In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My silence reveres this moment, because you must not lose any moment of it.
My silence will open the door of your consciousness so that, once again, the codes of redemption may enter your souls, the innermost depths of your spirits, for you to participate with Me in this sacred moment of celebration and Communion with My Body and My Blood, a moment at which, just as it was in the Last Supper, the hells will be paralyzed, souls will be rescued by the authority that the Father has granted to Me.
Today, I dedicate this important moment to all the mothers of the consecrated ones, who have given their children to Me, without knowing if this path of consecration would be fulfilled.
On behalf of all the mothers of the consecrated of this Order, at this moment I ask for the mothers of the consecrated who are present here at this place to come closer to the foot of this stage and light a candle that I will consecrate for you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
You may draw near.
These are the mothers, among so many others, who have entrusted to the Sacred Lord what is most precious that they have, renouncing the life that the world offers to them, so that their sons and daughters may know the life of the spirit.
Behold the mothers who have given their lives for you, consecrated ones, so that all of you could be here today listening to the Lord. Because a good child will never be able to live without their mother, because the mother is God’s protection for all the children to walk safely toward the Sacred Heart of the Lord.
How much the hands and feet of your mothers have had to work to bring food to the table, for you to have something to eat so that you could grow strong, mainly nourished by their maternal love, so that someday, as it is today, on this holy day, you might be before the Lord.
This is why I ask all the sons and daughters of the Earth to remember their mothers with love, that you may forgive each other, reconcile and above all love each other, so that the Most Holy Mother of God may be glorified today in Heaven and Earth. Thus, as in Her deepest silence and anonymity, the Slave of the Lord was glorified at each step of the Calvary, for Her fidelity and obedience to God, upon surrendering, without anything in return, what She loved the most in Her life, Jesus.
Today, your mothers have surrendered what is most precious that they have. Did you know that?
In this way, know the truth that is hidden in the reality, to the eyes that would see appearances.
Therefore, I bless these candles and, with My Spirit, I come to ignite this flame, so that the mothers may continue to pray for their sons and daughters of the Earth and, especially, for those who have consecrated to Christ to attain the sanctity that may justify the grave errors of the world, of all of humanity, just as many saints and blessed ones have done throughout the times.
In what is imperfect, God makes Himself perfect. This is the essence of God’s Love.
This is why I have called the mothers of the consecrated ones so that, just like the Most Holy Mother and the holy women, they may closely accompany, also from the heart, this moment of Communion and priestly ordination, so that you may remember that all that you will give Me, especially your families and loved ones, I will take care of, so that souls may live My Will, just as the holy women gave their husbands and apostles for them to follow the path of Christ in the apostolate and priesthood, so that God might be glorified.
Just as God is glorified in the Heavens, God is glorified in each soul that is consecrated and ordinated, regardless of life’s imperfection and even sin, because God has the power to transform everything through His Love, in the same way that your mothers made their children grow up to attain the Dignity of God in all consecrated life, in all families.
Let us celebrate this Holy Eucharist in the special company of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, who once again is a victim of the sins of the world, so that all may attain liberation and reconciliation with the Law in this spiritual amnesty that I grant to you.
Thus, I absolve you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us accompany the Lord in this celebration.
We will begin, then, with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, by reliving and remembering this important moment of the Last Supper, when, through the transubstantiated bread and wine, Our Lord surrenders to us for our redemption.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gathered with His apostles as a humble and faithful servant of God, washed the feet and hands of His companions for them to purify their intentions with the sacred intentions of God and live, as from that moment of the institution of the Eucharist, the priestly ordination and the apostolate of Christ on Earth, thereby being ambassadors of peace and of the Divine Word, of the announcement of the Good News.
Thus, Jesus, calling His companions to the holy table where the Paschal Lamb would be immolated, He took the bread in His Hands in thanksgiving, and in sacrifice He raised it to God, asking for the Eternal Father to transubstantiate the bread into His Glorious Body, through angelic intervention.
Then, Jesus broke the bread to share of Himself with all His own, and passed it to His companions, saying to them: “Take and eat of It all of you, because this is My Body, which will be surrendered for humanity, for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We revere at this moment, just as the holy angels, the presence of the Body of Christ.
And on that holy night, before finalizing the supper and departing for the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would live His agony in the deepest silence, Christ expanded His offering for humanity and the whole world, through the transubstantiation of the wine into His Divine and Precious Blood.
So it was that He took the Holy Chalice in His Hands and raised it to God, asking for the Eternal Father to convert the wine into His Precious and Divine Blood, through angelic intervention.
Then, Jesus passed it to His companions, saying to them: “Take and drink from It all of you, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which will be shed for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We revere the presence of the Precious Blood of Jesus, just as the angels revere this moment.
We stand up.
United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Source of all inspiration, love and healing; united to the angels, archangels, blessed ones and saints who are in Heaven and on Earth; united to our guardian angels and all beings of goodwill, we will consummate this consecration so that the Christic codes become present and descend upon souls.
We will make this consecration through the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, by singing it.
May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Christ descend upon the Earth.
With the same faith of the centurion, we pray:
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Christ told us: “I leave Peace with you, My Peace I give you.”
May Our Lord not see our sins, but rather our faith in His Presence. In fraternity and brotherhood, we give one another the greeting of peace: Peace of Christ.
And we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls of the whole world with Christ.
The mothers of the consecrated ones and also the mothers of the Order will commune. You may draw near.
Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Lead us along the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.
We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And after this Holy Communion, we will now prepare ourselves for the priestly ordination and then for the Sacrament of today.
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"To what extent have you learned to walk free from yourself in this desert?
In this Lent, have you managed to recognize your true being in your human person?
It is important to keep in mind that, throughout the path of transformation, there must not be identification with all that which, in yourself, defeats you, but rather, it is important to see the evolutionary aspect of each step that is taken in confidence.
This is why, in every examination of conscience, you must submerge in the act of repentance, so that the immovable resistances of your consciousness may someday surrender before the power of Christic Love; thus, you will become free from all that which cyclically repeats the same justified action.
Be wise and, in this Lent that is already ending, allow yourself to make an examination of your own conscience that is capable of opening you to redemption."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Despite the desert, continue on.
Despite the human aspects that want to control your life, continue on.
Although you may find your own reality within yourself, continue on.
Despite what may be caused to you by everything that you must transform, continue on and do not retrogress.
Continue on, seeking My Light.
Continue on, feeling My Love.
Continue on, because I Am thirsty."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through My silence, I come to lead you into a state of prayer, a state of supplication for the planet, for humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Through My silence, I come to lead you into a state of clamor, a clamor that makes itself heard from inside out, when the word is emitted within the heart, through the sound of intentions, rather than that of the vibrations that the mouth pronounces.
Through My silence, I come into teach you to pray in silence, to observe your own inner worlds and know how to find in it the Celestial Father and all His Creatures. Silence, children, reveals to human beings their creative potential, their potential to open doors and unite dimensions. Silence balances the chaos in the world, balances the disorder of souls, the disorder of inner purification and the harassments of the enemy.
True silence, the one that transforms into prayer, unites you to the Divine Consciousness, reveals to you the inner universe and the bridge that exists within the heart of each being for them to find God.
I know that many of you are before a great abyss today, as if you had come to a moment of your evolutionary trajectory in which you find yourselves before a great precipice, the precipice of purification, surrender, rendition, renunciation, humility.
