If you have eyes to see Me in your brothers and sisters, if you have ears to hear Me in your brothers and sisters, if you feel My Love radiate through your brothers and sisters, why do you doubt I am here?
My Omnipresence is unknown to the world. My Omnipotence has not yet been fully revealed to humanity.
I am present and silent in all places where two or more gather in My Name to recognize Me and call Me Shepherd of souls.
I contemplate, I accompany and I pray for each one of the inner situations of My apostles, in the same way that I prayed for the apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane.
I see and I observe all the needs. I take into My Heart all the situations of life.
Receive, then, My absolution on this blessed day so that, from My Love and My Compassion, you may learn to live. In this way, you will have the courage to face your own miseries without defiance, and without rejecting them or denying them. You must transform them with the patience that faith gives you and the wisdom that love gives you.
Continue, every day, to live the path of redemption for Me, your faithful Friend.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Consciousness does not come from this world, I emerged from a Source very similar to a pond of light. I came to the Earth for a purpose that was fulfilled and I shall return to it for a mission yet to be accomplished.
For this reason, I must have apostles in the last times to be witnesses of the advent of Christ; within them, I forge Christic life, based on unconditional love for others.
I teach you to love life and to accept it according to the debt of each one.
I offer you a life free of oppression and calvaries, I have already gone through that school for each one of you. Now the moment has come for your hearts to go through the end of times with courage; thus you will learn to love much more than I have loved.
You will always have a Father Who will guide you and protect you, this is why He surrendered His Son so that the experience of love and of forgiveness could be a living reality on the entire Earth.
Now it is up to My disciples to be witnesses until the end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Just love one another, as I have loved you, as Father and Lord, from My Birth until My Ascension.
Love one another always, and may this love of the heart never be missing from you, however poor or imperfect, may it be true and healthy love, capable of understanding and of accepting everything.
Love one another, much more than I love you, and surpass Me in love and in surrender. I have told you that you would do greater things than I did and this continues to be real and current for Me.
Love one another until you can express compassion, honesty, and transparency.
Love one another without fearing to unmask your characters and to only live for love and in love.
Love one another because it will be the love between brothers and sisters, disciples and friends, that will liberate you from yourselves.
Love without fearing to always say “yes” and to donate yourselves much more than I donated myself.
Love one another so that love may abound on Earth and so that it may be love that will defeat evil, falsehood and all pride.
Love one another in truth and you will fulfill My great Commandment.
Love one another and peace will not be lacking.
I thank all of you who made it possible to fulfill My call this year and those who will fulfill it next year so that the graces may abound on Earth.
Who blesses you always,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Liberate me, Lord,
from the fear of any pain
that I may have to face.
May this liberation,
that only You will grant me through Your Grace,
help me to learn from suffering
and to not fear it.
Because I know, Lord,
that in everything there is a reason
and You, My Beloved, give us wisdom
to be able to understand it and accept it,
just as You silently and humbly accepted it
in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of seeing
the holy redemption everywhere
and how the powerful Love of Your Heart
transforms all and cures all.
Stay with me, Lord,
in every moment,
at least until I learn
to recognize Your Will
and to fulfill it, step by step.
In the difficult and bitter moments
let me be close to You, just to contemplate You
in the luminous power of Your Holy Eucharist.
That by means of this offering, Lord,
I may find the strength and much courage,
every day, to overcome
my ideas, likes and satisfactions.
Make me surrender at Your Feet, Lord,
so that my pride,
vanity and arrogance may kiss them,
and all adversity or inner selfishness
may be dissolved by the balm of Your Light.
I trust in You, dear Jesus.
You, who know my weaknesses,
transform them all,
even though my sacrifice is just
a small grain of sand
in this vast Universe.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May your woes be forgiven and may the ties be freed so that Jesus may finally reign within you with all of His Power and Majesty.
May your anguish be dissolved and your agony disappear so that Jesus may finally reign in you, with all of His Power and Majesty.
The consecration of a soul is eternal, as the consecration of the one who lives it in emptiness and humility is eternal.
