During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and I pour in them the principles and attributes that Europe will need, in these times, to carry forward its great moment of redemption, forgiveness and renewal.

I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I represent the seven powerful Wills of the Creator Father, not only for Europe but also for the whole world.

I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I come to place in the consciousness of Europe the opportunity to truly love God and to find me in the fellow being.

I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I institute the Gifts of God, the seven creative principles that will descend to the planet in this coming cycle to reverse the critical situation of humanity.

I am the Lord of the Seven Chalices and today, from the Kingdom of Fatima, I bring you this revelation: the Lord of the Seven Chalices will be coming to announce to Europe that its time of redemption and forgiveness is approaching.

The Lord of the Seven Chalices will come once again to awaken His twelve apostles of the last times.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Take the Reliquary of My Heart wherever you go because, as a pilgrim, I will silently pour out the Graces of God upon souls, radiating the purity and humility that hearts need to find the Father and the path of return to His Celestial Dwelling Place.

The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will reveal to souls their own purity and truth so that, when faced with it, souls may recognize who they are and what they came to this world to do.

The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will be like a mirror for souls which will show the reflection of their purest essence and, little by little, will discover how to express it, how to be that which they are discovering about themselves.

The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart exists for the simple purpose of bringing peace and revealing to humankind the path of return to the Heart of God.

When you are sincere before My Heart, you will be able to receive the same Graces that I received to find God and unite with Him.

My Heart is not the Way, the Truth and the Life, but rather that which knows how to surrender to God, to tread this Path, to know this Truth, and to become whole in the true Life, which is Life in God.

May peace, which comes from it, reveal your origins to you and inspire you so that you know how to return in spirit to the Heart of God, even while having your feet on the Earth.

May your souls know the path to the Heart of the Father.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


You are all invited to stand, in reverence to our Lord. At the time He appears, those who can, may kneel, those who cannot, can sit.

We can sing.

This is how I want to see the world, in reverence and love, recognizing the inner Christ within, He Who has never died, He Who always lives throughout time and the facts.

I am not dead, I am alive in you, each time that you allow Me to be, and can be even more so when you become aware and wise about your commitment to the Celestial Father.

Everything that took place during the Passion of your Lord has already been spoken of, to a certain degree, but humanity still does not know the true Mysteries of God that are held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant and that keep watch over the memories of your Master and Lord, from His birth to His Ascension.

But today the world must know what really happened beyond the facts, and why God Himself incarnated as a man and as a human consciousness, to give Himself to His children completely, in Mercy and in Love.

You must go beyond this Mystery, through the attunement of your hearts, in this great Universal registry of the Passion of your Master and Lord.

The Lord asks for three candles in order to bless them.

And so that by means of their light, companions, this material plane, this Universe created by God Himself through His angels, may be a witness to the revelations of the Ark of the Holy Covenant about the mysteries of the Passion of your Master and Lord.

I invite you at this moment to prepare inwardly, and that you not only listen to the words or that your hearts become affected.

It is necessary, companions, in this crucial time of humanity, in which millions of souls and nations are at stake, that there exist a consciousness of responsibility, of maturity and of adherence to Divine Will.

These three candles will represent the Most Holy Trinity which, through Its non-material presence and Its divine impulse, will bring toward Earth the revelation of God.

The light protects the Sacred Knowledge; it ignites essences in the Wisdom of God.

God needed to surrender to the world, to descend from His Supreme Source to save His children. There was no other way. Humanity was at the point of perishing and destroying itself. The darkness of the human consciousness and of all the hells would have been able to completely take over the planet if there had not been divine intervention.

For this reason, the Mother of God was chosen among all women. And at that time and at that moment, She had knowledge of the Truth, beyond the incarnation of the Son of God as the manifestation of the Second Person of God, which is God Himself.

It was the Archangel Gabriel who, before descending to Earth to meet Mary, asked the Celestial Father to be able to rescue the Human Genetic Project from all the errors that the generations before Me had committed through perversity and for having gone outside of the Law.

Stay concentrated, because if you don't, I will not be able to continue. Your heart must be in what is taking place and not in another place, because if you are here, it is because you seek Me and because you call upon Me, it is because you need Me.

What is being registered here today will not happen anymore, because the end of times is now happening and the world must take responsibility for what it did not correspond with and for having gone outside of the law.

But if your hearts seek My path, in spite of what occurs, nothing will happen to you because you will be within Me, within My Mystical Body, upon fully living the Eucharistic Communion.

Thus it was that the Archangel Gabriel descended to the Earth, in a moment of great tribulation and darkness.

While the doors to the hells were open, on the other hand, the Divine Consciousness, the One Source, the Living God, Who made Himself present through the Archangel Gabriel before the divine person of Mary, arrived to express and reveal His Will to Her.

At this moment, our Lord is presenting and showing the Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary and what happened during this fact.

If Her "yes" had not been firm, you would not be here today, nor would the world exist.

But although God knew that humanity would be saved through the redemption of the Son and through everything that He offered to humanity, the "yes" of Mary as a human being was the before and the after of the salvation of the world and of all the generations that would follow, from the people of Israel to the peoples of today.

This story is written in the Scrolls of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, as are many other events that still spiritually assist the world in its redemption, bringing renewal and life to souls so that they may take on their commitment with love and responsibility, and thus accomplish the Plan of God on Earth.

The Angel Gabriel blew the Holy Spirit into Mary and incarnated the Son of God within Her.

At that moment, something important happened; not only did Mary have a spiritual revelation about what the birth of Christ would represent, which is to say, about God Himself as a human being and as a consciousness, but also for humanity it was an important event that opened the doors to the redemption of humankind and the exorcism of the hells.

In order for the Son of God to be able to be born, a divine and spiritual project was thought of by the Father, before He descended to Earth through the Presence of His Beloved Son.

The acceptance of Mary of the Will of God was the beginning and the emergence of a new humanity, and thus, the Spiritual Universe began to act upon Earth, and on the inner planes everything was happening according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thus, a great portal was opened in humanity, which all were called to go through, including those who would be the enemies of Jesus. Because beyond the human aspect or the human ego, through His Son, God was seeking the filiation of humankind with Him and the sense of an inner union with His Spirit.

But in the scene of the Passion of Jesus, each one fulfilled their role and their test, each one was in the place they deserved to be and had the opportunity of being able to learn through love and manifesting the truth.

You already know the unending pain of Jesus because it has been thoroughly told. You still do not know, companions, what occurred in the higher planes, where the angelic universe acts and labors, during the events of the Passion of the Lord in which the signs that remained engraved and registered are that which intervenes in the consciousness of the planet for the redemption of humanity and for the consecration of humankind to the Will of God.

It is these signs, of the occult events of your Lord, that today are helping the world so that it may be redeemed and converted, as was foreseen by the Father.

This is why My Church must know these Mysteries rather than deny them, because I do not want you to deny Me anymore, as those who were with Me so long ago denied Me and who today are again here, receiving their last chance through the work and intervention of Divine Grace.

