With My great Celestial Consciousness, from the thirteenth dimension of the spiritual plane, every day at three o'clock in the afternoon, I fully descend for a period in order to establish the divine codes of My Glorification in the deep consciousness of awakened humanity.

Despite the fact that at this time humanity is submerged in an appalling material battle, your Master and Lord, from the thirteenth dimension of the One Divine Consciousness, descends in splendor and in light to pour out unalterable states of peace in certain places of the world, which will allow the planet to still be kept on its axis and in balance.

I come every day from that higher dimension, without restriction and without obstacles, to prepare those of Mine for the great and awaited moment in which the Son of the Father will return among the clouds, to bring the captivity of humanity to an end.

While what is most serious is still to take place, from the thirteenth dimension of the Divine Consciousness, your Master brings all the luminous and ascendant impulses to the inner universes of beings that you will need to be able to faithfully represent Me in humanity, in this time.

For this, in a short while, I will introduce those of Mine to the true Aspect of your Master and Lord. And when that Aspect is revealed to the whole world at the most critical moment of the Earth, none will be able reject it or deny it. On the contrary, the higher revelation will be so strong and intense that there will be no believer or atheist able to resist.

Thus, Your Master and Lord activates important events in this area of the planet’s hemisphere, preparing this part of the race as a witness to the coming of Christ to the Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who paternally blesses you,

Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus


By means of the Light-Communities and the Marian Centers, that must be founded within this next cycle, in the height of the Andes of Ecuador and of Colombia, your Master and Lord will create, from the plane of the spirit, the first refuges and spaces of material protection for the most acute time of the Armageddon.

For this reason, the foundation of the new Communities, which at first will be nuclei of love and of light, must count on the unconditional support of all the members of the Work; because just like the future Community in Mount Shasta, the Spiritual Hierarchy will have a manifested space where it will be able to deposit and keep the Sacred Treasures of the Universe.

As everything is still to be manifested, from the spiritual plane to the material plane, the first step for those responsible for such work and its sustenance will be their internal and permanent union with the Hierarchy so that, beginning with this union, all spiritual principles of the Communities may be visible and conscious within the souls that will be part of this important task.

While your Master fervently expects the concretion of these next Communities, never forget that everything sustained and fulfilled for the Communities is out of love for the Divine Hierarchy, so that this humanity may count on spiritual resources that may help it to take its steps toward redemption.

Therefore, everything you do and everything you offer to the Light-Communities, from the smallest to the greatest, will be for the permanence of the Hierarchy present there, in each human heart, as in each space.

In this time, within the Communities, that is, within the islands of salvation of the end of times, there will only live consciousnesses that, with reverence and obedience, follow the definitive steps of the Hierarchy; otherwise it would be impossible to project a New Humanity, a new consciousness.

I wish for you to remember, in the coming times, that your Master and Lord patiently waits, with fervor in His Heart, for the concretion of the next points of light and love in Ecuador and in Colombia, lands appreciated by God since the beginning.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Apparition of the Virgin Mary, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children of the world,

Give your heart to God and repent soon, because there is little time left.

Surrender to the Love of God and you will be safe.

Do not let the darkness submerge you. Open your hearts and you will find the Light that comes from Infinity.

Dear children, dear children of the world, offer penance, reparation and much prayer, so that more souls are helped, are removed from error and may awaken to the Love of My Son, to the path of the apostolate and of redemption.

Dear children, what I offer to you, through the Marian Centers, is the most that I can give you, all that the Father has allowed me. Fill these Marian Centers with people in need of love; of souls thirsting for prayer, and a big part of the world will be able to change.

Diffuse My Marian Centers throughout the world; there is still little attendance, and there is a big need for prayer in this world.

I count on My faithful collaborators, with My celestial armies, who have committed themselves with Me since their consecration, so that the souls reach the Marian Centers and receive all the Graces like you did.

Dear children, God has written a destiny for this humanity, a destiny far from suffering and pain; this is why it is important, My beloved children, that within the Marian Centers there exists life, joy and devotion to serve God.

I need, dear children, that you can be more creative, that you summon the flocks of God that are scattered souls throughout the world, those who do not know the Love of My Immaculate Heart, nor the great Love of God.

Be pilgrims of My Marian Centers so that many more may also be. Bring souls to the Marian Centers by all possible means.

My Marian Centers are consecrated to the wounded world, to a sick humanity which, by means of my Marian Centers, may come to healing, forgiveness and redemption.

At My Marian Centers I have left the treasures of Heaven, the greatest gifts of the Universe, which are still unknown to souls, because they are intangible and come from the Spirit of God, from the Purpose of His nonmaterial Source

Dear children, My Marian Centers are for all nations of the world, as well as the Marian Sanctuaries in the world.

I want you to be the voice and echo of My Message. I want you to be the voice and echo of the Marian Centers of Love, that they are filled with souls in need of the Love of the Father and the Mercy of the Redeemer.

For this to be possible, My children, you must think big and not small; you must take on great challenges in this final time, because as long as you do not assume them or take them forward, many more souls are lost in the world of the abyss and are taken to the great illusion of this humanity.

Dear children, at the Marian Centers are the gifts that souls need for this time, the keys that they need to find to open new doors toward redemption and forgiveness.

For example, My children, this Marian Center of Aurora has a purpose with the healing of humanity. I need the brothers and sisters who constantly arrive here, I need all of My children of this nation and of this region to act in accordance with this Marian Center; to open your minds and hearts more to welcome the neediest.

You, dear children, are the diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; as long as this diffusion is not carried forward, many Graces that come from Heaven are stopped, they can not descend and are restricted from many souls.

I need, dear children, that you assume this commitment with Me, helping to manifest your true task at the Marian Centers. In each one of them I have left a special gift from God, a gift that you must discover for your work, for your dedication, for your harmony with each one of them. When that happens, the souls will live the great changes that they need and will no longer feel alone nor lost, because they will be with God and in God.

 I come to give you this gift and this treasure of the Marian Centers, because it is the mission of the children of Mary, of all the prayer groups, to make the Marian Centers alive so that they do not quickly die out. It is your commitment and also your obligation as My children, to come to the Marian Centers at least bi-weekly. Because while the Graces continue to descend, your hearts must be receptacles for them, your lives must be mediators so that those Graces that come from the Universe are retransmitted to the souls.

If at the Marian Centers there are not souls physically walking and praying, the Graces can not reach the suffering humanity and even less reach those hearts that suffer from horror, illness and perdition.

May your hearts, your lips and may your hands be diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; so you will help your Celestial Mother, so that the Work of Redemption and Mercy carried out by My Beloved Son not only remains at the Marian Centers, but also thoughout the whole world, which must perceive and know, through My Message, that I I am here, present among you and summoning humanity so that it will experience its preparation during the end of this time.

My armies of Light must grow, it will start from the Marian Centers and from the true commitment of all the children of Mary.

The consecration does not end in you. The consecration leads you to live a commitment to the Plan of God and so you will be fulfilling His Will, as well as all the Angels of the Universe.

Dear children, since this birth of Aurora, since the rebirth of your superior Fire, from its healing flame, we are entering the last time of the awakening of humanity, and this cycle will at some point close. It will be up to you, beloved children, that this awakening which must arise from the Marian Centers of Love can reach all souls possible, all hearts in need, in all possible languages.

First, dear children, you must expand your consciousness, your heart, in order to embrace the Work in a planetary way; so that more doors to conversion and redemption can be opened in other nations of the world.

Here, with all My Motherly Love, in Aurora as at other Marian Centers, I have created the bases for this new stage. It is time for My soldiers of prayer and peace to accompany their Celestial Mother in this new challenge.

Today I come to leave this message, beloved children, because there is still so much to be done, there is still so much to reciprocate, there is still so much responsibility to undertake, for each one of you.

With this message of preparation, beloved children, today I come to consecrate new children of Mary, who will represent many more, many more who will be consecrated in the future to the Love of My Immaculate Heart and to the sacred task of living and assuming the Marian Centers; so that these may one day become the true Mirrors of God, which must reflect to the world the last time of Mercy, of Reconciliation and of the Healing for Souls.