This precipice, this abyss, does not exist to deter your steps, but rather to reveal your potential, because it is before this abyss, children, that you learn to create bridges, and these bridges are created first of all within yourselves, with the true intention of reaching the Heart of God simply to fulfill His Purpose, simply to live His Love, to know this unknown Love that transforms Creation, that makes evolution ascend among dimensions, that allows creatures to approach their Creator.
Do you want to know this, or do you want to remain in human condition?
Do you want to know this unlimited Love of God, or remain in conflicts, in inner confusion, in the affirmation of your own limitations?
Before this abyss, children, I invite you to build bridges. I invite you to enter into confession before the Father, because confession is one of the ways to liberate oneself from the past, to liberate oneself from the ties, to liberate oneself from beliefs, from limitations, so that you can believe and understand that you must be builders of evolutionary life.
The bridge will not emerge on its own before your eyes; it must be built. And it is built first within yourselves, in the transparency of your hearts, in the firm will of being united with God and with one another. Unity is a great tool of the evolutionary path, a tool that allows you to built together bridges that will serve not only yourselves but also all of Creation.
Therefore, start with the intention of being united, truly united. Seek within yourselves the understanding of these times, seek to understand the pain and misery of others, to pray for your brothers and sisters, to love your enemies, to serve the selfish,to be humble before the proud, become silent to hear those who want to speak, give way to those who want to follow at the front, allow others to grow, because you do not diminish when someone else grows.
You grow in spirit and truth when you collaborate with the evolution of one another, when you rejoice at the triumphs of one another, when you walk together, without seeking the central role, without the need of standing out. You build together a work that does not exist in humanity today, and that must begin to exist, because it is through these principles that you will be able to bear the times that will come.
Today I would like to lead you to a Celestial Space, I would like to build, with My own Hands, the bridge that you lack to reach God. However, the Creator does not allow Me to do this, because the perfection of His Project lies in the effort and persistence that each one of His Creatures makes use of to reach His Heart.
Just as I cannot build this bridge for you, you cannot build it for others, only for yourselves. However, each time a human being builds this true, solid bridge that leads them to God, they create a path in the human consciousness as a whole so that more beings may find a way to tread this path, to build this bridge.
How many times have I told you that the transformation of your own consciousness is the greatest service you can render in this time?
But your eyes, still so human, seek magnificent purposes, unattainable goals, perfections that you believe to be the only truth, the only way to demonstrate evolution, sciences, mysteries that aggrandize your knowledge, ennoble your consciousness, but that on their own do not build human transformation.
Knowledge must walk together with daily transformation, with true actions of service, selflessness, prayer, supplication for your neighbor, joy for the triumph of your brothers and sisters, and accompaniment of the growth of your neighbor.
Knowledge must walk together with true actions of love, because it is in this way that Heaven manifests itself on Earth, it is in this way that miracles take place within consciousnesses, that healing expresses itself, that redemption happens: small acts of love, true acts of transparency, true rendition, true humility.
I know that humility is a great mystery and that those who are humble will never know this, but this must be an aspiration of your hearts, you must practice it every day. Even if you do not notice any change, even if you still feel the boiling of human condition, of tests, the pain of falls, the harshness of walls, even then, children, you must continue to walk, because when you least expect, this Purpose will be fulfilled within you. And even if you do not see it with your human eyes, there is a Divine Gaze that sees all, that reads the hearts of His creatures, contemplates the deepest intentions of His children, and it is there, within this deep and hidden place, that the Purpose is fulfilled.
I do not come here to bring you words of hope; I come to bring you words of consciousness, words of elevation, which may remove you a little from the human condition and place you a little into the Divine Purpose. But this Purpose is simple.
I do not speak in this way for the path to seem easy to you. There is a great difference between being easy and being simple. No, children, this path is not easy. It is a path of many stones, it is a path of eternal ascension, it is a path of great effort, profound pains, unknown suffering, profound sacrifice and complete transformation.
But it is a simple path, which must be found in the simple things of life, in the possibility of serving, loving, becoming silent when you want to judge, of praying when you cannot stop criticizing, of offering a prayer for those who cause you some rancor, of offering some service for those who awaken some anger within you.
This path is simple, yet profound, and must be seen through your lives. Today it is not enough to live this path within you. You must begin to manifest it. Humanity needs examples, and being an example is a great service, which you are called to live today.
If you want to know what your mission is, today I give you a mission: be an example of transformation for humanity, be an example of love, service, surrender, prayer, be an example of charity, be an example for your children, be an example for your parents, examples of forgiveness, of going beyond all errors, all sorrows, all traumas experienced, to come to know a Greater Love.
Place yourselves above conflict, place yourselves above chaos, place yourselves in the vibration of forgiveness, because it is this forgiveness, which comes from the Divine Source, that will heal your hearts and allow you to love that which is unforgivable to the human mind.
Today I bring you a Grace, the Grace of being consistent. But this Grace must become life, and it becomes life through the Ray of Will, the Will and Power of God, which His Children are able to attract to Earth.
Wake up every day and affirm to the Creator:
Father, here is Your child.
Manifest Your Will in me,
manifest Your Power in me.
May my life be Your reflection.
May my actions reflect Your Mercy.
May my thoughts and feelings reflect Your Love.
May my intention be transparent.
May my actions be true.
May my being be Your instrument.
May my consciousness be in You.
Thus, children, affirm this Will day by day, affirm this Power. Believe in the Grace that the Divine Messengers bring to you. Your hearts hold a great treasure, which, throughout the last fifteen years, has been gradually accumulated so that today this treasure could be poured out upon the world.
Do not be rich and selfish, be servants.
Do not allow the celestial riches to remain in your hearts, in a treasury sealed under lock and key.
Multiply these gifts through action and prayer.
Give to others of that which exists within you, and you will discover the potential of what it is to be a human being.
You have My blessing for this.
May those who will consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph today kneel down here.
To My Children and Friends, I ask: do not forget that I am your Father and intercessor, do not forget that I walk with you, that I hear your prayers, that I wait to intercede for your families, for your spirits, for your plans, for your sincere intentions, for your deep prayers, for the impossible and unthinkable causes, because miracles, children, spring from the faith that God walks by your side.
A miracle is a manifestation of Divine Love, and it is possible whenever your hearts unite to the Will of God, and this Will is fullfilled in your lives so that you may bear testimony of it.
To My Children and Friends, I ask: pray for your families, pray for the families of the world, pray for one another, so that the purpose of this Work may be realized, so that the human purpose may be realized.
Whenever you are before something that seems unattainable to you, ask for My help, and I will help you, because as a human being and son of God, I have also been before many things which I thought were unattainable, but the Creator showed Me that there is a potential within each being, which expresses itself through love, and makes those impossible things possible.
Therefore, today I intercede for you, I give you My peace, My blessing, I consecrate you as My Children and Friends so that you may walk with Me, just as with the Sacred Family of Nazareth. May you walk with the Virgin Mary, may you walk with Christ Jesus, may your lives be a testimony of a new life.
You have My blessing, My Grace and My peace for this.
Please bring incense and blessed water here.
May this water purify you from all lack of love, from all ignorance, from all indifference and lack of faith. May this water cleanse you from all lack of hope, from all lack of forgiveness, from all inability to move on. May this water renew and consecrate you, by the intercession of My Chaste Heart, with the celestial blessings that I bring from Heaven today.
