Do not measure your possibilities according to your own strength. Do not look to concretize the Plan of God only with your own hands. Do not think that you are not capable of doing and experiencing this or that thing because you cannot find the possibilities within.
Look at the history of those who accomplished the Will of God and expressed it, manifesting the part that was theirs to do of the Divine Work of the Creator. Was it them on their own who were the builders of that Work?
Your human possibilities and what you know of yourself does not matter much at the moment of concretizing Divine Work. What matters is your capacity to go beyond yourself, of focusing your eyes, your thoughts and your heart on God and saying:
This, child, should be your prayer in the times that will come.
Do not look at your imperfections, but rather at the Perfection of God. In order not to limit the Divine Work to your possibilities, do not even look to your skills and virtues, but simply be an empty instrument, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, always willing to follow paths that are not within your mind, that were not laid out by you, but by God.
Trust that within a heart, empty and willing for the Creator, lies His miracles in action, and you will become a living miracle.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today I pray that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may provide shelter to the lost souls that cannot find meaning within their lives, that are confused and do not know the reason for their existence, that do not know the Love and the Grace of God.
Today I pray that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may take in the fragile souls that struggle to be faithful and give way to the temptations of the world, becoming lost in vices, which yield to chaos and evil.
I pray that the souls that cry out for help see the arms of the ever-Virgin Mother of God reaching out to the world. May you take those firm and delicate hands, which cross the universes and the Heavens, in the face of the Law of Justice, and they pour out Mercy upon the world.
I pray that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may be known, that souls may know how to revere the Love of a Mother that deters the Laws and the Anger of God, and cries out for Her most lost children.
In times of transition and definition, children, I pray that souls understand that the Love of the Virgin Mary goes beyond all human understanding. She takes even the most lost souls by the hand and leads them to the Son, Who leads them to God.
Know how to pray with the Most Holy Mary, not only for peace, but also for forgiveness, for hope, for the salvation of the greatest sinning souls, because it is She, children, Who cries out to the Firstborn to place His attention upon the water that must be transformed into wine; She is Who supports the cross of Her children, Who perseveres beyond sorrow, Who remains standing; it is She Who teaches you to serve in silence, to manifest and perpetuate the Plan of God, even when God seems to be absent. She teaches you to be in the Father, in all circumstances, making of your own lives the doorway to the Kingdom of God.
For this reason, I pray, so that today She not only be honored but, above all, you may live in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a heart is nourished from the impulses of the world and enters into the spiritual life, responding to an inner call, but it does not open to transformation, children, then the path of inner decline begins.
In this time, very ancient consciousnesses come to the world to overcome the stimuli of this era and become true Christs of the times of transition.
But, bound by mundane foundations and supported by the illusions of the world, the souls that reacquire their commitment to Christ must allow themselves to be transformed by Him because part of overcoming these stimuli is the surrender of all that supports them in the things of the world: one's own aspirations, personal, spiritual and human accomplishments, inner and intellectual concepts of Truth and of the Plan of God, the need for standing out among all others, even if in virtues and in saintliness, the need to supply what is lacking into what is tangible, the need to feel oneself to be loved by what is visible and admired by the world. All this, children, must be transformed within the soul that regains their commitment to Christ.
In these definitive times, your Lord removes the foundations of sand that support your feet and, having you cross through the desert, places you upon the rock of His Consciousness.
You must unlearn the things of the world, let yourself be defeated by Divine Will, and do not do that through looking around you but rather by looking inward and upward.
The souls that see themselves as weakened, look around in search of greater miseries that will justify their faults and make them small; but this, children, is not the way of rectifying any misery.
The true sense of justifying is to be found in love, in the Love of Christ, in the Love of God, which is capable not only of justifying, but of transforming everything.
Thus, in the face of weaknesses, do not look around, but rather, look inward. Do not support yourself with criticisms but rather through daily confession to God, because the one who yields does not need to defend themselves, they do not need to fear or run away from themselves nor from God, because they will come to know Divine Love.
Lose your fear; do not feed false miseries justified by deeper sins, but rather yield to God and confess. In Him you will find true freedom, the healing and transformation you need in order to be whole and bound to the rock of Divine Will.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep in your heart that which makes you a disciple of Christ, which is obedience, humility, love and absolute faith in His Plan.
