Dear children:

Through My presence and the presence of the group that peregrinates with your Heavenly Mother, I am deactivating spiritually what could make half of this city completely disappear, that in its majority is indifferent to the call of God and does not welcome Him.

It is so that your Heavenly Mother and Her missionaries in sacrifice offer themselves to be in the State of São Paulo during the month of October so that the consciousnesses who are here will realize that it is time to leave the point they have reached, time to not remain in their comfort.

Therefore, My children, the Heaven and all that forms the Celestial Universe has its gaze detained in the events that take place in this city of São Paulo; also the Universe observes if the servers of the Most Holy Mother are understanding the importance of keeping alive the house offered for the adoration of the Lord.

It is no longer a time, My beloved ones, to justify yourselves before the urgent need of responding to a call, as well as to the warning, that your most beloved Heavenly Mother makes.

For this reason, a state of permanent transmutation has been installed and some of My missionaries participate and collaborate in this juncture that intends, until the end of October, to leave a seed of greater consciousness.

Therefore all the people from São Paulo, as well as all My children from Brazil and from the world, should have as a goal to collaborate with your Heavenly Mother, for an extraordinary balance and harmony to be installed in the city of São Paulo and for it to be deserving of a greater time of peace.

Your Heavenly Mother invites you to collaborate with the mission to Central America and Mexico in the name of all those who could do it and do not do it.

I want from you a constant operative attitude and not static one. I wish that, as in previous times, the people from São Paulo can come out and help in the maintenance that your house – the beloved Nucleus and island of salvation – performs in the Divine Plan.

I thank you for welcoming each one of My words.

Who waits for you to be more awaken,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Adorers be the ones who understand through the Blessed Sacrament the infinite mystery of the Love of My Son.

Adorers be the ones that, with their fixed gaze on the Blessed Sacrament, attract peace to the planet.

Adorers be the ones who unite with the heart to the great portal of the Mercy of My Son through the venerated Eucharist.

Adorers be the ones who attract in each new exercise the Plan of God to the Earth.

Adorers be the ones that together with their guardian angels deposit the sacred offertory of the adoration in the Heart of God.

Adorers be the ones that receive the Grace through the adoration, not for themselves, but for the world.

Adorers be the ones who establish the spiritual unity between Heaven and Earth.

Adorers be the ones who repair in each adoration the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

Adorers be the ones that together with the Most Holy Mary clamor for Mercy.

Adorers be the ones who cross, with their gaze, the portal of the Blessed Sacrament and enter in the summit of the celestial altars, attracting the Piety and the Compassion of God to the world.

Adorers be the ones who disarm with love, silence and contemplation the plans of the adversary and, only through their adoration of Christ, help to save the souls from the abysses of the consciousness.

Adorers be the ones who receive in humility and simplicity the sacred flame of the Love of Christ so that this flame will multiply in the ones who need it the most.

Adorers be the ones who repair, in each adoration, the outrages against the lower kingdoms, and the ones who implore for Mercy without rest.

May you all be adorers of the Mercy of Christ in this sacred house that I have founded for the Celestial Kingdom, and in every place of the world where there is one soul in adoration, may it know that it will attract the Kingdom of God so that the holy peace will be established.

I thank you for adoring the Most Precious Body of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament!

Who accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Adoration


My most pure channel of Mercy has been opened in this place, so that all the thirsty souls may come here and drink from My Sacred Source of Graces.

I come to this place by means of My Glory and not of My Justice and although many souls may blaspheme the Name of God, My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy is poured over the lost souls of this city, hoping that someday they may reach redemption.

Today My Sacerdotal and Merciful Spirit gathers you again so that each one of My prayerful ones may once more confirm themselves in the consecration to My Sacred Heart.

In Grace and Piety I descend to the world together with the Hosts of the Archangel Michael, to remove the spirits that disturb the souls of God.  In this way, My Sovereign Power liberates you, transmutes you and takes away from you the ties that do not allow you to walk in confidence towards My Most Sacred Heart.

But through the constancy of the Adorers of My Eucharistic Body, you, My companions, have received the Grace of My Holy inner and spiritual Presence.

Thus, I congregate you again and again around My Table, so that you may always remember that I will be waiting for you, so that every day of your lives you may commune of My Body and of My Blood.

The whole humanity faces in this 21st century the first moment of the Divine Justice, but every day at 3 pm, when the clock strikes the time of My Death on the Cross, I pour from the Universe, the Source of Salvation and of Redemption.

Now that you have already been formed as soldiers of prayer, I hope in the silence that you walk among darkness, and that you do not fear to face the old self, to whom time to die has come so that the Light of the Creator may be born in all of you.

While millions of living souls all over the Earth are facing the planetary transition, in the Humility of God and in the name of love, I bow before My ones so that they may ascend to the Eternal Father through the stairway to Heaven which today I internally show to all.

I hope that you love more each day, because in truth I tell you, it will be the love of the heart that will defeat all evil and will resurrect the dead, as well as I once resurrected many in the past.

For this reason and for an infinite purpose, I descend in light in this place and in this city, so that in time, the souls may recognize My call to live redemption, penance and the reconciliation through the Ecumenical Communion.

While I wait for the souls to wake up, I come on this glorious day to strengthen the vows that many have made with My Sacred Heart, which today is shown to the world trespassed by the crowns of thorns that unfair souls put on Me day by day.

But today I tell you that the strength of your love is what has allowed Me to be among you and with all the hearts of the world that suffers.

The world fades without being able to see the light, and each act that you may offer to Me for the times to come, will allow one soul to be rescued by My Love.

May this Marathon represent the confirmation of your spirits to the planetary mission, which will manifest itself through the unity between your small hearts.

Under the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be blessed and brave.

Thank you, My companions, for removing the ungrateful thorns from My sorrowful Heart.

Christ Jesus, your King


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

For Christ to be able to arrive here, He had to make a great spiritual movement, which was accompanied by the song we were singing.

He said that today He came accompanied by the hosts of Archangel Michael, and manifested Himself as a Priest.

Then, He presented Himself as the Sacred Heart pierced by the ungrateful thorns of the world. And, through this presence, He permanently showed Himself  and gave each one of us a very concrete example of how this planetary reality is; in this case, here, in Sao Paulo. But while He showed this situation of the souls of Sao Paulo, regarding ingratitude, He gradually also showed several things that were happening in the world.

The moment the Master appeared, He extended His arms and opened His Hands towards us, as a Priest. And under His feet the whole world was manifested. It showed various little dots that revealed several situations on the planet.

At that moment, Christ began to give His Message, and He called each one of us to be in deep serenity, because it will be the way we will be able to face the end of times.

For the first time after so much time, in the Messages that are transmitted by Christ for each Marathon, He extends Himself in His dialog through this Message. At a certain moment, we thought He would not cease to speak, and, from what we saw here, He wrote various pages, because He knows it is necessary for each one of us to understand what His Sacred Heart is feeling at this moment, concerning what is happening in this world, in this twenty-first century.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
