Welcome the peace of the Kingdom of Aurora into your heart, so that you may be a receptacle of its love and its liberation for the world.
Live within you the redemption which emanates from the Kingdom of Aurora, letting your most concrete structures be broken by the power of its light, allowing your thickest veils to be torn so your eyes may see that which must be transformed, healed and finally redeemed.
Be a witness, child, of the Grace of Aurora, which in the same way it mobilizes hearts and their most archaic structures, also shows you the love necessary to build something new.
For souls, Aurora represents the possibility of transforming the old into the new human, the one who will be the precursor of a new life and a new humanity. Aurora shows you the process, sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes painful, sometimes peaceful, which must be experienced without hurrying and with patience.
Patience is a great key for this time, even though it is endangered in hearts. Patience is the science of peace, through understanding that everything in life on Earth has a process, and that process must be lived through, no matter how challenging it may be.
Aurora works on the temperance of souls so that, as they pass through the fire and the cold, just as a blacksmith does with their sword, souls come to understand that processes of pain and of peace are part of the path, and they do not get stuck either in the pain or the peace, but rather on the eternal walking of the ascension of the consciousness.
This walking will carry you to ever more inner and hidden spaces of your own consciousness, where you will finally be able to get off the eternal round of human conflicts in order to discover potentials which are hidden within you. When those potentials awaken, they move beings beyond the human condition, so they may see feelings and states of pain or peace with the same eyes, the eyes of truth, the eyes of those who know what is hidden behind the process of living.
Walk towards this goal, the goal of going beyond what you are, the goal of crossing over the obstacles and going beyond the desert, of going beyond pain or peace, comfort or suffering, just simply continue forward and persist, walking towards God and your own inner self.
With your gaze fixed on the stars, you will find that which I am telling you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come, in the surroundings of Cerro Arequita, for a communal space where the spiritual healing of Aurora is able to be present for surface humanity.
I am speaking of a space in which inner and spiritual healing is able to encompass the consciousness of human beings, who have gone through traumatic life experiences, through unforgettable suffering, which their own cells need to heal and release.
For this reason, this space will be built and offered by the groups of the Uruguay Light-Network so that the Kingdom of Aurora has another extension on the surface in Uruguay, and the work of spiritual healing that the epicenter of the Greater Aurora offers may have a deeper and more efficient continuity.
This is the meaning of this place being consecrated to the Hierarchy with the name of Blue Aurora, which is the symbol and the meaning of the illumination of the spirit of each being after having left mortal darkness.
This project of your Lord will also have a place where the members of the Light-Network will be able to carry out a rhythm that complements the support that Casa Redención needs for this new stage.
Blue Aurora will be the possibility of finding again the meaning of the incarnation and of the life of the spirit.
I thank you for keeping My aspirations in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The story of a pilgrim of peace from Aurora
His devotion had always touched My Heart because his fidelity was prayer itself, that which expressed his pilgrim heart.
His reverence, while sounding the bells, called upon all souls to awaken and, often without anybody knowing it, his love for the Most Holy Virgin made the most lost souls become saved.
Prayer was his spiritual nourishment and allowed him to fly to the high spheres of consciousness where he received the Love of the Eternal Father to share it with his brothers and sisters along the journey.
He arrived as a silent pilgrim. His love for Aurora was so strong that it allowed him to remain near and wait for the doors to open for him.
But in truth, his humbleness, resignation and service led him to consecrate his soul, mind and body to his Master and Lord.
Aurora not only had a brother and companion of Christ, Aurora had a pilgrim of peace who walked side by side with many throughout years and, in his life of simplicity, of joy and of renewal, he helped express the Light of the Kingdom of Aurora.
Today, not only did a devoted brother and pilgrim leave to Heaven; today rose to the Kingdom of Heavens the guardian of the bells of Aurora, an unerasable memory that will continue sounding within the hearts and memory of those who, someday, heard the sound of the bell of Aurora.
