The first step to concretize a request from God is faith.

The second is love.

The third is unity with your brothers and sisters and of everybody with God.

The fourth is perseverance when facing the first tests.

And the fifth is overcoming, in the face of each inner resistance and each external challenge.

Trust and have faith in the Divine Will. Love the Plan of God, even though you do not understand it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the magnitude of the Will of the Creator, and how he traces the path of human redemption.

Those who know how to obey the Father fulfill their souls in the concretization of His Plans.

For this cycle, children, invoke the protection and the support of Saint Teresa of Jesus, because her pioneering spirit knew how to respond to Divine Will in each instant of her life. And the difficulties and the challenges did not matter: her adventurous soul always continued forward. In this way, the inner steps taken by her spirit opened the doors for humanity to continue having an opportunity to live and experience Christic Love.

In this cycle, the Creator asks great things of you, because the time has come to forge in you not only an experience of love, but also the manifestation of the Christs of the New Time. This begins by loving the Plan of God and unconditionally obeying His Will.

You have my blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Avila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May in these days, you be able to drink, as from a fountain, the spirituality and the religiosity of Saint Theresa of Jesus.

May your souls be able to experience inner transverberation, and in this way, be able to feel the conversion of the heart.

The Holy Spirit will offer the Grace of liberation from a terrestrial and human aspect. For this reason, unite to Saint Theresa of Jesus, ask for Her intercession so that this liberation may proceed.

Today, I offer to all those consecrated, with My rosary of Light,  the devotional to Saint Theresa of Jesus, so that it may be prayed by hearts, seekers of inner transverberation.

This devotional, which you already know, will bring you closer to the essence of the spirituality of Saint Theresa of Jesus. In this way, your consciousnesses will be helped by the humble intercession of the Servant Theresa of Jesus.

Let the paths of Theresa of Jesus be your paths and let your lives someday achieve the spirit of simplicity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


For the divine Life to find in your heart a door to enter into humanity, you must have the manifestation of this life as priority.

When you are conscious that the most important is the union with God, you do it at each moment and you do not need to be closed in a chapel for this, because there are many forms to be united with the Father and one of them is to be His worker and building in the world His Work, so that not only you, child, but many others, unite themselves with Him.

You would not have to lose the opportunity to contemplate the Heart of God and to be perfectly united with Him, but as long as your tasks are still for yourself, they will separate you from God and, even if you believe that you do it for Him, you will not be able to find this union in your work.

The depth of the consciousness of each one is only known by themselves, and if you search it within you, you will know if your intention is to build something for God or if you are searching to big up yourself and receive the merits for fulfilling these tasks that you help to manifest.

Why did Santa Teresa of Jesus attain contemplation, if she spent so many days and so many hours occupying herself with foundations, constructions, with forming consecrated beings, with contacts in society?

Because she knew that what she was doing did not have any other end but to manifest a work that allowed the union of the human heart with God.

How could Father Pio contemplate if he was so busy with confessions, with administrating the construction of a hospital, with the pain that the wounds on his body caused him and also the wounds of his heart, caused by the incomprehension of beings?

Because he knew that everything he did had no other end but to expand a divine reign whose king he was not, it was Christ.

Child, if you want to grow as a soul, as a consciousness and as a servant of God and if you want to be a real instrument of God and builder of His Work in the world, forget from now onwards the merits that you may want for yourself.

If you are doing something and deep inside you gratify yourself for manifesting it, meditate and ask for mercy for your ignorance and for wanting to be recognized for a work that is not yours. In each moment, meditate on your intentions, and everything that you do, do it for God and not for yourself.

If in your activities you exercise what I tell you and in everything you are searching to please the Lord and to create conditions so that humanity has a form to unite itself to Him, when the moment to pray arrives, it will not cost you so much to find the Father, because in no moment you left Him.

Thus, child, your life will not be anymore an eternal falling and getting up, an eternal distancing and approaching yourself to God, and every day, in every liturgy, you will have the opportunity to unite yourself even more with Him.

The possibility to evolve and to fly to sublime worlds or to stay within yourself, with the illusionary merits of a task that is not yours, remains in your hands.

For the inner growth of humanity and its union with God I tell you these things.

I leave you My blessing.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the presence of My Holy Daughter, Teresa of Jesus, I am glad to see you liberating the world with the power of devotion and of the joy of serving God.

This is the spirit of a true life of consecration and it is what Teresa of Jesus always taught the world, through My example: that joy must never be absent in the heart of those who surrender themselves to God.

Joy must be present as an essence in everything that you do: the joy of silence, the joy of transformation, the joy of sacrifice, the joy of correction, the joy of praying, the joy of serving, the joy of being a living part of the Plan of God.

If this joy were alive in the heart of all servants, it would be like a fire that keeps love alive in the heart of all beings and transforms all rigidity and every difficulty in simplicity and lightness.

Today, beside My daughter Teresa, to whom I never failed and who never failed Me, I come to bring you an impulse for the consecration of life and that you make of the day-to-day of your beings the eternal joy of walking to God.

