XX - The Healing, Forgiveness and Redemption of Christ

A soul that had commited many mistakes felt impure and unworthy before God, and facing the sins they had experienced, the soul questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, I have sinned many times; I have fallen and, instead of standing up, I submerged even more deeply into the abysses of life. Today I stand before You; You have called me to sit at the table of redemption. Tell me, Lord, is it possible for a sinner like me to be called by You? How will I be able to take the steps that You need? How will I heal the infidelities and the deepest sins of my being?"

And with eyes of Mercy, the Lord responded, also with a question: "What did the leper do to be healed by My Son when he saw Him approach among the multitude? What did the woman with the flow of blood do to be freed from the weight of her impurities while, to her despair she saw My Son walking by? What did Zacchaeus do to be seen and, in spite of all his errors, be worthy of a single gaze of the Son of God?

The leper, little soul, exposed and humiliated himself before the multitude. With his bad scent, with his wounds, with his broken heart; hopeless in a world where there was no salvation for him, the only solution was to resort to Christ; dirty, impure, sick, rejected.

The woman with the flow of blood also risked herself among the multitude. She did not want to be humiliated, but knew that the only way to be healed was to resort to Christ. This time, it was the Lord Himself who made her noticeable, not to humiliate her, but rather to let the world know that to be healed and become clean,the sinner must to expose their sins and wounds to God. It is through the doorway of humility that one reaches the Feet of the Creator.

Zacchaeus knew of his bad behavior; he knew of his sins and imperfections, but within his soul, the need for forgiveness spoke loudler. This is why he exposed himself and, in front of the multitude, humiliated himself, climbed a tree where everyone could notice that despite all his errors, he was there, facing all the judgments and criticisms, simply for the need for being before Christ.

And when the Lord sees that sinners go beyond their sins, He also goes beyond in His Love, in His Mercy and in His Grace. For this reason, little soul, nothing is impossible. All illnesses have a healing, all sins can be forgiven; but for this, you need to set aside your pride and vanity and humiliate yourself before God. Be transparent and sincere, show the Lord your wounds and allow that with a single compassionate gaze, He may heal you."

May this dialogue, children, inspire you not to fear being exposed, humiliated, and thus, healed, forgiven and redeemed by Christ.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


X - Find Yourself Within the Eyes of God

A soul that aspired to fulfill the Divine Will, but constantly felt itself unworthy and incapable of doing so in the face of all the great things that the Lord called them to live,questioned  His Sacred Heart for feeling too small and poor to fulfill His Work, and said: “Lord, great is Your Plan and it is full of deep Love for humanity and for all Creation. I contemplate Your Will and I am amazed by Your Mercy, but when I try to manifest what You want, I feel incapable before so many imperfections and difficulties. So I look at the world and at so many precious souls that You have created, and those whom You can count on to manifest Your Work, and I ask myself: why did You call on me?”

And contemplating this soul with Love, seeing them transparent and crystalline, just as He created them, the Lord responded: “Little soul, see your reflection in My Eyes. Do not look at yourself in the mirrors of the world, but rather in the mirror of My Eyes. What the mirrors of the world can show you are limitations and defects, imperfections and perhaps skills, but what you truly are, you will only see if you look at your reflection in My Eyes.

I see you just as you are. I know of the potential that lies within you, I know of your trajectory since the beginning, I know what you were created for and for what your essence and consciousness were formed. Therefore, little soul, it is My Voice that you must hear, and not the voices of the world, or the confused voice of your mind, which is so often lost through the stimuli of this Earth. Open your inner hearing and listen to My Will, knowing that it corresponds to you and to no one else.

For each being of this world, I have a perfect Will, a path through which they will reach Me. And this path is not the one known to you; oftentimes it is not the one that you already know how to walk. This path is the one that will forge in you what I need, it is the one that will reveal to you what I see when I contemplate your little soul, for it will allow to emerge within your consciousness what you are, and the truth will take the place of the many layers with which you have covered your consciousness.

Therefore, beloved soul, when I ask something of you, do not look for your reference in the mirrors of the world. Look into My Eyes, see your real face reflected in Me and feel capable of carrying out everything that I ask of you, because My Will for you is perfect.

Open each day to discover within you that which is reflected in My Eyes: you yourself, as I see you. And it will not be vanities, nor pride or false humility that will dwell within your heart, but rather it will be Me and My Truth, the transparency and the perfection of My Thought for you.”

May this story inspire you, children, to look for your references neither in that which you see of yourselves nor in the world but only in the depths of the Eyes of God. It will be there where you will find yourselves.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Saint Joseph transmitted in the city of Augsburg, Germany, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Perceive the Heart of God within your heart and let yourself be transformed by His Presence. Allow, child, only Him to grow and to expand within you.

Allow the Love of God to take the place of your ignorance and to make of you an instrument of His in this world. Concede to the Father the possibility of acting, thinking and feeling through you. Allow the Father to shape your human condition and release the roots He is tearing out of your consciousness.

Realize you are nothing without God.

There is no life except in the Father; there is no truth outside of Him. When you are not in God, you only walk around in your ignorance and illusion, without finding the correct path of your evolution.

