In this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Cali, the Hierarchy will avail itself of the coming meetings of prayer so that not only the state of consciousness of Cali may be elevated, but also that all of South America may be assisted for the conflicts and social situations to be alleviated.

These end times will present occurrences that have never happened in other times. For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy, through each new meeting, within the spirit of the Campaign for Peace, will try to prepare the inner worlds so that, in the critical moments, souls can endure future occurrences in a neutral way.

The Hierarchy has already announced that the time for its great withdrawal will come, and that time is drawing closer. For this reason, all the devotees and followers of the Sacred Hearts must attentively keep in mind that each new meeting could be the eve of a cycle that will close.

This is the time in which all must drink of the Fount of Grace so that hearts may be ready for what will come and be able to sustain their inner worlds, beyond the external situations and events.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


My dear children,

For these difficult times do not forget the use of the Scapular of Peace and the Sacred Medal of the Glorified Christ, because both symbols are pervaded with divine codes of the Creation, which help the conversion of souls and the inner awakening of hearts.

The Scapular of Peace, as the Sacred Medal of the Glorified Christ, also help fulfill the divine promises that the Celestial Universe itself proclaims through Our Sacred Hearts.

So that their Graces of Forgiveness and Mercy may continue to work lovingly on souls, in nations and even on the whole planet, today, on this extraordinary day, your Heavenly Mother comes to remind you about the importance of the collaboration and the monthly contribution for the concretion of the sacred objects; which, in this time, should be available for the most simple and needy children who do not have the material means to acquire them.

It is the mission of all Children of Mary, as of the consecrated groups of the Divine Messengers, to collaborate in the monthly concretion of the sacred objects; in this case, the Scapular of Peace, the 72-bead Orandium and the Medal of the Glorified Christ.

For such, and for the first time, your Celestial Mother will request from the secretarial sector of the Children of Mary and from the House of Our Lady of the Poor, the elaboration of a simple leaflet and of a deposit slip to be sent out, monthly, to the homes of My more than two thousand consecrated children as Children of Mary; so that, together with the Mother of God, you may carry forward the periodic concretion of the sacred objects, especially of the Sacred Medal of Christ.

In the deposit slip that you will receive monthly, and after a moment of prayer, you will feel how you will be able to contribute, knowing that these objects, for the coming cycle, not only will need to be with each one of you to be carried as a divine protection, but also that the sacred objects of the Scapular of Peace and the Medal of the Glorified Christ will need to be within reach of other cultures, nations and peoples; as is the case of the Middle-East and the Far East.

It will be a way of expanding the spirit of the Campaign for Peace in the world, as well as of expressing a spirit of true fraternity and solidarity by all the Children of Mary, who are already consecrated.

In truth, the sacred objects, which the Sacred Hearts have been manifesting throughout the times and throughout the centuries, are spiritual symbols of redemption and healing, as well as gifts that intercede in the conversion of sinners and in the awakening of souls in the world.

In the next cycle, the Medal of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will be coined, it will be a faithful copy of the current presented face of Saint Joseph.

My dear and Chaste Companion will reveal the promises of this great medal, since it will help in the awakening of the spirit of service and in the protection of all missionary souls and lives.

I wish, dear children, that you would understand the value and the significance that the sacred objects have in themselves, because they shorten the process of purification of the consciousness and attract new codes of light and love for those who have awakened and those who will awaken in these coming times.

For the first time, your Mother will send the angels through the deposit slip so that the devotees and Children of Mary, in many parts of the world, may help in the concretion of the requests of love of the Sacred Hearts.

Remember, children, that, in essence, each sacred object brings with it a mystery of God, a treasure to be revealed and known.

As of now, I will be thankful so that you remember this request every day, and every month in which you receive the deposit slip, in order for you to be the precursors in the manifestation of the Plan of God.

I thank you for understanding Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Child, write with attention what I will dictate to you today, this is a divine exhortation of love.

Dear companions and My followers:

Given the material results for the supporting of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers and the lack of conscious collaboration with resources after all the impulses received during the last Sacred Week, your Master and Lord of the Universe today announces the possible cancellation and the absolute retreat of all the meetings scheduled for the month of May at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of Figueira.

