Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Now that you are already in the Lenten desert, seek within yourself the answer that you long to hear and follow what your heart dictates, for the heart knows that it must fulfill the Lord's ardent aspiration to make you into a blessed soul, even while you are still on Earth.

A blessed soul serves without complaining. A blessed soul is unconditional. A blessed soul has their heart ready for anything.

Find, in the desert, the hidden mystery of God, in what is apparently arid and solitary. You are before the revelation of God's abundant Love, a Love that has no end and renews all things.

May your life be an expression of the inexhaustible Source of God's Love."

Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through your heart, contemplate My Sacred Relics. Submerge into the Divine Mystery of God that I reveal to you today, avail yourself of this moment as if it were the last one.  

Behold the Chalice of Redemption, which holds in itself the original codes of the human race.

This is the Sacred Instrument that is offered, in the Hands of the Lord, to reintegrate to humanity the only true genetic code, that code that should be fulfilled and manifested through the race.

This is why I had to surrender My Blood and My Body in the most unimaginable conditions, so that this civilization of the surface of the Earth might recover its original code, that code which God created in the Source through the Creator Fathers, by means of divine and cosmic science., a code which, throughout the times, has degenerated due to different experiences and errors.

Just as it was on Maundy Thursday, when the Lord, through His Blood and His Body, would recover the original code of this humanity, today, through the Sacred Relic of the Holy Grail, the Lord prepares to recover this code that has degenerated again in recent times.

But this time I will recover it through My last apostles and disciples, through all those who will offer their own consciousnesses to be part of the re-establishment of the genetic code of humanity on the New Earth. I know that you will not understand this mystery today, because it does not encompass the intellectual and human part, but each one of your spirits can be the receptacle that receives this Creative Principle.

Because this genetic code of humanity will be recovered through the last servers, through all those who, in the end of times, are willing to go beyond themselves, transcending their human aspects and fully trusting in the spirit of My Grace, which is the one that grants this important moment to all.

Remember that, as a civilization on the surface of the Earth, and since the beginning of this Project of God, each one of you holds this code in their own genetics, through this humanity. And throughout the times and experiences and, above all, through the school of the degrees of love and redemption, this code, which is kept in the DNA itself, in the innermost depths of your consciousnesses, must be converted into a Christic Code, through the Grace and Love that I give you.

Thus, upon My Return to Earth, this will be My first and great planetary movement. Because a New Humanity cannot emerge without all possible consciousnesses, on the four corners of the Earth, recovering in themselves, this Christic Code, through their DNA.

However, lest you may think that this is impossible or unattainable, I want to remind you that you will be able to attain this Christic Code of Love and Redemption by means of your souls and even more through your higher beings, in which the sublime flame of the Spirit dwells, and provides gifts, Graces and virtues to souls.

Your souls must be the bridge for this to happen, so that, just like many saints and yogis of the East, your lives may also be sanctified in the Lord, just as the lives of each one of the saints and yogis of the East became sanctified in Creation.

So that humanity may awaken to this sacred knowledge of Creation, magnificently provided by the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and especially by the Holy Grail, I have worked eucharistic miracles in several parts of the world, so that you may believe.

I have stigmatized some consciousnesses so that humanity may believe that, just as I Am present at the Sacrament of the Altar at each new eucharistic celebration and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, in the same way My Redeeming Christic Code can also be physically present in you. Because the one who receives this Redeeming Christic Code gradually transcends their consciousness and matter, detaches themselves from what is mundane and even from what is commonplace, sets themselves apart from the energies that do not allow their evolution.

Therefore, companions, believe that through each new Communion you receive, through each celebration in which you participate, you are before the doors of the Christic Code of the Lord, which transubstantiates you if you allow it, just as the bread and the wine are transubstantiated at the Altar.

This is why I told you that I carried out and permitted many eucharistic miracles in the world, so that no one would have any doubts that I Am present and hidden in the mystery of the Altar and, even more, I can be present and eternally alive in the souls that open their hearts to receive Me in glory.

I would like you to be attentive to the moment of eucharistic celebration, so that you may be conscious of what spiritually and physically happens during the moment of transubstantiation, as well as at the moment of receiving the Holy Eucharist.

Through the eucharistic celebration, not only does the very miracle of Love allow you to approach this Christic Code of Love, Redemption and Light, and to submerge in My Unfathomable Mercy, but your souls also stand before the opportunity of a spiritual amnesty.

Although I know that you can fall again many times, it is My wish that you may spiritually work on this in the times to come. Because you will not have a place or space, but only in the Heart of the Lord, which is expectantly open as a great inexhaustible wellspring, so that souls may receive the Graces of the Heavens.

Therefore, today I grant you and the world the opportunity to be before the Holy Grail again, that sacred Instrument that was a witness of the revelation of Christ’s Love for the souls of the whole world, which continues to be perpetuated at each new Eucharist.

If you opened your consciousnesses even more to this mystery, it would no longer be a mystery, but rather a revelation, and the sacred science of the Holy Spirit would give you more understanding and wisdom for your life situations, even for the impossible causes.

Just as today, at the center of the government of your souls, you receive this Spiritual Sacrament through the Holy Chalice, in the same way your guardian angels are your witnesses today, before the Laws of Creation, and register this unique and unrepeatable moment, which you will be able to carry in your souls forever, until eternal life is fulfilled.

This is the same thing that I offered to My apostles, although they were not ready at that moment.

But I come to seek that which dwells within each inner world. I come seeking this Christic Code that is in you, so that it may be at the service of Creation in the preparatory time for the Return of Christ.

Submerge in this reality, companions, just as your guardian angels prostrate themselves before the Presence of the Holy Grail. Because in this Chalice, which I carry in My Hands today, not only is the testimony of My Precious Blood, the testimony of My Love for each one of you, but I also deeply aspire and yearn that someday your experiences of love and redemption may also be within this Holy Chalice, so that when I return to the world in Glory, I may offer it to God, together with you, as reparation for all the errors and outrages committed in the world, especially to children and innocent ones.

Ask the Angel of Reparation, present at each new Eucharistic Celebration, to spiritually help you to live this mystery, so that it may be a reality in you, once and forever.

After living this Divine Communion with Me, you are now ready to live the Spiritual Communion, by means of the Eucharistic Celebration that you will now carry out.

At this moment, I would like for you to be in quietude, to meditate upon all of the impulse that I have brought to you, up to the moment when you will live the transubstantiation of the elements, of the bread and the wine, into the Body and the Blood of Christ. And especially at the moment when you will receive the Holy Eucharist, remembering the intention of all that I have told you up to now.

I give thanks for your being here. Continue to prepare for the next Sacred Week.

May My Words dwell in you, so that My Words may not just pass through you, but rather that they may concretize the Work of redemption within you.

I bless you, in the name of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will prepare for the Spiritual Communion by giving continuity to the impulse that we have received.

And so that this may be a reality within us, as He asked of us, we will sing “Adonai, Holy Spirit”, while we prepare ourselves.  In this way, the Holy Spirit will help us at this moment, prepare us internally, just as it filled our Holy Mother and the apostles in Pentecost.