The Marian Centers must be the dwelling place of the simple ones, of the seekers of the Love of God and of all the lost who do not find meaning in their lives, nor in their ways.

I truly wish, dear children, that the same spiritual impulse that your souls received from the day of your consecration as children of Mary could echo and expand into more souls of the world that cry out for My Heart and My Intercession.

In this way, responding to the pleas of My children of all nations and of the different races of the planet, I come to deliver this Mission in response to the plea of ​​My children of the world, so My armies of Light, so the children of Mary let the special mission of the Marian Centers flourish and go meet the souls of the world, carrying My Message of Love, My Message of hope and peace for all creatures.

For that to be possible, beloved children, you must offer yourselves to the Redeemer, as His apostles willing to go to meet the souls of the world; not only in the way of service, prayer or communion, but also, My children, to meet the nations of the world that should receive the spiritual help they so much hope for and that they need to have a new opportunity in this path of love and redemption, that I offer you.

It will be in this way, beloved children, that the Marian Centers will be able to expand in the world and will not be restricted to the region where they are located, but will have their doors open to receive all the pilgrims of the world. I hope that it will happen one day; I do not ask you to convince them or convert them, but to receive them with love, to teach them to live prayer and to know that there is a way out of all the chaos of this world, a path that leads them to My Immaculate Heart and from My Immaculate Heart to the Kingdom of God.

Unite as groups and servants to take on this Mission for the Marian Centers, and help the Marian Centers to manifest the requests of the Divine Messengers and for this be fulfilled so that more spiritual energies and universal principles descend through them.

For this, My children, it will also be necessary to help in the concretion of all the necessary manifestations that the Marian Centers must have, to help face the end of this time and the final cycle that humanity will live in a short time.

 The Marian Centers must be spiritual islands of salvation, so that the most lonely and lost hearts find relief, peace and hope.

If I ask you this today, I, who am your Mother, it is because it is possible to concretize it; there is potential in your hearts, you should only take the first step, so that the Father's Universe can make everything happen.

The Marian Centers will be the reference for when We are no longer here. You know, beloved children, that there is a time to be among you, and there is not much of that time left. After ten years of Graces, your hearts are ready to take on the task of the Marian Centers, which the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph today entrust to all.

Here you will find us spiritually because Our Hearts will always be at the Marian Centers to bring relief to souls, cure and redemption to hearts.

Today I am carrying out this consecration of new children of Mary in a special way, as if it were the first time here, in Aurora, I consecrated the first children of Mary, who are now part of My Work, who have been strengthened in faith and in prayer, and now pilgrimage with Me unconditionally and are dedicated to living the Will of God.

Renewing this Principle of Consecration that was experienced here, many years ago, today I come to renew that vow of consecration, so that those who come to consecrate themselves in the future can live the same impulse to awaken and commit with God in order to establish upon Earth the thousand years of peace.

May those who today will be consecrated come here. 

Today we will prepare the hymn of your consecration as if it were the first time that souls receive a great impulse, to be able to take a great step, as many children of Mary did in these last years when they said “yes” to God's Plan.

I would like to listen to the introductory instrumental music of that hymn to be able to bless those who will consecrate themselves today to their Celestial Mother.

I will pray for these children who are consecrated today in the name of all those who have already consecrated themselves, so that they can revive their commitment, confirm their vows and carry out this special mission that today I entrust to them in the manifestation of the Marian Centers and in the diffusion of them, as spiritual islands of salvation.

Let us place our left hand on our hearts and join My Immaculate Heart. In this sacred offering that we will make together today for our Celestial Father.

Most High Lord of the Universe, who hears the prayers of Your Servant!

Most High Father Creator, Source of Love and Unity for everything that exists!

Most High Adonai, Venerable Emanuel, Blessed Abba!

Listen to the prayer of Your Servant at this time, so that the hearts of the world, that will one day consecrate to Me, may spread Your Virtues and descend all Your Graces in order that relief for suffering, the cure for  sickness, healing for the souls and redemption for the hearts  is established. 

May all the Love that comes from You today be poured out upon these consecrated children so that, like many others,  they may be renewed in Your Divine Purpose and in Your Infinite Call.

May the Armies of Light multiply today so that more souls in this world may hold the banner of peace, which will indicate the return of Christ.

Dear Lord, grant Grace to these spirits who prostrate themselves before Your Servant to receive Your reparative Love, Your eternal Mercy.

Today I renew, in their name, the consecration of all the children of Mary, so that in these times that come, My Celestial Mantle of Light and Peace will expand thoughout all nations of the world, because My most ardent desire, Beloved Father, is that there are children of Mary in all the nations of the world.

And until that is fulfilled, I ask you Lord, to be here, near My children, for them to be able to accompany you in this great aspiration. Amen.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

And now that the Father hears the voice of His most simple and persevering children, let us sing this hymn of consecration so that more inner nucleus, more souls in this humanity, awaken to their consecration in preparation for the return of Christ.

I thank you, in spite of everything, for answering to My call and I thank all those who are here today and those who will be one day. Amen.


The House of the Child King

Dear children,

It is with joy, bliss and rejoicing that your Celestial Mother arrives today at the Marian Center of the Child King to consecrate the House of Prayer that will be especially dedicated in honor, healing and reparation of all the children of the world.

It is for this reason that this Marian Center was consecrated to the Child Jesus since the beginning, so that all the children who arrive here may enter into communion with the Heights and thus heal their deepest wounds.

I still feel that this Marian Center, which today conceives in its main core the new House of Prayer, represents for the universe an Island of Salvation and a new Ark of the Divine Covenant between souls and God.

The House of Prayer of the Child King can undertake the task for which it was created at this time; a task that will be to pray and to offer to God each encounter, just as each monthly liturgy of the Marian Center, for the salvation of the little and most helpless ones throughout the world.

I will use each liturgy of this new House of Prayer to prevent the exploitation, the trafficking and the selling of the little ones so that, through it, I can save their essences, which are now lost, as well as rescue, with My own hands, all the children and youth who are being taken along the same path.

The manifestation of this new House of Prayer, at the Marian Center of the Child King, will try to justify before the Eternal Father the faults, outrages and omissions that a great part of the adult humanity commits against the little ones of the world.

That is why today I come to ask that this Marian Center and, especially the new House of Prayer, dedicates a special liturgy daily for the salvation, protection and repair of the children of the world, as well as a monthly meeting at the same Marian Center, where the little ones can, through prayer, art and music, offer to God their little hearts as a reparation for the great imbalance caused in this world.

If these requests are fulfilled, as the recent manifestation of the House of Prayer was, I promise, as the Mother of all, to remove from the hands of the adversary and their oppressors on Earth all the children who are victims of exploitation and abuse. I promise to disarm and expose everything that is hidden and unfair regarding this. I promise to take care and help, one by one, the souls of the most helpless children.

I have been waiting for so long for this new House of Prayer, that in the meeting that we will have in these next days, your Mother and Queen of the children of the world will arrive accompanied by the Child King so that He, in His infinite Glory, blesses you, and may this mission, which from today on you will undertake, be always filled with many Graces.

But, if in this House of Prayer you bring Me the children most in need of help and if they are baptized at the feet of the holy image of Mary, I promise to withdraw them from the profound and unfair pain that affects them. I also promise, in the name of the Child King, to return the joy of living and the spiritual feeling of their lives.

It is the mission of all collaborators and volunteers of the state of Rio de Janeiro to take on this task that I entrust you with today for the salvation and the rescue of the children of the world.

Lastly, I wish for, inside the House of Prayer, a mural with faces of the children of the world, of all peoples and all races, so that whoever enters this House may feel called to pray for the little ones.

May your hearts rejoice on this day because the Mother of God will be among you offering each prayer, each song and each gesture of love to God for the salvation of the children.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I am the Empress of Peace and where I am present, I institute the Kingdom of God for My children of humanity.

I am the Empress of Peace and where I am present, all that is around Me belongs to God and His Purpose.