But by truly remembering what happened in the Passion of your Lord, you will be able to recover what you spiritually lost through the different experiences of life and through what still has to be corrected within your consciousnesses.

This moment that I bring to you today is the same moment that God used to carry forward the victory of the Passion of your Lord in humanity, in the higher planes of consciousness, where everything really happened and manifested.

Thus, My Holy Mother accompanied Me until the end, and continued, up to Her last days upon Earth, carrying My Word and My Love to the world through the foundation of the first religious orders, the ancestors of the Templars, the first Christic congregation upon Earth, which built the bridge between the Legacy of Christ and all humanity.

The events of My Passion were not only physical events, seen and re-written by various apostles and by all those who participated in that time. The very angels of God registered the spiritual and cosmic facts of the Passion of your Lord, because behind this terrestrial scene in the Passion of Christ, the universes were mobilized and great consciousnesses of light moved toward Earth to cooperate and work in the redemption of humanity and in the expulsion of Luzbel from the sphere of the planet.

Because when I expired on the Cross, he was defeated seventy-seven times, and the hells were closed, the dead were resurrected and sang glory in the streets of Jerusalem, the sick were healed, souls were awakened and became aware of why they were on Earth and of what they came to accomplish as essences.

The Universe of God descended to humanity, but He in His High Command allowed His greatest enemies and the fallen angel to learn of the victory of the Passion of Jesus so that these events not be repeated ever more. Because the faith of the believers of Christ, throughout time, would be so great and powerful that it would allow for the reappearance of your Lord in the end of times, which is to say in this current time and in this moment.

Now you understand, companions, that you are a part of a past occurrence and of a story that must come to a conclusion in your lives with the triumph of love and truth within each one of your beings, and that you must not miss the opportunity once again, because there will not be another, in this time or the next.

The universes moved toward Earth and the higher forces entered this planet with all the power of the Light of God to withdraw from captivity all those who had been there for a long time, since Abraham up until the present.

So today, you are here, because somehow you were withdrawn from captivity, from the unending chain of errors, which come from the Universe and continue on Earth.

Throughout time, you received a great Grace in order to be here today before Me, and many more wait for this Grace, for this opportunity of being before their Lord to learn to fulfill His Will and to not miss the time of Divine Grace that is coming to an end, before the Great Universal Judgment takes place.

I brought you here as souls rather than as people, to tell you the truth, a truth so similar to the one that I told the apostles in that time.

But you already have an experience, an origin and a past, that is still being redeemed and transmuted because of your responsibility in the faith and the spiritual life with Christ.

There is no time to lose, no time to wait. The spiritual knowledge that is in the universes still awaits to descend toward the planet, and while you maintain your adherence to Me, the divine Knowledge will come much like a rain that falls from the sky in a continuous and permanent way.

Thus, your spirits will be ennobled, your souls will be exalted because they will give recognition to the Passion and death of your Lord, and you will not do the same as many are doing, of not valuing what I did for you in that time.

Each time you remember My acts, you are faced with an opportunity of taking a new step in the degrees of love and consciousness. With responsibility, you are assuming the path, stepping away from the appearances and disappointments of the world, and all the confusion and spiritual paths that humanity offers at this time, just to distance from God each one of the souls I summon.

You decided to be My new flock, to join My old flock of the Church, spread throughout the Earth, and so in this fusion of love and brotherhood, the Earth and the human consciousness may be prepared for My physical reappearance in humanity, in the awaited Second Return of your Lord.

Hold this knowledge as the last. From time to time, re-experience the Sacred Week, so that your lives may become sacred upon entering into contact with the Apparition of your Master and Lord, and especially with His Word, which is the Word of the Father, which is being pronounced to the world for the last time, in this crucial and definitive time of humanity, in which great decisions must be made, and these decisions in your lives place you near or far from Me.

This is why prayer is necessary, so that temptation not prevail and the Divine Codes that I give you in each Apparition may be able to produce merits in your consciousnesses and awaken new fruits in your spirits, so that more talents may be available for your Master and Lord. May I be the reason for your existence.

And so, My Mother Mary, giving Her "yes", saved the world, and, through Her humility and poverty, granted that Her Son and Her Lord could be here on this day, to share with Her children the triumphs and the merits of God through the person of Christ, in Divinity and in Spirit.

On this day, in which the body of the Lord is flagellated by the world, by the indifference of humankind, by the inequality of the nations, by the hunger of the poorest and the lack of healing for the sick, this hurting Body is anointed by the prayers of those who love Him, those who venerate and recognize the Person of Jesus as the Redeemer.

Today I come to announce the Passion of the planet and the agonies of humanity, which nobody has yet managed to heal nor alleviate, because there are so many.

Thus, it is in your offering of service to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature, in your surrender in prayer and the living of the Eucharist, in your responsible commitment and in your adherence to the Plans of God, that the hurting body of your Lord will be alleviated and the spiritual wounds of humanity will be closed, being anointed by the Holy Spirit, which renews all things and heals all things.

In the name of the Wounds of your Master and Lord, and of all His sufferings, I come to offer you, companions, the spiritual anointment and healing of your errors and your deep inner wounds, that only I know in each one of your lives.

We place our hands in the sign of reception and we stand.

We open to the miracle of the Wounds of Christ and to the power of the Light that they contain and we offer our love to close the Wounds of Jesus, so that our own wounds may be healed of all evil and all pain.

I will place Myself upon you to help you.

Whoever can, kneel, and feel in your beings the presence of Jesus and the power of each one of His Wounds.

We hear His Word and in the silence of our hearts we accompany this divine intervention, and this moment of Grace that our Master and Lord grants to the whole world through the merits of His Passion and for the triumph of His Invincible Love.

The Lord is spreading His Light upon everyone. That Light enters through our heads and reaches our hearts, to the deepest core of our spirits, in the depths of our souls.

Jesus grants healing through His Luminous Wounds and walks upon you, radiating His Light, doing so also for the world, for those who suffer most, for those who die, for those who suffer wars, for those who are refugees, for those who are mentally ill, for those who are imprisoned.

He spreads His spiritual Light and, by means of this Light, on this day of His Passion, He grants Peace and equilibrium on all planes, thus establishing, on this Holy Friday, the spiritual communion between souls and God, just as the Most Holy Mary experienced the communion with the Father while She gestated His Son for nine months.

Now Jesus has delegated four great angels to place themselves at the four corners of the Earth, so that He may pray for humanity. We will accompany His prayer in our silence, knowing that in this hour and in this moment we are being assisted by His Spiritual Light and by the merits of His Passion.

Let us then allow our being to be empty, surrendered and given in communion with His Divinity.

"Adonai, Source of Truth and of Justice, Origin of origins, infinite Ocean of Love, unquenchable Universe, representation of all created, manifested Divine Grace, Breath of the Universal Spirit, Powerful Lord, Source of Renewal and Love.