For this reason, child, in this time of great tempests, confirmations, and tests, may Jesus finally reign so that He, with all of His Power and Majesty, may make of your soul an instrument of His Plan and a light in the greatest darkness.
Have courage and continue trying to live daily renunciation to all that most satisfies you and brings you gratification.
Continue the struggle, in the name of the Power of Jesus, so that from this human race New Christs may emerge, free of the prisons of life and full of the Holy Spirit.
Absolutely believe that you are in a transition that has not yet ended.
Believe that with each test and challenge you transcend, you will achieve the Plan of the Redeemer and thus participate in His Work of Mercy.
I am here to give you the impulse. I am here because I Am your Gentle Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Every day, cleanse your heart with luminous prayer and, in this way, time and again, you will gradually achieve codes of perfection.
While you are in the world, you will learn to survive your own miserable human difficulties.
But have a spirit of enthusiasm and courage because each time you go through a test, and you manage to transcend or overcome it, you will find the inner strength and courage so that, one day, all may be transformed.
The human condition is the greatest obstacle for the souls that must express their virtues and their potential.
The human condition is the main test for improvement for the disciples that are willing to surrender to the Lord.
Meanwhile, with inner courage, experience, every day, the challenges that life gives you, not as a difficulty, but rather as the opportune moment for taking steps directly toward the light that dwells within, towards the inner God.
Continue forward without thinking that you will not manage to redeem yourself; on the contrary, affirm, day after day, that you have the possibility of finding within this life the meaning of your mission and your existence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When the Father decides to accomplish His Will, the universe responds, and that Supreme Will is fulfilled, above all things.
For this reason, you must trust that, if it is the Will of God that good be done, it will be done, and nothing will be able to oppose it.
My children, feel in your hearts how the sacred Principles of the Father manifest in creatures by means of the Will of God, and these Principles are expressed through the love that emerges from your hearts and lives.
The Will of God is undeniable and He presents it through the Angels of God, who accomplish His Designs.
I encourage you to cling to the Will of the Creator, because, in this way, nothing within you or outside of you will be able to hurt you.
Encourage yourselves to be like the Angels of Heaven; encourage yourselves to be in likeness to Me and live the Will of God in this time, just as I lived it while facing the Archangel Gabriel.
I bless you, on this day, and I thank all of you who collaborated and made My Pilgrimage for Peace possible in Argentina and Chile, once again. Special thanks were placed within the hearts that opened on this blessed Pilgrimage.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let the weight or the anguish that your heart may feel not precipitate into your consciousness. It is at the moments of greater tests when the great spirit of temperance must be born and emerge. As a Mother, I comprehend and understand what it means to go through a culminating and crucial moment.
Beyond what might seem painful or difficult, you must learn, children, to see the omnipotent Will of God acting, which comes to safeguard you and protect you from yourselves. A Greater Will that has tried from the beginning of this planet to place the human consciousness on the true path of its evolution.
Encourage yourself to say "yes" to the pain, to the test, or even to the suffering that God sends you, because all of this will make your hearts stronger, and the human illusion of believing that life begins or ends here will dissolve.
I come as Mother of the pain lived by My Son, to give you the spirit of valor, the impetus to live with courage and determination this end of times, which most human beings do not accept living or facing and only try to escape from the true reality.
May this moment and this transition place each one of My children before the true reality of how the Plan of God should be carried forward in trust, in love, and feeling in the depths of the heart, just as I felt it when His Mother said "yes" to God through the Archangel Gabriel.
To accept, in this time, realities, truths, and revelations that vibrate and that are far from human control, power, or a personal inquiry into things, will be the keynote that will lead the human consciousness into defining if it loves the Plan of Our Creator more than itself, because that will demarcate the next step of the human race and its future destiny.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The path of the prayer of the heart will always lead you to experience a great change in consciousness and a great change within your life. Prayer will allow you to feel your true existence, and, in this way, you will find the meaning for being here in this definitive time.
Everything that the prayer of the heart can do in the life of a sincerely devout soul is indescribable. It is thus that, in these times, the prayer of the heart can open the doors to the universe of Grace, Mercy and Healing for the hearts of the world.