With joy, rejoice and be grateful, the Order founded by your Master today receives, on the Altars of Heaven, the first saint, man and pilgrim who witnessed, in his own life, that it is possible to experience Christ and be part of Christ for all of eternity.
Today, Heaven receives the triumph of a life of simplicity, of selflessness and of service, which will give an impulse to all those who stayed to fulfill and carry out the same aspiration.
Hail, Aurora! Today a star of redemption was lit in your sublime firmament, and peace reached everybody.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
In the silence of the night, during the rainy and contemplative dawn, the light of Aurora is seen.
Within the inner focus, in the alignment of the heart, the light of Aurora is revealed.
In the vigilance of the warrior, in the tireless service of the servants of God, the light of Aurora is seen.
In the alternative healing of the bodies, in the dedicated care for those who are healing, the light of Aurora is seen.
In the spiritual silence, in the inner connection of each being with the Highest and with the Divine, the light of Aurora is revealed.
In the joy of the soul for serving God, in the permanent dedication of life to the Will of God, the light of Aurora is seen.
You may make an offer from the heart, in everything, to this sacred Kingdom of Redemption. The light of Aurora will always be seen.
In everything that you may truly surrender, do or accomplish for this Kingdom of Love, the powerful light of Aurora, which will lead you to redemption and forgiveness, shall reveal itself before you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I write this message with words of light to be able to express, through them, the gratitude and the Love that I have for My dear children, especially for all souls that throughout the times and My Apparitions have made their first vows of consecration to the Mother of God.
For this reason, My children, I come in a special way today to invite and call each Child of Mary to be present with me on March 12, 2019, at the Marian Center of Aurora, the place that will be the venue for the next Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary.
I invite and call you to be in the presence of your Celestial Mother so that you may not only renew the vows of your consecration, which you once made, but also that your souls may receive a spiritual impulse directly from the Mother of God in order that your consciousnesses may prepare for the times of emergencies.
Surrounded by the splendorous Aurora, I invite you to be by My side on this March 12 and also to invite, in this year, a brother or sister to participate in the Meeting so they can see how beautiful it is to live in the Heart of God.
As of now, I announce this invitation so that each child of Mine may get organized to be present.
This Meeting will be globally broadcast through Mercy Mary TV so that the Children of Mary from Central America, North America and Europe can accompany.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XIII
Within the context of Casa Redención, located in the area of Redención 1, there are to be found the so-called points of healing, a spiritual term that refers to the congruence of elevated vortices of universal energy where spiritual impulses for the spiritual healing of souls are received.
These spaces, represented on the physical plane by small huts, for this new cycle of healing in Aurora, need to finish being built according to the architectural project made some years ago.
A walkway amidst nature will unite the spaces that exist between the so-called points of healing; this means that the finishing and completion of each point of healing will allow the task of healing in Aurora to continue in spite of the weather.
For this reason, Aurora, as a Kingdom of Healing and Redemption, must refurbish these small points of healing which later on will be small circular rooms where those to be assisted can enter to experience the steps of their own spiritual healing.
Up until today, and for more than ten years, Aurora has offered this important work of healing precariously and simply; but Aurora now deserves to be built completely, with the loving collaboration of everyone.
This finalizing of the building of the points of healing, according to the thought-out architectural project, will allow the task of healing to become a reality on the surface and, above all, for the processes of the healing of people to occur and be offered at any time of the year.
Up until today, the changes in the climate and the unfinished structure itself of the so-called points of healing have not allowed an expansion of the primordial task of Aurora.
Now the time has come to also schedule this need in the near future because Aurora cannot fail to offer healing due to a lack of vital elements for the correct development of the task.
It will be a mission of the Light Network and all of those who may wish to join, to be able to accomplish this goal.
The finalizing of the points of healing will allow the opening of the floodgates of redemption over this sacred soil of Aurora.
I thank you for considering My petitions!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XI
Aurora cries out from within and the voices of the inner Brothers and Sisters proclaim for help.
Aurora needs to express its purpose and must manifest its power.