You know that in order to be able to express the Work of God on the surface and above all in this current humanity, it is necessary to have faithful and permanent collaborators so that they can be on Earth the bridge of light or the torchlight that illuminates the times and allows the spiritual Graces to descend to the Earth.

To take care of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers is not only to attune with it and participate; it also means to collaborate, to support, to donate, to sustain and lovingly contribute with all material that is necessary to supply and furnish, such as, for example, all the life of the Marian Centers and especially of the Communities-of-Light.

In this last cycle of transition, in which My companions are going through various problems and all kind of tests, it has been removed the essential attention of collaboration and of the donation necessary to sustain the Work.

If current humanity, the nations, the continents and above all your hearts reach the point of being without divine assistance in this acute cycle, the world would suffer serious consequences because of the great quantity of accumulated faults.

With this I do not want to generate sensationalism, but it is urgent that you perceive that, through your own acts, ways of thinking or of deciding not to collaborate, you are closing the door to Divine Mercy.

I believe, companions, that after the last Sacred Week you have been faithful witnesses of all material and spiritual effort made for the manifestation of this important meeting and how little help it received from all.

To you, putting the hand on the heart, I ask you to reconsider and put your attention on what is truly essential and what this Work of Love needs to achieve with the loving and sincere help of all My companions.

If this assistance, which today I directly ask you by means of this message, does not come to happen before the end of April, I declare, as of now, that the sacred meetings of May will be cancelled, since to carry forward a work faithful donators are necessary.

I know, since more than two thousand years ago, that it would be very difficult for the souls of this planet to be available to collaborate for love with the Divine Work.

But I ask you, for love, to break this chain of indifference, because on the Day of Judgment, which is approaching, everything will be placed on the table to be judged under the Higher Light.

I thank you for being considerate and responsible!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children, 

On the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, through the Marian Center of Fatima, My Immaculate Heart will try to reach the maximum number of souls, especially when the Center of Lys Fatima carries out its expansion on May 13.

I would like My children of Europe to work on the Campaign for Peace for the purpose of establishing an opportunity within souls to awaken interest in the Divine Plan.

Thus, the entire Campaign for Peace must be carried out with the utmost effort and dedication, so that the foundations for the manifestation of this next pilgrimage may materialize.

Each European Child of Mary will have the opportunity to collaborate and also to be a part of the Campaign for Peace, so that in this way, more results will grow within the consciousnesses.

The creativity and expansion of this Campaign will help to draw the attention of European souls to something more evolutionary and constructive.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent will be considered the new seedbed of the light, because through the great field of inner instruction, souls with a higher degree of resistance will find the portal where they may cross over towards a new level of consciousness.

Thus, this next pilgrimage will be the sower of new seeds of instruction in the field of the European consciousness, in order that souls not only awaken to the reencounter with God, but also feel themselves motivated to be a part of the Islands of Salvation that are being raised within the European continent, and in this way, all of the European consciousness may take a step towards a life of service, leaving behind the superficiality of things.

I want My children who will collaborate in the manifestation of this next pilgrimage to know that they will have the possibility of amply contributing in the process of the Plan of Salvation of My Son.

The foundations of the Campaign for Peace on the European continent will motivate consciousnesses to awaken to the collaboration with and to the materialization of this divine Purpose for Europe.

This is the reason for which said pilgrimage will begin in Portugal, so that all the impulses that will be received may favor and help the greatest number of consciousnesses that, in these times, will be returning to the paths that they had in the past left behind, paths which lead to the Heavenly Brotherhood.

I thank you for materializing My plans of Peace in the world.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

During the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, your Heavenly Mother will try to draw a certain and urgent balance toward a large part of that region, which will be achieved through the adherence of all the Europeans.

From now own, it will be up to them within the principles of charity, goodness, cooperation and fraternity, to lay the foundation so that this liberating pilgrimage can be accomplished. 

This next Pilgrimage for Peace will attempt to reach the spiritual roots of certain matters that over the centuries and times, remained inconclusive and unresolved.

