My children,
While wars spread throughout the world and in the minds of many, the desire for a great global conflict reigns, My Immaculate Heart calls you to disseminate a spirit of peace, to make the great chaos, expanding each day, the reason for your immediate maturity and promptly taking your rightful place in the Army of Peace and of Love, guided by My Heart.
I call you to make the blood shed of the Christians in the world to be the reason for strengthening your own faith and proclaiming even more loudly that Christ reigns within you.
The battle is already occurring: there are no rules, there are no limits.
Just as there are no limits for the evil that occurs in the world, you should also not place limits on your capacity to love. Love without limits, without conditions. Bring hope to the hearts that have lost faith.
It is not that you will be naive about what is happening in the world or indifferent to the wars and the suffering of others, but rather, you will be aware of the battle and will participate in it, proclaiming peace, defeating the cunning of the enemy with acts of love.
Faced with religious wars, live in peace among the different religions. Disseminate respect for the path chosen by each one for reaching the One God.
When the enemy overthrows you and leads you to perdition, do not be discouraged: trust in the Mercy that assembled you in this world and persevere, again and again, in the living of perfection, until your consciousnesses understand that it is time to grow up and set aside childish things, so that you may be true apostles of Christ in this world of darkness.
My children, so that humanity may recognize the times it is living, you must disseminate Mercy and peace. Open the eyes of those who are asleep, make known the times of tribulation, the spiritual and physical Armageddon that has already begun in the world, and that little by little, purifies the Earth, so that you may learn to seek God.
So that humanity may wake up, you need to act and no longer be silent, but rather, announce to the world the possibility of taking acting through prayer and through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation requested by Saint Joseph, as well as through acts of service .
The world is in need of balance and peace, but this will be granted to it through the personal merits achieved by the human heart.
Today I will ask you to make your hearts one with the hearts of the missionaries, both in the Middle East and in Argentina. I wish to establish peace, but for this, it is necessary that you generate merits through prayer and through conscious actions in your lives.
If you knew, My beloveds, of the evil that is precipitating on the planet, you would not waste time on yourselves and with your personal aspirations, but rather you would move toward accomplishing the Higher Plan, to meet the greater needs of this world.
What God needs most from everyone at this time is your maturity, your true awareness of the times in which you live, that you are consistent with all you know and that you do not just be at My Apparitions, believing it is enough to listen to My Words.
While you say you are apostles of peace and say you want to establish peace in the world, yet you are not able to understand a neighbor and defeat your own pride to dissolve the conflicts with those that you have at your side, your Awakening will never be true, and you will not be able to call yourselves soldiers of My Army of Peace, for one who is a soldier in this army lives their peace in the smallest things in life, loves a neighbor in the small details, begins their service with those they have at their side, and thus, little by little, radiates peace to the world.
May My Peace be a reality in the lives of those who say they proclaim it.
Be true with yourselves and to God, for the enemy will use your masks to defeat your hearts with the pride and the vanity that you still experience.
Seek to have humble hearts, children, only as to defeat pride, which causes the wars in the whole world.
I love you and bless you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more