Marathon of Divine Mercy

We praise You, Lord,
and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once again, I return from the heart of the universe to bring you My Peace. I come from the heart of the great mystery of this entire Creation so that the souls and spirits present on the surface of the Earth may receive the impulses of My Spiritual Government, regardless of what may be happening on this surface today.

But in truth I tell you that in other parts of this universe My Spiritual Government is indeed lived. This humanity is still behind by two-thousand years. But there are other humanities in this universe that live in consonance with Me in the Spiritual Universe, a part of the Universal Laws, a part of the Sublime Life, a part of all Rays and the different currents of the universe.

Today, I bring you this consciousness so that, as a part of Me, you may participate with Me in this moment, in the elevation of your souls to achieve the Divine Purpose.

May all humanities of this universe not only glimpse the Divine Purpose on the horizon of this infinite existence, but also find this Purpose within themselves. In this way, companions, in spite of the consequences and events of these times, you will learn to detach from that which is superficial and worldly, when you imitate, in spirit and essence, all humanities of the universe, all that which humanities live in this vast cosmos, which is a part of this Creation, of this entire life system.

These humanities, which are alive in the Material Universe, pray for you in the imperceptible silence of the spirit. And their sublime vibrations of Peace and Love, as one and only Brotherhood, resound throughout all of this vast cosmos, to beg the Eternal Father for an opportunity for this planet Earth, of which you have been a part of for such a long time, because you are a part of an Original Project, of an Essence of Life and of a Purpose that has not yet been fulfilled.

Therefore, in these times of transition, you are not part of an end, but you are rather before the threshold to a new time, to a new knowledge that will come to all, that will open the doors of the mind and consciousness, and this Sacred Sidereal Knowledge will ennoble your spirits, allowing you to remember your origins and even your life systems.

In this way, you will be able to recognize within yourselves that you are not only matter or mind, but rather a spirit in evolution, which must attain the goal of redemption and love, so that someday it may be Christified and be the example of a Purpose and a Will achieved through Christ, by the Eternal Father Himself, in all His Creatures.

Therefore, do not lose hope to continue onward, to transform and purify your lives. Aspire to be like these humanities of the cosmos, which have also learned from the errors and falls, which have been fallen stars in this vast Sidereal Universe, but the Great Mantle of the Mother of the World placed them within itself to make them shine, one by one, in this firmament of Creation.

Therefore, in this dark night, do not only look to that which is painful but rather believe in the power of love and healing that comes from the universe, and even your cells will be sublimated and transformed.

In a starry night, contemplate the firmament and ask yourselves internally: “Who am I?”

The Father will extend His Hand and point to your star of origin and, thus, your inner world and your soul will remember this long path, this infinite trajectory which you have travelled up to the present and which has not yet ended, and which must be completed not only by you, but also by your origin, until the completion of the synthesis of this experience of love, redemption and unity that can be lived in this school of planet Earth.

Thus, do not only think of that which is material, think of that which is beyond the material. I invite you to contemplate a starry night so that you may feel, quite close to you, the Presence of the Sacred Brotherhood, which has been accompanying your path and your trajectory since the beginning, and waits, in prayer and silence, for your great awakening, for the great moment of the redemption of humanity.

This is why I will come from Heaven once again, different from the way I came when I incarnated or even when I ascended to the Universe. I will come bringing the Glory of God, but also His Infinite Spiritual Government, which gave origin and meaning to all Creation through the Laws and Principles called Attributes.

Remember, Children of the Father, that you are a part of God in essence, and not just a part of errors lived and experienced. Because a history must still finish being written, and the Father still stops His Pen of Light, waiting for His Children to take the step and decide to be a part of a Plan of Love and Redemption, taught by Christ Himself, two-thousand years ago.

Never doubt that the Kingdom of the Heavens, together with all its dwellings, belong to you. In it is found the synthesis of your whole existence, the answers to all your questions. Up there, in the Universe, the history is written in the Mirrors, a history of each one of you.

Therefore, this is the time and this is the great moment to honor, value and adore the passage of Christ during His Life on Earth, so that your souls and, above all, your hearts, may be an extension of the Christic life on this planet, may be a part of the cells of the Mystical Body of Christ, which incessantly pulsates in the constant quest for Light, Love and the Good.

Today, your histories open before the eyes of the Universe, and Christ’s Love placates the errors, dissolves the consequences, appeases the traumas, ennobles the spirits and opens up for you a new path toward a new opportunity. Because God makes Himself small in the humble, God makes Himself powerful in the simple, God expresses His Infinite Love in all those who say ‘yes.’

Everything will pass, but the Words of the Father, through His Son, will remain and reverberate in the hearts of men and women of the Earth who, in this final time, listen to the sacred call.

Thus, your Guardian Angels will also elevate your experiences to the Father, and will demonstrate to the Father that His Divine Project in this humanity is possible, although the great time of tribulation is coming and souls fear having to face it and live it.

But if the Blood of Christ was shed on the surface of this planet, who will give their life to Christ so that the power of His Divine Blood, kept in the Sacred Chalices of the Places of the Earth, may illuminate the world in darkness, dissipate the forces of evil forever and establish, on the surface of this planet, the New Eden, where the self-summoned will come to know Paradise?

If I was capable of forgiving a thief at the most painful moment of the Cross, do you not believe, by any chance, that I am capable of forgiving your errors and faults?

The Love of God multiplies in those who let themselves be loved and who find within themselves the way of the Spirit. There is no other way to travel, because I once told you, companions: “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

Today, I elevate in My Heart, up to the Altars of My Celestial Father, the flowers and fruits that you have offered to Me through the exercise of sacred prayer. Because this is what I have at My Feet: the flowers of good souls, the fruits of the untiring servers that sustain, with faith in the unknown, the Islands of Salvation, called Light-Communities.

When you are at a Light-Community, remember that you are within the Heart of the Hierarchy, a Heart that feels and receives, a Heart that silently gives of itself without anything in return, with the sole aim of fulfilling the Will of God.

Be great cells of the Hierarchy’s Heart. The Wisdom and Love of God will always be able to fill your spirits when you are consistent.

Many in the world will seek to satiate their sadness and anguishes, their despair and agony. But you, who are so few at the Feet of the Hierarchy, who sustain the life of the Light-Communities, a life that aspires for evolution, are the ones who will have the Grace, through your own effort and surrender, to be supported by God Himself, under His state of Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

A few more years will pass until the life of Light-Communities is known. And those who did not understand them but judged them will repent, just as many repented as they did not recognize the Living God hanging from the Cross, giving His best, up to the last drop of His Blood and His Water for the salvation and rescue of humanity.

Therefore, have faith and continue on. Do not stop in your fears, errors, failures or even your uncertainties. Keep your perception wide open and feel you are in the heart of the Sacred Mantle of the Hierarchy, which gives you warmth in the cold night of the world, which comforts you and encourages you in tribulations, which anoints you under the spirit of brotherhood.

Thus, on this day of pain and suffering of the planet, when the Heart of the Master is broken, ask God for the Grace of an empty heart, capable of giving much more until the end, with just one end: for the salvation of the souls and nations that have condemned themselves, so that the Eternal Fire of My Love and the Unfathomable Light of My Divine Mercy may placate all errors of the world, just as it was on the Cross.

Thus, many more will see the Son of God come just as He said, among the clouds, the suns and stars of the universe. And they will see Him come with His true Face, the Face that became illuminated on the top of Mount Tabor, the Divine and Glorious Face that will reveal itself to all like a Sun among all suns of the universe, which, with its radiation and expansion, will transfigure and change the corrupt human code, making them sublime, pure and innocent, just as the angels of the whole universe.

At that hour, duality will no longer exist, evil will be dissolved, because the Love of Christ will triumph in hearts, bringing to the world the One Thousand Years of Peace.

Then, the Heart of the King will no longer hear the cry of any child due to hunger, war or diseases, there will no longer be mothers of war. There will no longer be abandoned grandparents or abandoned sick people, there will be no longer solitary and lost hearts, because My Love is for all.

I will place at the Foot of the Father’s Throne the offering of the redeemed, of all those who walked with Christ throughout the times, despite their fears or doubts, because they will have caused the Love of the Redeemer to triumph.

Thus, the New Man will be born, the new being will be born, and it will no longer be necessary to learn from the errors, but rather simply recognize in yourselves that God loves you so much, so much, that if you knew or perhaps felt it, you would not be able to withstand it.

Rejoice and walk in peace.

Let us pray for the end of this planetary spiritual captivity so that no one else may have to suffer, because for you I suffered each blow, each whip, each part of My Body lost in the Calvary. On the Cross I suffered for the world, and I was converted, out of love, into the Tree of Life, so that all might have Life in Me.

As an infinite demonstration of My Grace, today I will consecrate new adorers again, postulants who will confirm themselves to be testimonies of the Christic Love in the world, through the veneration and contemplation of My Eucharistic Body.

But this will also be an important moment for all adorers in Brazil, to renew their vows, confirm themselves on My Path and say, once and for all, and for all those whom you may meet, that Christ is Salvation.

For this special consecration, and before you live My Spiritual Communion, we will sing a song, asking for the Grace of an empty heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves for this simple ceremony through the song: “Empty Heart.”

And at this moment, we internally prepare ourselves to renew the vows of all adorers.

Christ will accompany this ceremony.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.




In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Today I come to the world because it still needs it, because it still has not found Peace.

Thus, My children, in this culminating moment, I have need of you, beyond what is happening to you or everything you are going through. I need you close to My Heart, under My Mantle, so you can help me establish Peace in the world, so that later, the healing of humanity may be established.

Therefore, it is important to pray the Holy Rosary every day, especially in these last days of July, which will prepare you for August, in which My annual Message will come to the world as a preamble to the coming of the Celestial Church of Christ.

Today I come surrounded by the Creation of God, especially the Kingdoms of Nature, which still need your prayers and supplications, because not only humanity suffers; your younger brothers and sisters, the Kingdoms, throughout the breadth and length of the world, are also suffering the consequences of the climate change and global warming, which are becoming worse upon this planet, every day.

But there is something that can prevent it all, which is the prayer of the heart and fasting, something fundamental for this end time in which humankind will be able to be reconciled with the laws of nature through prayer and fasting. Something that I taught you in the first years of the apparitions, not only for the cause of the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for other causes that are still necessary and urgent to attend to.

In this way, dear children, through prayer and fasting, you will awaken within you the talent that My Son left you, which the Heavenly Father calls gifts. Fundamental virtues that, in this moment of humanity, need to be available for this planet and this race because, through the Gifts of God and the virtues that you can live, you will be more aware and have the knowledge on how to rebuild this planet regarding how to help the Kingdoms of Nature, regarding how to support this humanity.

I come with this message from Creation, from the universe, the stars and the suns. God expects that at least a great part of His children, in this definitive time, may begin to rebuild humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Here, in this sacred place, through the sacred tree of Figueira, knowledge and instruction descended directly from God Himself through His instructor José Trigueirinho, who Our Father has in His Glory.

Through what he taught you, in simplicity and in love, you have the first signs, as current humanity, of how through your inner contact with the universe, with prayer and fasting, you could rebuild the Kingdoms of Nature, because as long as the world continues to commit infractions against Creation, it will continue to suffer.

My children, this is what you must know today, and take into account within your hearts. Not only humankind has need of healing and redemption, not only does the pandemic need to end so that we may see what humanity has learned, but also the other Kingdoms of Nature have need of your help and love.

You could never imagine a world without the sun, without the dawn, without the morning breeze, without the tide of the oceans, without the singing of the birds, without the freshness of the Plant Kingdom, without the splendor of the flowers.

How could you live without Creation, My children?

God created the universe, this Solar System and this planet, to demonstrate to each one of you how He loves you.

When will the world become aware that it is no longer time to destroy, but rather to build?

If you had the Grace of hearing the cry of the Kingdoms of Nature, you would feel the great pain as I feel it.

But, while this happens, the Kingdoms do not cease surrendering and giving of themselves.

Mother Earth suffers from the aggression of Her children, but even so, she gives the fruits that God's creatures need to continue living and growing in this humanity.

Each one of you, as part of this human civilization, as an expression of the Will of God, beyond faith or religion, has a duty toward Creation.

You, My children, were not only born to live or to think, you were born to be aware of Creation and of the sacred Divine Purpose.

Thanks to the Most High, there are islands of salvation in the world and beautiful places of nature that are still protected from the hands of humankind, so that the human race may learn to feel and live from Creation, not in destruction, but in union.

As long as this change does not take place, the prophecies of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled, but I Who am your Mother and wish the good for each one of My children, do not want you to experience this, that you suffer or endure because of your lack of awareness of Creation and of the Law.

But you could say to Me: "Mother, no matter how much we may do something, there are people in the world who, because of their ambition and power, destroy the planet."

I do not come here to generate a parallel movement, nor a worldwide complaint. Each one today has enough awareness to be able to take care of the Kingdoms of Nature and to know that, without them, it is not possible to live on the surface of this planet. As much as you can do small things, the repercussions will be very great.

Have you ever thought about what a flower feels when watered? What the soil feels when touched with love? Have you ever asked yourselves what the sea feels when it is contemplated by you?

Everything has awareness, a knowing and wisdom. Nothing is static. Everything has a reason in Creation.

I am the Mother of the World, Mother Nature. I am the Governess of the consciousness of the planet. All those who come to Me are not only redeemed in the Name of My Son, but they also come to Creation to discover its wisdom and its science.

The planet needs to be healed of the exploitation of humankind throughout the centuries, and this will be possible because of your adherence to My call. Thus, the Earth will not be left behind, but rather, will be contemplated by the rest of Creation, so that it may be regenerated and deeply healed, just as the planet has expected from the beginning.

You are part of the consciousness of this world. Have you understood? This is your home.

In order for My Son's Celestial Church to descend, the world must change and not continue to struggle to live in the normal and in what is superficial.

Time is running out, it is time to become aware. For this reason, I am here, so that you may grow within.

My enemy does not want you to reach this awareness, but through the offering of your prayers and fasts, you will allow the spiritual and material condition to be generated so that this change in the human consciousness may be possible.

And now, I invite you, My children, to carry out an inner practice with Creation. I invite you to prepare yourselves and to open your hearts even more through inner contact with the intra-oceanic world.

Close your eyes.