I am the Empress of Peace and leave nobody behind. I take care of, protect and welcome all My children into My maternal Heart.

I am the Empress of Peace and, for My children, I seek the common good, unity, brotherhood with all the universe, with that which is unknown, with that which is far outside of your knowledge and your understanding.

I am the Empress of Peace Who comes today for the nations of the world, for those nations that are lost and that are submerged in their own profound chaos.

I come with the Government of the Celestial Universe and with all that belongs to It, with all that vibrates within this Universe, and with all the consciousnesses that participate in this Celestial Government in all that is created.

It is thus, that I come to bring you that which is most infinite, which is very far from the eyes of humankind, that which nobody has yet understood, which is real, that which is perpetuated throughout time, which makes redemption possible.

I am the Empress of Peace and the New Aurora, I am the Divine Spirit that can dawn in the soul of each being, which can transform that which is not transformable, which can elevate that which has still not been elevated to God, that which with Its Divine Energy can transfigure that which has still not been transfigured.

I come toward My children so that you may be bearers of peace and walk together with your Universal Empress, Who in this time comes to this world and this humanity to be able to renew you, redeem you and save you from your planetary decadence.

At each meeting with the Empress of Peace, I bring you a new opportunity, which you call blessing and Grace that is born from the depths of My Being and My Consciousness for all creatures.

In this way, today I come with the Scepter of God in My hand to continue establishing here, , in this place, that which belongs to the Father and to His Divine Will.

I come to liberate that is oppressed. I come to give Light to all that is dark and in the shadows. In hearts, I come to reignite that which you have always believed from the beginning, when you were touched by the hand of God and by His Divine Energy, when you awakened to the Truth.

I come to help you, dear children, as the Empress of Peace, so that you may go through the end times with valor, courage and fortitude.

I come to give your hearts that which they need to be able to spiritually mature and to thus take sure steps toward My Son, the Redeemer.

I come with the Celestial Government who has always governed all the world and all the universes. I come above all the governments that exist in this humanity and in others.

I thus come to establish the Laws that started Creation and life, the gestation of the essence of Love, the pure and the immaculate that exist in each inner self of each creature.

With My Celestial Government and with all My angels, I come to purify the essences of the world so that they no longer become dark.

In each of them I come to place and to sow that which will be part of this New Humanity that is coming, after its purification.

I am that Light of Aurora Who accepts everything, welcomes and understands everything.

I am the Empress of peace, Who always listens to you, Who always encourages you, Who always motivates you and gives you the impulse to continue forward, to move beyond yourselves and to demonstrate to the world that it is possible to live redemption and conversion, as Saint Joseph lived.

I come to bring you from the universe all that is true, that which must descend from the sublime and superior worlds in these times of chaos, that which must reach the souls, immediately, so they may be strengthened and continue to be firm in the Steps that Christ is indicating in the deserts of this world.

I come to teach you, as Empress of Peace, to cross the dryness of these times; the darkest night of all times, of all centuries and all the decades that have gone by.

You only need to glimpse your inner essence, your divine flame, your original purity that will never be lost, that can never be interfered with nor touched by anything that does not come from the Light.

I come to ignite thus, in you, the New Aurora, through My maternal and universal Consciousness.

I come to make that which was dry bloom. I come to give life to what was dead. I come to bring a special Grace to those who need it most, so they may feel saved and rescued by their Universal Mother.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come, My children, to a world in darkness, where the majority of My children still have not discovered how great it is to be in My Heart and serving the Plan of God with Me.

I come to demonstrate to the world that, in the midst of darkness, it is possible to build an unbreakable fortitude; that when souls fear, in the four corners of this world there are places where Love reigns and brings balance to the fear and despair of hearts.

I come to once again erect the spiritual fortitude of My children, so you may understand I did not abandon you, but rather that I want you to be examples of an inextinguishable fortitude in a world where darkness seeks to take hold of souls and hearts, day after day.

I come to tell you that where God placed His Heart, evil cannot reach. On a sacred soil consecrated to the life of the spirit, the Plan of the Creator will triumph, and there I will institute the Islands of Salvation. And when souls drown in the ignorance and the illusion of this world, it will be those humble places, that imperceptibly grew on the planet, where they will find a refuge, a shelter; where they will find the air that they will breathe and will bring them back to life, because they were dead in life and did not perceive it.

I come, children, to build the miracles of the end of times, which will be an unbreakable faith in the heart of My little ones. My fortitude will be in the world, like a firm arm that lifts up the souls that fell into the abysses of discouragement and despair.

Those strengths that I build in each of you who heed My call and who, in spite of yourselves, seek to respond to the Celestial Designs that I bring to you, as a pattern of new life, to build the New Humanity.

I come carrying Peace for a world at war so that, through My children, My soldiers and My companions, this Peace may be instituted in the world.

I come to invite you to transcend the human impulses in yourselves that emerge from within, to live a Higher Purpose and a greater consecration.

I do not only come to announce that the world is in darkness and that hearts are becoming lost in the abysses of the enemy of God. I come, children, to erect in you the Celestial Church in order to restore the religions of this world and unite them in the true Church of My Son; where competition and separateness do not reign, but rather love, fellowship and unity among creatures.

I do not come to tell you something that is utopian, which is a dream in the heart of those who love God. I come to build a reality in those who persevere, in those who will overcome their miseries and, their retrograde and degenerate human condition, with the daily effort of loving God, their brothers and sisters, and the Kingdoms of Nature.

I come, children, to show you a Plan that must be designed through your lives. I come to make you an offer and not just accept the offerings of your hearts.

I place all your requests in My hands and I transform them into roses to carry them to the Feet of God; but I also ask something of you; I ask that you be firm, true and transparent; I ask that you be humble in order to overcome the arrogance of this world; and I ask that you be simple and free of yourselves, to establish a true freedom, which in no way resembles that which humankind seeks as being free. 

I come to ask you to unite as one army, as I see you when I contemplate you from Heaven.

I come to ask you to strengthen yourselves and thus strengthen the Islands of Salvation that I am building, so that, in the near future, you may also find in them a support and the rescue of your souls and essences. 

I come to ask you, dear children, to listen and follow the Voice of the Universe that resounds through the Word of your Celestial Mother, because the end times of illusion on Earth are coming; and all, all those who committed to God since the beginning, must take up the Seal that God gave them from the beginning in their hands, and place it in front of them, as a symbol of their complete adherence to this Plan of Salvation.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My most ardent and urgent desire, as Empress of Peace, in response this afternoon to the Will of Emmanuel, is that here, in this Marian Center, the Blue Cross be built.

It is a request that I emit to all of Uruguay and the Southern Cone, in order to establish here a greater time of peace and of opportunities for the most lost souls.

If this should be accomplished, just as I request, I will return here with a greater impulse, even stronger than the one I gave ten years ago.

Remember, dear children, that the cycle has already changed and that we are in the last stage of the great planetary definitions.

Let it be fulfilled, then, the advent of the Blue Cross of Emmanuel, and may all that does not belong to the Light around this Kingdom of Aurora be dispelled, in order that your people and this nation awaken from what they have erred.

Let nobody lose the hope of reversing the most impossible cases, for if I am here, Who am your Mother, it is possible to change everything in time.

So be it.

I bless these elements in the name of My Son, so that you may avail yourselves of them, in renewal and in healing.

I bless your souls so they may receive peace, so they always remember that here they will find a refuge in the Heart of God.

Let the banners of the New Aurora be raised. 

Let the suns awaken to the call of the universe and the self-summoned assemble to form the first rows in the Return of Christ.

May the prophecy of your Universal Mother be fulfilled and that all participate in an eternal communion with the Creator.

I thank you and today I go in Peace because here I find a place where I can always place My feet as it was in the beginning, in the origin.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent will be considered the new seedbed of the light, because through the great field of inner instruction, souls with a higher degree of resistance will find the portal where they may cross over towards a new level of consciousness.

Thus, this next pilgrimage will be the sower of new seeds of instruction in the field of the European consciousness, in order that souls not only awaken to the reencounter with God, but also feel themselves motivated to be a part of the Islands of Salvation that are being raised within the European continent, and in this way, all of the European consciousness may take a step towards a life of service, leaving behind the superficiality of things.