Thank the corrections of life, which make you more humble. Thank your mistakes, which show you your imperfection and how much you have to learn, to grow and to transform, in order to become what God expects from you.

Cross the doors of the trial that He sends to you and, in each fall, let it be His Divine Hand to raise you up, and let it not be your pride that rises even more before your eyes, preventing you from knowing the truth and from experiencing it.

Embrace with gratitude this cycle of inner maturation and be able to recognize, child, that all the best you express comes from God, and that in order to fulfill His Plan you must seek in Him the Love and the Grace you need in order to manifest His Will.

Go and do what I tell you. You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Sacred Scriptures announce the coming of your Redeemer to the world for the second time, and all are called to participate in this event. Therefore, I am here today with you and in this place blessed by God, which was touched by His Holy Hand, to call souls to the conversion of their faults and to the reparation of His offended Heart.

These Scriptures, which I bring today between My Hands, reveal that the moment is coming. Not only you, but the whole world is also called to experience this. The moment is approaching, each day more, and the signs will show before the believing or unbelieving world. Therefore, be humble and meek, obedient and receptive, and you will be able to be on My path and within My Heart.

But so that this very important moment may come to humanity, many other things will happen, within and outside of you. Inexplicable inner battles will present themselves. Tests and challenges will show. But you must not lose meekness and peace because, if I have chosen you, it is because there is a project to fulfill and accomplish that you still do not know.

Therefore, liberate yourselves from conceit, from arrogance and from pride, from division, from the lack of unity, from the absence of love, from the absence of charity and of fraternity.

I silently accompany you, as at this moment I accompany the world and each one of My servers, regardless of their religion or belief, regardless of their form of filiation with God, the Celestial Father.

This is the time for the essences to unite within one purpose. Therefore, I will have you meet people similar to you who, although they live their own schools, seek the Path of Christ. Therefore, you must be attentive not to let My signs and My inner announcements pass.

In this time and during these days, not all the Sacred Hearts could be present here in Medjugorje, but your King is here, in the name of all of them, of the Messengers of God, of those who will give the impulse to humanity for the change and the transformation of consciousness.

I again tell you all these things because you must remember and practice them. If you live, day by day, the Attributes that I give to you, you will not suffer; but if you do not live them, you will resist, and the transformation will be painful and no one will be causing all this, because it will only depend on you.

In My patience, I wait for your steps. In My contemplation, I envision your transformation. But I not only talk to you, but also to the world, to those who listen to Me and to those who do not listen to Me.

Sometimes I cannot tell you all the things that I feel and see, because everything has a time and a moment, but rejoice your hearts because they know that you are on the path of redemption and of peace, and I need you totally with Me to be able to work and accomplish the Prodigies of God on Earth, in the nations and in the peoples, in those who live profound spiritual loneliness, in those who do not have love like you have every day.

It is now time to be able to express My Attributes, it is time to go beyond yourselves, and if I ask you this it is because you can do it, although it might not seem so.

Obedience will protect you until the end of times, not only you, consecrated beings, but also My servers, the collaborators of the Work that My Mother has founded in the Heart of Aurora.

Now, the times have changed and the responsibility has also changed. It is no longer mere words written in messages in order to motivate your hearts to make some change, it is a reality, it is a truth, it is a necessity.

There is still much to do and the path of surrender will be able to deepen, each day more, to the point that you resemble Me in the surrender that I made on the Cross for each one of you and your brothers and sisters. Within a great desolation and emptiness, God was there, because My Heart trusted in Him as the Father trusted in His Son, until the last moment.

What I ask of you in this time will move your structures, but I need it this way. I will ask you this, once and again, and I will wait, as I have waited for many others in other times.

The step that this Work has taken has been very important for My Celestial Mother and the Creator to support, once again, this Mission in Europe which needs so much Mercy, more than South-America. But from you, the Gift of Compassion must always be born so that it can emerge in your brothers and sisters who are here and who lived the terrible wars due to their terrible errors committed in the past.

Everything is a consequence, everything is a cause and an effect. Humanity distances itself from the Love of God, often out of fear of mistrust.

But, once again, I come to offer My Heart to the world as a fire of transforming love that can transfigure your cells and atoms, your inner worlds and souls, so that the Plan of Redemption can be fulfilled in humanity and on the whole planet.

We could not be here in public because silence and non-exposure makes the path of the apostle, so that it may be possible to rekindle the spiritual impulse that was left here in Medjugorje, so many years ago, by your Heavenly Mother. And so that this impulse can renew spiritually, time and again, in order for Eastern Europe to also receive Mercy, as you receive it, every day, when you pray and invoke the Mercy of My Heart.

You have gathered today, in My Name, where the great Portal of Light opens in the Heart of the Universe, so that you can take on more responsibilities in the name of your Master and Lord, in spite of your purifications and trials, in spite of your decisive and definitive time, for the world to receive more help and more Mercy in order that the Work may expand on Earth, and unite to other Works that come from the Lord, the Almighty.

In this way, the world will recognize that all of us are One in God.