And now, at the request of the Father and through the intercession of the Mother of God, we will listen to "Intra-oceanic Aurora".

And through this exercise, which we will begin tonight, I will guide the world and the souls to an inner healing of the heart and of the emotions, of the mind and of the body, by means of your souls.

Open your inner worlds, beyond what your ears may hear. And now, see yourselves facing the ocean, at dawn. See God within that ocean, through His Consciousness of cosmic and inner Love. Feel yourselves to be empty and listen to the ocean like great streams of light coming towards you and, consequently, towards all of humanity.

Placing your hands in the sign of reception, offer your whole being to God and, in the name of the human race, facing that ocean that lights up in the dawn, ask for forgiveness and cry out inwardly for reconciliation, for all that the planet Earth has experienced, since the presence of humankind up until today.

See the great Sun of God emerge on the horizon of the ocean that, with the power of His Presence and Consciousness, with His Light, fills everything that lives and vibrates. Feel your cells and atoms light up through the intra-oceanic presence of the Consciousness of God's Love. Feel Adonai, feel at one with the sacred Divine Unity. Feel within yourselves the Truth of Creation and that which you have been a part of since the beginning.

Breathe slowly. Each time you breathe in, feel how the light of Creation enters your being and your entire consciousness. You are facing Adonai and Mother Nature, in the great void of consciousness, to be filled and blessed by the Love and Wisdom of the Father.

Between the Sun of God and the ocean, see the Son of God emerge in the sky, Who reaches out His Arms as the Redeeming Christ, and from His Heart and the palms of His Hands, He emanates the powerful light of Divine Grace over the four corners on the Earth.

The ocean lights up in blue light and its being, each of its consciousnesses, lights up in the blue light of Aurora.

In the name of the whole human race, in the name of fraternity, of forgiveness, and of love, affirm your inner vows with Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature, so that all may be renewed in accordance with what was foreseen by Divine Purpose.

In the Light of the Grace of Christ, in the Presence of the Father and of Mother Nature, we unite with the essence of Creation, so that we may remember where we came from and what the reason is for our being here today. 

May the Laws of Creation descend, may the gifts be given to the men and the women of the Earth. May the sacred virtues awaken, and the consciousness of the human beings expand, so that ignorance may be transmuted and wisdom bring an awareness of this present moment.

Feel the calm of the ocean. Feel the peace of Creation and the establishment of harmony. 

Now bring your hands to your heart and feel the union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In reconciliation with the planet and Creation, before the ocean, in the dawn of the Sun of God and the Presence of the Divine Son, we will repeat a prayer, phrase by phrase, which will be translated so that we may all may pray it in the Presence of Adonai:

may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the word be alive and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify perfect Unity.

Thus, I bless you and thank you for responding to My call.
May Creation and all nature be renewed in humanity. So be it.
I leave you with this instrumental, so that your consciousnesses may be united with God.

Peace and redemption for the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


On this special and spiritual day, the three Sacred Hearts again unite and come together out of love and for the redemption of this humanity and planet; and each of the Sacred Hearts emit and send a special impulse for all human consciousnesses.

This is the new cycle of the Sacred Hearts, a cycle that will bring the last instruction and warnings for humanity so that, after so many years of work and of service with us, the apostles of Christ may finally be available, prepared and conscious to move forward with the sustenance and immediate support of the Islands of Salvation, which will receive the consciousnesses that will also awaken to the path of the Spirit, as well as those souls that will be rescued from various situations and causes.

Thus, this is the cycle in which the message of the Sacred Hearts is to be lived in daily practice, so that the spiritual attributes and keys that the messages of the Hierarchy hold may be activated and be at the service of the great planetary need.

This is the time to perceive that humanity is approaching its last and most acute stage of purification, and all that will be done, experienced or practiced will contribute to alleviating the Kingdoms of Nature and the most lost souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the universal doors open again today, to help humanity and the planet, My Heart brings you a great spiritual and extraordinary grace, so that your inner beings trustingly, in unity and faith, may be given the impulse to move forward with all that the Hierarchy proposes for the Islands of Salvation, such as are the Light-Communities and Light-Nuclei.

This is the time to be aware and wise, so that in a near future the bases for salvation may be prepared, where the Hierarchy will be able to carry out its last operations and where the souls, most unknown to all of you, may find a spiritual space of love and service, where the results of the effort of each one of My companions will be seen.

Today, you, who are in the presence of the Universal King and the Governor of the Cosmos, have taken a step in degrees of love, and it will be this sacred step of adherence and fraternity that, through Grace, will allow you to assume an important task together with Your Master and Lord, a mission that will watch over the spiritual consciousness of Brazil and all its beloved people.

Let your hearts rejoice! for today you have witnessed for yourselves that it is possible to donate yourself more for a Greater Love that comes directly from the Universe, for each one of you and your brothers and sisters of the planet.

I thank you for having responded to My sacred convocation!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



The last months are drawing closer, in which your Master will give the last instructions and guidance to humanity.

A moment in which souls will have the opportunity to drink of the spring of the last impulses, which will strengthen them for the coming events, which are already coming.

Thus, this is the moment for carrying out an inner synthesis of remembering, reviewing and memorizing the impulses and instructions that were given for the spiritual preparation of the consciousnesses that were self-summoned to carry forward the preparatory path of the glorious return of Christ.

And so, your Master will need to have His house prepared, not only the inner house, but also the external house so that, with all the tools that are necessary, the Islands of Salvation can be supported upon the surface and thus be able to receive the consciousnesses and souls that, in the end of times, will participate in the moment of the re-encounter with Christ.

All that can be done and built in the Islands of Salvation will contribute to the next coming of the Hierarchy.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


The End of Some Experiences

As I have told you once, companions, My time among you is ending and when this time comes, everything will be unleashed.

Today, I want to announce to you that not only the time and the cycle of the end of the daily impulses is coming, but also coming is the end of many Christic experiences that some of Mine, the closest ones, have lived in these last six years and that, for various reasons, have lost the spiritual experience with Me and only remained with the remembrance of what they once lived with Me.

With this, I want to explain to you and clearly warn you that the choice, made by some who were with Me, upon My path, and that no longer are, has led them to lose the great Christic experience of their entire life, as they were prisoners of illusion and of a supposed invulnerability to harassment.

In truth, they let themselves be defeated, they yielded and lost inner forces, because they let themselves be taken by their weaknesses.

This is the time of the end of experiences, and souls that become without the Christic experience lose the state of Grace that, due to  Mercy and Pity, they had once received.

In truth, the seriousness of some extreme choices of some souls is not in the action, but rather in the absolute loss of common sense and reality, and the spiritual meaning of life.

For this reason, and when these situations happen, the Spiritual Hierarchy can no longer intervene or rescue, because those most miserable souls that received everything from the Universe, and ridiculed and offended the spiritual treasures of the Hierarchy, begin to be within the planetary chaos and the common denominator of the inert suffering of humanity.

It is to absolutely lose the possibility of being in communion with their own spirit, because the spirit of this being that disconnects from the Christic path loses the experience, which is outraged and stolen by My adversary, in the art of his astuteness and deception.

Do you understand, companions?

To be with the Spiritual Hierarchy and live in the environment where the Hierarchy is, as for example, the Light-Communities are, does not mean to do, fulfill or carry out one’s own will.

It is obeying for love and, in the strict and loving obedience, to be able to deepen into the trust, in the Guidance that comes from the Heights and, in this way, keep walking in transformation.

I want all of you to understand that to be with the Hierarchy is not to be with a friend, a family member or a coordinator of a task.

It is to correspond and respond to a command that comes from the spiritual plane, which is what later reflects in the mental plane and finally in the material plane.

In all this movement of integration with the Hierarchy, there are no choices or tastes, opinions or personal ideas.

It is to join a superior divine and cosmic stream, which has once contacted them, and thus it is to fulfill a Supreme Will.

In clear words: to be and follow the Hierarchy is to be nothing.

This avoids entering the chaos of these times, in the unnecessary loss of profound spiritual experiences, which, once stolen by the adversary, remain deactivated from the nucleus of the essence.

May the process of personal purification not be the center of your attention. May the center of attention be the giving of self and the love for what is divine and cosmic, because in this way you will not lose the last impulses that are descending from the Universe, and will thus be the example of transformation and of true redemption.

The Spiritual Hierarchy unfolds within a hostile field of permanent battle, where the war of all against all has begun.

But you should apply the intelligence of the third ray and not let yourselves be dragged by your own processes or traumas, but rather you should feel impelled and ascended by the last Words of the Universal Hierarchy.

The three days of darkness will come and the islands of Salvation must be ready and prepared for the massive movement that it will have to attend to, as an unprecedented humanitarian emergency that, overnight, will present itself to be attended and alleviated.

All the preparation and training that you experience will help you to live up to the events.

On one hand, the Hierarchy invites everyone to keep collaborating in the manifestation and the order of life in the Communities.

But also, the Spiritual Hierarchy invites the consciousness that, at this moment, do not measure up to the needs of the Plan, to be able to relocate to other places outside the Communities, so that certain processes of purification do not keep blocking the concretion of a purpose that, I have told you, is divine.

The Hierarchy feels in Its Heart the effort and love for all, but there is no longer time, and you must choose your true transformation or your departure.

The Plan has run important risks and, at this moment, the unity of the Divine Hierarchy and the assistance of some servers of the surface sustains the accomplishment of a goal that has been undervalued.

It is time for everyone to be sincere with the Hierarchy; to no longer deceive yourselves and to not give Them so much work, just as the rest of humanity does.

We are navigating into the sea, in the only ship of the Brotherhood, which is living the storm and the shipwreck so that the greatest number of indifferent consciousnesses can be saved, no mattter what. 

Today I come with Words of pain and silence to tell you all this, because it is a responsibility and maturity of everyone, to give the best to God, for all that God has given you and keeps giving to you after these last twelve years of apparitions.

As you know, the cycle will end, and this does not mean that everything ends, and that after this you will nourish upon unsafe or non-spiritual sources to be able to feel your lacks supplied.

It means to assume this planet with maturity, the redemption of all the human race and, in selfless service, prepare the bases for the return of Christ.

There are times when the need for change and purification of consciousnesse will place you before a universe of responsibilities.

Many of those who are not present today still believe they have left inmortal, and believe they are free from the Law, because they did not accept being helped, corrected and straightened, like the poor tree that was twisted.

Now there is no time to retrogress, it is time to advance, to give this testimony that I have asked you for so much, and whose meaning many have not understood.

The Hearts of your Lord and of your Heavenly Mother often feels alone, abandoned by the selfishness, by the offenses and trifles that are frequently committed, losing consciousness, sense, discernment.

Enough with all this!

Because it is time to grow and not to complain. It is time to thank every day for what many do not have, but to truly thank.

When you have read many times all that which I have told you, you will truly demonstrate some change to Me. While this does not happen, everything will continue at the same point.

In Rwanda, we warned about the genocide, and no one believed in it. Today we warn about the urgency for many changes, so that afterwards your repentance may not be too late.

These are moments to mature. But also to make room or to set oneself aside, to not block what others, with so much effort, do want to concretize, according to what the Hierarchy asks.

The moment has come for listening clearly and for not becoming closed, because if you become closed to Instruction, you will become an easy prey to My enemy.

May the fire of My Words give you an impulse and place you upon another step of the Plan, so that the real humanitarian emergencies, which are many, can be attended.

I thank you for having the bravery and love to listen to the truth!

Who blesses you and waits for your true change,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the superior silence that permeates the Earth, in this moment we contemplate, as Spiritual Hierarchy, the inner decisions that have been made and we wait, just as all of you, for the result of these decisions.

But what is most important at this moment, My children, is that you do not forget what is kept within the inner world of each one of you. As I have told you, it is the essence of God that will protect you and support you in this time, in spite of what may happen or emerge.

In this time, hold on to the favorite union with the spiritual Hierarchy and thus your steps, consciousnesses and lives will be guided by means of the Greater Purpose.

We are together, near the Earth, within this Solar System. On this day I am not alone, but rather accompanied by many Hierarchies that contemplate, with love, dedication and prayer, this planetary moment, especially this moment of South America.

The time of the planetary transition has arrived, but of a more acute and complex transition; for this reason there is the importance of being in union with the Hierarchy so that not only you can endure it, but also so that you can help your brothers and sisters to endure these difficult times.

The Armageddon is part of a difficult test for humanity, just as the Apocalypse. But I tell you, My children, that this Armageddon and this Apocalypse can be lighter and more short-lived for all, depending on how each consciousness acts and behaves in this time.

The more united you are to God and to His spiritual and universal Hierarchies, the more short-lived and lighter this Armageddon and Apocalypse will be.

We all know that the majority of humanity is completely hypnotized and delluded by many things, and that this situation distances them and separates them from God, day by day.

But, as in other ancient times, the Father will benefit from the small groups of consciousnesses that carry forward His Plan of Love and Redemption, until His Beloved Son can return to Earth.

I need you to understand, My children, that these times are not normal times, these are times that are different from other times and other cycles that different civilizations and different races in humanity have experienced.

This is the time to cross the threshold towards redemption, and to be able to live within yourselves this process of redemption so that humanity and the Earth may have an opportunity.

Today, I am here, My children, accompanying each one of you in the silence and quietude of My Heart. I radiate toward you and give you My Graces so that you can have more strength and  keep moving forward.

You must not be surprised by everything that you will see, although inexplicable and unexpected situations may happen.

The Hierarchy knows that humanity is not conscious of what it has generated and of what it has produced throughout the times in order to today arrive to this moment of a planetary turning point; therefore I tell you again about the importance of being united to God and of placing your consciousness in the Heights, no matter what happens, so that none of My Children, or at least most of them, may not become pulled and dragged by the planetary transition, and by the events that will come and unfold upon the surface of the Earth.

Your only faith must be in the Heights, in the nonmaterial and in the cosmic; in this way, the currents of the universe will come to help you and will lead you to understand all events, beyond the situations that may emerge.

You will be able to accompany the hard times, with more maturity and determination,  and you will know how to help your neighbor.

There is a part that corresponds to humanity; we cannot fulfill this part, nor can we intervene. This is the cycle in which each human being becomes responsible for their actions and their attitudes before the planetary moment, before the transition of humanity.

But now, My Children, it is important to maintain a strong faith and confidence in the Father, because the help from the universe will never lack for you. For some reason and motive, we are here to accompany you, to sustain and guide you.