Remember, child, that your heart must be an instrument of the Lord, and wherever you go, carry that certainty and that mission with you.
Let your heart always be a bridge to the Heart of God; and for that, it must be empty of self, empty of plans, projects, expectations, empty of will and of dreams to be realized.
To be an instrument of God, your heart must be humble and obedient, always open to listen, always ready to learn, more inclined to perceive what the Universe wants to show you each day rather than contributing something to somebody or to some situation.
If you are always ready and attentive to learn, you will be able to perceive what God wants of you in each instant. If you are ready to obey, you will follow the cycles and will not cling to your will and to your plans, even though at some point they were the Will and the Plan of God itself.
Times change, cycles go by and each day will bring a different need. Thus, what is most important in this time is to know how to obey, to be attentive to the new impulses that come from God and to be ready to change the direction of the ship if it becomes necessary.
May being an instrument of God in the world be your only will; in this way, child, everything will be accomplished as it should be, be it in Africa or in any part of the world, the Plan and Divine Will shall manifest through you.
Live and remain in the void. In prayer, seek the Creator who dwells within you; hear His Voice, feel His Love, and know that within you, you will always find a refuge where you can be with your God, to renew your strengths and continue.
You have My blessing for taking a step into the void.
You have My blessing for finding a cycle of greater humility and obedience.
You have My blessing for discovering what it is to live under the Will and the Grace of the Divine Hierarchy all the time.
You have My blessing for being an instrument of God and to find peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After so many impulses received and so much that you have had to sustain, so that this world could know a little peace and, even though there are few, may souls be awakened at this time. Now, children, you must retreat into your own heart and become peaceful.
The world has not stopped suffering. Humanity still has a long way to walk in order to be healed and liberated. Therefore, allow your bodies to recover, let your consciousness assimilate the impulses received and meditate upon the next steps to be taken.
After experiencing with Christ the steps of His Passion, now you must re-live the moment when the apostles faced the Ascension of Jesus into the Heavens and the solitude and silence that they went through to synthesize within themselves all that they experienced with Christ.
The impulses that you have received in recent days are much like those impulses received by the apostles in the last three years of the life of Jesus. Many were the Graces, the blessings, the Rays and the Laws that acted in your lives within a short time. Thus, now is the moment of silence, solitude and quietude. A moment for looking toward Heaven and emitting your response to the Father, having God hear your "yes" and, in this way, continue to walk with faith, which is renewed within each step, within the echo of the Graces that you have received.
May the fruits be prolific within your hearts because all the doors have been opened to you; now just go through them.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Love and honor the Plan of God for this world and for each heart. Deepen within yourself the true meaning of your life, and let this spiritual deepening be the foundation of your growth, let it be what pushes you to move forward, every day, despite everything that happens in the world.
Meditate upon your essence, and seek to know more about yourself, meditate on what makes you similar to God, from the beginning that originated your creation. And, from there, allow that your consciousness may enter superior realities, spiritual and divine, that will give you inner support to remain in this world, in this time.
Child, I say all these things because it will only be by establishing yourself in the spiritual levels that you will overcome these times. Otherwise, the harassment and influences of the world will confuse your mind and your heart, and you will no longer be able to distinguish between what is true from what is illusion.
Only the persevering hearts will remain in the world as seeds for a new life. In them, the Divine Will will be fulfilled, and their surrender will generate merits so that other beings from this wide Celestial Creation may receive the opportunity to continue evolving, growing and becoming closer to God, by returning to their Origin.
For this reason, in these times, before anything else, deepen into your inner world, become established in the knowledge of yourself, not as a human personality, but as a divine creature. Thus, your whole consciousness will know where the illusion ends and where truth begins, know what is the limit of the mistakes in this life, so that you will be able to overcome your own human condition and become a divine triumph.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Learn today to calm your mind and your heart through prayer, singing and silence which, together with the exercise of breathing with awarenesses, lead you to the state of peace in which you must be.
Learn to be meek before the times that present themselves so that thus, your mind can unite to the heart and together may attract wisdom and divine discernment.