For this reason, I again say that the adherence, the work and the dedication of all the Europeans in gathering the resources for this pilgrimage will show the universe that in truth, the consciousness of all has changed its place and position, has matured and is responding to the need of these times, which is planetary.

The pilgrimage will be developed from what the groups of prayer generate, so that everything may move forward according to what is established by the Divine Plan.

It is time that the Europeans pierce the hard layer of indifference and look around them, to see the need for help and relief of thousands of refugee souls, separated from the chaos reigning in the nations of the Middle East.

Everyone is invited to create the conditions so that this next pilgrimage not only be granted by the Latin Americans, but also the Europeans, called to work extensively in the Campaign for Peace.

Get to work rather than to comfort; Heaven waits for your active participation!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

During the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, your Heavenly Mother will try to draw a certain and urgent balance toward a large part of that region, which will be achieved through the adherence of all the Europeans.

From now own, it will be up to them within the principles of charity, goodness, cooperation and fraternity, to lay the foundation so that this liberating pilgrimage can be accomplished. 

This next Pilgrimage for Peace will attempt to reach the spiritual roots of certain matters that over the centuries and times, remained inconclusive and unresolved.

For this reason, I again say that the adherence, the work and the dedication of all the Europeans in gathering the resources for this pilgrimage will show the universe that in truth, the consciousness of all has changed its place and position, has matured and is responding to the need of these times, which is planetary.

The pilgrimage will be developed from what the groups of prayer generate, so that everything may move forward according to what is established by the Divine Plan.

It is time that the Europeans pierce the hard layer of indifference and look around them, to see the need for help and relief of thousands of refugee souls, separated from the chaos reigning in the nations of the Middle East.

Everyone is invited to create the conditions so that this next pilgrimage not only be granted by the Latin Americans, but also the Europeans, called to work extensively in the Campaign for Peace.

Get to work rather than to comfort; Heaven waits for your active participation!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the world does not listen to the Voice of God through the Celestial Messengers, on the other hand, an important opportunity presents itself to one part of the planetary consciousness that consciously or unconsciously participates of this moment.

Here I speak to you, dear children, of an indescribable atonement, able to modify the destiny of millions of consciousnesses when touched by a Grace that they would not deserve as a nation or as a people. But prayer has opened the correct doors so that in an unexpected way this event could take place.

It is so that all the angels of the Universe prepare themselves for this moment in which the Mercy of God will be poured out for the humanity that needs redemption and true Light the most. In this way, dear children, the Celestial Messengers will open the path to be able to concretize in the spiritual consciousness of some nations a project that previously was impossible to be carried out.

Once more I invite all My praying children to continue accompanying their Heavenly Mother in this unique and extraordinary mission for peace in the world. I lovingly invite you to continue collaborating in all possible forms and with all the possible campaigns. Because thus, My children, more nations and peoples will benefit in the spirit through this divine cause and no longer it will be necessary for them to live the path of suffering.

For all the efforts, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses and heals you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


At the gateway of a Great Mission…

Dear children,

With the bliss of My Spirit, I pour out My Peace on you today so that the perfect and invincible communion with My Son may be established in you.

It will be in the sacred cenacle of the Heart of Christ where the first steps on the redemption and the rehabilitation of souls will be mercifully shown.

This, children, is the beginning of a new stage where many souls will be benefitted by the upcoming pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico.

Your Heavenly Father congregates you in prayer and in cooperation, so that the plans of your Most Holy Mother may be fulfilled in this dear region of the planet, threatened by the exploitation of human beings, of the Kingdoms of Nature, and of innocent society.

It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother gets ready, in prayer, adoration, and silence, to cross the abysses of all those places and thus light fallen stars again, which were lost for different reasons, and which must remember their filiation with God.

On this day, when you, My children, and especially those children who opened their hearts to help me in this plan of redemption and of peace, have generated a positive and pleasant response to the Heart of the Heavenly Father.

The mission to Central America and Mexico will encompass several fields of consciousness, and your Heavenly Mother will be able to enter with Her Kingdom of Light and with all Her angels into the nations that need it the most.