If your consciousnesses and mainly your minds are positioned in the Heights, you will allow the Mirrors of the universe to reflect to the Earth their attributes, their powerful currents and their codes, so that humanity may be more protected and balanced, although very complex situations may be happening at this moment.

We know that the great populations of the nations will move from their place, seeking hope and an opportunity in other regions of the Earth, as it has already been happening. Therefore, it is also important to maintain your heart open in order to perceive all necessities and all realities, in order to welcome and receive those who are most in need and do not have anything; and who are the result of those who command them, of those who govern them and who lead them to live great and desperate sufferings.

With all these events and other events of the planet that you, up to the present day, do not know, and of which you are not conscious, it is the time for humanity to assume its responsibilities and make a true and clear decision. Upon this decision and this attitude will depend if the universal help can keep descending to you and to the world.

And that regions of the world may remain protected, in spite of the purification and of the transition of the planet, so that  a new humanity can be re-born and re-emerge.

The Plan of the Hierarchy will depend on the attitude of the men and women of the Earth; the Plan will be fulfilled and this will be the the objective of the Universal Hierarchies, although it may be in small groups.

The main cell, which is the family, must remain protected, because in the times of today it is much interfered with and very influenced. Just as in other times and in other civilizations, the family was protected and supported in spite of its tests and sufferings, in such crucial moment as this, the family must remain united to God and to His Divine Consciousness; in this way, nothing external nor internal will disturb it.

My Children, the Human Genetic Project wants to be defeated, and it is high time you perceived and realized this. But your consciousnesses and mainly your hearts must not be submerged in this occurrence but rather in the effort, in the diligence, in the dedication, in the surrender and the fulfillment of this project, day by day, by means of your  acts and your works of charity and prayer to the universe.

Remember that, on this planet and in its innermost worlds, sacred locations are kept that could regenerate and recondition the surface of the Earth; but it just so happens that the moment has not yet arrived. It is important that humanity goes through this transition and, depending on its attitude and on its actions, this transition will be lighter or stronger.

The facts, the events and the consequences that happen are exclusively the responsibility of the human being, of this race that is upon the Surface of the Earth.

Everything was given, everything was donated with love and dedication so that a civilization could emerge in the degrees of love and in the evolution of consciousness.

But duality has not been defeated, duality must still be transmuted, liberated and redeemed so that the balance and harmony may be within the beings and all can be in contact with God and thus fulfill His Plan, His aspirations and His promises.

The moment will come when My Son will return; He will return in a surprising and unexpected way. He will be seen in many places of the world, He will be recognized, although many will also reject Him, because He will come with an unknown aspect, never before revealed to humanity.

But the moment will come after His apparitions, after His Presence, and when He again approaches the human consciousness, this is when He will show who He truly is, just as He ascended to the Heavens and attained His greater degree of evolution of consciousness and of love.

It will be the moment in which the forces of chaos and the adversary will be defeated, and the government of this planet will again be granted to the Universal King, as it was granted when He was born on this Earth and among you, to bring you the good news of redemption and the opportunity to again find the path toward the Light.

We, all the Hierarchies, are contemplating the good events, facts and happenings that humanity experience through the consciousnesses, the souls that offered to live and express Christic Love.

Everyone who has lived this experience throughout the times, the generations, are being contemplated and at this moment helping the human consciousness in the inner planes to know how to make a good decision, and that this decision may have beneficial repercussions throughout the rest of the planet.

Now the moment has come to withdraw into the Heart of God and to seek, above all events, the essence of Peace.

Today I send this special message to the world to be Heard and remembered by all, knowing that the Universe also experiences a transition and that, each day more, we are reaching a culminating moment, when everything will be defined, when everything will become more clear, when uncertain realities will end and, at last, the Kingdom of God will be able to be established.

But for this, many situations must end, My children. The planet must cleanse what weighs on it and all that which hurts in it, all that it has received from humanity of the surface throughout time.

Everything will be reconfigured, re-established and re-ordered so that there may exist a new opportunity and the Plan can return to its origin, to its beginning, to its essence. Therefore, the movements will be strong, will be determining and unexpected.

For this, throughout the last times, we have prepared you, instruction has been your key to live these times of Armageddon, and to be united to the Plan of God and to His divine consciousness by means of the word of the Hierarchy.

In an extraordinary way, I send these words to the world and especially to those who sustain the Islands of Salvation so that the codes, attributes, gifts and virtues may remain present upon the surface of the Earth; and so that those who suffer, who undergo pain and who do not have anything may know someday that Love, the Love of God did not dissolve from the heart of humanity and from some places of the Earth. That Love can rebuild everything, Love can renew everything, that the Love of God can liberate you and save you.

I leave you the Light of My spirit and of My soul so that you may be led and, above all, peace and unity may be established.

In the name of the non-material Source of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; in the name of the Governments and Councils that guide and lead this and other Universes; in the name of the Confraternity and of the Celestial Brotherhood that has accompanied this race for a long time; in the name of the Voice of the Father that resounds and has repercussions as an echo through His Messengers; I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And together let us pray so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled, so that His divine Purpose may be established. Pray with Me, My children:

That the advent of the New Race
be fulfilled.
That humanity
be able to express its archetype.
That the word be alive
and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery expand  in us
and  the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.
(Repeated three times)

I elevate these prayers, My children, to Heaven, so that the Father may hear them and in response make descend His infinite and incommensurate Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Peace be in the heart of all beings on Earth, and so be it.

With joy, My children, I come to place you in the Lap of God so that you may be able to feel the eternal Love of the Father Who, in spite of the time and circumstances of life, does not cease to offer; He surrenders unconditionally for each one of His children so that they may feel and experience Him fully.

It is for this reason that I am here today, as that testimony of the Love of the living God, of that Love that gestated and created you from the beginning, which caused you to be manifested in this Universe as in other places of the Universe, where divine essences were manifested to experience a project of Love rather than a project of redemption.

But with the fall of humankind, from Adam and Eve until the present, God Himself has manifested again, has again surrendered and given of Himself to the world through the incarnation of the Son of God, the Christ. This has made it possible for souls, My children, to be able to return to God and be in His presence through the path of redemption.

It is on this path of Love that I want to have you all the time, for in this way, you will not only get to know the Celestial Father, but you will also discover the marvels and the treasures that there are in the Universe when you learn, through effort, to get out of the superficiality and the indifference that humanity instills in souls at this time.

Thus, My children, rejoice in your hearts, see your moment of redemption take place, for the Love of God has come through His faithful Servant, not only to fill you but also to fulfill you as souls, so that from you, may awaken the talents of God and all the gifts that He gave you from the beginning.

This is the main intention of your Heavenly Mother, Who in spite of the perversion humanity experiences at this time, of conflicts, wars, humanitarian crises, or even the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature, I need My children to awaken again to their essential purity and to remember that state of inner purity with which God conceived you; because in this way you will be within His Plan of Love and of Light, you will be participants in the marvels of the Universe, in the sources of knowledge and of instruction, which reach the world to awaken the consciousness, to make of hearts, hearts united in Christ and for Christ.

So at this moment, beloved children, the fundamental basis of your material and spiritual life is love; this will allow you to transcend the difficulty of these times; love will teach you to be humble and simple, it will allow you to see the reality and the need in each place and in each brother and sister.

I need you, My children, decided and surrendered to God, to be part of that Source of Love and of Light, so necessary and urgent for these times, a Source that must be mirrored in humanity to be able to heal deep and unforgettable wounds that continue subjugating hearts and the lives of people.

That is why I bring you the Fount of My Love, which is the Source of the Love of God, the Source that will always nourish and guide you, the Source that will remove you from darkness, from illusion, and from any adversity that My enemy wants to impose on you.

An extremely important path for finding this Fount of Love is prayer, something that I have founded in your consciousnesses many years ago. But now, My children, prayer must not only be your daily food, it must be your weapon of defense and of combat against My adversary, not only for your own lives, but also for the lives of your brothers and sisters, of your neighbor.

The prayer that can protect the family as an extremely important nucleus and cell of God, so that the family in this crucial cycle of humanity, through a sincere and true prayer that unites you all, may be supported, strengthened, and keep faith alive in the face of all that the planet and humanity will see; because this is the time of purification, it is the time of the planetary transition, it is the time for submerging in the Love of God to be able to fully live the compassion of the Father and carry this compassion to those most in need of it.

When you step out of the Love of God you begin to suffer, because by stepping out of the Love, My children, you not only set aside the laws, but you also leave the Law of the Hierarchy.

Love will never make you doubt, Love will always strengthen you and will sustain you, Love will give you discernment and wisdom in the difficult moments, even if you have nobody that can guide or orient you. If your hearts are in Love, submerged in living prayer, assistance and a response will come into your lives, suffering will dissipate, because Love will grant you spiritual healing as the principal attribute of the Fount of the Celestial Father.

And in this way, as beings of Love, you may contribute to this planet, to this sick humanity that places no attention on the life of the spirit, rather places its attention on material and worldly things.

But not all of humanity is lost, although the majority may be very distracted. That is why it is necessary to enter into the Fount of the Love of God every day and have as a first rule that deep connection with the Eternal Father, seeking within yourselves the Kingdom of God so that He may lead you, prompt you, and guide you.

It is this so unknown but infinite Love that causes me to return here today, to this sacred land, that reflects to the world the chance to love, to serve, and to surrender for others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

This seedbed of Light that the Nueva Tierra (New Earth) Community represents is a commitment of all My praying and servant people to protect it and to support it and that it may continue to experience its expansion, not only through a spiritual education, as an example of fraternal life, but also that it may expand and manifest as a little piece of the Kingdom of God that was placed here by My maternal Heart so that it may be protected and preserved by all.

It is time, dear children, to establish and solidify the spiritual bases of the Divine Hierarchy, not only at the Marian Centers like this one, that must be a living Center with the participation of all of My children, but it must also be a place, a common unity in which everybody may participate in what is simple that is life and in what is beautiful that means serving the other first.

Because the Islands of Salvation like this one will be the cradle to receive those most in need, those who will escape from the wars, from the conflicts in the nations, from the catastrophes that will come through the action of nature due to the imbalance that humankind of the surface generates. And the Hierarchy will always be in the Islands of Salvation, in spite of what happens and takes place on the surface, because the presence of the Hierarchy in you is spiritual, internal, deep, and also divine.

If you maintain and sustain this connection with the Divine Hierarchy, protection will never be lacking, help will always come, and when something is necessary, it will manifest, because the Law is perfect in the Universe. The Law of manifestation and of abundance was created with perfection so that nothing will be lacking for each one of the children of God.

I invite you, My children, to commit a little more deeply to this Light-Community that shelters the smallest and most innocent and which must be the future for what is coming ahead. And that future will be built with the collaboration and giving of self of all, in a periodic manner, faithful and transparent.

This will allow the Hierarchy to grant more graces in this place to those who need them; and those most in need will come because they will feel drawn by the Source of this Love, that today My Immaculate Heart pours out over the Marian Centers and over the Light-Communities. A Love that is for sharing and to be experienced by all, a Love that will always make you see the good and dissolve evil in any circumstance.

Today I feel drawn to this place because I know what this community represents for God and what it needs to achieve in the end of these times, not only as part of the Project of God and of the Universal Sacred Family, but also because of the spiritual and non-material treasures that it is to welcome in the coming time for the task it is to perform on the surface with the human race, as well as with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Therefore, everyone is invited to participate, to experience and to find love every day in a group life that is built by all your consciousnesses and that must make you more aware, more service-oriented and available for all that will have to be attended to in humanity.

That is why I am here, not only to reveal these treasures to you which some day will come and present themselves, but also to protect you with My Divine Consciousness, knowing that you will be very important not only to the state of Rio de Janeiro, but also to all of Brazil, in the same way that other places of this country receive the spiritual treasures of God, which is completely unknown to the majority.

So I lead you through the path of instruction toward that revelation so that you may be participants in these treasures, wardens of these treasures and guardians of the sacred divine knowledge.

I am also preparing you for that, My children, but a faithful and greater collaboration of this community will be necessary, because still many more children and young people are waiting to have the chance of coming here and of knowing that Love has not been lost.

It is through this Love that envisages miracles and the wonders of life, this Love that emerges today from My Immaculate Heart, that I will consecrate the new Children of Mary, who will be the first for this new cycle in which they will faithfully commit to Me to actively participate in this community and in this group life, to help and contribute to the education of the children, in support of the young people and in support of the Kingdoms of Nature.

These children who will be consecrated today, like others who were consecrated here and who still have this commitment to Me and cannot forget it, will also support this Marian Center, they will make it alive through the liturgy that can be expressed here and experienced in a simple way. A liturgy of prayer, of adoration, and of contact with God which touches the Heart of the Eternal Father many times, which already happens here.

Thus, My children, this consecration is a consecration moving toward maturity and spiritual responsibility, because it is important that My children understand, especially those who will consecrate themselves in the future, that being My child is not only being in My Heart, it is to live the Plan of God, it is to realize the Plan of the Father, it is to live His Will with responsibility and carry it forward no matter the cost.

That will be a true and sincere response of each one of you, that you are understanding what it means to be a Child of Mary. I need you to be those spheres of Light, permeated by the Love of God, that can be radiated to the world and to those who need it.

At this moment I invite the Children of Mary to stand up, those who will be consecrated today in My Presence.

And listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, My children, I will bless you and fill you with My Love and with My Light, knowing that it is necessary to do something for this planet and for this humanity, it is necessary to live Love and carry Love to those who suffer and to those who need it, from the human being to the lower Kingdoms.

That Love must be multiplied and grow within you, in life actions, daily activity, in all those who are around you.

Love will allow you to be reconciled, will lead you to Peace, will lead you into understanding and wisdom, and in spite of everything maybe being difficult or impossible, if you invoke or call to the Love of God, all will be resolved.

Because all that you may experience in this time is because you need it so, you need to learn something from all that you experience and live; that is also Love, even if it does not seem so.

Suffering is not Love, Love is light, is healing, and is peace; Love is being in the Heart of God.

Because of this Love that conceived you from the beginning and at the origin, and this commitment that you make to Me today, of being wardens of this Light-Community and servers of the Plan, unconditionally and in surrender, I will bless you, My children.

