Hierarchy feels and see from the souls of this world that are far from the path of the Truth, that have closed the door to their own Spiritual Purpose.
But now your Heavenly Mother has the last chance, through Her Word, and especially through Her Presence, to give the Grace of the spiritual awakening so that souls may not only correct their paths, but also become postulants to be New Christs, so that they may be in the place and at the moment My Son needs them.
Your only dwelling place is in the Kingdom of the Heavens. Each moment that is lived in this world, each moment that you experience or each place where you may be is merely a transition, it is a learning experience and a lesson of humility.
Beloved children, it is above, in the Creation of the Eternal Father, it is above in this Sidereal Universe, where your true being is, where your true face shows, a face that many humanities have known for a long time. We will work until as many souls as possible achieve this, until those who are most asleep awaken from this universal lethargy.
This is why We bring the Light of Our Divine Impulses so that they may be not just Words, but rather eternal and inexhaustible Decrees so that the souls that listen to them time and again may be transformed, knowing that in the Sacred Instruction of the Hierarchy you will always have, before yourselves, the opportunity to change, a change that will surely lead you to transformation and redemption.
If My Son managed to transform the apostles into good people, to convert them into His apostles so that they could cause His Work to be perpetuated throughout the world, what could My Son do with each one of you?
There is only one reason for all of this: you must learn to trust so that you may learn to love. And may this Love, which is not mundane, but rather the Love that emerges from the Source through the souls that serve and surrender, help you day by day to reflect the Love of God in your works of service and charity, with just one aim: for the relief of suffering, of the suffering that we see in this world and on this Earth, the suffering that paralyses and enslaves hearts.
Our Voice, Our Word and, above all, Our Divine and Consoling Love come to break this chain of suffering, so that souls may be liberated and attain peace, the joy of feeling loved by the Eternal Father. Because He, as their Father who is in the Heavens, and who is in their hearts, always has His Arms open to all, because He is Merciful, Kind and Prodigious. When you suffer, when you fall, when you distance yourselves from Him, it is because you forget not only His Love, you also forget that He is sheer Mercy, Untiring Source of Compassion.
This is why I come today not only to celebrate the Nativity of the King of the Universe, to celebrate the Nativity of all Inner Christs, those who confirm themselves day by day through their ‘yes’. I also come to lay on My Serving Hands, as the Mother of Universal Healing, to radiate My Light and My Graces upon My children, asking the Celestial Father to bring healing to the deepest and most unknown wounds in the hearts of the world, so that all My children may attain the happiness of being in God.
Unite to Me and let us work to fulfill this Aspiration of God: that souls may smile and attain the happiness of being in God, so as to be a part of His Sacred Kingdom.
May the Light of the Inner Christs be perpetuated at this moment of the planet.
Nourished by the Essence of Christ, may this Light of the Inner Christs grant the Grace of liberation and peace to the souls that need it the most. In this way, the chains that tie souls to suffering and pain will continue to break and the perfect Flower that God created will spring from each inner essence, through the origin of each one of His Children.
Contemplate, in your inner world, the Flower of God, and thus attain your freedom.
I will see you next December 31 when, through the Kingdom of Aurora, the Spiritual Hierarchy will close this year with a deep act of meditation and reflection in the face of all that is happening and, above all, in a profound act of offering to God.
This act will be offered through the fruits that souls have lived in these times. The spiritual fruits and the sacred treasures of the hearts that still keep the Project of the Father on this planet alive. The fruit of sacrifice and the surrender of love from the heart are pillars that sustain His Project on this planet.
Thus, through Aurora, in unity and omnipresence, the Mother of God will grant Her maternal blessing, preparing with Her children the next steps that Christ will take in North America and in other places of the world.
Let us pray:
may the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the word be alive and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify Perfect Unity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing a song at the request of our Most Holy Mother. A song that imitates the ‘yes’ of Mary, which She invites us to live in these times. The song is called “I say ‘yes’.”
And through this song we will affirm our ‘yes’ to Mary, in Her Heart, for all that Christ needs from each one of us, affirming that through our 'yes' the Lord will concretize His Victory.
I thank you for responding to My call!
May the Light of the Nativity of the Lord illuminate the world and especially Ukraine with Love and Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray:
Who is in God fears nothing.
Who is in God does not retrocede.
Who is in God lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, in God, in God.
(three times)
Through the Sacred Heart of My Son, today we bring, to this Marian Center and its foundation, one of the Aspects of God, among His seventy-two Sacred Names.
The Aspect of God that will protect this Marian Center and its spiritual task will be the Name El Gibbor so that strength, faith, compassion and love may impel, through this Marian Center, the elevation of all souls toward the Kingdom of God. So that not only human beings but also the Kingdoms of Nature may be welcomed here in spirit, to be healed and redeemed.
I know that you are before an unknown Aspect of God, but if your souls unite to Our Three Sacred Hearts, you will understand this Aspect of God through the Science and the Wisdom that it provides to you.
Because the aspiration of the Eternal Father is that this Marian Center, as a point of Light on the planet, may reflect the Attributes of the Supreme Source, those Inner Attributes that humanity will need in order to regenerate and heal so that, at last, the emergence of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
Today, Our Three Sacred Hearts, as receptacles of the Attributes of God, are here with all of you. They are here for the Brazilian nation and for all the Americas so that the peoples of this continent may be brought toward the Purpose of God and, through the Angels of the Nations of Latin America, all the peoples and cultures of this region of the planet may approach the fulfillment of God’s Project. That Project that unfortunately is being oppressed and silenced.
But, at this moment, I invite you again to be in prayer. I invite you to stay silent. I invite you to have wisdom and discernment because what will happen in this part of the planet may affect the rest of the world.
Therefore, through Our Presence, through the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts, We not only come here to begin the cycle of this Marian Center in its spiritual task and in its inner task, but We are also here, beloved children, to deter what is intended to happen on the surface of this continent.
Your fidelity to Us has been very significant, and the response in the consecration of new Children of Mary represents to God, as He told us just now, that it is possible to establish, on the surface of the planet, the Project that He has always wanted to carry out in this humanity.
My children, do not worry if you do not reach the Mysteries of the Father. First love the Mysteries of God and then understand them. Follow, in fidelity and obedience, what the Spiritual Hierarchy dictates to you.
I am here and I Am your Mother, your Universal Mother, your Celestial Mother, the Mother of all of Brazil, the Mother of all of South America, and I have My Arms reaching out towards you. Once again, I offer My Hands to you so that you can hold them tight and move forward. Because as humanity on the surface of the Earth, you have demonstrated, after these last two years, that it is possible to continue forward when souls truly love.
Now, My children, Saint Joseph wants to say something to you. Hear Him.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Just as Heaven opens up today before your hearts, it can also open up within each one of you.
Today, before the Sacred Hearts, allow your souls to learn the mystery of faith so that, way beyond what may happen before your eyes, the truth that beats within your hearts, invisible for the majority of human beings, may sustain your lives, and, thus, My children, the Promise of God may always be a reality for each one of you.
Through faith, you will find the Kingdom that manifests itself before you today. Contemplate this reality within you and, in this way, you will know that Heaven and Earth may pass, but Divine Love will remain alive in the essences of all who believe. Even if your eyes do not see, your hearts can feel, and, through them, you will penetrate the mystery.
Many things will happen throughout the world and bring hopelessness to humanity and make hearts feel the pain and suffering that My Son once felt in His Agony as well as on the Cross. But just like the Heart of Christ, today I call upon you to transmute that pain through a Higher Love, through faith in that which beats within you and reveals to you that which you truly are, through the maturity of the heart, spiritual maturity, which the time has come for you to experience.
Children, be responsible for your choices, for your actions, for each step that you take from the first thought that you have when the day begins, to the feelings that you emit, your gazes, your actions.
Beg God for your actions to be pure, for your lives to be pure, because the time has come for a new life to emerge in humanity, and you have made a commitment, from the beginning, so that, through the steps of your redemption, you might live this new life.
And this life, children, is like the life of Christ at Calvary. Around you, there will be chaos, confusion, pain, but within you the Love of God renews itself, a Love is born, which is unknown even to the Heart of the Father. And it is through this Love that new genetics and a new human being begins to be born, a Love that your cells can experience, that expands from your essence to your entire consciousness.