I want My children who will collaborate in the manifestation of this next pilgrimage to know that they will have the possibility of amply contributing in the process of the Plan of Salvation of My Son.

The foundations of the Campaign for Peace on the European continent will motivate consciousnesses to awaken to the collaboration with and to the materialization of this divine Purpose for Europe.

This is the reason for which said pilgrimage will begin in Portugal, so that all the impulses that will be received may favor and help the greatest number of consciousnesses that, in these times, will be returning to the paths that they had in the past left behind, paths which lead to the Heavenly Brotherhood.

I thank you for materializing My plans of Peace in the world.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

On this day, God has more Mercy for the world on seeing that a great number of His servers strive and struggle tirelessly to fulfill the Plan of Love.

And so, My children, your Heavenly Mother receives permission to reach those places in the Work, where greater and more urgent help is needed.

The offering of each collaborator of the Plan builds and rebuilds what has already begun. It is in this way that the adherence of consciousnesses collaborates in the manifestation of that precious Plan of Salvation, of which many form part of.

So that this Plan of Salvation to be fulfilled in these times, the collaborators of the Plan must spiritually work twice as hard as they have worked, so as to not fall neither into the dimension of hypnotism nor into blindness.

Thus, children, your contribution at each stage of this Plan of Love allows the reinforcement of the protective barriers that separate souls from the abysses of perdition and constant illusion.

The path of the oldest collaborators of the Plan will be to place themselves on the step which  corresponds to each one, and above all, to unite, no matter what happens, so that this Work, which is of all My serving children, may be accomplished.

Remain attentive, available and in constant giving.  In this way, children, you will maintain the doors open to My divine intercession, and the Islands of Salvation will always be protected by the Celestial Universe and by all its angels.

It is time to extend your arms further into service and not to lower them, for the Lord needs you to be able to have an awareness and love for the true spiritual reality of these times.

Lastly, My children, remember that these Islands of Salvation are your homes of light, they are seedbeds for new lost souls to awaken.

Thus, if you live each stage of the Work with profound surrender and self-giving, I assure you that you will be far from human indifference, and above all, from illusion.

The Work must be accomplished until My Son returns, and you have been called for that great and challenging mission.

I thank you for responding to My call, to the call of the Lord.

Who blesses you, under the Light of the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With a ray of Light of My Heart I penetrate the Earth with Grace, and moving the Mirrors of the Cosmos towards the planet, souls receive and capture the impulses of the Universe.

The great power plants of the Cosmos retransmit its codes to humanity and the spirits united with the Father receive the gifts that, as from today, will be a part of their evolution.

The Mirrors of the Cosmos emanate infinite impulses and all beings of goodwill find an inner meaning to their lives. And in this way, a deep communion is established between souls that awaken and God.

Everything renews itself. To the point where those who used to be far from the Christic path resume their commitment of yore, and in this way, the Glorious Face of Christ is drawn over the light of the Mirrors, and new sublime codes are introduced in the matrix essence of creatures.

Those souls feel the impulse; those souls feel the call. Nothing is lost.

Hearts manage to quench their age-old thirst and after so many centuries and after so many experiences, the future race, formed by Mirror beings, awaken their main mission.

What is that main mission?

That of radiating the Love from the Source to a planet in darkness.

Each soul receives from the Universe what it needs, and each heart is nourished by new and unknown Laws.

What before seemed impossible to a human consciousness, the acquired spiritual impulse makes redeemable, and their soul places itself on the step that corresponds to it within the Plan.

Everything is transformed and the doors to Cosmic Knowledge are opened so that creatures may rediscover their essences and their original purity.

But the hour indicates that the most conscious beings, the tireless servants, must be attentive to the movement of the Mirrors, for the time has come for illuminating the consciousness and having these impulses be as if they were the last.

Drink of the knowledge and believe that it is this Divine Water that will quench the thirst for knowing who you are in truth and what you have come to fulfill.

It is in this way that the Laws resurrect old collaborators of the Evolutionary Plan, so that the sick planet may be healed by the virtues and the tools that each sun will offer to the Universal Father.

We are in the end times and the sacred Instruction of the Universe will make each soul and each being more conscious and helpful.

A stage closed in the last months and a new one has already begun.

Do not miss the opportunity of unveiling inner mysteries and of bringing them to the surface of your consciousness so that they serve as a cooperation with the Plan.

The material and inner time is precious. You have never crossed such a definite threshold before. You have never known the Portal towards the Real Time of the Universe before this. Because the time has come to penetrate into it through the flow of love of the heart.

Because in this way, no matter what happens, or how much the Earth trembles, you will be in profound brotherhood and the fruit given by the Fig Tree*, as a sacred tree, will serve as aid and as support for those who will have a spiritual hunger for evolutionary matters.

Be attentive, each step you take will mark a fulfillment of new stages. It is time to abandon the individuality of consciousness and to embrace forever the fraternal group life.

Remember, children, the words of Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you”.

May this be your firm premise and may the Laws of Spiritual Unity among beings be fulfilled, so that indifference, omission, and abandonment may be extirpated from the unconscious of this humanity.

In this way, you will be able to be in communion and service with all the human and planetary needs which will emerge overnight.

I wish, children, that each stage that you live be well taken advantage of and that nobody else, consecrated or non-consecrated, closes the door to the cosmic assistance that is arriving.

So rediscover your true civilization and be part of this Divine Project that must be carried out through the faithful and conscious collaboration of everyone.

May the Islands of Salvation appear after having been built by the hands of all.

May My Children be true caretakers of these Islands, and be guardians of the Grand Portal through which Christ will appear for this world.

Pour your miseries into My Heart, for I will transform them and they will be, in a short while, roses in My Garden of Light.

Believe in the true and the pure which exists within you, and in this way, the Earth will be repopulated by new principles of love and of unity.

Do not cease to capture what the Mirrors are emanating; they indicate to humanity that an end cycle is being lived.

Forward, My warriors of Peace!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you with the Light of all the Cosmos,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I Am the Always Immaculate Virgin

On this day, dear children, when all the Heavens proclaim My purest and most divine Immaculate Consciousness, I would like the coming of your Heavenly Mother to be proclaimed in the Heaven of this Marian Center of the Child King.

I want each of My children present here to be able to awaken their immaculate spirit within themselves, held in the deep essence of each being.

Because of this, on this day your Mother, the Immaculate Conception, comes to this Marian Center to finish founding and erecting the spiritual bases that will make of this place one of the first islands of planetary rescue for the Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human and Devic Kingdoms.

Throughout these recent years, during which this Center was being built, you, dear children, experienced and learned unconditional service and love.

In this cycle, when the human consciousness will need to be guided in its experience of redemption and purification, I lovingly invite you to enter into a mature practice of the Law of Hierarchy so that each step taken here may be permeated by the purest Love of God and of His whole Celestial Consciousnesses.

I need, children, that from now on your hearts prepare to experience a new cycle, a cycle of conscious and inner instruction that will begin with the impulses that the entire Spiritual Hierarchy will give to this planet.

Having already formed the bases of fraternity, of service and of love, you will be able, as in other times, to together take this step for the common good and for a Greater Purpose.

Today I leave you the remembrance of My Immaculate Conception so that on this February 11th, from the Marian Center of Lourdes, there may again arise the innocence that this humanity and this planet so need in order to experience their awakening and redemption.

I am happy to return to the manger of the New Earth to see the little Child Jesus in each one of you. I am grateful because you have received Me with love and devotion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Triune Flame,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While My feet walk in Venezuela, I ask you for more inner prayer, that your power of prayer be concentrated in the proclamation and in the spiritual request so that this situation may calm down.

Especially to the Venezuelans, I ask that you be peacemakers of Christ in this moment; this will be your test and your exam before the Father and in the face of so much inequality.

I am making a request for piety, My children; do not try to confront or to oppose all that My adversary generates; the essence of everything that he causes is to tempt souls so that they may miss their chance of evolving.