It is thus, My dear children, that through My simple hands the Universe of God will undo the knots that are millenary in the consciousness of humanity.

Each one of your hearts is called to accompany your Holy Mother on this pilgrimage, be it with your prayers, with your offerings, or with your presence on some part of the pilgrimage through the nations of Central America.

It is in this way that, through your support and your loving company, your Heavenly Mother will be able to count on Her soldiers to carry out this work of mercy and of forgiveness for your fellow beings.

The first part of the mission to Central America will work to deactivate the suffering, the indignation, and specially the existing mistreatment of the human Kingdom, and of the lower Kingdoms of Nature.

This task will be possible from the moment in which each child of Mine participates in this pilgrimage from their nation, from their group of prayer, from the Marian Centers, or even inside the operative task of the pilgrimage as a child of Mary.

The second part of the mission in Mexico will try to balance the pain generated since the conquest, upon the indigenous peoples. Through the advocation of the Lady of Guadalupe, during the days of the pilgrimage the deactivation of the suffering of these indigenous peoples can be carried out through an act of forgiveness and of pity, so that in this way Divine Mercy may be established.

The entire route of the pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico can be inwardly and spiritually supported by all the children of Mary and by the groups of prayer in the different nations.

So that My children can be present during the complete pilgrimage accompanying your Heavenly Mother, I invite you to fraternize with My children from Central America and Mexico by sending a greeting of peace to Misericordia Maria TV, which will be shown during the public events.

This section, which will be presented during the public events of the Divine Messengers in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Mexico, will try to create strong bonds of love and of fraternity between peoples and their languages.

It is thus, My children, that each group of prayer as well as each pilgrim, in the moment of presenting their greeting of peace, must have with them the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe as the symbol of union and of love between the nations of the world: Uniting all that is separated.

This section will be called “We unite with Mary in Her Sacred Mission.”

I thank you, children, for the gesture of inner brotherhood that each consciousness will be able to express through this greeting of peace, and this will be the way in which the pilgrims and those who pray in the world will accompany each part of the pilgrimage.

Lastly, My children, with the immense joy of Heaven, I once more thank all of My children for having concretized the mission to Central America and for having responded to My call.

United with each prayerful heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

All the works within the Campaign for Peace must be spread on all media of communication used for this purpose, thus the majority of souls will have the opportunity to know this Marian mission for peace in the world.

My wish, at this moment, is that the new Campaign for Peace, which is protected by the Virgin of Guadalupe, will be known, especially the mission in Central America and Mexico.

I would like to ask all those who pray to once again allow the world to know the different campaigns that are being carried out, so that the Sacred Hearts can pour all Their Graces over Central America and Mexico.

My children, I want other souls to be motivated and enthusiastic to be part of this Marian mission.

This is why Association Mary, as the organizing body of this activity, must immediately publish the distinct campaigns which the groups of prayer are carrying out in their different nations.

I would like this Campaign of Peace to be registered and documented in the portal of the Divine Mother and that any consciousness, anywhere in the world, can know about this divine cause.

I accompany each of My children who, in their nation, will be inspired and will strive to help with the plans of their Heavenly Mother.

I am very grateful.

I thank you for collaborating with My Campaign for Peace!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day I come to announce to you a special request from the Celestial Father.

With My Heart bloodstained, I come to tell you, My little ones, that the pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico will be postponed for two important reasons: first, children of Mine, for the lack of resources, which up to this date have not been completed.

It is not My intention as a Mother that My children in mission go on a pilgrimage through these nations without the manifestation being completed.

You know, dear children, that the Celestial Father expects all of His children in the world to deeply yearn to help in the plans of peace of your Heavenly Mother.

The second cause, dear children, is that it is not in the consciousness of everyone the feeling of what the Celestial Hierarchy is realizing with the purpose of avoiding harmful catastrophes in humanity and in the world.

The Plan of the Universal Father is to save all of His children, regardless of their mistakes and faults committed.

It is in this way that as a Kind and Merciful Mother I will wait during all the month of October until I will be able to see with My own celestial eyes that your help for the materialization of My work is sincere and real.