And although this may seem impossible to you today, I just ask you that you may have faith and that this Divine Gift, which descends today from the Heavens upon your lives, may find a place within your hearts, to transform your lives into something you have never before thought of.
Do not be afraid, but be firm. The world will drag you along paths that are not correct. The battle will be lived within and outside of you, but, through prayer, you will find refuge and, in the sacred places, where the Divine Consciousness dwells, you will again find peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, today My Mantle is the Mantle of Brazil. The Mantle that represents the life of this entire people and of all nature, of a life that, unfortunately, has been transgressed and violated.
My children, do not allow for Brazil to be another place of the enemy. The power of your prayer and of your faith can transform everything.
If you have managed to go through the calvary of the last two years, it is a sign, My children, that it is possible to move forward, although it may hurt.
This is why that now the King of the Universe, the Son of the Sun, in the name of the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, will bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, He will consecrate all the Children of Mary who are postulants before My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, to be faithful and firm at the service of perpetual prayer.
I invite you to stand up.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
This flame that is lit before your hearts, the flame that represents the Light, Love and Wisdom of God for the whole planet, for all of humanity: may it replicate and multiply not only within human beings, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature. The Kingdoms of Nature, in these times of emergency, need to be understood, welcomed and loved, protected and taken care of, as a vital part of Creation.
If this communion with the Kingdoms of Nature takes place through your prayerful service, by means of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, I assure you that not only Brazil but also other regions throughout the world will be more protected, although the planet may show, in these times, its chaos on the surface.
Within your hands lies the decision, within your hands lies the power of prayer, the power to allow Heaven descend to Earth, as it is at this moment.
May not only the Son of the Father, but also the Most Holy Mother and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, in this Triune Unity, grant Brazil and the world the atonement they need to go through the current Apocalypse.
Do not allow the seals of the Book of the Apocalypse to open. Welcome the prophecies, but do not provoke them.
Be consistent in all that you do and live. Do not forget the Commandments, a life of service, a life of love as a family, among all your loved ones. Do not allow the cell of family to keep dividing.
Remember that you and your families are a part of the Project expected by God, the Sacred Project of the people of Israel.
Remember that this part of the planet is the promise of the cradle of the New Humanity, where the whole planet and humanity, through this place as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature, will be able to regenerate and heal.
Within the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing that you need, within the Kingdoms of Nature lies the peace that you seek in these times.
Do not allow your lives to become superficial and indifferent, embrace, with your open heart, all of Creation, and I assure you that you will not lose peace.
Before the Supreme Source, before the Angels and Archangels, Creator Fathers who conceived this beauty of the planet Earth, before the servers of the Cosmos and of the Earth, before all those consistent in prayer and service for others, before the Aspiration of God and His Project, through the Heart of Christ, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, through the Supreme Power of El Gibbor, may the Supreme Source bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, may it be a true Sanctuary of Creation, which grants souls and the Kingdoms of Nature the healing and redemption they need so that all may be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of Love and Wisdom.
I bless you and consecrate you as the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, and as children of the Divine Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
So that you may understand the importance of this meeting, I will offer you My Body and My Blood, through the Eucharistic Celebration.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, I will also consecrate, by the authority of My Son, a little and innocent soul, who came to the world from a special place of the universe. Through the sacrament of the Baptism, this soul will receive not only renewal, but also the remembrance of its commitment with God for the coming times.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Through My Chaste Heart and by the authority that Christ has given Me as a Servant of the Redeemer, as a Watcher and Protector of souls: through the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Grace that My Heart will offer to you today will be the Anointment, so that the Luminous Signal of the Cross of Emmanuel may always guide you and protect you.
In these times, it will be necessary to discern before acting, to meditate before working, so that you may be consequent with the Law.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
In this way, Our Three Sacred Hearts rejoice and bless this meeting, starting this cycle of the Pilgrimage for Peace, so that souls may recover the hope that they have lost, so that they may recover the joy that has been stolen from them, and so they may feel the joy of being Children of God. Never forget: through My Merciful Heart, you will reach God.
Let us sing the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary. But let us all sing it, those who are here and those who are at home, renewing the inner vows of consecration for this cycle of service with the Divine Hierarchy.
The Three Sacred Hearts thank you, for you have responded to the call.
As Christ the Redeemer, may Peace be within you and within your brothers and sisters.
So be it.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray:
Who is in God fears nothing.
Who is in God does not retrocede.
Who is in God lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, in God, in God.
(three times)
Through the Sacred Heart of My Son, today we bring, to this Marian Center and its foundation, one of the Aspects of God, among His seventy-two Sacred Names.
The Aspect of God that will protect this Marian Center and its spiritual task will be the Name El Gibbor so that strength, faith, compassion and love may impel, through this Marian Center, the elevation of all souls toward the Kingdom of God. So that not only human beings but also the Kingdoms of Nature may be welcomed here in spirit, to be healed and redeemed.
I know that you are before an unknown Aspect of God, but if your souls unite to Our Three Sacred Hearts, you will understand this Aspect of God through the Science and the Wisdom that it provides to you.
Because the aspiration of the Eternal Father is that this Marian Center, as a point of Light on the planet, may reflect the Attributes of the Supreme Source, those Inner Attributes that humanity will need in order to regenerate and heal so that, at last, the emergence of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
Today, Our Three Sacred Hearts, as receptacles of the Attributes of God, are here with all of you. They are here for the Brazilian nation and for all the Americas so that the peoples of this continent may be brought toward the Purpose of God and, through the Angels of the Nations of Latin America, all the peoples and cultures of this region of the planet may approach the fulfillment of God’s Project. That Project that unfortunately is being oppressed and silenced.
But, at this moment, I invite you again to be in prayer. I invite you to stay silent. I invite you to have wisdom and discernment because what will happen in this part of the planet may affect the rest of the world.
Therefore, through Our Presence, through the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts, We not only come here to begin the cycle of this Marian Center in its spiritual task and in its inner task, but We are also here, beloved children, to deter what is intended to happen on the surface of this continent.
Your fidelity to Us has been very significant, and the response in the consecration of new Children of Mary represents to God, as He told us just now, that it is possible to establish, on the surface of the planet, the Project that He has always wanted to carry out in this humanity.
My children, do not worry if you do not reach the Mysteries of the Father. First love the Mysteries of God and then understand them. Follow, in fidelity and obedience, what the Spiritual Hierarchy dictates to you.
I am here and I Am your Mother, your Universal Mother, your Celestial Mother, the Mother of all of Brazil, the Mother of all of South America, and I have My Arms reaching out towards you. Once again, I offer My Hands to you so that you can hold them tight and move forward. Because as humanity on the surface of the Earth, you have demonstrated, after these last two years, that it is possible to continue forward when souls truly love.
Now, My children, Saint Joseph wants to say something to you. Hear Him.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Just as Heaven opens up today before your hearts, it can also open up within each one of you.
Today, before the Sacred Hearts, allow your souls to learn the mystery of faith so that, way beyond what may happen before your eyes, the truth that beats within your hearts, invisible for the majority of human beings, may sustain your lives, and, thus, My children, the Promise of God may always be a reality for each one of you.
Through faith, you will find the Kingdom that manifests itself before you today. Contemplate this reality within you and, in this way, you will know that Heaven and Earth may pass, but Divine Love will remain alive in the essences of all who believe. Even if your eyes do not see, your hearts can feel, and, through them, you will penetrate the mystery.
Many things will happen throughout the world and bring hopelessness to humanity and make hearts feel the pain and suffering that My Son once felt in His Agony as well as on the Cross. But just like the Heart of Christ, today I call upon you to transmute that pain through a Higher Love, through faith in that which beats within you and reveals to you that which you truly are, through the maturity of the heart, spiritual maturity, which the time has come for you to experience.
Children, be responsible for your choices, for your actions, for each step that you take from the first thought that you have when the day begins, to the feelings that you emit, your gazes, your actions.
Beg God for your actions to be pure, for your lives to be pure, because the time has come for a new life to emerge in humanity, and you have made a commitment, from the beginning, so that, through the steps of your redemption, you might live this new life.