Let us entrust this moment to the Holy Spirit of God. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Where there is a heart that sincerely cries out for peace, there is also the Heart of God.

Where there is a being that prays with the truth of their heart, there the Mirrors of God manifest themselves to communicate Higher Truths to beings, to reveal unknown mysteries and those that are only mysteries because your eyes are still looking outside and not within.

The time has come for you to look to these mountains, and not see just mountains. The time has come for you to look to the sky and not see just stars. The time has come for you to look to yourselves and not see just human beings, not see just what you find reflected in a mirror. Go beyond it, to the mirror of your hearts and, through it, you will be able to see what hides within mountains, what hides within the skies, what hides within yourselves.

When My Son was upon the Earth, He spoke to you in parables, and even so you did not understand Him. He Himself told you that the Truths of Heaven could not yet be revealed to the hearts of humanity, but now the time has come, humanity has matured through its errors, through its deviations.

Now, children, you need to decide to no longer err, no longer commit the same errors for two thousand years. Humanity is different, this planet is different. Through you, a Plan must be manifested, a Truth must be revealed, and it will not be just through words, but through your lives. This is the true miracle that we have come to bring to the world: the transformation of the human condition.

When My Son was on Earth, in body, Soul and Divinity, so that beings might believe in His Presence, He needed to work prodigies and miracles to the eyes of humanity. Today, children, the Truth reveals itself through you, the new prodigies are the transformation of your lives, the manifestation of the Centers of Love, the revelation of the mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of human existence.

Two thousand years ago the veil of the Temple was torn. Today, the veil of your consciousnesses needs to be torn. But in order for this to happen, you need to be willing to transform your own lives and no longer be the same.

I know that many of you look back and do not see what you used to be, you have taken many steps on this path of transformation. But in the dwelling of the Thought of God, the Perfect Will of the Creator, this inner space within each one of you is still hidden, disguised behind the human condition, behind all those situations that you still need to surrender and transform, so that this may emerge.

In this way, the Lineages will manifest themselves.

In this way, Warriors will position themselves in their places to protect this Purpose.

In this way, Mirrors will attract, from the Heart of God, that which must manifested itself as the Purpose of the Earth.

In this way, Kingdomists will heal the wounded heart of the Earth, and restore the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature, through perfect communion with all of Creation.

In this way, Contemplatives, in their supplication and silence, will restore the Heart of God and generate merits so that the most lost souls may attain Mercy.

In this way, Healers will touch deep wounds and heal them, so that humanity may no longer look to the pain, but may look toward renewal, may be restored and redeemed to manifest the true Divine Thought on this Earth.

In this way, Governors will govern with the Power of God, and not with their own power, and they will lead this humanity to the fulfillment of the Higher Will.

In this way, each one in their place will build the New Humanity. There is still time to live this Purpose, there is still time to open up to this mystery.

Just as I revealed to you the truth hidden in the Heart of Aurora, children, allow your souls to contemplate a deep mystery in this sacred place. Within these mountains, a mystery is kept, which emerged in the Heart of God, with the Human Purpose.

When the Creator thought of this race and manifested it with His Angels and Archangels in all dimensions, from the Spiritual Universes to the smallest among the physical particles, He also manifested a space that would be the guardian of this race, in which this Thought would dwell, so as to always lead humanity to a return to that Origin, the Origin of Divine Thought.

Although it was a perfect project, when the Creator manifested those beings that would unite the dimensions, that would unite the Heart of God with all manifested life, He offered this Thought to imperfect consciousnesses so that, through that opportunity, they might renew Creation, not only their lives, but all life.

From the beginning, the Creator knew that humanity would become lost on its path and, just as Aurora manifests Healing, children, you can find the Thought of God here, the Perfect Thought of the Origin so that you may live redemption on all levels of your consciousness, from the Spiritual Universes down to the smallest particles of your beings.

Do not try to understand what I am telling you, just listen to My Words and allow them to lead you to a state of consciousness that is mysterious and incomprehensible to the human mind, but which you need to reach to find the Divine Thought once again, to find the Will of God once again, and you must do that in the name of all humanity.

Therefore, just listen, do not question. Just feel how your cells vibrate before My Words, which manifest a mystery that is unknown to the mind, but is revealed to the cellular consciousness that dwells within you. Therefore, allow yourselves to be transformed.

I come to bring you a spiritual science, not just a mystical science. This is not an Apparition like others, because these times are not like others. Do not seek references in that which has passed, because that which must happen now is new, and for this you need the mysteries to be revealed so that you may know where to be, how to act.

The Lord sends you the Consoling Spirit not only so that you may know how to speak in tongues, receive prophecies and live His Gifts, but He also sends you this Spirit so that you may understand His Mysteries and, more than that, you may live them.

I have come from Heaven with a purpose, but, as with everything in human life, this purpose needs the permission of humanity to manifest itself.

Through My Words, I come to transform all that which is corrupt in the human heart. Do the exercise, children, of emptying the consciousness of all that which you have known up to today and of all longing to have knowledge and to live mystical paths that confuse your beings rather than lead you to a truth.

I come to teach you that, to live the Truth, you need to be empty of yourselves, of all your wills and aspirations. This was the way I achieved the Divine Thought in My Life, in the name of all beings. This was the way I was able to be before the Creator so that He might reveal His Mysteries to Me, so that He might show Me unknown worlds and celestial perfection. This is why I invite you to this path of void, of surrender, of sacrifice for others, so that they may find this Truth.

Within these mountains, a sigh is heard, of those who wait to serve humanity, of those who wait for a moment of silence, of void, of surrender to happen. Are you willing to live that?

Feel the Heart of God, which beats not only at the center of Creation, but also in this place, and, at the same time, within you. Feel how this beating begins to transform you little by little. Allow the darkness of human condition to make room for the Light that dwells in your cells. Allow your deepest wounds to be healed. Allow the Voice of God to be heard in the silence of your heart.

Learn to contemplate, learn to transmute and transform through the deep union to the Heart of God. This is how, children, you return to the Origin, to the Celestial and Divine Origin.

In the core of your beings, emit a cry for those who are most in need, for those who suffer, for those who agonize. Within you, where you can find the Heart of God, say a prayer for humanity, for the Kingdoms of Nature. I hear you, God hears you.

Today I say this prayer with you, in the silence of your hearts, so that you may feel peace again and so that you may learn, in the symbol of My Words, that you were created to serve, to transform, to intercede, to unite dimensions, to renew Creation, and all that you do in your lives should have that purpose. All those whom you find on your paths may be touched by the peace that I give to you today, but for this you need to maintain that peace within yourselves.

Today, the Creator gives you a Legacy. He places in your hearts a perfect code, which, at the moment of greatest agony, will be able to emerge and show you the path, the word to be pronounced or the silence to be lived, the moment to go on or to stop.

When you are in doubt, make silence, find this state of peace again, remember this perfect code that dwells in you and seek the answer within it, where the Creator listens to you, in the dwelling of your own heart.

