Welcome the Science of God that is revealed and allow it to settle within you. Do not try to understand it immediately, but rather feel it and experience it, little by little, until it transforms you and reveals itself.
Learn to know, by living. Learn to welcome, by loving. Learn to transform yourselves, by being companions of God, each day a little more, and not just His children.
Aspire to be the new in this world.
Aspire to experience the unknown.
Aspire to be precursors of a new time, manifested truths, a new experience for the entire Creation.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
What happens today in some nations of the world is the reflection of what once occurred in the Universe.
Everyone was once a participant in a very ancient history, which transcended the times until the present day.
Everyone was present and participated in an event within the Universe that changed the Plan of God, in the sense of its realization and its fulfillment.
Everyone comes from a spiritual and universal origin. In these origins, the first learnings began which, in most cases, were learnings and experiences that made you arrive here, to the Earth, to be able to someday attain forgiveness and redemption.
Each one of My children carries within themselves a history, not visible to human eyes but known to the eyes of the spirit.
This is the time in which this history, which occurred in the Universe, will close so that another stage may begin and humanity may be finally liberated from the endless chain of errors.
For this reason, children, there are certain events, still unknown to you, which are kept in the history of your spiritual being. Your spiritual being is what deeply knows all the causes and consequences that were once experienced by you in the Universe.
Everyone comes from a somewhat traumatic experience. Everyone comes from ancient wars in the Universe that only sought the conquest of space and the benefit of personal evolution, for this, having skipped the Law of the Hierarchy and the Law of Love.
This history, which is still recorded in the Universe, remains there, waiting to be purified by each of My children, in the moment and the hour that corresponds to you.
Within each one of you, this history, of great conflicts in the Universe, has greater or smaller intensity according to the experiences lived and the participation of each one within these events.
This is the time to put an end to this history because humanity, throughout the nations and throughout time, has repeated the same errors again, so similar to the most determining facts that were once lived in the Universe.
The higher planes expect that each one of My children, by means of service and of surrender, can help dissolve and repair these past events. Thus, humanity will have the grace of going into a new cycle with greater possibilities of deepening in love and in service.
In this sense, everything that was once experienced in the Universe is not only the result of the conflicts caused by the ambition of knowledge and of power but were also delicate experiences that left indelible marks in the consciousnesses.
Now that everyone can be more aware of this and can help break this chain of errors that humanity still lives and commits, you must know that prayer will be that key that will open the right door so that all of these histories of the Universe can be forgiven and the souls may have the opportunity of beginning to walk with hope.
Coming into contact with this history of the Universe, in which the majority participated in, is to return to the conscious commitment to live forgiveness, healing and redemption, beyond what has happened.
Therefore, everyone who today becomes conscious that they are not only beings incarnated on Earth, they will receive, in the name of humanity, the possibility to change the destiny of history so that finally all beings may live the great moment of redemption.
This is the time in which the history of the Universe will come to light so that the consciousnesses may also learn to redeem itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From the deepest Love of God, emanated the Fount of Healing.
From His purest aspiration that each being may attain Perfection, the Fount of Redemption was born.
From His purest aspiration, that beings may be liberated from their errors and from the duality that they live on this planet and in this Universe, the Fount of Liberation was born.
And as the union of this Divine Purpose, for all beings, the Consciousness of Aurora was born in the Heart of God, as an emanation of His Feminine Principle.
Aurora was born as a state of consciousness, which concentrates within itself the maternal energy which comes from God, united with His profound Love for creatures. Because it was thus, within this consciousness of maternity and of Love, that the Principles could gather: the Principle of Healing for all spiritual and material infirmities; the Principle of Redemption for all errors and mistakes lived by beings; and the Principle of Liberation, so that, regardless of the degree of the bonds to which a consciousness was submitted, everything could be liberated.
This state of consciousness, called Aurora, brought new hope for the Universe. Aurora is the Light that emerges resplendent after a cycle of darkness. Aurora is the possibility, that all beings receive, of returning to God in this Universe and in all others. Aurora is the expression of the Love of God for life.
So incommensurate is the Love of the Father, that He, placing His Eyes over the planet and contemplating the human errors and deviations, delivered to humanity one of His most beloved treasures: the Consciousness of Aurora.
This cosmic and universal Principle of God, created to help Him in the evolution of all beings, was projected and placed within the planet, in spaces that safeguarded its presence and that became sacred by Aurora.
This Aurora, sometimes explosive, sometimes silent, has never been understood by human beings.
This state of divine consciousness, after welcoming within it the principles that emerged from the Heart of God, also concentrated in itself rays and emanations that came from the heart of the Archangels, called Elohim, and the Sublime Mirrors of God, called Emerald Mirrors, because they concentrated within themselves the necessary vibrations of Healing so that all beings, born of the Divine Source, could return to it.
The Emerald Mirrors that concentrated within the Consciousness of Aurora hold in themselves the registers of the Origin of each being, of each race, of each essence, of each planet, of each star, of each Kingdom of Nature. They hold within themselves the records of the Origin of Life. Because it is through them that Healing takes place: when those who have deviated from Divine Purpose receive, from the emanations of the Emerald Mirrors, the purest Thought of God for themselves, the original vibration of His creation. And thus, they can convert their errors and return to the Father.
Aurora is not only the Healing for the planet, but Aurora is also the Healing for all Life; however, so great is the Love of the Father, that part of this Consciousness was given to the Earth, as a symbol of the importance of the planet for all universal and cosmic evolution.
The time has come for Aurora to be profoundly known and revered by the beings who recognize the Truth in the divine revelations, and who understand with the heart the grace of being within the Consciousness of Aurora.
Live in Aurora, My children, with the reverence of the archangels. Feel yourselves within the Divine Consciousness and as participants of God's purest Love for life. Because this is Aurora.
May all beings recognize in Aurora this Divine Grace because, through gratitude, they will cross its portals and receive Its Healing.
Aurora is the manifested Love of God. And today you are invited, My children, to awaken to this Love.
Through you, may the Graces of Aurora finally arrive in this wounded world because the planet needs it and, more than that, the Creation needs it.
I bless you and thank you for loving the Divine and Cosmic Consciousness of Aurora. Its mystery is revealed so that you can awaken.
I love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
While the Sacred Book of God opens to reveal the true history of the Creation, the Universal Son listens attentively the words of the Sweet Mother, and, after Her Message has been propagated, the Redeemer gives continuity to the history written in the Greater Universe.
The “degrees of love” were the most direct path for Adam and Eve to be able to transcend and overcome duality.
It was thus that sometime later the Universal Project, which had begun on Earth with the first settlers of humanity, had to transit different schools of learning that began to arrive in the form of experiences and processes of life.
The place called Eden was the location within the Earth that was put to test.
The next generations of Adams and Eves, aware of duality and free will, began to define within themselves the importance of giving continuity to the Greater Will that had brought them to the Earth.
They knew they were Children of God, that they had a Higher Father Who had given them everything He had so that they might be happy. They knew He was a Father of pure love that had created everything that exists in Heaven and on Earth so that the Adams and the Eves would love Him and recognize Him.
In this scene of Eden, as the Bible expresses, the tempting presence of the symbol of the serpent was not absent; a parallel movement that the adversary articulated to convince the Children of God that they, by having more freedom, could choose more, and thus satisfy themselves.
This whole plan of the fallen angel tried to boycott the Original Project that, in the end, was interfered with.
But the other Archangels of the Mental Universe helped the following generations of the Adams and the Eves to continue ahead and fulfill this yearned for Project of God, which holds planet Earth as the scene.
In that time, the Archangels made the Adams and Eves become aware that they had not been faithful, that by the error of their first parents, Adam and Eve, they had acquired duality and, as a result, they acquired original sin, which means to be born with a spiritual stain of impurity, due to what had happened in the past.