Placing My hands on your hearts and sharing the Grace of God in your lives, in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before you sing the Hymn of Consecration, which is a moment for the renewal of vows for all, I want to say good-bye to this New Earth Community, knowing that it will always be in My Heart and I will be in you, making you feel My presence, giving you strength in each moment that you need it, lifting you from the ground, sheltering you in My arms, having you feel the beat of My Heart.

And covering you with My Mantle, I will submerge you all in My Peace, in which you will be able to see the Light of the Father, His infinite Mercy, and His Compassion; and any situation will be dissolved, because the child that invokes the Mother of God is taken care of, protected, and assisted. The child of God who invokes the Heavenly Mother is within Her Universal Heart.

I thank you and until next time.




A Tribute to the Teacher of Love

My children,

It has been a year today since the soul of My son, José Trigueirinho, rose up to Heaven to continue his trajectory in precious schools of service and of expansion of consciousness.

After his departure, many events came forward, not only in the field of service, of instruction and of prayer, which Figueira itself was able to express, but also a great need for humanitarian help on worldwide and international levels appeared.

In this way, the Sacred Tree of Figueira, which was cared for, pruned and protected by My son, José Trigueirinho, during the last thirty years, launched new seeds of instruction and of service, which up to recent times continues to sprout and provide infinite opportunities to all those who may want to avail themselves of this Grace of living an absolute giving of self.

After thirty years, when the fertile soil of each heart and disciple was lovingly cared for by My son, José Trigueirinho, the time has come for the virtues and the talents to emerge, to be at the service of the Plan of God in order to alleviate all pain by means of love.

This is the time in which all the disciples of José Trigueirinho must take their places within the Plan and commit to the Heights, to support the Islands of Salvation that, with such love, My son José Trigueirinho protected and safeguarded with his humble consciousness.

This is the time for all members of the Light-Network, as good, dedicated and  tender servers, to take up the care, the safeguarding and the maintenance of the Light-Communities, and to be more present and active, knowing that the Communities and the Light-Nuclei will be sacred spaces for the receiving and welcoming of humanitarian situations. 

Now is the time to put into practice all of the legacy received and heard during the last thirty years. It is the time to bring continuity to the Work, that which the spiritual Hierarchy sowed through the Community of Figueira.

In this way, My children, you will make it possible for the Hierarchy, upon the surface of the Communities and in the Light-Nuclei, to have spaces lovingly consecrated and donated so that the Hierarchy can continue instructing and guiding souls, so that it may continue to sow seeds of light within hearts that are awakening to the great summoning.

Let us thank the Eternal Father for having sent a humble and serving Instructor to the world, who safeguarded and protected each of His children and disciples.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I have already told you, My children, that something greater exists within you that you do not know; and that within your original essence, the purity that God conceived, for each one of His children, there are many mysteries to reveal and to show to each one of your souls.

I come as your Mother, but also as your Universal Governess, as this great Mirror of Justice and of Mercy that comes to reflect upon Earth the Principles and the Gifts of God.

What the Father expects of each one of you, My children, is that you also be able to represent Him on the surface of the Earth and that you be able to be mirrors, in such likeness of what I am, that you not only bring the divine attributes to the Earth in this very critical time of humanity, but that you also, My children, come to know your own inner mysteries that the Father will reveal to you when He, with His own Hands, takes away the veils from your consciousness, a moment in which everything will be fully shown and you will remember and know who you are.

Through your daily consecration to My Immaculate Heart, you are sending an answer to the Eternal Father, so that He may count on you completely and unconditionally, because at least a part of this great flock of humanity must fulfill what the Father needs in this planetary cycle.

The tribes of Israel must exist in the four main continents of this planet, not only remembering their origins and their Divine Principles, but also being aware and available to serve the Celestial Father in the last missions that He will entrust to humanity, directly to those who have awakened and will awaken in this time.

This is part, My children, of the Infinite Plan of the Creator, a Plan that has not been fulfilled yet and has not been concretized, a Plan that is being written by your lives and your hearts, not only by the beings that are on the surface of the Earth, but also by all the beings that are in the Cosmos and are part of this great universal fraternity that God formed and created since the origin.

Now you are aware, My children, that you are not alone, but you must be still more aware of sacred knowledge and mysteries that will come to the world so as to awaken it. This will put you ahead of the events of the end of times in a more conscious and mature posture, just as God needs.

I come to bring you, My children, this revelation, because it is not written in the Sacred Bible, in truth this revelation was omitted from the Sacred Bible. Thus, My children, I am part of this Divine Word that, in the name of God, comes to be pronounced to the world through a message and the Divine Word, so that the children of the Father may be aware that there is a purpose and a goal to achieve in this cycle, which no race and no previous humanity has reached up to now.

Everyone that is present in this acute cycle of the planet, are so for a spiritual reason, experiencing within themselves the universe of the learning process and of the tests; learnings that bring you into maturity of consciousness, into an inner willingness and into the unconditional service to the Eternal Father.

There are no major tests, My children, that cannot be overcome. I give you the key of prayer as a path of communication with God, as a bridge that will always link you with the truth of existence, where your consciousnesses will be able to be completely elevated, despite how the world is. And it is in this elevation and in this constant aspiration, My children, that you will find the different aspects of God and will come to more deeply know His Sacred Names, which are true emanations of His Infinite Consciousness, of His different tasks and missions in this Universe, just as in other unknown Universes.

And so I bring you the Light of the Truth, this Light which must penetrate your hearts and souls, a Light that will always take you to the Truth and will remove you from the ignorance of the Earth. Because today I am not only here for Argentina, but also for the world, for all who hear My message in this crucial time and cry out from their hearts for the existence of Peace, not only within you but also in the world.

This elevated consciousness is what God invites you to attain, day after day, not only through the path of prayer, but also through the path of service. This will allow you, My children, to be in another vibration and in another consciousness, from where God will be able to intervene in humanity through the instruments, His children, and thus little by little dispel the chaos that is present in humanity. And in this way, you will perceive, My children, the existence that is in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which are great powerhouses of information that have always fed your spirits and essences from the beginning.

But now, My children, the time has come to remember all these things, to re-live all these treasures that are deeply spiritual and non-material, and which will place your consciousnesses at the service of the Plan of God, because I assure you, My children, that you will know where to be and what to do at the exact time.

You and all of your brothers and sisters of humanity are a race in transition, a race that experiences the first steps of the Apocalypse, in which many mysteries will be revealed, but also incredible things will be shown by the men and the women of Earth, never seen before, which will also offend the Heart of God.

Therefore, I invite you, My children, to elevate your consciousnesses, and your souls have already made this request. This is why I come today to speak to you about all these things, My children, because you will be nourished by the Non-material Source rather than by the information that humanity itself encourages, which confuses hearts, and which are not true.

As the Mother of the Most High, the Universal Mother and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I come in this time and outside of the Church, to expand the human consciousness, which each day is more asleep, more hypnotized and indifferent to the universal reality.

It will be the elevation of your consciousnesses and hearts, and of all those who aspire to awaken, that will place the human consciousness on another level, in which the Presence of God and of His Source will be able to be perceived and bring the Truth to your hearts and consciousnesses.

What I need, My children, is that you build the New Time through your examples and the teachings that My Son has given to you, not only through the Gospels, but in His Sacred instructions, through all the impulses that He has given to you in recent times.

But the time has come, My children, for the consciousness of the Divine Hierarchy to be shown and make itself felt in humanity, because the human race is at the edge of the abyss and I have the task, My children, of rescuing you and awakening you, and of taking you to the Heart of the Redeemer, where you will be safe and protected. But I also have the spiritual mission, entrusted to Me by the Archangel Gabriel, of revealing the true Consciousness of God and that of Our Sacred Hearts, which not only refer to a holy image.

This is the time in which your consciousnesses and minds can expand and the center of your heart be what governs your lives. In this way, your spirits will prompt you to experience changes without fear, without restrictions or doubts, so that you may represent My Son on the surface of the Earth as His apostles, and so that you not only live His teachings and His example, but you carry the relief of God to your brothers and sisters, to those most in need, and that you  learn to sustain your own nations through the instrument of prayer and of service, which will allow Me to continue to firmly stomp on the head of evil and more souls will be freed from the hells, more consciousness will recover their faith and hope in the Eternal Father, and nothing more will separate you from the Truth, because you will be able to prepare the glorious coming of Christ; not only by living the Truth of Christ within you, but the advent of His Consciousness in humanity, which nothing or nobody will stop, because in the most unexpected moment He will return.

That is why I come as His Mother and as His faithful Slave to inform you and announce to you, My children, that this moment is drawing closer and He will be your Great Patriarch, your Governor, your Leader, your great and infinite Love. And you will have Him before your eyes, like the apostles did, after He resurrected. But now, you will not touch His Wound as Thomas touched it, rather you, My children, will touch His Body and His Sacred Vestments because He will come to embrace you in the name of Love and to definitely establish redemption.

And so, My children, let your hearts in this moment of crisis not lose hope. Be willing to reorganize your lives through group life, be willing to experience communitary life in the Light-Communities that Our Sacred Hearts and the Sacred Consciousnesses of the Universe requested to be founded many years ago, at certain points in South America, so that humanity, which would be suffering during this time, could manage to find a place where it could see God, feel Him in the depths of their hearts and know with certainty that nothing is lost, in spite of the chaos that reigns in the world.

These Light-Communities, My children, are the Islands of Salvation for the entire humanity. Thus, My children, know that the sacred values of God are still present on the Earth and in these places.

But you must fully live detachment, neutrality and trust, so that your lives may gradually change, little by little, and know that God, through the Light-Communities, places His Sacred Aspects, each one of His Sacred Names, so that His Attributes may feed your spirits and all those who arrive there to experience the presence of Love, of brotherhood, of solidarity, of cooperation and of Truth.

Because We are present there, among you and within you. There you will find a refuge for your spiritual and inner needs. There you will find support in following the principles of brotherhood and group life so that all may remain in order and in harmony.

The Islands of Salvation are for those who want to truly transform and surrender their lives into the hands of God, in a way that they never have before. The Islands of Salvation are places for the families, for the main cell of the Plan of God which must be protected and safeguarded by the Hierarchy so that family, as a spiritual archetype, may continue to last throughout time and not lose the happiness and the love that conceived it, but rather they may always receive the Grace of God so that all those who were born and will be born may also be worthy children of God, a part of the universal family.

But the world has its attention on other things; this is why the time has come, My children, that your Heavenly Mother reveals to you that which the Universe has held for a long time and, at certain periods, in the course of the history of humanity has touched this race through awakening and knowledge, through the experience that the sacred peoples, the first peoples that had that managed to fulfill the Plan of God, before they were exterminated.

This teaching, the form of inner contact with the Universe and with God, must be re-acquired by humanity so that it may be in the correct attunement and with the correct protection.

Now, My children, as a testimony that it is important to maintain this universal family, as Mother of the Most High and Lady of Argentina, listening to the instrumental of the hymn of consecration of the Children of Mary, the time has come for those who will be consecrated today to come up here to receive My words and My blessing, knowing that I continue to trust in all those who have already been consecrated, and in those who, beyond the human appearance or events, are being consecrated to serve the Mother of God, the Governess of the Universe and of the Earth, the Mirror of Justice and of Mercy.

So, children, rejoice, be glad and experience hope, which My maternal Heart is giving to you today in this consecration, of allowing your souls and essences to be thoroughly awakened and aware so that your lives may completely be a part of the Attributes of God.

This evening, during which all of Argentina is lovingly blessed by the Mother of God and in the presence of the angels of Heaven, in you, My children, I ignite the Original Purity, so that it may make you free in spirit and in body, in soul and in heart, knowing that God is within you and loves you, and that He has the authority to heal all things, no matter how difficult and impossible they may seem.

You, My children, are today committing yourselves before My Immaculate Heart to not only pray for the families of Argentina, but also to pray for Peace in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

With Me you have the spiritual mission of protecting the Project that God has thought of for this time and for this place in South America, where the Star of the New Jerusalem must shine, which will allow Peace and Love to be reborn in all hearts.

I consecrate you, as I have already consecrated you many times, but now I consecrate you as My children, as My dear children who will walk by My side being part of the armies of Peace, of the powerful commands of prayer of the heart.

I also invite you, My children, to practice and to live service for your neighbor and for the Kingdoms of Nature, especially for the very poor villages of Argentina, many of which are to be found here in Buenos Aires, where hearts wait for a smile, for a gesture of love, for an embrace of compassion to be able to bear the misery they experience in this time.

But, My children, if your hearts rise up to Heaven through the impulse of prayer, and your prayers are deeply true, not only you will continue to be under My Mantle, but so will all the poorest among the poor.

Because the Mother of God will continue working spiritually so that the New Humanity may be in Argentina and may receive the return of Christ. Amen.

I bless you and give you My maternal embrace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I leave you My Light, My Affection and My Consolation so that you may take it within you and share it with those who most need it; in this way, the powerful network of My Love will reach the whole world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

And I will listen to the hymn of your consecration.

See you soon.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I come to give My greatest Love to the planet, to humanity, to Italy.

I come with the Love of God to meet and sustain you through the Love of the Father, so that you may experience your time of purification, the time of redemption that My Son aspires to see in you.

I have come through this pilgrimage to the south of Italy to give My children what they need, because a Mother, in the unfathomable Love of God, knows what Her children need in this hour.

My children, I need to have you in My arms so that you may be filled with the Love of God.

A Love that will free you from suffering, from all guilt and sin.

The Love of God is stronger than any human malice or blindness. The Love of God that I bring you today, through My maternal Heart, will give you peace and withdraw you from the spiritual captivity where you may find yourselves at this moment.

Through My Maternal Heart, My children, I take you toward the Love of God, because in the Love of God there is no darkness, no adversity and no fear.

I bring you the Love of God so that you may learn to overcome the end of times, because in the Love of God you will be in harmony, in inner balance, you will be in profound peace.

Through the Love of God, My children, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses so that in this time, your souls may be encouraged to follow God according to His Commandments and His Will.

Through the Love of God, I not only promise you salvation, the end of spiritual captivity, but I also promise you, My children, the Kingdom of the Heavens, by means of a sincere heartfelt repentance for all the actions committed in this place, in its people, in its history and throughout the last times.

I come to offer you this Love because in the Love of God there is no suffering; you will find happiness, fortitude, and impetus for conversion.