With this incense, I purify, transmute and cleanse you, I offer you at the Altar of God, so that you may be renewed by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. And just as one day My Son made Me know purity and Divine Purpose, may you also be worthy of living purity and of expressing the Purpose of God.
Remember, children, that where sin has abounded, Grace has overabounded. And no longer look at the past but rather to your potential to bear testimony of transformation.
Move on, always walking forward, always building this bridge that unites you to the Heart of God.
I thank you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace.
My dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother comes to the world so that, through the majesty of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, humanity may for an instant feel the Attributes of God flourish so that, from now on, the coming of the New Earth may begin to be seen upon the horizon, free from human mistakes and free from the suffering that drives My Children away from God.
For this spiritual reason, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of North America is here today, opening Her Arms and offering Her Hands so you may hold them tight, trust and feel encouraged to follow this infinite path towards the unknown, because in that which is unknown you will find God and Our Sacred Hearts which, once again, present themselves to the world to remind it that it has not yet fulfilled the Will of God.
In order for the New Earth to begin to emerge upon the horizon of the human consciousness, I ask you, My children, that this New Earth, this New Humanity, may be lived first within you, protecting from yourselves the principles that unite you to the Creator and to the entire Divine Brotherhood.
Be bearers of the Sacred Love of My Son.
Be an example of constant transformation, but also be an example of perseverance, hope and, above all, of Love, of Christ's Love that allows you to accept and understand others, a compassionate love that no longer allows human beings to be selfish and autonomous.
Live the promise of this New Earth in your daily lives and create the correct condition for this moment of the New Humanity to be able to arrive, just as the Eternal Father had thought of and felt for it.
My Heart of a Mother will always be this bridge for you to feel encouraged to cross it, towards the emptiness of self.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Learn to pray for peace and to live in peace, because in this way, children, when agony and chaos are no longer just within beings, but also outside of them and in all directions, the peace-makers must emerge, the Kingdom must emerge within those who have allowed themselves to be a dwelling place for the Heart of God.
The world is now agonizing. How many times have I said to you the sentence “The world is agonizing?”
However, many still have their eyes closed to this agony. Many are still deaf to the cry of the Earth, to the clamor of the Kingdoms, to the request for help made by souls, by innocent children, by the sick, by the hungry, by the abandoned.
The world is agonizing, and many times your eyes are still turned toward yourselves. The world is agonizing, wars destroy the Earth. Who is willing to be peace on this planet?
War begins within beings, within the human condition in which all of you participate.
War begins when a heart decides to impose its own will.
War begins when a thought believes it is the only truth and beings decide to impose their own ideas upon others.
War begins when you do not know how to listen.
War begins when you do not know how to let yourselves be corrected.
War begins when you aspire to have something that does not belong to you, when you cannot rejoice with the triumph of your neighbor, with the victory of others.
War begins in the little competitions of daily life, when I try to vanquish my brother. That is where war begins.
War begins when I do not know how to obey.
Many think that war begins in the lack of love. Yes, children, war also speaks of lack of love, but it also begins in much smaller situations. Lack of love is the dry, infertile land in which the good does not grow.
You already know, you are aware that the human consciousness is one. Who has asked for forgiveness for the war they are causing on the other side of the world? Because war begins within all beings.
It is useless to pray for peace without being peace. Let prayer become life.
Do not do that which you know you should no longer do. Many want to know their own mission, but to do that which must be done, begin by not doing that which must not be done.
Begin by not saying that which must no longer be said. Begin by not feeding the thoughts that should no longer be thought. I do not ask you not to think, but rather not to allow the growth of the harmful seeds of those herbs that take up space in your hearts where those herbs that find the light should be.
How many treasures are kept in this sacred world! How many treasures are kept within beings!
Who is discovering this treasure within their own being?
I do not tell you that it is easy. On the contrary, it is easy to make war, it is easy to say: “No, I do not want that, I will not go, I will not try, I am not willing, I will not make the effort.” This is easy.
But today, if you are here, your souls have been self-summoned, not to live that which is difficult, but to live that which is impossible. We will not offer you difficult challenges, but rather impossible challenges. Impossible for the human mind, which does not know its own potential. Impossible for the men and women of the world who are blind, even to that which they are.
Who are you? Where did you come from? Where will you go?
What is there beyond your eyes, beyond that which you can see, touch, feel?
What is there within your cells, within your spirit, beyond your consciousness, in the depths of your heart? Who can answer Me?
For this reason, the challenges of God are impossible, because the barriers are found in human ignorance. Ignorance, children, is a new great sin, because all has been given to you, wisdom is available, instruction is available, and it is urgent that it may expand.
Ignorance is the great veil that humanity itself sews day by day before itself so as not to find the Light. This veil that covers your eyes will not be torn by others. Your own hand must remove it.
How? By no longer doing that which must not be done, so that the paths may open to that which must really happen in your lives.
Love already exists in the depths of human consciousness. It already exists.
Love was given to you as an essence at the beginning of Creation. In the first manifestation of life, in the first particle of that which you know as consciousness, Love already manifested.
It already exists, it already dwells in you. Then why does it not grow?
Because you must release, break the currents of the human condition, of the oppression that the human being imposes on itself. You must open your hands, release that which binds you, ties you, blocks you. Release your own essence, which you are fastening through your incomprehension, your pains, the forgiveness not granted, the healing not lived, the Grace not accepted, the Mercy that you refused to receive due to pride, for not having enough humility to let yourselves be helped.
Love already exists, children. The human condition is perfect from the beginning. The great challenge of the human race is precisely this: to let this Love grow, lo let perfection win, to let the impossible happen.
This is why I am here, as your Father and Friend, as the One who comes only to point out a way for you, and I speak as that One who was able to tread this path, in spite of His human condition.
I do not ask you for the impossible just to anguish you, but rather because I know the truth about each one of you. I can look at you and see what you are, where you came from and where you are going. This is why I ask you to open up to live the impossible.
May My Words resound within you. May My Grace awaken your consciousness. May the Mercy that comes from the Heart of Christ and pierces My Heart come today to your hearts and bring you peace.
Let those who cannot see Me just feel Me, feel the touch and paternal embrace that I come to bring you.
The world is and will be ever more in chaos. But there is hope for those who decide to be peace for the world, to be the Kingdom, Truth, Life, the Way, through example, as Christ was.
He did not teach you to live just so that you would look and contemplate His Life but so that you would live as He did. That by living this Truth, by treading this Way and participating in this Life, you, also you, might be a manifestation of the Truth, an arrow that points the way so that souls may reach true life.
What other mission do you want?
What other answer do you need?
Do you want to know what you must do, how you must be, what the next step will be?
Listen to Our Words. All has already been said.
Even so, the Father, in His Infinite Mercy, has asked Me to stay in the world, to not cease to guide souls, until your hearts are strengthened and the Kingdom emerges, until the hidden agony of Earth becomes visible to all eyes and, even so, your hearts are capable of balance, through the peace that dwells and radiates from within you.
I will be with you, in prayer for the world, in prayer for your souls, for the Kingdoms, for the planet. And I ask you, not only that I may be with you, but also that you may be with Me, as well.
Every 19th of each month, for another year, I will be here, as well as on Fridays, just as God has asked of Me.