I bring this message not only for you, but also for all of your brothers and sisters that support this moment and who are part of the Confraternity of My Heart, carrying on their chest the print of the perfect alliance with the Father by means of the Star of the Divine Brotherhood, the Star that the King David once visualized.

Thus today, once again, a principle is fulfilled. The spiritual Universe unites with the material Universe so that the Will of God may be fulfilled.

This passage through Medjugorje has been important for your Master and Lord because it is the time to also be here, in Eastern Europe, to make the Mercy of My Heart known, and the power of the transforming prayer which, for those who believe in it, opens the doors to the Heavens.

I encourage you to keep walking with Me and for Me. There is nothing that is missing for you. My Mother protects you and looks after you as She also protects this holy place, where Her kingdom of Peace made itself known to the world, just as Her Immaculate Heart in Fatima.

Celebrate this moment and this opportunity of reflection, of expansion of consciousness, this Grace of giving more of oneself to God, in surrender and in trust.

I leave here with relief in My Heart, knowing that in some part of the world, I am listened to, and My Projects, which are still unknown and come from Heaven, are fulfilled with hope.

I bless you all, in the name of Celestial Peace and in the name of Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In order to fulfill the Plan of God every day, you only need to be sincere of heart, always seek the path of humility, and the overcoming of self.

It is in these times, child, when the purification becomes more intense within many beings and, above all, within the consciousness of the planet, that you need to elevate your heart more and seek within it the strength and the courage to persist on your path, every day.

Place your heart and your mind always on what God needs of you.

When what you want intermingles and becomes confused with the desires of the world, turn your heart toward God and offer Him your being so that He may make it clear and pure, transparent and true, before His Will.

God will call on you to surpass yourself every day, but not to surpass through pride, competitiveness or vanity; He will call on you to surpass through love, He will call on you to overcome obstacles in your inner world, experiences that will occur between your heart and the Heart of God.

Surpassing, in these times, is not just physical but, above all, it is interior. And it is not the obstacles of the planet or the external difficulties that you are going to overcome.

Within you will be your greatest challenge, where nobody sees, where nobody reaches, just you and your Father. And it is there, child, that you will fight your greatest battle, and it is through that triumph that you will overcome yourself and surpass the Love of God.

For this reason, do not place your attention so much on external things, on the defects of others, but rather on the truth and on the transparency that there should be within you, so that you may fulfill the Will of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Only through love can you overcome yourself.

Only by fasting of what makes you remember the desires and superficialities of the world are temptations defeated so that in prayer you can balance the inner world.

Only with peace can you overcome the eagerness for power.

Only with the wisdom of silence is the ignorance of pride and vanity overcome.

Only by beginning within yourself is the world transformed.

Only when you make room for the New Human and New Life to born within yourself will you see it emerge on Earth.

Only through the union with God can true peace be reached.

Only through surrender and self-donation can true love be known.

Evolution is only completed when you are able to love all types of life, with all of its Kingdoms, and thus collaborate in its evolution, in its steps towards the Infinite.

Fast of distractions and you will reach peace; fast of superficialities and you will find silence; fast of yourselves, serving others, and you will discover the sense of surrender and the principle of love.

Search within yourself for unity with God.

Everything has already been said to you. What is necessary now is not knowledge, but the experience of it, in wisdom; the internalization of it, in silence.

Only when you live what you already know will you be worthy of the revelation of greater mysteries.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be merciful with those who most need redemption and who become lost in their arrogance, pride and vanity. Remember that perfection dwells in God and that everything that exists on this Earth is in the process of evolution.

Love the growth of your brothers and sisters so that they may find in you an impulse for transformation and not a wall of where to stop.

Be merciful with those that least deserve it, for this is the essence of Divine Mercy.

Be merciful with yourself, not in order to indulge in your faults and miseries, but so that you, as a miserable being, may also receive Divine Mercy, and be a bearer of that grace toward the Earth.

Mercy is the essence of life. God created humankind with an act of Mercy and, by the same action, He makes them walk the path of return to His Heart.

In this life, in order to reach God, it is enough to open oneself to receive Mercy, to allow oneself to give Mercy and, above all, to become an instrument of this Divine Source.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Third Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

what shall I do with so many
Graces within my consciousness?

I ask You, beloved Lord,
make me worthy of receiving them,
one by one.

Make my heart small and humble
so that I may have the happiness
of knowing Your Wonders.

You know, dear Jesus,
that I am not worthy
of so many mercies.

Help me to deepen into love,
as You did
in each step of Calvary.

How is it possible to love
that which would be unforgivable, Lord?

Tear out from my being
all pride and arrogance.

That in each moment,
dear Master,
I may be able to sustain myself in You
so that I may have enough bravery
to surpass
my own feelings,
my hardest resistances
and all the obstacles
that separate me from You
and from Your Truth.

May I be able to humiliate myself
as many times as needed
so that in the resignation
of my personality,
beloved Lord,
I can transform
the human condition
that has always condemned
and punished me.

Sacred Liberator of life,
Blessed Jesus!
make me nothing in every moment
and submit me to Your unchanging Will
so that any trace
of personal power may vanish
from my consciousness and thus I may be able to live
Your magnificent Will.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Beloved and kind Heart of Jesus,
Lord of Mercy and Peace,
draw my heart towards Yours.