Through My Immaculate Heart, My children, I offer you the Love of the Source of the Father that today presents itself in Italy so that this nation and all of its people may be bathed in the Mercy of God, and it is in Mercy, My children, by living the Mercy of God and by being merciful in each moment that you will perceive very clearly in complete awareness that you must change for the good of God, the good of your land, of your people and of all humanity.

In Love, I bring you closer to the Peace of God so that this change of consciousness may occur under a greater discernment and wisdom, so that you may not feel suffering or pain at the moment of changing for a greater and unique Will.

As a Messenger of God and of the Most High, as the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace, I ask you, My children, that if you open your eyes in order to see the call of God through the presence of His Servant, all your brothers and sisters, and your families will also, within themselves, hear the call of God, according to how God has conceived it and sustained it until this time.

Open your heart, My children, so that in this moment the Love of God may heal you deeply so that this island be an island of salvation, an island of the redeemed that congregate in the love of Christ to live the Word of God through the light of the Gospel and of the holy Sacraments that My Son offers you daily.

Re-experience the Teachings of Christ and each one of His Words so that you, just as the people who stood beside Jesus, may be able to change and transform into the spiritual and inner model that God needs from each one of His children of Italy.

Stretching out My Hands to you, I offer you the Light of My Heart, which is the eternal Light of God, of the Living God, of God the Most High, of the God of Love, Who contemplates you and Who re-ignites you in His Fount of Pity, of Mercy.

Thus, My children, feel the embrace of your Celestial Mother, which dispels the darkness, which redeems hearts, following the requests of Christ, Our Lord.

I call you, My children, as the Lady of Tears, to a moment of deep reflection, before everything is unleashed in Italy, because in this moment of reflection you will be able to live your conversion, your transformation under the good that My Son offers to you through His Eucharistic Communion.

And so, My children, from South America, the place of your Heavenly Mother, I come here to Italy to bring you the Light and the Love of God, so that your paths may be clean, your minds be clear, and you may be moved by the love of the heart that dwells within you and must awaken like an eternal fire, like an unending source that gives of itself and surrenders out of love.

Through the Love of God, My children, I bless you and invite you to follow My steps of the Faithful Servant, so that your lives may be an example of fraternity and unity with your fellow being, of service and relief from suffering.

I call you, My children, to make service to others primary in your lives so that through it you may find not only the Inner Christ in your peer, but also the Pity of God that will always lead you to Mercy and to His Source.

And I promise you that shortly you will not recognize your lives, because of the transformation you will fully be able to experience through the Portal of Peace and Harmony that I open here today in Sicily, so that all of My children and their history may pass through it, as a relief and healing of all the pain experienced in the latest times.

I call you, My children, to be the Light of Christ on Earth through a living commitment to the prayer of the heart.

I call you, My children, to establish true groups of prayer, especially in your families, so that the Heart of your Celestial Mother may be the fire that illumines your paths in these difficult times for humanity, so that your families may also receive and welcome My call.

In truth, My children, I offer you a simple but real path, which is to say, a last opportunity for your entire homeland to become sanctified, according to the Will of God and the fiery Plan that He wishes to establish here.

But first it must begin in you, My children, as I have already told you, through an example of true conversion and of untiring service for your fellow being.

In this way, you will prompt other hearts to live the Gospel of My Son, in the practice of daily life rather than in the theory of their minds.

I want to open in you the Fount of the Love of God. That is My purpose for being here today, and of someday, through the Celestial Father, coming back here so that many more such as yourselves may achieve the light and come out of the abyss of consciousness because they will be uplifted by the Love and Mercy of the Celestial Father.

Encourage yourselves to live this path so that your families may be a sacred family, just like Ours, who visits yours from Heaven to bring you the time of renewal and hope.

That is all that I wanted to tell you today.

As your Mother, I consecrate Italy, through this consecration to My Son, who opens more each day to help the Mother of God fulfill the call and so that this call may resonate in each heart of Italy, knowing that today on the 13th of May, in honor of the Lady of Fatima and the Most Holy Rosary, today a new period begins here for Italy, through the mediation of this Work that was given to God for all nations and peoples, that all may come to know the Love of God.

I bless you and consecrate you as My child so that many more children of this land, wounded but very much sanctified by God, consecrate themselves someday to the Immaculate and Eternal Heart of Mary.

Listening now to the hymn of your consecration, we will sing this hymn as if it were a prophecy, which will be fulfilled in the consecration of new children of Italy and of new groups of prayer that will be a part of My Rosary of Light in all of Europe.

I thank you, My children, for having responded to My call, and the doors of My Marian Centers in South America are open to welcome you and receive you and so that you may also find there the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.

I re-consecrate Italy to My Maternal Heart and to the opportunity of living the Will of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



One of the revelations of the Mysteries of God is to know who His Consciousness is and from where all His creatures come, created in the image and likeness of the Creator, of all that exists in the invisible and in the nonmaterial.

It is with this revelation that I bring you My Peace, receiving from My children the warm love of their hearts for this time of renewal, of reconsecration to My Maternal Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God is really something still unknown to the human being. The human being has to search for God in order to know Him, for they will thus receive His impulses and His Revelations; they will have the Grace and the opportunity of broadening their experience of love, of the path of forgiveness and of healing.

This is the main reason, My children, to have so many Children of Mary around Me, so that I may send you out to work in My Name, following the steps of Our Lord Jesus Christ in this long journey of service and ministry for the redemption and conversion of humanity.

This is the time, and it is the hour for all children, all creatures of God, beyond their beliefs, cultures or their peoples, to become a single flock to follow the Great Commander of the Universe, before the impulses of Light that My Heart sends you through the attributes of prayer, service, and fraternity.

Thus, today I do not only come for you, My children, but for a planet that becomes sick, day after day, that is in agony, that suffers, and that few hear this or perceive it. I am speaking about the consciousness of the planet, of this Sacred Home, of this beloved planet which the Father gave to His children so that they learn to experience it and adore it, through all that was created and expressed since the beginning.

The surface human being deviated from the purpose of God throughout time and generations. They misused the resources of God, they used power to conquer them and subjugated the Creation of God, destroying it right up to these times.

Now is the time to reconsider, My children, and may the light of your Christic essences be what gives you the impulse toward renewal and to change so that humanity can also be able to change and be renewed in this time.

If the response of all My Children of Mary could continue in the same proportion to the response of the call of God, the changes would soon come for humanity.

Adversity will not gain the Kingdom in this humanity because it will be defeated by the love and prayer of My children, which transforms and heals all things.

Today I wish to express, in few words, My children, all that God needs of His children in this time, but the Celestial Father also knows that each one of His children have their timing for experiencing transformation until they are able to achieve a maturity of consciousness and thus, live the Divine Purpose upon this planet and with this humanity in a real way.

With all of this I want to tell you, My children, that there is still much to do, there is much work and rebuilding to be done. In all the nations of the world they must still come to know Me by means of all the Children of Mary. There are many places that I still must reach to bring the relief and the love of My Heart to souls.

All of this will also be through the Children of Mary, and as much as the storm may arrive in the coming time, absolutely nothing will cause you to perish.

This will be the moment and the hour in which each one of your souls will be confirmed for the Plan of the Creator. It is for this reason that each Meeting of the Children of Mary is important to Me. Because once a year I am able to observe and contemplate how much My children in this time have grown, how many steps they have taken in the commitment to My Maternal Heart in order to carry forward the Sacred Will of God.

That is why I say to you again that there is still much to be done, there is much to sacrifice for, to surrender for, to give of self for, so that the Graces of Heaven may descend to Earth and be truly deserved by everyone, knowing that the love of God will always unite you and gather you together.

That the Love of God will be able to give you the peace and the wisdom to carry forward this great service for the planet and for humanity.

Today, on this special evening, I can say, My children, that I see the results of this experience of love in each one of you; not only in the commitment to the school of prayer, which must be something daily and permanent for these difficult times, but also in the commitment to service for others and the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also waiting for the love and pity from humankind of the surface that was taken from them by being mistreated Kingdoms, hurt and subdued for a long time.

That spiritual and inner wound, also generated in the lower Kingdoms, is the duty, the commitment and the responsibility of all the Children of Mary and of those who will someday be My children, of being able to heal that wound, applying the light of prayer and of service so that love may once again be given and donated to each one of the Kingdoms.

The commitment of My Maternal Heart is more than a commitment; it is the living of a Purpose still unknown to you that, every day, through the offering of your prayer and of your service to others, I try to draw you closer to that Purpose that was most preciously thought of and meditated upon by God, before your origins.

So you will be able to understand, My children, that I am speaking to you about something really profound, which comes from the Heart of God, and that is donated time and again so that His creatures may awaken to the higher reality and thus be able to fulfill that which they came to do on Earth.

There is still time to come to know this Divine Will, which many call a mystery, but that today is revealed in simple and concrete words so that all souls, in spite of their evolution, may recognize the purpose that comes from the Universe, from the Source of Creation, the Heart of the Celestial Father.

This is the time in which the Children of Mary, who are already consecrated, will be at the doorway of a new period of their lives, of a new commitment, of the deepening of that Divine Will, of responsibly assuming the small tasks that I give you through the Marian Centers and the Pilgrimages for Peace; as well as through the service that, in humility, you can offer in your homes, in your cities, as well as in your work places.

The Mercy of God must be in everything. You can never forget this, in this way, you will never lack wisdom and discernment, even though you may be experiencing a difficult moment or a very large challenge that must be overcome.

The Mercy of God in you and through you will always give you wisdom when you ask for it from the heart, in humility and in surrender, beyond your possibilities or your challenges.

Today, in simple words, I want to leave these requests of God, because our stage in the world will be ending shortly, and the armies must be well placed and available; all My children must support and elevate the Islands of Salvation that, as epicenters, will be home to the Marian Centers in order to be able to bear the end of times that will arrive with major climate and inner changes within humanity.

Everything that I have taught you will be of use to go through the end of times and so that you not be confused.

What We have taught you is very simple, and what you have achieved is quite a lot with such a short time for the experience. So you will understand, My children, the immensity of the potential that exists within each one of you, knowing that this potential, which in summary is the gift and the virtue of God, must be available for these critical times.

The time has come for you to give of yourselves so that humanity and the planet may be saved and the Return of Christ, with all of His power and victory, may be seen within the entire Planet.

My children, today I not only leave you My Blessing and the joy of My Heart because of your response, but also the commitment of living with responsibility that which God needs of each one so that His Will may be fulfilled within you and outside of you.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, remembering the consecration of each one of My children, together, as Mother and child, in this moment, on this 12th of March of 2019, in which all souls that experience the consecration as Child of Mary, renewing yourselves and placing yourselves beside your Heavenly Mother at the Feet of our Father Mother Creator to again say "yes" to the Universe, to the Purpose, to the Plan, to the redemption and healing of humanity.

Today I will accompany you in the silence of My Heart, through the offering of this song, in the reconsecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart so that the nations of the world, especially those that most suffer the chaos of these times, may have happiness and the grace of wisdom upon receiving the Mercy of God.

I reconsecrate you as My children, as the apostles of Christ, as the peacemakers of the end of these times and the unconditional servers of God, in any moment and at any hour, under any circumstance or situation. All those who were consecrated as Children of Mary are today committing to obey God in the face of any call.

So be it and so may it be fulfilled!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In humility, I thank you for responding to My Call.

We can sing...

We stand up.

Song: Children of Mary


Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XII

Within the Light-Communities, especially in the island of salvation of Aurora, within its three areas, three specific bases of rescue should be set up in which residents, the consecrated and collaborators will go through a formation in first-aid and, in some cases, a technical deepening in nursing.

In the three areas, three houses or rooms should be built where there would be a consulting room, a clinic and all the equipment that a lifeguard should have available in the time of the rescue; this includes rescue ropes, a boat, special flashlights, safety belts, fire-fighting elements, tools for saving lives within water, etc. All of this equipment must be correctly ordered, as well as the three consulting rooms that will be built for use as emergency bases in the face of any situation.

These three rooms must have shifts which will be relieved each week by the residents, the consecrated and especially by the nursing technicians that will be trained. For this reason, members of the Figueira Community that specialize in the area of rescue, surveillance and nursing must have periodic rhythms within the Community of Aurora to be able to form and accompany the building of the three emergency bases or modules.

This preventative measure will assist everyone to become more prepared for taking care of any necessity. Within these modules, there must be medicines, nursing materials and emergency implements that are kept up to date monthly so that they comply with the norms of hygiene, safety, and quality.

Nothing must be done precariously or poorly; these bases will also serve as a support for the local and regional community, especially in the unpopulated areas where assistance is more scarce. I declare this as a necessity to construct the bases, as a priority, and it will move forward with the support of all members of the Light-Network.

Uruguay needs to improve its emergencies infrastructure and Aurora will be in this proposal. For this reason, the means will be sought for the residents, the consecrated and the collaborators to learn how to swim and protect themselves from possible fires, and to be knowledgeable about earthquakes, tsunamis, and unexpected large floods.

You know that the planet and the nations will be purified by the elements of nature and, for that, you must be properly trained and updated.

The doors of the Community of Aurora will be open to receive doctors and technicians in emergencies and this formation must be academically supported by the corresponding entities.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part II


The fundamental manifestation of Aurora on the surface is based on love among siblings, on an honest and true love that is built within the fraternity of Christ so that, following this, the Principles of the Celestial Father, those principles which inspire the Project of God, may be present within humanity.

In order to make all of this possible, in this new year, it is necessary to contemplate the needs of Aurora which are being carried out, stage by stage, with the collaboration of the stewards of the Work. This will allow the Center of Aurora itself to receive the celestial treasures on the inner planes; sacred tools that will make it possible to accelerate the process of the redemption of humanity.

For this very important reason, Aurora needs the collaboration of everyone to make the manifestation of its Sacred Center possible, as well as that of group life, which must have the necessary structures so that a New Humanity may be able to count on this Island of Salvation.

When I told you yesterday that Aurora has not yet completed its manifestation, it was to have you understand that the Spiritual Hierarchy still has plans and projects here, which must be materialized within the life on Earth so that the physical spaces which Aurora has may also be contemplated for the realization of the Purpose and the Plan of the Hierarchy.

The Kingdom of Aurora is not just a space for the inner knowledge of beings.