But within the aspiration of God, this Project of His first children began to be accomplished when they themselves discovered within that they could live a love as great and similar to the one the Father expressed for all through the manifestation of Creation.
For this reason, the Archangels made the Faithful Children of God become aware that they could overcome their choices and differences if, in truth, they loved life and everything that exists.
It was thus, some generations after Adam and Eve were capable, with their limited knowledge, of loving Creation, just as the Heavenly Father loves it.
In this school of being able to experience the first steps of Christic Love, there has been no shortage of temptations and tests, which lead to defining the future continuity of the first settlers of Earth.
The Archangels gave an infinity of impulses, spiritual and practical keys for the Adams and Eves to keep the principles that had brought them to the Earth alive so that later they might represent and be the reflection of a first terrestrial Brotherhood, which would faithfully follow the attributes of God.
In that time, these first people of the Earth attained this aspiration of God and managed to live very civilized patterns of behavior, which led them later to express, as states of consciousness, Christic codes in personal and family life.
In this way, God, as the Father of all that was created, testified in the origins of the Earth that, in spite of the plan of duality, of the fallen angel, the first human beings were able to overcome all barriers of consciousness through the unconditional surrender to the Designs of God and, especially, through the primary living of Christic Love.
The passage of the first settlers of the Earth and the result reached by the intervention and the work of the Archangels gave, as a result, the continuity of humanity so that it could be increasingly close to God.
We will continue these revelations in the internal Books of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Before the existence of this Solar System and the group known as the Nine Galaxies, which make up the grouping of a universe of lives, God, as Creator and grand expression of Love-Wisdom, deeply wished that some of His Children, the Creators of the Material Universe, also called Archangels, the great Co-Creators of this life system, would offer each of the Nine Galaxies the opportunity to experience evolution by means of “self-knowledge” and the so-called “degrees of love”.
It was in this way that these great Co-Creator beings carried forward all the universal projects received by them as subtle spiritual impulses of light, and then offered to the created systems, known as “Milky Way”, the opportunity of deepening in “spiritual knowledge” and in the “degrees of love”.
All this happened before the fall of the adversary.
In this time, in all the Universes, the first one thousand years of peace were lived, a period in which the development of life, the inner schools of learnings and, above all, the awakening of the different "degrees of love", granted this Local Universe, in which this Solar System exists, including Earth, the opportunity that on a planet of very high spiritual characteristics, like the Earth, one of the twelve most important Projects of God's Love could be carried forward.
For this reason, the planet Earth went through different cycles. The seas, which used to be acidic, became alkaline so that they later might become containers of mineral and crystalline components, living as a high degree of oxygenation.
The continents, which used to be desert and cold, experienced a biological re-adaptation to later become seedbeds of new species.
In this way, planet Earth, and all of its atmosphere, converted into a great womb of light, to finally gestate the consciousness of humanity, which was later known as Adam and Eve.
In this first experience of love, the Heavenly Father internally aspired that this Project, so yearned for by His Heart, would allow to correct and recreate Creation so that increasingly higher degrees of love may be lived.
Some time later the Universe began to live the first failures in evolution due to the very intense fall of the disobedient angel.
From there, the whole Universe, a place where peace, good and harmony were lived, became the sudden scenario of the first steps of duality, a current contrary to the principle of the Maximum Will; a duality that would begin to place at stake the freedom that had been granted to all creatures, with the aim that they might learn to love, just as the Heavenly Father loves them.
The planet Earth was one of the last places in which this spiritual current of duality descended to test, through Adam and Eve, the Project of a humanity essentially united to the Kingdom of God.
For various inexplicable temptations, the Project was being altered and changed, as the contrary spiritual currents gradually broke the scenery of the so-called “Eden”.
Why did the Heavenly Father allow this?
In a mysterious sense, Adam would have had the opportunity of taking his first step in the evolution of the degrees of love and of the awakening of consciousness, if he had been unconditionally obedient to God.
As for her, Eve, would have had the possibility of being the promising consciousness that would experience the Feminine Aspect of God by means of the spirit of Motherhood, a state that would concede the pure birth of the following creatures that would come after her.
At that moment, the Earth, as the first human experience, underwent its first and great test, which, had it been victoriously faced by Adam and Eve, as representatives of humanity of that time, would have allowed this race to attain a degree of love similar to that of Jesus.
This is the reason why God Himself, present in the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, that is, in the Son, decided to incarnate on Earth, after so much time, to give Himself to His Children in Love and Wisdom and to teach all about Truth.
It was during the preparatory time for the incarnation of Jesus that the Father extracted, from one of His purest Founts of the Spiritual Universe, one of His most elevated and pure Aspects, which was the spiritual basis for the Divine Conception of whom later would be known on Earth as Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Thus, the Archangels, at the request of God, were the ones who prepared this scenery for the coming of the Messiah, That One Who, having given testimony of love and of life, would demonstrate, in his maximum humility, how duality could be overcome so that every living being on Earth may finally learn to fulfill the Will that brought it to the world and to transit the school of forgiveness and redemption, inner paths that will one day again place the human consciousness where it once had been before making the mistakes.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the Father revealed the Cross to His Son for the first time, Christ closed His eyes and let His Heart go beyond suffering, fear and pain; He lifted His gaze to the Universe, to His Origin, to the stars that floated in Heaven. Christ dove into the deep meaning of the Cross and contemplated the Heart of God living a revelation and a renewal of Love.
Christ contemplated the Universe and saw the doors that would open, one by one, from the Kingdom of the Father toward the hearts of men, creating a bond of unity among the dimensions.
Christ contemplated the errors made in the past during all the evolution of creatures that had been born from the Heart of God and that, throughout their development, deviated from the path.
Christ contemplated how the blood, that would spring out from His Wounds, would be poured out beyond the earth and reach the depths of the human condition, healing even the roots of unknown evils, unconscious to men.
Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and found His Divine Mother accompanying each one of His steps on Earth, as in the Infinite, renewing His human and inner strength and helping Him to renew Himself in Love and surrender.
Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and knew that he would endure it, throughout the centuries, imprinted in the spiritual wound that He would carry in His Heart until the day of His return to the world.
Christ recognized Himself as part of God and, placing His Eyes upon the Divine Essence of the Creator that dwelled within His Chest, He knew that it would be God Himself Who would live this offering of Love for His creatures.
Today, son, God offers a cross to the planet, as well as to each creature. Look at the situation of the nations and the chaos on Earth and find this cross there, but go beyond it and know that, far beyond suffering, surrender, inner confusion, there is Love that will arise from your heart if, like the Son of God, you overcome these appearances and speak your “yes” to the Heart of the Father: “yes” to the sacrifice lived for love, “yes” to forgiveness that overcomes all errors, “yes” to hope that transcends chaos and makes apparent defeats, a divine victory.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Origin of the Sacred Feminine Source
Beloved children,
Who in these last eleven years spoke and shared with you the Love of God, comes from a peculiar Source that was created by the Ultraterrestrial Universe before the Material Universe existed.
In that Source, the Divine Essence, of Who later would be Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was gestated, conditioned and lovingly prepared to carry forward the great mission in the humanity.
This Ultraterrestrial Source of the Spiritual Universe, was characterized by its highest level of purity, of love and for its immaculate essence.
The Father, after the fall of the Project of His first children, Adam and Eve, He thought to create a way and a sufficiently pure, immaculate and humble Consciousness, which with Her invincible Love could embrace all human error and convert it through forgiveness and the sublime Maternity.
It was thus that the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, received the request of God and, in the elevated Celestial Universes, each Archangel began to contribute with the best of Themselves, so that the Feminine Essence, which would emerge from the Creative Source, would come to Earth to begin as soul and divinity with Her special mission.
The Sacred Source of the Feminine Energy was translucent by means of the Principle of Maternity.
