Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the spiritual treasures that God hides deep in beings.

Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the "yes" that a few emit to the Universe, forgetting themselves and surrendering their own lives to the Father for the benefit of human evolution, and more than that, for the benefit of the evolution of all the Universes and the renewal that God Himself lives when His Children say "yes".

Enter the desert of your inner being  and follow the sublime ceremonies that are carried out in the silence, while humanity, distracted, seeks a way out of the entanglements and the chaos of their own lives.

Contemplate the solar essence that God gives to His Children, so invisible, yet as palpable as the wind.

This Light, which does not come from this world, is not only like the Sun that illumines your days. It does not reveal itself to those who do not want to see it; therefore, child, enter the desert of your heart and there receive what God has to give you.

Like the Patriarchs who opened themselves to a new cycle and awakened the faith in One God, Who spoke to them in their heart and awakened their consciousness, you too enter the desert of your spirit, open to a new cycle, ready for a new Law.

I know that, for you, many mysteries are not palpable and even less, reachable before your imperfection, but today I take you to the desert and I show you a place where emptiness is real, where you become a new jar, ready for a new cycle and a new inner learning.

Just simply take My Hands and enter with Me into this desert and, like the peoples of ancient times, allow yourself to be renewed by God.

I will guide you and bless you on this path.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

May the Solar Essence of the Love of God nurture you so that you may spiritually acquire inner fortitude in the face of all the battles of these times.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is a most potent current that flows among the spaces of Creation and within the cosmic universe, which makes it possible to regenerate the spiritual and material life of everything that a molecule of light of the non-material Source holds within itself.

This Solar Essence of the Love of God is what allows our connection with the Heights to be awakened, but it is also the matrix essence that generates life and the different forms of expression in the material, mental and spiritual universe.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is capable of repolarizing the spiritual being of a human being of the surface in the light since its electric and cosmic current comes from a spiritual Source that generates the expansion and illumination of the consciousness.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is what brings us the principle of healing and reparation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear Children,

Today I come to meet you as the Solar Essence of God, as this Immaculate Part that was born from the Source of Creation; the Essence which, under the Feminine Spirit, regenerates life and the consciousness.

My Solar Essence is what illuminates the inner worlds, it is the Essence that gives impulse to souls to take their steps within the Plan of God. This Essence is capable of recovering lost essences and helps in the transfiguration of the consciousness.

My Solar Essence comes from a spiritual sacred Source, created and designed by the great Creator Parents, those called Archangels or Elohim.

My Solar Essence is the one that always enters into the terrestrial planes to purify you and redeem you.

Who unites with My Immaculate Heart unites with My Solar Essence and, in this way, enters into communion with Creation and with the entire Universe.

My Solar Essence brings you the power of transformation and of change, as well as entry into the complete consecration of life, of mind and of spirit.

My Solar Essence takes you into finding the inner meaning, during the walk of the path of the spirit, until you are able to find Christ, as the great inner Master.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the Sun and the Lady of Mercy; from My Heart flow the solar rays that come from the universe and that descend to the planet each time I am present among you.

I am the Mother of the Sun because in My most pure womb are gestated the new projects of Creation, to which all creatures are called in this time, to be able to carry them out.

I am the Mother of the solar essence because from My Spirit emerge all the divine impulses, which are given through the Graces that repair and reform the life of all beings on the surface of the Earth.

I am the Mother of the new solar code because from My Divinity are born the universal Prodigies of God, manifested through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Mother of the solar universe because the Angelic Hierarchies work through the impulses and commands I impart to the whole Project of God.

I am the Mother of the Sun because from Me the Return of Christ is established, the reparation and the path for you to recognize the Second Coming of the King within yourselves.

I am the Mother of all the suns and the Guardian of the central sun of the universe, because, through My humble Heart, I transmit all its sublime rays to creatures, making them participants in their ascension and redemption.

I am the Mother that illuminates the paths.

I am the maternal fire that welcomes and consoles all of Creation.

I am the solar Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to universal life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, before His Apparition, the Master surprised us with a gesture of Love.

We asked Him, “Master, where are You now?”.

In a matter of seconds, He showed us a scene. He was among all of us, levitating in the air with His angels, while He indicated to them what they should do: some relieved the heart, others calmed the spirit and others also healed parts of the physical body.

Then, the Master presented Himself today, positioning Himself upon the stage and directing a broad smile to us.

Then, He transmitted the following Message:


Know as from now that My Universal and Christic Consciousness prays perpetually for you so that the new flocks may truly awaken to My planetary call.

