Dear children,
After nine days of prayer to the Saint Raphael the Archangel, on this day and through the 1000 Hail Marys, your Heavenly Mother completed another stage in the spiritual mission of assistance to humanity.
With each Hail Mary done from the heart, at this moment, one more soul receives the opportunity of being free of their spiritual and material captivity. In this way, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart triumphs in the life of those who turn to God in these times.
Through the 1000 Hail Marys, the Celestial Hierarchy also intercedes for those who are unprotected and submerged in material misery, an effect of inequality and the culture of discard.
It is for this reason, beloved children, that your prayers reach Heaven and all those intentions change into Graces and into expiation for those who really suffer the consequences of these times.
In these hours, while the 1000 Hail Marys take place, the Eternal Father contemplates the effort and the dedication of His children, at a planetary moment in which only faith and hope will be able to change the current destiny of the whole race.
It is in this way that the meeting of today prepares you for the events that will take place during the month of May. Moments in which the Hierarchy will give more impulses and instructions so that in 2020, souls may finish their training in this school of transition of the times and the cycles.
I again give thanks for the adherence of those who prayed today with Me for peace and the healing of humanity in need.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Canada is a land of many histories, although they have been written by the limited comprehension of the human being, that did not prevent this region of the planet from being one of the most important inner centers of the world that works silently for a new configuration of the human being, through special existing work plants, by means of the planetary Mirrors located throughout the country.
Canada has not had the opportunity until recent days to be conscious of what it holds as a spiritual and inner legacy for humanity.
Its history is not the only truth of what happened here. Canada, through the expression of its nature and of its preservation, has generated an adequate atmosphere for the great tools of the Hierarchy to largely work to the point of uniting, in the inner planes, important spaces with Antartida.
Through Canada, the natural integration among races and cultures is also reflected upon the surface.
From different places of the Earth, different ethnicities and races come to Canada, to be socially integrated under a form of life that unites them all in common.
In this sense, Canada represents this bridge of continuation of the project of the families of the world, which brings with them the synthesis of the different experiences of their origins.
As this intercultural relation is expressed upon the surface of Canada, also within the inner planes of Canada there is a similar relation, which now the moment has arrived to know and understand.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Come to know the unlimited Love of God through the union with your Creator and you will understand the vastness of His Creation and the perfection with which your Lord fills the details, the paths and the dimensions with mysteries by uniting His Consciousness with the consciousnesses of His children.
Come to know the unlimited Love of God for life and upon discovering the greatness of His Creation, you will not be surprised. Infinite are the forms that the essences received from God in order to fulfill His Purpose and recreate life.
However, child, to recreate life is not only by beginning a new Creation from zero. To recreate life means that the evolutionary spiral has reached a higher point and, from there, closer to God, a new cycle begins.
Contemplate and come to know the unlimited Love of God, and you will not be surprised when you discover that, more than just sending His Son into this world, the Creator sent many more of His companions and He also created other worlds, other races, other lives so that in the perfect expression of each one of them, they would complement and help each other to grow and return to His Heart with a renewed love, multiplied and matured through the overcoming experiences.
Thus, contemplate and come to know the unlimited Love of God, and also be unlimited in your understanding, in your openness, in your giving of self and in your surrender so that, someday, child, more than just contemplating and knowing, you may experience and become the unlimited Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray for Brazil, its people, its Kingdoms, for the life that inhabits it and must become sacred.
Pray so that there may be love in the hearts, unity among beings and mutual respect among brothers and sisters that are placed in the same nation by God to fulfill the Divine Purpose.
Pray so that love may not be lost within the beings and they may be able to turn the tests that will come into opportunities of overcoming in love and peace.
Pray for the cultures and the races so that they may find unity in their essences, in the certainty that all life came from a single Source and to It, it must return.
Children, I tell you again that the world is agonizing and the nations are going deeper into the intense cycle of its purification. For this reason, pray for the nations and its peoples, pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and the cultures. Fill your hearts with the certainty that a sincere prayer makes the strength, which transforms the tests of these times into a renewal of God's Love, descend from the Heavens, just as His Son transformed the sacrifice of the Cross into the overcoming of Love.
Pray, children, to keep Heaven united to the Earth and hearts united to God.
Many times you pray to stop events, you pray for this or that thing not to happen to you, and you get frustrated for not seeing the results of your prayers. But in times of purification, your prayers will not be able to stop events because many times what the planet is living is part of the election of humanity and it is manifested through the Divine Justice.
Your prayers must be to strengthen hearts in love so that nations and souls may not lose their union with God, so that whatever happens in this world may lead them to overcome the Love of God and of His Son. Because this is the cross of these times and, through it, you must unite dimensions and enter into a new time and a new life.
Therefore, pray. Pray so that the Purpose and the Will of God may be established. Pray so that the strength of the hearts may be in God and not in the world. Pray so that love may grow in the hearts. Pray for a new time, for a new race and for a new life. Pray, all in all, for peace.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, for a moment, focus your attention and inwardly contemplate the mysterious but revealing Star of Bethlehem.
Concentrate your gaze and your prayer upon this ancient star of the Cosmos, which announced the arrival of the Divine Incarnation of the Firstborn Son.