This is why the time has come to prepare the islands of salvation, so that the immigrants and the castaways may find a place where they can begin their life again.

It will be the mission of the children of Mary to activate this network of prayer for Venezuela, offering all possible efforts to your Heavenly Mother; above all, My children from Brazil have this task so that this nation that is so dear to Me not be colonized by chaos, which is experienced in many nations.

Now we are entering the hard tests for the nations in these times. With hope and love, raise up your prayers, despite all that happens; thus I, as the Mother of all, will be able to be closer to receive you and guide you toward the Purpose of Light.

I love you and want you not to get involved with evil and with all that it does; evil has its end, because it does not know or understand love; on the contrary, Light wins because Light is in the Eternal Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Pray for the Americas,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Through My presence and the presence of the group that peregrinates with your Heavenly Mother, I am deactivating spiritually what could make half of this city completely disappear, that in its majority is indifferent to the call of God and does not welcome Him.

It is so that your Heavenly Mother and Her missionaries in sacrifice offer themselves to be in the State of São Paulo during the month of October so that the consciousnesses who are here will realize that it is time to leave the point they have reached, time to not remain in their comfort.

Therefore, My children, the Heaven and all that forms the Celestial Universe has its gaze detained in the events that take place in this city of São Paulo; also the Universe observes if the servers of the Most Holy Mother are understanding the importance of keeping alive the house offered for the adoration of the Lord.

It is no longer a time, My beloved ones, to justify yourselves before the urgent need of responding to a call, as well as to the warning, that your most beloved Heavenly Mother makes.

For this reason, a state of permanent transmutation has been installed and some of My missionaries participate and collaborate in this juncture that intends, until the end of October, to leave a seed of greater consciousness.

Therefore all the people from São Paulo, as well as all My children from Brazil and from the world, should have as a goal to collaborate with your Heavenly Mother, for an extraordinary balance and harmony to be installed in the city of São Paulo and for it to be deserving of a greater time of peace.

Your Heavenly Mother invites you to collaborate with the mission to Central America and Mexico in the name of all those who could do it and do not do it.

I want from you a constant operative attitude and not static one. I wish that, as in previous times, the people from São Paulo can come out and help in the maintenance that your house – the beloved Nucleus and island of salvation – performs in the Divine Plan.

I thank you for welcoming each one of My words.

Who waits for you to be more awaken,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The triumph of My Heart is near

Dear children,

Do not fear nor despair because the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near and the hell of the Earth will be sealed.

The triumph of My Heart is near and the great powers will tremble; the ground beneath your feet will be removed and there will be no stone left on top of another.

Dear children, the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will oppose it, the Kingdom of God is approaching and all souls will see it in the Second Coming of the Redeemer.

The triumph of My Heart is near and the false kingdoms of the world will perish because once again the Love of My Son will triumph, which is the Love of the Living God.

Dear children, the triumph of My Heart is near and I will reignite the fallen stars, and make them so similar to My Love that no one will believe it.

The triumph of My Heart is near and the Crown of Light of My head will shine in the abysses to remove from illusion those who sleep and are deceived by humanity.

The triumph of My Love is near and the beasts will tremble at that moment because their great and anticipated defeat will be near and the fallen angels will be rehabilitated.

Have faith and trust because the triumph of My Plan is near and I will prevent, above all, one nation from opposing another nation.

The triumph of My Divine Heart is near, first within those who were self-summoned to this mission of peace in the world.

My children, see the great triumph of My Heart already realized, for the conversion of your lives and souls, at the moment when each one of you must ask God for forgiveness.

The triumph of My Heart is near and the forces of evil will lose the battle after I have protected, in My desert, each of My children. There, the armies and celestial powers will descend to the planet to allow the power of the Love of My Immaculate Heart  to triumph in the great abyss of the Earth.

My Grace sustains you and calms you so far; the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will remain without being taken into account because everyone will be warned before the end of time that will come.

Dear children, despite everything, know that the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will remain unprotected if in simple humility you ask me to do so. There I will be, to embrace and protect you from all adversity under My Mantle.

Now, beloved children, while everything is about to happen, I lovingly ask you to allow My maternal Plan of Love to triumph in each Marian Center, just like in each Light-Community, which I so lovingly protect.

Make service, charity and good triumph in every Light-Community. Make the Islands of Salvation triumph, which will be shelters for a great part of humanity. Open your hearts to what I tell you today.

Triumph and unite every day through love. My time amongst you is now ending and, from Heaven, I want to see the fruits of this planetary Work. The Communities are your internal and external shelters, they are the space where your bodies can rest protected when chaos settles in humanity.

Value the divine heritage which the universe has given you because shortly you will understand what I am telling you today.

Dear children, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will also be given by your surrender and self-giving to all the Communities, which are the foundations of the Marian Centers.

Dear children, with your hearts wide open after having received so many gifts and instructions, at least say to your Heavenly Mother: Yes, Divine Mother, I will respond to this Work and, until the end, I will do whatever is necessary so that the Heavenly Plan of Your Immaculate Heart may triumph!

Dear children, I will be grateful that on all the holy days of the Lord, you live and work with this affirmation so that more souls may receive, through your service, that which they are most awaiting. 

The triumph of My Heart will be given to all humanity by their inner response to My Plan.

May Medjugorje not stop shining within your hearts, just like every Marian Center which I have consecrated for the salvation of humanity.

I thank you for understanding Me and for living My call!

Who loves you and elevates you to the Kingdom of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Message for the anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje

My dear and beloved children,

Today, from Europe, I hope My celestial voice will be heard.

The bells of the cosmos ring the melody of celebration and peace without ceasing because the Plan of your Celestial Mother, of the Queen of Peace, is still present in the hearts of the world.

I hope that today the door to consciousness and wisdom opens. Therefore, on this day, in which the Marian Center of Medjugorje shines with peace, I would like all My children of the world to value, with all their hearts, the magnitude of the celestial Work of their Holy Mother.

My children, upon awakening to the reality and truth of these times, you have more possibilities of accompanying the changing of the times, which are now at the doors of your lives.

Dear children, today I hope that a small part of Medjugorje, from the Sanctuary of Peace to the world, which has been alive for thirty- five years, can have a primary place within your hearts because, in this way, you will allow God and His Kingdom to enter within you and the Divine Plan may triumph.

Dear children, today your Mother contemplates all of humanity with Merciful eyes because the hour has arrived for the hearts to awaken to the mission they came to fulfill.

In each place that I appear, I establish a portal to the universe, a path where souls can travel to, to reencounter God, the Celestial Father.

This divine manifestation of the Portal of Peace, which I establish in each Marian Center, has to be assisted and sustained by each praying heart.

It is the prayer and devotion of the true hearts that allow, as in Medjugorje, the Presence of My beloved Son to remain alive.

It is the mission of each prayer group, and especially of the praying Light-Network to sustain the epicenters of the Communities and of the Marian Centers.

It is the spiritual responsibility of your whole work group to protect, help, collaborate, serve and donate for the evolution of the Islands of Salvation of the Marian Centers and of the Light-Communities, because the time will arrive, a time that is not so far away, in which these places will be shelters for you from all spiritual adversity and from material chaos.

The continuity of the Marian Center of Aurora is the commitment and mission of all Uruguayans, as well as the responsibility of all brothers and sisters in the Southern Cone.

The continuity of the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of the Child King is the commitment and mission of the Brazilians, just like the existence of the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit and its Community is the commitment of all of Argentina, because My commitment with you over the past few years has never been altered.

Therefore, with constancy, charity and love, your Heavenly Mother meets you in prayer and devotion every 13 and 25 of each month, just like for thirty-five years My Presence has been continuous in Medjugorje.

I lovingly ask, dear children, that in these critical times, in which the servers of Christ are needed, you may make a little more effort and get out of the comfort that has been installed in the consciousness, which has lead you to stop collaborating actively with the Prayer Centers, centers consecrated by the Celestial Universe.

Dear children, My purpose is to tell you the truth, because I love you and there is no longer time to lose in the superficialities of spiritual life.