In the silence, between one word and the next, I observe you, listen to you and feel you.

Say a prayer with Me for this place, for this nation, for the manifestation of the Sacredness that dwells here, so that Divine Justice may purify without wounding, transform through awakening rather than through suffering.


Lord and God of Mercy,
Who has loved humanity from the beginning of Creation,
today contemplate the sincerity of Your Children,
and, by the Infinite Love that You stored in their hearts,
may Divine Hope again be ignited.

Grant an opportunity, Lord, to the beings that,
 in their imperfection, seek Your Truth.

Grant, Lord, in the silence of the heart,
a true cry for the transformation of beings
so that, through this cry,
Your Truth may emerge,
Your Mercy may descend,
Your Love may be renewed,
Your Grace may be established,
Your Thought may be a reality.



Through simple things, the Heart of the Father is renewed. How is it possible, children, that, in this place, seemingly lost in these mountains, the Heart of God may be renewed?

Because He wants to show you that it is through simplicity, true simplicity, that He unites to the heart of humanity, that He reveals to them His Grace, He pours out His Mercy and transforms His Justice.

You should keep praying, you should keep the Doors of Heaven open in this place so that the Thought of God that is kept here, the Divine and Original Code that was stored here, within these mountains, so that it might be safeguarded and find a space to reach the heart of all beings, to awaken souls and transform their human condition, so that you may not lament at the end of times for not having awakened, but rather, awakened, you may see a New Life emerge, know the Will of God, His Greatness and His Perfection, and you may be witnesses of the power of divine transformation.

This is the greatest aspiration of your Celestial Father: transform the human condition, transform that which is behind this human condition, errors and imperfections that do not come from this world, but that, through your transformation, you may transform all life, all that was created.

This is the wonder of Divine Thought, which you are called upon to know. Will you choose the human condition? Or will you ignite your hearts in a perfect cry of union with God to know His Mysteries?

There is still time to awaken, children. And this happens when you take the first step.

Do not try to be in a place that does not fit you spiritually, do not try to be perfect if you are not willing to take the first step. Transformation takes place in a process: when you take a step the next one manifests itself, and that is how you will again find the Divine Will for your lives. It will not reveal itself if you are not ready. You will not find transformation if you are not available for this. You will not plunge into the unknown if you do not love it, you will not know the Divine Science that dwells in your cells if you do not learn to love it, to love the Thought of God.

This is how transformation reveals itself, children, how the Lineages manifest themselves, how the Centers of Love reveal themselves, how you will be participants of the Third Order of the Brotherhood. Do not ask what it is, be open to live it. Do not try to know, aspire to be, and all will be revealed to you. This is what I wanted to tell you today.

God sought many paths to bring you here. Be capable of valuing His Graces, honoring His Gifts, being consistent with all that He gives you. I give you My blessing for this.

Now commune with the perfect offering of Christ, which renews you time and again, so that you may live all that I have told you.

I bless you and, with the Consoling Spirit, I fill you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Before closing the transmission, we will make a brief account to all of you, at the request of the Hierarchy, because you know that the Divine Messengers want to make us ever more aware, not only of Their Words, but also of all that happens when They come to the world.

I will try to remember everything, because really many things happened and the Divine Hierarchy has assigned to Mother María Shimani, who must be accompanying this transmission, the task of deepening with us, studying these last Apparitions here in Argentina, so that all of us, all those who are accompanying these Apparitions, may understand more broadly that which the Hierarchy was doing.

While we were praying, a very strong  spiritual movement could be felt, which manifested not only in Heaven, but also within the mountains. Spiritual movements that are like manifestations of Light, manifestations of Angels, Archangels and Spiritual Consciousnesses, began to work in higher dimensions and realities, not only with each one of us, but also with the Kingdoms of Nature, with this space of this region of Argentina where we are and with those who were accompanying that movement of prayer. And we, who do not understand many things, do not think of that, we concentrated in the prayer, waiting for the coming of the Hierarchy.

When Saint Joseph came, He was showing us a sacred space within the mountains, like a spiritual space, which the Mother will explain a little better afterward. There a very elevated reality was lived, where what seemed like Temples of Light could be seen, which held a divine state of consciousness.

It was a state of consciousness that the Father manifested in the origin, and which He kept in this lost space of the planet so that we, as humanity, despite the errors that we would commit throughout our evolution, might find again this Thought of God.

This is what Saint Joseph began to bring to us. When He began to speak, these two realities united, it was like a mirror of water that manifested both the sky and what there is on Earth.

Behind Saint Joseph, we could see this spiritual reality in the sky, but this manifested itself on Earth, within the mountains. It was like a mirror of these two spiritual realities. And at a moment, I confess that I thought I would not be able to stand it, it was really a very strong vibration.

Through the silence of Saint Joseph, He was observing us to see how far He could go with us, because that energy was moving us a lot internally, it was moving us on the level of our cells, not only our inner worlds, our spiritual worlds. Because He explained to us that this Will of God was not only spiritual, but it was also for our physical consciousness, for what we are as a human, material expression.

This is why it moved us also on the level of our cells and, as He spoke to us, this Divine Energy gradually expelled from within us those inner situations that separate us from this Perfect Thought of God.

And I perceived that our cells were spinning at an incredible speed and this energy was manifesting a Light that came from the inside out and at the same time from the Hierarchy toward us.

The same inner movement was manifesting itself on the level of nature and of the consciousness of this nation, above all in what corresponds to this place. And Saint Joseph showed us that, through the Graces that the Hierarchy brought from the beginning of the Pilgrimage in Argentina, this was beginning to transmute an energy of Justice. Those Graces, those celestial gifts that the Messengers were bringing, and the response of each one of us, through our prayers, were beginning to transform that energy of Justice into an energy of Mercy.

And Argentina was receiving a Grace that it does not deserve, through this Mercy, which transmuted this Justice. It was like an event that already existed spiritually was about to manifest itself on the physical plane, and was gradually transformed by this energy of Mercy.

So that we may better understand, the Mother will study this with us afterward so that, through Instruction, we may be even more aware. Because the Hierarchy explained, Saint Joseph explained, that we must not lose that Grace.

This is why He invited us to keep this place ignited, to keep praying here, to keep strengthening the channel of prayer that the Divine Hierarchy manifested, knowing that a Sacred Place of God dwells here, a mirror of a celestial state of consciousness.

Through our prayers, may we consciously maintain that Grace available so that, as Saint Joseph said, humanity may learn through awakening rather than through suffering. And that, at the hardest, most definitive moments, we may know where to be, what to do, what to say, what not to say, when we must go, when we must stay. All of that will emerge from our hearts, from this inner bond that each one of us is building with God, and which we must not lose.

So, we are invited to keep praying here, in order to keep protecting the Grace that we have received, that Argentina has received, that the planet has received.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Secrets of My Life must still be revealed, because no one knows them in depth. That they are a secret does not mean that they are a mystery; they are a revelation that will come at the right moment and, in the face of this planetary situation, this moment is drawing near.

Also for this reason I am here today, not only to continue My spiritual task for Ukraine, but also so that all of you may prepare, on the inner planes, for the moment of revelation.