Just as you granted Me to come to the world and incarnate among humankind, today I ask you, Emmanuel, that divine absolution come from Your Source to transmute the errors of human beings, sublimate hearts with Your Light and expel evil from the Earth so that once again it be Your Love that triumphs and is able to emerge in all Your children, in all those who affirm their faith and their trust in You.

Do not look at the errors of the world, the perversion of these times. May Your Heart, Abba, no longer feel indignation nor anger, but rather that Your Heart be glad because of the gladness of Your children. May Your Heart be ignited in gratitude for the gratitude of Your children because, in this way, Your Love will triumph and there will be justice. Console the oppressed, just as You consoled Me at each step of the Passion. May Your Grace expand, may Your powers descend and Your Will be fulfilled, until the end of our days. Amen."

We place our hands on our heart. We may sit and give thanks.

Live My Passion as a triumph and represent Me on Earth as My new apostles who will carry My Love to humanity and surrender to the requests of God in an unconditional and permanent way, so that His Will may be fulfilled.

Stretching out My arms and My hands over the world and over you, I grant you Peace so that you never lose sight of it, so that you always remember it, for in Peace you will be redeemed and in your redemption you will achieve the trust of the Father, just as the Father trusted in His Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the presence of Jesus, let us repeat the prayer that He taught us:

(Our Father - in Portuguese).

And in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, at the request of Christ, let us thank our Celestial Father, on this day of solemnity and of retreat in the Heart of Jesus, pronouncing His Sacred Names. Let us sing the Names of God as one people and one consciousness so that the Universe may descend to Earth.

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.

And united with the Passion of Our Lord, let us remain in this reclusion, in this deep union with Christ, renewing the sacrament of faith, and let us thank all those who accompanied us through these means, and after this transmission, which we will end now, in all the Marian Centers, we will re-experience the Passion of Christ through Via Crucis. And within ourselves, we will continue to receive the impulses of Light that Christ left upon the planet.

In reverence and in love, we give thanks and close this meeting:

Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!

And under the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



From His birth to His adult life, Jesus had full knowledge of universal life and the deep life of each being. Knowing the purpose of humanity on Earth, His Heart was always supported by the hope of the arrival of a new life, of the manifestation of a New Humanity.

The Truth of God lived within Him and during the Calvary it was the basis of the wisdom that awakened Christic Love in His Heart and renewed the Love of God.

Today, child, let the revelations of this time be for you the wisdom that comes as a basis for the calvary of the world and, above all, for the awakening and renewal of Love.

Receive the sciences that you are taught with gratitude, the higher knowledge about which humanity has always been so ignorant to.

Let wisdom awaken the certainty in you of eternity and of the redemption of all souls so that with this Truth, alive in your heart, you are able to make the trials of this end of cycle small.

Ennoble and strengthen your heart with wisdom and knowledge. Let higher Truth draw closer and, with it, what you truly are; in this way, you will have firm foundations on which to walk toward your return to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 1, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The Sun of God will come after the great planetary storm and all the secrets will already have been unveiled.

The great treasury of redemption will be opened and the Patriarchs of yesteryear will summon all the tribes of the Earth so that they may assemble in the Name of the Lord.

The Almighty will show Himself to the world as He never has before.

No eye will be blinded for seeing Him, no matter how intense His luminosity.

To the Earth He will bring all His splendor, all His Power and all His Glory; and the New Christs, who today are being formed in My path of self-giving and love, will participate in this great event.

The fallen angel will already have been redeemed and all perverse forces of the Earth will be expelled, because by the power of prayer of all My followers, and by the persistence and faith in spite of the attacks of the enemy, My Sacred Heart will have Its victory and Its place in all of Mine.

A sword of light will pierce the planet and the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse will be shown.

Those who have not followed God will beat their chests for having awoken too late.

This is the time of My great Mercy for the world.

This is the time in which everyone can be saved and redeemed before everything happens.

The hour is drawing closer, every day, and there is no clock that can support it, it is something imminent, without precedents, it is something unexpected.

Meanwhile, and while there is time, drink of the fruits of My Blood, eat of My Body by the merits It achieved, and nobody will perish.

I come to the world to awaken it for the last time, because the blindness of humanity is very great and indifference covers the ears of the creatures of God.

But I fully trust in those who persist today, because thus My Celestial Kingdom descends to Earth and, through it, My Father descends to give His Grace and His Blessing to the whole world.

I know that you wanted to hear beautiful words. My Love and My Consciousness are also reflected in this. This is the time of humanity´s awareness, it is the time of taking on true responsibilities so that all hearts may cease to be tepid, because I call upon you to carry the cross of the world, just as I carried your sins, although you may not be aware of it.

My Grace, companions, allows you to be able to reach truth in this time, so that, little by little, you set aside the garments of illusion, of world hypnotism and human indifference, which are the deep roots that create the wars and conflicts between nations.

But the suffering will end, not only the suffering that exists within you, but all over the world.

Through you I need to prepare for My coming to humanity. And this is now the moment in which the revelations show that the world is not understanding God´s message.

I need you to continue to build within yourselves the refuge that I will seek at the end of these times, because you must still continue to elevate your consciousnesses to come closer each day to the Purpose of God and His Truth.

I have so much to give to the world, and so few receive it, but if today you are here, as well as the brothers and sisters that listen to Me through this medium, it is because you accept what I want to give you, to bring relief to your afflictions and your suffering, to have you be participants in the communion with God and so that one day you may be His worthy children upon the surface of this planet.

Do not fear the revelations I bring you. They are not symbolic, they are real and palpable.

Nobody will be able to hide from the revelations of God, because if it is God Himself that sends Me to the world and to the beginning of this Sacred Week, it is so that you may continue to grow in love and in fidelity to Me.

I still wait for many to give their lives for Me as I have done for you.

This is why it is necessary that the world relives the events of My Passion, again and again, not to be terrified by what I lived and suffered, which was the most profound of all that was told, but so that someday you may be like Me in example and in word, in the giving of self and in surrender.

Your definition toward Me will allow My Work to be completely concretized in humanity, or not.

The world is suffering, just as many peoples, races and cultures are suffering.

I would wish to embrace the planet even more, because it is drowning due to so much pain.

So in the name of Love, Light and Peace, I come to liberate it with the power of all the tools of My Father, with the principles that exist throughout all the Universe and with the great Higher Powers of this immense sidereal space.

This is why I need you to feel My Words in your heart, that you are able to re-experience them and adopt them as a part of yourselves for when I am no longer among you, because this is the time in which the last prophecy that I Myself preached two thousand years ago will be fulfilled.

I promised to be with you till the end of times and here I am, with humility and at service, with resignation and in surrender, as are many of your hearts, prostrated before God and His Majesty, before His Throne and His Celestial Hierarchies, before His angels, archangels, saints and blessed ones, all of them participating today in the opening of the Great Portal toward Redemption and Peace.

But today I already see the results of this Mystery of Love that is within you and which works silently each time you say "yes" to your Lord, to His convocation and call, in spite of what it may be.