When the Divine purpose is clear both in the consciousness and in the heart, the soul never loses joy because – even before the current scenarios of the world – it knows the truth to which it walks and it is always seeking to elevate the sorrow and the sadness through joy.

Dear companions, both Teresa and My humble Heart have been upon the Earth and know the difficulties of reaching the true surrender, but both of us reached in life two virtues, with which we could fulfill the Plan of God for Us and which we continue to live so that we may be eternal servants of the Lord: those virtues are perseverance and joy.

Be tireless before the obstacles that the world places to you and that your own interior makes emerge, and make life become light and simple through joy.

Therefore, you might be a source of the Presence of God in the world and, in a time in which despair is the common living of the hearts, you might be a breath and a balm of love for those who suffer.

I love you and, together to Teresa of Jesus, I want to show you the simplicity of the life consecrated to the Plan of God when the heart is truly tireless and joyful.

We leave Our blessings over the whole world and may Our joy bring lightness for the afflicted hearts.

Your Father and Companion, Saint Joseph, in the presence of Saint Teresa of Jesus

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Did you know that in the universe there are Mirrors of Light? What is a Mirror of Light?

It is not what humanity uses to see their faces or look for beauty, which does not exist on the outside. A true Mirror is an instrument of Light created by God so that the planets, the stars and, beyond them, the galaxies may be in communication with the same principle and energy.

But My adversary made this great design become a material and superfluous object, in which souls seek their gratification so that the search for the true mirror of the heart would disappear.

Saint Teresa of Avila had the mission, entrusted by My Son, of recovering the mirror of the heart through prayer, contemplation and the adoration of Christ. Later on, a part of humanity recovered the meaning of spirituality and, through some sanctified consciousnesses, the greater principle of communication of the Mirrors returned to the planet. Today, the Celestial Divinity is in charge of all this together with those holy consciousnesses, who from Heaven, help to send cosmic impulses to wake up humanity.

Saint Teresa of Avila is the great missionary of Heaven who is working with the awakening of the contemplative life and is the one who spiritually helps each praying soul, irrespective of their religion, their nation or continent, to be able to find the positive feeling of this inner mirror.

In this way, the race, which for the most part is asleep and hypnotized by material mirages, can receive the immediate collaboration of the Mirrors of Heaven to find the following impulses again in these times:

1. Recuperation of the spiritual and collective integrity of humanity.

2. The way of discovering the mission of each soul present on Earth.

3. The sublime descent of the Law of Mercy, of Grace and of Liberation.

4. Re-engaging with higher states of consciousness which carry humanity into divine states.

5. The awakening of the other part of the consciousness that is asleep in each being.

6. Inner communication with Universal Laws and their principal currents of balance and of healing.

7. The opportunity to redeem life on the surface of the Earth and the rehabilitation of the soul through Christic and celestial impulses.

Children, the Mirrors of Heaven are transmitters of codes and new behaviors for the life of the surface of the planet. When a consciousness truly prays from the heart, without seeking anything in exchange, simply being in a spirit of cooperation with the Plan of God, the doors of these Celestial Mirrors open to enter into spiritual regions of the planet where the Redemption and the Mercy of God are imperative.

A Mirror of Heaven can be manifested in various ways, because as it is an instrument of the Spiritual Universe, it is shown according to the urgent need in a world such as yours.

The communication between the Mirrors of Heaven is established when all creatures created by God are in prayer; it is there where these Mirrors are activated and begin to draw principles of universal life to the Earth that humanity has lost completely, such as for example: 

Reverence for the Creator.

Love for higher states.

Search for an inner union with Christ.

Hope of receiving a healing.

Rediscovering the true origin.

Fusion with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Accomplishment of the spiritual mission of humanity.

Therefore, dear children, the Mirrors of Heaven help to rediscover the spiritual meaning and reason for being present here, on this planet, with the Kingdoms of Nature, participating in the creation of this Divine Project that is humanity; a project that must be accomplished beyond anything else.

The planetary consciousness, in the last 50 years, has been helped a great deal because of the constant risk that humanity experiences of missing the opportunity of concretizing this project, that is unknown to 99% of beings.

Thus, the Work of the Celestial Hierarchy with humanity has been incalculable and urgent, with the hope that more consciousnesses wake up to the real need of an inner and planetary change that, if it does not take place, would compromise the whole world.

So that this step, which must be taken by all, may be possible amidst this initial transition the Earth is facing, many of the attitudes, the forms and the habits of life must change so that the spiritual energy, in this case that of the Celestial Mirrors, will help to transform the terrestrial consciousness.

For this to occur, the planetary life will experience its tests. Certain tendencies and habits of material life will change abruptly when the Celestial Universe of the Mirrors begins to approach the planet through the divine streams that will be acquired by praying souls.

When this becomes more conscious, the Earth will already be at the peak of its transition. Thus, your Mother is teaching you the art of praying, so that your hearts may be spokespersons and examples of these subtle principles.

I thank you for responding to My universal plans!

Who awakens you to universal life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