Concentrate your ardent love upon the occult significance and on the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem, as well as on all the impulses of light, of peace, and of love that this star of the Cosmos brought to the human race.
Concentrate your mind and your heart upon this physical mystery of the Universe and upon all that it fostered and generated during the three preparatory days, before the arrival of the Redeemer.
Concentrate your devotion upon the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem and upon all the movement that it brought to Earth in that time, so as to bring order and reposition it within the universal Purpose.
Concentrate your attention on the rays of the Star of Bethlehem and upon all that it awakened in the depths of the inner levels of human beings, as well as upon all that it continues to awaken throughout time and the generations.
Concentrate your attention and your love upon the immovable Star of Bethlehem because, although it is no longer visible in space as it was two thousand years ago, the power of this star of the Cosmos represents the doorway of revelation for humanity.
May you find an inner guide in the Star of Bethlehem, just as the Kings of the East did by contemplating the sacred Star of Bethlehem.
I thank you for keeping the Mysteries of God in your heart!
Who blesses you
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Mexican Rose...
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Rose that emanates fragrances of peace and of confraternity.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady of the Peoples Who appeared on the heights of Mount Tepeyac.
Behold the Mexican Rose, Who brought the message of union and of respect among the simple and the conquerors.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Woman from two races with the features of a sacred and ancient culture.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother of the Sun and of all the Universe, the Lady Who, lit up like the Sun, envelops all luminaries and stars.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who mandated Her Church to draw the Kingdom of God to all races.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mirror of Justice and the untiring and incomparable Servant at the service of Her children of humanity.
Behold the Mexican Rose, Who is Advocate and Mother, the mediator and intercessor for impossible cases.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Guadalupan, the Lady Who descended to Tepeyac to announce a time of peace and of reconciliation among peoples and cultures.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who reveals cosmic vision, the Lady Who brings the life and the existence of the Universe by means of Her Mantle of Light.
Behold the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Mother Who defends the humble peoples, the Servant of the slaves and the condemned, the Mother Who frees those, who became prisoners in spirit, from their chains.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who brings the splendor of Heaven reflected in the apron of Juan Diego as a universal message, an impulse that awakens an interest in the revelation of the divine mystery throughout the times.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who is beyond any philosophy and science, the Mother Who expresses love for all of Her children, beyond their race, culture, or condition.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who today is honored and loved by all of the Mexican people and the world, by all the children of the Earth that recognize Her filiation with the Heights.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who shines like a Sun of love in each devoted heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Peace is the most important key for the upliftment of the human consciousness in these times.
If peace is united to prayer and song, an extremely potent bridge of union between the material universe and the spiritual universe is built.
This bridge of union, raised and errected through the praying and the singing that fosters peace, reaches souls that have lost hope and motivates them to keep living, and touches everything that needs inner and spiritual healing.
Peace in the world can only be established through the prayer and the singing that is offered to God so that He, as a Merciful and Compassionate Father, may change the destiny of the whole human race.
Each time you offer a new prayer or a new song, you create the spiritual condition for powerful flows of grace and mercy to descend over the world and over humanity.
Singing especially opens the Heavens, because the voice is one of the greatest instruments that the Father created for His children to praise Him and, with simplicity, to unite with Him.
I encourage you, in this time, to keep deepening into this practice so that more grace and more mercy may reach humanity.
I thank you for offering your voices to God!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the Law of Transmutation, the planet is liberated.
Through the transmuters, the Earth is relieved and each server of this world fulfills a part of the Divine Will. Because while the planet is submerged in an apparent chaos, on the other hand, there are souls that offer themselves to carry the weight of all human misery, just like the saints of the last centuries offered themselves, without knowing much, so that humanity could be freed of very great errors.
For that reason, the task of transmutation is different in this time, because not only does it encompass the liberation of a specific region, but also incorporates the redemption of certain aspects of humanity that condemn the race and compromise its ascension.
Thus, in this time, the task of transmutation is a full-time service, due to the constant severity in humanity.
Through the channels of transmutation, the most ignorant of humanity are benefited to the point of receiving the opportunity of awaking and, through that awakening, have the possibility of expanding their consciousnesses to become aware of the chaotic reality of these times, and thus experience the changes so that at least something may be transformed in their consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I attract the souls of the world to My Heart so that, regardless of their race, religion or nation, they may feel the confidence to enter the spiritual universe of My Heart.
This is the reason why your Heavenly Mother and Virgin of Schoenstatt will descend today in Cologne and consequently, over the whole Germany so that, after the profound spiritual and redeeming task fulfilled yesterday by My Son, My children of Germany may receive a new spiritual impulse to prepare them for a new stage.
Children, the meetings here, in Germany, had not been foreseen, they emerged in an unexpected manner, and this attracted towards this suffering nation the atoning Grace of being able to receive the true Attributes of the Celestial Father, which will reconfigure the essence of the race that is to be found here, as well as its original purpose.
All this is possible simply when souls open their hearts to welcome, immediately, the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. And when this Divine Will is fulfilled and manifested on the surface of the Earth, many more souls see themselves benefitted by a Grace they did not expect, and that they did not deserve to receive.