As in the Garden of Gethsemane, in vigil, fasting and prayer, now from Heaven I share My primordial graces for the hearts that open themselves to listen to My loving voice.


Today you have already passed fervently through the phase of the first stage of the merciful prayer; this in Brazil and in the East has already generated infinite fruits for the hearts that most need it.

But the soul that trusts in Me enters into the Infinite and unknown Heaven to receive the baptism of My Light and the sacrament of My Reconciliation. For this day of special spiritual Grace for all, today I invite you to consider Me present in your lives, because you must know that My Eternal Heart is there when only you call for It in love and in devotion.

To all of those who encouraged themselves to answer to My request of prayer, I thank you because a new sun in the universe is being gestated, so that the souls may mercifully receive its rays of radiation of peace and of redemption. This sun of which I speak to you today is the essence of My Heart, that is being found by all of those who call Me in prayer day by day.

In this way My Spirit imparts repairing Graces in the essences that simply say to Me: “Come Master of Love”.

On this day My light impregnates the forms and the created spaces and this is possible as a loving consequence of the offering of all the participants in the Marathon of My Divine Mercy. And in this way time will pass and, through Me, you will see faith grow in your lives, and nothing will ever be able to separate you from the path of consecration and of holiness that I propose for some of My own.

But everyone will always have a great place in My Consciousness, a place of renovation, of healing and of faith to be comforted in the tests that the Lord sends you to mature your beings.

My friends, that tomorrow your fire may be extended, and that it may embrace greater celestial spheres. Remember that I only want souls in profound contemplation and adoration to My Mercy.

I come to demystify the fanatics, because My flocks of peace and light are formed by work and sacrifice; in them I will institute My New Dwelling Place upon the Earth, seeking the essence of the pure souls.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My call from the heart!

Christ Jesus, You Inner Shepherd


My Heart is the center of your Eucharist and through the Eucharist your beings will be redeemed from sin as from error.

Whoever communes with Me cleans every day the stains of their heart and affirms in each new encounter that My Sacred Spirit is a part of themselves. Through the Eucharistic Communion the evils of the souls are liberated and the steps are safe for whoever is willing to walk through the path of transformation.

It is through My Eucharistic Heart that the beings enter into the sublime act of the true reverence and it is at this moment that the consciousness finds the comfort and the strength that it seeks so much.

In this sense My Eucharistic Body is the solar element capable of liberating and of transmuting the deep traces that evil has left in the consciousness from the sieges received.

From the first moment in which My Life instituted the Eucharistic Communion as a ministry I was leaving to the world the power of My Solar and Divine Essence, because it was and it is only through the Eucharist that humanity will be able to liberate itself from the errors that it has imposed on itself.

For this in each new act of Communion of a soul with Me there is established a spiritual and divine relation capable of universally uniting Heaven and Earth for some moments. Whoever communes in Me not only opens the consciousness for new celestial things but also, that in an act of pacification, are removed from the world the grave and most heavy offenses that hurt Your God the Father.

It is necessary that humanity, before My Return, understands and gets to know what it is that happens when a being from the Earth communes in My Eucharistic Holy Spirit: the laws change and reverse the evil existent in the heart of all of the souls of the world. One’s own consciousness that communes with Me is forgiven and each time that it participates in the sacred ceremony its life becomes blank, as sheets of a sacred book.

The most sinful souls receive the opportunity of meeting Me in some moment of life and especially, the Eucharistic Communion of all of the beings with Me repairs and re-establishes the plans of life and of evolution for the consciousnesses as for their spirits.

For this it is time to open the chest that exists in the heart of each being so that the infinite light may pour and expand the Christic codes in each consciousness. The Eucharist in this time foresees a rapid process of redemption, expelling the indifferences and arrogances that the souls generate day by day.

My Eucharistic Body, adored and venerated by souls, will establish the thousand years of peace for the future Earth. It is the moment to build this peace at a time in which peace does not exist so that all may, in this way, achieve it.

Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed.

Thank you for communing with your heart with My Spirit!

Christ Jesus, Eucharistic Spirit


I Am the radiant Sun of the universe, the one that radiates the infinite light of the Sacred Heart. All of those who pass in prayer through this Sun are filled by the peace of the Great Spirit of Christ.

Each soul in this time of Mercy will have the inner opportunity of merging itself with My Solar Essence because as part of the Creator God I give you the Good New and the Life to achieve eternity.

Before any circumstance of life, keep your faith united to the High because it will protect you as souls of God. Know that even in the most difficult moments My Heart will be present in all of those who call Me with sincerity.

Be in My Peace and only think and live in My Peace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, Eternal Peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