I ask you to accompany Me in a prayer for peace and for the end of wars, praying a Devotional that I will transmit to you today.
Let us repeat together.
Devotional for Peace and the End of Wars
Union bead
So that peace may be established on Earth
and within beings,
Saint Joseph, intercede for the end of wars.
First decade
For the Peace that springs from the Heart of God,
Saint Joseph, we cry out to You,
intercede for the children in wars.
Second decade
For the Peace that springs from the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Saint Joseph, we cry out to You,
intercede for the abandoned women.
Third decade
For the Peace that springs from the Heart of Christ,
Saint Joseph, we cry out to You,
intercede for those who are sick amidst wars.
Fourth decade
For the Peace that springs from Your Chaste Heart,
Saint Joseph, we cry out to You,
intercede for those who try to flee from wars,
so that they may achieve peace.
Fifth decade
For the Peace that is born from the Holy Spirit of God,
Saint Joseph, we cry out to You,
intercede for all souls who live in wars,
so that peace may be established,
so that the human heart may be healed,
so that the Kingdom may be manifested,
so that wars may make room for the Love of God.
Final prayer
(three times)
Saint Joseph, we cry out to You,
in the name of all of humanity,
may the Kingdom of God be established,
may wars end within and outside of beings,
may peace reign within us and in this world.
With this simple prayer, you will accompany My Chaste Heart every Friday, crying out so that peace may be established, so that wars may end within and outside of your beings, so that the men and women of this world may finally manifest who they really are.
Today, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, with His Little Hands turned to the Earth to bless all life, together with Him I bless you so that the purity of the Heart of Christ, of the Heart of the Child-God, may emerge again within all beings of this Earth.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Bring forward a water basin for the blessing.
May this water, blessed by the Child-God and sprinkled upon you, bring you purity. And with it, I will also wash the feet of two of My companions so that sadness may be dissipated from their hearts, and they may again come to know the Peace of the Kingdom of God.
The Love of Christ for souls is incalculable. This is why He calls each one of His by their names so that they may not lose peace.
With this, I bid farewell, and leave My Graces to you.
I bless you once again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fifteen years ago, I called upon you to be by My side and, although you did not know what that meant, you were obedient and followed My call. Through your response, you taught many others, who are here today with Me in this Work, to also be obedient to My call. This obedience is what builds the Purpose of God upon the planet, because it is the first step of the disciples of My Son who dares to love the unknown.
You, without really knowing what this was about, on that August of 2007, reflected an innocence that allowed the Eternal Father to authorize the Mother of God to carry forward a Purpose and a Plan, beyond Aurora.
As you well said today, remember all that you have lived with Me for fifteen years, because I Am the Mother of Peace, I Am the Holy Virgin, who emerged and was emanated through the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
It has been a request of My Son, since before 2007, that this would happen, by a mandate of the Celestial Father, so that you could accompany the Redemptive Mother in this Work, which has grown a lot internally and which has been able to embrace the whole planet, through the fidelity of those who said ‘yes.’
With this I want to tell you, My children, that your step toward the total consecration of your lives was major for God. Because, after the first meetings with Me in Aurora, not only did the Light and Power of this Center of Love definitely emerge toward humanity, but so did the great spiritual task of Aurora, for then the healing, rescue and redemption of souls began to take place, according to what had been indicated by the intervention of Archangel Raphael.
Stop for a moment in that which I am telling you and think about how you have never been alone and you have never lacked anything, and you never will, because God has determined it to be so.
For this reason, you must keep learning to take care of the manifestation of the Plan, in obedience and adherence, just as you have done with Me up to this moment, fulfilling fifteen years of inner experience. This has led each one of you to give their best for My Son and this will lead you to give your best for God, in the times to come.
Now you are no longer children, you are now adults on the spiritual path. This is what I must give to God so that He may see, with His own Eyes, the offerings of the life transformation that many have gone through, although their transformation was not easy, although their transformation was even painful.
And they will keep transforming so that I may give to God, through My Son, this precious crystal that He wants to polish and polish, which is the inner essence of each one of you and of each one of your brothers and sisters of the planet.
This is why, also for My Heart, as it was for the Heart of My Son, Africa has marked “a before and an after” in the spiritual history of His Work. And all that will take place on the planet, through the Work of the Sacred Hearts, will also transform all your lives, and lead you to live new events and experiences so that you may keep maturing in the humility of the heart and in selfless service.
The second step that you have taken, which was very significant to My Son Jesus, was the concretion of His Monastic Order, which has grown throughout the times in its virtue and gifts and, mainly, under the teachings of My Son Jesus.
Up to the present, not only His Work, but also the planet, not only your lives, but also the lives of your brothers and sisters, have continued learning about the degrees of Love-Wisdom, in the same way that We learned about it when We were here on Earth, as a humble and simple Family of Nazareth.
And see how important this August 8, 2022 is, for the sacred task in Africa, which has also been very significant to all, and has opened the definitive door to the Middle East, where My Heart can no longer stand seeing the pain of the innocent, subjected to war and conflicts, to hunger and to tears.
All this has been foreseen by My Son, and I, as His Mother and as the Mother of each one of you, have committed to My Lord so that His Plan may work out, whatever it takes.
And the preciousness of His treasures and gifts do not hide in what is external or visible to human eyes. The riches of the Kingdom of the Heavens hide in simple hearts, in the hearts that are capable of loving the Plan beyond themselves, that are capable of placing others first, knowing that, with this attitude, they cross the threshold and the portal toward Eternal Love, which is what each one of Our Words and Messages have been teaching you up to the present moment.
Do you want to know something, My children?
From this August 8, 2022 on, beyond the Justice that the planet and humanity deserve, I ask God, the Eternal Father, that His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may give a new opportunity to all My children of the world. Because when My Son, the Christ, returns, just as He has taught each one of you throughout the times, He will call one by one by their names and He will keep being capable of leaving His ninety-nine sheep to rescue the lost sheep, as someone among you has experienced in the most recent times.
By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming Justice?
By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming indifference?
By any chance, will the Love within you be capable of overcoming the power and love that you believe you have?
Yes, Love will be capable of all this and much more. It is this Love that I have been teaching you in Aurora since 2007, and your Heavenly Mother, more than anyone else, has seen how many of Her children have left unjustly, missing the opportunity of knowing Love and Truth.
However, I will not rest, for I have never rested. My duty and commitment is to fulfill the promises of God within My children, the promises of His Celestial Kingdom in hearts, the promises of His Hope, His Love and His Faith in each one of His Creatures and, especially, in those who have lost Divine Love and Divine Unity.
This is why I will keep working, My children, this is why I also invite you and call upon you to keep working for this cause, because nothing else matters at this moment, but the Love of God in hearts. Because, truly, My beloved children, there exists an intention to root out Love from humanity, through vengeance and impunity; there exists an intention to root out Love from this humanity, through inequality and injustice.
For this reason, this is the great time of the attribute of fraternity, because while each one of you and of your brothers and sisters place another first more and more, I assure you that you will be taking one step more in the Love of Christ, just as He placed on His Back all of humanity, through the wood of the Cross. He taught you how to do it and He taught you what the path is, for you to be the New Christs.
For this reason, have faith and never doubt that you will not fail, because the heart that trusts in My Son will never perish. The Heart that is capable of completely surrendering to My Son will never perish. For this reason, I am here, to remind this to everyone, to tell you that there is still a very long path to walk and there are many experiences to live within this duality of the planet.