To respond to the call of love and redemption announced by the Sacred Hearts generates great and victorious opportunities for those who, in this critical time that the race goes through, will have to awaken to the Truth that for such long time they have been seeking within themselves and did not find.
This is the spiritual and divine reason why the Messengers of God descend with the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens to the Earth, so that each soul, regardless of its belief, race or nation, may have the Grace of knowing within itself what it has come to do in this world, so that it can finally fulfill it.
Germany needs determined groups of prayer so that souls can abandon the hypnotism of these times, a path that leads them to perdition and to submerge themselves in the illusions.
For this reason, the Mother of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe arrives today in the city of Cologne to give and deliver to you the first impulse that will be able to open new paths of redemption and light for the souls of Germany and Europe.
Today I give you the impulse, by means of My Presence, to assume a new stage, so that this new experience may have repercussions in all of Europe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Infinite Mercy of My Heart will be what will save the consciousnesses.
Because who is within the Mercy of My Heart will not perish; on the contrary, he will gain inner strength to defeat My adversary.
For this reason, My desire is to take that Mercy to the whole world so that souls, races and peoples know there is still a portal of salvation which is opened through the Love of My Heart for humanity.
The Mercy of your Master and Lord is the live Mercy of God for all of Creation. It is the Mercy of God that exists for those who are in the Light, as well as for those who are in deep darkness.
That is the transforming Mercy that I hope the world comes to know in order to replace the errors and wars with the Love and Compassion that pour out from My Heart.
The souls that are in conflict or living the conflicts of these times, it is because they still do not know the Gift of the Mercy of the Lord, reparative Source of sufferings and healer of all the wounds that humanity causes for itself.
May this Mercy be the Gift of those who are consistent with Me, and of the miserable, of those who are submerged in wars and who fight with weapons.
May My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy touch all hearts so that there are no physical and spiritual barriers among the souls and God.
I thank you for keeping and living My Words from the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
May the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard today, because there is a people crying for liberation, piety and redemption; there is a people crying for justice, mercy and peace. And it is not for lack of divine help nor of supreme help; this is part of what humanity generates among peoples and nations, among races and cultures.
From the Sahara Desert, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard, Who today presents His Throne of Wisdom and Power to bring Justice to the world, the Justice that will balance the planet and humanity.
That is why you should pray as you are doing, every day.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to bring Justice to the world, for the requests of its people and its culture; for the pleas of the simple and of the humble.
May differences no longer exist between races and religions, between beliefs and doctrines.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to unify everything, from the beginning to the end; it comes to reveal to you that in essence you are all one. And from that unity, you all come from God; from the same Father who has created you; from the same Universe that has manifested you, from the same Love that has expressed you in an infinity of forms and manifestations.
All are one in essence, and in this unity there is the Love that transcends borders, cultures and peoples.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to reveal to you a time of great planetary purification; a time that no other race has lived in another era or in another century.
I come as the Lord of Egypt to speak to you in the name of Love, and also to show you that I am in everything, not only in Christianity.
I Am part of God and from God I come.
I Am part of His Divine Emanation and of His Purpose for this and other Universes.
This is the Voice that speaks to you, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, the One Who was with you before and the One Who is with you now to give continuity to the Purpose of God.
May no people, culture, race or nation forget that each being first is an essence, before being matter; that they are part of an original Source and of a principle that must be fulfilled in you so that it can be fulfilled in the world.
Those who believe that they are powerful and make wars, will not win.
Those who are oppressed and suffer the consequences are the ones who will triumph.
Because Love will always be able to do everything. Love will renew everything and beliefs or religions will not be important, but rather the essence that will unite peoples and nations, where there will be no distinction of culture, race or color.
I come to show to My Church that I am also in those who would not believe in Christ. Because they do not really believe because they do not know Me, they have not felt Me and they have not lived Me, as you once lived and knew Me.
Expand this Love that I bring to the world, so that the world can have an opportunity and reconsider.
Therefore, from the Sahara Desert My Voice is proclaimed so that Christians, Arabs and Muslims listen to Me as the only God, as the emanation of the Firstborn Son, as the One Who has renewed all times in the past, through the Cross.
A moment will come when everyone will find themselves on the same path, and together, as peoples, cultures, religions and nations, they must cross the last portal, because there will be no other; there will be no portals to choose or door to cross, but one, which is the door of My Heart. There everyone will understand one another and will have clarity in the end times that I have always been the same, from the Alpha to the Omega, and that My Divine and Omnipotent Presence has been in everyone; although in the majority it has been hidden, even in order to awaken.
If I come as the Lord of Egypt, it is for you to know that My Christic Love is in others, and not only in so few or in those who believe they can retain Me by proclaiming My Name.
I Am the Son of the Living God, but also God is in Me, as in My brothers and sisters.
God, Abba or Allah is in everyone, as it is written in all the Sacred Books.
Because a day will come when the knowledge written in the Sacred Books will be one, when humanity receives the revelation that only one God was always in all creation, as in all times; going through all generations, all cultures and all peoples. And they will know that He has tried to express and show Himself in all places, as in all the corners of this planet.