Prayer is capable of avoiding planetary catastrophe and can lead souls that are in danger and need to enter the path of protection.
Thus, prayer is a great mystery to be unveiled as within its essence lies the path for simply living new things.
Prayer represents a dialogue that souls must have with God at the moment of entering into communion with His Divine Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you always on this path of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the pains be far away from your heart, because I, your Most Holy Mother, am with you.
May the arts of My adversary be far away, because My mantle protects your walk and your task, as well as those of your brothers and sisters.
May the sins of ingratitude and denial be far away from you, because inside of My Heart you will only feel peace and the eternal flame of the Creator's Light.
My children,
On this day in which I am with you by the Divine Grace that the Father has granted Me, I come to bring Peace, Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy to My children of the world once again.
A new cycle begins to My soldiers, to the apostles of Christ and to all humanity. My Son has announced the definitive beginning of His Return. He returns, first of all, to the hearts of the children who are faithful to His Mercy, those in whom He prepares the path of transformation and of the emerging of the spiritual gifts that He sowed in each one of you, over two thousand years ago.
Such gifts will flourish in each soul, at each step taken in the sincere transformation of each being. Remember that He does not need you perfect, only good and pure of heart, faithful to His Presence and to His Guidance in this life, which will be the step that will place some of you in Paradise.
At each step that each one of you takes in the discipleship of Christ, this world and this humanity take a step towards their liberation and their salvation.
For this, My children, beloved children, children who are strong and firm in renounce and in sacrifice, always remember that your path, the one you are traversing together with My Son today, will be the seed for the New Humanity, that humanity which is so much awaited by all.
Do not fear anything, because We, the Divine Messengers, have left inside of you the keys for the indissoluble union with the Heart of God, the ones that open up the doors of Liberation, of Redemption and of the eternal Peace for all.
In your stars of origin, today is a day of celebration because a cycle of the dissolution of debts, of redemption of the experiences and of the definitive pathway of the Christic life has begun. In this cycle, you will learn that love which Christ taught to His Apostles, you will learn how to love and to be loved in the way He loved you.
Courage to those who shall see the next cycle as the best of their existences, the one that will prepare them to meet the Redeemer face to face. In that glorious day, may you lovingly merge yourselves in His Gaze and be able to receive the Eternal Grace that the Supreme God keeps for each one of you.
Today I bless you, My daughter, in order for your path to be guarded by Me, your Celestial Mother.
I bless all the children who today, in humility and reverence, are in My Presence.
Who keeps you in Her Heart of Mother,
Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the definitive healing and liberation for your lives because it is only through Me that you will achieve Mercy and be sanctified.
For this today I tell you once more to not fear because of the veils that fall now from your faces, in the face of what you had believed before. I do not only pour over you My Infinite Graces but I also show you the truth by means of the tests and of the constant challenges of transcendence for your hearts and consciousnesses.
When you manage to discover that which comes from yourselves and that torments you, do not detain yourselves thinking how you will get rid of it. Proceed in an intelligent way and declare through My Merciful Heart that you belong to My Eternal Light and to the perfect unity with My Father. In this way, that which must be burned by My Divine Fire will not disturb you anymore because each time that it may present itself to challenge you, you will have cultivated a peaceful heart and an open heart to the great transformation.
When I tell you all these things it is because I am talking directly with that part of your being that is already old and to which has arrived the moment of dying, so that your blessed spirit may be able to be born. For this be patient because in this earthly life there is still much to overcome and to learn. This will allow you to always have a joyful heart, capable of elevating itself to God and of not feeling guilt.
I invite you to get to know the science of the Divine Mercy, in this way you will be awakened to that which is true. It is necessary to be brave to be with Me. Because of this, very few take the risk to say yes to Me out of love for transformation.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
My thirst will not be calmed until when each one of the souls has turned itself towards Me and seeks Me as the only light for the world.
I will allow that all of My Flocks learn and mature but I will not allow any of them to be lost. Before that it happens I will have returned in Glory to pour My Graces in those who have lost them by conceit or vanity.
I will open with the key of My Heart the door of My Kingdom and in My Return all of you will be able to see with wisdom that which I have prepared for all from the moment in which I departed towards the universe.