Therefore, your Heavenly Mother will carry out a new attempt, the third at this time, to be able to reach Central America and Mexico during all the month of November.

I would like to feel from your hearts not only your beautiful prayers, but also your donations to My work of salvation.

We are in an unusual and definitive time when awakening, redemption and salvation are at stake between chaos and the Kingdom of Light. The triumph of My Heart will occur through the awareness of everyone.

With this purpose, I invite all of My children to renew the Campaign for Peace through the diffusion of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, so that in the month of October all of My children may daily offer a mystery of the Holy Rosary, which must be prayed at the feet of My holy image.

I would like to be in every home shining as the Mother of all the people and all the nations.

It is in this way that, in October, Your Heavenly Mother will go on a pilgrimage through Brazil, ardently expecting the Marian mission to Central America and Mexico to be fulfilled during the month of November.

All those who pray and are charitable will have the month of October to collaborate so that this important work of peace may reach Central America and Mexico.

I ask all of My Children from Central America and Mexico to strengthen themselves because I will be with them, I will keep this promise. Pray everyday to the Guadalupana and thus prepare yourselves to receive Me; I also invite you to be part of the Campaign for Peace.

As it was in My divine plans to visit some regions of Brazil again, this pilgrimage of the month of October will be dedicated precisely to help materializing the mission to Central America and Mexico.

It is in this way that the Celestial Messengers will visit:

  • Sao Paulo on the 5th and 6th of October, with the 39th Marathon of the Divine Mercy;
  • on the 12th and 13th of October your Most Holy Mother will visit the city of Sao Jose do Rio Preto;
  • on the 19th of October Saint Joseph will visit the Sacred House of Mary, Paulista Mother;
  • on the 21st of October your Lord will visit the city of Sao Carlos with the Sacred Call,
  • and on the 24th and 25th of October your Mother will return to the city of Campinas. 

As a consequence, the State of Sao Paulo will be very blessed and impelled to collaborate with the Campaign for Peace, with love and fraternity to all their brothers and sisters of Central America. 

Brazil and Argentina are in position to help Me in this Mission of Peace for the month of November. 

I thank you for loving the Will of the Father and accepting it; I expect your adherence of heart! 

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the youth gathered for the first time at the Youth Festival for Peace:

Praised be Christ, dear children!

After the last months of preparation and of having faced tests and challenges, finally, My request is fulfilled and a new phase in the planetary rescue will be accomplished through the integration of the youngest ones within My Campaign for Peace.

I would like, My children, to thank the unconditional support of Association Mary for having opened the doors to the youth and, mainly because some consecrated ones offered to fraternally collaborate in the awakening and in the maturation of the consciousness of the young founders of this spiritual impulse that is being born concretely today for everyone.

Many of the youth present today in Florianópolis, as well as the youths from different Light-Communities, will be able to create this bond of fraternity and service with the Higher Plan of the Celestial Father.

Thus, dear children, this first meeting is the redeemed seed of light that is just sprouting and showing all its potential.

On this day on which there must be joy, love among brothers and sisters and enthusiasm for complying, I invite you to give the best of yourselves and a little more, so that, willing to learn, you may come to know your inner virtues and discover that everything is possible by willing and serving.

This first Youth Festival for Peace has been considered by the Hierarchy as preparation and, at the same time, as a spiritual and material decoupling of all the human ties that My adversary creates among good souls.

This first impulse of the Festival in Florianópolis promises to be the incipient cycle in which new doors will open for the youth that wants to assume its mission for the end of times.

Therefore, you must sustain this first impulse of the Festival until the next six months come to an end, when in the month of January of 2017, the second Youth Festival for peace will bring twice as many people as there are present today.

I invite all the founding youth to work as the Spiritual Hierarchy does, in a cyclic and paused form, so that the true fruits may be able to emerge and mature through the task.

The next six months will be, among prayer, service and diffusion, the preparation for the second Youth Festival for Peace, which will have more social and public importance,as its spirit is, through music, art and the elevation of consciousness through service to the Kingdoms of Nature, to separate from vices all the youths who are submerged in them.

