Pray for Brazil, its people, its Kingdoms, for the life that inhabits it and must become sacred.
Pray so that there may be love in the hearts, unity among beings and mutual respect among brothers and sisters that are placed in the same nation by God to fulfill the Divine Purpose.
Pray so that love may not be lost within the beings and they may be able to turn the tests that will come into opportunities of overcoming in love and peace.
Pray for the cultures and the races so that they may find unity in their essences, in the certainty that all life came from a single Source and to It, it must return.
Children, I tell you again that the world is agonizing and the nations are going deeper into the intense cycle of its purification. For this reason, pray for the nations and its peoples, pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and the cultures. Fill your hearts with the certainty that a sincere prayer makes the strength, which transforms the tests of these times into a renewal of God's Love, descend from the Heavens, just as His Son transformed the sacrifice of the Cross into the overcoming of Love.
Pray, children, to keep Heaven united to the Earth and hearts united to God.
Many times you pray to stop events, you pray for this or that thing not to happen to you, and you get frustrated for not seeing the results of your prayers. But in times of purification, your prayers will not be able to stop events because many times what the planet is living is part of the election of humanity and it is manifested through the Divine Justice.
Your prayers must be to strengthen hearts in love so that nations and souls may not lose their union with God, so that whatever happens in this world may lead them to overcome the Love of God and of His Son. Because this is the cross of these times and, through it, you must unite dimensions and enter into a new time and a new life.
Therefore, pray. Pray so that the Purpose and the Will of God may be established. Pray so that the strength of the hearts may be in God and not in the world. Pray so that love may grow in the hearts. Pray for a new time, for a new race and for a new life. Pray, all in all, for peace.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more