And this life, children, is like the life of Christ at Calvary. Around you, there will be chaos, confusion, pain, but within you the Love of God renews itself, a Love is born, which is unknown even to the Heart of the Father. And it is through this Love that new genetics and a new human being begins to be born, a Love that your cells can experience, that expands from your essence to your entire consciousness.
And although this may seem impossible to you today, I just ask you that you may have faith and that this Divine Gift, which descends today from the Heavens upon your lives, may find a place within your hearts, to transform your lives into something you have never before thought of.
Do not be afraid, but be firm. The world will drag you along paths that are not correct. The battle will be lived within and outside of you, but, through prayer, you will find refuge and, in the sacred places, where the Divine Consciousness dwells, you will again find peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, today My Mantle is the Mantle of Brazil. The Mantle that represents the life of this entire people and of all nature, of a life that, unfortunately, has been transgressed and violated.
My children, do not allow for Brazil to be another place of the enemy. The power of your prayer and of your faith can transform everything.
If you have managed to go through the calvary of the last two years, it is a sign, My children, that it is possible to move forward, although it may hurt.
This is why that now the King of the Universe, the Son of the Sun, in the name of the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, will bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, He will consecrate all the Children of Mary who are postulants before My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, to be faithful and firm at the service of perpetual prayer.
I invite you to stand up.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
This flame that is lit before your hearts, the flame that represents the Light, Love and Wisdom of God for the whole planet, for all of humanity: may it replicate and multiply not only within human beings, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature. The Kingdoms of Nature, in these times of emergency, need to be understood, welcomed and loved, protected and taken care of, as a vital part of Creation.
If this communion with the Kingdoms of Nature takes place through your prayerful service, by means of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, I assure you that not only Brazil but also other regions throughout the world will be more protected, although the planet may show, in these times, its chaos on the surface.
Within your hands lies the decision, within your hands lies the power of prayer, the power to allow Heaven descend to Earth, as it is at this moment.
May not only the Son of the Father, but also the Most Holy Mother and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, in this Triune Unity, grant Brazil and the world the atonement they need to go through the current Apocalypse.
Do not allow the seals of the Book of the Apocalypse to open. Welcome the prophecies, but do not provoke them.
Be consistent in all that you do and live. Do not forget the Commandments, a life of service, a life of love as a family, among all your loved ones. Do not allow the cell of family to keep dividing.
Remember that you and your families are a part of the Project expected by God, the Sacred Project of the people of Israel.
Remember that this part of the planet is the promise of the cradle of the New Humanity, where the whole planet and humanity, through this place as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature, will be able to regenerate and heal.
Within the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing that you need, within the Kingdoms of Nature lies the peace that you seek in these times.
Do not allow your lives to become superficial and indifferent, embrace, with your open heart, all of Creation, and I assure you that you will not lose peace.
Before the Supreme Source, before the Angels and Archangels, Creator Fathers who conceived this beauty of the planet Earth, before the servers of the Cosmos and of the Earth, before all those consistent in prayer and service for others, before the Aspiration of God and His Project, through the Heart of Christ, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, through the Supreme Power of El Gibbor, may the Supreme Source bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, may it be a true Sanctuary of Creation, which grants souls and the Kingdoms of Nature the healing and redemption they need so that all may be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of Love and Wisdom.
I bless you and consecrate you as the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, and as children of the Divine Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
So that you may understand the importance of this meeting, I will offer you My Body and My Blood, through the Eucharistic Celebration.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, I will also consecrate, by the authority of My Son, a little and innocent soul, who came to the world from a special place of the universe. Through the sacrament of the Baptism, this soul will receive not only renewal, but also the remembrance of its commitment with God for the coming times.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Through My Chaste Heart and by the authority that Christ has given Me as a Servant of the Redeemer, as a Watcher and Protector of souls: through the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Grace that My Heart will offer to you today will be the Anointment, so that the Luminous Signal of the Cross of Emmanuel may always guide you and protect you.
In these times, it will be necessary to discern before acting, to meditate before working, so that you may be consequent with the Law.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
In this way, Our Three Sacred Hearts rejoice and bless this meeting, starting this cycle of the Pilgrimage for Peace, so that souls may recover the hope that they have lost, so that they may recover the joy that has been stolen from them, and so they may feel the joy of being Children of God. Never forget: through My Merciful Heart, you will reach God.
Let us sing the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary. But let us all sing it, those who are here and those who are at home, renewing the inner vows of consecration for this cycle of service with the Divine Hierarchy.
The Three Sacred Hearts thank you, for you have responded to the call.
As Christ the Redeemer, may Peace be within you and within your brothers and sisters.
So be it.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray:
Who is in God fears nothing.
Who is in God does not retrocede.
Who is in God lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, in God, in God.
(three times)
Through the Sacred Heart of My Son, today we bring, to this Marian Center and its foundation, one of the Aspects of God, among His seventy-two Sacred Names.
The Aspect of God that will protect this Marian Center and its spiritual task will be the Name El Gibbor so that strength, faith, compassion and love may impel, through this Marian Center, the elevation of all souls toward the Kingdom of God. So that not only human beings but also the Kingdoms of Nature may be welcomed here in spirit, to be healed and redeemed.
I know that you are before an unknown Aspect of God, but if your souls unite to Our Three Sacred Hearts, you will understand this Aspect of God through the Science and the Wisdom that it provides to you.
Because the aspiration of the Eternal Father is that this Marian Center, as a point of Light on the planet, may reflect the Attributes of the Supreme Source, those Inner Attributes that humanity will need in order to regenerate and heal so that, at last, the emergence of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
Today, Our Three Sacred Hearts, as receptacles of the Attributes of God, are here with all of you. They are here for the Brazilian nation and for all the Americas so that the peoples of this continent may be brought toward the Purpose of God and, through the Angels of the Nations of Latin America, all the peoples and cultures of this region of the planet may approach the fulfillment of God’s Project. That Project that unfortunately is being oppressed and silenced.
But, at this moment, I invite you again to be in prayer. I invite you to stay silent. I invite you to have wisdom and discernment because what will happen in this part of the planet may affect the rest of the world.
Therefore, through Our Presence, through the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts, We not only come here to begin the cycle of this Marian Center in its spiritual task and in its inner task, but We are also here, beloved children, to deter what is intended to happen on the surface of this continent.
Your fidelity to Us has been very significant, and the response in the consecration of new Children of Mary represents to God, as He told us just now, that it is possible to establish, on the surface of the planet, the Project that He has always wanted to carry out in this humanity.
My children, do not worry if you do not reach the Mysteries of the Father. First love the Mysteries of God and then understand them. Follow, in fidelity and obedience, what the Spiritual Hierarchy dictates to you.
I am here and I Am your Mother, your Universal Mother, your Celestial Mother, the Mother of all of Brazil, the Mother of all of South America, and I have My Arms reaching out towards you. Once again, I offer My Hands to you so that you can hold them tight and move forward. Because as humanity on the surface of the Earth, you have demonstrated, after these last two years, that it is possible to continue forward when souls truly love.
Now, My children, Saint Joseph wants to say something to you. Hear Him.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Just as Heaven opens up today before your hearts, it can also open up within each one of you.
Today, before the Sacred Hearts, allow your souls to learn the mystery of faith so that, way beyond what may happen before your eyes, the truth that beats within your hearts, invisible for the majority of human beings, may sustain your lives, and, thus, My children, the Promise of God may always be a reality for each one of you.
Through faith, you will find the Kingdom that manifests itself before you today. Contemplate this reality within you and, in this way, you will know that Heaven and Earth may pass, but Divine Love will remain alive in the essences of all who believe. Even if your eyes do not see, your hearts can feel, and, through them, you will penetrate the mystery.
Many things will happen throughout the world and bring hopelessness to humanity and make hearts feel the pain and suffering that My Son once felt in His Agony as well as on the Cross. But just like the Heart of Christ, today I call upon you to transmute that pain through a Higher Love, through faith in that which beats within you and reveals to you that which you truly are, through the maturity of the heart, spiritual maturity, which the time has come for you to experience.
Children, be responsible for your choices, for your actions, for each step that you take from the first thought that you have when the day begins, to the feelings that you emit, your gazes, your actions.