The Kingdom of Aurora must be a completely manifested space so that the task of Aurora may take place on the surface.

The time has come to be able to embrace the Project of the Hierarchy so that, on Earth and for these end times, universal life may be a reality experienced and felt by each serving heart.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


And as it was said, I come descending from the heights of the Himalayas to bring a continuance to the revelation of the Plan of God, which is written in His sacred books, kept as a copy in the Ark of the Holy Covenant and within His immaterial Source, His great spiritual tributary, and His Divine Thought.

Today, the Master among masters comes to you to bring an end to this year, to this cycle that is already closing in humanity. A cycle that will enter into a new cycle, into a new history, and into a new movement guided and inspired by the Hierarchy.

In the mountains of the Himalayas many treasures are kept, which the pure in heart have known, and just like all those close who have had an intimate relationship with the mountain, for the purpose of uplifting their consciousness.

The impulse of the consciousness of humanity, of its prompt elevation, must still continue. But it will depend on this end of cycle for this to occur. Meanwhile, companions, you are going through a transition very unknown to the majority, through purification and definition. But the spiritual Hierarchy still has not only more revelations to give you, but also keys that will lead your lives during this very hard stage of the purification, keys that will allow you to go through the times, the dimensions, and the planes so as to always be able to find the Hierarchy that works on one single line and one single purpose.

During this period of time in which the spiritual Hierarchy will be publicly withdrawn, this descent of information will depend on there being in each one of you a true reflection, beyond what you will have been able to understand and feel, beyond the symbol or the form, and even further, beyond the purpose and the infinite sense that unites Us with you, and with Us in this mission of the end of times for the rescue of the attributes of humanity and the redemption of lost souls outraged by My adversary.

For the Hierarchy to be able to continue acting on the planet and in human consciousness, for the Hierarchy to be able to continue working in the different regions of the planet through all the nations that They still have to journey through and visit, it will depend on the reflection of My companions and those close to Me. Because now, the answer must come from you and not from God.

It is time to assume the Purpose with transparency and humility so that the Plan can continue to be designed and realized. So that you understand the Immeasurable Work of the Mercy of God, today I bring you a part of this Divine and Cosmic Plan that My Holy Mother began to write and tell about through Her spiritual impulses and messages.

But this revelation does not end here, it will depend on this reflection. I say it again and I again repeat it, because it is important that you understand and that you accept it, because there is still much to be done.

There are souls that are still submerged in hell and the majority do not perceive this, because of what is superfluous in these times, and of the hypnotism of the modernities that blind the hearts and distances them from the life of the spirit. Meanwhile, each one of you, according to your school and your learning, according to the degree of love, and according to your maturity, have a responsibility toward the Plan of God.

There is no other place on the planet that has been chosen for this and indicated by God of the Heights, the Almighty, Himself.

Your faith in the immaterial rather than in phenomena is what allows the continuation of this work, because humanity has been too much deserving of miracles. Now the miracle, each one of you must build it within yourselves, so that My Project may triumph, so that My Victory may be concretized in all the redeemed.

I now want to hear the instrumental of "Thus Spoke the Master."

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the honor of God, of His Mercy, of the Source of His Grace, and of the infinite Universe of His compassion, His Firstborn Son Jesus Christ has the authority of opening His Sacred book so that His Sacred Golden Scriptures may be a source of renewal in souls, awakening in consciousnesses, and a continuance of the purpose in hearts.


Father Who are in the Heavens,
may the advent of Your coming Kingdom
in humanity be fulfilled.
May all veils of consciousness now fall 
so that the creatures of Earth may recognize their lineages, 
and Your most Sacred Talents may awaken within Your creatures 
so that they may serve, in the name of Love and Grace,  
all humanity, and consequently, this whole planet.


Abraham was the father who received the synthesis of the first humanities. In that time, the Great Patriarch of God who assembled the peoples that would be the preamble to the Advent of Christ, kept the Sacred Treasures of the Ark in what was later the Temple of Solomon.

In that time, many impulses were received by the Divinity. The Archangels Gabriel and Raphael descended to the Earth to deliver the symbols of the revelation into the very hands of Abraham, and so that these symbols, these sacred impulses might  be a source of renewal and of evolution in this very ancient civilization.

What took place in that time through Abraham and his people was so sacred, that up until today, the human consciousness itself, without knowing or understanding it, has kept within itself, in its deepest and most intimate nuclei, the legacy that Abraham achieved as Father and Patriarch of humanity.

He was transmuted by the Archangel Raphael, so that on Earth, within the sacred peoples he commanded, it would be possible to live the first laws of healing and of regeneration that would allow the unblocking of the process of evolution that this people kept from their decendents Adam and Eve.

In order for this to be possible, Abraham had to form a great family so that it might be heir to the knowledge that he received from the Archangel Raphael Himself, with the intention and the spiritual reason that the history of the Project of God that the Father Himself was revealing to the most simple and humble of humankind, could continue throughout time and the generations.

Abraham was a Patriarch who suffered and lived the impotence of seeing, in that time, the deviation of some of his children, which remained through the generations and up to the times of today between Israel and Palestine.

But this interminable cycle will end in the human consciousness. In the genes of humanity is kept this experience of love that Abraham lived in profound union and communnion with the Archangel Raphael. His legacy reached the hands of Moses through the commandments and the Laws which this next Patriarch learned from the spiritual and universal Hierarchies, on the sacred Mount Sinai.

Now these keys, which opened the doors of the consciousness of Abraham, will return to Earth through the impulse of the Firstborn Son Who comes from those Sacred Fathers, from that Sacred People that was in search of the Promised Land. But the true promise of God lies within you, in the realization of the Divine Life on the surface of the Earth, within reach of the different degrees of love and the constant donation of your spirits for the materialization of the Plan in the whole human consciousness.

And although we are in a time of great deviations, in which chaos and evil fight to gain a position, today I awaken all the human beings of the Earth, beyond their beliefs or their faith, to these principles and these keys that are also kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant as in the human heart that has absolute faith and confidence in the Plan of God.

For this reason, companions, just as Abraham availed himself of the Principles of God and of all celestial gifts, be worthy in the Lord and also avail yourselves of these principles and of these keys, fully identified and represented in the attributes of the Universal Mother.

If each one of these attributes is fulfilled and is strictly followed, a new humanity will be born and will already cease to be a promise. Even an advent will be a reality that will be built within each one of you, living the path of transformation and of transcendence, of the giving of self and of surrender for the millions of souls that are incarnated on this planet and do not do so.

Unity among peoples and religions, a prophecy written in the Sacred Bible, will occur when within each human being the inner Christ awakens, to bring a continuance to the Work of God and to His Divine Project on this planet as in others.

Be like Abraham, be like Moses or like My own cousin, John the Baptist, who were disseminators and forerunners of the Christic life through a way of life of simplicity, of truth and immeasurable surrender to God.

I do not ask you to be patriarchs or prophets nor great servers of Mine. I need the most miserable, the most imperfect, the most condemned and the most lost to redo Creation and finally, when I return physically to the world, establish a new colony of Christs that will know how to live love, brotherhood, fraternity, and unity with the One.

God gave Abraham a treasure that did not continue on the planet and in humanity. God gave Abraham knowledge about the coming of the Messiah, about the coming of the Mother of God as a simple woman who was chosen to be the receptacle of God itself. He gave him to know the coming of Saint Joseph, of a simple carpenter who would carry forward the most important mission of all times, from the beginning of Creation until the end of times.

So you, companions, before whom are you? Do you recognize our faces? Do you feel our hearts? Do you throb in our love and are you moved by our spirit to carry forward, at the end of this trajectory, the great Rescue Plan, which must have continuance through the sincere adherence of all who understand, beyond forms and the mind, the importance of the Plan of God materializing at this time?

Abraham knew the Sacred Hearts on the inner planes and taught all of his children and his people that it was essential and fundamental to live in love, beyond difficulties and all tests, beyond all darkness and gloom.

Now that you all know you are children of Abraham and of his descent, and of the ancient tribes of Israel, expanded throughout the four corners of the Earth, you will have in your hands, and most especially in your hearts, the opportunity of concretizing the Plan of God. And that through Love-Wisdom and the principle of the Sacred Brotherhood that transcends all differences, all difficulties, and all misunderstandings, you will be able to unite the cultures and the peoples in the essence of love and of truth. Because when this happens, it will be the sign of the human race that I will have the permission and the universal authority of returning to the world for the second time, so that all human race: the perfect and the imperfect, the fallen and the resurrected come to know the Son of God as He is, from the beginning to the end, so that in this way, the Law of Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Just as the Love of God reached Abraham, My Love always reached your hearts.

I want to generate within you a pure truth, capable of illuminating the end of times, of transcending borders, and of uniting with your neighbor beyond their religion or their creed, of their atheism and of their faith.

May the pillars of Christ, which will prepare the return of the Son of God, be implanted on the surface of the Earth. May the living pillars of God, represented by the followers of Christ who do not live any manipulation, who profess no lie, who are true, transparent, and crystalline as water, and who, beyond their impurities and their universal and planetary errors, will be announcing in themselves the return of the Lord, the "yes" of the return of the Lord, for this definite time and through this work.

When My words are fulfilled in you, especially in these next two months, I will ardently hope to return, to continue sharing with each one of Mine the fortitude they will need, the essential trust they will require in order to encompass the Work of God, beyond Brazil and South America. To open your consciousness and your heart to welcome and receive those who will seek the light of Christ, the light of Mary and of Saint Joseph in this place blessed by God and indicated by His Sacred Hand, before you incarnated on Earth.

So the commitment of all is very great; not only in the Work of God, but in the maintenance of the Islands of Salvation. I hope everyone will understand what I am saying, because each one knows what they should listen to so that they may become a responsible being, mature before the Divine Will and before the need to continue to make the Islands of Salvation flourish, and that too goes beyond the material aspect.

The gifts of God must not be taken away from here. This was the place chosen by the Father, just as the other Marian Centers so that, in the likeness of the simplicity of the House of Nazareth, they might be true receptacles and temples where the Living God is present in the moments of greatest tribulation, in which light will be scarce and darkness will be very great for blinding hearts with their own mirages.

For this reason, today I give you the Book of God, the revelation of the life of Abraham and of the legacy he received as a person, as soul, and as spirit. That legacy must not end in Israel, a story that is known of what happened there. This legacy must continue, vibrant and luminous, in the heart of the people that profess their faith to God and their trust so that His Sacred Will may be carried forward. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Closing the Book of God, I open the book of your inner stories so that My Words may be written in it, and may no longer be promises, but realities. Realities that will be true and that will be able to be manifested by the consistency and the adherence of those who are Mine. 

The decision is in your hands, and above all, in your hearts. Let us celebrate tonight the Eucharist of Reflection and of Wisdom so that discernment may be in all human beings in these next two months. So that daily prayer, daily communion, and daily confession with My Merciful Heart may be attributes that give the impulse to the awakening of consciousness and to the discernment fostered by the Holy Spirit so that the Will of God may be fulfilled. So be it.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us stand at the request of the Lord.

And at His request, we will celebrate this supper together with Him, blessing the elements of the Altar, offered by the noble hearts, the humble hearts that embrace the call of God throughout the times.

Each one of you at this moment, My companions, will have the opportunity before My Celestial Church of making your offering and your surrender, in the most intimate silence of the heart and the soul. Because in that place, in this sacred inner precinct of each being, God hears the voice of your pleas.

You may begin to pray inwardly.

Do not do it only for yourselves, but rather for the whole world. Embrace the planet just as I embrace it. Love the imperfect, immature, and mistaken humanity, just as I love it, since I was born until I taught, going through the cross and through the Passion, the Death, and the Resurrection, beyond the Ascension and the return of My Heart and of My Sacred Presence in humanity, I continue to love this race and to embrace this planet, beyond its condition and its learnings.

May this offer expand, let it not be restricted to your smallness. May it be an offering capable of going beyond the borders, the nations, and the peoples. May this offer reach the Heart of God, for those who truly suffer and have nothing, not even the gift of listening to Me here, just as you have listened to Me for quite a while.

If this offering is made in this way, you will leave Me relaxed and will pacify your hearts, because when I am no longer with you in the next cycle, it will be the sign that you have comprehended and understood that everything that you live and do, you must do it for love of humanity and of this planet so that its axis may remain in balance, beyond the purification and the transition that the Earth will harshly experience.

Heaven and Earth may pass, but My Words will be living in you. They will be pearls of light in the times of greatest tribulation; and you will have no doubts. Your faith will not weaken, will not become debilitated. It will be a strong and mature faith that will risk giving its life for Me.

Lord of the Universe,
Creator Father of Heaven and Earth,
inspirer of all religions,
present in His different Faces,
within all peoples and cultures;
in the end of these times,
may this whole generation, all religions
and peoples, unite on one path,
in the Fount that flows untiringly
from Your Heart,
the Fount of Your Love-Wisdom.


May the legacy of Your Sacred Ark descend to the Earth for the fulfillment of Your Divine Will.

Baptize them, Lord, with the Light of Your Spirit, so that the rain of Your Graces may penetrate to the depths of souls and heal the pained hearts.

Today My Immeasurable Love will be shown to all, in a simple act of consecration, so that you may be witnesses that today and until the end of times, I am with you..

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Lucy, of Venezuela, may come here to be consecrated as a Helper. The Lord needs a veil and oil for anointing.

At this moment, each one of your souls will have the opportunity, before the Celestial Father, of living again this inner consecration to My Sacred Heart. Remember that this is important for My Consciousness, just as it is important for Me that you continue to fervently pray for the re-consecration of Brazil to My Sacred Heart. This land must not be submerged or invaded; it must be the Eden that God chose from the beginning of His Creation to generate the universal family here.

My daughter, may God bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I anoint you with My Light, so that My Light may be in all those who surround you. Amen.

While I am here, the codes of the Sacred Ark descend upon you and the world.

In that time, I took the bread for you and, gathered with My apostles, who represented many more, I said to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body, which will be given up and outraged for humankind. Which will suffer and die for all for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me until the end of times."

In that time, I took the Holy Chalice of the Lord and elevating It to God, the Almighty blessed it. I gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, which will be eternal in all those who follow Me and live Me, throughout time, until I return to humanity for the second time."

"This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, happy are those who are called to be served of the Lord."

I am not worthy of your entering my home, 
but a word from you will be enough to heal me. 