Be aware that, in the meeting of today, My Heart will be with each youth, hoping that the seeds of love and peace may sprout in each being that is present there.

I thank you for responding to My call!

United to each young heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

If at least once a month all the prayer groups of the world, would unite at the same time and at the same hour, as it was yesterday, many planetary things would be resolved and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart would be more visible to all.

It is because of what happened yesterday, with each of the prayer groups, that I am inviting you to unite monthly in prayer, at the same time, on a certain day and hour.

It will be in this way, dear children, that you will be able to understand and accompany the task of your Heavenly Mother with the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.

I need, dear children, your willingness and love to be present, just as you did yesterday, when the triumph of My Immaculate Heart became possible in this part of the world.

I would like, My children, for everyone to understand that planetary prayer makes the works of God triumph and that the world does not have to suffer the consequences of its endless errors of this age.

Therefore, I come, not only to ask you to pray daily for the world and for each one of you, I come to awaken you to the missionary apostleship, a gift of God that impels souls to unconditionally serve the Celestial Father.

In this monthly meeting that I propose to you, we will pray and sing to God for a cause that needs Mercy, but as the causes and needs on the planet are immense, I will prepare you little by little so that you will know how to respond to a greater demand.

Dear children, I want to leave My Love and My supreme gratitude to all those who participated in this campaign for peace in Uruguay through the praying task carried out yesterday, which will be kept in My Heart forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In celestial unity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloved companions and seekers of the celestial truth, today My Chaste Heart only comes to ask you to carry on deepening yourselves in the path of prayer and surrender.

I ask you to not forget of the campaign to which I invited you some time ago, and remember the sacred mission that the missionaries of Mary must carry out as soon as it is possible.

Know that the adversary of God will do everything in order that the missionaries are not able to reach the destination set by the Lord; for this, from now on, as praying soldiers of God who live to fulfill His Plans, place in your prayers and in your hearts this sacred mission, in order that, thus, the paths may be opened and the obstacles imposed by the evil may be dissolved.

For the Sacred Hearts, this mission is of vital importance as well as the campaign to sow the Love in humanity, because – if you fulfill these two purposes – humanity will be sending a sign to Heaven that it ardently aims that Light descends to the world and that evil be dissipated.

Today I tell you that, for all the evil that humanity causes to the planet, to God and to their own fellow humans be dissipated, it is not enough to want; you must pray, act and make many efforts and sacrifices.  You know that the greatest sacrifice of the human being is not the martyrdom of the body, but rather the living experience of humility.  It is for this reason that I send you in order that you will ask for forgiveness and will live the reconciliation, because in this way you will overcome what humanity has always nourished, which is pride and vanity, in favor of the fulfillment of a Superior Plan.

All the conflicts of the world are based on the pride ingrained in the human heart; for this, in order to establish Peace, be humble of heart.

I love you because I know about the greatness of your hearts once you express the truth that is latent in your own interior.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


If I ask you for a Campaign to sow love in humanity, do not worry about the tree that will grow or about the fruit that it may give or not.

My beloved ones, do not think of the results of your actions, because you must learn to sow as God sows in the vast Universe of His Creation. The Lord sends impulses by means of the different Divine Messengers and Instruments that take you to all that has been created. He only gives from Himself for the growth of His creatures.

You must act like God, never losing the hope that love grows and gives its fruit in the human consciousness, but not seeking the results according to what you understand must happen in response to your actions.

Instead of asking for forgiveness, you must give forgiveness and give it to all of humanity; you will give acts of forgiveness and love.

As much you feel you will not obtain any result, only understand that, if you are true and simple and do not seek anything for yourselves, the seed will remain in the human consciousness.

Many times, you are afraid of acting, because you want to act for yourselves. You cannot ask forgiveness for someone seeking a miracle or for a great action to publish on the internet. Remember that you must be pure of heart and that the only reason for the existence of this Campaign is to sow love in humanity and, thus, to dissipate hatred from the human heart. You must have this purpose clear. And never forget of the children of Middle East who await your actions and your prayers in order that they may generate merits for the salvation of these little souls.