My Celestial Mother and My Celestial Father know these Secrets in depth, because when My Mother was on Earth, preparing the arrival of the Messiah, Christ the Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel revealed these Secrets to Her, which would only be presented to the world in the end of times.

These Secrets will have repercussions not only in the Church and in all religions, the Secrets will also have repercussions in the awakened and the sleeping consciousnesses, especially those who do not believe in God and who have never united to the Eternal Father.

These Secrets of My Life come to elevate the consciousness of the whole world, to remove it from indifference and impunity, to remove it from the power and the control it believes it has. Because the Secrets of My Life are the secrets of My Universal Life, from the origin of My Consciousness, including the Aspects of God, and this planet and humanity until they ascend to the Heavens, to the Universe, becoming a part of the Spiritual Government of the entire One Source.

The Angels and the Archangels are the great guardians and caretakers of the Secrets of My Life. For this reason, the adversary does not rest even for a moment to deviate souls from the revelation of these Secrets.

Because when souls become aware of this revelation, they will cease to be in illusion, and they will awaken, they will become aware of how much time they have lost in worldly life; and many will repent and have a time of atonement, a time of Grace, to thoroughly live the mission they have come to fulfill.

From that moment, souls will become a part of My Command and not only will hearts be My apostles, but they will also be a part of My armies of the universe, just as I have so many armies throughout the universe. These armies will prepare My Return to the world, to re-establish My Spiritual Government in nations and peoples.

After so many errors and sufferings in this world, which will be dissolved by the Presence of the Light of God, through the Presence of the Most Sacred Heart of His Son, I, with My own Hand, will write this history of humanity again, from the moment of the Death of your Lord at Calvary, on the sorrowful Cross of humanity. From this moment up to the present, the history of humanity will again be written.

Because in My Return, at the moment of the revelation of My Secrets, you will not only come to know what some of the apostles came to know on Mount Tabor or what some participated in during the multiplication of the bread and of the fish, or even in the miracles of the Galilean Sea, you will live moments similar to these facts and, little by little, you will come closer to My Spiritual Government, to learn how to know and live it, just as I live it.

The main purpose of this reason is so that all may live in the Law, may live in the Law with joy and bliss and not as a rule or an imposition, as many believe. Because in the Law lies Peace, and in Peace lies the Happiness of God. In the Law you will always find the path toward the Purpose, and in the Purpose you will fulfill your mission.

These secrets will not only renew the religiosity of the world and the spirituality of all consciousnesses, they will change the dogmas and beliefs of those who have had greater resistance to the Truth. They will see it before their own eyes, because it will not be something that can be hidden, because, in this way, I will fulfill My promise that you will see the Son of Man come and all will recognize and feel Him, and those who have denied the Son of God will also feel and recognize Him.

But remember that I will not come as a Judge, but rather, in the end of times, I will come as the Great Advocate of the Father, to intercede for all souls and consciousnesses that went astray from the path of Light and Mercy, who were dragged toward the abysses and toward the life of the hells of the planet. But when I return, these doors will definitively close.

For this reason, this is the hardest time of all, and it is also the most demanding time of all, as a spiritual pressure is inevitably generated between what is superior and what is inferior, and the negative forces that are present on the surface of the Earth become agitated when souls simply achieve the Light of the Truth.

For this reason, I am here, gestating this moment, preparing this moment in all inner worlds, because when this moment of revelation of My Secrets comes, you will know much more than just My Transfiguration or even of the Transubstantiation of My Being; you will know Christ, your Master and Lord, in the Creative Manifestation of the Father, that Truth that emerged from the Source through Love and Wisdom, which brought to you, a long time ago, the Law of Redemption, when the Son of Man shed His own Blood for you and suffered for you.

But the moment of My Return will be different from those times, because now no one will be able to kill the Son of Man.

When the Hierarchy approaches the planet and, above all, humanity and some regions of the planet, this will allow the condition to prepare these spaces of the inner worlds for this moment of revelation, because it is not written in the Bible nor in any other sacred book.

My Secrets are alive in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and this Sacred Ark will descend to the world again, and reveal and show itself in those sacred sites we know and revere as Sacred Places.

Because certain points of the planet, where there are special cosmic and divine sets of circumstances, are spaces that have been prepared since a long ago, for this very moment. So the sacred relics of the Brotherhood will emerge so that all can recognize and see them.

These are the signs that Heaven will give you, the signs announced through the Apparitions of the Mother of God, visible and inexhaustible signs that will awaken consciousnesses and lead each one of you, as well as each one of your brothers and sisters of the whole world, to position themselves in the place where they must be in order to prepare this moment, together with your Master and Lord.

In truth, I tell you that all that I am revealing to you today is not a theory nor is it something abstract or unattainable, it is something concrete that will come and be visible to the whole world.

And those who have not fulfilled the Law or who have rejected God, the Creator, will have a last chance and opportunity to mend their lives and actions so as to be filled with Divine Mercy, and, thus, they will be able to be a part of the New Humanity.

For this reason, your Master and Lord is upon Ukraine, because, through Ukraine, your Master and Lord is upon Russia, as well as upon other nations of the world that urgently need divine and cosmic intervention, not only of the angels, but also of all Hierarchies. Being upon Ukraine, I can be upon Russia, upon a people that has been conditioned for a long time by a spirit of hostility and rivalry against other peoples and nations of the world.

But do not think of how this will be solved, rather think of what you will do for this to be solved, what is the true action of each one of you on a spiritual and inner level for a solution to come, and to be a concrete and not a passing solution.

For this to happen, your hearts must be united to the Heart of the Hierarchy and they must unite to Our great operations, Our great interventions for the planet and for humanity, especially for those places in the world that are spaces of inflection and permanent hostility, and which attract many forces of evil that subject and condemn many souls, and which do not in any way allow the planet to enter the fourth dimension.

This is why the pressure of these times is very great, and the greatest pressure is inner; a pressure that has repercussions on all living creatures of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human and Devic Kingdom.

All are under this pressure of these final times, because the currents that descend through the Central Sun are very powerful, but they are quite imperceptible to those who live in the illusion of the world. But these currents will not fail to descend, they will not fail to fulfill the Divine Purpose entrusted to them.

The great filter of these currents is the Consciousness of Christ, through which souls can learn to endure, to live and accept them as a part of the end of times, so that this human project not be lost, so that the planet as a consciousness not disappear from this universe and not lose the quality of being Confederate. This is why we must work hard, as I have told you in the last few days.

The collaboration and contribution of each one are fundamental, because they will create the necessary condition for more suns on Earth to awaken and be part of this Confederate Firmament that gathers Hierarchies and Evolutionary Consciousnesses of this and of other universes, of this and of other galaxies, which are united in brotherhood for the redemption and peace of humanity.

Do you now understand your participation in this Local Universe and the importance that humanity may learn to live in the Laws so as to be united to the whole Brotherhood of this universe?