The triumph of your lives will be in sacrifice and in love for this suffering planet in redemption.

Imitate My Son and follow Him so that, in this way, I can pray for you.

The Marian Centers are not only sources of Graces that all will seek month after month, the Marian Centers must be the essence of your transformation and rescue.

Children, it is time to give and to turn out the pockets that are full, it is time to experience fraternity and charity with the neighbor, thus, you will be forging the new sacred family of humanity.

I love you and I want you to see the truth so that the Plan finally ceases to be a fantasy in the background. The times are of emergency, blessed and holy will be those who believe it to be so.

From Medjugorje, today I give you My holy maternal blessing, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding and for accompanying My message!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Sister Lucía de Jesús: We were doing a group task with all the members of the Aurora Light-Community, Fraternity, in Uruguay, where we live, and we concluded the work journey with the transmission of the daily message of Saint Joseph. Although He had arrived from a refugee camp of the Middle East, Saint Joseph transmitted to us a message especially directed to the Light-Communities but, as He Himself explained to us, it may be useful to all those who consider themselves as servers of God and consecrated to His Plan. May all those who read this message practice these words, adapting them to their own lives. This was a request of Saint Joseph.

Fraternity is something that should characterize this world, an attribute that all the beings of the Earth should carry within so that it may become the starting point for the experience of Christic love. In order to give your lives for your friends, you must first learn to be fraternal.

There are beings who manage to be fraternal by the nature of their own spirits, but others will have to sweat their own egos a lot, in a hard work of transcendence of their own opinions, wills and necessities; they will have to live a true renewal of what they call “priorities” of their lives.

The priority of the human beings incarnated in this world should be, in truth, the perfect experience of love and unity with one another, each one with God and all with Him. Having this as the only priority, everything else can be adapted.

If you think you have a greater necessity than living fraternity and love, start to meditate right away about the reason for your lives and the purpose of your existence in the world.

Seek, for an instant, the reason why you wake up every day. Why do you work, study, eat, drink, build homes, schedule your days, make plans? What is the true meaning of all this?

You must not think that life restricts its purpose to your simple necessity of being alive and comfortable in this world! Or do you?

If the soul does not find a superior purpose for which to get up every day, it gradually loses interest in life.

You must make of this experience on Earth a permanent act of renewal, of transcendence, of overcoming, of freedom in God, to love! Freedom from yourselves, so that you can give yourselves to your neighbor without limits and without restrictions.

Everyone thinks they live for a superior purpose. Everyone believes they are in the world to learn love, but when they are before the food on the table, they try to quickly take the best for themselves. If they see that somebody else needs help, they pretend not to see it. If they go to a group task, they quickly seek who they like the most or who they most “need”. Are there not any other brothers or sisters who would need, more than you, to put their feet upon the ground and take care of a flower, while you could do some other task inside the house?

Those who live in the communities know what I mean. I ask for forgiveness for those who will not understand My words and it will take some time to instruct those souls, so much loved by God, who have decided to surrender their lives for the fulfillment of His Plans and who must reflect if they are really doing so.

These words will serve for all who consider themselves servers of the Plan and consecrated to God, because they must take them to their own daily routines and meditate about themselves, never about the other.

So, truly think: are you here to serve the Plan, or to live your transformation and nothing else?

Since we spoke about the Christs of the new time, are some of you working for the Christification of others or do you only think about the possibility of being a Christ yourself? You must realize that, even while this is a superior purpose, you are thinking about yourselves.

If you need to be alone and somebody needs your presence, will you pretend not to see him or her? If you want to sleep early and there is someone who has not finished their duties, will you think, “better one tired person than two?"

Dears, I speak to you as a father, because I know that souls want to grow and they must do so. The times of definition are no longer knocking on the door; they have entered your homes and are demanding from all a truly spiritual life.

If humanity does not take a step towards true fraternity and love and remains partially surrendered to God, the Plan will never be fulfilled the way the Lord expects it to be fulfilled.

God silences Himself and seeks to find you in the most profound essence of your hearts. Has anybody sought Him? Have you created conditions so that your brothers and sisters can do so?

Reflect if the true purpose of your souls is the life of the spirit.

Do you want to construct an island of salvation and rescue? So, rescue, while there is time, your own spiritual life.

I love you and that is why I tell you all these things. May every one take them within.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the world unconsciously provokes the Wrath of God, the voice of the innocent and of their families is listened by Your God, and the Heart of the Eternal Father trembles when seeing the horrors that the humankind of the surface of the Earth generates.

Nevertheless, the supplications of the just could revert the constant aggressions that the humans generate among themselves in order to obtain power and their own benefit.

God needs the more awake to become conscious of the end of the times that humanity is crossing, and of the lack of preparation and of prayer that exists in the majority of the souls in the world.  This lack of consciousness and of preparation awakens fear and increases the disunion among the creatures.

You Mother who is in Heaven begs for this whole moral and social transgression to end.  She deeply wishes all of the groups of prayer to convert themselves into true islands of salvation for the souls, who must be received by means of the powerful flow of prayer and of peace that must be established in the life of each one of them.

Dear children, the times are degenerating more rapidly than what it seems to, and this is provoked by the bloody horrors that humanity lives today.

Dear children, the sacred life that God gave you is being broken by the hasty actions that are being taken.  If in truth, children, the strength of prayer were not more intense than all that which happens, the whole world would go into its great spiritual and planetary failure.

In order to prevent the consequences of the disasters that humanity itself generates, Your Heavenly Mother comes from the Universe to ask that you live in peace, and that you consider this worldwide situation as having the importance that it deserves.

Dear children, let us pray so that the inner nuclei of all of the groups of prayer may correspond, and in this way revert this current and malefic planetary crisis.

May the inner mercy awake in you, because many souls will have to be tended and sheltered by the prayer and by the heart of each one; thus you will at least open a very small door so that the Light of God may enter a world full of darkness and horrors.

Pray continuously for all those who suffer,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity 
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges
and indifferences 
by which He Himself is offended,

And by the infinite merits 
of His Most Sacred Heart, 
and The Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg Thee for the conversion of poor sinners.


Look at my Heart without fear so that your lives may shine, for the desire of My Father is that His promises are fulfilled through all His children in the world.

For this to be possible, companions, your hearts must be entrusted, faithful and secure within My path of Light, and there cannot be any separations between your consciousnesses, because thus the promises will not be fulfilled. 

May your hearts be attentive beyond your minds and feelings. May your hearts feel that My promise is being fulfilled at this moment, in this return that I have been preparing in your lives, in silence and prayer. 

Just as your prayers are heard all the time, My Heart also answers them all the time.

Sometimes, companions, you will not experience that which you desire so much because it is not the Will of My Lord. The tests will come your way to strengthen your faith and fidelity in God. 

For this reason, I need crystalline hearts that seek My Sacred Heart all the time and do not become tired of looking at It because from It sprouts the strength for the transformation of your lives and paths.

Today I invite you to abandon your resistances, so the ties may be undone. My sword will not be able to cut your ties any longer. Through the Unfathomable Source of My Mercy, your hearts already know how to do it, not only with the prayer from the heart but through the examples of your lives, of a life transformed in Christ and by Christ.

Why do you think I do not want to baptize you? In the plans of My Father, everything has its time and moment. I come to baptize you with My Spirit. Does the water have more strength than My Spirit? 

My Spirit is present in everything and wants to be within you so I can baptize you in Grace and Love. Is My Presence this afternoon not a baptism to your hearts?

Blissful are those who believe without having seen, because they will be baptized a second time. 

There are no preferences in My Kingdom, neither in My Apostles. This is why I come to transform you, little by little, so your lives will not submerge in sadness, despair, or in the disturbance of not believing that you can make it. If you look at My Heart, you can do everything. 

I come to offer you the best that I have all the time, and I will not become tired until you are able to feel and understand it, because My Heart is the Grace that penetrates everything, it is the balm that gives you Life, the Universal Life, the immaterial Life.