And so, knowing this revelation, they will understand their filiation with the Father and they will join the Source. In that moment it will no longer be necessary to make wars or create conflicts, for material goods or for spiritual dogmas. At that moment I will already be present in the world and within humanity.
But, as in the past, the Living God in the Beloved Son will show Himself to small groups before showing Himself completely to the world and everything that will have happened through religions and this Work will be understood.
Those who did not accept it, will recognize it. Those who have stepped aside, will be ashamed for having abandoned Me. Those who persisted and will persist to the end, will enjoy My Spirit, something that will be unknown.
It will be the last impulse revealed by your Master and Lord to His disciples, in all those who have faith in My Name and in My Word.
And everything that will have been difficult, hard and sacrificed for those that are Mine will be understood and will have a meaning.
The anguishes lived; the sorrows that oppressed; the bitterness felt by the hearts that have separated themselves will be understood; because it is part of a purpose and a history that I am writing in this world and, mainly, in your hearts.
When everyone has conscience of what My Work has done through souls, many will regret too late; but those who are with Me will rejoice because they had full confidence in My Message and in My impulse of Light.
That is why I settle My Work in the most difficult places, so that it may be fulfilled and, at least, peace may be sown in the spirit of each place.
Therefore, everything you offer to your Lord for this Work will be invaluable in the eyes of the men of the world.
Because at this time it is written: The Lord of Egypt, the Lord of the East, will take away the power from those who believe they have it, and will give His treasures to those who have suffered for injustice and inequality; and the Promised Land, which dwells in the Heart of Christ, will be revealed to those who with effort have followed His steps, towards the path of Light and of unity.
And at that hour I will unite everything, cultures, peoples, beliefs, religions and races; and everybody will listen to the Master and Lord in one language, in His original language, which reverberates in the Universe and echoes in the deepest spaces of the Cosmos, like a mantric melody that, in an impulse of vibration and light, renews everything that it touches and transforms everything that is impossible.
The Voice of the Son of Man, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, will be like a thunder that will illuminate the cusps of the Churches of the Earth, without preference of place or people.
Because at the least thought moment the Lord of Egypt will show Himself and in His Heart, as in His Divine and Trine Face, He will bring the synthesis of all His experience lived on Earth as in Heaven, so that a New Humanity may begin.
In the meantime, listen to the Voice of the Lord of Egypt that tells you: do not tire of working for God, because God always will give His Treasures to those who live His Word truly and without prejudice.
Therefore, may love abound in these times so that millions of wounds may be closed in hearts that suffer for different reasons and motives.
When they understand the essence of the Purpose of God many will be surprised by what they will know, because they will know something they have never known; because something that they never saw will be revealed, and it will be clear to all; there will be no doubt, interpretation or mirage. Because when the Lord of Egypt returns to the world with His true Face, everything will be consummated.
May each prayer be valued. May each bead offered be contemplated. May every prayer offered be placed at the Foot of the Creator, for those who turned away from Me without understanding everything; because the only thing that I want for all of My companions is that they always see the truth and in truth live to someday be free of themselves.
I thank those who persist; those who are sincere and transparent; those who are not afraid to accept their mistakes and ask forgiveness to their brothers and to God.
I thank those who accept without understanding, because someday they will understand everything and, without realizing it, they will be transformed into what I have so much desired with ardor in My living and patient Heart.
May everybody learn from this moment and benefit this opportunity so as not to lose the Grace of awakening and renewing times, just as the Father expects from His creatures.
May the Gift of Wisdom be in the open hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom illuminate the closed hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom reconcile those who have moved away.
May the Gift of Wisdom restore the unity between the souls and God.
May the Gift of Wisdom impulse you to live the Purpose and the transformation of times; because who aspires to the Gift of Wisdom will know My Face.
I encourage you to continue materializing My Work.
I encourage you to continue fulfilling My requests; because I tell you again, companions, that everything will be clear at the end of these times.
Remember that My Kingdom is for everyone.
Dear children,
The physical-spiritual contamination of the planet compromises the inner evolution of the human race because it creates disharmony in Creation and, at the same time, leaves the correct rhythm of the universal Laws.
In the great oceans, for example, the contamination not only shows a lack of spiritual consciousness, but also a high level of indifference for the Kingdoms of Nature.
All the known and unknown waste that is thrown into the great seas of the world, besides drawing toward humanity a series of spiritual and physical diseases, which within this twenty-first century have been considered inexplicable, there is also generated the manifestation of certain spiritual forces, created by the contamination and by the chemical experiments made in the oceans.
This situation has an effect not taken into consideration by the human being and triggers the colonization of certain regions of the planet and of the human race, compromising the process of evolution.
At this time, prayer will not be sufficient to diminish the effects caused by the modern human being to the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather it is urgent to be aware of and to have an interest in protecting and supporting the Plan of evolution of the human race.
Great angelic Hierarchies work in these affected regions to generate an effect of transmutation capable of compensating for all the imbalances caused.
It is time to wake up!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I have come to the world, crossing all times and eras, to ask humanity for true and sincere repentance.
Now, I come outside the Church of My Son, because as the Mother of humanity, I come to call and save those who distance themselves from God and His eternal Grace.