God today feels a deep joy for His children, for all that you have offered Him so that His Firstborn could be here today.

I know that you do not know what this means and represents for the Universe and, above all, for your humanity, but just as I was with Mine so long ago, today I am with you in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so that His Will may be fulfilled.

Today again I tell you and request: "Love one another, as I loved you and love you", because I do not come seeking your miseries but rather your fidelity, your perseverance and your faith in the Plan of My Father, Who is in the Heavens.

Today I come with good news. The world will stop suffering, enduring and being lost, because upon the horizon you will see the Son of God come with all the power of the Heavens and the Universe, revealing the mysteries of Creation and of His Hierarchies, opening the eyes of those who are blind in spirit.

And in that hour, I will find you in a place that you cannot even imagine, but I will find you. I will call you by your true and profound name, and I will congregate you as one people and one race, without differences, without recognitions and without protagonists.

Because He Who will come after Me will be more powerful, it is The One Who created you, who gestated you and gave you life, so that in life you could live His Love and recognize Him, just as the Son and His Holy Mother recognize Him.

I Am the beginning and the end.


It is He Who calls you to live in Him and to reveal to the world His mystery, held in the depths of His Eternal Heart, and so the humanity of this time may recover the project it once lost.

The trumpets will sound and the angels will call the peoples, the races and the cultures. And the religions of the world will finally recognize Christ in their neighbors.

And an unknown, unbreakable and non-transferable union will be lived in the heart of the children of God.

And religions will no longer exist, but rather one people and one humanity under one power and one government in the presence of the authority of the Living Love of God.

The Earth and its surface will be rebuilt. The roots of evil will be dissolved, because the redeemed will proclaim the Holy Name of God, as the people of Israel did.

And neither conflicts nor confrontations, doubts nor uncertainty will exist, because the faith of the prayerful and of those who persevere on this path will triumph, and evil will be defeated in its essence forever.

There will be no duality, there will not be two paths, choice will no longer exist because the people of God, which are the races and all peoples, will live in the living God, in He Who since the beginning always wanted you to be participants in His celestial happiness and in His glory.

Have faith in what I tell you, and it no longer matters, companions, who participates or not in this. What is important, in this time, is that you create the condition so that this may happen, so that the littlest ones of today may experience it in the near future.

And the mothers of this Earth will no longer cry for their children. The families will no longer take refuge in another nation. Hunger and injustice will no longer be the evil of the world.

Because He Who comes upon the horizon will bring Peace and everything will change because it is the Will of God. And the world will live in brotherhood. Amen.

Let us celebrate the beginning of this Week as the beginning of the victory of Christ in the hearts of humankind and those who have faith in His non-material Presence.

Opening the doors of My Celestial Church, today I gather you around My table so that you may again be participants in My Body and in My Blood, in the Gifts of God that were given to the world through His Son in order to save it and redeem it.

But may this Supper of today that we will celebrate be the triumphant Supper of the kind and pious souls in the Lord, who will carry in their hearts the triumph of the Love of Christ and the flame of Faith to illuminate the darkness of these times.

In the Name of the Most High, let us prostrate ourselves as I prostrate myself today before the Father, at His Feet.

May the consequences of your suffering be healed and may this spiritual Grace that I bring you today be shared as the great testimony of unity between beings and peoples.

Today I especially pray for Venezuela. The end is coming and you will see the Light on the heights of your sacred mount, the Light that will destroy evil forever, because the Americas are the new Promised Land.

And all the peoples and nations, in the Name of the Lord, are called so that the Americas and Africa will be the cradle of the New Humanity.

So be it.

We can stand up and continue in this building toward that which is divine, immaculate and pure.

Let the steeples of the Universe sound. Let the bells of this community and of this monastery sound, because the Almighty, in this Holy Week, surrenders again, through the mystery of Love and of the Eucharist, to each one of His children.

May you today be washed by the Holy Spirit, be purified by Its Flame of Love so that, free of all fault and all debt, your inner temples may ignite in the communion with the Love of God.

Let us give thanks and let us celebrate, in the depths of the heart, because the God of Mercy, rather than the God of Justice, has heard the voice of the prayerful. And by the merits of My Passion, today the souls of the world and the essences of God are rescued by the faith that the prayerful gave My Heart.

Let us celebrate, because many souls of hell will today enter into Heaven through the work of the merciful.

May the altars of Creation blossom. May the candles of Adoration be lit, because He Who loves you has heard you and His Celestial Kingdom has touched the Earth and healed deep wounds.

Universal Father,

Eternal God of life and all creation,

hear now the voice of Your Son,

Who at the doors of the New Jerusalem

implores for Your Grace and Your Light

so that the world may be bathed by

the potency of Your Spirit, of Your Soul and Divinity,

and so that all may celebrate

the joy of being here today, in You.



Just as You bless Heaven,

May You today bless the Earth,

by the unfathomable power

of Your Mercy and Your Pity.

Erase suffering from the hearts,

reignite the flame of Your Faith in souls

so that at the end of their lives,

in the last breath of their bodies,

they may see the portal opening that will take them

toward Your Celestial Kingdom.



Holy art thou, Lord of the Universe,

for all that You created and manifested.

Holy art thou, Lord, for the life

that You generated and awakened.

Holy art thou, Lord, for having created

women so that they could be mothers

of Your children until the end of their days.

Holy art thou, Lord, for the men

who work Your soil and cultivate it

to eat of Your Sacred Gifts,

of the Gifts of Nature.

Holy art thou, Lord, for having sent Me

to the world as a simple and humble man

to demonstrate the infinite Universe

of Your Humility and Your Peace.


And the moment comes in which the Son of Man will be transubstantiated through the form of the bread and the wine, into His Body and His Blood.

May your hearts relive this moment of the sacrifice and the surrender of your Master and Lord for humanity.

Those of us who can may kneel and those who cannot may remain standing.

Lord, I remember the opportunity you gave Me, of being able to live this great sacrifice for humanity, and in the name of the events experienced at the Last Supper, today I remind you: "Take and eat of It, all of you, for this is My Holy Body that was surrendered for humankind for the remission of sins."

Let us repeat: We adore You, Lord, and we bless You.

In the same way as in the past, today I tell you again: "Take and drink all of It, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which is poured out by the Lamb of God for the forgiveness of sins; do this in remembrance of Me."

We adore You, Lord, and we bless You.

And in union with the Most Holy Trinity, we take each other's hands to repeat the great decree of union of souls with the Universe of God.

Our Father (in Portuguese)

And thus is consummated the mystery of the Love of God in the Eucharist and in the Blood of Christ.

And thus is revealed to the world, in a simple and humble, sacred and blessed way, the Will of God, and the fulfillment of His Project of Love on Earth.

Let us venerate and adore He Who gave us life and the opportunity to love, to forgive and to reconcile.

By the merits of His Beloved Son, may the Lord absolve you and grant you the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that you may feel His Eternal Peace.