May I be one in You
to be one with my brothers and sisters.

Meek Heart of Jesus,
become part of me without conditions or forms.

Break down within me
the walls that separate me from the light of truth.
Heal my blindness that has led me to pride.
Cure my heart that has been led to constant suffering.

Most loving and pure Heart of Jesus,
may Your Flame of Love dissolve all doubts.

May the Flame of Love that springs
from the center of Your humble Heart
be the light that dissipates the darkness from my fragile heart.

O most loving Shepherd and Guide of hearts!
may the Rays that spring from the Wounds of Your Hands
illuminate the pathway that will lead me to redemption.

May I always be able to find refuge in Your Heart
and may I also find this refuge, with trust,
in my brothers and sisters,
because I only aspire and long for the good,
in me and in all beings.

Peaceful Heart of Jesus,
You, who gestate new things within human beings,
You, who renew and vivify everything that
You touch with Your holy Hands,
may the Ray of Your strict obedience
and of Your divine purity invade me.

Teach me, Jesus, to love as You love us and have loved us.

Help me, my Jesus, to be only an instrument in Your Hands
so that at least a small spark of my consciousness
may serve Your magnificent Work of Love and Forgiveness.

Teach me, my Jesus, to be just and to not be indifferent.
Teach me to imitate You and represent You,
just as You, humble Master,
have represented the Celestial Father on Earth.

Meek Heart of Jesus, appease me.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, tame me.
Eternal Heart of Jesus, console me
and give me the strength of Your Divine Spirit
in the hours of great tests,
because everything must return to You, Lord.
Everything belongs to You forever.


I thank you for keeping these words of a sweet Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Weekly Messages

May the Purity that springs from the Fount of the Heart of God inundate souls and renew them. 

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God permeate beings and awaken them.

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God fill hearts and reveal Peace to them, reveal Love to them, and reveal Grace to them.

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reach all souls and lead them to the Truth, hidden until today, of the perfect union between their Celestial Mother and God.

May Purity, children, dissolve ignorance from the human consciousness, and above all, the pride that prevents it from reaching Divine Mysteries for believing that in its smallness all knowledge, all wisdo.m, and all truth can be kept.

May Purity open your eyes and cleanse them so that they may see the world and life always as if for the first time, like someone who is facing something that is completely unknown to them.

May Purity allow you to see everything as if for the first time and may the interest for that which is new open the doors to the Mysteries of God for you

Blessed is the heart that contemplating its Divine and Celestial Mother, discovers Divine Motherhood in Her.

Contemplate the Son of God, but also contemplate the First Tabernacle that held Him, and discover that as it is on Earth, so it is in Heaven.

Know and recognize the Greatness of your Divine Mother every day, with the simple gratitude of being before Her Immaculate Heart, for Her silence talks greatly to the heart that knows how to listen beyond words.

Contemplate the first and eternal Tabernacle of Creation, which is the Womb and the Heart of Mary, that held within Herself not only the Son of God, but also everything that was created by the Father.

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reveal to you this and many other mysteries that are in Heaven as on Earth.

Be eternally grateful, and in simple gratitude, you will see the Heavens open before your hearts for revelations that humanity must know and that are not to be found in the Sacred Books.

This is the time of the new revelations.

May hearts open to the Truth and may the Purity that springs from the Heart of God grant you the Grace of Awakening.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The deconsecrated of My Immaculate Heart

My children,

In these times when the opponent strikes hard with his capital energies, the souls of the world are weakened if they do not pray with their hearts imploring for Mercy and protection.

Those who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart cause me an eternal pain unbearable to explain, it is stronger than all  the pains I suffered with my Son in His Passion.

The deconsecrated deprive themselves of My divine Presence for they decide to remain unchanged and choose the things of the world as true and illusory. The ones who deconsecrated themselves lose the spiritual quality of favorite children and become, by children of the world.

In this, your Mother can do nothing in the face of so much arrogance, indifference and human pride. Those who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart make Me suffer spiritually, and bring as a result that, in truth, they never understood in whose Heart they were .

I pray for them, as I pray for you, in the hope that the indifference, arrogance and pride of souls will be transformed into love and compassion.

The ones who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart have nothing else to do in their spiritual life, they become autonomous and they apparently feel free for having stripped themselves of the sacrifice they had promised to fulfill, once again, before God.

Your Mother implores for their Guardian Angels so that they feel relieved on carrying this weight of the human condition of these times. 

Those who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart never loved the plan. Thus today I confess to you that this is one of My many sorrows for the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

In union with those who persist,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

While wars spread throughout the world and in the minds of many, the desire for a great global conflict reigns, My Immaculate Heart calls you to disseminate a spirit of peace, to make the great chaos, expanding each day, the reason for your immediate maturity and promptly taking your rightful place in the Army of Peace  and  of Love, guided by My Heart.

I call you to make the blood shed of the Christians in the world to be the  reason  for strengthening your own faith and proclaiming even more loudly that  Christ  reigns within you.

The battle is already occurring: there are no rules, there are no limits.