Therefore, go without fear; forgive, reconcile yourself with your neighbor, serve and love, for the salvation of your brothers and sisters in the whole world.

I love you and lead you to the essence of a true service.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of all souls


In order for hatred to not be established in the souls, it is necessary to live love.

Today My Chaste Heart shows you the sorrow that it feels for what is being sown in the interior of all of the children that, without comprehending, suffer the terror of the wars in the world.

Only the experience of a profound and true love is capable of balancing these actions of humanity.  For this, today I ask you that, as an act of peace for humanity and, above all, for the children of the world, you dissolve the hatred in your hearts and love those who you know that keep some kind of rancor in their hearts.

Either as a service, going to a place that needs much love, or inside your families, defeat pride and fear, and perform an act of love as your hearts may indicate.

I ask you to be truthful and to not act based on emotions, but based on the profound feeling of the heart.

However much you feel that what you live is not connected to what happens in other regions of the world, you will see that, by performing a true act of love, you will erase from a part of the human consciousness, the hatred that exists and also this one that is being sown by the current wars in the world.

I invite you to a campaign that is going to be called “Sowing Love in Humanity”.  The experiences of everyone may be registered as each one feels and they will be put together and taken to the children who emigrate from their countries in the Middle East and that today need to see that a part of humanity is doing something to balance the sorrow of their hearts.

It will be a simple act, but it will take the beginning of a cure to many hearts.

Spread this call as a great network of love and service in order to erase hatred from human beings.

I love you and I will accompany you in this mission.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children of the Americas, of Central America, and of the United States,

I thank you for the essential union made between your hearts in order to materialize My much waited arrival to Colombia and to the United States of America.

Since the first day that you began your exercise of group prayer for such important cause, My Heart was filled with bliss and with hope by seeing from Heaven the motivation and the effort of your souls in wanting to materialize My sacred designs.

On this extraordinary day, in which your Heavenly Mother visits you from Heaven in order to renew you in faith and in the trust in God, I wish that you might get to know and respond to a especial task, a task that, from this day on, My Immaculate Heart will entrust to you, as a means of help and intercession to make possible the visit of the Divine Messengers to South America and to North America.

Dear children, I ask you, on this day of blessing and of Grace, to continue to pray together for the plans of your Most Holy Mother.  For all to be possible, I invite you to realize a campaign for Peace, so that in this way the plans of the Virgin Mary may be fulfilled in this part of the world.

Children, as your Mother of the homes and of all the families of the world, I wish that each group of prayer may carry out a fundraising campaign that may be the most convenient and simple to them, with the divine goal of manifesting the necessary funds that will permit the materialization of the next pilgrimage of Mary to Colombia and to the United States.

Children, a loving means for this campaign will be the canticles of Mercy Mary, of the Crystal Mother, which can be offered at will in countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic.  Also in the United States, they can be offered to My children, to those who migrated to this country in search of a better life and survival expectance.

I keep all of them in My Heart and in My prayers so that one day they may return to their nations without the need of being separated from their families and from their lands of origin.

Children, you can realize in each of these nations a campaign that may respond to the way of life and to the culture of each people, that which knows and lives Our Lady.  Congregate in the United States all of the Latin Americans that live there, so that the ones who are moved by faith, may collaborate with the plans of the Heavenly Mother.

Each group in each country will be able to exercise its creativity and, in this way, find the means in order to raise the basic funds for the pilgrimages of the Celestial Messengers.  Your Mother of Heaven wishes to motivate you to work in cooperation with the Evolutionary Plan, and above all, that you may experience the love and the fraternity between the languages and the sister nations.

Remember, children, to summon the brothers and sisters of Mexico for this task, because the Spirit of your Lady of Guadalupe will spiritually unify the purpose of this mission to Colombia and to the United States.

Dear children, I reveal to you that the Sacred Family, in Its Humility and Love used to live on simple jobs, but abnegated, in order to fulfill the purpose of God.

Good work and good fraternal cooperation to all!

Who blesses you and unites you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