For this, in this final time, the task of the Sacred Places will be very broad, Places that will also prepare My Return to the world and that will physically show that which no one has ever seen, because the impact of the awakening must be very broad to completely change the involutionary frequency of humanity so that it may enter the frequency of peace and universal harmony.

We must pray for all this, but truly pray, with the commitment to do it every day, so that your Master and Lord may have the doors of all hearts open, which must come out of the state of illusion and involution, to enter the state of peace and brotherhood.

This is why today I bring you My Spiritual Priesthood, so that all priests may act in accordance with what this moment requires and may be true mirrors of the Divine Life, which help reconnect consciousnesses with the universe and with the Supreme Source.

I need all of you on this level of awakening, so that you may understand all situations of this world, outside the superficiality of things and within the universality of all My Commands. In this way, you will be able to grasp the essence of the Purpose and join Me in service to concretize the Plan.

May Eastern Europe, and especially Ukraine, keep being helped by the prayers of all. Remember that a humanitarian mission is still pending here, and also the expression of a monastery of this Order to give continuity to that task.

The same must happen in Garabandal and at other points of the Northern Hemisphere that we have indicated to you.

For this reason, it is time for all the stars that shine through the souls on the surface of the Earth to work for this manifestation, because it is your responsibility that Heaven may descend to Earth and all tools of the Father may be available in this final time. Do not expect that what must be materialized will happen by itself. Your help is important. And this is why it is a concrete and permanent responsibility.

Make yourselves available for this manifestation so that the Northern Hemisphere may not precipitate; because this would be unacceptable to God, as in the Northern Hemisphere there are many sacred tools in the Sacred Places of the Father.

Head to this task and carry it out the way it is planned.

Do not forget what I am saying to you, it is time to keep working for the Plan, taking a steadier and more decided step, so that the debts of your consciousnesses and those of your families may be dissolved. All is waiting for you, it is time to work.

I bless Poland and I thank it for the welcome given to Me, and thus, I bless the whole world, all those who have the courage to hear and assume My Words and to not allow them to go as if this were just another Message. Because, in truth, I tell you, that My task is not static, My mission is dynamic, it is a constant purpose that will only make you grow so that you may surpass Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

A stage closes after the impulses and revelations lived in Garabandal.

Now, after this door has been opened, it is the aspiration of your Heavenly Mother that, at a later stage, Garabandal may continue to be visited, so that the knowledge that this Sanctuary holds within itself may be revealed to all.

For this reason, the mission carried out up to today has allowed for important spiritual bases to be established upon the surface, and for the angelic consciousness to have been able to approach the earthly sphere, to right away begin to prepare the emergence of the New Earth in the hearts of all devotees of the Virgin of Carmel of Garabandal.

This moment, experienced and shared with all people of Garabandal, left internally sown not just a seed of fraternity so that it may later on germinate. At some moment, when it has grown enough, it will bear fruits, which will be helpful and of spiritual benefit, not only for the people of Garabandal, but for all who welcome My Maternal Message, My call in Garabandal.

I invite you to keep praying for all that must still awaken so that, someday, through the angelic help, Garabandal may be in the spiritual place and space that it truly represents.

I thank you for having accompanied Me these days in Garabandal, making My Messages alive within you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Unknown and new situations will come to the world, mysteries that will be revealed in order to raise awareness and redeem the human consciousness. But most people will not be very attentive to perceive that moment. The most awakened will recognize the coming of that experience.

All of this will place humanity before the truth; no one will be able to hide it or make it disappear, no manipulation will prevent it, because the time has come for the human mind to be overflown, by revealing impulses that will define an entire cycle.

Therefore, you must be attentive to the signs, to everything that Heaven will show and leave as symbols of its revelation. Now, it is time that you may first recognize it, and then understand it. Consciousnesses will have the Grace of knowing it and identifying it.

Prepare your hearts without expectations.

A long story that seemed to have no end, will finalize.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace




When the time comes, Knowledge, Truth and the Light of the Universe of God will reveal itself on its own, and there will be no dogma, doctrine or institution that will be able to hide what will emerge within the beings, just like in the heights of the Heavens.

The cosmos within creatures will pulsate, and from this same infinity in Heaven will emerge the signs of a new time, of a new life that reveals and manifests the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom not understood and still unknown to humankind.

When the time comes, the silence of those who persisted will be their greatest instrument to allow the revelation of the truth, because the truth will not emerge from the words of human beings, but rather from their living examples, the signs of Heaven, and the very Voice of God who, after having been in silence, will allow His Word to resound with the power of a thousand trumpets over the world.

For this reason, do not want to convince, do not want to do it yourselves, do not want to transform the world with words, but rather with example, the testimony that speaks for itself. And when humankind becomes silent, the Voice of God will reverberate.

Let His Kingdom, always alive in those who allow for Its expression, be what will reveal the path to the world.

Let these be your constant aspirations: with the example, announce; with the word, pray and proclaim the Grace of God; with your life, express His Kingdom; with your heart, renew His Love.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the moments of love and light experienced with Me during these last twelve years remain written in your soul.

May every sign received during the revelations that occurred in the first moments of the apparitions of the Mother of God come to the consciousnesses.  

May each message that was pronounced by the faithful Servant be remembered and heard, so that souls may not remain without instruction.

This is the time not only to make a synthesis, but also with this synthesis may the servers of Christ may be prepared to go through the last moments of Armaggedon.

In every moment and meeting with Me, all the divine and merciful Love was poured out upon the hearts that knew how to recognize My Presence, and these Graces that have been preciously granted will never be lost.

Each soul must value what they received because, even though they are not fully aware of what this means, this is the time to recognize and give thanks for all that was received, beyond material life.

May souls remember the steps of the Mother of God through the Marian Centers. There, it will always be the inner strength that will again place you before God.

I thank you for responding My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Twenty-sixth Poem

Lady of the Stars,
Mother of the Higher Universe,
lead us to understand, through the heart,
the mysteries of our existence
so that, in the awakening of our consciousnesses,
we may truly collaborate
in the redemption of our origins.

May we constantly seek holy humility
so that our personalities may humble themselves.

May we aspire to live resignation
so that we may transcend our pride.

Empress of the Celestial Universe,
make us small
so that we may be deserving
of Your beloved Son’s revelations.

May we forever lose
interest in manipulation and human control.

May our consciousnesses be placed
at the Feet of the Celestial Father
so that we may lovingly learn
to ask for forgiveness for all errors committed.

With empty and resigned hearts, Lady of Light,
we will learn to allow Christ to enter within us
so that His Spirit may renew all things.

Let us come to know, Queen of the Universe,
the gifts that You constantly lived
in order to be in contact with God.

Banish from our minds
all beliefs in power and sovereignty,
because we will always be
like small grains in the universe.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the Light of the Mirrors, the sacred Spiritual Hierarchy brings attributes toward the planet that humanity needs to learn in order to take the correct step that will withdraw it from the illusion in which it lives.

The Mirrors, as part of non-material life, represent that state of consciousness in which is established inner communication between the spiritual and the material.

In this time, the Mirrors work far more than before, because humanity is at the moment of finishing going through the last and great cycle.