In past times, the Eternal Father thought that it was necessary that His children have a Mother capable to receive them, understand them, help them and guide them on the right path of good and of peace.
Thus, from two human beings, from Anne and Joachim, the Consciousness of Mary was born, the One who from a young age would carry forward the mission of gestating in Her Most Pure and Immaculate Womb the Child Jesus, the Redeemer.
A special universal conjuncture, cosmic and spiritual, happened during the gestation of Mary, as during the gestation of Jesus.
The Archangels achieved to manifest, and attract to the Material Universe, creator currents of energy which contained high voltages of Love-Wisdom, as of essential and virginal purity.
At that time, the Idea of God was fulfilled and again, by the Presence of the Mother of God and of the Divine Son, evil was defeated, just as the fallen angel was once defeated by the Archangel Michael in the Universe.
The existence of the Consciousness of Mary, a simple mother of Nazareth, was the result of a divine and angelic experience that overcame all times.
The Eternal Father, through Mary, has shown us His Consoler Love, taught us how great is His Mercy and how infinite is His Forgiveness for His lost children.
God has taught us, through Mary, the universality of His Love and the presence of His Paternal Heart at all times.
From this special Divine Conception comes Mary, the Mother of Christ and Mother of everybody.
She is the unconditional and eternal advocate between humankind and God.
She is who waits in the silence and who prays for Her children in the stillness of Her Immaculate Heart.
She is the one that comes to the help of those who sincerely repent and She reaches to all the poor and humble of heart.
Mary is the Mother who consoles all, who repairs all and who heals all.
Her Heart suffers when Her children are separated from the Truth and submerge themselves into the lie.
She is the Mother who will never say "no", who will always say "yes" to whoever calls Her.
God gave us a Mother that we many times offend, hurt and omit with our indifference and ignorance.
She is the patient Mother who always expects us to reach beyond appearances, that we can feel the heart of the brethren who searches for peace and comprehension.
Mary teaches us how to truly love so that, in Christ, we may walk towards the goal of being in God, forever.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace Rose and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Beyond the Universes – Part II
Within spacetime we find various realities, according to how we contemplate the immensity of the Universe.
We know that the Universe is not only physical, but also internal and spiritual.
We know that beyond the physical there is a Principle that still has not reached its end, because this Principle is evolving and developing.
In all of this existence of the Material, Internal, and Spiritual Universe is God, Who is the great Manager of the Creation within the systems of life that we know, that is, of material, mental and spiritual life.
God is present and manifested in all that has been created. We depend on Him to be able to truly live the Principle that created us.
Even if there are non-believing creatures, and even though this happens in most cases, in some place within them, God, as the Father and Dweller of the life of the spirit, is at the great expectation that His children become aware that life is not only material and that we are not only born, grow and die.
The Creative Universe itself, which is God expressed in an infinity of Names and of cosmic manifestations, expects that, in His Superior Love, His children recognize someday, that they have come to life for a Purpose.
In the Material Universe, also called vast Cosmos, we find infinite forms to understand the Existence of God in all spaces and planes of consciousness.
But God, in His most pure Intelligence, held and protected Himself in a place where every creature could find Him, beyond everything that is external.
The Eternal Father, in His great Humility, has placed Himself within each creature so that His children could learn to find Him and to feel Him very close.
If the Celestial Father is within us it is because within each soul there is a universe created by God, so similar to the Universe that we can know.
But more than hundreds of Suns, stars, nebulae, galaxies and vast Universes, God thought, in His Mercy, that His children should know what is unknown and is well kept within the beings: the true and autonomous potential of being able to love and develop through the degrees of love.
Throughout the times, the different humanities lost the path and the feeling of loving in an unconditional way and before the race destroyed itself, the Father of Love and of Infinite Unity decided to present Himself and incarnate through His Divine Son so that, by means of His Sacrifice, the creatures could remember how they should love and how much they should love.
If within the Children of God is this Grace of developing and of expressing themselves through the virtue of love, why does evil still exist?
Because evil is the opposite of the love that creatures can feel, show and reflect.
Evil is the result of a disobedience that was lived by one of the main angels when it moved away from love, as the disobedience blinded him completely.
If within us dwells and vibrates a universe that is so similar to the one that exists above us, why are the creatures of God sometimes incapable to unite to the Great Existence?
When we truly love, the barriers and obstacles dissolve from the paths. Christ came to teach the way through which the creatures would attain true freedom.
Again, God revealed Himself to humanity, from very close, so that they could recognize and love Him.
In all the existing Universes, within the human beings, is the great potential of awakening and of growing through the degrees of love.
Love which the Eternal Father Himself placed within His children, allows us to be in perfect communion with Him and with the Universe.
The infinite and divine Love that can awaken in each human being has the capacity of forgiving and of transcending any error committed.
When the souls cannot forgive nor reconcile with themselves, nor with their fellow beings, it is because fear prevails instead of love, and thus the door is closed to Truth.
Love is one of the great spiritual and physical revelations that the Eternal Father sowed with all of His Intelligence in His creatures.
The hour has come to submerge in the inner universe to find the treasures that the Highest left manifested in His children since the origins; because if we are in the origins, we will know how to remember our principle, which is to be in eternal communion with the Greater Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Message
It is the love of My friends that makes Me come to the world many times and I do not tire of doing it, because in them I will be able to find the reason to accomplish My Work in humanity, and in all nations.
While I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord revealed to Me the wonders that would happen after My Ascension, until this moment, in which we find ourselves today.
He revealed to Me the prodigies and the works that My followers would carry out, and although it would be difficult to accomplish, and to carry forward, they would never be lacking the impetus of the Divine Spirit in order to concretize them.
After so many sufferings lived during the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of Holy Thursday, after Our Father showed Me all that would happen, not only with My Consciousness, but also with humanity and its generations, an angel of the Lord presented itself to give Me encouragement and joy, to give Me strength and motivation to keep drinking the Chalice, that the Father was offering to Me, for the redemption of all sinners, for the salvation of humanity and for the conversion of the whole Earth and of all of its races.
The angel of the Lord showed Me what would happen after I had been on Earth and ascended to the Heavens.
No one could imagine how many prodigies God can accomplish through the souls that follow Me and live Me.
I am not here for the ungrateful, I am here for those who are consistent with Me and make an effort to be so in each stage of life, at each moment of living a greater sacrifice for My Heart and for My Consciousness, in each opportunity of just saying “yes” to Me.
This “yes” of all of My servers and followers, I use it in order to come to the world and announce the Word of God, which will resonate in the faithful hearts, which will arise as a wellspring in the humble hearts, which will transform those who have not been redeemed yet, nor imagined they could be redeemed by My Presence.
Today I bring you this reality and this revelation.
In that time, the angel of the Lord came to console Me, just as I come today to console you, and all who listen to Me.
Because love is the great key that dissolves all evil.
Love is this powerful current that transforms all, and that vivifies the souls.
The Spirit of the Love of God is invincible and eternal, just as your love for My Heart and for My Consciousness can be eternal. This is what will allow Me to come to the world; it is your faithfulness that will allow Me, through you, to fulfill the Plan that the Father gave Me for this cycle, such an acute and suffering cycle in humanity.
Thus, I invite you in this afternoon to see the positive side of things, to see the fulfillment of the Plan by means of the difficulties and tests. Because what I most hope for is that you can grow internally, that you can give testimony of My Presence and of My arrival in the world in these critical times.
Those who do not respond to Me, or have ceased to respond to Me, I will take care of; because what God has delivered as purpose for these souls cannot be interfered with, nor altered. Thus, everything will have a judgment, not only within humankind, but also in the whole Earth.
I come to pour on you My Mercy, and My Grace, so that everything may purify and sublimate.
There is still time to save and redeem yourselves, but the first rule I ask of you is your rendition.
Who does not surrender will not be able to follow Me, and in this moment you are already seeing examples.