May you be able to stand before all trials in calm and in peace, inside and outside of yourself, and even when hearing, with your inner ears, the trumpets of Divine Justice, may your heart know how to perceive that a Grace is approaching and that the New Time is closer to being a reality.
Always place your heart in the Grace and in the Purpose of God so that you may always find faith and hope in everything. These are not easy times that are approaching the Earth, but there must not be hopelessness in your heart because of this.
Fill your inner world with faith, consolidate in your heart the strength of knowing yourself as part of a Greater Will. And do not be afraid. Let your spirit learn to seek peace and send this peace to your most human bodies.
For this, child, you must create a bond with your higher self, and this is done with intention and with sincere prayer, which will allow you to enter into an elevated state.
Now prepare your consciousness for what is to come, and this is not just externally. Prepare your inner world, your heart and your mind, because that moment is unknown and it will also awaken unknown reactions in you which can destabilize you if you do not learn to be in peace now.
Pray and strengthen your heart.
Pray and unite with your spirit.
Pray and find the path to the Heart of God, this way you will be ready to endure all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time of this world goes by and, in the Universe, the Time of God is approaching.
The cycles are transformed, the laws are exchanged so that other laws will be the impulses received by life.
Within the beings, spirits scream, and those who realized strong commitments with God can no longer remain in their ignorance and in the common living of their days.
The rays that spiritually descend from the Heavens moves, within the souls, the need to awaken; moves within those already awakened, the need to mature; and moves in those who are mature, the need to deepen. Nothing will remain as it is.
The Time of God will bring restlessness to all beings because their cells will be changing vibration, their essences will approach their origin, their spirits will see in the horizon the possibility of returning to God. Everything will move you towards evolutionary life.
Listen to the voice of your hearts. Know how to respond to your souls and, before a divine call, always say "yes".
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
By the merits generated in prayer and service, the Creator grants His blessings to the souls so that, through them, the spirits awaken and are ready to serve this world even more, and beyond it.
When the hearts pray, they grant the Creator the power to enter their homes and transform their lives. The Heart of the Lord finds encouragement in these praying souls and, through them, grants graces and Mercy for those who do not deserve them and even deny God and His Presence.
Therefore, children, open with joy the doors of your houses for God and let Him make of your homes cenacles of prayer, where the hope and the Love of the Creator renew themselves.
Within these cenacles of light, the thirsty souls quench their thirst and the Divine Mercy finds a door to descend to the world and to permeate the beings, the Kingdoms of Nature and the nations.
Offer your homes as an abode for the Heart of God so that, through the transformation of your families, many other families may receive the opportunity to be in God.
Today I tell you that the Love of the Father renews itself in your lives and within your hearts, it builds a fortress that many times you do not see nor perceive, but that will sustain you in future times.
Let the Creator find in your spirits encouragement and reparation for so much indifference in the world. While you repair the Heart of God with simple offers, His Love transforms you with an unknown depth, healing wounds that are hidden in the consciousness, but that reflect themselves in your lives.
Let yourselves be healed while you pray and repair the Heart of God. Some day you will discover that His Grace has transformed you into His instruments and, through the door of your hearts, the Lord will return in Spirit and in Divinity to this world.
Today I thank you for transforming your homes into cenacles of prayer, abode of the heart of God, and I tell you that, in these homes, the Heart of His Son will pass to grant Mercy and Redemption to the world.
Do not get tired of praying. Let the miracle of the Lord happen in your lives and, through you, in the whole planet.
I love you and thank you for fulfilling the Plan of God with love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray for Brazil, its people, its Kingdoms, for the life that inhabits it and must become sacred.
Pray so that there may be love in the hearts, unity among beings and mutual respect among brothers and sisters that are placed in the same nation by God to fulfill the Divine Purpose.
Pray so that love may not be lost within the beings and they may be able to turn the tests that will come into opportunities of overcoming in love and peace.
Pray for the cultures and the races so that they may find unity in their essences, in the certainty that all life came from a single Source and to It, it must return.
Children, I tell you again that the world is agonizing and the nations are going deeper into the intense cycle of its purification. For this reason, pray for the nations and its peoples, pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and the cultures. Fill your hearts with the certainty that a sincere prayer makes the strength, which transforms the tests of these times into a renewal of God's Love, descend from the Heavens, just as His Son transformed the sacrifice of the Cross into the overcoming of Love.