But if your purpose lies in Love and in the fulfilment of the Will of the Father, and if you feel you are within this Eternal Love and this Divine Will, what should you fear? In Love and in the Will of the Father there is no injustice nor darkness, therefore be brave and take risks.
Because not only you as a Work, but also the whole world, is called to take a step in the maturity of consciousness, through love for the fellow being and through respect to the life that God has given you.
From this August 8, 2022 onward, may the flame that today you are offering to Me always guide you and sustain you. May the flame of faith and hope never be put out. And not only in you but also in your brothers and sisters of the whole world, may this flame guide you toward the great purpose of Love, toward the Heart of My Beloved Son, where He always wants to have you and hold you.
Today Aurora shines more than in other times, because Its powerful healing and redeeming Light attracts towards itself the essences of the world so that the most suffering and traumatized essences may be healed through this amnesty of August 8, the spiritual Grace that I once again bring to each one of you and your brothers and sisters.
For this reason, before Me and for a moment, empty yourselves and divest yourselves, walking barefoot to be before God, just as your Divine Mother, Saint Mary of Aurora, is before God and before you today, to transmit Her Eternal Love and to share it with you.
Thus, today I offer and ask you to again sign your commitment in the Sacred Book of God, which I have in My Hands today, so that you may seal this commitment to the Father and to Christ, knowing that the world needs not only love, but also peace, faith, compassion, healing and forgiveness.
Sign your commitment toward eternal transformation. The Elders of the Universe are also witnesses of this today. Because They want to lead you to love the Plan of God ever more, until it hurts. So that many more may be free from illusion, from spiritual captivity and from the slavery that this surface builds in good souls.
Today, I come to undo the knots of consciousness. I come to break, with My Feet, the shackles of perdition, through the essential Light of Aurora that emerges from My Heart.
The power of healing and will blend today as one, so that all lost souls may remember the purpose that brought them here to Earth, so that they may recover their filiation with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
One the inner planes, many more than just you have signed this Book that I presented to you today. I give thanks for souls having dared to make this gesture, because this means a lot to the Eternal Father. This means that much more than what had been foreseen will be able to be done and that, when each one of you knows what will have to be carried out and fulfilled, concretized and manifested, you must fulfill it, because you have signed the Book, and this is indissoluble.
I bid farewell, carrying gratitude in My Heart for each one of you and your brothers and sisters who, in these last fifteen years, since My first Apparition in Aurora and up to the present moment, have learned to follow and understand the Hierarchy. Remember that this is an incalculable treasure and it is an incomprehensible Grace for the hearts that can live it, and for you, who can feel it together with Me at this moment.
Remember that those who have been a part of the pilgrimage of the Divine Messengers throughout these last years always have had their families and loved ones held in My Heart, because I take care of them.
Therefore, I thank those who have left their children and their loved ones entrusted to God to follow the Heavenly Mother in this challenging task of the end of times. Because just as My Son Jesus, I have had your children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, your families, under My protection. Just as you made a commitment to Me, I also made a commitment to you.
We must always give thanks so that the world in itself does not lose gratitude. Because gratitude opens the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens and grants incalculable Graces to all.
Through the Light of the essence of Aurora, which springs from My Heart today, on this sacred anniversary of My Apparitions, I bless you and reconsecrate you to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that the One Thousand Years of Peace may be fulfilled.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Well, brothers and sisters, what a moment!
As fifteen years ago, during the first Apparitions of Aurora and Figueira, I do not know if some remember that the Divine Mother asked us to make accounts of the Apparitions.
Today She asked us to do the same, and communicate to you something very special, which I felt this is really one more Grace of Mary.
I say that this is a Grace because it demonstrates to us once more that Mary is in all places, in all situations and that She takes care of the whole planet.
We have learned with the Hierarchy that, when They communicate something to us, the brothers and sisters of the Council of our Work are the first who should come to know about it, because they all obey an inner and universal order. And after this happens, everyone is informed of the requests of the Divine Messengers.
But today the Divine Mother was very explicit, and I tell you that I asked her three times if I had to talk about it, and She told me, “Yes, yes and yes.”
So, before I tell you the special request of the Divine Mother, before I forget, She said that this request is a gift of God for all, an inner gift of God, a gift of God for all.
But before I transmit this request to you, I will try to make a synthesis of the moment of the Apparition, which was extremely intense. I say extremely intense first due to the way the Divine Mother appeared, as she came dressed as the Spouse of God.
Why do I say this? Because not only was Her beauty so clear and indescribable, but Her gaze was also a penetrating gaze, which demanded an effort from me to stare at Her continuously, because it was like seeing God through Her. And through the garment of the Divine Mother, which was like a silk from other dimensions, so to say, She came with a ceremonial that I had not seen in all fifteen years.
Why do I make such emphasis in the details of Her garment, of Her Mantle?
Because Her entire Mantle was made of stars and radiated and filled all hearts, the planet. Also, through the garment of Our Lady, today, She was representing all the Attributes of God in one, these Attributes that we pray in the prayer of the Universal Mother and many more that we do not know. And the central axis that united all these Attributes, which She was expressing today through Her Presence, was the Love of God.
So, through all this Energy and Divine Presence, at one moment of the Apparition, I perceived that Mary wanted to be with Her children for as long as possible. Because the Angels who obey Our Lady were doing a very important planetary work.
This was possible through something that She revealed to us, which you will now remember, when She spoke about the essence of Aurora in Her Heart.
That is to say, Light was springing not only from the Mary’s Hands, Mantle, Face, but also through Her Heart. It was an image in three dimensions, as if I were seeing the brothers that are filming or as if I were seeing you.
So this Light was a Light that had no end, it was the Light of the Essence of Aurora, which She was bringing through Her Heart, and it seemed that Mary’s Heart was going to explode in Light.
She placed each one of our consciousnesses, of our souls, within this state of the essence of Aurora and, with this inner work, which She did throughout the Apparition, the Divine Mother gradually solved many situations on a planetary level and on the individual level of each one of our souls.
She gradually placed our consciousnesses in even more sublime states, which allowed us, as consciousnesses, through Mary’s Heart, to enter these states of the essence of Aurora. What was conducting this inner work that Mary was doing was Her Love, the Eternal Love of God.
So, at this moment when She was raising our consciousnesses and the consciousness of the planet to a more elevated and higher state, that which might be called sin or spiritual debt was being balanced by the Mary’s giving of Love to us.
So, throughout the Apparition, that which we know as duality did not exist. What did exist, through Mary, was a principle of deep neutrality between Heaven and Earth. And the different Angelic Choirs that were surrounding Our Lady were spiritually sustaining this vortex that was also being shared and assumed by other Spiritual Hierarchies.
In addition, also during a moment of the Apparition, we saw Christ, who appeared in another dimension, on a more distant plane, in that space of the Universe that He has already named to us, where He governs all of Creation.
So let us think for a moment how many things happened simultaneously.
And this went a little further until She, the moment She spoke to us about the healing and redemption that the essence of Aurora grants to us through Her Heart, She led us to these higher planes and we, as essences, were brought before God. At that moment, we all lived a judgment, but not a judgment like the one we know on Earth.