Rendition breaks and tears resistance.
Rendition breaks the hardest rock of consciousness and the most impossible obstacle of the being.
Love will win together with the rendition of the souls who surrender in faithfulness to My Heart, so that I can build the new in each one of them.
My testimony is to tell you the Truth, because the Truth is love and it is transparency.
Transparency must be the stamp engraved in your hearts, so that you can endure the times that will come without deceptions, nor interferences.
I still need you to work on this, even if it costs you, even if you do not know how to live it, even if you have not incarnated it in yourselves yet.
Live in My inner Transparency and you will always find the Truth, and the heart of your beings will not be lonely, it will be filled by My Spirit and My Grace, in order to be renewed, from time to time.
In this afternoon I encourage you to contemplate the greatness that the angel of the Lord revealed to Me, through the last witnesses that would pronounce My Name to the world and would say that I am already returning, to definitely change this humanity.
Thus, be brave and follow the Star of the Confraternity of My Heart, which will be the emblem that will guide you when I am no longer present, and only My Words will be the testimony of My Love for you and for humanity, so you can remember that in each message delivered, I left you an important key, in order to change.
My Heart feels bliss for those who correspond to Me.
My Heart feels plenitude for those who participate in My Work and make it theirs in their lives, at each moment of prayer, at each moment of service for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature, at each moment in which you say “yes” to the Lord.
Thus, let your hearts not be mistaken, because if I am still here it is because I need something from you, and you have to give it to Me for the Plan to be fulfilled.
There is nothing more important, companions, than the Kingdom of God being fulfilled on Earth, and the souls being participants in My Celestial Church, in the confines of the world and in each inner being.
Yesterday I gave you the revelation of My pain for those who offend Me; today I give you the revelation of My joy, the joy that the angel of the Lord gave Me for those who accept Me in an unconditional and true way.
I do not need you to be perfect, I need you to be transparent and very crystalline, as the water that runs in the rivers and which encompasses great oceans.
Submerge in this potency of My living and resplendent Heart, and evil will not find you or confound you there.
Because who is true to My Heart, will be able to be true with their brother or sister, will be able to say “yes” to Me and to their neighbor. Even when you believe you will not manage, even when you think you will not be able to donate yourselves, you will be able to do it, when you confirm your “yes” to My Heart.
The pain may be deep in the Heart of the Master, but the joy that is given to Me, from those who serve Me, is eternal and invincible.
Cling to the living Attributes of My Heart, so that I can keep working in the world, and you will see in a short time, and what I tell you is not symbolic, you will see in a short time, many more who will come, in an unthinkable way, to the Work of your Master and Lord.
May unity be established in the heart of those who want to follow My Path.
I will not stop Myself for those who deny Me.
I will not move away from those who follow Me.
I will not detain My steps for those who turn their back on Me, because My Heart will triumph, just as the Living Heart of God triumphed on the Cross, in His Son.
But now, I will not shed My Blood to demonstrate to you that God died on the Cross for you, to forgive you for your offenses and ingratitude.
Now I will demonstrate the current of My Grace and My Mercy, which will illuminate the hearts of the world, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
Today I take you with Me to Mount Tabor so that on this day we may remember the sublime Transfiguration of Jesus, a divine and at the same time cosmic revelation that the Sacred Son brought to the Apostles.
The Transfiguration of Jesus was the perfect and cosmic symbol that, on experiencing changes in consciousness, it is possible to reach very high states of illumination.
Through the Transfiguration of His Divine Person, Jesus not only showed the spiritual reality that the human beings of this surface have in them, but He also brought continuity to the previous illumination of the Master Siddhartha.
It is thus that Siddhartha, in the past and by means of His illumination, demonstrated to the world the first step for transcending suffering. Jesus, the Christ, by means of the Transfiguration, brought to the world the divine knowledge that it is possible to transcend the state of suffering and reach a sublime elevation of the consciousness through a perfect communion and integration with the Divine Source.
On Mount Tabor, My Beloved Son revealed the knowledge of the non-material Laws that vibrate and are active in this Material Universe.
It was in this way that Jesus taught His Apostles about the true spiritual consciousness that we acquire at the moment of our conception in the sacred Reservoirs of the Source, and how from there the first steps of the experiences of love and of redemption, which this Material Universe offers us, begin to be cultivated in our essences.
But on Mount Tabor, Jesus also taught how to place oneself above all suffering or experience, focusing the consciousness within an objective state and with the gaze constantly on the Divine Purpose.
Through the Transfiguration of Jesus, My Son gave the human race the possibility of walking above suffering without entering into it, through the awareness of the love that opens the door to the healing of consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Great Miracle of the Sun
One hundred years ago at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal, the last and definitive Apparition of the Mother of God happened, the one which brought to the world the end of a terrible war and a prolonged period of peace. At that time, humanity was on the brink of its own perdition.
Although the message of Fátima was clear and convincing through the revelation of the three secrets of Fátima, the Most Holy Mother warned Her children that a true penance was urgent and immediate, since the repentance of the hearts would grant the world a significant atonement.
The Miracle of the Sun, also called the stellar phenomenon, was the culminating event when, on October 13, 1917, this local Universe, of which this planet forms part, lived a cut in time and space.
The Miracle of the Sun, or stellar phenomenon, consisted in mobilizing great consciousnesses of the Material Universe and Cosmic Regents which allowed, at a planetary level, to put an end to the endless cycle of siege, destruction and of the conquest that humanity was immersed in by the First World War.
This phenomenon, understood by humanity as the constant and random twirl of the Sun, meant the reunion of certain cosmic currents of the Material Universe, that have their bases in the Central Sun of this galaxy.
I would like, dear children, that you comprehend that, if this evolutionary intervention of the Greater Universe had not have happened on October 13, 1917, humanity would have already destroyed itself.
It was necessary, at the universal and divine level, to carry forward this movement of the solar and stellar elements of the Universe.
This allowed to stop, upon the planet and within its humanity, the idea of a conquest and of an unmeasured power, that would lead to the development of other events.
The Miracle of the Sun, or the stellar phenomenon, cleaned and purified the psychic plane of the entire planet in less than fifteen minutes, a time in which the solar and stellar elements that were operated by the Regents of the Universe, dissipated from the ether of the Earth a great quantity of registers of suffering and death that had been generated.
The global Miracle of the Sun, with the meeting of the angels and the Hierarchies, despite having its epicenter in Fátima, embraced the whole planet, relieving it from its chain of great human and terrestrial errors.
October 13, 2017, was the closing of the mission that your Celestial Mother came to accomplish during six continuous months, in which humanity was prepared to live the Miracle of the Sun.
Even though the Most Holy Mother had announced that if there were not a true repentance a second war could come, worse than the one that was already occurring, humanity was able to know, after the atomic bomb, that it was capable of self-destruction and irreversible damage to itself, even in these current times.
That is why, on October 13, 2017, after one hundred years of My Apparitions in Fatima, your Celestial Mother came to beg the world not to forget to live a deep and true repentance, because this lack of penance in the human beings of today is heading toward ideas and war projects, worse than the ones that have already occurred, it is headed toward wanting to destroy the life and the evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature, as has been happening in the last fifty years, and it is leading to the loss of logic and discernment of the human beings who lead and govern this planet.
I come to ask for the repentance of the heart, so that you remember that there exists only one God present in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; I come to ask you not to forget to be considerate, merciful and fraternal to one another; I come to ask you to proclaim your faith in the infinite existence of the Celestial Church of Christ; I come to ask that you give the examples, among yourselves, of equality, compassion, love and respect, because, after all the help received, humanity continues to hurt itself in ways never seen before.
As the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I remind you, dear children, to pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, and that you do not deceive yourselves anymore by exchanging this important prayer for the technologies and their constant problems.