Beg God for your actions to be pure, for your lives to be pure, because the time has come for a new life to emerge in humanity, and you have made a commitment, from the beginning, so that, through the steps of your redemption, you might live this new life.
And this life, children, is like the life of Christ at Calvary. Around you, there will be chaos, confusion, pain, but within you the Love of God renews itself, a Love is born, which is unknown even to the Heart of the Father. And it is through this Love that new genetics and a new human being begins to be born, a Love that your cells can experience, that expands from your essence to your entire consciousness.
And although this may seem impossible to you today, I just ask you that you may have faith and that this Divine Gift, which descends today from the Heavens upon your lives, may find a place within your hearts, to transform your lives into something you have never before thought of.
Do not be afraid, but be firm. The world will drag you along paths that are not correct. The battle will be lived within and outside of you, but, through prayer, you will find refuge and, in the sacred places, where the Divine Consciousness dwells, you will again find peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, today My Mantle is the Mantle of Brazil. The Mantle that represents the life of this entire people and of all nature, of a life that, unfortunately, has been transgressed and violated.
My children, do not allow for Brazil to be another place of the enemy. The power of your prayer and of your faith can transform everything.
If you have managed to go through the calvary of the last two years, it is a sign, My children, that it is possible to move forward, although it may hurt.
This is why that now the King of the Universe, the Son of the Sun, in the name of the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, will bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, He will consecrate all the Children of Mary who are postulants before My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, to be faithful and firm at the service of perpetual prayer.
I invite you to stand up.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
This flame that is lit before your hearts, the flame that represents the Light, Love and Wisdom of God for the whole planet, for all of humanity: may it replicate and multiply not only within human beings, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature. The Kingdoms of Nature, in these times of emergency, need to be understood, welcomed and loved, protected and taken care of, as a vital part of Creation.
If this communion with the Kingdoms of Nature takes place through your prayerful service, by means of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, I assure you that not only Brazil but also other regions throughout the world will be more protected, although the planet may show, in these times, its chaos on the surface.
Within your hands lies the decision, within your hands lies the power of prayer, the power to allow Heaven descend to Earth, as it is at this moment.
May not only the Son of the Father, but also the Most Holy Mother and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, in this Triune Unity, grant Brazil and the world the atonement they need to go through the current Apocalypse.
Do not allow the seals of the Book of the Apocalypse to open. Welcome the prophecies, but do not provoke them.
Be consistent in all that you do and live. Do not forget the Commandments, a life of service, a life of love as a family, among all your loved ones. Do not allow the cell of family to keep dividing.
Remember that you and your families are a part of the Project expected by God, the Sacred Project of the people of Israel.
Remember that this part of the planet is the promise of the cradle of the New Humanity, where the whole planet and humanity, through this place as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature, will be able to regenerate and heal.
In the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing that you need, in the Kingdoms of Nature lies the peace that you seek in these times.
Do not allow your lives to become superficial and indifferent, embrace, with your open heart, all of Creation, and I assure you that you will not lose peace.
Before the Supreme Source, before the Angels and Archangels, Creator Fathers who conceived this beauty of the planet Earth, before the servers of the Cosmos and of the Earth, before all those consistent in prayer and service for others, before the Aspiration of God and His Project, through the Heart of Christ, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, through the Supreme Power of El Gibbor, may the Supreme Source bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, may it be a true Sanctuary of Creation, which grants souls and the Kingdoms of Nature the healing and redemption they need so that all may be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of Love and Wisdom.
I bless you and consecrate you as the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, and as children of the Divine Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
So that you may understand the importance of this meeting, I will offer you My Body and My Blood, through the Eucharistic Celebration.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, I will also consecrate, by the authority of My Son, a little and innocent soul, who came to the world from a special place of the universe. Through the sacrament of the Baptism, this soul will receive not only renewal, but also the remembrance of its commitment with God for the coming times.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Through My Chaste Heart and by the authority that Christ has given Me as a Servant of the Redeemer, as a Watcher and Protector of souls: through the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Grace that My Heart will offer to you today will be the Anointment, so that the Luminous Signal of the Cross of Emmanuel may always guide you and protect you.
In these times, it will be necessary to discern before acting, to meditate before working, so that you may be consequent with the Law.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
In this way, Our Three Sacred Hearts rejoice and bless this meeting, starting this cycle of the Pilgrimage for Peace, so that souls may recover the hope that they have lost, so that they may recover the joy that has been stolen from them, and so they may feel the joy of being Children of God. Never forget: through My Merciful Heart, you will reach God.
Let us sing the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary. But let us all sing it, those who are here and those who are at home, renewing the inner vows of consecration for this cycle of service with the Divine Hierarchy.
The Three Sacred Hearts thank you, for you have responded to the call.
As Christ the Redeemer, may Peace be within you and within your brothers and sisters.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Allow the Mercy of God to fill your heart and your life, so that you may be a witness of redemption through My Love.
Allow the Mercy of God to be a part of your life, so that someday you may learn to understand My Will.
But today I ask you:
What is the mystery of Mercy?
When you invoke My Mercy, what do you think of?
Is the Mercy of God is just an act of pity, compassion or forgiveness?
The Mercy of God is not only this, you must open up to discover this mystery, which did not arise only from the Cross, from the total surrender of the Son of the Father, but rather the Mercy of God was what allowed, through His Love, for the Creation and existence of life.
Now, with this example, can you understand a little more about what Mercy is?
In this crucial time of humanity, in which all is quickly precipitating, it is important that you understand what Divine Mercy means, because it is not only an act of compassion, of immeasurable love or inexhaustible pity; Mercy is a manifestation of the Cosmos, sustained by the Creative Source.
So that the Angels of the Father could create the dimensions and planes, they had to be filled with the Mercy of God so that they could feel, through love, the importance of manifesting the Will of the Father, just as He felt it in His Heart at the beginning, just as He thought of it from the origin, for all His Creatures.
This is a portion of the Mercy of God, which I came to establish here, in Poland and, through Poland, for the whole world. But My Mercy still keeps being a mystery to many. For this reason, I am here again today, just as I was a long time ago, to reveal My Merciful Face.
It is not only through the Mystery of My Love that you can approach My Mercy, be under My Rays, under the Light of the Blood and the Water, but your consciousnesses and essences, through My Divine Mercy, can approach the atonement they need, after so many errors and experiences; through the power of My Unfathomable Mercy, your consciousnesses can expand in My Love. It will always be through My Love that you will understand what it is to take pity and be merciful, and, thus, your acts and surrenders will no longer be empty, but they will rather be made complete by the fire of My Mercy.
This table of atonement that I bring to all continues springing from the depths of My Heart, not only of My Heart of flesh, but also of My spiritual and cosmic Heart that has expanded Its task of Mercy to all of Creation and to the whole universe.
Through My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy, you can not only remember the three most important facts of My Life on Earth, which were the Passion, Death and the Resurrection of Jesus, but also through these three facts you can penetrate the core of My Mercy, and not only will your lives on the surface be converted and redeemed, but also your spirits will be converted and redeemed until you can attain, once again, the origin that you lost as humanity, as a planet and as the Project of the Father.
Through My Unfathomable Mercy, I come not only to strengthen the manifestation of this potent channel I once opened in Poland, but I also come to offer you, for the last time, the door of My Divine Mercy, so that you may announce it to the world, not only as My apostles and servers, but also as the witnesses of the Mercy of God, of the miracle that God has been able to work in your lives up to today.
Do you now understand why I ask each one of you: Do you know what the mystery of My Mercy is?
It is not only the purification and atonement of faults, of errors or of sins, it is granting to the world and humanity, to all souls and hearts, the opportunity to reintegrate into the Project of the Father through the potent channel of the Mercy of God, which will put you in the place you lost when you committed your errors.
In this way, you will be before the Divine Presence and your paths will open up so that you may fulfill the Will of God. A Supreme Will that is being forgotten and replaced by the personal will of the men and women of the Earth, even in those who live spirituality.
In My Mercy lies the door to your resignation, in Mercy lies the door to your humbling, in My Mercy lies the door to your humility and total consecration of the consciousness to God.
