Today I arrive at one of My poorest homes in the world, where the spirit of charity and of reparation are fully lived, where the Grace of God, although it may not seem so, is present there because there are simple hearts, full of love for service and for assisting those most in need.

Today I come with the ardent desire and with great aspiration that My children, who today are visiting this humble home, as well as all the Children of Mary consecrated in Ecuador and in the world, piously help in the manifestation of My first Chapel so that, within it, the first mass of giving thanks may be celebrated for this present from God.

Secondly, I desire the manifestation and the concretion of the house of the religious, and also the rest of the installations so that in a harmonious way all of the spaces can exist that are necessary to carry forward the support of the charity work with the children.

Thirdly, I desire that more collaborators help in the food and nutritional support of the children, as well as in the medical and dental assistance.

My wish is that these children that I am visiting today, as well as the consecrated religious that live here, have all that they need to be able to go through these times in which humanity must learn to live charity and mercy with their fellow beings.

If all this can be fulfilled at the end of this year, your Heavenly Mother promises to return to the Santísima Trinidad Community so that the Power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may bless all the manifestations that were carried out.

Lastly, I want to establish an oratory where the children and their parents may learn to pray the Rosary with the support of all the Children of Mary.

If all this is taken ahead in a spirit of true compromise, I assure you, dear children, that all of these children will someday have spiritual dignity and will be able to be the example for the next stage of humanity.

I am happy to be among the most simple. I am here because I love the littlest ones.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The House of the Child King

Dear children,

It is with joy, bliss and rejoicing that your Celestial Mother arrives today at the Marian Center of the Child King to consecrate the House of Prayer that will be especially dedicated in honor, healing and reparation of all the children of the world.

It is for this reason that this Marian Center was consecrated to the Child Jesus since the beginning, so that all the children who arrive here may enter into communion with the Heights and thus heal their deepest wounds.

I still feel that this Marian Center, which today conceives in its main core the new House of Prayer, represents for the universe an Island of Salvation and a new Ark of the Divine Covenant between souls and God.

The House of Prayer of the Child King can undertake the task for which it was created at this time; a task that will be to pray and to offer to God each encounter, just as each monthly liturgy of the Marian Center, for the salvation of the little and most helpless ones throughout the world.

I will use each liturgy of this new House of Prayer to prevent the exploitation, the trafficking and the selling of the little ones so that, through it, I can save their essences, which are now lost, as well as rescue, with My own hands, all the children and youth who are being taken along the same path.

The manifestation of this new House of Prayer, at the Marian Center of the Child King, will try to justify before the Eternal Father the faults, outrages and omissions that a great part of the adult humanity commits against the little ones of the world.

That is why today I come to ask that this Marian Center and, especially the new House of Prayer, dedicates a special liturgy daily for the salvation, protection and repair of the children of the world, as well as a monthly meeting at the same Marian Center, where the little ones can, through prayer, art and music, offer to God their little hearts as a reparation for the great imbalance caused in this world.

If these requests are fulfilled, as the recent manifestation of the House of Prayer was, I promise, as the Mother of all, to remove from the hands of the adversary and their oppressors on Earth all the children who are victims of exploitation and abuse. I promise to disarm and expose everything that is hidden and unfair regarding this. I promise to take care and help, one by one, the souls of the most helpless children.

I have been waiting for so long for this new House of Prayer, that in the meeting that we will have in these next days, your Mother and Queen of the children of the world will arrive accompanied by the Child King so that He, in His infinite Glory, blesses you, and may this mission, which from today on you will undertake, be always filled with many Graces.

But, if in this House of Prayer you bring Me the children most in need of help and if they are baptized at the feet of the holy image of Mary, I promise to withdraw them from the profound and unfair pain that affects them. I also promise, in the name of the Child King, to return the joy of living and the spiritual feeling of their lives.

It is the mission of all collaborators and volunteers of the state of Rio de Janeiro to take on this task that I entrust you with today for the salvation and the rescue of the children of the world.

Lastly, I wish for, inside the House of Prayer, a mural with faces of the children of the world, of all peoples and all races, so that whoever enters this House may feel called to pray for the little ones.

May your hearts rejoice on this day because the Mother of God will be among you offering each prayer, each song and each gesture of love to God for the salvation of the children.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

With motherly joy, today I descend once again over My beloved and dear Marian Center of the Child King, the Center of Light that must finish being built on the physical plane with the cooperation and help of all the Children of Mary.

I come here not only to bless you, but also to lovingly ask for the completion of the works of the House of Prayer.

This will be My fourth House of Prayer, the fourth mirror of light that I will found, after the three Houses of Prayer that already exist in the Marian Centers of Figueira, Aurora, and the Holy Spirit.

I am still waiting for My dear children to carry out the fortnightly pilgrimages to the Marian Centers, and now it will be necessary for the Children of Mary to be the guardians of these Marian processions.

Just as in Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorge, I want to see, with My own maternal eyes, the processions of love and of devotion of all My children in the four Marian Centers, and that all of you may say that the Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, is present flying over the sky of each Marian Center and waiting for the prayers of all Her children.

In this cycle, the Marian Centers will be of spiritual and internal importance for souls, for there they will find the Graces they so much need.

I wish that, in this cycle, consecrated and religious souls take on this maternal and paternal task in the Marian Centers, with the aim that the souls who may be attracted to these Centers may also be finally guided by the Grace and the Love of your Celestial Mother.

In March, I want to see the walls of the House of Prayer of the Marian Center of the Child King erected.

In April, I want to see the roof manifested and built with the collaboration of all My children of the world.

In May, in the month of the Most Holy Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, I want to see the completion of the windows of My Chapel of Light.

In June, I want to see the floor of this House installed, so that My pilgrims may have a place where they will feel sheltered.

In July, I want to see the completion of the painting.

In August, feminine hands will already be finishing the details of the harmony of the House, so that finally, in September, I am able to return here to again bless and consecrate this Marian Center to My Immaculate Heart.

If the efforts and care are the correct ones, the House of Prayer of this Marian Center could  receive the pilgrims before this time, and above all, it could be a place where the children could meet with their Celestial Mother.

For all the efforts and for having received Me, I thank you for responding once again to My call.

Who infinitely loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


​​Dearest children of Mine,

I come tonight as the Lady of Peace and the Guardian of the souls, because Your Heavenly Mother prays ardently for all during the evening hours.

At those times, the neutrality, the spiritual introspection and the silence of Your Mother perpetuate themselves throughout the Universe.  It is the time for retreat and quietness to be able to meditate and contemplate the next steps of the Plan of God for humanity.

That is why the night is the moment of vigil of Your Mother, it is the time when the Angelical Heaven enters the sphere of the Earth in order to save the fallen souls.

Dear children, in the next times your lives may be united to My universal life because it will be the moment of adoring and praying for the world when it enters the most acute phase of its transition.

Children, I am the Lady of the Night and I reveal to you the principle of My universal vigilance that comes from concentration and silence.

Children, accompany Your Mother in this sacred task.  The day and the time will come when the apostles of My beloved Son will become guardians of the spaces and keepers of the Sacred Centers of all the oratories of the Earth.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who guides you to a greater vigilance,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