Aurora can no longer be left behind; it can never be forgotten or be part of a beautiful memory. Many came for its roots of love and of healing and, for different reasons, left and never came back.
Aurora expects to have a communal population big enough to be able to mirror its mission and its task. Because Aurora can no longer just count on a few instruments. Everything, absolutely everything, even what is material must already be enough to carry forward the primordial function of Aurora.
What happened today with some of My disciples is a sign of that lack of consciousness that there is about what in truth Aurora has to mirror on the surface.
Some of Mine had their lives at risk but others risked their own lives to save the others.
Many think that the Hierarchy would never ask for something material but this is not right because everything is part of a perfect Law; as above, so below.
A Communal Center like Aurora can no longer fulfill a global mission with broken or fragile tools; the Universe gave the first impulse so that Aurora could manifest on the surface for a second time but now, it is the commitment of the rest of My servers that Aurora exists for a longer time on the surface.
If Aurora is not truly helped through the effort of everyone, and all that I have said is not complied with according to the Law of love for manifestation, through where will the great forces of planetary chaos be evacuated?
Who else will be able to reach Aurora to receive healing and be freed from evil?
Who will open the doors of liberation to drain the most critical regions of the planet? Or through where will the Archangel Saint Michael enter to defeat the plans of evil?
Do you understand now what Aurora is?
It is more than something physical or spiritual. To exist and express, Aurora must resonate in the heart of each being; otherwise, Aurora does not show itself.
Collaborate from the heart and place before your lives the true needs of the Center of Love of Aurora and then you will tell Me that everything is just and necessary.
Concentrate on the purpose that I gave you within all of these last messages because the longer you delay in thinking about whether or not you will collaborate in Aurora, greater areas encompass evil and Aurora can still not express itself.
Be aware of all that I tell you; remember that it is the Lord of the Universe and of Mercy that speaks to you. I deigned to choose such a poor and simple place like Aurora, not only to walk among the orange trees but also to prepare My second return; because I promised to come among the clouds but not that I would come to enter through the main door of the Church. Your Lord will be among the humble, among the peace-makers, with the pure of heart.
I thank you for having ears to hear My plea of help for Aurora.
I thank you for considering My Words!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Statement of Casa Redención Association for the Work of the Divine Messengers
Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay
January 14, 2019
The Casa Redención Association informs all the members of this Work of love that yesterday, January 13, 2019, the members of the Community Fraternity and of the Grace Mercy Order, that participate in this Light-Community, suffered a serious accident when the truck that was transporting them from one area to another fell into a river.
To make it clear to everyone, we inform you that in these last days, in the region of Aurora, there have been large rain and wind storms. As most know, between the Redención 1 area, where the Marian Center is, and the Redención 2 and Redención 3 areas, there is a small river, which we call a stream, which every time there is heavy rains, swells enormously, and its current becomes very powerful.
Yesterday at midday, the intense rain did not permit for the completion of usual tasks that the members of the community perform in the Marian Center and, for this reason, it was decided to return to the areas to which each person belongs.
When they tried to cross the precarious bridge over the stream, which contained a powerful current of water, the strength of the current pushed the truck towards the river. The truck fell and turned over in the water with sixteen people inside.
Everything was submerged iniside the water, the truck and the passengers. Some of those brothers and sisters did not know how to swim. It was very difficult for all of them to get out of the truck and they were assisted by a group of monks who ran to the location from other areas.
The current swept them several metres; some came out of the water and the current itself dragged them to one of the banks. Others were aided by the monks, who threw themselves into the water to try to get them out of where they were submerged.
It was a very difficult moment for all, especially when there was a count to see if everybody had been able to get out of the truck, which was totally submerged within the water.
This statement which Casa Redención expresses, at the request of the Hierarchy, is so that everyone in the Work may understand the reason why Our Lord, Christ Jesus, is making an exhortation, requesting the assistance of everyone to collaborate in the renovation of the community of Aurora, which is in a dire condition of precariousness, in all senses.
Due to the lack of appropriate vehicles for the transportation of the members of the community, these daily situations become extremely risky for everyone.