For this reason, at this moment, you remember that the Divine Mother mentioned the Twenty-Four Elders of the Universe and that, a moment before, She offered a Book to us, a blank book, which appeared in three dimensions.
The vortex of the Light of Her Heart was also what was sustaining that moment. She said, at that moment, at the request of God, that He was intervening through the Divine Mother, and the Father said, “Sign again and reaffirm your commitment to Me.”
Then, at that moment, in this lapse of time, Our Lady had an amnesty in Her Hands in the face of the sin and the errors of humanity. I am speaking of what is taking place at this moment on the planet. When this happens, She begins to intervene through Her Grace.
And do you know what She does to intervene with Her Grace? What She accesses to intervene with Her Grace? She accesses a fact in the history of humanity which was the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary.
That moment, which is registered in the Heart of God and in our humanity, which we pray in one of the Mysteries of the Rosary. Our Lady, on this August 8, brought that event here so as to be able to make this intervention.
At that moment, God as a Judge and also as a Father of Mercy was before our errors and also before the deeds that the Sacred Hearts accomplished when they were on the planet. Then, God granted the Divine Mother this authority of the forgiveness of souls.
And when our consciousnesses were before the Father, through Mary, our souls, as Our Lady well said at the moment of the Apparition, signed this Book that She showed us. She told us: “Now that you have signed it, you have made a commitment. It is a commitment that you have to assume from the depths of your hearts.” And this will allow the Divine Mother, as Queen and Lady of Heaven and Earth, to intercede so that those events that are foreseen for the planet within Universal Justice may not take place.
Because we have signed this Book, and what signed it was not our human person, it was our soul. Our inner world signed this Book, and also many other people who presented themselves at the Apparition, those consciousnesses that Christ told us that will awaken.
At that moment, Mary reminded us of the last Message of Christ for the Marathon, when Christ told us that He would carry out His Work of preparation of His Return through those who are awakened and through those who will awaken. And as we have signed this Book, through the offering that the Divine Mother made to us, She will have more time, or our chronological time, to intercede.
And I know that none of us will be able to understand what this means at this moment, because the Divinity and the Spiritual Hierarchies know what truly has to happen at this planetary moment. And through these revelations, the Hierarchy awakens our consciousness, reminding us of our commitment to the Father’s Will and, above all, this Apparition of today reminds us of what we came to this planet to do.
Why does Mary say this to us today?
Because the lessons and tests will keep happening in the end of these times. And at this moment or in the times that will come, when we are going through some test or difficult experience, we must not forget, brothers and sisters, what Mary also explained to us during the Apparition, that we are Children of God and that we emerged from a place that is the Source, where He created us in His Image and Likeness, and that He loves us above all things.
So, when we go through these difficult experiences, let us remember, she Said, that we are under a state of Grace, and it is the commitment of each one of us not to lose it. We must not come out of this state of Grace that Mary brings us.
In synthesis, that was it, and I know that many more things happened that at this moment I cannot remember, because I am processing them.
At now, at last, I will refer to the request of the Divine Mother, and for this reason we talked with Her a little during the Apparition.
As we know, August is an important month for the Divinity, and when we are gathered and united, many things can happen for the Hierarchy.
For this reason, just as Our Lady and Christ asked us to go to Africa and have asked us to go to the Middle East and to Northern Africa, where we will go, the Divine Mother asked us to go to Aurora also.
So the brothers and sisters of Aurora are invited to make a little room for us at the Community, because we will be with them in the second half of August, as the Hierarchy needs to gather the group and all those who want to go to these meetings in Aurora, which we know we have in August and the reason why Our Lady made this request was, She said, it was a gift that She was giving us.
Do you know why?
Because She told us that we obeyed what She said to us fifteen years ago, although sometimes it may have seemed it was a very great and difficult challenge.
And also, the reason for this request is because Our Lady, before we travel to the Middle East, needs to do a task through Her Apparitions of August 24 and 25. She opened the doors of Aurora, of the Marian Center of Aurora, so that we may all carry forward this task with the Divine Mother.
The Divine Mother told us that, at this moment, South America needs special help, considering what the Hierarchy is observing and accompanying in South and Central America. This will prepare our task in the Middle East and, well, there we go, in obedience and infinite gratitude.
This is all that I wanted to share, at the request of the Divine Mother. As She said, let us give thanks.
Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will come through the dawn of the sun. I will come through the moonlight. These are the signs of the new time.
It is not a new religion. It is not a new movement. It is the advent of what has been awaited.
This great portal to the new time opens up in the heavenly dome. It opens up among all the doors of the cosmos.
It is the portal to the Great Conclave, which is gathered today before you, which is present today before your inner worlds. The Celestial Father has decided it so, and, in obedience and in law, we will fulfill it.
Today, My Voice echoes from Andromeda, and, through Andromeda, in all universes and consciousnesses.
Today, a culminating stage has been completed, not only for your civilization or for the soul of the planet, but also so that the portal to the Great Time may open. The change will take place.
Souls must be awake and love the unknown even more; that which has no form, that which is not intellectual. The unknown is that which is not material.
This is why today We come and make Ourselves present before you, through a great unknown portal. It is the portal to the fourth dimension.
This will be the way, this will be the path and will also be the bridge for all to cross. But it is not through a technique nor through a mental or spiritual procedure.
You will cross this portal through your inner world because it is there, in the inner world of each one of you, where the essence of the Divine Purpose lies; a purpose that humanity has outraged, violated and transgressed, up to the current times.
Do you now understand the consequences of what you experience?
However, Love is what will always prevail. It is this Love that gathers us today, the Love that congregates us today, the Love of the Greater Hierarchies, which call you all to cross the great portal so that all consciousnesses and also the planet may be transmuted, purified and liberated.
Because it is in the most chaotic moments, like the current times, that the great opportunities of liberation and redemption take place.
Do not forget that hope is latent in the Heart of the Universe, and it is this hope, permeated by Divine Unity, that I bring to you today, for you to accept it and experience it.
This is why it is important for you to practice fraternal consciousness, and not a mean one, for you to practice an inclusive consciousness, and not one of discarding, a peaceful consciousness, and not one of conflict, a consciousness of love, and not one of lie.
These attributes will purge the Earth of planetary corruption, which generates the great debt of this world and of all humanity, which submerges the most innocent and the poorest into the abysses, without having an opportunity of raising their gaze to Heaven to once again believe and have faith.
This is why I am preparing My Return to the world as I have promised, and I want you to know, companions, that today these are not only Words, they are facts.
Two thousand years have passed since My events with you and among you, this is why I gather all the Evolutionary Consciousnesses of the universe into a Conclave so that they may help Me and prepare My Return. Thus, you will see the Son of God come among the clouds, the clouds are the portals of the universe that will open, and that will be physical. Thus, the Spirit of God will return, will heal the Earth and its wounds, will populate the Earth with New Christs, those who have known how to say ‘yes’ to Me.
This is why the portal to the Great Time opens up today before your eyes and inner worlds. It opens up today before these oceans, in representation of all humanity and of the whole planet, as well as of the Kingdoms of Nature, which will also see the Son of God come. And that which was thought of in the Origin of humanity’s Project will be reconstituted and re-established.
Throughout time and space, the evil that was generated throughout entire generations will be dissolved, and those who persist until the end, to wait for Me to return, will see this change, in a concrete way.