Pray, children, to keep Heaven united to the Earth and hearts united to God.
Many times you pray to stop events, you pray for this or that thing not to happen to you, and you get frustrated for not seeing the results of your prayers. But in times of purification, your prayers will not be able to stop events because many times what the planet is living is part of the election of humanity and it is manifested through the Divine Justice.
Your prayers must be to strengthen hearts in love so that nations and souls may not lose their union with God, so that whatever happens in this world may lead them to overcome the Love of God and of His Son. Because this is the cross of these times and, through it, you must unite dimensions and enter into a new time and a new life.
Therefore, pray. Pray so that the Purpose and the Will of God may be established. Pray so that the strength of the hearts may be in God and not in the world. Pray so that love may grow in the hearts. Pray for a new time, for a new race and for a new life. Pray, all in all, for peace.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
May your faith be fervent so that in these definitive times faith may be the perfect balm that strengthens your souls and hearts.
Being in faith, you will be in love, and will have the necessary consciousness to be able to understand and live the last events of humanity.
May your faith be inviolable and unalterable; may it be a faith capable of transcending fears and all attachments.
In you, through prayer and service, may a mature faith awaken, capable of standing the times and of transcending the mental limits of consciousness.
May faith guide you to love so that in love you may live forgiveness, so necessary for yourselves and for all who surround you.
In this final time, may faith strengthen your trust in God, in the path of an incessant quest for the life of the spirit.
In faith may the inner peace be established, knowing that it is time to fulfill the mission that the Father and the Universe ordered for each being.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Everything that will be seen in these end times must not surprise anyone, because inconceivable situations will show themselves overnight and, as a result from them, many consciousnesses will define their destiny.
Let it be enough to be in God and seek His Kingdom at each moment so that what will show itself before everyone does not bother anyone, nor provoke undesirable decisions.
We still come to the world at the express request of the Creator Father because humanity is distracted and seduced by all the material conditions and the spiritual life, which is what sustains the consciousness, has been put into second place.
But we also come for all those who persist in faith and in trust, knowing that some day they will know the Kingdom of God and will become part of it.
In this time, everything that will happen will be extreme; there will be no half measures. This will place the souls where they choose to be, because nobody will be obligated to seek God, but yes, they will be called to pay attention.
This is a time in which everything will be in motion. I know it seems little encouraging, but it is the truth.
The planet, as a consequence, can no longer sustain two polarities, two forms of life. Either the planet is purified or the planet self-destructs.
Let us continue working for the purification of humanity and for the salvation of all of the Kingdoms, beyond all consequences.
Let us proclaim our faith and let us decree the coming of the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Never allow yourself to lose faith in the most difficult moments.
Remember Peter when he had to walk amongst the waters, sustaining himself only on an act of faith. It was faith that kept him standing and took him, beyond everything, to trust in the Divine Presence of the Lord.
In the same way, today, Christ calls His servants to walk and go through these critical times through the fire of faith. Because it will be faith itself and the trust of your hearts that will grant the true miracles of life.
That, in faith, you may be able to sustain, fulfill and donate yourself, because who is truly in faith does not fear anything.
That, in faith, you find the Divine Faith of Christ, the same Faith that sustained Him in each stage of His Life, as well as His surrender of love for others.
If in My Son faith had not been present from the beginning of everything, it would not have been possible to go through and live everything that He experienced.
Faith is immutable, constant and neutral; it is nourished from the Divine Source and repels the evil influences.
The path of faith gives us peace and in peace one can be qualified to discern and have wisdom.
The faith of each believer in God will be the great key that will save the world because to have faith is to have love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Just as in a previous cycle, I conducted you through the path of humility, of service, which goes beyond the works of charity, and I also taught you about the love for the Kingdoms of Nature, and now, children, I come to teach you to elevate yourselves beyond the human condition.
As a divine contradiction, in reality, children, I come for you to know the Truth and diminish the power of illusion. Your hearts are anchored on the Earth because you do not know the Truth about yourselves, nor about God, His Kingdom, His Plan; you do not know the Truth about Life and you spend the days of a unique cycle of definition identified with something that is not real.