I come to awaken in you this cosmic principle because My Heart of flesh and My spiritual Heart need to have consciousnesses that, as depositaries of My Mercy, can be capable of forgetting themselves so as to surrender to fulfilling and serving all needs, from the smallest to the largest.
If this does not happen with many more souls that could be channels of My Mercy, through the acts of Divine Mercy that they could live in their daily lives, today, with grief in My Heart, I come to tell you once again of the truth that you must hear and the truth that you must receive within yourselves to learn to live My Word: if there are no other souls that could be partakers of My Mercy and if Divine Mercy does not cease to be just a theory in the mind and a coldness in service, I can tell you that the world will submerge into a deep war, worse than the one that exists in Ukraine.
For this reason, My Divine Mercy has brought each one of you, on the inner and spiritual planes, to the higher vortex of My Channel of Mercy, preciously instituted here in Poland by My own Divine Consciousness so that souls may remember the importance of living in Mercy and not just in brief moments of Mercy.
You already have the ability of realizing, by yourselves, when you are not being merciful, when you do not take pity, when your Works are empty of love and light.
Reconsider and, before this mystery of Mercy that I bring to you today, renew your vows with Me, because few are the flocks that I have today, which are available to be true partakers of My Unfathomable Mercy.
Mercy is not a theology, nor is it a mental concept. The Mercy of My Heart, which was opened on the top of the Cross of the Calvary, is a concrete and sustainable action.
I invite you today, at the end of these times, for the Divine Mercy in you to be permanent and constant so that your acts of love and mercy may not oscillate or become too cold, as if they were avoiding to look at the light of the sun.
Enter the warmth of My Merciful Heart, and your lives will be in the place that they must be and fulfill the task that you have come to fulfill, without slowing down the steps you must take toward Me.
Today, what is happening in Eastern Europe is not only a tragedy, a lack of awareness, a great absence of Mercy, what is happening in Eastern Europe is also a universal evil to which, through My Spiritual Government, I come to put an end to, especially for the innocent souls, not only of the Ukraine, but also of other places of the world, who are affected and interfered with by the wars and conflicts.
We must not allow, companions, that the pillars of evil be strengthened, we must work hard with all strength of the heart and of life, keeping in mind that we no longer have time and that there is the need for more channels of Mercy to be expressed through souls on the surface of the Earth.
I come with this Message because there are hearts that move away from My Mercy and let themselves be enveloped by their problems or even by their own tests, because they move away from My Mercy and believe in guilt and in justice instead of believing in the atonement that My Divine Mercy brings.
There are already enough victims in the world that truly need merciful hands, merciful gazes, merciful hearts, merciful servers. The world does not need, the universe does not need more victims in this humanity, above all, those who believe they are victims of something, but are not victims, who give excuses for all that they do, and do not change anything at all.
There, My channel of Mercy cannot express itself, because the Graces I have to pour out are many, and the Graces that I have given you have been so many that I can now see with My own Eyes and hear with My own Heart how you get used to My Words, and this must not happen, because My task is not mechanic nor is it a static task.
The dynamics of My Mercy is very broad, and My Universal and Divine Stream can only impel you toward ascension. When you are stagnant, take the step to come out of your own trench and enter the Christic Stream of My Heart, because the times are urgent, the needs are urgent and the planet runs the risk of becoming lost in ignorance, in illusion, in war and in conflict.
Today I can say all this because I have everyone in My channel of Mercy. If we were outside this channel, it would not be possible to say this because, through the channel of My Mercy, I lead you to the maturity of consciousness and of life, to be capable of emptying a little more, every day, so that the commitment with Me that you have may be real and not illusory, may be a commitment that is capable of responsibly assuming what is up to each one one of you, so as to not cause delays to the Hierarchy, in the places which it wants to reach in these times, in the spaces where it needs to enter and penetrate with its consciousness, it needs mature consciousnesses, not mediocre ones, it needs warm hearts ignited by the Fire of My Love, of My Spiritual Government, and not lukewarm or cold hearts that do not manage to take even one step.
Today I can talk to you in this way because it is now time to grow internally. There is a lot to do and there are just few who can do it. If you grow and mature so that I may avail Myself of your instruments, more consciousnesses will come and approach, and you will be witnesses of how much help you will be able to receive to fulfill My Will.
I come to close many uncertain doors and to again lift souls up toward the universe of My Mercy.
For this reason, I thank you in advance for the bravery of living My Words and for the decision to assume this moment through merciful prayer, knowing that we are running after time, after a time in humanity that precipitates, day by day, because of the advancement of ignorance throughout the world, which leaves most of My children in illusion.
May you awaken again through this impulse so that you can follow My Steps.
I am grateful that everyone has internally arrived here to be part of this Command of your Master and Lord, for Poland and for the whole world.
I thank you for walking in faith.
Go forward, warriors of Mercy!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Many of My apostles are coming to a moment that I already lived for you, a long time ago.
So that you may understand Me, so that you can feel Me, so that you can internalize each one of My Words, I will tell you a part of My story, a story that was not written in the Bible, not in any sacred book.
This story is similar to what you are living at this moment, not only for the planetary transition, not only for what humanity is going through, but also for what each one of you must give Me, because the time has come for the maturity of My apostles.
When I turned twenty-one years old, thirteen years before the great surrender of your Master and Lord, I made a very important journey to the Far East.
These events were registered in some of the Gospels which were removed so that humanity could not know of them.
But, today, I come to tell you what your Master and Lord lived when He was twenty-one, while, still being very young, He began to prepare to drink from the Chalice which, later on, the Eternal Father would one day offer Him, in the Garden of Gethsemane.
In this journey, I had to learn, as a man, but also as a Consciousness, to assume the overcoming of the human condition, a condition that was dragging the human race to perdition. I speak to you of a long, very long time ago.
That very important journey was retribution that My Heart carried out to those called “Kings of the Desert”, who arrived from very far-away lands to recognize the Birth of the Messiah, in the city of Bethlehem.
Thus, you will understand how the trajectory of your lives is drawn by the Will of God and, when souls do not live the Will of My Father, they only suffer and suffer.
At that time, while I was twenty-one, under the spiritual company of My Celestial Mother and the inner help of the first Essenes who accompanied Me in the inner planes for this Mission, your Master and Lord first arrived in the Arabian countries, and, before the great Imans of that time, the Son of God was not externally recognized, He was recognized internally, just from having passed through that place.
On that occasion, while I was visiting the Arabian peoples, My Father made known to Me the most important task that He Himself carried out throughout times, in the origins of these peoples and of these religions, not only by revealing His Sacred Names, which were pronounced and invoked, but He also made known to Me the Sacred Geometry of His Divine Project for the first peoples that populated this planet.
There, I was able to come to know the mystery of the Wisdom of God, which He sowed and placed in the oldest peoples of the planet.
Having received this instruction, which was preparatory for the moment of My great surrender, your Master and Lord, while He was twenty-one, continued His journey towards India, and, on that occasion, it was to remember and harvest the fruits of this experience that the Father once carried out within My Consciousness, with a different face and other garments.
It was at that moment that your Master and Lord received the revelation of the mystery of God's Compassion, and, before the ancient kings of India, I was able to understand, at the age of twenty-one, why, in this world, and up to the present days, there is suffering, and how the essence of Divine Compassion can not only liberate souls from suffering, but can also absorb them, transforming the whole human conditions and all limitations through the mere fact of loving.
If in India I had not had this experience, I believe I would not have had the strength to drink from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane.
This experience and this mission concluded in Egypt, in the lands of the great patriarch, Moses, one of the successors of the Ark of the Holy Covenant. There, My preparatory experience was completed so that, on returning to the Holy Land in the following years, My Heart might be ready to live what I came to live for you.
In the lands of Moses, in the region of Mount Sinai, the Father made me know, even more, the immensity of His Mercy, the infinity of His Pity for this project of the planet, for human redemption, for all the generations that would come after Me, up to the current times.
In this sacred place of Mount Sinai, your Master and Lord was able to know hermitic life, because, in the absolute desert, that is where we only find God so that He may quench our thirst, so that He may console us, so that He may strengthen and renew us.