For this reason, I have decided, under the celestial authority and divine obedience, to reach each of the nations of the world, to recover the true values of cultures and the sacred spiritual principles that make each race or each people, one universal culture.
In the last decades, My adversary has managed to confuse and remove souls from that which is sacred, inspiring innovation in archaic minds and harmful progress throughout entire continents, through uncontrollable abuse of the Kingdoms of Nature and of humanity itself.
With this planetary reality, your Mother and Governor of the Sublime Mirrors of Creation plays on the board of the definition of times in order to remove, from the evil path, all peoples, cultures and religions that are being led to the absolute oblivion of the path of good and of the Commandments. Thus, the Laws are permanently outraged and each essence loses its original innocence.
This is why, at the request of the Almighty, I have chosen your group of souls which, in humility, surrender and the sacrifice for Our Lord Jesus Christ, in these times represent the synthesis of all Christian and non-Christian religions of the world so that in this civilization you do not lose the spirit of faith and reconnection with God.
This is one of the most complex missions in the end of times. For this reason, throughout all the media of this human society, I have managed that souls feel My Work, through you, in an ecumenical way, based on the Love of Christ.
In this sense, there is still much to be done until this Work can be presented in a neutral and autonomous way to all great international organizations in order to take the Message of Peace without citing religion or belief.
After the Church of My Son opens the doors to this Work, the Father will fulfill the last part of His Purpose.
This is how the Work of the Divine Messengers will be presented to the international organizations as a message of the universe for the entire human race, calling for reflection and not for human self-destruction.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am The Aparecida of Brazil…
On this holy day, dear children, when your Heavenly Mother is honored on the altars of the Sanctuary of The Aparecida, I wished to address My words and My maternal message to all the pilgrims and devotees of Brazil.
It is for this cause and for this holy celebration that your Mother The Aparecida is the patroness and spiritual guide of the Brazilian nation, which has suffered so much in the consequences of colonization and slavery.
For this reason I am the Black Virgin, I am the Mother and Queen of the ancient slaves. I am the one who is in Brazil to protect it from domination and from the chaos of these times.
I am in My beloved Brazil to protect its natural and spiritual wealth; I am in Brazil to teach souls to live their redemption and their moment of forgiveness.
Here, in these lands, I have appeared to give testimony about freedom and shelter the entire black race, the original race of this humanity, which was decimated by the white race.
I have come to Brazil as the Black Virgin to be able to unite the peoples and nations through culture, language and divine spirituality.
The Virgin of Aparecida comes to heal the past and close the doors to the slavery that took place between Africa and the Americas.
Today I come to save those who are marginalized and exploited in this time; this is why I am the Black Virgin of Brazil.
I have appeared in these lands to present to My children the spirit of equality and justice. I come to sever the chains of mistakes that are experienced in this people, and I come to guide consciousnesses toward the Grace and Mercy of God.
I am the Black Virgin of Brazil, because I want to teach all of My children that they can see human beauty without contempt for the type of race, but rather through the likeness that God has instituted between Himself and the human being.
I am the Mother of all the blacks and of the slaves.
I am the Comforter of human suffering.
I am the Universal Judge of all the peoples.
I am the Advocate of Brazil.
With My Maternal and Marian Spirit, I come to ask all Brazilians that you take care of and protect your nation from the destruction of nature in the Amazon and of all the native life that flourishes here.
I am the Guardian of the natural beauty of Brazil, therefore, I implore all My children, that you protect this precious Eden that is Brazil.
I ask you to no longer pursue that which is innocent, I ask you to protect peace in the Eden of Brazil.
On this day in which all the pleas are directed to My Immaculate Heart, I would like to see faces of joy on all My children from Brazil so that, along with you Lady The Aparecida, we may have the Plan of God triumph in this dear nation.
I am grateful for the sincere devotion of this people, and because of that I return on this day so that, during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace, this impulse of joy and of devotion may bathe the entire world.
Brazil is the green and devoted heart of the Americas; here the Father has deposited a Purpose, and today I teach you to live it with love, charity, and awareness.
Open your hearts even more, and at the feet of the altar of your Lady The Aparecida say: “Little Mother, Lady of Brazil, here I am to serve you in honor of Your Beloved Son.”
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Brazil
Not to want your own will, and to love the Divine Will
This race in the beginning was designed by God to obey and follow a single Purpose. But since My adversary, in antiquity, awakened the temptation and free will in the humankind of the surface, the original Project was distorted, straying from the path of the Divine Will.
It was there that duality, free choice and disobedience to all higher Laws that would rule humanity in times to come until it would be a sacred humanity, entered into the primitive consciousness of humanity.
From the moment Adam and Eve were tempted in Eden to decide on their own life and thus deviate from the Hand of the Creator, what we call self-will entered into the essence of the human being.
This will, devoid of spiritual principles and impregnated with codes of corruptibility, was the action that diverted the new humanity from the path; in the beginning of everything, the first race was the wise Project of a new humanity for the surface.
From the moment the first Adam decided to survive on the planet transgressing the natural Laws, Eve on the other hand awakened the first signs of capital sins.
My adversary achieved what he wanted so much: to make this an inert humanity without self-consciousness.