The Time of God is approaching and nothing nor nobody will be able to stop this event. The definition that marks this cycle talks about how each being, and the consciousness of the planet itself, will cross the threshold to a New Life. Will you become dust like everything that comes from it? Or will you leave the dust to the wind and allow the nothingness, which you seemed to be, reveal the unity with God and make you part of an infinite Whole?
I come, in this cycle, to help you to define your paths. It is not that the voice of just one Messenger is not enough, because God in Himself, in His silence, is sufficient, but the presence of three Divine Messengers, instructing humanity in a unique and extraordinary form, never seen before, is the symbol of the perpetual Mercy of God; during a time in which the traits of His Justice have already began to appear, as in the writings of the Sacred Books, which dictate the destiny of humanity.
Therefore, children, in this cycle, let gratitude permeate your hearts and drink from the Words of God as a thirsty being who knows how to value each drop of water that is offered to them. This is the Water of Life in a time of spiritual thirst. Drink and multiply this gift for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After everything defines, some will think that I was never here nor will they believe that in these last years I have been talking to you directly so, in spite of your miseries and imperfections, you should let the world know that I am already returning.
For this reason, stay firm without hesitating and trust in Me, because from My Heart will come the correct words when you and some of your companions may have to testify because of My cause. But in that moment, and in that hour, everything will already have been said and the world will be at the apex of its great and last purification.
Thus, as from now, do not feel regret or distress. All who serve Me for some reason, must be tested in their faithfulness, obedience and love, so that, in My servers, in those whom I have chosen, the transformation that My Word brings about and the miracle that My Message produces, may be represented.
Keep on as you have been until now, close to Me, in simplicity and love, and tell your companions to do the same, because the time to protect the Work from the enemies will come.
Those who oppose will come to know the greater heat of My Fire.
Those who unconditionally adhere will come to know the celestial marvel of My Love.
Thus, continue forward for Me and for no one else; the world is full of personalities, and to all of them the moment to disappear for being full of fantasies and illusions will come.
But you, who are with Me and that, for My Mercy, I have taught you to be so, never cease to make Me known.
Imitate Me, even though you may not manage to do so; seek Me, even though I may not call you, because, from that spiritual communion with Me, you will receive the strength you need in order to defend My Word and My Message from those who will try to deny them.
Accept the cycles that are coming and never, not for a second, stop surpassing Me in love. Thus, for your service, you will allow Me to win over the obedience that I expect from many more hearts that are disobedient to Me.
Today I do not make you shine like gold nor diamonds; you are the most imperfect stone that has been molded by Me. Let Me continue to penetrate in the depths of your spirit, for that is where the Supreme Will will be done.
Be an example of constancy, just like some of Mine are.
Believe, above all things, in what My Love can do, in this way everything will be transformed.
I will be your breath in the times of trial. I will be your hope on the days of great planetary darkness.
I Am what I Am.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Pray so that the Kingdom of God may descend upon the Earth and His Celestial Church may be established and manifested in all the churches of the world, revealing the divine spirituality and renewing the spirits who persevere in the search of a true faith.
Pray to raise your consciences and hearts to the Heart of God and find there the wonders of His Kingdom, in order not to lose the love in your hearts.
Pray for the priests of this world, for those who have lost the Grace of God and who no longer attract His Presence, but who have become instruments of darkness and of perdition, destroying the celestial treasures that the Father has granted them for their redemption and salvation.
Pray for the priests who make an effort to reach the grace to stand firm in their vocation, and which, day and night, are tested not to serve God, but to fall into the temptations of the world.
Pray for the religious of this Earth, consecrated to the Plan of the Creator in the different congregations and true spiritual lineages, hoping to be a light in the darkness of the world so that it is not lost and there can be a day worthy of the presence of the Celestial Kingdom.
Pray, my children, for it is the time for the deepest sins in the human consciousness to come to the light, and many will succumb into darkness, leaving aside the graces they once received to manifest the Kingdom of God.
It is time to wash yourselves in the pure waters of the end of times, which makes you transparent before God and before the world, so that, recognizing your weaknesses and sins, you repent and return to your paths.