I bless you on this first day, at the doors of the time of revelation and of consciousness.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us stand up.

And in the name of Love and Unity, in all humanity, you will give each other the greeting of Peace.

I thank you.



The Chalice is now in My Hands and, from now on, I prepare the Altar to celebrate again the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection of your Master and Lord.

The angles also prepare the scene where the story of the life of your Lord will be presented.

Everything is prepared inwardly so that the souls, that will arrive during the Sacred Week, may feel the impulses of the Light of My Heart.

Everything will change, everything will shift when souls again experience and feel the spiritual covenant with their Master and Lord.

Now everything is prepared, even in the smallest detail, so that the flow of Divine Mercy may be found fluid within the hearts that will open in order to recognize the sacred sacrifice of your Lord.

Everything is prepared with love and devotion so that the union between Heaven and Earth may be established, beyond everything that happens in the world.

This is the time for more revelations. This is the cycle of confirmations of the hearts for the Plan of God.

The Sacred Week is arriving. The Master, Lord and Redeemer is coming.

Open yourselves from now on and participate in the sacred meeting.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



I will not give My revelations to the greedy because, in truth I tell you, My Words will never again be despised nor will they be left in a drawer.

Everything I tell you comes from My Father and My Father must return someday through your sacrifice, your giving of self, and your surrender.

I will no longer give My pearls to swine. I will no longer let My Message cease to be experienced and practiced.

For this reason, whomever wants to avail themselves of My revelations must first value them, respect them and be grateful for them, even though they know nothing.

This is the time to assert the Words of the Hierarchy, and it is no longer the time to pretend that you did not understand nor comprehend, because everything that the Hierarchy says is clear and precise.

With your true and permanent reverence, you will be able to be guided and the Divine Word will be able to dwell in your hearts, even though this is the great cycle of transition.

Be like the flowers, seek the rays of the sun and you will feel spiritually alive. You will be nurtured by knowledge and this will give you the wisdom to testify to My presence.

In this cycle I will not come for the curious, the comfortable in spirit. I will not come for those who decided not to change, because My treasures are unique and unrepeatable.

Let humility prevail within you so that someday, you may be poor in spirit.

I thank you for receiving My impulses of Light!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


When the last rays of the sun begin to withdraw, quiet your heart and fill it with hope. Remember the colors of the day, their brilliance, their warmth, so that the dark night may be a moment of retreat and of inner deepening for you, rather than of fear or hopelessness.

Recognize that within you there will always be the door that takes you to God, and that it does not matter where you may be, it does not matter what happens in this world, communication with God will always be possible for you, because He lives in your heart, His Fount of Life is found by going through the doorway of your chest.

Thus, today simply appreciate the moments of quiet, of silence, of prayer and of upliftment, for in you they will build that bridge to God. It is these moments that will awaken and make the presence of the Celestial Father known within you. So face each opportunity of prayer as if it were the only one, and never fail to be entirely in what you do.

From one moment to the next, the sun will withdraw, and the night will seek from you the fortitude that you built within yourself. It will be three long, dark nights, as if they were eternal. They will be enough to define the hearts of humankind and redirect their paths according to their choices, according to what they built within themselves.

Therefore, pray and appreciate the moments of peace. They will be essential for you and for this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Thirty-three are the principal constellations of this Universe that carry forward evolutionary life, places from which many come and that have come for a special reason to the Earth, to be a part of this school of redemption and of forgiveness that My Son has been offering to you from the beginning.

Nobody will be able to enter the Kingdom of God without having first gone through this school.

It is necessary that the Universe becomes recreated again, based on feelings of peace, of love and of charity, based on experiences of redemption and of forgiveness; experiences of a feeling capable of going beyond everything, just as My Son did up to the last moment on the top of the Cross.

But in that time He gathered together all those who were needing redemption and forgiveness; not only those present during the event of the Passion of My Son received this great universal opportunity, but also all the constellations that are a part of this system of life, of which the Earth has also been a part for a long time.

But for this humanity to reach a new state of consciousness, it will be necessary to live the school of redemption and of forgiveness, placing at the feet of the Creator all the events, all the experiences and all the facts that have altered His Divine Plan of Love.

For this reason, My children, today I say to all creatures of the Earth that we are now in the time of living that redemption to be able to definitely transcend the suffering and the after-effects that pain leaves within the lives of human beings.

It is no longer necessary to learn from mistakes; it is necessary to learn from love, from an unconditional and living love that is capable of giving one's life for another, just as My Son gave it for each one of you.

In that time, when Jesus was on Earth and lived His Passion, the door to the great opportunity for humanity opened, and that door is still open in spite of the currrent errors. It is the door that We cross each time We come from the Universe to the Earth to announce the Word of God, to give the graces to My children, and to give new opportunities to all those who have disregarded them, for some reason.

All, absolutely all are before that door of redemption. This goes beyond religion, society, peoples or nations. It goes beyond all the errors that you have committed in the Universe, because this door is open for the Love of God, for the Love He has for each one of His children, in spite of the disregard that He receives in this time.

This too is the work of the divine and unfathomable Mercy, so that all the creatures that came from the Universe, and that are present today in this humanity, do not miss the opportunity of redeeming themselves and of unconditionally loving as Jesus loved them.

In the face of the revelation of these times, it is important to be aware of what we are experiencing, My children, because this opportunity that you receive today can also be received by your brothers and sisters throughout the entire world, seeking in a precise and objective way that souls may be able to awaken to what they came to realize on Earth, and can make the Divine Plan of our beloved Creator Father a part of themselves.

The Universe does not only revolve around this world. The Universe is something more than the Universe itself. It is broader than it seems, more vast than what it has, more infinite than what it possesses. 

The Universe is yet to show itself to humanity. Only in recent times has the Universe showed itself through the spiritual Hierarchy in order to seek the awakening of humanity, to deliver warning of the deviation from the Purpose of God, from going down the path of self-destruction.

That is why divine intervention occurs time and again, just like the intervention of the spiritual Hierarchy in different regions of the planet, with different cultures and with different impulses of light that come from the Source of Creation, to bring awareness to humans of the surface.

It is thus, that today the whole world, on this March 13, 2019, is before the presence of its origin, with the opportunity of spiritually reconsidering and of amending all events, even though they may be unknown and far away.

Today the first veils of consciousness fall from your faces so that you can see the reality that must be redeemed and forgiven, because that reality will no longer be in the New Earth, will not be in the feeling or in the consciousness of the New Humanity. Everything, absolutely everything, will be transformed, especially during this time of transition and of chaos.

The expansion and the deepening of love in the consciousness of the human being will be the great key of the end of these times that will be able to remedy the chaos that exists in the nations, bring peace where it no longer exists, and fraternity where it is not present today.

That key of love that is in your hands and especially in your hearts will be the door that Christ will use to return to the Earth.

It will not be an allegory; it will be a living reality that will come overnight.