Just as there are no limits for the evil that occurs in  the  world, you should also not place limits on your capacity to love. Love without limits, without conditions. Bring hope to the hearts that have lost faith.

It is not that you will be naive about what is happening in the world or indifferent to the wars and the suffering of others, but rather, you will be aware of the battle and will participate in it, proclaiming peace, defeating the cunning of the enemy with acts of love.

Faced with religious wars, live in peace among the different religions. Disseminate respect for the path chosen by each one for reaching the One God.

When the  enemy  overthrows you and leads you to perdition, do not be discouraged: trust in the Mercy that assembled you in this world and persevere, again and again, in the living of perfection, until your consciousnesses understand that it is time to grow up and set aside childish things, so that you may be true apostles of Christ in this world of darkness.

My children, so that humanity may recognize the times it is living, you must disseminate Mercy and peace. Open the eyes of  those who are asleep, make known the times of tribulation, the spiritual and physical Armageddon that has already begun in the world, and that little by little, purifies the Earth, so that you may learn to seek God.

So that humanity may wake up, you need to act and no longer be silent, but rather, announce to the world the possibility of taking acting through prayer and through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation requested by Saint Joseph, as well as through acts of service .

The world is in need of balance and peace, but this will be granted to it through the personal merits achieved by the human heart.

Today I will ask you to make your hearts one with the hearts of the missionaries, both in the Middle East and in Argentina. I wish to establish peace, but for this, it is necessary that you generate merits through prayer and through conscious actions in your lives.

If you knew, My beloveds, of the evil that is precipitating on the planet, you would not waste time on yourselves and with your personal aspirations, but rather you would move toward accomplishing the Higher Plan, to meet the greater needs of this world.

What God needs most from everyone at this time is your maturity, your true awareness of the times in which you live, that you are consistent with all you know and that you do not just be at My Apparitions, believing it is enough to listen to My Words.

While you say you are apostles of peace and say you want to establish peace in the world, yet you are not able to understand a neighbor and defeat your own pride to dissolve the conflicts with those that you have at your side, your Awakening will never be true, and you will not be able to call yourselves soldiers of My Army of Peace, for one who is a soldier in this army lives their peace in the smallest things in life, loves a neighbor in the small details, begins their service with those they have at their side, and thus, little by little, radiates peace to the world.

May My Peace be a reality in the lives of those who say they proclaim it.

Be true with yourselves and to God, for the enemy will use your masks to defeat your hearts with the pride and the vanity that you still experience.

Seek to have humble hearts, children, only as to defeat pride, which causes the wars in the whole world.

I love you and bless you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Before all that happens in the world, the Messengers of God are trying to teach humanity how to intervene in aid of the souls.

Dear companions, throughout the centuries of your existence, humankind has almost always answered to the wars generating bigger wars and has tried to confront the false power with the same false power, without realizing that only the Power that comes from God can balance all things.

It is a divine aspiration that the planet do not be indifferent to what is happening in the Middle East, but not so that humankind may react with wars and respond to the hatred that permeates the hearts of the people present there sending an even heavier burden of hatred.

Do you realize that this has always been the strategy of the enemy? To generate such atrocity in the cities and such lack of love among humans, so that this hatred would expand itself to all beings and all would respond with the same level of terrorism.

In the beginning of all this chaos, many were impressed with the degree of wickedness of the human heart, when they saw the ways some people tortured and murdered the neighbor; but now, such is the hatred that is expanding itself through the hearts, that those who were impressed before with these actions would be capable of doing the same with the said murderers. That is why, children, God calls you to the awakening. Do not let yourselves be influenced by the evil of the world. Keep your consciousnesses fixed on the goodness and your hearts united to the One who was crowned with thorns in silence.

We call you to react to what happens in the whole world – and, mostly, in the Middle East – not with hatred and with resentment, but with absolute love. Dissolve resentment from your hearts, learn to forgive, in the small things, those who are closer to you. Learn to be brothers and sisters of each other, under the spirit of unity and of fraternity, and watch yourselves more precisely each time, so that neither in the small nor in the great things you are unfaithful to the principles of love that you have elected to live.

United to the Divine Messengers in a great chain of love for humanity. Serve, forgive, reconcile, love, send to the world messages of peace, and live this peace. Be examples of a true effort for living the goodness, and no longer allow yourselves to surrender to hatred and to lack of love only for your inability of being humble.

Abandon your pride and your will of defeating the others and standing out with your own behaviors, because these are the same conducts, the one that manifest themselves in your day by day, that, in greater proportions, generate the wars and the conflicts in the world.

It is time of growing in order to learn how to serve God. It is time to be humble, so that your pride does not make the planet sink, once more, in the sea of chaos and of evil.

Persevere and overcome yourselves. Put aside the childish and retrograde codes of pride and arrogance and allow that the Grace of living in peace and fraternity be a reality in your lives.

For the salvation of humanity,

Your Friend and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I know that the forces that emerge from your interior, in purification and transformation, sometimes are so strong that blind your eyes for love and for forgiveness.

I know that after eons of existence feeding prides and vanities, power and property, it is very difficult for the consciousness in evolution to say “yes” for a learning of humility, when it precipitates in your lives.