The time has come for the definition of the planet, because soon there will be only two Laws acting on Earth: Justice and Mercy. Justice will be given to those who define themselves for it, and Mercy to those who open to it, surrendered in the truth of their hearts.
Pray for the souls not to be afraid or ashamed of repentance; do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for or to grant forgiveness.
Pray for all to have the courage to see themselves transparent and yet surrender before God, so that He makes you new and renews you in His Grace; so that you may be witnesses of His Piety to the world and, holding in your hearts the Divine Mercy, you multiply it in selfless service to others.
Pray for the Humanitarian Missions and for all those who will open their hearts to the missionary spirit, so that they may receive the opportunity to awaken and to redeem their faults through service. And pray for all those who will be served and who will receive the help of God through their fellow beings, so that they may see the flames of love, hope and faith awakened in their hearts again, which was disappearing from their spirits through suffering and darkness.
Pray, My children, for this planet, so that, despite all purification and all tests, these times may be the preparation of a new time.
As humanity will purify and cleanse themselves to be others, surrendered to God in His Grace, may this planet also purify and cleanse itself, and always count on firm spirits who, in prayer, will sustain it, so that one day it may be worthy to be the cradle of a new life, a life that will express the truth and resemblance to the Kingdom of God.
After all is fulfilled, the Earth will be worthy to receive a new name, reborn in Christ and under the Grace of the Spirit of God. The whole planet will enter the time of eternity, where the hours will not be counted.
When all has passed, My children, and love has triumphed in the hearts of those who persevered, being peacekeepers, this peace will expand beyond their hearts and reach the horizon of the stars, the firmament in the Universe, returning to settle where you did not even know it was lost.
Pray, then, so that souls may have this goal in their hearts and that, in the face of all the tests, do not forget it and do not lose sight of it.
You will see upon the world unbelievable accomplishments and events, but today I will tell you, My children, that even greater than all of this, there will be the triumph of the Plan of God which will succeed these events. Thus have faith, pray and persevere.
As My Voice speaks in the world, I will help you and accompany you always. And by revealing to you the celestial mysteries, I will teach you to attract the Truth to the Earth and to live it.
I bless you and thank you for carrying forward this Plan of Love and of Peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A Good Mother - Part I
A true mother is able to give everything to her children, no matter if her children correspond to her or not.
A true mother does everything in silence, and in this silence many times she is silent in order not to challenge the contrariness of these times.
A true mother shelters the suffering of the others and makes it part of herself.
A true mother knows the immaturity and stubbornness of her children, and even so, a true mother will always show the reality and the good side of the history and of the whole experience.
A good mother does not complain, but yes she indicates; she does not submit nor control, but warns, suggests and guides, because her maternal and feminine heart will always dictate many things.
A good mother will always give good to her children, and a little more.
A good mother is one who always says yes and who cries in her solitude.
She waits for her children will find the way to maturity, kindness, and transparency.
A good and true mother fears for the perdition of her children, and when her children do not listen to her, it grieves her heart.
That is why the Father gave you a mother, no matter if she is right or wrong. God gave you an earthly mother and a Spiritual Mother.
These mothers expect that their children never forget them, to carry them engraved with fire in their hearts, because a mother is the intermediate thread that will unite them to God, in Her feminine aspect.
All those who, in the consecrated life, had the grace of having a spiritual mother, is to recognize her, especially the youth. Because in these moments to be on the lap of a mother will be like being in the Arms of God.
A lot of humility and confidence is necessary to understand, feel, and realize what a good mother feels for her children.
I invite you to relive the hearts of mothers, for all the mothers of the world who agonize day and night because they cannot help their children.
God gave you His greatest universal treasure: to have a mother close to you, just as Jesus had Me, so that in the most difficult and arid moments I would support Him.
A true mother always has a place for her children, because her children are the first reason for her existence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I still have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter, but when Divine Justice comes, it will close.
Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter and merge with My Spirit. But to go through this sacred doorway, you must leave behind everything that you believe you are, everything that pleases you and brings you recognition.
Look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter. Do not waste material time thinking about whether you will be with Me or will move away from Me. You know that time is going by quickly.
Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter; only the Father will say when it will close. Hurry up and do not question yourself anymore because when the door to My Heart closes, I will no longer be among you.