With them, the Mirrors will bring the spiritual impulse of powerful currents, which will help to transform and reveal that which humanity needs.

At least a part of humanity and the planet, through the Mirrors, will achieve the real time and, little by little, consciousnesses will see this alternate time dissolve before their eyes, because the Mirrors will achieve the spiritual union that will allow the truth of Knowledge to be revealed.

For this reason, this is the time of definition for the whole planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When God shows His Heart to humankind, a part of them dissolves into unity with the Divine. The essence wakes up and begins to remember; the soul expands and from within it, the most ancient records of love emerge and transmute what was dark in their consciousness.

When God shows His Heart to humankind, the inner world is shaken, the individuality seeks meaning and all that humanity always defended, as to the expression of each being separate from the All, begins to fall apart. The structures of deceit begin to crumble and the veils of illusion begin to tear. The Kingdom of God expands from the outside inward and, with the same power, it is revealed from the inside outward in all His creatures.

Nothing remains as it is.

Souls rejoice, minds can find no explanation, feelings lose their human foundation for they do not recognize the emotions that are caused by the whole and perfect Presence of God through His Son.

It is a moment of revelation and inner deconstruction.

It is a moment of being new clay in the Hands of the Potter.

It is a moment of being water transformed into wine.

It is a moment of being nothing in the Hands of your Lord.

Today, children, God shows His Heart to humankind. Allow this revelation to happen, the transformation to be carried out and unity to manifest.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Since the birth of your Lord, up to His ascension to Heaven, as it was the moment for manifesting His Redeeming Work and awakening souls to love and truth, the Creator sent all those consciousnesses to the world that needed to learn with His Son.

And so it was that, year after year, souls shared with Christ His life on Earth.

Some experiences were quicker, others longer; some found Him only once, others many times, because God Himself, profound knower of the souls He created, was Who knew the real need of each being.

And so it was that, since the childhood of Christ, there were souls that shared in his fragility, the awakening and the manifestation of His childhood purity, the growth of His humanity and the expansion of His Divinity within that fragile body.

Each being learned something with God through His Son; something that the Creator, with His own Hands, built within souls, through Christ.

There were those souls that needed to live the glory of Christ, the revelation of the Kingdom of God in His miracles, in His Words, in His Presence. Others needed to awaken a deep, fertile and eternal love through His Passion, to carry to the world the legacy of His Love, not only in that time, but through the centuries to come. Other souls, in spite of not having looked into the Eyes of Christ, experienced His spiritual Presence and, in the silence, they were able to find Him within themselves.

I tell you this because this is the moment for turning inward and remembering.

Remembering the Child full of God that awakened purity within your hearts.

Remembering the silent and humble Youth that learned with His father in a carpentry shop while teaching him about the transformation of souls.

Remembering the Prophet of Nazareth, the one called the Nazarene, Who walked upon the hills and, with the same simplicity, did so on the waters, revealing the mysteries of God held within His Heart, as well as in the heart of each being.

The moment has come to remember the Gaze that redeemed you, the Hands that reached out toward you, to lead you into a new life, a new human being, with a simple phrase: follow Me.

To remember He who called you to leave the ship of human desires and aspirations in the sea in order to go with Him to rescue souls.

To remember He who forgave your sins and, seeing the truth within you, called you by name so that you never again turn away from His Love.

To remember each drop of Blood that spilled from His Face and His Gaze always fixed on God.

To remember His Heart, elevated above the suffering, pleading for humanity and for each being with the same love.

To remember the empty sepulcher.

To remember His Words and His Face in resplendent vestments.

To remember His body rising up among the incandescent brilliance of the clouds and, in the light, the power of His Voice promising you He would bring the Kingdom of God to the world.

To see the promises of Christ fulfilled, you need to remember; and to remember, you need to enter into yourself and lovingly contemplate what He left in your hearts, because His impulses are eternal.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The light of the mysteries will emerge upon the surface of the Earth and the consciousnesses of humanity will come to know Truth.

A Truth that has always been there, latent but silent, waiting to emerge to the surface so that the race might perceive it has never been alone in this Universe.

But when this Truth emerges, with it will arrive the awareness of each being, and they will realize the wounds that many nations have brought upon the planet.

At that moment, everything will be put into evidence and the planet will show all that it has suffered throughout times, as well as all that it had to endure in silence.

Because when the Truth emerges, the prayer of the faithful devotees will make this Truth more impactful. It will take an almost physical form so that no being becomes confounded and they may understand what they will be experiencing without the need for anyone to interpret these events. 

The Truth that will emerge upon the Surface will bring many revelations with it. Humanity will realize all its faults upon becoming aware of the essence of its purpose as beings and as members of humanity.

This Truth will open the eyes of those who have always aspired to know what is beyond this world, but the impact of this Truth will have repercussions in the knowledge and the beliefs that each one has about reality.

While Truth emerges to the Surface, God will send a stronger impulse so that the whole Earth may have the Grace of being able to surrender and recognize its faults, and in this way all may be repaired.

At this moment, many inner worlds will be able to take back what they left pending in the Universe, and they will make themselves available to carry out that which the Plan of God so much expected.

The Earth will be restored from the abuses and the diseases that the human being has imposed upon it for decades.

Thus, nature will be healed and no longer lose the space that has corresponded to it since the beginning of Creation.

This moment will finally come after the planet itself has purged what causes adversity and pain to it.

This time and this moment are arriving, therefore we must pray so that more souls may have the Grace of not losing the emergence of Truth, a moment in which no one will be able to hide from it, there will be no earthly weapon that can destroy it, no nation that can impose itself upon it or terrestrial power that can dissolve it because Truth is one and above any material reality.

Be prepared for this moment.

It is time to know that the final awakening will come, and all religions will have to recognize that they have become stuck in their theories and become stagnant in their dogmas because the love that will come from the Truth will change everything forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



When the Knowledge that comes from God touches your consciousness, allow it to reach your heart and be transformed into wisdom.

When the Knowledge that comes from God touches your consciousness, allow it to awaken within you that which was half asleep and forgetful of Higher Truth, of its origin, not only celestial but also cosmic, forgetful of the purpose of your life and the true goal of your soul.

This is the cycle of the revelation of Divine Knowledge, because for the Time of God to come to the world and reveal His hidden Kingdom on Earth, at least a part of humanity must be aware of this spiritual and subtle, planetary and divine Kingdom.

And so, allow the Knowledge that comes from God to transform, awaken and prepare you for the cycles that will come, in which your inner fortitude must be founded upon faith, as well as upon wisdom.

And when everything is fulfilled, your consciousness will be ready to enter into greater realities, into the Kingdom that transcends this world and which unites you with God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May each Child of Mary today elevate their gaze and their hearts toward the Heavens, not to plead but to give thanks, to recognize how many Graces and Mercies the Creator has poured out upon their lives and how much there is still to be lived within this walk in God, toward the Infiniteness of His Love and of His Creation.

May each Child of Mary today elevate their gratitude toward the Father for the Love He constantly emanates from the Immaculate Heart, for the Peace that comes from Mary and floods the souls, transforming them and consecrating them to God.