This is why it is the time for the whole world to solve its debts, forgive its conflicts and transcend the mistakes through the help of divine intervention that the Universe gives you on this day.

Each new consecration of a Children of Mary is the opportunity to expand that divine knowledge and approach this revelation to the human consciousness, of what exists in the Universe, as well as what exists within the inner universe of each being.

This is the time in which knowledge can be deepened, when souls can become more aware of everything they have done in order to amend it and forgive it, to finally be able to live the purpose that brought them here.

That is why today the consecration of Children of Mary will be special for Me, because it goes beyond your personality, it goes beyond your spirits, it comes very close to the Divine Purpose, to the main and primary reason that this consecration will generate within humanity and not only in a group of people.

With this expansion of consciousness I call you here today so that you may be consecrated, because you will be making vows not only with your inner worlds, with the purpose that brought you here, but also you will be making a vow with humanity, knowing that humanity must finally learn to live the Will of God, that it will no longer be necessary to go through so many mistakes and so much suffering in order to be able to learn something.

Today it is the school of Love that I am offering to the Children of Mary, especially to those who are being consecrated today and placing the offering of their heart and of their life here at My feet to someday reach the Will of God.

Let the spiritual flame of your hearts be lit today so that wisdom may be present on the Earth, beyond the events or the tests, so that the Wisdom of God, like a living flame, will always carry you to the Love of God and to the experience of forgiveness, which must be lived in this time with deep sincerity and truth.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, today we again renew the vows before the Celestial Father on the path of persistence and of faith, of constancy, of charity and of good above all evil and of every test, of every difficulty or every illness, fully trusting in the Presence of Divine Grace, in the Universe of the Mercy of God, that on this night assembles you in the Presence of the Divine Spirit to consecrate you and bless you in the name of Love

.May these flowers, which were placed at My feet today, not only be received by those who will be consecrating themselves today, but also by all those who are here, who accompanied Me here to Aurora, to support your Heavenly Mother in this impulse of the new revelation that the Universe of God is giving you so that forgiveness and redemption may be lived.

May these flowers you left at My feet today remind you of the return to your origins, to your inner essence, to your original purity, to your truth, the truth that God placed in you since the beginning as essences, as souls, as spirits.

May these flowers, these roses, always remind you of the Truth of God, and especially of the infinity of His Love and of His Wisdom, present and alive in all Creation.

May your lives, My children, someday convert into a flower, so that the Light of the Christ, of the living Christ, may be radiated to Earth. Amen.

I bless you, I consecrate you and I awaken you to universal truth, to the truth of love, to the truth of wisdom, and of the healing that all beings can experience to reach the celestial joy of being in God and with God forever.

I bless you with the authority that My Son granted Me and by the merits of His most precious and divine Passion, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

You may sing.

I thank you.


One of the revelations of the Mysteries of God is to know who His Consciousness is and from where all His creatures come, created in the image and likeness of the Creator, of all that exists in the invisible and in the nonmaterial.

It is with this revelation that I bring you My Peace, receiving from My children the warm love of their hearts for this time of renewal, of reconsecration to My Maternal Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God is really something still unknown to the human being. The human being has to search for God in order to know Him, for they will thus receive His impulses and His Revelations; they will have the Grace and the opportunity of broadening their experience of love, of the path of forgiveness and of healing.

This is the main reason, My children, to have so many Children of Mary around Me, so that I may send you out to work in My Name, following the steps of Our Lord Jesus Christ in this long journey of service and ministry for the redemption and conversion of humanity.

This is the time, and it is the hour for all children, all creatures of God, beyond their beliefs, cultures or their peoples, to become a single flock to follow the Great Commander of the Universe, before the impulses of Light that My Heart sends you through the attributes of prayer, service, and fraternity.

Thus, today I do not only come for you, My children, but for a planet that becomes sick, day after day, that is in agony, that suffers, and that few hear this or perceive it. I am speaking about the consciousness of the planet, of this Sacred Home, of this beloved planet which the Father gave to His children so that they learn to experience it and adore it, through all that was created and expressed since the beginning.

The surface human being deviated from the purpose of God throughout time and generations. They misused the resources of God, they used power to conquer them and subjugated the Creation of God, destroying it right up to these times.

Now is the time to reconsider, My children, and may the light of your Christic essences be what gives you the impulse toward renewal and to change so that humanity can also be able to change and be renewed in this time.

If the response of all My Children of Mary could continue in the same proportion to the response of the call of God, the changes would soon come for humanity.

Adversity will not gain the Kingdom in this humanity because it will be defeated by the love and prayer of My children, which transforms and heals all things.

Today I wish to express, in few words, My children, all that God needs of His children in this time, but the Celestial Father also knows that each one of His children have their timing for experiencing transformation until they are able to achieve a maturity of consciousness and thus, live the Divine Purpose upon this planet and with this humanity in a real way.

With all of this I want to tell you, My children, that there is still much to do, there is much work and rebuilding to be done. In all the nations of the world they must still come to know Me by means of all the Children of Mary. There are many places that I still must reach to bring the relief and the love of My Heart to souls.

All of this will also be through the Children of Mary, and as much as the storm may arrive in the coming time, absolutely nothing will cause you to perish.

This will be the moment and the hour in which each one of your souls will be confirmed for the Plan of the Creator. It is for this reason that each Meeting of the Children of Mary is important to Me. Because once a year I am able to observe and contemplate how much My children in this time have grown, how many steps they have taken in the commitment to My Maternal Heart in order to carry forward the Sacred Will of God.

That is why I say to you again that there is still much to be done, there is much to sacrifice for, to surrender for, to give of self for, so that the Graces of Heaven may descend to Earth and be truly deserved by everyone, knowing that the love of God will always unite you and gather you together.

That the Love of God will be able to give you the peace and the wisdom to carry forward this great service for the planet and for humanity.

Today, on this special evening, I can say, My children, that I see the results of this experience of love in each one of you; not only in the commitment to the school of prayer, which must be something daily and permanent for these difficult times, but also in the commitment to service for others and the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also waiting for the love and pity from humankind of the surface that was taken from them by being mistreated Kingdoms, hurt and subdued for a long time.

That spiritual and inner wound, also generated in the lower Kingdoms, is the duty, the commitment and the responsibility of all the Children of Mary and of those who will someday be My children, of being able to heal that wound, applying the light of prayer and of service so that love may once again be given and donated to each one of the Kingdoms.

The commitment of My Maternal Heart is more than a commitment; it is the living of a Purpose still unknown to you that, every day, through the offering of your prayer and of your service to others, I try to draw you closer to that Purpose that was most preciously thought of and meditated upon by God, before your origins.

So you will be able to understand, My children, that I am speaking to you about something really profound, which comes from the Heart of God, and that is donated time and again so that His creatures may awaken to the higher reality and thus be able to fulfill that which they came to do on Earth.

There is still time to come to know this Divine Will, which many call a mystery, but that today is revealed in simple and concrete words so that all souls, in spite of their evolution, may recognize the purpose that comes from the Universe, from the Source of Creation, the Heart of the Celestial Father.