Is this not a baptism to you? John prophesied it. I baptize you in the name of the Holy Spirit that is the greatest and the maximum Gift among the gifts, which comes from the Heart of My Father to resurrect the life of the matter and make it pure in the immaterial Source.

I wish everyone could live the Sacraments only once, but I come to remember that the gifts of the Sacraments are sacred to the Father, and the souls have not known how to benefit from them throughout the history of this world.

This is why I come to ask you to baptize yourselves in the name of My Spirit; to purify yourselves, washing your feet in the name of rendition, and to be anointed with the Cross of My Heart in the name of cure and peace.

However, for you to live it, the Spirit and the Gifts that come from My Father cannot be desired. How will the Spirit of God transform you while your will exists?

I come to divest you from everything, each one in your own degree of learning. I come to reform you in body, soul, and spirit through the Sacraments. But the more baptized will be the ones who live it in the name of their brothers and sisters than for themselves.

While I am present, think about Me. Place the ardent attention in My Heart, so that your lives participate in this Communion with Me. 

Yesterday I came to give you a lesson of humility, that is necessary for the world because the hearts should know what they must change in time so they do not deceive themselves.

I come to bring you the Truth because even though you do not deeply know It, since It is a Truth that comes from the Heart of God, I bring a part of this Truth so that your hearts, though My Wisdom, grow in maturity and awareness.

While My angels work in the world, I wanted to see you more available to carry forward My Works of Light, for you have received a lot and will continue to receive a lot from My Heart when there is a true balance between humanity and God. 

I bring you a very unknown science that, though My simple Words, you are being invited to know, because My Life in the Heavens is simple. There is no mystery in this Work, only those which people place, like a seal, in the Heart of God. The Heart of God is open to receive you. Your hearts are the ones which close before the Presence of God, and even more before His Son. 

I do not come to demand anything to the world, but for you to be aware of what you do and what you think, so as to not degenerate perdition even more.

I open a door for you every day so that your hearts rejoice and amplify your spirits in the sacred attunement with God.

Through this ministry of the Sacraments, that I ask you to live in My Name, I come to bring new Graces, but great Graces will be carried to the hearts that unite to their brothers and sisters who live the Sacrament. 

Now, do you understand how things work? Many times you were baptized by My Spirit, but only a few noticed it. I come to bring you this Truth because they are My last Gifts that today I poured out upon the world and upon all souls that strengthen in Me to fulfill the Project of God. 

May your hearts not be distressed, but may your eyes open, the eyes of the heart, to feel My Life, to see My prodigies, to recognize My Spirit that lovingly and tirelessly visits you.

But today I am not only here, I am in omnipresence and omnipotence in Aurora and in each human heart that, at this hour of unfathomable Mercy, has opened the door of their hearts, breaking the barrier of their inner resistances. 

I do not come to force anything on you. I come to bring you a new Grace that flows from My Heart and My Hands to all the souls in the world.

You are a group of souls constituted by My Spirit of Light. When a soul fades away, many more will fade away. It is like a rotten apple in the basket with other apples. Who will save them in time, before their hearts are hardened?

I come to work with your obstacles because something must happen on this planet in the face of everything that is happening. Many are not aware of what it means to die at the hands of others, to starve and not have consolation in their hearts, a house to live in nor a bed to sleep in.

You have everything. My Heart has given it all to you. What else do you want from Me? While the world suffers and the lights of the souls fade away, will you take the risk to work with Me and leave your conveniences?

I do not come to disturb you. I come to give you My Message of Peace and Truth. The flames of hell burn upon the planet, but the Islands of Salvation still exist. Hearts madden day by day and minds lose their control. I come to give you the balance of the universe which is called unity. If there is not unity in you, there is no unity in the world. 

It is time for you to leap beyond the abyss to find the Kingdom of God. My Heart is consoled by those who feel safe for being in God and in themselves. My Heart rejoices for those who pray with sincerity and that despite everything that I tell you today, they feel deep inside that it is true, thus the seed of Light is planted for the next Earth in the spirits who are consequent to My Call.

While I speak to you, you are gathered around My table, around My Celestial Altar, full of angels of Light that glorify God all the time. 

The Primordial Source wants to see you peaceful so that the Work may be manifested. What are you waiting for? Come to Me without fear. My Heart will embrace you. My Fire will transform you. My Spirit will raise you to the Heart of the Celestial Father. 

The Father also needs to be consoled for the horrors that He sees in the world, for the horrors that He sees in the world, I repeat it because a great part of the world is a horror. But all this can be changed if you follow me at this hour of Mercy.

Companions, while I speak to you, I not only observe you but everyone who listens to Me in each part of this world.

I come in serenity to tell you all this because I know your hearts can be receptive, and later on, when everything is over, you will understand it.

And now, by the Grace that was granted to Me on the Cross, let us glorify God, and I will bless each one of you, in this perfect union with Me through the Sacraments of Light which are the means for souls to attain existence. 

My children, come here to be part of this consecration, in harmony and silence, not forgetting that My Spirit is present here.

While I bless you with My Spirit of Life, ask God for forgiveness in the name of humanity, for all the times to come, so the Work of the Son of God may be fulfilled through His Graces that are poured upon all the hearts and souls that sincerely seek rendition. 

After My prodigies were poured out on each one of these elements, I bless you once again as a part of this unique humanity that should glimpse the New Earth on the coming horizon. 

Blissful are those who cry, because they will be consoled by Me.

Blissful are those who repent, because they will see their new spirit be born.

Blissful are those who forgive, because they will find peace.

Blissful are those who unite, because they will live in My brotherhood.

Blissful are those who rejoice themselves, because they will live in the joy of My Heart.

Blissful are those who free themselves, because they will find their freedom. 

Blissful are those who are merciful, because they will see the Light.

Blissful are those who reconcile, because they will be in the Unity of God.

Blissful are those who pray, because they will be awarded in Heaven with the sweet Crowns of the King.

Now you will listen to a song that filled My Heart during the Sacred Week, for in these words, as simple as they seem, the feeling of true love for My Heart is found. 

Before the afflictions that the world causes me, I give you My Divine Mercy so that, in the times to come, you be true apostles of My Heart.

Now listen and feel, to understand what I ask of you.

While I elevate to the House of My Father, where a place for your next life awaits you, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You must be like children to understand My Kingdom, because they are the first ones to enter Paradise. 

I thank you and give you My Peace. Hallelujah!

Smile, companions, for this is part of the healing that My Heart radiates to you for these times of crises. Those who smile from their soul, smile with their spirits, and God sees His original Project reflected in your faces.

Peace for everyone.

So be it.

Song: "You are the King".


Bow down before My Father, for He sees you.

I come this evening to give freedom to the world, for My Heart will not keep anybody imprisoned anymore, for I have never placed anybody in captivity, but rather, I gave you the freedom of this material life, the power to recognize My Countenance, My wonders, and My gifts, which I gifted you from the first moment on the Cross.

Live My Passion in these difficult times. Do not erase from your memories all that your Redeemer has done, for the appointed time is drawing close. The inner clocks are being activated, to feel the coming of the Master and Redeemer. He will come in a Spirit of Divinity and Glory to seek fallen souls, to rescue the innocent from the injustices of evil, for nobody will be free of being purified. It is necessary for these difficult times.

Humanity has distanced itself from God and created its own condition, even in the deepest level of the spirit. But I come to remind you of the communion with Me, so that your sins may be forgiven.

Be pure and crystalline before My glorious Eyes, for I come in search of your humility and simplicity. I will not place My Kingdom in vain souls. I will place My Kingdom in the hearts that transform themselves through My Heart.

I come to give you the last key, the last sign for humanity, for I need all to listen to Me attentively; for today I am making you prostrate before My Father, because My Father sees you through My Merciful Heart and all the Angelic Hierarchies surrounding My Glory and My Aura, to give testimony of the Presence of God.

That is why I come to be consequent with each one of you. I need your stars to awaken in the innermost depth of your hearts, for that is what will illumine the darkness of the times when you are truly united in Me to pray.

Now look at Me with eyes of detachment and surrender, for I come to rescue what is not rescuable in this world.