In that sacred place of Mount Sinai, I was able to witness, with My inner sight, the sacred treasures of the Spiritual Hierarchies of the universe and all that would happen in the coming times with the future generations, which would have the Grace of awakening to the Cosmic Consciousness and of knowing that life, on this planet, is vaster and more infinite than it seems, that the future generations could know that life does not end here, and that true life is found in the stars, in the suns and in the constellations.
When I returned to the Holy Land, after traveling for three months, My Mother was waiting for Me in Nazareth. There, She had also had the same experience, in her state of contemplation and devotion, accompanying each step of the Son of God, because She knew that this mission that I lived at the age of twenty-one was not only an initiation, but also a preparation for what would later come.
Why do you believe I am telling you all this today?
My aim is not so that you may have more knowledge, but so that you may grow in love, in the mature love that surrenders, the love that renews you, that leads you to risk, more each day, to have greater experiences of love for Me, regardless of what it means or represents.
Many of you, from the spiritual point of view, are now at the age of twenty-one of your evolution, and here, companions, it has nothing to do either with the evolutionary age or with the material age.
Many are now living the twenty-first year of their evolution, and are before the threshold, before the opportunity of taking a great step, a firmer and more secure step, a step toward maturity and toward responsibility.
This maturity and this responsibility will allow you to understand, in this critical time, that you can no longer be put first in everything, but rather that everything else, which is more necessary and urgent than yourselves, must be first in your lives, so that you may assume spiritual and material maturity, so that the Celestial Father may give you greater responsibilities and greater tasks.
Many of you might believe that you are not ready for this. But remember that which I recently told you, that the axis of the planet is being held by a very thin thread of Light, this thread of Light must be strengthened, so that it never breaks, so that more events do not develop in humanity and on the planet.
At this moment, humanity has no justification before God. It is the love and responsibility of My apostles, it is the maturity and consciousness of My companions that will generate true justification before God, so that Mercy may descend and Divine Justice may be deterred.
I know that, through these Words and this Message, I place your inner worlds under ardent pressure. But know that My duty is to tell you the truth and open your eyes, the eyes of consciousness, but also to open your hearts so that they do not crystalize, so that they do not harden, so that they never lose their sensitivity in the face of the reality of these times.
As it was two-thousand years ago, this story repeats itself in the present, and, with a few, I will do all that I must do. This is the time of My apostles, of the mature and available apostles, capable of going beyond themselves, capable of renouncing, beyond themselves, capable of surrendering for Me, even more.
In this last month of the year, and before you enter a new year, you must think and reflect about these things, because you are at the moment of not only being able to remember who you were, but you are also at the moment of knowing for what you came here, and what you must still fulfill, under the guidance of the Will of My Father.
I do not come to ask you to be perfect, I come to ask you to attain perfection through surrender and service, because the one who trusts in Me has nothing to worry about, not even their own miseries.
Because I will liberate those who are truly with Me from their chains and oppressions. I will heal them with My healing Hand, and they will be forever freed from themselves; and their souls will no longer live in a spiritual prison, but, rather, as an eagle of light, their souls will fly to the high peaks of the House of the Father, to be a part of His Divine Dwellings.
This is the Message that I want to leave to all those who are faithful to the prayer of the heart, and, especially to the Meetings of the Marathon of Divine Mercy.
As from the next cycle onward, you, My companions and My friends, will be the ones who must sustain, through merciful prayer, all that will happen on the planet, because, at the age of twenty-one of your evolution, you are at the right moment to take the great step, without Me being present. But, have faith, because from a distance, from My Spiritual Government, I will be praying for you, so that you may someday be Christs.
And now, in this silence, which I invite you to internally live with Me, commune with My Words, so that your hearts may be ready for what will come.
Remember that My Mother is your Mother, and if the Son of the Mother of God surrendered what was most valuable to Him, at the foot of the Cross, where He gave His Mother, to each one of you, do you believe you can manage to do so? Do you believe that you can manage to surrender, as I surrendered?
This is all that I want to tell you today, and I thank you for having the courage, to dare to feel each one of My Words.
Let us pray, phrase by phrase.
Prayer: Christ of the Light.
May this Marathon be the great step of the apostles for the times that will come.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear families of the whole world,
May the sacred and blessed Presence of My Son be upon you.
With the drawing near of the coming Birth of Christ within your hearts, may the families, as a primary cell of the Project of God upon the surface of the Earth, gather again in the spirit of the Birth of Jesus.
Dear families, in this sorrowful year that is ending for the world, may families renew their inner vows among their loved ones. May they avail themselves of these times of isolation to pray together, to love and recognize one another more, to revere the inner Christ that each family member carries within them, so that they can recover peace, so that peace may be present within the world.
Dear families, during the prayer of the Rosary at Christmas, pray for the divided families, pray for the impoverished families, pray for the refugee families so that, throughout all of humanity, the consciousness may awaken that family is a sacred Project of God and not an object of conflicts or disharmonies.
Dear families, I invite you to feel this call within your hearts, because the unity in the family needs to be recovered so that the great manipulator, My adversary, may be ousted and expelled from the heart of the families, which was converted into the center of the suffering of humanity.
I ask you, dear families, that your gaze and your heart may be in this inner work of reconciliation and rebuilding the family so that the Light of the Holy Spirit may be present among you.
May the Birth of Jesus in every human heart lead every member of the family to assume and live what God so expects, that it be a family of love, on the path toward inner consecration.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While the universe opens up before your eyes, never lose peace. My Peace will always comfort you and give you an understanding about these times.
This universe opens up so that you may know it, so that you dare to deepen into it and thus you can find the meaning and the reason for existing within this Creation.
In these universes, there are various realities, and that is where I want to take you, because the world must raise its consciousness. Humanity must transcend its fears and, in this way, find confidence in what exists, in the unknown.
From the universe I bring My Message to all today, because humanity still has to listen to the Word of God, this Word that comes to strengthen you and give you new values so that your souls may be in communion with the universe and with Higher Life.
In order to arrive here, I have crossed many planes of consciousness; you must always keep this in mind. So that I can come to the world and speak to humanity, the universes have to open, the portals have to be expressed and the great path of Light must be built so that I can come to the Earth and present Myself.
It is because of all that happened during August that I, as Mother and Guardian of Faith, come to talk to humanity again. Because there are still children of Mine who do not listen to the Word of God, they only hear it, and this is not enough.
In these times of purification, your consciousnesses must be united with universal life. Thus, the currents of the universe will help you and give you the inner strength you need in order to overcome yourselves.
Everything that is material must be purified. Therefore, this is the time, My children, for you to experience this transcendence, day by day.
This is why I bring the universe to you, so that first you can recognize it within yourselves and then you can express it, even while being in material life, even while living on this planet and within this humanity.
Therefore, your consciousnesses must return to the origin. Not to the origin of errors, of blame, of the incomprehension that perhaps you have lived in the universe or within this school-planet.
You must return to the origin of your truth, to the origin of your essence. There, nothing can be corrupted, because if you are in God, God will be within you and His Word will be fulfilled.
These times are not only definitive times, times of tests, times of confirmation, they are times in which the universe gathers and unites, and so do the hierarchies, in order to help humanity.
The Commands in the universe are very broad, the challenges for humanity are very great. But there is only one reason and motive that keeps everyone here, which is the love for the Project of God. A Project that declined many times and has been distorted throughout the times.
Therefore, My children, now this is not important. What is important is your awakening, and in your awakening will be the evolution of your consciousnesses. And this evolution of your consciousnesses will only be attained through love and surrender.
My Son taught you how to do it. His Instruction is in force and timeless. Whether it wants it or not, humanity must walk towards the portal that will lead you to the Land of the New Christs. And this, My children, is not a theory, it is a reality, it is an aspiration of God, it is a goal.
The more who give up, the less possibilities you will have that all may reach this portal that the universe opens in the consciousness of humanity, and that someday will lead you to an encounter with the Land of the New Christs.
The Love of My Son will allow you to know this path, It will allow you to understand this goal and this aspiration of God.
After August 8, the Eternal Father has not given up, and He will not give up, although the majority of His children have their consciousnesses busy with an inferior and indifferent reality.
The tests come to teach all of you, My children, that it is time to change something, which cannot only stay within the mind as information or part of memory, but that you must practice and apply it within the life of these times.