This is the time in which the Children of Mary, who are already consecrated, will be at the doorway of a new period of their lives, of a new commitment, of the deepening of that Divine Will, of responsibly assuming the small tasks that I give you through the Marian Centers and the Pilgrimages for Peace; as well as through the service that, in humility, you can offer in your homes, in your cities, as well as in your work places.

The Mercy of God must be in everything. You can never forget this, in this way, you will never lack wisdom and discernment, even though you may be experiencing a difficult moment or a very large challenge that must be overcome.

The Mercy of God in you and through you will always give you wisdom when you ask for it from the heart, in humility and in surrender, beyond your possibilities or your challenges.

Today, in simple words, I want to leave these requests of God, because our stage in the world will be ending shortly, and the armies must be well placed and available; all My children must support and elevate the Islands of Salvation that, as epicenters, will be home to the Marian Centers in order to be able to bear the end of times that will arrive with major climate and inner changes within humanity.

Everything that I have taught you will be of use to go through the end of times and so that you not be confused.

What We have taught you is very simple, and what you have achieved is quite a lot with such a short time for the experience. So you will understand, My children, the immensity of the potential that exists within each one of you, knowing that this potential, which in summary is the gift and the virtue of God, must be available for these critical times.

The time has come for you to give of yourselves so that humanity and the planet may be saved and the Return of Christ, with all of His power and victory, may be seen within the entire Planet.

My children, today I not only leave you My Blessing and the joy of My Heart because of your response, but also the commitment of living with responsibility that which God needs of each one so that His Will may be fulfilled within you and outside of you.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, remembering the consecration of each one of My children, together, as Mother and child, in this moment, on this 12th of March of 2019, in which all souls that experience the consecration as Child of Mary, renewing yourselves and placing yourselves beside your Heavenly Mother at the Feet of our Father Mother Creator to again say "yes" to the Universe, to the Purpose, to the Plan, to the redemption and healing of humanity.

Today I will accompany you in the silence of My Heart, through the offering of this song, in the reconsecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart so that the nations of the world, especially those that most suffer the chaos of these times, may have happiness and the grace of wisdom upon receiving the Mercy of God.

I reconsecrate you as My children, as the apostles of Christ, as the peacemakers of the end of these times and the unconditional servers of God, in any moment and at any hour, under any circumstance or situation. All those who were consecrated as Children of Mary are today committing to obey God in the face of any call.

So be it and so may it be fulfilled!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In humility, I thank you for responding to My Call.

We can sing...

We stand up.

Song: Children of Mary

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


Dear children,

We are at the doors of a new cycle that will come with the hope of fulfilling the goals of the Plan of God. A cycle that will come with challenges to continue strengthening faith and maturing love in the hearts of My children.

A new cycle to fulfill the projects and to manifest the ideas of the Celestial Father.

A new cycle that will awaken, even more, the consciousness of humankind to everything it must change, purify and repair.

A new cycle in which Mercy will have its great and last action and intervention within hearts, in order to rescue and consecrate them.

A new cycle that will consciously bring a commitment to those who were once connected to the Redeeming Plan of Christ.

A new cycle that will place humanity in the last time of its definition.

It will be a cycle permeated by faith and full of wisdom for the hearts that completely surrender to the Lord.

It will be a cycle of great revelations and of visible concretizations.

It will be a cycle in which nothing will remain hidden anymore.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

For Me, it is not important that you make mistakes many times, what is truly important is that you try, again and again, to come out from the point where you once were, although many times you do not know how to begin to change.

 Attitude and inner effort alone are worth much more than hundreds of words. Therefore, persevere with faith. With faith, cry out and never lower your arms.

Your Lord God deeply knows your being and He, who is infinite in Pity and Mercy, will help you.

Allow, then, that inner change begin to take place within you, no matter the results or delays. Just place in your heart the aspiration that someday you can live My Divine Attributes.

Keep yourself firm in prayer and strong in faith. Thus, day by day, you will conquer new results; because in truth everything starts in the small, in what is invisible, simple and truthful.

Everyday, give yourself more and more to God because, in this way, your consciousness will be within the revelations of His Mystery.

In the end, everything ends in love, because it will be love that one day will manage to free you and lead you to the goal.

Trust in Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

May the Star of My Peace illuminate the paths of the inner worlds so that the essences may always find themselves in the ocean of faith and compassion.

May the path of the believers in Christ be purified so that the path of the New Christs are able to manifest. 

May the exclusive conviction of being in Christ exist during this planetary time. May His soldiers of prayer never grow tired and never drop their arms. May their purest intentions and their supplications be always heard by the Noble and Loving Heart of God. 

May all mysteries be revealed in this hour so that, beyond all science or understanding, consciousnesses awaken to the true reason that brought them here; to carry out the Will of the Father God, of being able to finally see, on the surface of the Earth, a new and responsible humanity that lives for the sake of love, the principles of an evolving and ascending life. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children:

I wish for the Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, to be finally painted and that She be on the altar for the anniversary of My daily Messages.

It has been a long time since this request was made, but in this year of 2019, I want Mary, Rose of Peace, to be known throughout the world according to the indications that were once given.

Therefore, the revelation of the Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, in this year of 2019, will indicate the beginning of a new cycle of your Heavenly Mother in the Work that the Sacred Hearts take forward.

Knowing the Face of the Rose of Peace, the world will be able to deepen into the mystery and into the divine science of the Mother of God, and thus the knowledge of the universal life will be revealed to all the souls.

For this reason, the painted face of Mary, Rose of Peace, will fulfill spiritual promises for all those who have the image. These promises will help the souls so that they know how to go through the end of these times. 

Among these promises, to those who keep with them, the Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, they will not lack peace, the momentum of praying with the heart, the joy and the happiness of being in Christ, the recognition of the Grace of God, feeling worthy of the Divine Mercy,  recognizing themselves as the worthy children of God, of living a strengthened faith and protection of the Holy Spirit.

On March 2, 2019, I hope to see, on the altars of Aurora, this holy Face of Mary, Rose of Peace, so that, like it was with the Face of the Glorified Jesus Christ, She may be presented to the world on this special day.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In silence, deepen in the spiritual discoveries that you are living. Do not let the impulses and the revelations pass as the blow of the wind, but rather let them remain within you, fertilizing your spirit, as does the Breath of the Spirit of God.

Let your soul sigh, relieved for receiving the balm of revelations that make it remember the meaning of life and feel that there is a hope of returning to the Heart of God.

Meditate on your spirit and on the higher life so that it may strengthen you and give you the possibility to stand firm enough within the divine purpose to help others who will lose their faith when everything is chaos and imbalance.

See beyond the horizon of the Earth, and all that is before it, the clear rising of the sun, which will come to illuminate a new life. Keep firm within you the knowledge of the true meaning of the events of the world. The planet is purifying to liberate itself. Those who will lose balance are who have built the foundations of their dwelling in the sand of their own skills and certainties, and not in the Rock of the Will and of the Plan of God.