Many are those who say they want to be humble as the Lord in His manger in Bethlehem, but – before the tests that God sends them – they react and not only do not accept them with humility, but also feel deeply offended and seek a way to attack those who have unconsciously served as instruments for God to test them such as they always ask for.

Understand, dear companions in Christ, that the Lord cannot allow everything to be given to you without bringing to your lives the tests that consolidate the Christic purpose in your interior.

After receiving so many impulses from Heaven, when you are disregarded, humiliated, calumniated or mistreated – according to the understanding of each one -, simply receive the opportunity as a celestial gift and, without fear, let the structures of pride fall to the ground, at your feet.

I know that many realize that they have not passed the tests that God has sent them and that the resistant structures of pride were greater than their aspiration to humility, but it does not matter because we do not ask you for perfection, but for persistence. Now, get up from the abyss of ignorance and recognize your own learning; place yourselves before the Father, available to new lessons and move forward.

I want you to understand something at once and forever: humanity needs your examples of humility, which are codes that are becoming extinct from the human consciousness, because the reactions and protests are already well known by all.

When someone put you before a situation of humiliation, accept it with humility, because – no matter who is right or if this situation is fair or unfair – the Lord expects His soldiers to bend their heads and win the battle, overthrowing pride and living humility.

Remember what I told you today and be attentive to the situations of life, because if you say “yes” for a Christic path, you cannot expect anything else but to imitate the One who was humiliated, rejected and placed on a cross, to make you learn to forgive humanity and to open the flow of His Infinite Mercy to the world.

I bless you and I expect you to be willing to restart without fear to make mistakes, because only with the experience of the mistake and recognizing your own faults you will be able to help and warn others.

I love you and I accompany you always, day by day, step by step.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I wanted to speak to you about the unity with God and the absolute fusion with His Divine Spirit; however, before that, you must learn about the unity among one another and with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Unity is a primordial Divine Principle for human creation, which must reach its peak of evolution through it.

In the same way that the maximum expression of the human project is the perfect unity with God, the minimum expression also must be based on unity. So that you may minimally achieve your expression as Divine Creation, unity must be a goal and a reality for your consciousnesses.

So that you may experience unity, you must remove from your human consciousness that which leads you to disunion, which is competitiveness.

When there is no competition, hearts can unite under one purpose and walk as a race towards a common goal. But when you want to occupy places that do not correspond to you, when you want to stand out among the rest, when you try to draw attention to yourselves, when you want to make of your presences something irreplaceable, when you look for the defects in others and affirm them so that your own skill and abilities are raised, when you do all of these things, so well-known in current common human behavior, you distance yourselves completely from the purpose of God. With apparent good intentions of experiencing holiness, when you want to be more saintly than somebody else, you are feeding the kingdom of the one that reigns in the abysses of human pride.

You must understand, feel, and experience that each piece that is part of humanity has a primordial role, a unique mission, that must be accomplished so that the Plan of God may be manifested.

Before you judge or lessen somebody and try to stand out over them, think about how there are whole civilizations in the universe that depend on the victory of Christ within the consciousness of that somebody.

Before you overthrow your neighbor with criticisms and judgments, help them to take their steps, because the Plan of God, which everybody supposedly works for, depends on the triumph of His Heart in each of His creatures.

In these definitive times, you must struggle against everything that works towards disunion, even if this is within yourselves, because many soldiers have already been left behind because the Army of Christ itself overthrew them due to their lack of love and unity.

Walk with a single heart, and instead of allowing yourselves to be involved with the forces that reign in the world, involve the world in the Power of God that dwells within you.

Love one another always. Help each other, stand up, walk together. Live fraternity as a doorway to the unity with God.

If you work on this point, many inner paths will be opened to you for your own transformation.

Your father and instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Human life is like a hard stone. It must be broken little by little until it becomes dust and until all aspects represented in it are dissolved.

The human stone is the hardest to break because within it has a strength that resists being transformed or to be ground like the grain.

There is still a harder stone in the human being, that is the stone of the heart, the one that cannot be broken at once because it would lose all the meaning of its existence. The stone of the heart is harder because it gets stronger through the feelings it generates, which does not allow it to find the path of peace.

There are few stones that break by themselves at once. What disintegrates the pride of these stones is humiliation or sometimes feeling the Fear of God.

There are stones that are so hard and strong that they do not break easily. If this action of breaking inside does not work in the consciousness, sometimes not even with the instruction received, it then cannot change, because it strengthens itself and, in truth, misses the Grace of finding a lighter path of transformation.

Now My Son has His great tool of Light in His Hands, about to break many stones of hardened hearts. If He gave only one blow, the effect could be intense. If He gave a medium blow, the impact would have little effect. Therefore, Christ needs some stones to be well destroyed so that pride may soon die and the soul may find the meaning of its true mission.

There is no hard stone that can resist the blow of Christ. For Him to be able to reign in a superfluous consciousness the Master must expel with one blow the resistances and extract all of its roots.