Do so with the heart, and you will see the powerful results of this spiritual tool, that will provide you with peace and the spiritual healing of your lives.
If at least just a few fulfill all these requests, I will be able to continue interceding before the Celestial Father, although the scales are in great inequality. I will go tirelessly, to meet of all My children, and I will be able to help, one by one.
If humanity does not pray and does not stop to think before acting impulsively, a worse crisis will embrace the planet and, as in these days, innocent lives will unjustly pay for the others.
To avoid all this, I come again to ask for the consecration of your lives and homes of the world to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, thus I will triumph, being able to live among you in a true and solemn way.
I thank you for responding to this important call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I come here for a wounded world, and, in My hands, I carry the greatest cause of God, which is the fulfillment of His Plan of Love and Redemption on the surface.
I pray for this cherished Project and every day I relive the Words of the Creator, which He spoke to Me in His Kingdom:
“Dear Universal Mother, supreme and humble Mirror of Love, Your Father and Lord of the Universe asks that you tirelessly go forth to meet souls and the most simple because through them, I will be able to heal the planet and its humanity, I will repopulate the world with hundreds of suns, many more than I have created throughout the Universes.
I will make of each sun a prodigious emanation of My Source and, through them, I will pour out the Divine Codes of My Paternal Heart.
Go ahead, most sweet Lady of the Light, Governor of all the stars, fallen and non-fallen. Go ahead, appear and announce to the race that I deeply love them and that they are offending Me while setting themselves apart from the Universe of My Love.
Do everything in Your power, You have no boundaries, but rather thousands of angels and devas to reverse the lack of love and to transmute the indifference upon this planet.
You will always hold within Your Heart the unquenchable wisdom of My Words, because, through Your Grace, I will make of hearts luminous trophies of redemption, to place them at the foot of the celestial altar”.
In My silence, children, I hear this proclamation, every day. And I will be able to be the Mother of humanity and of all the Earth, as long as you allow Me to be. Thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The spiritual kingdom of Lys
I call the inner Sanctuary the Kingdom of Lys, in which I mirror the Universe where the Creator of all things dwells, with the purest of all of Creation.
I call the dimensions of peace and of harmony the Kingdom of Lys, where a part of My Consciousness dwells to support and balance this world.
I call the inner Sanctuary the Kingdom of Lys, where the spiritual counterpart of Fatima exists, and which stretches beyond the physical sanctuary, into other spaces in Portugal and Europe.
The Kingdom of Lys is a gift granted by God to humanity; a spiritual Kingdom that inhabits the Earth, into which everyone can enter through the heart.
The Kingdom of Lys is the purest Mirror of Paradise, and angels and archangels also dwell there that serve God the Creator and are nurtured by Its Peace for assisting the world.
The Kingdom of Lys is the reliquary of Purity. In this Kingdom, in inner enclosures, are held the purest that humanity has achieved, and also Universal Purity, Original Purity, the Purity of God.
The Kingdom of Lys is a Dwelling Place in which you will find a path to begin to walk in the life of the spirit, to begin to return to God, and to no longer be so lost in this world and in everything it calls you to experience.
The Kingdom of Lys is a Mirror of Heaven on Earth. Just as there are celestial dimensions in infinity, there is the Kingdom of Lys, where a small part of Paradise invites you to find God.
The Kingdom of Lys has existed since the Beginning; from this point of Purity, the essences emanated by God are born. And it was when humanity was losing its inner purity, and with it, the possibility of returning to the Father, that the Kingdom of Lys opened its doors and, through the purity I found in three little shepherds, this inexhaustible Source could open again to the world.
It was with the miracle of the Sun that I definitely opened the doors of the Kingdom of Lys. That is when the Kingdom experienced its first great expansion and touched all hearts that said 'yes' to it, waking up devotion, faith and purity. This allowed souls to repent of their sins and aspire to return to the Father.
The Kingdom of Lys calls humanity to an awakening. It is a symbol that Paradise should not just exist in Heaven, after this life. The Kingdom of Lys is a tiny part of the Perfection of God among humankind, an entrance hall to the Kingdom of the Creator, where only Unity and Love dwell.
The Purity of Lys calls you to awaken to that Love and that Unity that are experienced in the Kingdom of the Heavens. Seek, children, to enter the Kingdom of Lys, simply letting the heart open, without fear. Remember the purity of the little shepherds of Fatima, who for the first time opened the doors of Lys to humanity.
Today, this Kingdom is experiencing a second great expansion, because once again, the world is losing its purity and is ever more distant from God. Lys waits to touch consciousnesses to have them remember that there is a higher life waiting for them and that the moment has come to begin to return to God, and also, to prepare the way so that God can return to the world.
Let there no longer be a distance between the Creator and His creatures; let there no longer be walls between the dimensions, and may Love reign in all Life.
The Kingdom of Lys today unites Creation as one. The Divine Consciousness will be able to reach the Earth, and the Unity of God, for an instant, will touch humankind. Like a new inner miracle of the Sun, Lys will shine forth in creatures and will awaken in everyone the purity that you once lost, so that you may testify - as did the little shepherds of Fatima - that in truth, it is simple to be in God and draw His Kingdom to this world.
Enter with Me, children, into the Kingdom of Lys and be mirrors of the Purity and Unity for a world that grows without love. Come to know and recognize the Kingdom of Lys; there you will find that which you have searched for since the beginning: the essential Source, from whence you came and toward which your souls so aspire to return.
It is simple to enter the Kingdom of Lys, where I wait for you with joy and inner rejoicing. Pray from your heart, allow yourselves to be touched by the awakening of faith and, like children in the arms of their mother, allow Me to wash your eyes and your hearts and make you worthy of being with Me in the Kingdom of Lys. Beloved children, just let yourselves be guided.
Today, pray with devotion, cry out for the planet and enter into the Kingdom of Lys, opening a door so that all of My children, from the four corners of the world, may enter and be touched by the Purity of Lys.
I bless you and stretch out My arms to you so that you come with Me to the Kingdom of Lys.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
The Gift of the Fear of God
The Gift of the Fear of God is one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is an inner virtue that God placed in souls from the moment of their spiritual conception in the universe.
And from that point on, the Gift of the Fear of God, as well as love and unity, were small sparks placed in all the spirits created to live and evolve throughout the universes.
The Gift of the Fear of God was conceived in the One Source, and from there, as with the other Gifts, the Holy Spirit took charge of distributing it as awareness among the creatures of the universe. This was possible through the service provided by the holy angels from the moment in which beings emerged from the Reservoirs of Light.
Before each spirit left to experience its lessons in some part of the universe, the angels sowed the Gift of the Fear of God within them so that creatures, in their different schools, would be able to remain united with God.
This Gift, which is up to now still not understood, at some stage of the path of the being, awakens the possibility of perceiving or of becoming aware of becoming separated from God.
The Gift of the Fear of God generates the remembrance in the spirit, as well as in Creation, of our commitment to the Highest and of how much we must reciprocate with our Eternal Father.
In the same way the child is gestated in the womb of their mother and is fed through the umbilical cord, the Gift of the Fear of God is a Principle, and at the same time a state, that reminds us of the importance of remaining united through threads of light to the Supreme Source.
The Gift of the Fear of God manifests when the consciousness separates from the path of God and experiences all sorts of difficulties to the point of not knowing how to re-engage with the path it once abandoned.
The Gift of the Fear of God reminds us that, as spiritual beings, we cannot lose our affiliation with the Father, because if we do so, everything becomes more difficult.
The Gift of the Fear of God always helps us to look for balance and harmony in all things and to remember what our true purpose is.
In these times, many souls experience the Gift of the Fear of God when feeling distanced from the Father because of all the reasons of material and inner life.
The Gift of the Fear of God helps us to not have the human consciousness make decisions in an impulsive way nor adopt triggered actions. This Gift has the First Ray of Willpower as its essence because its purpose is to stir up everything in the consciousness to remove it from the point where it is.
The Gift of the Fear of God makes us aware of our true actions and demands, corrects us and, at the same time, places us on the correct pathway.
When the Gift of the Fear of God appears in the life of a being, it is a sign that something deep, material and spiritual will need to be reviewed in order to straighten it out.
The Gift of the Fear of God elevates the consciousness to a true reality, making evident all that separated it from the Love of the Father.
This Gift must rebuild the ties of love and peace with the universe from the moment in which the surface consciousness recognizes itself as small, humble and in likeness to the neighbor. The Gift of the Fear of God helps us to return to what is true and not superfluous, awakens the spirit of charity and transparency.
The Gift of the Fear of God aligns the consciousness with what is higher. In this way, it feels loved and accepted by something that is cosmic and divine, in spite of recognizing itself as imperfect.
This Gift allows for the reactivation within us of trust in the One so that we may participate in His Source of renewal and healing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The union between beliefs
A time will come to the planet in which all religions will have to unite in the spirit of Christic peace and love.
This prophesied union will allow souls who have walked different spiritual paths to find the Highest Source, the great Spring of the Heart of Christ.
At that time, Jesus will be recognized by all as the Redeemer not only of the Christians but also as the Liberator of the whole world through the impulses of Love that He is giving the world in these times.
This hour is approaching for the planetary consciousness.
When this prophecy of the union between beliefs can be realized among all peoples and not only among Christians, nations will oppose one another, and different human philosophies will try to tear down what others, with love, try to construct for the common good of all souls.
These types of judgments and slanders emerge as a source of human impulses that will only lead to the weakening of the union between consciousnesses and peoples.
In the most critical and acute moment of the planet, the faith of the consciousnesses will be put to the test; not because God will determine it, but because of the destructive action that the voices of the philosophers of the world carry out against everything that is considered the Work of Peace and Light.
But finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the world and outside the Church.
Before the eyes of those who govern the religions, I will open the great door of redemption, and all will recognize that, behind every Work of Light, Christ was present.
In this time, they will try to silence the Voice of the Heavenly Messengers, just as they tried in other times; but, at the end of everything, many will belatedly realize the just and true cause.
In this cycle, everything will be allowed, both the great errors and the great victories. It will be like this so that souls, in their freedom, can choose before the Final Judgment which path they will take, whether the path of error of the unjust or the path of peace and fraternity.
In this definitive hour, your heavenly Mother carries out Her Co-Redemptive Work outside the Church, so that in this way, the shepherds of My Son can contemplate the planetary need with Mercy and not with deep and petty indifference.
The Mother of God comes to gather what the Church could not achieve, the mission of contemplating with love the spiritual and moral need of souls, regardless of the belief which they experience at this time.
This is how your Heavenly Mother comes, in this cycle, to teach you what She taught the apostles in the past, uniting nation with nation, culture with culture, and language with language, in order to establish the principle of the sacred people of God, for which Moses worked for a long time.
Therefore, I ask all of you, regardless of your belief or your spiritual doctrine, to listen to the Mother of God, the Ambassador of Peace, who tells you to no longer waste time; do not use it to argue or slander whether or not it is true that I am working outside the Church, or whether or not your brothers and sisters are wearing certain outfits, or are lying. This is not true, you are not seeing the truth nor feeling it with your heart.
Do not forget that you are all children of God and that the most important thing is to lead souls towards love and prayer, and not towards slander and value judgments.
Those who claim to live the truth are blind. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Open the heart and not the mind, because truly I tell you, My children, that you are trying to dissolve My Work of Peace with your evil actions.
Live peace and do not feel disturbed. Embrace the Call of God, just as He determined, and do not try to deny it only because this Call is alive and luminous outside the Church.
Thank the universe because there are souls who offer themselves to suffer for you.
Change your attitude and do it out of love, do not lose time in vain words. Do your job and thus the religions will unite through love and not through force.
Christianity is an inner state and not a formal state, it is the possibility of believing and feeling Christ within the heart.
Listen for the last time to My call.
I thank you for responding to My requests!
Who loves you and guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the beginning of all, the Creator aspired that all of His children came to know the truth and understood the essence of His Love, the reason of why He had multiplied Himself.
The only reason of the existence of all things is the Love of God, that in a moment was so great that It could not fit in Himself, which made Him multiply in Three, while still being One. And, while still being One, He multiplied Himself in many more.
The mystery of Love is that it multiplies and gives Itself, while still belonging to the same Source. The one who loves participates in the multiplication of God and in the essence of Creation; the one who truly loves, loves with the Love of the Father and gives It to everyone, making this Divine presence infinite and at the same time unique.
The time will come when the words will give place to the knowledge of the heart, because the Divine Word is vibration and not just series of letters that form ideas, concepts and try to fit in it something that is inexplicable and understandable at the same time.
In the beginning of the human school, the beings of Earth attracted, from previous experiences, the ray of the science of God because at that moment they needed the Divine knowledge in order to evolve as a race and as a consciousness. However, humanity has limited the divine science with the concrete walls of its mind, and much of what the Creator tried to reveal got stuck in the human impossibility of receiving the impulses of God.
It was in this way that the knowledge stopped on the limitation of the human mind, and that which was infinite and sublime got limited as much as humankind, which was stuck in its matter and far from its spirit.
In this way, children, the truth has never been revealed to you, because, even though you believed you had knowledge, you have always tried to place in the human understanding a knowledge and a truth that infinitely transcend this understanding.
The ones who could contemplate or glimpse a bit of this truth have remained in silence, because they knew it could not fit in the human concepts; as I told you, the Divine Word is vibration and not words.
It is for this reason that the history of the Universe, of the Cosmos, of Creation, is written on the Mirrors and not on sheets of paper.
To understand the truth that I bring to you, you must enter in the inner universe and read on the mirrors of the heart what I transmit to you.
Many believed that the fact that I approached to this planet meant a retrogression in the evolutionary life, and, in truth, children, arrogance and human ignorance have not let you understand that I have come to put you on the right path of evolution; I have come to activate the mirrors of you hearts and teach you, rather than to think, to feel and live the teaching.
It is through My presence that you can reach the essence of the heart and understand there, without explanations, the divine mysteries.
Now that prayer has already opened the doors of your hearts and consciousness, the time has come to understand these mysteries that I have announced to you so much. I only ask you not to make the same mistakes of the past, trying to understand and scientifically explain what I will tell you. This is the age of Love and no longer of science, because science has brought you here so that now you will enter in other levels of evolution and will be able to manifest the divine will.
If you keep trying to guide yourselves by impulses or teachings of the past, you will lose the opportunity to live the new and to be transformed by the sources that this current cycle brings to you from the universe.
Listen to what I tell you, My children, lightening the mirror of the heart and not the mind. In the mirror of the heart, there is silence and wisdom and it is in this way that you must receive the new keys of these times.
The Creator wishes to approach you to the truth about your origin, not only for you to have knowledge, but so that this information may approach you to the Divine Life and you may find the path to return.
May the Truth and the magnitude of the Cosmos reveal to you the truth and the magnitude about yourselves because it is time to recognize the likeness with God – that is spiritual and essential – so that in this way will you bear the times that will come, sustained by the truth, and manifest the Plan of the Creator on Earth.
I love you and thank you for listening to Me with the mirror of the heart.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Elohim: Golden Angels
In the Essence of the Heart of God, there once arose the great Purpose of creating life and the planes of consciousness.
As I told you yesterday, dear children, the archangels, those called the Resplendent, were born of Divine Inspiration, an inspiration that allowed archangelic and angelic beings to become concretized and manifested.
God expressed in the Mental Universe His twelve principal manifestations, which arose from the Most Pure Source. From there, the twelve Elohim, as Rays and impulses of fire, were born within the consciousness of the Higher Mental Universe.
From the moment in which the Eternal had the sacred will that, from His Most Pure Essence, the Archangels should be born, the Mental Universe was already a vital reality within the Spiritual Universe.
The Elohim were appointed by the Most High to carry out the organization and manifestation of all the universes where, in the future, life would exist.
Thus, from the moment in which the Elohim were manifested within the Mental Universe, the first legions were subtly created in reservoirs of light, which are great receptacles and conduits of divine energy that preceded the Mirrors.
Let us see then, dear children, how the divine history of Creation previous to material life was considered by God Himself to be a Project of love and of absolute unity.
It was based on love and unity that the Angelic Hierarchies, those called Elohim, developed the Project of the Eternal Father and gave continuity to the Work of Creation.
The reservoirs of light were also created through the essence of Divine Will, and the first Elohim were the ones that accompanied the manifestation of these states of consciousness, which held within themselves the spiritual emergence of angelic life.
Each archangel, as a Creator Father, deposited in the reservoirs of light a molecule of the twelve spiritual Rays that were present at the moment of the birth of the angelic beings. An angelic consciousness is born from the expression of love in the Mental Universe and through an act of profound union that the archangel establishes with the One Source.
At that moment, the archangel projects on the reservoir an extremely potent flow of love and unity and, as a consequence, through the grouping of all the molecules of the Creator Fathers, the reservoir emanates an angelic consciousness which is inside a precious crystal of a magenta, blue, green, white or gold color. When the angelic consciousness emerges from the reservoir and until it finishes forming, the crystal remains suspended above it for a certain period, like the gestation of a child in the womb of the mother. It is the creative and divine energy that internally gestates the purpose of this angelic consciousness.
The crystal may contain any of the twelve Rays to show the Mental Universe what has been the Greater Will for the task and service that the new angel will fulfill.
Thus, after its manifestation as mental and spiritual consciousness, the angel experiences a formation that helps it develop its mission in the Mental Universe or in the Material Universe.
After gradually forming the armies of light, which from their birth live an unconditional service and a perfect union with the Eternal, the archangels begin the building and materialization of the Academies of the Rays, so that each angelic being may develop its purpose before the Father.
The next step is the manifestation of the spiritual formation of the Seven Heavens or that of the seven states of Divine Consciousness, where the great armies begin to populate the celestial dimensions.
At that moment, under Highest Will, the archangels define the mission of each angelic consciousness, which establishes what Heaven or which states of consciousness it is to eternally serve.
As from this moment, the Creator Fathers assume the government of the Seven Heavens, so that from the beginning the Law of Hierarchy may be cultivated among consciousnesses.
The mission the angelic consciousness lives will be according to how its emergence has taken place inside the crystal.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a magenta crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of living love, of radiating it and protecting it in the universes.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a blue crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of protecting and vivifying the unity of all the universes, as well as that of being a guardian of the sacred knowledge of the spiritual, mental, and material Laws.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a green crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of exercising the Law of healing, and of continuously emanating harmony in all of Creation and wherever it is.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a white crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of drawing to itself the highest degrees of purity and of expanding it as essence toward the universes.
If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a golden crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of an eternal praising of the One, as a member of those called Celestial Choirs, which draw to the universes the principles of the Source of God.
It is thus that the Creator Fathers send all the angels that were born of the Source through the reservoirs of light on a mission so that, together with their archangelic regents, they may assume the mission of protecting and supporting the evolution of the universes through the different Rays to which they belong.
The Elohim are part of the Divine Purpose and they are represented through the twelve main emanations of God, which we understand as the archangels; from that, the twelve emanations formed the twelve governors, and from the angelic governors another twelve emanations arose until we reach the guardian angels.
The Mental Universe has no limits and it is an infinite state formed by the Will of God. There the state of resplendence is lived, which means that each angelic consciousness generates in itself the highest degrees of love and of unity with the One.
The whole of angelic consciousness exists to protect and guard the essence of the Project of God within the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes. In this way, the Elohim can penetrate the dimensions and planes, even though they are mental beings, because they are at all times moved by the spirit of obedience and of eternal service.
From the beginning, the Father conceived the Elohim as the main guardians of the Purpose of Creation and of all life existing in the universes.
In this way, through the Resplendent Ones arose the first experience of the Cosmic Brotherhood, which later became established as a premise for all consciousnesses present on the different planes.
The Elohim are also considered the Messengers or the spokespersons of the Primordial Source for the Material Universe; they are the ones who carry out the concretion of the Divine Purpose and they are the ones who give impulse to the guardian angels so that each soul may live its mission within Creation, and in this manner fulfill the objective of the Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is in union with each guardian angel,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Angels
The Communication Network of the Heavenly Mirrors
In the vast Universe, where infinite life expresses itself, there are specific areas within the material universe such as yours, where networks of Mirrors act as re-transmitters of divine energy currents, as well as of impulses generated through the first seven Rays.
In this huge communication network, evolutionary life manages to communicate within itself, and at the same time, all universal life spiritually and internally receives the impulses that such a network generates.
We understand a network to be an extensive group of spiritual instruments of the Heavenly Hierarchy that is used to keep all evolutionary life in communication with the principles of God, which in this humanity is known as Divine Will.
It is this Divine Will that comes from the Fount of Abba, which is universally re-transmitted through the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors.
Just as in the material universe there are Mirrors of light that fulfill specific tasks, the network of all Mirrors interrelates with itself, and each of these instruments brings to universal life the possibility to expand its knowledge as well as that of working in service to the Creator.
The mirrors are formed by subtle emanations of love of the Creator Fathers, of the Elohim. In the beginning, when the universes were created, the first way to keep all universal life in communication was through what we call Heavenly Mirrors.
Thus it was that the Creator Fathers asked Their angelic armies to create, with their higher mental power, great pools of light in the material universe, which later and throughout time would be converted into the so-called Heavenly Mirrors.
The Heavenly Mirrors were created from the fusion they experienced with the divine codes of love and unity; it was the essential base that would allow all beings living in the Love of the Father to enter into contact with the spiritual treasures kept in the communication network of the Mirrors.
At the request of the Archangel Uriel, the creator angelic armies generated the first network of the Heavenly Mirrors in the material universe, known as the first Heaven. Later on, when the Mirrors had already been created by the spiritual currents that the angels had brought, the same Mirrors were unfolded on six planes or six Heavens, so that they then could be present in all universes; that is to say, in the material, mental, and spiritual universe.
The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors is present between the first seven Heavens; it is in this way that a great spiritual, mental, and material communication is established in all universal life, and each consciousness that forms part of the Creation of God is integrated into this very potent flow of knowledge and evolution.
It was the Archangel Uriel who entrusted His angels with sowing the essence of love and unity in the Heavenly Mirrors; later on, the Archangel Rafael sent His legions to pour out principles of healing and redemption in the whole material universe. After Archangel Rafael, the Archangel Gabriel sent His messenger angels to place in all the Mirrors the sacred knowledge of Creation, so that some day it may be revealed, as it is today.
Lastly, to protect this divine legacy, the Archangel Michael sent His hosts of light so that for all eternity they may be the doorkeepers of the Mirrors, who would unconditionally and in service to God protect the relics of Creation.
Thus it was that when the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors was formed by the intervention of the Creator Fathers and by Their hosts of light, Abba decided to send a potent impulse of divine and universal Love to the material universe and it was through the Sacred Feminine Energy, through the Father-Mother Essence that He would deposit the principles of Mercy and Pity over the network of the Mirrors.
The Archangel Gabriel tells us that when this event took place, all universal hosts were prostrate during three days of divine time to thank God for having made rise from within Himself the feminine aspect of Creation, today known as the Spirit of the Universal Mother or the Mother of the World.
In that time all Creation was being ordered and prepared for the first evolutionary experiences.