Know that everything is part of a Plan drawn up from the age of the patriarchs and described in their words, although little understood by men.

The Old Testament was fulfilled in the New Testament, and the New Testament is fulfilled now so that, through this planetary moment, a new sacred history can be written, and in it may be found the prophecies of a new life and of a new human that will return to the Time of God and open the doors for all beings to unite with His Heart.

Hold on to this divine purpose and strengthen your being in faith, sustaining peace in your spirit.

For this, God calls you by your name and allows you to listen and read His holy Words. You are called to be an apostle of the last times, a saint of the last days.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

From the deepest Love of God, emanated the Fount of Healing.

From His purest aspiration that each being may attain Perfection, the Fount of Redemption was born.

From His purest aspiration, that beings may be liberated from their errors and from the duality that they live on this planet and in this Universe, the Fount of Liberation was born.

And as the union of this Divine Purpose, for all beings, the Consciousness of Aurora was born in the Heart of God, as an emanation of His Feminine Principle.

Aurora was born as a state of consciousness, which concentrates within itself the maternal energy which comes from God, united with His profound Love for creatures. Because it was thus, within this consciousness of maternity and of Love, that the Principles could gather: the Principle of Healing for all spiritual and material infirmities; the Principle of Redemption for all errors and mistakes lived by beings; and the Principle of Liberation, so that, regardless of the degree of the bonds to which a consciousness was submitted, everything could be liberated.

This state of consciousness, called Aurora, brought new hope for the Universe. Aurora is the Light that emerges resplendent after a cycle of darkness. Aurora is the possibility, that all beings receive, of returning to God in this Universe and in all others. Aurora is the expression of the Love of God for life.

So incommensurate is the Love of the Father, that He, placing His Eyes over the planet and contemplating the human errors and deviations, delivered to humanity one of His most beloved treasures: the Consciousness of Aurora.

This cosmic and universal Principle of God, created to help Him in the evolution of all beings, was projected and placed within the planet, in spaces that safeguarded its presence and that became sacred by Aurora.

This Aurora, sometimes explosive, sometimes silent, has never been understood by human beings.

This state of divine consciousness, after welcoming within it the principles that emerged from the Heart of God, also concentrated in itself rays and emanations that came from the heart of the Archangels, called Elohim, and the Sublime Mirrors of God, called Emerald Mirrors, because they concentrated within themselves the necessary vibrations of Healing so that all beings, born of the Divine Source, could return to it.

The Emerald Mirrors that concentrated within the Consciousness of Aurora hold in themselves the registers of the Origin of each being, of each race, of each essence, of each planet, of each star, of each Kingdom of Nature. They hold within themselves the records of the Origin of Life. Because it is through them that Healing takes place: when those who have deviated from Divine Purpose receive, from the emanations of the Emerald Mirrors, the purest Thought of God for themselves, the original vibration of His creation. And thus, they can convert their errors and return to the Father.

Aurora is not only the Healing for the planet, but Aurora is also the Healing for all Life; however, so great is the Love of the Father, that part of this Consciousness was given to the Earth, as a symbol of the importance of the planet for all universal and cosmic evolution.

The time has come for Aurora to be profoundly known and revered by the beings who recognize the Truth in the divine revelations, and who understand with the heart the grace of being within the Consciousness of Aurora.

Live in Aurora, My children, with the reverence of the archangels. Feel yourselves within the Divine Consciousness and as participants of God's purest Love for life. Because this is Aurora.

May all beings recognize in Aurora this Divine Grace because, through gratitude, they will cross its portals and receive Its Healing.

Aurora is the manifested Love of God. And today you are invited, My children, to awaken to this Love.

Through you, may the Graces of Aurora finally arrive in this wounded world because the planet needs it and, more than that, the Creation needs it.

I bless you and thank you for loving the Divine and Cosmic Consciousness of Aurora. Its mystery is revealed so that you can awaken.

I love you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


All the revelations of the Universe and all the knowledge of God are filled with extremely high vibrational impulses, those which penetrate the essence of the body, its cells and atoms.

These revelations, charged with very powerful impulses, remove ancient information from the earthly consciousness, and this purification process may generate positive effects and also physical sensations.

This is so, because the vibrations from the Source and all Its impulses are neutral. They are strengthened by emanating from the Supreme Source and they begin to travel at an extremely high velocity within space-time.  

Therefore, whoever receives these impulses lives a transfiguration acceleration that has repercussions within the entire consciousness.

In this sense, to receive luminous impulses from the Source is to place the consciousness in another echelon of evolution in a very fast way, as it would take years to take a spiritual step.

All this movement of the Supreme Source will try to accelerate the spiritual and physical advancement of humanity so that it at least happens within as many as possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Welcome into your heart all the revelations of God and let your consciousness expand to other planes and realities.

Receive these impulse as if they were the last and make an inner synthesis of all the revelations that have already been announced throughout time.

Nurture your consciousness with sacred knowledge and make your life even simpler so that the Treasures of God may reflect in your actions, and every space and place may be transformed and elevated according to Divine Will.

Thus, let the revelations of God bring you closer to His Divine Simplicity so that sufficient humility  may be incarnated in you to help you understand and experience the forms that come from the Universe and give impulse to cosmic life.

Let spirits be ennobled by all the knowledge received, as from the Supreme Source, sacred impulses are emanated that will simply cause the consciousness of humanity to elevate in plane.

Any revelation is always full of the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call and for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus

Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.

My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.

Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.

My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.

It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.

In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.

Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.

First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.

The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.

Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.

An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.

Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.

Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.

My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.

On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.

The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.

The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.

Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.

Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you. 

Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.

To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.

I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, for a moment, focus your attention and inwardly contemplate the mysterious but revealing Star of Bethlehem.

Concentrate your gaze and your prayer upon this ancient star of the Cosmos, which announced the arrival of the Divine Incarnation of the Firstborn Son.

Concentrate your ardent love upon the occult significance and on the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem, as well as on all the impulses of light, of peace, and of love that this star of the Cosmos brought to the human race.

Concentrate your mind and your heart upon this physical mystery of the Universe and upon all that it fostered and generated during the three preparatory days, before the arrival of the Redeemer.

Concentrate your devotion upon the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem and upon all the movement that it brought to Earth in that time, so as to bring order and reposition it within the universal Purpose.

Concentrate your attention on the rays of the Star of Bethlehem and upon all that it awakened in the depths of the inner levels of human beings, as well as upon all that it continues to awaken throughout time and the generations.

Concentrate your attention and your love upon the immovable Star of Bethlehem because, although it is no longer visible in space as it was two thousand years ago, the power of this star of the Cosmos represents the doorway of revelation for humanity.

May you find an inner guide in the Star of Bethlehem, just as the Kings of the East did by contemplating the sacred Star of Bethlehem.

I thank you for keeping the Mysteries of God in your heart!

Who blesses you

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