After so many eras gone by, the culminating moment arrived where, in the first stage, the decadence of humanity would come to an end, and it would be through the apparition of Christ in the world, as the Firstborn Son of God, incarnated to rescue the essence of this thought human project.
Later on, when Christ was present, the whole race, which was already in the abyss of its perdition, was diverted from its own hell through the Passion of Jesus.
The coming of the Messiah of Israel was delicately prepared by the Creator Fathers, by the Holy Archangels. Each one brought and bore in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mother the light cells of transubstantiation and redemption, higher Laws that later on allowed to liberate humanity from evil.
Since Adam and Eve activated in themselves their own will, the human spiritual genetics were spontaneously affected until today by this energy of earthly power of appropriation and domination of all things.
Only those consciousnesses that throughout the ages managed to open themselves to find Christ within have been challenged to renounce and banish this old human code that has been deviating millions of souls from the Purpose until today.
Self-will is the consequence of not accepting in a true way the Love of God, being the consciousness impregnated by its own ideas and concepts, those that are opposed to the Divine Thought.
Although Christ gave life and died for all also with the purpose of deactivating the old corrupt code of self-will, after all the events and facts that Master Jesus gestated in the consciousness of those who listened to Him, meanwhile the other part of humanity strengthened the precarious link with self-will; it was like a ten-horned beast recreated by all involutionary actions of the human race.
The human will has always been honored and appreciated by the majority, this is one of the reasons why in these definitive times, consciousnesses that are committed to the Plan are not able to take their steps when affirming their own will: a chain that ties them to an endless hell.
Those holy consciousnesses that were able to overcome their own will, did it through three factors: first, working every day renouncing themselves, second, searching for the emptiness of themselves and third, serving unconditionally, taking into account that even living all these experiences, there is self-will based on arrogance and pride.
When the disciple of Christ disposes themselves to transcend the states that corrupt the love in humanity, they must have in mind that they will face within themselves their own beasts, which will try to make them give up all efforts.
Some consciousnesses on the surface of the planet, as is the case of those who opted for a consecrated life, have the spiritual mission of dispelling from their consciousnesses all these energies that condemn the evolutionary life of a soul, and they also have the mission to do it for humanity, imitating Christ.
In these times humanity must define the path it will follow, this will be before the expected Judgment that will happen on this beloved planet.
Christ was and is an extraordinary example of life and truth for all those who accept to return to the previous moment of the Plan in which Adam committed the so-called original sin; a sin from which all creatures are born with the code of self-will and free will.
To be able to change this frequency, the determination and effort that are stimulated by prayer will allow disarming the opposite impulses that bring self-will.
To live the Divine Will means to want nothing for oneself and everything for others. To live the Divine Will means to follow step by step what one is asked for, avoiding failure many times.
But we know that humanity of today does not want to follow in obedience and adherence to what the higher Universes are emitting; this leads to an increase of spiritual perdition of the consciousnesses, it leads to submerging oneself in all possible deceptions, it leads to missing the path one has come to walk.
Therefore, God sends His Messenger again to warn you all and the whole world that they are still living their own will and this will not deter the planetary suffering, but rather it is increasing it gradually.
I invite you, children, to do the exercise of cutting the chain of self-will, thus you will have the inner strength to be able to Christify your lives and prepare for the glorious coming of Christ to the world.
Be intelligent and do not allow self-will to distance you forever from the path of your redemption.
Times announce great changes for everybody.
I thank you for losing your self-will and for being born to the Eternal Will of God!
Who impels you to inner purification,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Fraternity, Unity with God, Faith and Hope are attributes that must always reign in the human heart.
Based on the principle of the Unity with God, which has never ceased to be Unique in the diversity of the manifestation of His Consciousness, experience, you as well, the unity among yourselves as one body belonging to the Divine Consciousness.
The Creator multiplied Himself and expanded in different forms of life, expression, manifestation so that His Perfection would become life and matter, so that the Love He expresses in His Divine Spirit could become flesh, mind, feeling, soul, spirit, vibration, sound, so there would be no limit in the manifestation of His Love.
God permeates everything that was created and gives all creatures the opportunity of being in likeness to Him. Aware of the Principles of the Creator, you must imitate Him. May love be multiplied in your hearts, may it be expressed in different ways, with words, prayers, silence, actions, with inner, spiritual, or physic communion, at the time of receiving the Eucharist.
As a group, may you express yourselves as the Consciousness of God: in many ways of life, many ways of serving, infinite possibilities of loving, but all this without ever losing the unity.
Although the existing creatures are so different from each other, this does not remove from any of them the essence that unites them in the divine likeness to the Creator Father.
I tell you all these things because it is time for unity, reconciliation, fraternity as bridges for love.
The different missions that are being carried out today show the path that each one must tread in their daily lives: overcome the differences between races, cultures, languages, nations, religions, to experience, as humanity, the Unity with God.
May you be aware that the time will come to unite your consciousnesses in one purpose: bring peace and reconciliation to Earth.
The suffering of the human heart helps to overcome the barriers of loving, and the need to find peace unites you.