Blessed will be those who today commune of My Body and of My Blood, because they will have the Grace and the impulse to represent Me inwardly for the next times.

Daughter of Israel and of Abraham, favorite daughter of the Most Holy Mary, My Daughter and Wife, receive the Sacrament of the Altar, the perpetual donation of My Heart for souls that must live My Love throughout time.

The Body of Christ...

Receive, from the Chalice, the powerful and precious Blood of Christ, the infinite spring of Grace and the Universe of Healing, so that all spiritual illnesses may dissipate and the Love and the Will of God may be established in your life.

The Blood of Christ...

Now is a moment of celebration, of joy and of gladness, for the redeemed are congregating.  The children of Adam and Eve are uniting. The children of Abraham are receiving their legacy and taking the step to live the Commandments that Moses once received; in order that the Earth, in this time, in spite of its decadence and its illness, in spite of the conflicts in nations and in peoples, of the death and the hunger, love may prevail, which will never be hidden nor overcome by those who pronounce the Victory of Christ in humanity, the Victory of Christ within themselves.

For this reason, blessed be the merciful, because they will always receive Mercy and give Mercy wherever they go and pass through.

In union with the Sacred Revelations of God and the Supreme Divine Source, a principle of Love and of Unity, in the name of the Archangels and of the Angels of the Universe and of all of the Spiritual Hierarchy, in the name of the Brotherhood and of the Fraternity, I bless you and bless the world for the inner Christs that will awaken on this Christmas.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for feeling encouraged to listen to me and for being open to the corrections of God.

A heart transforms by following a single path and being on a single boat, which is the boat that I offer to you, which will take you to the port of My Heart to live eternal Love, unquenchable Love, untransferable Love, invincible Love.

In the name of the Light of God, so that Light may be on Earth and in the new Christs, you will fraternally give one another the greeting of Peace.

I thank you!


I will always have ears to hear you, dear children, because the sweet prayer that is born of the heart is wholly real and pure.

Today I come with joy from Heaven, bringing the Maternal Love of God for the souls that most need it.

But I also come to share with you, dear children, the joy that My Immaculate Heart feels for having dedicated this space for me.

You know, My children, that we are in critical and difficult times and that the prayer of the heart in your lives, the selfless service to others and to the Kingdoms of Nature, will help you to change your hearts in the Plan that God has envisioned from the beginning, but you can also count on My protective Mantle for your lives.

Today I come with a universal message for humanity.

Today I am pregnant, dear children, on the point of giving birth to the New Humanity.

That important moment for the world is approaching; meanwhile, the Woman of the Sun is in the desert, giving refuge to all of Her children under Her Mantle.

The seals of the Apocalypse are still opening, to show humanity the time of the great change.

Today My womb of Light wants to gestate each one of your consciousnesses.

Today it wants to bring to the world a regeneration and a healing for humanity.

The new being must be born in you, so that the old human may be left behind and a new consciousness emerge that will be in communion with life and Creation, so as to be in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Today, your hearts and the Kingdoms that are here were able to reflect to God the gratitude so expected for the Celestial Father, for all He has created and manifested since the Genesis.

Today the Marine Kingdoms were able to reflect to the Celestial Universe the gratitude and the Love they feel for being with God.

And in this perfect unity and attunement, the Laws of Healing descended to Earth, not only to regenerate the consciousness of humankind, but also of all the living beings that inhabit this place.

My maternal womb is about to give birth to the New Human. You must prepare with Me for this moment, because the hour  will indicate a great change in the consciousness of humanity, a change that will come without warning and without registering the time.

That is why you must be prepared and attentive, vigilant, always in prayer, to hear that inner call from our hearts.

The joy that has brought Me here is immense, for having valued the Kingdoms of Nature and giving them the space they deserve within this Universal Creation.

Today I am also the Mother of Nature, which through Her Mantle of Light shows the whole Creator Universe, the Divine Thought that generated life, the universes and the stars and all that exists beyond this local universe.

Therefore I can be here among you, dear children, so that you are not only in communion with the Non-material Source, something that is indispensable for your lives at this time, but that through here, from this simple place, from this natural sanctuary of God, what humanity needs can be radiated to the world so as to be able to recover the values and the dignity, the attributes that will cause all beings on Earth to be redeemed and will make them worthy in the Lord.

My womb of light also gestates the new times, that which will be forthcoming for all and that will show itself in the next cycle. Something that is not tangible yet for the human consciousness, but that your hearts can indeed feel, because by being in communion with the Mother of God, you are in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, repairing the Laws of Creation that the human being of the surface has transgressed again and again. 

Thus, My children, today not only your spirits are benefited by the Non-material Source of Creation, but also the whole planet, faraway places in the world that experience chaos through the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature.

A bridge has been established between the spiritual universe and the material universe, simply because of your fervent and sincere prayer of the heart.

So the Mother of the World, the Mother of Humanity and the Mother of Nature can still govern in humanity, and through the Higher Laws, redeem the beings of Earth and regenerate the healing in essences that have been lost for having distanced themselves from God.

Today the Law of death stops in the world, because immortality, a non-material law, has won.

For a moment and in this instant, God grants His Grace and Mercy instead of His Justice in light of the serious outrages that the world has committed in the Kingdoms of Nature.

But this does not mean, My children, that human suffering will stop or be dissolved.

I invite your hearts and the hearts of the world to get out of this vicious circle, to set aside the suffering and the pain and thus enter into the happiness and the healing that God grants all your essences.

These times allow all events, that is why we are in the cycle of great opportunities, in which the Higher Universe can intercede for humanity and all the sacred places on the planet, invisible to physical eyes; they can also intercede for this humanity and for this Earth.

Open your inner senses and let your hearts listen to the Law of the Hierarchy, to all the beings of the Light, angels and archangels that are acting at this moment for the restoration of humanity, while your Heavenly Mother is present here with you, still pregnant, about to give birth to the New Human.

The Woman of the Light is pregnant and announces a new cycle to the world, the last cycle of redemption, in which all souls and all beings will have the door of Mercy opened so as to be able to enter and submerge themselves in the Ocean of the Grace of God, so that all that is mortal and all sin may be purified and all suffering may be dissolved in consciousnesses, so that spirits may be reborn in Christ.

Celebrate this time of great opportunities, in which the children of the Mother of the Sun hear the voice of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which calls them to work for the redemption of humanity and for the healing of all miserable beings.

Continue working like this for the times to come. Continue praying for the nations of the world as you have been doing and I, My children, together with Jesus and Saint Joseph, will be able to give you new supplications to be prayed, that Grace may descend on the world, so that everybody may have a great opportunity.

My wish is that just as I gestate the New Human, the new is gestated in your consciousnesses  through the attributes of prayer, of unconditional service, and the love that you are able to express and expand in these times, so that all may be repaired.

I tell you again that My Heart feels a deep joy in this moment for being here with you today, and in communion with all of Creation through the Kingdoms of Nature.

I have especially come to Camboriú to change this natural sanctuary into a natural Marian Center, which benefits all humankind through its angels and devas, so that the human consciousness may be redeemed.

My wish is that, without any transgression, the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation be established, so that souls may find their origin here through Mother Nature and Father Creator, by  the intercession of all its angels and all its devas, so that the human consciousness may be healed.

My wish is that a House of Prayer be established here in My honor that follows the principles of Nature without transgressing the Kingdom that is present here, because Nature itself will be the same manifestation of God that each pilgrim who comes here may find, to enter into communion with life and with the universe.

This Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation will foster the care of the Kingdoms of Nature, an awareness about life, and the protection of all that God has manifested through the Younger Kingdoms.

It will be a place in which all the Kingdoms will be able to pray as a single consciousness and as a single spirit.

My wish is that a fountain to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph be located here, placing his holy image near the rising spring that is here, without altering anything, so that souls may wash and purify themselves of their deepest spiritual wounds.

And lastly, for this Marian Center I wish for a new Blue Cross, so that the bridge between the spiritual universe and the material universe may be established.

A Cross of Blue Light that will illumine the consciousness of the Kingdoms, so that the human consciousness may be illumined and become aware of and have respect for everything that God has given you through the Creation.

The guardians of this place will be My children of the Order, as well as the sisters who have granted this space for the manifestation of the Kingdoms of Nature.

This intangible asset that descends to the material universe is a patrimony (heritage) of all, for the redemption of souls and the healing of hearts through the intersession of the Younger Kingdoms.

I also want this small island of salvation to have a house for the pilgrims, so that they may have an opportunity to withdraw into silence and prayer in this place, to be able to listen to God and implore Him for mercy for the world, for all the Kingdoms of Nature that daily suffer the perversions of humanity.

This point of light will expand through the consciousness of all who adhere to it. 

It will be a space to meet oneself, one's origin, with the Source and with God.

It will be a space to experience healing though service to the Kingdoms.

It will be a place in which souls can find forgiveness in a perfect solitude with God.

I will thank you for fulfilling this request, because it is already descending.

And now, in the face of all that God has created for His children, I will consecrate those who today will unite with My Heart, offering themselves as My children, on the path of prayer and of service.

Let those who will be consecrated today approach, and while you start to play the song of your consecration, I invite all the rest of My children of the world to place this burning desire in your heart, so that the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation may be raised, and its ardent foundations, its spiritual foundations be present in this world.

Children, you are the first that will help in this manifestation. Your souls have applied on this day for this moment and to take on this commitment with My Immaculate Heart.

My first request is that you pray together as many times you can, so that the manifestation of the Marian Center may take place, to honor Our Lady Aparecida and so that Brazil may finally be the Eden of God for these times.

Now place your requests in My Heart, and in the silence of your spirits, offer your souls to God for the conversion of humanity and the reparation of the Kingdoms of Nature, so that life on the whole surface of the Earth may continue regenerating.

Enter now into My womb of light, so that I may be able to help you to experience the change of consciousness, dissolving pain, alleviating suffering, and awakening healing in your hearts.

You, My children, are the first beings in this humanity who have offered to pray for the manifestation of this Marian Center, and especially for the worldwide healing of all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Your commitment will also be to pray the Mystery of the Rosary weekly for the Kingdoms of Nature and the devas, and so the angels of the nations may continue to intercede for each people and each race of this world.

Today you are before a great and infinite opportunity. This is the work of My Grace, of the Grace of God, that emerges from His Fount for all His creatures.

I thank Camboriú for having responded to My call.

In this place may souls always find peace.

May it be so.

I consecrate you, I bless you, and I declare My Love to you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All sing the hymn of your consecration.

I thank you!

Monthly Messages

May My Heart of Peace be the guide that leads you to Christ

My Children,

I come in a time of chaos, ignorance and indifference toward God, toward His Plan and His Truth, to open the eyes of a generation that is getting lost in the wounds and memories of the past.

I come to reveal to you a Divine Purpose, which forever erases from your consciousnesses the obstacles that separate you from God.

And this same Purpose reveals to you, not only what the Heart of the Father offers you, but mainly, children, it brings you closer to the Truth of the Heart of God; Truth which has been hidden throughout human evolution, and now must be revealed.

I come as the Mother of the World, as your Universal Mother, so you may understand that not only eternity after this life is full of mysteries, but life itself holds secrets that have not yet been revealed, holds truths that are beginning to emerge at this time, as a last opportunity for souls to awaken.

My Heart offers you nothing more than awakening to the path of prayer, surrender, service and sacrifice.

But it is this very path that will open, in your lives, the doors to the new, and will finally bring the meaning which your souls expected to know about the existence of life on Earth.

You can already feel and perceive your own ignorance, not only before the Universe and Creation, but also before yourselves.

And what I come to do in these times, My children, is to open your eyes through the power of prayer, so that, transformed under the spirit of humility, you can enter into the truth that dwells within you, a universe as vast and as broad as the one you see in a starry night in the sky of the Earth.

As the immensity of the sky, as the infinity of the stars, so it is within each of My children, because He who created you, in His image and likeness, is infinite and unknown.

The likeness to God is not limited to the appearance of humankind. The likeness with God is kept in a deep mystery that dwells in your hearts, and that keeps in itself the true reason for which God created this humanity.

Each being of this Earth, My children, is a renewing potential of the Divine Consciousness.

From your most profound and sincere experiences of love, the Creator derives His renewal, the re-creation of His Divine Creation.

I know that this is a mystery, almost incomprehensible for the creatures of the Earth, but this is due to the great blindness, and ignorance of humanity.

To enter into the celestial Mysteries, you must have a humble and simple heart, and your Heavenly Mother grants you this heart through prayer that transforms you inside and out, that transforms your lives and, therefore, life on Earth.

I come as your Divine Mother to lead you, by the hand, to a higher Purpose.

I want, My children, that in this last time of awakening, you may not only know Christ, but you may be in Christ, what God has thought for your lives and for this world.

You are still in time to transform this planet into a sacred planet, to build and inhabit the islands of salvation, which will serve as the beginning of the new when the time comes.

But this, beloved children, begins in the small and in the true. It begins with the Rosary in your hands and the Heart in God; it begins with sincere service and the true interest that your brothers and sisters also receive the best; it begins by listening to the Words of God through His Messengers, and by following and living these Words, because when you least expect, they will be alive and consolidated in your inner world.

And it is there that all eyes that look at you will find an example, and all hearts that feel you will feel God, because you will be called His instruments, His companions.

Today I reveal to you a path, and I extend My Hands to you, so that you may allow Me to lead you to the new; to the eternal and unfathomable Heart of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call, and following My steps as Mother and Pilgrim.

The souls that are awakening are in jubilation and the planet feels relief in its heart.

All this is due to the effort of each one of My children.

I bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


As in scrolls of light, God's Designs descend to the world and are delivered to the hands of men, through His Messengers.

The Creator Father told them: "Go and fulfill My Plan, without understanding, without analyzing, without resisting, go and fulfill My Plan with love, with courage, with the gratitude that is born of the spirit and manifests itself in human works and actions.”

The Creator, children, invites you, at this time, to manifest a truly fraternal Work renewed by His Spirit, where the sacred can dwell and all souls find their space, their place, unique and irreplaceable.

Contemplate the Will of God for this world, as well as for each being and you will understand that I come in this time to teach you to love and to transform this world of chaos and war.

Beloved children, with the portals open to Heaven, I come to invite you to allow this Celestial Kingdom, still hidden to the human heart today, to manifest itself on Earth.