This is why the universe mobilizes itself and works untiringly. Its cosmic currents, its mirrors of light, its Hierarchies, its universal, mental and divine doors, they all intertwine and interrelate, and through the Rays, they help humanity.
My children, there is a part that the Hierarchy cannot do for you, and it is up to you to do this part.
Your faith in these times must be strengthened just like your confidence in the Plan of God, these are times of incredible situations, never seen before.
But you must not stay in it, in that which is superficial, you must aspire toward that which is non-material, although you do not know it, although you do not understand it, although you do not experience it.
From there will come the help from the Source, just as the non-material Source helps the whole universe, the rest of Creation.
You are in a time that no other humanity has lived. Do you understand now the importance of this moment?
Your lives must be the very message fulfilled, the Word of My Son manifested through redemption and surrender to God.
This will justify, at this moment, all the errors that the world commits, and that humanity carries out, even within a pandemic.
Do not let the Law of Mercy move away, cry for the Mercy of God and trust.
I come to the world to deepen into the awakening, knowing that the universe is there, waiting for those who are self-summoned and for those who stepped back on the path of My Son.
The commitment of each being does not dissolve, as much as their lives change, as much as they move away from the path, because it is an essential commitment, it is something that you carry within yourselves, within your essence, brought by the Non-material Source.
Do you now understand the meaning of this responsibility?
To be with My Son is not a passing or emotional moment; Our Words must be fulfilled in you, because God gives them to you out of love and wisdom.
This will recreate the Creation, and your lives must always undergo a metamorphosis, a constant change, a permanent transformation, because this is where Christ works and carries forward His Plan.
We do not ask you for the impossible, but rather for what is possible, what comes from the heart and renews life.
On behalf of all Hierarchies of the Divine and Universal Plan, I sanctify you and I bless you at this moment so that, stepping out of yourselves, more each day, you may attain the supreme reality, while still living material life.
It is not impossible, it is just a matter of aspiring and wanting it. Higher Life will be there, calling at the doors of your consciousnesses, leading you to awaken and understand the Plan, beyond everything.
May your faith be renewed, may the commitment be remembered by everyone, may the Virtues and the Gifts of God be fulfilled on the surface of the Earth so that the New Humanity may be born.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
XXIX - Dialoge Between Nature and God
When the soul of Nature enters into dialogue with God, what does it say? How is it answered by its Creator?
The soul of Nature speaks with God in silence, through the expression of beauty and the movement of the elements. The soul of Nature expresses its pain to the Creator through the wind, the rain, the closed and silent sky, the time that seems to stand still so as to feel the life of the Earth.
Nature expresses its self-giving and love through the flowers, fruits, the green leaves and the leaves that are dried, surrendering to renewal. It speaks through the deep silence of the oceans, through their balance and surrender, their constant and selfless service, their effort to keep the Project of the Creator alive for this world alive.
The soul of Nature speaks with God through the silence of the earth, renewing in its deepest layers the most ancient records of humanity, transforming with fire that which has happened and giving to the planet a substance that nurtures, that supplies, that sustains.
And God responds to Nature with the sun that shines and communicates life, with the night that restores and brings encouragement, with the breath that becomes air and breathing so that, in spite of all the density of the planet, there may be Spirit within the spirit of beings. God responds to Nature with gratitude, renewing Nature´s perfection and beauty, its life and its form, its peace.
May this dialogue, children, teach you to serve unconditionally, to give of yourselves out of love, to express peace even in times of chaos, to adore in silence when the world becomes stirred and to receive from the Lord and the Love of His infinite Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twelfth Poem
Guardian and Protector of faith,
free us from the darkness of these times,
distance us from the path of perdition.
May the Sacred Flame of Your Immaculate Heart
be the guide of our lives.
Celestial Mother,
may our steps be accompanied
until we are able to meet Christ.
May the power of Your luminous and loving Heart
lead us to the House of the Celestial Father,
because we recognize ourselves as children of God,
expressions of His Redeeming Project,
fundamental parts of His Work of Mercy.
May we never tire of seeking
union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.
May gratitude and reverence
help us perceive the divine reality
that lies before our eyes, day by day.
With Your divine help, Mother of God,
may we comply with that which the
Holy Will of God establishes.
Thus, we will learn,
just like You, dear Mother,
to remain in the emptiness of ourselves,
without expecting anything in return.
Awaken Your unconditional Love within us
so that we may also be unconditional,
and, thus, our lives will belong to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
On this day, on which we continue to re-live the Passion of the Lord, continue to open yourselves internally so that God the Father may continue to work miracles in many souls of the world, especially in those that hear the Call of My Son.
In adoration and with devotion, offer your lives as a testimony of love and faith in Christ so that within the world the healing of all humanity may be established.
In this offering, dear children, you will demonstrate to the Father that it is possible to continue with His Divine Project on Earth.
For this reason, beloved children, avail yourselves of the merits of Christ, which in each new Holy Week are offered for the conversion of sinners.
Your spiritual alliance with Christ keeps the Source of Grace open. And if this inner alliance is deepened at this time, the more Grace and Mercy a needy humanity will receive so that repentance may be experienced in each of My children.
As a Mother, I accompany you during these days so that, after having gone through the Holy Week, you may be more strengthened so as to learn to undertake new challenges, which will give you the impulse to take a new step, until you are able to be in the merciful Presence of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In your prayers, cry out for the planet, for the deepest essence of the Earth, for its Kingdoms and elements, for its spirit.
Cry out for the gift of life that the Creator placed in this world; a life capable of renewing and recreating all existence; a life coming from the Holy Spirit of God and which holds His Divine Breath within it.
Cry out that this gift may express, grow and be revealed to the world, to the consciousness and the hearts of humankind.
Cry out, child, so that this planet may find relief and all the spiritual life hidden within it, supporting existence on Earth, may it find hope and motivation for continuing this sacred and unknown labor for humankind.
Cry out for the very consciousness of the planet. Do not forget to dedicate some time to this feminine and maternal spirit that protects the Project and Divine Will since the beginning.
Be grateful for the life that manifests on Earth, be grateful for its Kingdoms, be a part of this Creation, which expresses unity and harmony with the All.
The time has come for being aware of the participation of humanity in the support of the planet, and this is material, inner and spiritual. On all levels, the human consciousness must take action, because the men and women of this planet are the link between the dimensions, they are the bridge to the Heart of God.
For this reason, be a bridge through love, prayer and gratitude. Be a bridge with the Infinite through a simple and eternal union with God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
The Source of all Instruction and Knowledge descends to Earth through the Word of the Hierarchy so that humanity may be conscious of the Truth and, at the same time, conscious of the possibility it has of fulfilling the Creator Project of God, even if as a minority.
This Source of Instruction not only enters the consciousness of each server so that they may be renewed, but it also gives them the impulse for a more rapid process in their redemption and their consecration to the Divine Plan of the Father, so this may be accomplished as foreseen.
It is in this last cycle when the Source of Instruction will assist many consciousnesses and will allow them to perceive reality, and thus change their way of life forever, acquiring the patterns of life that will be good for their own lives, souls and spirits.
For this reason, Instruction and Knowledge will come with many revelations so that the human race, in this last instance of the planet, may place itself on the correct step and, by redeeming its past and its errors, it may resume the Plan it once lost, which will begin within each being.
Thus, Instruction will be this light that will indicate the way so that many more consciousnesses may abandon the world illusion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to reveal the real story of your civilization to you, not to magnify your personas, but rather to have you grow inwardly in what God needs to build for this end time of humanity.
For this reason and motive, I speak of all this information and I present all these revelations because in the coming times I will make of the apostles prophets and instructors of the Word of the Hierarchy; of the collaborators, I will make great unconditional servers, surrendered to giving their lives in any need; of those who awaken, I will make them mature available consciousnesses, with the impulse to live in service and in the absolute giving of self; of all of you and of each one, I will make something.
For the time is arriving, and the time shows the need that exists in humanity and, above all, upon this planet.
I tell you the true history of the civilizations from the past, of the most emblematic and important moments of humanity when, in ancient times, the Plan was gradually fulfilled, beyond all errors or experiences.