Thus, look, I have had the door to My Heart open for more than two thousand years and I offer it to everyone, but it is still only very few that dare go through it in order to forget themselves.
Hurry and go through the doorway of My Heart before everything is unleashed.
The door to My Heart will close unexpectedly and everything will happen. Those who have not entered will be unprotected and they will beat their chest, crying out in affliction for not having listened to Me.
Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter. Do not become distracted by the things of the world; everything that the world has to offer ends in a deep and miserable emptiness, for it does not contain love.
How many souls have already retrogressed because of wanting to remain within themselves and have gone through the doorways of their condemnations, and still believe that they did something marvelous?
Do not delay and look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may take refuge in Me. Because the savage wolves will go hunting and those that have not entered into Me will be attacked and will be out in the weather, just like a poor flower is adrift in the storm.
Look, I still have the door to My Heart open. Do not doubt, do not think about it anymore, do not do the same as the ungrateful ones who used to be with Me.
Enter into My Heart and all will pass.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart.
My church on Earth is going through its first and great tempest. The sepulchers hidden for decades are being opened to reveal the Truth.
I have told you, once, that stone will not remain upon stone and many of Mine think that it is only an allegory.
My priests in the world are being judged and some are taken to prison. The consecrated life is the preamble of the prelude of the great attacks of My adversary.
Therefore, you must run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart.
My Eyes can no longer see so much discord in the world.
My Heart can no longer bear so much shame in others.
And even though from the Garden of Gethsemane I already knew this would happen, My flocks are dispersed and still do not know how to strengthen unity so that the Shepherd may guide them.
I still count with the fingers of My Hands those who truly want to be in Me.
This is the time, My child,, to see incredible situations and realities; but it is also the time of Grace for those who know how to knock and call on the correct door.
I must still look with neutrality at the events that happen, day to day, in humanity and especially in the consecrated life.
My Mother asked Me that, for Her Love, I not apply the Law of Justice.
The cup was full before, but now it is overflowing, and the time of peace is coming to an end.
Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart, because while, deceits and manipulations will continue coming to the light, and once again, there will not remain stone upon stone.
I am ashamed to see the religious life so disorderly in the entire world. In some cases, I ceased to be the spiritual model so that the modernities would be so.
The adversary, with all its fury, is taking revenge on My servants and I am still waiting for the exact moment of lifting My Sword to unleash the great and last final time.
My Altar is full of Graces and My Chalice is full of My Blood, but few are the ones who draw close to Me to plead with Me.
Where is the attention of My disciples?
Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart so that you are protected from yourself, from your own aspects that will compromise your feelings of love for Me.
Hold on tight to My Tunic, because, if you let Me, I will help you.
I will no longer be able to cry tears of blood for any more ungrateful ones.
In truth I tell you, and with all of My Love, I declare to you, that Justice will rain in a surprising way, like hail.
Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart so that when everything happens, you are under My Divine Protection.
I thank you for keeping My Words with attention!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
While on the one hand, the consciousness of the planet reflects a humanity divided by wars, hunger, inequality, and conflicts, on the other hand, the essences of this time are going through their great definition.
I ask you to take My Hand so that I may unite you all and thus lead you on the path of love and reconciliation.
My enemy is managing to infiltrate even the religious life. He projects fantasies, stimulates ideas, and generates disagreements, awakening great discouragement and disappointments in hearts.
By all means he tries to undo My projects, but he will not manage to do this. He already realizes that he lost, and thus places all his fury in human minds and generates many setbacks where they do not exist.
For that reason, I come to ask you to protect yourselves, to take one another into consideration, and to not, even for a second, leave My Heart, because in this way, I will protect you and I will hold you in My Arms.
Everything contrary to the light that may be happening at this time will be an appearance created by My adversary.
Immerse yourself in the prayer of the heart, fulfill the daily liturgies, and you will survive. Because more complex times will come and hearts must be more united than before to endure the last and definitive clashes.
I am praying for you. The Woman clothed with the Sun is, at this moment, running to the desert.
The door of Armageddon has already been opened in this last August.
Be vigilant and do not allow yourselves to be confused.
I am at the rearguard of My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more