The universe knows that resistance is an energy that condemns or that makes the soul suffer continuously. I tell you, My children, prepare yourselves because the hardest and most resistant stones will surprisingly be broken.

The Lord tries so that the aspects of life will not drown the evolution of the soul. This way, in certain cases, the Law of heavenly power avoids more things from being triggered.

Dear children, the effect of a precise blow of Christ upon your hard stones can generate several consequences and inner movements. The Master knows that a blow of His Hand breaks everything because it is not a blow of punishment or fear, but it is the energy that will remove the inner and outer things from their place.

Nobody can oppose this. Therefore, the hardest stones, more resistant and with pride, prepare themselves to experience a total breakdown of their structures. There is no time for superficial things.

Those hearts that know they are resistant and do not manage to change, should know that they will be helped to unblock human vices. The time for patience is gone, humanity has entered into a hard and acute cycle of purification.

The Universe of Christ will do all that is possible for His sheep not to be lost, but there will be no space to accumulate hard stones in the stable of the Heart of the Lord. Everything will be ground, thus embrace prayer and implore so that you may always be guided.

We thank the repentance of those who do not manage to do so and are humble in asking for help. Soon they will be free of their own pride.

The scale of the Law has My Immacultate Heart upon one of the scales, My Consciousness generates the weight of love and purity to save souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




The School of Mary. The School of the Humble Hearts

The first step to find humility is to not lose faith, it opens paths for the souls to materialize their steps.

The school of humility that I offer you is one of constant emptiness, and to be empty there must not exist self-aspirations, only the path of renunciation. Renunciation is the principal key to find humility that in many hearts is hidden by the existence of other interests. Humility cannot be dominated nor conquered. The spirit of true humility is born from the banishment of one’s own self so that other Laws may act.

The Lord, in His original conception, is humble; if He had not been so, how could He have created all the worlds?

Humility is the shield against arrogance and pride, aspects that cloud over the purpose of the souls without allowing them to see the essence of the mission of each one. Those who search for humility must know that they will have to start divesting themselves of their own beliefs, appearances and aspirations.

Christ lived humility as a final test when in the Garden of Gethsemane He accepted to drink the bitter chalice of redemption. If Christ had not been humble, He could not have performed such a task of liberation!

Humility has at its base the emptiness of oneself and faith, which are the attributes that offer the best foundations for the souls to purify themselves. A humble being is always the last, even if the Universe puts them in first place. Therefore, the work of humility must be loved to be able to be known afterward. If there is no love to search for the spirit of humility, the task will remain undefined.

Heaven knows that humility is not a school that everyone looks for very much, as are power and arrogance, which have a great spiritual error as a result.

The service to the Kingdoms of Nature, due to their own expression, has a direct door to humility because the younger Kingdoms must be treated with much love in order for them to express to consciousness the beauty of their humility. Through those Kingdoms, the souls not only avoid fifty percent of their errors, but they can also take more secure steps to find, through humility, the school of service to others and to Creation.

The younger Kingdoms are the reflection of the creative humility that the human being does not have; they teach the humankind of the surface about the spirit of constant self-giving, which is also a faithful attribute to live in humility or at least to approach it. Therefore, My children, in these times, I invite you to rethink about where the aspiration to continue searching for humility has gone.

Humility can save many souls.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who invites you to enter the school of humility and of goodness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As this planet as a whole lives the first steps of a violent purification, I need you to banish from your hearts not only arrogance, but also pride; this is what has condemned the evolution of humanity.

The times are accelerating; notwithstanding that the minds think that the daily rhythm is the same, the planetary consciousness itself demonstrates the first signs of its so expected birth labor of purification and cleaning.  

It is due to this great planetary labor that draws near that some of the customs and of the energies that have strongly reigned in the consciousness will begin to be removed from humanity.

Prayer is not only a complement that helps one to cross this transition, but rather, prayer will intensify all that is not well within the consciousness of the human beings, and which is called resistance to change.

Many of the Laws of the Material Universe will abstain from acting widely, since in the next month the consciousness of the planet will live a great spiritual change and humanity will enter the great vortex of transformation and of transcendence.

It is because of this that in advance Your Mother wants to ask all of Her children and all of those who serve, offering themselves, to neither waste time nor energy in each one of their resistances.

The hardest cycle that humanity will live through will be the purification of the energy of the self-power, which was the root of the degeneration of the civilization of this planet.   I lovingly ask all of those who consider themselves praying beings and consonant with the Universal Mother to not forget that this planet is collapsing due to so much wickedness, and all of this wickedness that has been generated along centuries, shall be purified.   In this way, each stage of the purification that you and the world will live will correspond to the amount of material, mental and spiritual transgressions that may have been generated in your lives.

Dear children, as Your High and Heavenly Instructor, I am notifying you that certain forms of thinking, of viewing life, and even certain ways of resisting or judging, will be banished and if this is not accompanied by your inner acquiescence for this to happen, many will suffer in the same way as millions of souls that live in ignorance and in illusion.

And this will not happen for the lack of divine intervention; the time has come, dear children, for each soul who serves the Kingdom of Heaven, each consciousness, each personality and each temperament that lives on the surface of the Earth to understand that they will not be able to enter in a new humanity if all these degenerate ways of life are not deeply purified and transmuted.