For this until the last moment will be necessary courage and braveness to face the last steps of transcendence and liberation.
Pray constantly so that My Spirit may make itself present in you and you may not waste time in searching for Me. Know that I Am eternally present in your little hearts.
Only allow Me to show Myself as your true love and your true light for the soul and for life. Trust in Me.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Dear children,
May your lips never tire of offering praises and blessings to the Heart of God, because in this way, in the name of humanity, you will be praising all of Creation.
My children, may your hearts rejoice on this day because My Son is present in your lives and He, at this hour, needs all of your True Love.
My little ones, bring on this day My banner of peace in your hands so that the powerful flame in your hearts may radiate faith and devotion to those children that have lost it.
In times of conversion, I need you firm and brave so that those who still do not believe in My call will be able to return to the arms of God through My Heart. The time of definitive salvation is for all, and you, as My beloved children, can count on My Maternal Help.
Dear children, know that after having walked so much with Me throughout all this time, there exists a unique and precious opportunity for all souls to find God in this last hour. Just as I took Jesus in My arms to the Temple of God, today I present all of you so that My Father may pour His Mercy and His Pity on you. Each step that you take in this life means so many steps for many other souls that must unite to God the Creator.
Dear children, therefore raise your prayers tirelessly towards the Heights, and may your open hearts be receptors of My Immaculate Love.
My little ones, with My eyes of Mercy I contemplate you because, from Eternity, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, My task is for love, the task of bringing you to the encounter with My Son.
I thank you again on this day for walking at My side; My Heart has been walking at your side for a long time.
Now, My Light has reached your hearts to awaken them to the celestial reality.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I give My Peace to all My children and today I call you to trust in God, because in the end of these times your faith must be mature and it must be impregnated by your prayer.
My children, carry in your hearts the Love of My Son because it is in the Love of My Son that your lives will find the trust that all need before the mystery of God.
Dear children, while the times are changing, your prayer must be pronounced as nourishment for life. Therefore, may in your hands arise the prayer given and radiated from the heart. Seek the Source that nourishes all things, may it be the water that quenches the thirst of your hearts and of the hearts that are alone in life.
Your communion with My Son through prayer will reveal to you the power that love has when it awakens in souls.
Dear children, your hearts must be temples that are redeemed and consecrated to the Living God, the Almighty God that is aware of everything, that loves everything, that knows everything.
Therefore, My children, may your consciousnesses, within the trust of God, embrace the Love of the Most High so that, together with the angels of Heaven, you may help all hu- manity. May your hearts not fear for anything; may you walk with bravery to accomplish the beloved Purpose of God.
Dear children, open your arms to all so that the heart may show you how simple it is to love with devotion.
My little ones, the love of each one of you will give life to that which seems to be lost and will bring healing to that which seems to be in pain. The Love of My Immaculate Heart is the primordial reference for your lives. The one who is in My Son is also in My Heart, is in the Great Consciousness of God.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
In this time you must have a pure heart, and to live with a pure heart you must pray with a totally pure love, and to pray with a totally pure love you must be day by day in the Heart of My Son.
In the end of these times souls are weakened by the influences that they receive from the enemy and from the different states of humanity. This generates consequences, at times irreparable, in many hearts that, within the life of illusion, believe themselves to be on the correct path.
As the Protecting Mother, I invite you day by day to prayer so that in this definitive time your hearts may perceive and may feel what is true, healthy and good for life. If you fall into the normality of this fast time, do not be discouraged, but awaken even more the power of prayer on your lips. And when you feel that you cannot walk, call for the Light of My Immaculate Heart.
If souls read My messages, My words would strengthen them and through prayer they would be able to walk in love and bravery. The souls that in this time live upon this world are not the same as the souls of yesterday. This time of changes and of transformation must be supported by your loving and fervent prayer of the heart.
Dear children, in this way you will help yourselves and will assist many hearts that are crying out for relief and forgiveness. God awaits you to walk at His side in this end of times, and to reach down to the depths of the abyss so that the souls of this world may raise again and reconcile themselves with the Most High.