Thus, all, absolutely all, will return to their origins, to the origin for which they were thought of and created, to the origin with the goal for which they emerged, to the origin with the goal for which they have existed and were emanated by the Supreme Source.
Today, I speak to you not only through My Spiritual Government, but also through the Love of God, a Love that was capable of dying for you on the Cross, even knowing that it would be denied.
Today, may those who suffer be healed, those who lack hope be renewed, and those who have decided to give up may they reach out their arms toward God, because the moment will come to express gratitude for My Return, which is near.
This is My great Message for the celebration of the one hundred Marathons of Divine Mercy, an important and spiritual moment for all, when the Son of God, the Solar Essence of the Cosmic Christ, makes you see and recognize how far you have walked with Me.
Do not see only the miseries of your tests, the banishments of your human aspects. Do not see only the suffering of the planet or the transgression made to the Kingdoms of Nature. For this Marathon number one hundred, I ask you to see the efforts accomplished, the persistence built, the unity strengthened, the faith expanded and the Mercy achieved, in spite of the darkness of this world.
Because it will be through this Universal Conclave that you will find the solution and the way out, this Conclave of evolutionary consciousnesses that know you deeply, that grasp you deeply, that have accompanied your cosmic trajectories since your origin.
This is where you will find the strength and the certainty that you will need to keep moving forward and thus fulfill the Plan. A Plan that is still to be fulfilled, first, within each one of you, so that then this cosmic Plan may be fulfilled throughout the whole world, although everything may seem to be in ruins and in darkness.
It is this Light of the Higher Councils that blesses and contemplates you today, not only as beings in redemption, but also as consciousnesses in transformation and bravery.
Within all those who are Mine, I will make the new apostles. Therefore, persist and follow My footsteps of Light, firmly follow My steps toward the Divine Purpose, because today the scepter of God is in My Hand to lead you and guide you toward the goal, the great goal of your Christification.
I want to thank, from the depths of My Heart, the consequent and prayerful ones, those who, in the last one hundred meetings of prayer, have sustained the banner of My Peace and will keep doing so, for a much longer time, until I meet you, face to face, in My Return.
And the last thing I tell you, companions, for you to hold within your hearts, is the following:
What would you do if, at this moment, I were physically facing you?
What is the first thing you would say to Me?
What would you do with Me if I told you: “son, daughter, here I am, because I have returned”?
Contemplate this scene in your inner world and attract this reality, at each new day.
When you feel that you cannot, or even that you will not manage to, that you will not have the strength to keep moving forward, think and contemplate for a moment if I were before you, what would you say to Me?
I leave you My Peace, I leave you My gratitude, I give you My Consoling and Redeeming Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Today, I place you in My Arms so that, wrapped in the Sacred Cloth of Christ, your beings may be restored through the powerful Codes of the Redeemer.
Let your Beloved and Serving Celestial Mother wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ so that, like My Son Jesus, every cell and atom of your consciousness may be purified, transformed and repaired by the precious Codes of the Divine Blood of Christ.
Today, I bring you, and each one of My children, the Sacred Cloth of the Redeemer, so that not only may souls heal from all the aggressions of these times, but also so that each human heart may believe in the spiritual and healing power of My Son, Jesus.
Today, I wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ, just as your Humble and Silent Mother did with her Son in the sepulcher.
I want every part of your consciousness to believe in the power of the Resurrection, so that humanity can redeem itself.
Child, like Jesus, contemplate yourself wrapped within the Sacred Cloth of Christ, so that not only may your being be deeply healed, but so that all of humanity may be healed, living within itself the Codes of the Blood of Jesus.
This is the time to repair the entire human race. This is the time to cure, to heal, so that the Love of My Son may become flesh in everyone, so that His Divine Love may triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This is the time when your lives should be the example of a concretized transformation. It is time to be the same Message as My Son. It is time to express that which My Son so much expects.
Until that happens, He cannot return. He needs the pillars of His divine Gifts to be affirmed within you.
In simple words, dear children, My Son needs that you now be other people and that your souls, and not your personalities, may govern.
As a Mother, I pray for each one of you so that, each day that passes, you are able to get out of yourselves and put yourself in the place that My Son indicated to you since the beginning of your walk of faith.
My children, it is time that you embrace with love the painful planetary situation, that you can be faithful workers of peace and that you protect, from yourself and from others, the Word of the Hierarchy.
In this way, My dear children, you will be apostles of the end of times, you will reflect everything that My Son waits for since the beginning of your paths of transformation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This is the time to hold prayer as the fundamental instrument in your lives.
Thus, in the universe of prayer, you will receive the light of wisdom for the absolute transformation that your consciousnesses must experience.
This is the time to hold prayer as the instrument to solve the most difficult situations, because prayer will always lead you to remain on a higher frequency in a safer reality, at this planetary moment.
My children, I invite you to disseminate this instrument, not with words or with messages, but rather with your examples of transformation and conversion through the School of Prayer, because prayer will also help, as will fasting, in keeping the elements of nature in balance.
In this School of Prayer that you must live, My children, I ask that you not stop praying. This is the time in which your hearts are to elevate the most fervent and sincere prayers towards the Heights so that serious situations in humanity may find a solution.
All the consecrated Children of Mary, at this moment, must be united in prayer, as souls and as brothers and sisters, beyond distances, so that your Heavenly Mother may intercede in all needs.
Children, may prayer be the inner melody that resonates within you, so that someday your lives may be a prayer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When you do not have quietude within, seek to return to the peace of your heart so that every experience you go through serves the growth of the goodness within your being.
I know the human being cannot understand the reason for some painful experiences. But they must know that there are causes and conditions that generate these experiences as a result.
At this moment, you must perceive with clarity the causes and consequences so that all that you carry out may be beneficial to your being, within the values of the common good, justice and, above all, love.
The recognition of the roots of the causes and consequences that you yourself can generate for your material and spiritual life will help you step out of ignorance and out of the permanent inability to understand or accept the experiences.
The real path of transformation means seeing beyond oneself, understanding one’s fellow being, seeking the beauty of the differences that may exist between human beings.
After all, it is necessary not to cease to seek the truth, and the truth lies in self-knowledge and in seeing, at each moment, all the good that can be learned. Thus, you will gradually free yourself from suffering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
To have a pure life, you must have a pure heart; having the heart pure, you will have a pure mind, and having a pure mind, you will attain pure intentions.
In order for this to happen, you must not forget the spiritual essence that you are, and not look so much at appearances.
The pure heart is attained with an absolute determination to live the Love of God and to not lose sight of that.
Beyond imperfections or even traumas, the pure heart does not lose or dissolve that which it has truly learned.
For this reason, only the pure heart is a noble heart, capable of understanding life and its situation, beyond what is concrete or material.
Thus, the pure heart will be the regent of life and not of the mind. The mind must act as a facilitator of the actions that the heart decides; in this way, your life will be in harmony and not in conflict.
A pure heart is a confident heart, selfless and service-oriented, capable of stepping out of itself to make room and space for the fellow being.
The pure heart does not fear detachment, sacrifice, giving of itself a little more, although it may seemingly believe that it will not manage to do so.
The pure heart recognizes its errors, but does not blame itself for them; it works silently until it is able to transform the deepest aspects of its being.
A pure heart is a peacemaker.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Vigil in prayer so that your heart is willing to embrace the mysteries of the Celestial Kingdom as never before experienced by humanity.