May each Child of Mary raise their gratitude to the Father for the awakening, for the revelation of His mysteries, for the veils that were torn and will be torn, for the life that is consecrated and re-consecrated in each new prayer.

May gratitude be the eternal prayer of all the Children of Mary because it will be only in Heaven, children, after this trajectory of transformation and love, that you will understand how blessed your lives were.

Gratitude will open the doors for you toward Eternity.

Gratitude will make fruitful all the Graces received.

Gratitude will make you instruments in the Hands of Mary for the reconsecration of the whole world to Her Immaculate Heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Lent is a moment, children, for coming to know Christ again, to recognize Him with a new gaze, a gaze with neither veils nor fears so that you may know who He is and who you are as you stand before Him, what you are called to experience upon facing the Son of God.

Many are those who walk at the side of Christ, eat from His Body, drink from His Blood, participate in His wonders and hear His Words; but few are those who look at the Lord without veils before their eyes, without walls before their hearts and know Who He is, and also discover themselves before Him.

But Lent is this moment, for in it the Lord says to you: "I Am that I Am, I Am He Who Is; One with God, the very God made Man and Spirit."

And in hearing this revelation of the Son of God, your eyes open so that you can not only recognize Him but also recognize yourselves.

Lent is a moment for deciding to seek Christ and to experience the revelation of His Presence; let yourself be flooded by His mysteries and transformed by His Love. Or else, children, let yourselves see Him pass by and do wonders, see how hearts are transformed upon listening to Him and even so they remain blind and deaf to Him.

Choose life, life in Christ, life in Truth, life in the freedom from yourselves. Choose the fading of the dust.

Do not cling to yourselves, to your virtues and skills, to your convictions and knowledge, to your minds and beliefs. Cling to Christ, to His Celestial Truth, to His Presence, to His Life.

This is the meaning of Lent: to prepare and to define oneself in Christ.

You have My blessing for that.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to reveal the real story of your civilization to you, not to magnify your personas, but rather to have you grow inwardly in what God needs to build for this end time of humanity.

For this reason and motive, I speak of all this information and I present all these revelations because in the coming times I will make of the apostles prophets and instructors of the Word of the Hierarchy; of the collaborators, I will make great unconditional servers, surrendered to giving their lives in any need; of those who awaken, I will make them mature available consciousnesses, with the impulse to live in service and in the absolute giving of self; of all of you and of each one, I will make something.

For the time is arriving, and the time shows the need that exists in humanity and, above all, upon this planet.

I tell you the true history of the civilizations from the past, of the most emblematic and important moments of humanity when, in ancient times, the Plan was gradually fulfilled, beyond all errors or experiences.

I tell you all of this to bring a continuity to what God needs concretized and manifested for the coming time, which is that the project of the spiritual and universal family may continue forward, just as the sacred people of Israel lived it up to a certain point and moment, while also participating, not only directly in the Graces of the Father, but also in the awakening of their virtues, talents and gifts, which God brought through the prophets and the patriarchs.

For God, everything has a deep meaning, intimate and also unknown, just ike He has for you. And so, you must fully trust in what I am doing, saying and building; placing your consciousness in the great void of God so that, in this way, you may be filled by His Wisdom, Love and Presence, in the same way as the peoples from the past were filled by the Sacred Attributes of God.

Understand, companions, about the history and the moment you are participating in and how, in the smallest details, God can write a new time in humanity, in consciousnesses and especially in the essences that participate in the call of God.

The Son of the Father, before He returns again to the world, has this mission and task; and you are participants, just as your brothers and sisters on the path are also participants.

Each one fulfills an important part within this Plan and are called, day after day, to go deeper in this commitment and surrender, just as the apostles did in the past who, by means of living a simple and austere life, surrendered into living a greater and unknown life, surrendering their families, their goods and their possessions into the Hands of the Father so that the experience of the Gospel, the Word of God, His Will, could be built in life.

It is in this way that I bring continuity to this aspiration of the Father for these critical moments in which humanity must first recognize the deviation they are living in these times and the illusion that embraces millions of souls in the world.

Like more than 2,000 years ago, I come to bring the Good News, but Good News given impulse by the nonmaterial Ray of Liberation and of Transcendence so that, in this way, the Attributes of the Father may enter into the consciousnesses that most need it, and that they thus dare to take the steps toward God.

The people who lived in the Arctic Circle and who participated in the spontaneous experience of their contact with the Universe and with God also experienced the Attributes of the Father in their consciousness and in group life.

The evolution of that civilization began to take place naturally within months until, without them perceiving it, they began to enter into the seventh dimension of consciousness. They began to participate in everything there was in the seventh dimension, beyond the fact that they lived in the material plane. Their state of purity and attunement allowed them to have these experiences.

Spiritual growth is a principle of Divine Wisdom that can fill the spirits and souls of the world so that they may be guided by the Eternal Father Himself in the designs of His Source and of His Goodness.

In this way, I bring the impulse of this civilization of North America that lived in these distant lands and in the most arduous cold of ancient times where they spontaneously came to know everything that existed in the Universe and thus understood, even on the material plane, the Will of God within His Project of the different civilizations of the Earth.

Each people, each culture that went through this planet, contributed something important to the project of humanity and, above all, to its continuity in the present. If that had not been possible, the humanity of this time would not exist.

With this, companions, understand the importance of building, in this time, this Project of God that is still to be concretized and accomplished through the inner experience and the transformation of all.

And so, I bring you the impulses held and recorded in the Sacred Books of God, which also speak about this part of the local Universe, especially of this planet and its human project accompanied and guided by the great archangels, within the diversity of life that exists in the entire material, mental and spiritual Universe.

With this awareness, you must perceive yourselves as something very small and inoffensive within the great Creation that surrounds you and that vibrates in all spaces, like a soft and sweet melody coming from the Source of Love and Unity, because God still keeps His Eyes on this race, on this humanity and planet.

It is the time of the Plan of Rescue and for this Plan to be able to develop and move forward through the redemption of consciousnesses and through the steps that these consciousnesses can take in this time so that, just like in the past, as it was for the sacred people of Israel, you may also testify to this profound change in consciousness and that maturity, so essential for this cycle, so as to prepare yourselves and prepare your brothers and sisters for the end time that is near.

And when I say near, it is because it is very near, in this material time that you live in and inhabit.

The Hierarchy brings the treasures of humanity so that they may be revealed but also, in their hands, they bring the sacred books of the Universe, to reveal all that it holds since before the origin of your essences, of your existence and of your creation.

With this, companions, understand how history is broader and deeper, and that knowledge is not measured with the mind nor with intuition, but rather with the openness of the heart of each one of My apostles and friends who trustingly drink of the Source of knowledge without boasting nor honoring themselves, because all of this has a greater purpose that is greatly unknown to you.

Thus, trust will have you stay in the void and, above all, in the gratitude of being able to receive these spiritual impulses and these Graces that come so that many can remember what they did and experienced in other times and thus dare to bring continuity to that which the Eternal Father needs.