Your Heavenly Mother wants this cycle, which will begin for humanity and for the whole planet this next month of December, to be lived and worked in a very consistent and mature way.  The influence of certain ways of thinking, of judging and of acting as each one pleases shall not fit into the Work of the Celestial Hierarchy.

I want to confess to you, My children, that the times are pressing and that it will not suffice that you pretend that you have not heard these words, because in truth every living being of this planet shall confront their own transition.  One hundred years ago the actions and the tendencies of the human life were not of importance; humanity always wanted to do its own will and it has stopped truly listening to the Celestial Messengers.

Now, children of Mine, as the graveness of the times increases—such as the hands of the clock run, I come from the Universe as a Divine Instructor to awaken the little consciousness that remains in the world.  I pray so that nothing may be precipitated upon the world overnight.  The Father will not be able to listen to lamentations when His Divine Justice acts, because from this moment all are being admonished.

The scale is in great unbalance and it is time to wake up.  Shelter your transformation through the Angels of Heaven and remember that if in truth you do not change, it will not be enough that you sing either, because the purification will take place, the world and the race will have to become rescuable beings.

I thank you for listening to My clamor!

With respect and consciousness, who loves you and instructs you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear companions in Christ,

I want to bring to you, each day, more than words, because I have the possibility of leading you to live what you truly are, not only as individuals, but also as humanity.

For this, I insist, time and again, so that, in each moment of your lives, you will offer everything that you do for the human consciousness, especially for those who do not know God and that, independently of their social class and of their physical situation, live in ignorance and in full illusion.

My beloved ones, when I was in this world as Joseph of Nazareth, in everything that I used to do in My work, in the rest or in the daily liturgies, prayer was always what would move My Chaste Heart and thus, praying, I would offer everything for the other siblings of the world.

I would work for those who did not do it; I would rest for those who could not rest; I was true and simple for those who could not be so.  And like this I was with everything.  So, I began to discover how to love the imperfections of humanity.  In this way, while I was working for someone who did not do it, I started to understand why those who did not work were in that situation and, in My intentions, I would always offer to God the difficulties of My siblings.

Seeing the purity of His servant, that did not use to pray for himself, but rather so that the Reign of God would expand itself throughout the world, the Lord started to show, to the eyes of My Heart, different situations of the planet in places that, in life, I had not gotten to know, but I knew the reality of all that I would see.

God gave Me the grace of serving more profoundly and of being certain that, in every instant of My life, He could intercede for some soul.  It was in this way that I began to gradually learn the art of interceding before God for souls and for the beings of nature, these that would never be forgotten by My Most Chaste Heart.

Today I tell you that the secret to be an intercessor before God is never losing the purity of intention and not believing yourself to be anything but only a servant of God.  Wherever there is pride for some work offered to God, that work will no longer reach Heaven.

Many believe that they intercede for souls when, in fact, they are losing a precious time of praying with the heart to, instead of that, feed their own pride and vanity.

I come to teach you to be as pure as the children and to pray such as a little child prays to God: there is no vanity in their words or even pride, there is just the pure union with God.  The children do not seek anything while they are praying, they only surrender their prayers.  Those are the true intercessors.

My dears, I do want you to be intercessors between God and the lost souls, but before that you must find yourselves in the own essence of purity and of humility.

I come to the world to give you this possibility, but do not think that this is impossible, only unite to My Spirit of Love and, each time that you see that you are not praying with purity and humility, remember Me and be like children walking to the Heart of God.

I love you and I leave you the purity of My Chaste Heart.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Devotional of Saint Joseph to achieve the Divine Spirit of Unity

Union Bead
By the Power that God granted You, 
Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
teach us to live in the Divine Spirit of Unity.

First decade
Under the intercession of Saint Joseph,
may all atavisms, selfishness and vanities
that separate us from the Heart of God be dissolved.

Second decade
By the power granted to the Most Pure Saint Joseph, 
may all stains and sins
that separate souls from the Kingdoms of Nature be absolved.

Third decade
Under the intercession of the Humble Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all evil aspects
that prevent unity among human beings
be expelled and transcended.

Fourth decade
By the power of charity and love, present in the Chaste Heart,
may all misunderstandings
that separate us from the Sublime Universe of God
be dissolved.

Fifth decade
For all the attributes achieved through the paternity of Saint Joseph,
may the virtues and gifts of the Most Chaste Heart 
manifest in humanity,
thus uniting the human heart to all of God's Creation.

This devotional is to be prayed by all those who aspire to achieve unity within themselves, with others, with the kingdoms of nature, with the Angelical Universe of the Creator and with the Divine and the Most Pure Consciousness of God.

If you pray with the heart, aspiring to transcend all the human aspects of separation caused by pride, vanity, and selfishness, you will be able to achieve My Holy Intercession.

By clamoring to God for the virtues achieved by Saint Joseph, you will allow My blessing to permeate you and My love to open the doors so that you may enter into a new cycle as humanity.

I love you, bless you and give you new keys for the transformation of life.

Saint Joseph, prayerful Servant of God


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