Vigil in prayer so that your consciousness may know how to recognize the visible signs of the Presence of God, and It may transform you inside and out.
Vigil in prayer so that, with an empty heart, you may be able to receive all the divine gifts that, as a last impulse, are being delivered to humanity. Let these gifts become life, becoming fruit within you, that which will take you to participate in a new Earth, a new time.
Vigil in prayer so that the many traps of the enemy do not confuse you and do not make you perish before you reach within yourself the renewal of the Love of God.
Just pray, child, and vigil in prayer, because the time has come for the definition of each being, and every instant must be a moment for you to confirm your vows with God.
Vigil in prayer and do not allow it to be you who becomes taken off of the path.
Vigil in prayer to know how to ask for help in the right moment, to know how to cry out to God for His Grace.
Vigil in prayer to see when the other needs you, even in silence.
Vigil in prayer, to understand that your life, as small as it may seem, can transform other lives, when you know how to be an instrument of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Constancy and perseverance, children, will be your allies in these times of transition. These spiritual attributes, which emerge from the Source of the Ray of the Will of God, must always be present.
Being constant in prayer, in service, in fraternity, in meekness, in compassion, in faith and in mercy will always allow you to transform the human condition a little more each day.
To be persevering in the goals that you have and in the purpose that you establish of not falling into the same distractions, temptations and errors, will consolidate the transformation within you, in the deepest levels of your consciousnesses, and will not allow you, in the moment of your final trial, as part of humanity, to fall into tests that already seemed to have been overcome.
Cry out to God for this Grace, that through His Will and His Power, you may be constant and persevering in the fulfillment of His Law.
You are still in time for building within yourselves, on the unconscious levels of your being, a true strength that will sustain you and support you in these times in which humanity, as a whole, will only find balance in God and in the stronghold on the rock erected within your own heart.
Practice with the little things. Be vigilant with yourselves and, in this way, you will always find peace.
Choose the Love of God rather than the things of the world.
Ask for the Grace and Help of Heaven, and each day do your part.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My sons and My daughters:
In this end time, build your strength and your faith in My Immaculate Heart.
I will be your refuge, I will be Who will take you to God. And, although the Mother of God is retreating, perpetual prayer will be the bridge that will unite us between Heaven and Earth.
Life will show you everything that still needs to be transformed. Miseries and deserts are within you so that, step by step, you may go beyond them and redeem your consciousnesses.
This is an abnormal end time, because everything that was always hidden and outside of the Law will be shown.
Continue to pray for Peace in the world, so that humanity may internally be prepared for everything that is now coming.
Trust. The Mother of God will never abandon a praying soul.
Offer yourself in sacrifice and in reparation for the offended Heart of God; thus, the sins of the world, which are many, will be placated.
Remember your Guardian Angel.
My Love can be within you, go ahead.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
How to be ready in spite of the weight of the world and the weight of your own inner world? How can you have the determination to overcome yourself on a daily basis?
The determination, children, is a Grace shed upon those consciousnesses that open themselves to manifest the Will of God. But for this Grace to act, beings need to allow it to enter into their own hearts and, from the inside out, give themselves an impulse to go forward and not deter their own steps.
This moment of the planet is marked by spiritual and human density. Inside and outside of beings, situations emerge to be transformed; from their souls, profound and unknown wounds arise to be healed, as well as from inside the planet, ancient wounds arise, because it is the time and the hour to heal them.
Nature gets agitated and so does its bodies. While there are tremors, winds, fire, wars on the planet, within human beings there is anguish, sadness, tiredness, imbalance, lack of understanding for themselves.
So then what will you do to reach peace?
Peace is born from the same Source for all life, and this Source is within the Heart of God. Do not search outside of yourselves, search within, deeper than the pains of the soul, more profound than all the confusion. Dive into your own heart and find the Creator.
Surrender at His Feet in prayer, because Peace comes from Him, from Him comes the certainty of a time outside of time and of a Kingdom that transcends the chaos of the world; from Him comes determination so that, beyond tiredness and the weight of the world, you may go ahead, you may fall, but you can rise three thousand times if be necessary.
Everything, children, begins and ends in the connection with God. Therefore, search within yourselves. Pray, and you will find Him.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Angel of Justice holds a set of scales in their hands, and with it measures the merits and the faults of humanity so that, in this way, the fulfillment of the Laws for the coming times may be accomplished.
Chaos and evil struggle to influence beings into fulfilling their false will and manifesting their desires, placing on the scales the weight that strengthens their false laws, based upon deceit and the illusion in which humanity lives.
The Angels of Mercy and the Guardian Angels pray and inspire hearts to transform, to yield, to serve, so that, upon the scales of justice, the good may have weight, and humanity may always receive a new opportunity.
Each action of the beings are weighed on those divine scales. Each small or large act sketches the future of humanity. For this reason, children, way beyond Love and Divine Grace, each being must be responsible for humanity.
We no longer speak of the choices for your own lives, but rather, of the responsibility in front of God that each being has with regards to the destiny of this world. To be awake is therefore to be aware of each action, thought and feeling. Allow your lives to be instruments of peace and Mercy for all beings.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When I was on Earth, in Nazareth, and while My fragile human heart was tired, I would distance myself from everything and everybody and, alone with God, I would pray.
Many times I had no strength to pray, and anguish silenced, not only My voice, but also My thoughts. And so, kneeling before the Lord, I would become silent. I remained in silence, feeling His Breath entering My body through the air that I would breathe. I sought peace.
I did not ask the Lord for anything, and everything I had already belonged to Him; so I just became silent and waited, emptying My heart of fear and anguish, and I found strength in that deep silence that I shared with God.
Why do I tell you this today?
Because I know the depths of your hearts and I know that under the pressure of these times, you feel tired, anguished and always moved toward a greater transformation, to a more profound step into the unknown.
This is why I teach you, children, that even in weaknesses, your strength is in God. And when you have no words or feelings to share with the Lord, simply become silent and seek peace, sharing the Silence of God. His Divine Breath will reveal this peace to you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXI - Feeling the Love of God is a Matter of Choice
A converted soul, repentant of its deepest sins, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, here I am, trusting in the greatness of Your Love and discovering the Grace of Your forgiveness. Tell me, O Father, how I can be forgiven and loved, and more than this, how can I feel in my heart that I have been touched by Your forgiveness?"
And the Lord responded: "Beloved you are, little soul, since the first breath of your consciousness, since My Spirit alighted upon you and gave you breath and life. Since then, you have been deeply loved.
Forgiven you are, when you embrace forgiveness and understand that it is not I Who deprives you of it but rather it is you who passes by and does not see it; it is you who does not reach out your hands to it due to being occupied with ignorance and sin.
When you awaken and open your eyes to My infinite Love, you can be touched by My Holy Hands. My Spirit again lifts you up into purity and peace, and it is there where you can find My forgiveness and understand that, in truth, I have always been here.
So let your anguish and uncertainty give way to My Love for you, soul of Mine, and see that My forgiveness is before your eyes, knocking at the door of your heart. Let it enter and transform your inner dwelling."
May this dialogue, children, teach you that staying in sin or in ignorance, or being embraced by Love and Forgiveness, are simply a choice of each being. You are beloved from the beginning: children awaited by your Creator. Now you just have to open your eyes and see that before you, with patience and hope, dwells the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more