You, My dear children, are in the time of the definition of the spiritual path of millions of consciousnesses. Therefore, prayer will be a perfect shelter in this time and My Maternal Heart will help you, whenever you call Me.
Dear children, today I give you My Forgiveness and My Celestial Light because I love you and I know what is best for each one of you.
I await you always in prayer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today, once more, in My spiritual visit to Medjugorje I ask that you recognize the presence of My Peace in your hearts. My Love wants to convert your souls into a garden of roses and into an inexhaustible fountain of peace.
My children, by accepting this call from My Maternal Heart, pain will no longer exist in you so that in this way the Love of the Redeemer may be born again.
Dear children, I want your consciousnesses to not complain anymore about the difficulties and the tests of life. I invite you to remain in My Maternal arms so that you may walk in sacrifice.
My little ones, the world is carrying so much pain. For this reason you must be true emanations of My Peace upon the face of the Earth.
Dear children, in order to correct the past, the tests and the pains, you must surrender your lives into the Hands of the Creator. In this way, in the name of all those who do not pray, do not adore and do not love God, you will be making an important surrender of your hearts to the Most High.
Walk in this time under the Bravery and Love of Christ be- cause your missionary hearts must now give everything for humanity.
Smile to the life that God has given you with so much love; be thankful from the heart and serve, in peace, those in most need through prayer and the service of the heart. In this way the towers of peace will rise from the Light of your hearts.
I thank you for living My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear and beloved children,
Before anything that happens in the world you must irradiate the absolute peace of the heart which is coming to life in each one of My children through the daily coming of My Immaculate Heart for your lives.
That today, My children, may harmony prevail in your hearts so that the peace of Christ may settle in them. It is necessary to have much bravery for this time, a bravery that brings you to donate yourselves to God so that the plans of My Peace are fulfilled throughout the world.
Today I call you in a special way to convert yourselves into a point of prayer and devotion so that in this way the angels may help in the salvation of many souls. For this dear children, I place you close to the Kingdom of the Lord and thus your hearts will participate in the inner communion with My Son.
Today I also invite you in obedience to live from prayer, as a primary instrument that will quench the thirst of the spirit and will allow you to meet with My Son, who awaits you in love and in forgiveness.
For this dear children, open the doors of your hearts so that My Heart of Peace may sow itself in your lives and thus you may see the purpose of the Creator. Through absolute trust in God you may accompany step by step, My plans of salvation for each one of the souls.
Awaken in your lives that which My Son has left you as a legacy: the Good News and live them as precious precepts for the transformation and the consecration to God the Father.
May the Holy Spirit be the guidance for each one of My children. Start this day in prayer because you know that I support you above all things.
I love you. Be in My Maternal Peace.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Between you and I, a thread of love.
In your prayer together with Me, the call for peace. In your heart, My beloved Kingdom.
Between the Earth and Heaven, My Immaculate Heart. A sublime voice calls for all its children.
A hope of igniting again the Light in hearts.
I call your heart so that your soul may respond. I call your life to prayer. Consecrate your inner world to My Heart; I wait for you always in prayer. I want to have with all My children an inner communion that may transcend barriers and may dissolve loneliness. I love all My children who day by day consecrate themselves, because from them will emerge the bridge of salvation to other children who are distant from Me.
Therefore, My little ones, courage for life and prayer for the soul; in this way you will form a heart abnegated to the Divine Call.
Gathering the flocks by means of the Light of My Heart, all are led to the feet of Christ. He awaits you for the surrender. He awaits you so that you may love others. He awaits you during the night in prayer and in vigil. Each soul must extend its arms to receive Divine Mercy. Each trusting heart will be able to see the light of Christ in the path when the pure soul surrenders to His Presence of Love. Each heart must imitate Him so that in this way the Light in the heart may grow. He loves you deeply. He counts on the giving of your hearts. All hearts are asked for one more step in life.
Dear children, this is a lesson of surrender before the Ministry of Our Lord. For this reason, My little ones, we are at the time of living prayer as a living nourishment for life. It must be the daily strength for your hearts.
Little sheep, the Lord calls His children to a prayer that may restore the world.
Who loves you and adores you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more