Your hearts are worthy of My Glory, therefore I record My Face on your countenances, so that you may be like Me until the end of times, where everything will have been accomplished in the name of Adonai. And thus I lift you from the ground every day, because I need you to walk at My side in this time of tribulation, when souls judge themselves and lose the path of redemption.

For this reason, I need you all the time, because I hope you will not become lost and not stop following My Footsteps of Light, that which I am marking for the last time in the world.

Recognize My Footprints. Feel My Steps and listen for Me within your hearts. I Am your Glory, I Am your Truth. I Am the manifestation of the living Love of God, which many are not seeking because of becoming lost in superficial things.

This is why I call you to prayer, for that will be your torch. You yourselves must light it through the fire of your heart.

I will no longer be able to give you the touch of My Light; humanity does not deserve it. But if you are seekers of My Mercy, you will always be in the ocean of My Heart, feeling My consolation and being bathed by My Grace, every day to the end of days.

With all that, I show you the Truth, because very few hearts want to listen to Me. I do not come to bring discomfort to your lives, but rather to remind you, up to the end of times, of your commitment to the Creator, to our Guardian Angels, which will be the witnesses at the Final Judgment, of your lives, of the world and of all that you have done, up to the last moments of these definitive times.

But it will not be enough that you be able to believe Me, but rather that you can feel My Words, which are transmitted by the Divine Energy of God, which transmutes and frees all things when pronounced by the Voice of the Son of God.

You will hold these moments with Me in your hearts. They will be what will strengthen you in the face of all the things you will see. But your hearts must not be surprised. What has been written for these times, has been multiplied by a thousand. Do you know then, companions, where humanity is headed? Because Our Voice will not cease to be pronounced. We know that Our Voice and each one of Our Words will be Light for the pilgrims. We will be faithful to each of those, when each one of them are faithful to My Heart, to the Heart of My Mother and of Saint Joseph, and mainly to the Heart of the Eternal Father, which is greatly blasphemed by the world.

I come to speak to you of these things, My companion children, because the world is experiencing these things. Divine reality cannot descend while chaos circulates throughout the world. But in this place, in the heart of the faithful, My Heart comes to create small Islands of Salvation, where My adversary will not be able to enter, as long as you are consequent with Me, on this path to Infinity.

I would like to tell you things of the universe, but humanity has not wanted to listen because it has surrounded itself with material things that distanced it from the Law of God. I come to demonstrate to you the equilibrium of the universe, which you must never leave, so that you may be protected by the Law of My Lord.

While I listen to your hearts, you confess to My Heart, for in this way, all will be repaired in time and nobody will miss the opportunity of re-encountering My Glorious Heart.

I come to bring you a definite offer, the incalculable opportunity of living in My Peace and in the Kingdom of My God, because, in spite of everything that will happen, you will not lose your calm. You will be in serenity and will be peace-bringers of My Merciful Heart.

Now I will make the offer to the Universe of God for you, at the Altars of Heaven and of all the Archangels.

Let us praise God in gratitude, reparation, and love; for My only wish is that some carry My Crown of thorns on their heads to share the pain the world causes to Me, because of so much ignorance and lack of love. This will be the reason, companions, for offering these Sacraments in the name of redemption and peace.

And when you do not see peace in the world, in these times that are coming, seek the Peace of My Heart, for I will only be found in the hearts that want to receive Me and this will be your peace for these times. To be in My Peace, to live in My Peace, and to seek My Peace. This, companions, will allow you to not be surprised or tormented by anything around you. Because, I tell you again, you will see inexplicable things inside and outside of beings. That is the time of Armageddon.

Friar Elías:

Before the angels of Christ, at the request of Our Lord, we will intone the melodic Kodoish, making this offering through the Sacred Heart of Christ.

Those who can, stand up to make the offering to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Companions, in the Name of Our Lord, we will pray to God, so that He may intercede for the world through My Blessed and Most Sacred Heart.

May this Communion that you will do with Me reaffirm and confirm your vows to My Plan of salvation.

Just as at the Mount of Beatitudes, we will remember this Mystery that I revealed to the world through the Our Father.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Praised be God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

I want to find you in this peace every day, because many souls will avail themselves of your peace to calm their uneasiness in the face of the end of times, in which everything becomes so complex for the little hearts of humanity.

I wait for you here, in the prayer of Mercy, for I will come to see you here on October 5 and 6.

That is My promise to you. To place My codes in your hearts so that you can always resurrect in these critical times.

Come to Me and embrace Me. I always wait for you in the vigil of the Heart.

While I am here with you, I am with the world, mainly with the souls most in need and that, in this hour, experience their despair.

I observe you and contemplate you always, until the end of days, for the New Christs must awaken, to concretize the Plan of Salvation.

I thank you.

Remember those that suffer more than yourselves; thus you will see your pain is very small in light of the universal suffering that this planet and all its created Kingdoms experience. In this way, you will find the strength for when I am no longer here, among you, to blindly follow My path until going through the portal of My Heart, where everything will be consummated. So be it.

Thank You, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, for all that You give us.

Do not be sad. I will always be your unbreakable strength. And even though the mountains may move and the seas are agitated in these present times, do not lose your calm. God already has your hour marked, for each of the beings of the Earth, who must not lose their direction toward the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My last attempt is to engrave the story of My Countenance in your hearts. And in this way, you will be the relics, the spiritual relics in the universe of God and, in this way, you will be witnesses of this Work of Redemption. And even though you are few, the experience will be great for those that believe without having seen.

While I speak to you, I calm you, I make you serene, so that you can feel My Purpose for this entire existence, of which I am a part since the beginning of the Earth. Thus, you can be blessed when you follow My path every day; you get up from your difficulties and only yearn to find My Heart in each act in life that must be represented by the good example of your hearts. In this way, the codes that I give you will not be lost and it will have been worth the effort of coming here to tell you all these things.

And now My Eyes cry for the world, for the unfaithful world, for the unjust world. God has something special for all, except that everyone has always wanted to act on their own will and have forgotten the Will of God; that has distanced you from the love and the essence of all that exists.

I come to remind you of this Purpose, so that you may always see the things beyond you. I would not want your hearts to grow cold, nor that they be tepid, for My desire is that you live in My Fire, which fosters peace, Mercy, and redemption.

While I am here, I am in tormented regions of the world, bringing relief to the scream of souls that cry out for pity and Mercy. But you, companions, are in the joy of My Spirit, while souls are being lost, without finding the Light of My Heart.

I had already seen this in the agony of the Garden of Gethsemane. This would be humanity's test, to surpass itself through love rather than through power. But My adversary has conquered many hearts. Thus, the time of Justice is approaching. And you have seen it, you have seen it happen around this humanity.

The times indicate new signs for those that truly want to see with the eyes of the heart, without ownership or attachment. In this way, you will be more aware of what My Sacred Heart sees of this world and of all things that get in the way of concretizing the project of this human race.

This is why I repeat to you: feel the Words, the vibration of My Merciful Heart. These will be the last, which will change the story of your lives.

I want you to already be different, so that I can dwell in the depths of beings.

Through this Work of the Divine Messengers, God wants to build a strong and invincible spirit in the souls that are being summoned in the different nations, for the armies must be ready to go into battle. The war in the world has already begun and this is not just a theory; you can see it with your own eyes.

But there are companions of Mine who turn their face away from all these things so as to not feel ashamed in the Eyes of God. Imagine, companions, what My Heart feels before the Creator, after all I did for you and for your brothers and sisters. Was the story of My Passion worthwhile?

I say yes, because I know there are hearts that will cause the Promised Earth to shine, and will fulfill the part requested of Moses, when all takes place, the waters calm, and suffering disappears in the new humanity.

Meditate on what I tell you and let My Words not blow away like the wind; let them remain in your hearts as life, until I return in Body, Soul, and Divinity.

And thus I say goodbye to the brave and consequent and I elevate to the Kingdom of God all the outrages and suffering, so they may be transformed through your offering of reparation for My Sacred Heart.

Peace to all, brotherhood for the end of times.

I bless you once again with My Light and today in a special way, in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
