Saturday, January 16 of 2016

Daily Messages

Sister Lucía de Jesús: We were doing a group task with all the members of the Aurora Light-Community, Fraternity, in Uruguay, where we live, and we concluded the work journey with the transmission of the daily message of Saint Joseph. Although He had arrived from a refugee camp of the Middle East, Saint Joseph transmitted to us a message especially directed to the Light-Communities but, as He Himself explained to us, it may be useful to all those who consider themselves as servers of God and consecrated to His Plan. May all those who read this message practice these words, adapting them to their own lives. This was a request of Saint Joseph.

Fraternity is something that should characterize this world, an attribute that all the beings of the Earth should carry within so that it may become the starting point for the experience of Christic love. In order to give your lives for your friends, you must first learn to be fraternal.

There are beings who manage to be fraternal by the nature of their own spirits, but others will have to sweat their own egos a lot, in a hard work of transcendence of their own opinions, wills and necessities; they will have to live a true renewal of what they call “priorities” of their lives.

The priority of the human beings incarnated in this world should be, in truth, the perfect experience of love and unity with one another, each one with God and all with Him. Having this as the only priority, everything else can be adapted.

If you think you have a greater necessity than living fraternity and love, start to meditate right away about the reason for your lives and the purpose of your existence in the world.

Seek, for an instant, the reason why you wake up every day. Why do you work, study, eat, drink, build homes, schedule your days, make plans? What is the true meaning of all this?

You must not think that life restricts its purpose to your simple necessity of being alive and comfortable in this world! Or do you?

If the soul does not find a superior purpose for which to get up every day, it gradually loses interest in life.

You must make of this experience on Earth a permanent act of renewal, of transcendence, of overcoming, of freedom in God, to love! Freedom from yourselves, so that you can give yourselves to your neighbor without limits and without restrictions.

Everyone thinks they live for a superior purpose. Everyone believes they are in the world to learn love, but when they are before the food on the table, they try to quickly take the best for themselves. If they see that somebody else needs help, they pretend not to see it. If they go to a group task, they quickly seek who they like the most or who they most “need”. Are there not any other brothers or sisters who would need, more than you, to put their feet upon the ground and take care of a flower, while you could do some other task inside the house?

Those who live in the communities know what I mean. I ask for forgiveness for those who will not understand My words and it will take some time to instruct those souls, so much loved by God, who have decided to surrender their lives for the fulfillment of His Plans and who must reflect if they are really doing so.

These words will serve for all who consider themselves servers of the Plan and consecrated to God, because they must take them to their own daily routines and meditate about themselves, never about the other.

So, truly think: are you here to serve the Plan, or to live your transformation and nothing else?

Since we spoke about the Christs of the new time, are some of you working for the Christification of others or do you only think about the possibility of being a Christ yourself? You must realize that, even while this is a superior purpose, you are thinking about yourselves.

If you need to be alone and somebody needs your presence, will you pretend not to see him or her? If you want to sleep early and there is someone who has not finished their duties, will you think, “better one tired person than two?"

Dears, I speak to you as a father, because I know that souls want to grow and they must do so. The times of definition are no longer knocking on the door; they have entered your homes and are demanding from all a truly spiritual life.

If humanity does not take a step towards true fraternity and love and remains partially surrendered to God, the Plan will never be fulfilled the way the Lord expects it to be fulfilled.

God silences Himself and seeks to find you in the most profound essence of your hearts. Has anybody sought Him? Have you created conditions so that your brothers and sisters can do so?

Reflect if the true purpose of your souls is the life of the spirit.

Do you want to construct an island of salvation and rescue? So, rescue, while there is time, your own spiritual life.

I love you and that is why I tell you all these things. May every one take them within.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph