To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourself. To lose your own identity or individuality is to reach the Origin of all, where there is no other thing but the unity with the Whole.
To come to be nothing is a great challenge because the individual identity of each consciousness was built beyond this world and this life, in others experiences of the soul and of the spirit that transcend what you know about yourselves today.
Great, children, is the mystery of the Divine Will because the Creator, who was One, divided Himself into three and, thus, in many others particles of life, whose true mission is discovering themselves in unity with Him again.
The Creator multiplied Himself in the universes, in the galaxies, in the constellations, in the stars, in the planets, in the beings, in the Kingdoms of Nature; He created the evolutionary scale that it is nothing more than the path of return to the Origin. The Creator opened the dimensions from matter to the superuniverses, and closed –from the top down– the doors that lead to Him. And the only key that opens these doors is love.
To be nothing, children, is to discover the truth about yourselves. To be nothing as individuals, as personalities, as separated particles of God, is to know that the Creator is who lives within each being; He is who animates life. The one who discovers oneself in God and God in oneself lives the plenitude.
Lose the fear of losing yourselves, because it is lost from yourselves that you will find yourselves. To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourselves.
The illusion of the illusions is to believe that you are something, to celebrate merits and to cry the defeats. God is the one who lives in each creature; His is the victory of Your lives and to Him belongs your evolution, towards Him is the path of the return, in Him are enclosed all the sciences, all the rays, all the worlds, all life.
The Creator emanates life, which must return to Him: it is the eternal cycle of building and believing yourself to be something to, then, deconstruct yourself, know that you are nothing and in the nothingness discover the Whole, God, the One and Only and Immutable in His Infinity, static in His permanent movement.
The quest of nothingness is not sad. To lose yourself is not to die, it is to find yourself. To die is not to end, it is to start over again.
To know is not to be. That is why I tell you these things.
Children, more than knowing the science of nothingness, you must live it. That is why I tell you things that many times you already know, because yesterday was the era of knowing and today is time of being.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am the Mother of the Heavens and of all the oceans, each space of this planet is ruled by My Mirrors, from within the oceans of light.
In them I keep the codes of peace, love and rehabilitation, those that radiate to the whole planet.
In the great oceans of the world, the praying souls can find the celestial codes of redemption and rehabilitation.
In each ocean is kept an evolutionary and spiritual history of the celestial Universe, that which radiates itself secretly to the continents.
Spiritual currents of divine energy that help to maintain the planet under a certain protection manifest themselves in the great oceans.
When the praying people unite to the oceans, they reflect what they protect and thus an inner communication is created between the soul of each being and the oceans.
I leave this instruction for all because the oceans keep in themselves the hidden principles of harmony, beauty and balance for humanity.
Oceans exist to contain the emotional plane of humanity. They help the inner healing of consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prays for the great oceans,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the deepest depths of God, where the Purity of His Divine Consciousness dwells, lies a principle of life, a living molecule of Divine Consciousness from Adonai. As the Love of God could not stay within Himself. the Creator gave life to this Most Pure Principle, thus creating a Divine and Universal Consciousness that encompasses more than a small body or a material consciousness.
Mary is the Divine Womb, She is Life, She is what gives birth to the creatures of every kingdom and what sustains them throughout their evolution.
Mary did not come from humankind and then ascend to Heaven; Mary descended from Heaven and, through Her infinite Love, became flesh among humankind to accompany the Son of God.
Mary is not a part of humanity: it is humanity that is a part of Mary.
When the Creator thought the human project, a project that would experience in itself a powerful degree of Love, He needed a Pure Creative Source, a Consciousness that emanated the Love that the human beings needed in order to develop. And so the Angels and Archangels of the Celestial Father resorted to that Pure Principle of God – which was the energy of maternity, purity and love itself – to create, from that perfect Source, the codes that the human beings would carry within themselves.
It is in Heaven as it is on Earth. In order to give birth to Love within the planetary consciousness, just as it had been born in the Universe, the Creator manifested His Divine Purity in mind, soul and spirit. From there came the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus.
Mary is the Grace of God, She is Goodness manifested in a sublime Consciousness.
Mary is the Maternal Gift that, even after having ascended to the Heavens, has not ceased to project Herself among humankind; She does not cease to represent, in the Universe as on Earth, an example for the material creatures.
What you have had before you all these years is the Perfection of God manifested in the Love and in the maternal Goodness of Mary.
Dear ones, I tell you this so that you learn to be before a Consciousness that, despite Her Greatness and Divinity, although She does not fit within a human form, She keeps manifesting Herself among humankind, She keeps expressing Her likeness to the creatures of the Earth, She keeps demonstrating the path to everyone.
Her Love is unchangeable, Her Perfection is incorruptible, Her Peace is eternal, because She hopes that someday you will joyfully accept to live in Her absolute Peace once again.
Allow yourselves to return to the arms of the One who created you as a part of God. Allow yourselves to be guided by the One who comes from the Holy Spirit of the Creator and who manifests Her Gifts in all creatures.
While there is still time, children, surrender to the arms of your Heavenly Mother and, like the Holy Family, let yourselves be loved and led by Mary. Her Love will reveal to you many mysteries and Her Purity will open the Gates of Heaven for you.
The One who loves you and delivers you, every day, in prayer, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Fraternity, Unity with God, Faith and Hope are attributes that must always reign in the human heart.
Based on the principle of the Unity with God, which has never ceased to be Unique in the diversity of the manifestation of His Consciousness, experience, you as well, the unity among yourselves as one body belonging to the Divine Consciousness.
The Creator multiplied Himself and expanded in different forms of life, expression, manifestation so that His Perfection would become life and matter, so that the Love He expresses in His Divine Spirit could become flesh, mind, feeling, soul, spirit, vibration, sound, so there would be no limit in the manifestation of His Love.
God permeates everything that was created and gives all creatures the opportunity of being in likeness to Him. Aware of the Principles of the Creator, you must imitate Him. May love be multiplied in your hearts, may it be expressed in different ways, with words, prayers, silence, actions, with inner, spiritual, or physic communion, at the time of receiving the Eucharist.
As a group, may you express yourselves as the Consciousness of God: in many ways of life, many ways of serving, infinite possibilities of loving, but all this without ever losing the unity.
Although the existing creatures are so different from each other, this does not remove from any of them the essence that unites them in the divine likeness to the Creator Father.
I tell you all these things because it is time for unity, reconciliation, fraternity as bridges for love.
The different missions that are being carried out today show the path that each one must tread in their daily lives: overcome the differences between races, cultures, languages, nations, religions, to experience, as humanity, the Unity with God.
May you be aware that the time will come to unite your consciousnesses in one purpose: bring peace and reconciliation to Earth.
The suffering of the human heart helps to overcome the barriers of loving, and the need to find peace unites you.
Both in the Middle East and in Chaco, you will understand what the material, mental and physical purification causes in human consciousness. You must be before these extreme situations not only to help but also to learn. So, with this learning in your consciousnesses, you must ask yourselves if it is really necessary to go through similar purifications to learn to experience love, to seek unity with your neighbor, to transcend differences and walk towards the implementation of the Plans of God as one race.
Pain makes you look for love, but the possibility to love exists within your hearts, latent as a natural condition of the human being. You must only step out of yourselves and surrender to the search of this true Christic Love; love that unites the universes, love that unlocks evolution, love that makes you in likeness to the angels and allows you to return to God.
Before the situations of the Middle East and Chaco, you may profoundly reflect and make your choices: wait for the times of chaos or learn how to love as of now, surrendering yourselves to the Grace of the Unity with God.
Your Father and long-standing companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At the beginning of Creation, only Unity existed, the Divine Consciousness that dwells where there is no time or space, where there is no matter, feelings or thoughts, where there is only Spirit.
Without ceasing to be Unity, the Spirit of God is multiplied. This is Omnipresence.
Without ceasing to be Spirit, the Mind of God is born, manifested in the Archangels. This is the work of Omniscience.
Without separating from the levels of Spirit, God manifests the Light in material creations. This is the fruit of Liberation.
God, who was One, divides into three, without ceasing to be One. His Transcendence is incomprehensible to the human mind.
God the Father became the Son and, in Transfiguration, He multiplies His Only Son into all creatures. All are One with the Father, through the Son.
The primordial principles take on a life of their own and creative power. The Rays become consciousness and dwell in all the particles that exist in the cosmos.
God never lost the Unity of the beginning. His multiplication has no end, it has no limit. His Consciousness is expanded beyond the boundaries of spirit, mind, and matter. His Divinity permeates everything.
You may ask yourselves: “How can the Creator dwell in a world so full of darkness? Where is God when chaos rushes into the world?”
God is the Life that dwells within the essence, the Consciousness that animates those who are aware, the Light that gives shape and life to that which the eyes of the not blind can see.
A person may not be blind, but if there is an absence of light in their lives, they will not be able to see. It is not that the world does not exist, that colors do not exist, that life does not exist: what is happening to that person is that they are separated from the light. They are not blind, they are simply stuck in a dark and empty room and do not find a way to open the windows or do not even know that there are windows in the room of their consciousnesses.
This is what happens with the majority of humanity. Ignorance and indifference have shut the human consciousness into a dark room and all the mysteries of life are outside, ready to be revealed at the moment the window of the consciousness is opened.
As they are not blind, they think they see everything. As they do not know the light, they do not know they are imprisoned in a dark room and they think life begins and ends within the four walls of that room.
Love, service, and prayer reach the darkness of those consciousnesses like chinks of light that come through the window, revealing that the window exists and that behind it there is a great mystery.
Some can see the light through the chink and believe they already know everything; others will dare to open the window and contemplate the view before them. The consciousness will be deeply expanded, in spite of only seeing life before their small window.
Up until today, there has been almost no one willing to leave that room, pioneering in the world outside of themselves; for this reason, the mysteries continue being mysteries.
I began this message with some words that are capable of opening a small chink in the dark room of the consciousness, but I know that many will close the window with their own hands to thus remain in absolute darkness.
Reflect upon what I tell you and, in the eyes of your hearts, try for an instant to risk feeling this mysterious ray of light, this small chink that opens in the consciousness.
If you allow your consciousnesses to expand, I will be able to lead you more truly to the union with God. You will be able to be more truthful in everything and unveil mysteries, including about yourselves and about planetary life.
For the growth and maturing of the human consciousness and its adherence to the Truth,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the beginning of the Creation of God, He manifested the universes in the Infinite Cosmos, which was the living representation of His Divine Consciousness.
In the Cosmos, God reproduced in everything the same principles of creation, and in different forms, represented His Divine Consciousness in everything that He would create. He created the universes with the principles of His perfection; created the galaxies, the planets, the conscious beings, who were the living outcome of the essences deriving from His Heart.
And in the vast Cosmos, created by God in seven dimensions that coexist and, in harmony, help each other mutually in order to reach the same evolutionary purpose – to become again one with God –, the Creator created the human beings.
He separated from the other creatures, in material bodies, ancient spirits, to which He entrusted the greatest process of transformation and of redemption of His Creation.
In a parallel time, different from the time and the space of the rest of Creation, God placed the most precious that would exist, if the desired result were achieved and if the potential of His Project were developed in those consciousnesses.
In this world, the Creator reunited spirits coming from all over the Cosmos; consciousnesses with different types of learning and with hidden records, both positive and negative. From all of them, He removed the cosmic memory, so that they would not know who they were and, this way, they could unite their knowledge and balance one another in order to reach the expected purpose.
The Lord sent to the world, besides all the spirits in most need of redemption, Divine Consciousnesses, uniting thus, two opposites, and representing in this little planet the great duality that exists in this universe. He gave, in this way, two possibilities to the world: the one of living a great evil and the one of living a good.
In this risky divine experiment, the Creator entrusted to the essences of those creatures a divine principle, the unity that, when activated in the essence of love, would allow the consciousnesses to overcome the duality of the universe and find a way to elevate all of His universal Creation to a new level of learning, a learning based on the unity with God by means love.
When we ask you for prayer, it is to overcome the forces that do harm inside and outside of the beings; forces that are only overcome by a great good, which is love.
When we ask you to forget about yourselves, to serve the other and to recognize the planetary reality, it is for you, by discovering such a smallness of your tridimensional consciousnesses, to be able to realize that everything you live is an illusion and, letting go of what you think you are, discover what you really are.
When I talk about a new humanity, I speak of ancient spirits of the universe which, redeemed by the discovery of love and the living of unity, start living according to the principles left by the Son of God, who was for all the example and the right path to follow. The new humanity is this conversion of the spirits of the universe.
The new humanity is the symbol of the potential of the Love of God in His creatures; it is the demonstration, to all that has been created, of how it is possible to overcome a great evil and take a leap from complete ignorance to the conscious union with the Creator.
Today I tell you things that the mind may not comprehend, but that the heart will know that they are truths that, in some moment, humanity will have to recognize.
The time of experience for humanity is already coming to an end and now you must start remembering the principles of the superior life and, with all that you have lived in this world, start discovering who you are and what you must heal in this time.
Christ has already left inside of each one the possibility of living love and unity with the other. Now, you only need to wake up and see that your priorities must no longer be what keep you well and safe in this world, rather that you must prepare what will happen far beyond this Earth, with what you have learned here.
I ask you to listen to Me with peace and only place what I told you in the heart, because, the steps you will take in the future will depend on the correct understanding of the instructions of the Divine Messengers.
I love you and bless you.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My children,
Yesterday you found out about one of the mysteries of Heaven, which few consciousnesses know, through your inner union with the Kingdom of God.
Today, dear children, we will talk about the reach of the Mirrors of Heaven from the spiritual plane, which is where they emerge for all of Creation into the material plane, which is the closest reality to yours, and which receives the impulses of light of these instruments of universal harmony.
The Mirrors of Heaven are receptacles of Divine Light that radiate principles of higher life to the whole cosmos. There is no star or planet of this solar system or another, nor galaxy, which does not receive the universal impulse of the Mirrors. They remind us of the Purpose for planetary life and for all the Universe; we are referring to the Purpose of the constant elevation of matter through the principle of purity.
From the beginning, your Heavenly Mother knew about these instruments coming from the Universe of God, which are guided and accompanied by the angels, who revealed the existence of those instruments of Peace to your Most Holy Mother.
A Mirror is an immutable instrument. The Mirror of Heaven always fulfills the same purpose and radiates this principle to all of Creation.
In the case of the current process of humanity, the Mirrors of Heaven are mobilizing more and more because of the process of densification of human beings and, mainly, due to the mass transgressions of the Laws that govern all the Kingdoms created by God.
As everything is moving towards a serious psychic and emotional imbalance in humanity, because of the innumerable amount of debts and sins, the Mirrors of Heaven are now assisting, in collaboration with the angels, so that there can be at least a little bit of balance existing on the axis of the Earth and, especially, in the sleeping and abused consciousness of the current humanity.
The Archangels, called Fathers of Creation, are intervening in the Project of this race through the essence and the matrix of the Mirrors.
For you, My children, what would be a matrix of a Celestial Mirror?
It represents what is purest among the pure; we would say, what is fundamental and essential in all of Creation, what you once knew as the Rays of the Universe. They are the universal currents of Creation that, through the Mirrors of Heaven, are bringing humanity some spiritual resources that are capable of substituting an error with a state of peace.
The Mirrors of Heaven are not only attributes manifested in Creation that help in the constant upliftment of the consciousness, but are capable of acquiring and retransmitting principles of higher spiritual life, which are totally unknown to the consciousness of humanity.
We said that the Archangels are closely following this Universal Project of humanity; what was established by Creator Law since the last world war, which was prophesied in Fatima; a war that as a result, brought about the destruction of planetary spiritual life.
For this reason, the Mirrors of Heaven, since the beginning of the existence of humankind, created in image and likeness to God, have always radiated sources of higher life that place the planet within universal harmony.
Throughout the ages, the commitment of humanity to the adversities of the enemy rapidly moved it away from the Purpose and the Will of God until reaching this cruel moment of the race.
The interventions of the Messengers of God and the warnings throughout time never ceased to be stated. Diverse forms of celestial messages have been transmitted through different visionaries in different parts of the world and in pressing times.
Receptivity to the Call of God has been scarce; humanity went on pilgrimage to Marian Centers to find relief and received it. The majority of souls that do not know of the existence of higher life received a healing, but continued to live in the same way, without changing anything.
This quickly delayed humanity and the Heavenly Hierarchy had to hold back on the impulses of the Plans of Redemption of the Eternal Father among a few consciousnesses, among the least prepared.
Up to now, this continues thus, and a real change, which is imperative, could reverse the absence of the spiritual life in humanity. Your Father knows that humanity does not do enough to change, because the terrestrial consciousness of human beings adopted ways and forms of involutionary life which, in the majority of cases, has erased an awareness of the soul.
What to do?
The most awake to the life of prayer must do twice as much spiritual and evolutionary work for the rest of humanity that does not do it. But everything will fall to the ground by its own weight and the time of Universal Judgment will come to reconfigure and transmute the planet and, in this way, prepare it for the thousand years of peace.
While everything is about to happen, prayerful souls of the planet must remember the presence of the Mirrors of Heaven and, through their prayers, receive the impulses of Light that emanate from them for all of the universe.
If your response to higher life were positive and true to Creation, the impact toward the universe would be greater than what Christ generated when he defeated death on the Cross.
Everything begins in love; thus, it is the first thing the adversary causes to disappear from the heart of humankind.
Fight for the New Humanity and do not give up. Your Mother accompanies you in union with the Mirrors of Heaven. Bring about the re-establishment of the Kingdom of God in this world.
I thank you for responding to My plans of Peace!
Who awakens you to the life of the spirit,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Did you know that in the universe there are Mirrors of Light? What is a Mirror of Light?
It is not what humanity uses to see their faces or look for beauty, which does not exist on the outside. A true Mirror is an instrument of Light created by God so that the planets, the stars and, beyond them, the galaxies may be in communication with the same principle and energy.
But My adversary made this great design become a material and superfluous object, in which souls seek their gratification so that the search for the true mirror of the heart would disappear.
Saint Teresa of Avila had the mission, entrusted by My Son, of recovering the mirror of the heart through prayer, contemplation and the adoration of Christ. Later on, a part of humanity recovered the meaning of spirituality and, through some sanctified consciousnesses, the greater principle of communication of the Mirrors returned to the planet. Today, the Celestial Divinity is in charge of all this together with those holy consciousnesses, who from Heaven, help to send cosmic impulses to wake up humanity.
Saint Teresa of Avila is the great missionary of Heaven who is working with the awakening of the contemplative life and is the one who spiritually helps each praying soul, irrespective of their religion, their nation or continent, to be able to find the positive feeling of this inner mirror.
In this way, the race, which for the most part is asleep and hypnotized by material mirages, can receive the immediate collaboration of the Mirrors of Heaven to find the following impulses again in these times:
1. Recuperation of the spiritual and collective integrity of humanity.
2. The way of discovering the mission of each soul present on Earth.
3. The sublime descent of the Law of Mercy, of Grace and of Liberation.
4. Re-engaging with higher states of consciousness which carry humanity into divine states.
5. The awakening of the other part of the consciousness that is asleep in each being.
6. Inner communication with Universal Laws and their principal currents of balance and of healing.
7. The opportunity to redeem life on the surface of the Earth and the rehabilitation of the soul through Christic and celestial impulses.
Children, the Mirrors of Heaven are transmitters of codes and new behaviors for the life of the surface of the planet. When a consciousness truly prays from the heart, without seeking anything in exchange, simply being in a spirit of cooperation with the Plan of God, the doors of these Celestial Mirrors open to enter into spiritual regions of the planet where the Redemption and the Mercy of God are imperative.
A Mirror of Heaven can be manifested in various ways, because as it is an instrument of the Spiritual Universe, it is shown according to the urgent need in a world such as yours.
The communication between the Mirrors of Heaven is established when all creatures created by God are in prayer; it is there where these Mirrors are activated and begin to draw principles of universal life to the Earth that humanity has lost completely, such as for example:
Reverence for the Creator.
Love for higher states.
Search for an inner union with Christ.
Hope of receiving a healing.
Rediscovering the true origin.
Fusion with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Accomplishment of the spiritual mission of humanity.
Therefore, dear children, the Mirrors of Heaven help to rediscover the spiritual meaning and reason for being present here, on this planet, with the Kingdoms of Nature, participating in the creation of this Divine Project that is humanity; a project that must be accomplished beyond anything else.
The planetary consciousness, in the last 50 years, has been helped a great deal because of the constant risk that humanity experiences of missing the opportunity of concretizing this project, that is unknown to 99% of beings.
Thus, the Work of the Celestial Hierarchy with humanity has been incalculable and urgent, with the hope that more consciousnesses wake up to the real need of an inner and planetary change that, if it does not take place, would compromise the whole world.
So that this step, which must be taken by all, may be possible amidst this initial transition the Earth is facing, many of the attitudes, the forms and the habits of life must change so that the spiritual energy, in this case that of the Celestial Mirrors, will help to transform the terrestrial consciousness.
For this to occur, the planetary life will experience its tests. Certain tendencies and habits of material life will change abruptly when the Celestial Universe of the Mirrors begins to approach the planet through the divine streams that will be acquired by praying souls.
When this becomes more conscious, the Earth will already be at the peak of its transition. Thus, your Mother is teaching you the art of praying, so that your hearts may be spokespersons and examples of these subtle principles.
I thank you for responding to My universal plans!
Who awakens you to universal life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The true love of the heart is capable of undoing any knot in the consciousness.
Love is capable of making you accept the condition of life of your neighbor, and of opening the doors to charity.
Love is the direct path to compassion and to the sacred understanding of the whole human reality through the wisdom of the love of the heart.
Children, the humble love heals because it is a love without restrictions, free from attachments, and full of maternity and paternity.
The Love of God, when invoked, liberates and transmutes the conditions of a material and superfluous life.
Dear children, today I invite you to get to know the Love of God, and this will occur when you will take the first step by means of prayer as an offer of reparation. In each brother or sister of yours exists a seed of love, but few make it grow towards Heaven and others bury it so that they will neither see it, nor make it ripen.
God gave you to Your Mother of Heaven so that you would get to know the essence of the love of the Universe. Accept this summoning, live love and feel united everyday through it, because love breaks barriers and unites the inner bridges between the hearts.
Whoever lives in the Love of God rejects neither their own sorrow nor that of the others because they learn, through it, to give testimony to the whole world. The source of your love is in Jesus, and Jesus is in the heart of the meek and of the peacemakers.
To be a peacemaker is a school, it is a preparation for the times that are to come.
Seek My Love saying the following prayer:
Prayer to live in the Love of Mary
You, Who are the beauty of the Love of God manifested.
You, Who through love and silence
reached the foot of the cross for our sake.
You, Who out of love for all, guided the apostles.
You, Who out of love live eternally in the Glory of God.
You, Who made Yourself small and a servant amongst women.
You, Who out of love accepted the Will of God in humility.
You, Who out of love, are love, maternity and compassion,
convert my heart into the living flame
of Your Immaculate Love
so that I may see through Your eyes
the living love in my brothers and sisters.
I consecrate myself to the eternal love of Your Heart.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you to the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Sacred Consciousness of Light, I descend to the world, after having traversed the universes searching for unredeemed souls and consciousnesses.
Thus My mantle, which flies over the universe, holds within it all the souls that have not reached either peace or redemption.
I am the Queen of the Universe; My sovereignty is not of this world, but of others. I come from the twelfth Heaven, where the Great Consciousness of Abba manifests the power of His Love and the Humble Omnipotence of His Will.
All forms come from this Sublime Kingdom, and the sacred mirrors of prayer participate there in an inner meeting each time they ignite in prayer and in faith. Many sources bourgeon in the Kingdom of Abba, which manifest the gifts and virtues for souls.
In the Celestial Universe, unity is the essence of life, and obedience to the principles is the virtue of the saints. Your Mother comes from this Kingdom, and every month I descend to Earth to remind it that it must never forget the Infinite Purpose that guides it; the Purpose that has created it and that has caused it to persevere throughout time.
I am the Perpetual Source of Prayer, which radiates to all the hearts that open to recognize Me as the Mother, and as the Principle of Peace for everyone.
Towards those Kingdoms I want to take you. I wish your consciousnesses, and especially your hearts, to expand in love and in faith so that some day they find the same Kingdom, the one your Mother found after Her Assumption.
My eternal commitment is to raise you up spiritually towards this Kingdom from this terrestrial and lost consciousness. If the greatest number of souls would enter the school of mirrors of prayer with a healthy inner and heart-felt attitude, new divine and deep foundations for planetary life could manifest and transmute a part of the consciousness of the planet.
Your clock is registering the time of the determination, which must not be impelled by sentimentalism, but by the faith and devotion of believing every day that a Greater Kingdom awaits you.
It is for this greater reason that I am here today with you, just as I have been on the Hill of Medjugorje for thirty-four years, patiently waiting for the change in humanity.
Who has understood My message?
Through the Kingdom of Medjugorje I have transformed lives and have saved hearts by means of the works of Mercy and of Peace that many hearts experience. I hope that you will be a part of this work of mercy, and that you decide to stop being a burden for the manifestation of the Plan.
Children, I hope that you stop insisting on your ideas, because you would be covering your eyes with the veils of resistance, and would cease to see the Purpose of God on the horizon, that Purpose that has summoned you since the beginning.
Because of that, My dear ones, I come to ask for the collaboration of your mirror-souls so that they fulfill the task that they came to materialize with Me in this new story that God is writing in His Heart.
The Mirrors of Heaven, the Fountains of Mercy await empty souls; souls that are free of themselves, that have banished petty power and conquest so that, together with the Mother of the World, they will be the bearers of the Gifts of God, gifts that will transform the Earth.
This is My last summoning; I have already begged for you. Abandon the old habits and be worthy of hearing My words; in this way, the celestial mirrors will help the planet. I leave you My aspiration of seeing you transformed in Christ.
Today is the thirty-forth anniversary of Medjugorje igniting the praying mirrors of peace. And you, My children, what will you decide to be in this age?
I thank you for responding with constancy to My call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Medjugorje
Dear children,
I come to ask the world to convert itself into a true mirror of prayer that reflects peace for itself and for the lost souls.
Who will accept My offer?
Who will understand the urgency of My message?
May your lives be a mirror of Prayer, of Mercy, of Piety. Permit that, in these times and through prayer, the celestial spheres of the mirrors of My Heart radiate those all the time.
The definitive hour approaches and I must train My praying mirrors so that they may reflect the true principle of humility, of purity, and of simplicity.
My Heart congregates you through the sacred vigils of prayer, so that after almost three years of continuous prayer you, My children, may learn to work at the planetary level. For this, every month I ask you to gather in order to pray with the heart, more than with words; the true ability of praying is found in the art of knowing to love it, beyond knowing or not the language in which it is being prayed.
Children, a true mirror can be the soul itself, which is the first to receive the impulse of the spirit, and the spirit is filled by the celestial spheres of prayer.
Every month, as your Mother and Universal Governess, I have attempted to make you learn correctly about this school of the mirrors of prayer; a school that is based on unity, on the non-competition, and mainly, that is free from arrogance and from human pride, because these are the aspects of the superficial human life that poison the life of a praying-mirror-soul.
This school in which many participate is constituted by the most simple and surrendered in order to search all the time for the path of the prayer of the heart that is the first school for the Christic discipleship. To be a mirror does not mean to have ability or self-impetus; to be a mirror is to be in a permanent inner emptiness, because the being’s inner strength to reflect good things is given by the Love of the Celestial Father that lives in you, since He is the Greatest Mirror of the Creator Mercy.
Dear children, why do I tell you these things?
Because in order to fulfill the mission entrusted by your Heavenly Mother it is time, through the instruction that you have received, for you to be able to reflect good principles and fraternal attitudes. As long as your lives be under self control and your determination, in truth I tell you, dear Children, that you will not be able to reach the state of a true and pure inner mirror.
The planet needs true emanations of Mercy, and this will be possible when you let go the reins of personal power and of the pride that blinds you.
I come to guide you towards My Kingdom of the Greater Mirrors, where sources of life and of light-energy that radiate to the whole universe exist, which is the first school of your great learning.
If one day you decide to surrender to My Heart I will be able to count on you as part of My praying army of the Mirrors of God’s Mercy. I wait for you and I ask you to reflect good actions. Abandon the old being, and take advantage of the last Grace that I bring to you.
Peace and Redemption!
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who elevates you to the Mirror of the Inner Healing of the Kingdom of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
In this state of Grace, that which on this dawn I bring to all of you and for this nation, I want that you to listen in your hearts to the song of My maternal voice.
This song brings the Celestial Light that covers the spaces, liberating the souls from the oppressor, that one that has always tried to distance My children from God.
Today, upon the mirrors of light of this Aurora that emerges before your eyes, My peace reaches to all the spirits and all the kingdoms.
Today, also I want to express to all My children the gratitude of the Celestial Hierarchy for the unity and love that all My soldiers are beginning to express. From this love and unity is that from which the new race will emerge for this planet. In this way you begin today to live timidly the fraternity between your beings, so in this way you must continue along the path that My Son is showing you.
This fraternity begins to be glimpsed among you, where not only are you answering to the requests of the Divine Messengers, but that also you have begun to strengthen between yourselves the spiritual ties of love that, through which you are learning, spiritual ties that will form the basis of that which we crave so much – you, little children in evolution – and Us, the Divine Messengers. We see in your inner beings how the christic essence has begun to shine, that which will conduct you through this transition.
When the prayer groups are more strengthened, you will begin to live together with Us, your Divine Masters, a spiritual fusion; we have said many times, that even though evil will be spread with fury over the Earth, so also will the Light and Love of God be established and shine in the hearts of those who truly clamor for the return of Christ, the Redeemer.
In these moments, the love of the Celestial Hierarchy will be like a great voice that will resonate in the spirit of each redeemed child of God, and will have an echo in the whole universe. Then all the stars of the cosmos will hear the singing of the self-convoked ones who, gathered as the 144,000, will take the great step towards the new time of the 1000 years of peace.
There will emerge a new race that will prepare the New Christs, those that will teach the whole universe about love and forgiveness. Remember that My Son promised once that you would do greater things than He had done.
Therefore, these things that My Son was referring to, were based on the love that He has lived and taught, which will be multiplied in the new time through the coming Christs, those that will emerge and become someday masters of the Masters.
And all this, My beloveds, will happen in this time with those that merge themselves in sincere prayer, pure of intention and empty of expectations, that which is born from each essence.
Strengthen yourselves My beloved prayerful soldiers, strive each day for living fraternity, so that unity and love may be the pillars of this new humanity that you are building.
I am with you, I Am the Lady dressed of the Sun that comes in this Aurora to light the mirrors of light that will clean your spirits so that you may enter into this new time.
Thank you for being with Me today.
Who blesses you and loves you,
Mary, your Mother of the Sun and Universal Queen
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more