I tell you all of this to bring a continuity to what God needs concretized and manifested for the coming time, which is that the project of the spiritual and universal family may continue forward, just as the sacred people of Israel lived it up to a certain point and moment, while also participating, not only directly in the Graces of the Father, but also in the awakening of their virtues, talents and gifts, which God brought through the prophets and the patriarchs.
For God, everything has a deep meaning, intimate and also unknown, just ike He has for you. And so, you must fully trust in what I am doing, saying and building; placing your consciousness in the great void of God so that, in this way, you may be filled by His Wisdom, Love and Presence, in the same way as the peoples from the past were filled by the Sacred Attributes of God.
Understand, companions, about the history and the moment you are participating in and how, in the smallest details, God can write a new time in humanity, in consciousnesses and especially in the essences that participate in the call of God.
The Son of the Father, before He returns again to the world, has this mission and task; and you are participants, just as your brothers and sisters on the path are also participants.
Each one fulfills an important part within this Plan and are called, day after day, to go deeper in this commitment and surrender, just as the apostles did in the past who, by means of living a simple and austere life, surrendered into living a greater and unknown life, surrendering their families, their goods and their possessions into the Hands of the Father so that the experience of the Gospel, the Word of God, His Will, could be built in life.
It is in this way that I bring continuity to this aspiration of the Father for these critical moments in which humanity must first recognize the deviation they are living in these times and the illusion that embraces millions of souls in the world.
Like more than 2,000 years ago, I come to bring the Good News, but Good News given impulse by the nonmaterial Ray of Liberation and of Transcendence so that, in this way, the Attributes of the Father may enter into the consciousnesses that most need it, and that they thus dare to take the steps toward God.
The people who lived in the Arctic Circle and who participated in the spontaneous experience of their contact with the Universe and with God also experienced the Attributes of the Father in their consciousness and in group life.
The evolution of that civilization began to take place naturally within months until, without them perceiving it, they began to enter into the seventh dimension of consciousness. They began to participate in everything there was in the seventh dimension, beyond the fact that they lived in the material plane. Their state of purity and attunement allowed them to have these experiences.
Spiritual growth is a principle of Divine Wisdom that can fill the spirits and souls of the world so that they may be guided by the Eternal Father Himself in the designs of His Source and of His Goodness.
In this way, I bring the impulse of this civilization of North America that lived in these distant lands and in the most arduous cold of ancient times where they spontaneously came to know everything that existed in the Universe and thus understood, even on the material plane, the Will of God within His Project of the different civilizations of the Earth.
Each people, each culture that went through this planet, contributed something important to the project of humanity and, above all, to its continuity in the present. If that had not been possible, the humanity of this time would not exist.
With this, companions, understand the importance of building, in this time, this Project of God that is still to be concretized and accomplished through the inner experience and the transformation of all.
And so, I bring you the impulses held and recorded in the Sacred Books of God, which also speak about this part of the local Universe, especially of this planet and its human project accompanied and guided by the great archangels, within the diversity of life that exists in the entire material, mental and spiritual Universe.
With this awareness, you must perceive yourselves as something very small and inoffensive within the great Creation that surrounds you and that vibrates in all spaces, like a soft and sweet melody coming from the Source of Love and Unity, because God still keeps His Eyes on this race, on this humanity and planet.
It is the time of the Plan of Rescue and for this Plan to be able to develop and move forward through the redemption of consciousnesses and through the steps that these consciousnesses can take in this time so that, just like in the past, as it was for the sacred people of Israel, you may also testify to this profound change in consciousness and that maturity, so essential for this cycle, so as to prepare yourselves and prepare your brothers and sisters for the end time that is near.
And when I say near, it is because it is very near, in this material time that you live in and inhabit.
The Hierarchy brings the treasures of humanity so that they may be revealed but also, in their hands, they bring the sacred books of the Universe, to reveal all that it holds since before the origin of your essences, of your existence and of your creation.
With this, companions, understand how history is broader and deeper, and that knowledge is not measured with the mind nor with intuition, but rather with the openness of the heart of each one of My apostles and friends who trustingly drink of the Source of knowledge without boasting nor honoring themselves, because all of this has a greater purpose that is greatly unknown to you.
Thus, trust will have you stay in the void and, above all, in the gratitude of being able to receive these spiritual impulses and these Graces that come so that many can remember what they did and experienced in other times and thus dare to bring continuity to that which the Eternal Father needs.
But all of this will not only be material but also profoundly spiritual and inner. It is there, in the inner self, where the Word of the Hierarchy must resound so that after it may be built on the outer, that which God wants to materialize as aspiration and will. This is the path for understanding sacred knowledge and so that your beings can grow and express what God needs through the presence of your inner Christs.
On this day I bring you these words so that your consciousnesses may expand, so that your hearts may continue to mature in love and in surrender; in the giving of self and in the necessary conviction of serving the Creator Father in these times, as a compensation for the errors committed in this cycle by millions of souls in the world, which brings and causes the Law of Divine Justice to rapidly descend.
In this way, you will understand and comprehend that all of this and all of this purpose that I bring to you today has a broader and infinite purpose which encompasses not only souls but also other Universes and spaces of Creation that are preparing themselves before I return to the world so as to also take their great and last step.
See in the skies the spiritual and nonmaterial construction that your Master and Lord is making with the Word of God, with the Message from the Heights, with the announcement of the Good News for these times.
Be a mirror and a representation in likeness to the civilization of North America, of the people that had that experience so spontaneous and profound with Creation, which carried them into being within higher levels of consciousness and made it no longer necessary for them to be on this physical plane to continue learning to evolve and grow inwardly
It is possible to achieve an experience under other Laws, still unknown to humankind of the surface; but this is possible through the heart, a meek heart, a peacemaking heart, a trustworthy heart, a heart that believes, beyond itself, all that it does not know and has never known.
Gather up these words as My last Words, as My last impulses, as the last revelations, because it is now time to move forward with what God needs through group life and community life, so that the Will of the Father may be materialized and concretized for the purpose of carrying out and manifesting the Universal Family. And, in this way, the majority of beings and consciousnesses will be able to enter into the New Humanity.
Today, the Father accompanies Me, not only through the Word, but also through His Omnipotent and Omniscient Presence.
Adonai is here, with His children, with His heirs of Universal and Planetary Knowledge so that in recognition, courage and honor of His infinite and Cosmic Consciousness, His Nonmaterial, Spiritual and Divine Source, His Universe of Love and of Wisdom, all His children to come to Him, in the same way that this civilization of North America did, because it entered into the Consciousness of God and fulfilled a part of His Infinite Aspiration for this Material Universe, and this was reflected in the Mental and Spiritual Universe. And, in this way, all learned from that experience, from that life that once occurred upon the surface of the Earth.
Rejoice in what comes from Wisdom and drink of the Words of the Hierarchy so that you may grow in an absolute giving of self. This will make you worthy children of God.
Continue praying so that your Master and Lord can fulfill the Purpose that the Father has given Him for this time and so that His apostles can bear the powerful currents that come to assist humanity of today, before everything happens, before everything is unleashed.
All have the opportunity of entering this last ship that is passing by to gather up the self-summoned and thus, live in the Ark of the Covenant.
"Father, You Who know the importance of Your Purpose and Your Universal Aspiration, let Me feed Your children with Your Wisdom and Your Words so that, fortified by the strength of Your Spirit and Your Grace, they may have the momentum and the courage to take the great step toward the realization and concretization of Your Plan.
May these principles that come from the Source and are a part of the history of the different humanities of the Earth be able to fill hearts with that which is new and renewing so that Your Will may be accomplished, as it was accomplished in those who came through and lived upon this Planet.
May the Light of Knowledge allow them to surrender more each day to You and, in that trust, ardently fulfill what You desire, like Your Son accomplished that which You needed and aspired for, until dying on the Cross, for a great Mystery, which You then revealed to Me and had Me participate in, as a part of You.
May each being, soul and spirit be a part of You, as I am a part of You, and You are in Me, in perpetual and eternal communion. Amen."
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the coming of the New Race be accomplished.
May humanity express its archetype.
May the word be living and build Your temple.
May Your Mystery expand in us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and Glorify perfect unity.
Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more