Both in the Middle East and in Chaco, you will understand what the material, mental and physical purification causes in human consciousness. You must be before these extreme situations not only to help but also to learn. So, with this learning in your consciousnesses, you must ask yourselves if it is really necessary to go through similar purifications to learn to experience love, to seek unity with your neighbor, to transcend differences and walk towards the implementation of the Plans of God as one race.
Pain makes you look for love, but the possibility to love exists within your hearts, latent as a natural condition of the human being. You must only step out of yourselves and surrender to the search of this true Christic Love; love that unites the universes, love that unlocks evolution, love that makes you in likeness to the angels and allows you to return to God.
Before the situations of the Middle East and Chaco, you may profoundly reflect and make your choices: wait for the times of chaos or learn how to love as of now, surrendering yourselves to the Grace of the Unity with God.
Your Father and long-standing companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the beginning of the Creation of God, He manifested the universes in the Infinite Cosmos, which was the living representation of His Divine Consciousness.
In the Cosmos, God reproduced in everything the same principles of creation, and in different forms, represented His Divine Consciousness in everything that He would create. He created the universes with the principles of His perfection; created the galaxies, the planets, the conscious beings, who were the living outcome of the essences deriving from His Heart.
And in the vast Cosmos, created by God in seven dimensions that coexist and, in harmony, help each other mutually in order to reach the same evolutionary purpose – to become again one with God –, the Creator created the human beings.
He separated from the other creatures, in material bodies, ancient spirits, to which He entrusted the greatest process of transformation and of redemption of His Creation.
In a parallel time, different from the time and the space of the rest of Creation, God placed the most precious that would exist, if the desired result were achieved and if the potential of His Project were developed in those consciousnesses.
In this world, the Creator reunited spirits coming from all over the Cosmos; consciousnesses with different types of learning and with hidden records, both positive and negative. From all of them, He removed the cosmic memory, so that they would not know who they were and, this way, they could unite their knowledge and balance one another in order to reach the expected purpose.
The Lord sent to the world, besides all the spirits in most need of redemption, Divine Consciousnesses, uniting thus, two opposites, and representing in this little planet the great duality that exists in this universe. He gave, in this way, two possibilities to the world: the one of living a great evil and the one of living a good.
In this risky divine experiment, the Creator entrusted to the essences of those creatures a divine principle, the unity that, when activated in the essence of love, would allow the consciousnesses to overcome the duality of the universe and find a way to elevate all of His universal Creation to a new level of learning, a learning based on the unity with God by means love.
When we ask you for prayer, it is to overcome the forces that do harm inside and outside of the beings; forces that are only overcome by a great good, which is love.
When we ask you to forget about yourselves, to serve the other and to recognize the planetary reality, it is for you, by discovering such a smallness of your tridimensional consciousnesses, to be able to realize that everything you live is an illusion and, letting go of what you think you are, discover what you really are.
When I talk about a new humanity, I speak of ancient spirits of the universe which, redeemed by the discovery of love and the living of unity, start living according to the principles left by the Son of God, who was for all the example and the right path to follow. The new humanity is this conversion of the spirits of the universe.
The new humanity is the symbol of the potential of the Love of God in His creatures; it is the demonstration, to all that has been created, of how it is possible to overcome a great evil and take a leap from complete ignorance to the conscious union with the Creator.
Today I tell you things that the mind may not comprehend, but that the heart will know that they are truths that, in some moment, humanity will have to recognize.
The time of experience for humanity is already coming to an end and now you must start remembering the principles of the superior life and, with all that you have lived in this world, start discovering who you are and what you must heal in this time.
Christ has already left inside of each one the possibility of living love and unity with the other. Now, you only need to wake up and see that your priorities must no longer be what keep you well and safe in this world, rather that you must prepare what will happen far beyond this Earth, with what you have learned here.
I ask you to listen to Me with peace and only place what I told you in the heart, because, the steps you will take in the future will depend on the correct understanding of the instructions of the Divine Messengers.
I love you and bless you.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
I am the Mother of all peoples, all races, all languages, all beings. All the Creation of God comes from My sacred maternal womb. In Me all creatures are gestated; through Me are born and reborn the beings, the worlds, the universes. In My Heart I shelter and guard much more than all souls; in My Immaculate Heart I receive and welcome all creatures of all the kingdoms of this blessed and sacred universe.
My beloveds, you might ask why so many times I present Myself to you and in My words I say who I am. I speak about these things because God asked Me for humanity to recognize, in the end of times, the Feminine Creative Source, the Maternal Heart of God, which takes care of all that He created.
So many times I said “I am”, because humanity does not know Me and for not truly knowing Me, it does not seek Me and it does not look for My help before all the difficulties of life.
My dear ones, I present Myself to you as the Mother of Christ Jesus, because so it is. My Son is Omnipresent and He is in everything. His Most Sacred Consciousness reigns today in all creation and, thus, as I am His Mother, I am the Mother of everything that exists.
I ask you to receive My words in your hearts, because only there you will be able comprehend what I say to you. The one who may not open the heart will never be able to discover the celestial mysteries and the one who does not enter into these mysteries will never be able to find the true Universal Source, that is the Consciousness of God the Father.
My words seek to lead you to the truth, but humanity is very separated from the superior reality and few are willing to deepen into something that they do not comprehend and that they do not accept, for being so far from what they live in this world.