But all of this will not only be material but also profoundly spiritual and inner. It is there, in the inner self, where the Word of the Hierarchy must resound so that after it may be built on the outer, that which God wants to materialize as aspiration and will. This is the path for understanding sacred knowledge and so that your beings can grow and express what God needs through the presence of your inner Christs.

On this day I bring you these words so that your consciousnesses may expand, so that your hearts may continue to mature in love and in surrender; in the giving of self and in the necessary conviction of serving the Creator Father in these times, as a compensation for the errors committed in this cycle by millions of souls in the world, which brings and causes the Law of Divine Justice to rapidly descend.

In this way, you will understand and comprehend that all of this and all of this purpose that I bring to you today has a broader and infinite purpose which encompasses not only souls but also other Universes and spaces of Creation that are preparing themselves before I return to the world so as to also take their great and last step.

See in the skies the spiritual and nonmaterial construction that your Master and Lord is making with the Word of God, with the Message from the Heights, with the announcement of the Good News for these times.

Be a mirror and a representation in likeness to the civilization of North America, of the people that had that experience so spontaneous and profound with Creation, which carried them into being within higher levels of consciousness and made it no longer necessary for them to be on this physical plane to continue learning to evolve and grow inwardly

It is possible to achieve an experience under other Laws, still unknown to humankind of the surface; but this is possible through the heart, a meek heart, a peacemaking heart, a trustworthy heart, a heart that believes, beyond itself, all that it does not know and has never known.

Gather up these words as My last Words, as My last impulses, as the last revelations, because it is now time to move forward with what God needs through group life and community life, so that the Will of the Father may be materialized and concretized for the purpose of carrying out and manifesting the Universal Family. And, in this way, the majority of beings and consciousnesses will be able to enter into the New Humanity.

Today, the Father accompanies Me, not only through the Word, but also through His Omnipotent and Omniscient Presence.

Adonai is here, with His children, with His heirs of Universal and Planetary Knowledge so that in recognition, courage and honor of His infinite and Cosmic Consciousness, His Nonmaterial, Spiritual and Divine Source, His Universe of Love and of Wisdom, all His children to come to Him, in the same way that this civilization of North America did, because it entered into the Consciousness of God and fulfilled a part of His Infinite Aspiration for this Material Universe, and this was reflected in the Mental and Spiritual Universe. And, in this way, all learned from that experience, from that life that once occurred upon the surface of the Earth.

Rejoice in what comes from Wisdom and drink of the Words of the Hierarchy so that you may grow in an absolute giving of self. This will make you worthy children of God.

Continue praying so that your Master and Lord can fulfill the Purpose that the Father has given Him for this time and so that His apostles can bear the powerful currents that come to assist humanity of today, before everything happens, before everything is unleashed.

All have the opportunity of entering this last ship that is passing by to gather up the self-summoned and thus, live in the Ark of the Covenant.

"Father, You Who know the importance of Your Purpose and Your Universal Aspiration, let Me feed Your children with Your Wisdom and Your Words so that, fortified by the strength of Your Spirit and Your Grace, they may have the momentum and the courage to take the great step toward the realization and concretization of Your Plan.

May these principles that come from the Source and are a part of the history of the different humanities of the Earth be able to fill hearts with that which is new and renewing so that Your Will may be accomplished, as it was accomplished in those who came through and lived upon this Planet.

May the Light of Knowledge allow them to surrender more each day to You and, in that trust, ardently fulfill what You desire, like Your Son accomplished that which You needed and aspired for, until dying on the Cross, for a great Mystery, which You then revealed to Me and had Me participate in, as a part of You.

May each being, soul and spirit be a part of You, as I am a part of You, and You are in Me, in perpetual and eternal communion. Amen."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the coming of the New Race be accomplished.

May humanity express its archetype.

May the word be living and build Your temple.

May Your Mystery expand in us

and true existence be revealed to the world

so that we may gather in Your Name

and Glorify perfect unity.


Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.



The time has come to prepare hearts for the living of a spiritual, inner and human synthesis.

In this cycle, many inexplicable memories will emerge in the consciousness as a way of being healed.

It is the cycle in which love has already begun to gain space within beings and they are now able to face that which must be healed and forgiven, and they choose to do this through love.

It is through this inner healing that your fears are defeated and give way to the Love of God in your hearts; Love that must grow and expand in order to be renewed and multiplied.

Thus, children, in this cycle of revelations, allow a synthesis to take place within you. Let that which happened and shaped the growth of your consciousnesses, which is not like a stone closing your paths but rather a base that elevates your spirits, take its correct place within your hearts.

The last definitive cycle of humanity will seek within human beings nothing more than hearts permeated with such great love that there is no room for darkness, fear nor doubts.

Let the synthesis take place within you. Give thanks for what happened, allow yourselves to be transformed by the present and let the future simply remain in the Divine Mind.

May your spiritual treasure be the fulfillment of the Will of God. And if you cannot find it, serve, love, more and more each day, and you will discover that it is in a simple way that the Plan of God is built.

Obey and you will know that your spirits express themselves when your personalities are shaped. There will be no greater inner freedom than that which was defeated through obedience, service, humility and love.

For this reason, be free, so that this new cycle may find you ready to be dwelling places, not of yourselves, but of God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


A significant stage has been completed since the beginning of this important mission in the United States of North America.

Many inner impulses and special revelations were given from Mount Shasta, then from the Redwoods, up to the emblematic and beautiful Grand Canyon of Colorado.

The Hierarchy closely accompanied the whole spiritual development of the task.

Now is the moment for bringing continuity to all revelations received.

This is the moment for Americans and non-Americans to assume this extremely important task within the coronary of the planet so that the spiritual Hierarchy may continue to work in an efficient way, as it has done in these last fifteen days with the arrival of the visionaries at the United States.

This generated the beginning of a hopeful and new cycle for this country. For this reason, all My companions, united to this mission, must continue to support it, not only with their sincere prayers, but also with all the donations necessary to fulfill this strategic Plan of the Divinity, until the end.

On this day, a first stage closes, since Oklahoma will offer an inner pause in order to be able to reflect upon and discern all that was presented by the Hierarchy so that, after this pause, the second stage may begin in Canada, which will represent the great inner opportunity for the Hierarchy to establish a space and a nucleus of activity of this Work, of your Master and Lord.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Just like various species of flowers exist upon the planet, in the same way, there are different Aspects of God that are revealed within the Most Holy Trinity.

The same thing happens with His beloved Son. His different faces, in Heaven as on Earth, fulfill a divine and essential purpose.

This mission of your Master and Lord, through the various faces, has expanded since the moment in which Jesus ascended to the Heavens.

The various faces of Christ respond to an unknown and broad spiritual and cosmic Will, with the only difference being that, in this cycle, the various faces of Christ will approach the Earth and humanity so as to prepare, in the inner planes, for the expected Return of Christ.

These aspects will bring souls extremely important revelations that will expand the consciousness of believers and non-believers so that, with such revelations, humanity may enter its great process of rehabilitation and healing.

These revelations will come directly from Heaven.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