I come to call you not only to prayer and to the awakening of a superior life that for many is still invisible; I come so that you to may learn to manifest on Earth what you seek in the highest of Heavens, and so that you thus no longer spend your lives seeking something that you will never reach, but so that you may be builders of what humanity is seeking to find, and so that you, children, may be the hands that are extended before the souls so that they may see and feel that what they have so much been looking for is palpable for them.

I come to invite you to be the ones who concretize My Plans, manifesting the superior life, and so that it may not only be spiritual but also palpable and be part of your humanity, and compose the spirit of what man manifests in matter.

In a world of wars, in a world of abysses inside and outside of beings, I come to call you to be the new, and to always be willing to be others, accompanying the flow of transformation of the Universe so that in all stages of the planet souls may find in you what they need.

I ask you, My children, to observe the celestial Designs, to understand how the Will of God moves because I won’t always be here to dictate the way to you, and for that moment your hearts should be one with the Divine Will and Wisdom, because you love it, respect and revere it, because you live and know it and experience it every day.

The time has come for the islands of salvation to fulfill their role. The world is agonizing and the life of the spirit must no longer be selective, everyone must be able to find their place and the door open to discover their way of serving God.

This cycle is a cycle of last opportunities for many spirits. Understand that your evolution and that of many of your brothers and sisters are defined at this time, in this cycle of the planet. That's why, everything that you can do for others to find God is little.

My children are lost in this world and I come to find them. For that, I must make of those, who already hear Me, My Feet that walk in the world, My Arms that guard the souls, My Hands that extend to help, My Eyes that find the lost, My Heart that welcomes those who feel abandoned and forgotten by God, and by the world.

Therefore, children, today accept ,more than the life of prayer, the life that leads you to be instruments of God in the world, and be part of My Heart and an extension of My Presence.

May this Work be the embassy of My Peace on Earth, and all of you proclaimers of My Presence.

I love and thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Peace and the Love of Christ be in your hearts, dear children.

On this day, and for the second time, I return from Heaven to talk to you about My Projects of Love. Those projects that God has asked Me to disseminate throughout the world through My living and maternal Word.

The new Community of Mary will not be only one, but rather many; and it will be the prelude for many events.

This is why it was a project prepared for this time, because the Designs of God had to be generated in your hearts first, so that you could accept them and then live them.

Each Community of Mary will be a flower in My Garden; there will be a gift that I will leave for each one of them, knowing that they will have their doors open to receive My children of the world, who will need much consolation and protection.

Thus, I need you, dear children, to understand My Projects beyond the material plane and to know that all Designs of God come from the Source, brought by the angels of Heaven through My messages, through My Words that can echo in the hearts of humanity when they hear them openly, within their consciousnesses.

The Communities that exist will be the foundation for such a manifestation. I want you to understand, dear children, that I will bring the refugees of the world to the Communities of Mary; not only those who experience wars, persecution or death, but all those that will take refuge in My Maternal Heart in the end of times, when everything will be seriously unleashed throughout the world.

The Communities of Mary will also be islands of salvation, they will be refuges in which peace may be found, and you will be the precursors of that movement. This is why I need your response to not only be concrete but also deeper, a response that is born from within you and that is free of doubt or of questioning.

How would the world find its salvation if there were no islands of salvation?

The founding of My Projects first begins in you, in your inner universe and in your consciousness; from there, everything will unfold and many will be able to tomorrow see an opportunity to return to the House of the Father and, especially, to be in the Arms of God, receiving His Divine Consolation and His Calm.

Remember what My Son told you a long time ago: "Everything you do for the least of your siblings, you do so for Me, twice."

And this is not a theory, My children, it is a living reality for whoever aspires to achieve the ministry of Christ in these times.

If the Communities of Mary manage to be expressed according to My Designs, the Gifts and the Virtues of God will descend upon them and, especially, upon the souls that are in most need of inner healing and peace.

From that point on, each one will mirror its attributes for the whole world, in the most crucial times for humanity, in which despair will reign due to the lack of inner serenity or tranquility.

But those who pray to My Immaculate Heart every day will know what to do and, during the severe movements of the planet, they will have direction and guidance to continue forward, helping other souls to find the path; souls that are so different and heterogeneous from your own souls; souls that have not known peace or any respect for Creation.

Just like at Calvary, I worked for a lost world, for a self-destroyed civilization, in this time and in the end times, I am working for a future and New Humanity that must not only be present in spirit, but also in matter as something concrete and realized.

I need you to love My Mysteries, because in My Mysteries, which are the Mysteries of God, are My Designs and, through your lives, I will be able to write the Projects of God.

With My own Hand, I will guide you along the path and will lead you to meet the Will of the Most High, in which everything can be expressed and realized, just as He wishes from His deep and eternal Heart.

Meanwhile, and while the Communities of Mary do not manifest, I ask you to pray with Me so that God may express His Will within the humanity of the Earth and the ideas of human beings may not prevail; ideas that have led them to perdition and deceit, stepping out of obedience.

I need you, children, in the firmness of your hearts, and I tell you again: it is time to live the Plan, just as God has thought of it from the beginning and for this cycle of humanity.

If the Communities of Mary manifest, sacred tools of the Universe will come to the Earth from the spiritual and cosmic plane; and souls will be able to continue walking on the pathway of trust, protection and peace.

Although wars may shake the world, a part of the race will be protected because it will have, in obedience, understood the Will of God and not that of humanity.

Secondly, My maternal, spiritual and divine Principles will be projected, which are attributes that I live in the Universe and that I reflect to all the worlds and all the galaxies. Something that is still unknown to humanity, because the Church, and, above all, the race, has detained itself since My Assumption.

But after this event many more things happened, which I come to reveal outside of the Church so that any being of the surface of this planet may have knowledge of Truth and of reality.

A reality that the Mother of the World lives, since the moment of Her Assumption to the Heavens and within this local Universe, which is a living part of the manifestation of God.

The Communities of Mary will be a Mirror of these higher realities, and still, you will not understand everything that I tell you, because it is still a mystery that will be unveiled in these end times.

I ask you to take in My Words as true treasures because this is the last universal impulse that your Heavenly Mother will give for humanity and the planet.

And, from these Christian Communities of Mary, the Source of happiness will emerge, for serving and experiencing God in the heart of the simple and the humble; for carrying forward each daily task, knowing that it is a part of the Plan that is being built in the human consciousness and in those who participate in It.

I have waited for this moment for so long and I know, in the depths of My Spirit, that still humanity will not understand what I tell them; but those who love without understanding will understand all things and will not hesitate on their path nor in their spiritual decision to follow the Steps of the Celestial Father.

In the name of My Son, I come to build new things, new spaces, granting renewing Graces and renewing impulses that will remove souls from the planetary inertia and from indifference.

You are participating in the same timeline as God, the one the Father has built throughout times by means of the eternal time, the eternal present; and in this eternal time, He has called His children so that they may carry forward His Will and fulfill His precious Designs.

You, My children, become aware, awaken; you are in this story that the Father Himself writes with His Hand in the Book of the Soul of the Earth.

Remember that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Word of My Son will reign.

And the Communities of Mary will be a mirror of the Attributes of Christ, once given to the first Christian peoples that lived the spirituality of the Lord after His Ascension to the Heavens.

The story of the past is again being built with souls so different from one another, with hearts that try to mature on the spiritual path and carry forward the Divine Purpose.

A new opportunity that the Celestial Universe is granting to the humanity of the Earth is again being built, in spite of their serious errors and the assaults made upon Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Mercy granted by Christ to the Mother of God, at the foot of the Holy Cross, is poured out through this project of the Communities of Mary; happy will be those who live in them, empty of self and free from expectations; for they will allow the Gifts of God to descend and, in the souls, the true Christic path will be built, which will take them to the formation of a New Humanity, far from error and self-destruction.

Thus, the angels offer themselves to carry forward this design that flows out from My Immaculate Heart today and which is a spark of the Fire of the Love of My Heart, of the living Love of a Mother Who loves Her children unconditionally and Who never loses the hope that Her children will take their steps toward the Lord, knowing that there is still much to do upon this planet, and with this sick humanity.

On this afternoon, I come to confess My great aspiration to you and I leave for My children the ardent desire of a Mother Who will only try to establish peace in these critical times.

May each flower from each Community of Mary express itself, and may that flower first open in the hearts of the simple ones who hear the Word of the Mother of God.

I leave you My Peace and My Blessing, knowing that My Plan must first mature within you so as to later be able to manifest upon this planet.

Those who have not felt welcomed in the communities, come back! because it will be I, your Mother from Heaven and Earth, who will hold you in My arms so that you may dare to live the Plan of God and fulfill His Designs, as it is written in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Let no one else feel offended nor rejected; let there be no indifference or omission but rather welcome and the joy of taking Christ to the hearts of those who suffer and who seek peace.

The first attribute of the Communities of Mary shall be: "love your brothers and sisters as they are, and do not try to change them, according to your wishes."

In this way, you will clearly understand what I am telling you.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And finally, may the advent of the New Humanity be fulfilled.

Apparition of Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Espíritu Santo, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come to talk to you about what is happening in these last times and that is up to your consciousnesses, as part of your service and love for humanity.

The foundations of My Work are being removed for the purification of the consciousnesses and hearts.

No stone is remaining upon stone, and that is very good for Me, because you are learning to follow the path of truth and transparency; path that will some day make you free, on this path of pilgrimage to the Blessed Homeland, where many want to enter, but still cannot due to their faults and acts committed, due to the learning they must live on Earth.

But now, companions, let us focus on what I have told you in the beginning about My Work, this part of the Work that you are living with Me and which is not yet completely understood because it is not a material Work nor is it under the autonomy of anyone.

It is a Work that comes from the Celestial Father, through the feeling of deep Love from the Heart of His Son. Work that expresses itself as rays of Light on Earth and that comes to touch the hearts of the world so that they may awaken and be aware of the true reality of these times in which everything is unleashed.

I still hope that those who have given up My Work may reconsider someday, because when they have that Grace, they will not be able to believe what they have done and what they have generated to My Merciful Heart.

It is with the Goodness of God that I come to speak to you, to transmit these words so that your hearts do not lose the north of their truth, so that your eyes may always follow the Purpose in the firmament, a Purpose that is announced from the Universe and that comes to the planet to correct a humanity that is still very much asleep.

But you, companions, who are aware of all that I need, must learn every day to do the right thing, to live in balance, to follow the path of the Law and of obedience; that is what many do not propose living, as a principle of the new life, as part of the consciousness of a New Humanity that will no longer have personal objectives, but rather will be guided by the Greater Source, as it should have been in the Beginning, in the Genesis.

That is why I offered Myself to the Father for you, so as to not only be here on Earth, as I was more than two thousand years ago, but also to come as a Messenger of His Source, from time to time and from century to century, announcing to humanity the great time of change, in which everything will be transformed, in which everything will be modified, in which humanity will be called to live within the Law, which is what it still does not yet live in this time.

But while your hearts are purified and your lives are transformed, continue onward.

I need you to be able to penetrate the mystery of My Purpose, which is still unknown to the human consciousness. That is why there are things that you will never fully understand, because here the human mind is unable to encompass it.

The feeling of the deep heart, the deep love of beings is what will predominate in this time and will carry forward My magnificent Work in all the corners of the Earth.

And when this has materialized according to My Designs, then I will be able to return.

Meanwhile, companions, you must learn to survive in these times, because if you are here, present and in this end time, it is because you are to go through this test and not fear it.

I cannot promise you full happiness or eternal joy in this world; I would not be telling you the truth.

I need you to open your eyes to the reality of these times, because each day that goes by in this world is a difficulty that arises and that one must be able to overcome with intelligence and discernment, without losing the union with the Celestial Father, with His Divine Will.

That is why I come to give you My Message of awakening, to try to get humanity out of its deep sleep, because the whole Universe still hopes to be able to intervene with its great luminous and shinning Consciousnesses.

The time will come of the great definition of humanity and the planet, and of everything that has been against the Law of God, within and outside of beings, both in the lower worlds and in the higher worlds.

Before I return, everything will be revealed, because it is time; the time has come.

Let nothing surprise you, let nothing disturb you, may the true flame of faith emerge from you so that you may overcome the times and the tests.

Let there be truly built in you a luminous community that is able to live the Principles of Christ, that is able incarnate His spiritual Gifts, that is able to reflect the Presence of the Universal King, both in the simplicity of the daily routine, and in dealing with your peers.

In all I must be present and in all I must participate; because if the Work is of My Father and if you are within the Work, it is thus that you are within the Heart of Christ, trying to manifest His projects and His divine ideas.

Let no one be dragged by those who will disappoint the Master and Lord of the Universe. On the contrary, when you see those things, may your spirits be strengthened in the Trust of Christ and in the affirmation of fulfilling His Will, day to day.

Each being of this planet will live its definition on facing the Celestial Father; each being will have the opportunity to choose the next path that is coming up and is close.

The freedom of humanity is untouchable, and just as it was designated in the beginning, it is respected.

That is why souls must define themselves in that next game where everything is allowed and where hearts will have to learn to be unconditionally in Christ.

While the foundations of the Work are removed, be glad, because everything is being put in its place and you will be able to perceive how important vigilance is in these times, so that the Will of the Celestial Father may always be fulfilled.

Be brave and decide to live the truth, in this way, you will be within the Truth of your Lord and you will be able to follow the steps of His Designs, those which must be accomplished and carried out in the coming time, in this next stage.

The energy of the Universe itself will shift what is not right.

The energy of the Universe itself will balance all things, that is why it is necessary to be in prayer and in vigil so as to be within the Purpose and in harmony.

It is time to carry forward this path of redemption; It is time to concretize what the Father so much expects.

But for that, defined disciples will be necessary and not of lukewarm hearts. This is the last opportunity to take on the Plan and to concretize it as it is written.

Because when you are living the Plan and while everything is happening in the world, you will not lose peace and union with the Father.

In Their Islands of Salvation you will maintain a collation with the Hierarchy, and you will be led along the path of the liberation of humanity, so that when I return to the world, the foundations of My Project may be accomplished.

I leave you My Heart as a symbol of peace and as a deep flame of faith. I leave you the Fount of My Grace so all may be renewed.

Walk with Me through this path of definitions and thus you will follow the footsteps of the Great Master, towards the New Humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