My beloveds, My presence invites you to the complete transformation of life and of heart. Many are the ones who do not accept Me because they are afraid of getting lost in the depth of My words and, today I say to you, that the one who deepens before the presence of the Divine Messengers and tirelessly seeks to comprehend, feel and live Our words, will not recognize themselves in a short time and they might not find themselves as they are today, because they will stop living and being a illusion, to express what they are, in essence and truth.
My beloveds, I say to you all of this, because throughout the whole history of humanity God sent Me to the Earth to lead humanity, but now, the celestial belfries are sounding and announcing that the time to live in illusion and ignorance is ending and I, as the Mother of all souls and of all beings that I am, have decided to launch Myself into the abysses of the planet and deliver the Gold of Truth to the ones that have always found themselves in the darkness of ignorance.
And even knowing that many may forever close the doors of their heart to Me, for not believing what I am saying or for not wanting to live the transformation to which I call them, I will never give up, because I also know that many will give Me their life and will make of this surrender, the reason of the conversion and the awakening of many other souls.
I want tell you on this day, My dear ones, that I will spare no effort to remove you from the sleep in which you live, that I will do everything to see you awake, knowledgeable of the Truth and of the living manifestation of the Will of God.
May today My words reach the depth of your hearts and impel you to take a definitive step. The souls wait for the definition of your hearts to find a tangible example to follow.
I love you and I wait for you attentive, vigilant and tireless in this long journey.
Peace for humanity.
I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloveds,
In this time of conflict and chaos in which evil wants to carry the souls towards uncertain and infernal places, the unity among the apostles of My Son will be the key to sustain this end of times.
We have journeyed through long paths, we have traversed mountains and valleys, pathways of light that together you and I have marked on this Earth and in the heart of many souls that have turned themselves to God, and that today wait anxiously for the return of the Savior.
We still have many paths to traverse together, building this Marian map upon the face of this planet so that one day the peoples, the races, the religions and all of the nations, when looking towards the Heights to receive the Divine Mercy and Justice, will be only one movement of a new order for all the creatures.
Today I come to My children to relieve them from the weight of the path so that they may know that in the face of the tests that are to come I will be more than ever with all of you.
In spite of what seems to be happening in this world and at times among My soldiers, we are building within the consciousnesses a fortress that you still do not know.
When you encourage one another to carry on walking in the faith that My Son teaches you, when you understand and forgive the faults of your brothers and sisters of path, when you elevate each other in spite of the tiredness and the inner loneliness, you are forming in your consciousnesses great towers that watch over your spirit so that the enemy may not be able to approach.
Do not forget that when you definitively surrender yourselves to the Will of the Divine, evil will no longer pursue you internally, because in your dwellings shall live the One and Only and True King, Christ, the Great Shepherd.
On this day My little ones, fear will be converted into an unknown love, into a greater strength that will give you an impulse directly towards God. On this day, dear children, there will no longer exist doubts, inner sorrow, the absolute peace will reign in your lives and you will be blessed in life, as loyal examples of the Love of God upon the Earth.
My little beloveds who today are kneeling before Me as My children, know that these brief moments in which I Am able to caress your souls are precious moments for Me because in this time these instants are unique in the universe. In these moments of union of your hearts with Mine in which I Am able to approach Myself to cover you with My mantle of light, My Heart of Mother overflows with love and joy.
Perceive, My beloved ones, how My Immaculate Heart fills you with light, with this light that God has permitted Me to bring to the world. Feel, little ones, how My Love of Mother, the love of your little Mother enters each one of you.
I will always take care of you, I will caress you with My holy hands as I have done with Jesus so that you may never be discouraged.
Know, dear children, that the path that remains will be intense and difficult for some, but if all raise their swords and their voices to pledge fidelity to the Redeemer, the Light of God will descend upon you and it will cover you with divine protection.
Always bear in mind that His Beloved and Little Children are the ones who He chose to accompany His Firstborn Son, the Savior.
I Am with you, within your hearts. I Am your Mother, the Queen of the Heaven and of the Earth.
Thank you for being today with Me.
I love you,
Mary, your Mother
My Universal Consciousness rejoices itself when the souls open in trust the doors of their houses to Me so that My Mercy may be able to reign.
For this today I invite you to answer to My call for the universal liberation and redemption of all of the races through the Trustworthy Source of My Divine Mercy.
I want you to know that My Presence is in all of the paths of the souls. As I have been once in Middle East I have also been in Orient to remind you of the commitments and the Graces that the Universe had once deposited in My Heart.
With this revelation I ask you to remember the loving commitment that each soul has made with Me since always, thus you will allow Me to realize the works that I have planned in the hearts.
I need the wide openness of your heart in order to open again the doors for those who have them closed. I only ask you to live Me as Your Inseparable Companion of the Path. In this way you will help, from the consciousness, to rebuild what has been destroyed in the consciousness of humanity.
I come today to let you know My true Love for you, that love that the Father gestated within My Heart from the first Moment. Today I Am with you but tomorrow I wish to be with the world to tell it: “Come and follow Me, it is time to find the true Peace.”
Under the Infinite Love that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for living within My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more