In that time, Abba Father universally considered that created life would need a Maternal Consciousness sufficiently loving and merciful to the point that the Father would send Her to Earth to incarnate as the Mother of the Messiah of Israel.
This act of universal mercy also allowed the communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors to be supported and accompanied by the Mother Consciousness of God.
The first revelations about the Mirrors appeared in the 1970s through 1980s, when the Celestial Hierarchy decided to reveal this divine secret that has been present and living for millions of years, after humanity was at the brink of self destruction several times.
The Father granted the Grace that the human consciousness remember its mission in the Plan, and the Universe granted that humanity might awaken to the truth from which, out of ignorance, it had separated for many centuries.
The communication network of the Heavenly Mirrors has allowed this planet to continue to exist in Creation, and above all, the Mirrors have generated the equilibrium of the axis on the Earth and of the poles.
If this silent intervention had not taken place, the race would already have self-destructed, and this unconditional help from the Mirrors has come from the moment in which the aspect of the Firstborn Son of God arrived in the world to save it on all planes of consciousness.
So the awakening is being granted to all, irrespective of the degree of debts. The Plan of rescue of Christ is already active and all will have the last Grace of being able to respond to it.
May the network of the Heavenly Mirrors represent for all the opportunity to remember within themselves that they are consciousnesses created by God, and that they can learn how to love and mirror unity to the entire Universe without the overbearing need to destroy the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is united to the mirror of each praying heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Not to want your own will, and to love the Divine Will
This race in the beginning was designed by God to obey and follow a single Purpose. But since My adversary, in antiquity, awakened the temptation and free will in the humankind of the surface, the original Project was distorted, straying from the path of the Divine Will.
It was there that duality, free choice and disobedience to all higher Laws that would rule humanity in times to come until it would be a sacred humanity, entered into the primitive consciousness of humanity.
From the moment Adam and Eve were tempted in Eden to decide on their own life and thus deviate from the Hand of the Creator, what we call self-will entered into the essence of the human being.
This will, devoid of spiritual principles and impregnated with codes of corruptibility, was the action that diverted the new humanity from the path; in the beginning of everything, the first race was the wise Project of a new humanity for the surface.
From the moment the first Adam decided to survive on the planet transgressing the natural Laws, Eve on the other hand awakened the first signs of capital sins.
My adversary achieved what he wanted so much: to make this an inert humanity without self-consciousness.
After so many eras gone by, the culminating moment arrived where, in the first stage, the decadence of humanity would come to an end, and it would be through the apparition of Christ in the world, as the Firstborn Son of God, incarnated to rescue the essence of this thought human project.
Later on, when Christ was present, the whole race, which was already in the abyss of its perdition, was diverted from its own hell through the Passion of Jesus.
The coming of the Messiah of Israel was delicately prepared by the Creator Fathers, by the Holy Archangels. Each one brought and bore in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mother the light cells of transubstantiation and redemption, higher Laws that later on allowed to liberate humanity from evil.
Since Adam and Eve activated in themselves their own will, the human spiritual genetics were spontaneously affected until today by this energy of earthly power of appropriation and domination of all things.
Only those consciousnesses that throughout the ages managed to open themselves to find Christ within have been challenged to renounce and banish this old human code that has been deviating millions of souls from the Purpose until today.
Self-will is the consequence of not accepting in a true way the Love of God, being the consciousness impregnated by its own ideas and concepts, those that are opposed to the Divine Thought.
Although Christ gave life and died for all also with the purpose of deactivating the old corrupt code of self-will, after all the events and facts that Master Jesus gestated in the consciousness of those who listened to Him, meanwhile the other part of humanity strengthened the precarious link with self-will; it was like a ten-horned beast recreated by all involutionary actions of the human race.
The human will has always been honored and appreciated by the majority, this is one of the reasons why in these definitive times, consciousnesses that are committed to the Plan are not able to take their steps when affirming their own will: a chain that ties them to an endless hell.
Those holy consciousnesses that were able to overcome their own will, did it through three factors: first, working every day renouncing themselves, second, searching for the emptiness of themselves and third, serving unconditionally, taking into account that even living all these experiences, there is self-will based on arrogance and pride.
When the disciple of Christ disposes themselves to transcend the states that corrupt the love in humanity, they must have in mind that they will face within themselves their own beasts, which will try to make them give up all efforts.
Some consciousnesses on the surface of the planet, as is the case of those who opted for a consecrated life, have the spiritual mission of dispelling from their consciousnesses all these energies that condemn the evolutionary life of a soul, and they also have the mission to do it for humanity, imitating Christ.
In these times humanity must define the path it will follow, this will be before the expected Judgment that will happen on this beloved planet.
Christ was and is an extraordinary example of life and truth for all those who accept to return to the previous moment of the Plan in which Adam committed the so-called original sin; a sin from which all creatures are born with the code of self-will and free will.
To be able to change this frequency, the determination and effort that are stimulated by prayer will allow disarming the opposite impulses that bring self-will.
To live the Divine Will means to want nothing for oneself and everything for others. To live the Divine Will means to follow step by step what one is asked for, avoiding failure many times.
But we know that humanity of today does not want to follow in obedience and adherence to what the higher Universes are emitting; this leads to an increase of spiritual perdition of the consciousnesses, it leads to submerging oneself in all possible deceptions, it leads to missing the path one has come to walk.
Therefore, God sends His Messenger again to warn you all and the whole world that they are still living their own will and this will not deter the planetary suffering, but rather it is increasing it gradually.
I invite you, children, to do the exercise of cutting the chain of self-will, thus you will have the inner strength to be able to Christify your lives and prepare for the glorious coming of Christ to the world.
Be intelligent and do not allow self-will to distance you forever from the path of your redemption.
Times announce great changes for everybody.
I thank you for losing your self-will and for being born to the Eternal Will of God!
Who impels you to inner purification,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Children, not all of humanity understands the universal science of the evolutionary cycles. Not all believe that these cycles truly exist and, still less, that they impel the consciousness to a certain apprenticeship.
All Creation responds to the Universal Laws, which are principles that organize life based on divine energies and rays. These Laws are captured and radiated by the Mirrors of the Cosmos and are received by the mirror in your own interior, so that then they can be lived and practiced on all levels of consciousness.
An evolutionary cycle is the moment in which the Creator sends, to His Creation, certain divine rays that organize new laws and impulses and that, radiated by the mirrors, must reach every creature so that they will express them.
These impulses of the Divine in each new evolutionary cycle try to lead His creatures to a more profound approximation to His Consciousness, through love and transformation. Not to live the cycles and not to open oneself to the impulses is like closing the doors of consciousness to the evolution, to the approximation to God and to the return to the Origin.
The 8th of August of each year represents a synthesis of all impulses given by God until then, when the Creator gathers the principles He aspires humanity to achieve and sends them to the world like rays of light for them to reach His creatures.
Although these impulses renew themselves at each new smaller cycle that you will live throughout the year, the response emitted to the Father on the 8th of August is primary for the evolution and assimilation of the cycles to follow.
To send this response to God, children, you do not need anything extraordinary: only to open the heart and dispose yourselves in consciousness for the Creator to be able to act in your beings.
You must be spiritually available for this union with God to be a priority in your lives and for the love to His Plan to guide you to unveil the truth about human creation.
It was on an 8th of August that the Lord sent His Holy Servant to the world, because She represents all the divine rays, all the mirrors, all the graces. Mary represents to humanity the path to the manifestation of the Divine Plan.
For the Living Christ to be gestated within you, as Mary gestated Him in Her Womb, you must follow Her and learn with Her about Her Purity and Her Love, about Her capacity to love and to obey God above all things.
May this new 8th of August find you awakened and willing to be reborn. Live the new cycles with fullness and do not let the impulses pass by without transforming you completely.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more