We will publish this statement on the webpage of the Divine Messengers, together with the daily messages of Christ, that are related to the requests made for the Community of Aurora, as well as on the webpage of Fraternity - International Humanitarian Federation, in a special highlighted place with all of the requests of Christ and the indications for collaborating.
Thank you all for your fraternal adherence!
Community Fraternity of Aurora
Marian Center of Aurora
Casa Redención
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VI
Today, from My Merciful Heart, emanates a Green ray of healing, for My wish, amidst many aspirations, is to be able to manifest the counterpart of healing on the surface at Aurora, that is to say, that part of the external and inner healing that the bodies of people need to recuperate and heal.
For this reason, this part of the project of the manifestation of Aurora is very important to Me because its aspiration is that in the area of Redención 1 the House of Healing and of Restoration be built, completely consecrated to Brother Pio; for finally it will be his place, within Aurora, where his presence will be able to heal souls.
The House of Healing and of Restoration in Redención 1 will be of very great support for the subsequent stage of spiritual healing that Aurora offers. That House, which will have Brother Pio himself as a guardian, will receive the hearts that have gone through a process of spiritual liberation.
This simple but harmonious House will fulfill one of the most important tasks within the spiritual task of the Kingdom of Aurora. It will be in charge of the external and internal phases of purification and of rehabilitation, having as a basis the knowledge received by Friar Ameinó through the external therapies; as well as having an outpatient area to attend to the local community and the collaborators who may be in Aurora.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will be the first headquarters of the health and healing sector in Uruguay, and this House must have six consulting rooms, two hydrotherapy rooms, an outpatient area, an infirmary area, and an area for the making of natural remedies, as well as for the processing of all medicinal herbs. It will also have a smaller external infrastructure that will house four rooms with a little kitchen, a few bathrooms and a laundry room for the patients who will be in treatment for some days in Aurora.
If this building can be concretized, I could tell you that fifty percent of the task of the Kingdom of Aurora would already be accomplished.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will not only weekly attend hearts that arrive for the healing process, but will also serve for treating the members of the Light Community of Aurora and the local community.
I will await with joy for the concretization of the House of Healing and of Restoration of Aurora. This impulse will also permit for the repair and reconstruction of the buildings that already exist, and which need immediate maintenance so that the brothers and sisters who live there are able to carry out the assigned tasks.
I will count on the honorary help of architects, engineers, builders, workers and collaborators who may want to spend a period of time in Aurora to evaluate, together with the coordination of the Light-Community of Aurora, this project of your Lord.
I thank you for striving to fulfill the task of Aurora for Uruguay and for the planet!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part III
In this cycle, the Kingdom of Aurora must concretize the expansion of its mirror on the surface; for this reason, no one should be satisfied with what already exists, because Aurora still has to show itself in its splendor.
For this reason, companions, the collaboration and the awareness on the part of everyone for this new stage of the manifestation of Aurora will help your Sacred Center find more spaces where it may be established on the surface.
In this sense, the spiritual expansion of Aurora will depend on the efforts that all members of the Work will make in this year of 2019 so that the previously mentioned needs may be provided and carried out according to the Plan of the Hierarchy.
There is, without a doubt, a responsibility and a commitment on the part of everyone in order for this manifestation to be able to occur.
One way to motivate the concretization of the new spaces of Aurora may be to carry forward campaigns in order to raise the material and financial resources so that everything may take place; just like the inner commitment that each one can make with Aurora, to periodically be present and collaborate, will help.
For this reason, companions, the first campaign will be to concretize the bathrooms of the Marian Center of Aurora. To do this, the solidarity campaign of the 333 Uruguayan pesos will be carried out to begin to build, in the month of February of this year, the architectural bases of the bathrooms of the Marian Center.
This impulse of the 333 Uruguayan pesos will be developed by all members of the Light-Network, who will also promote the programs to gather the donations of material elements, as well as the fraternal workforce, that may help in the building of this first objective. When this need of the Marian Center of Aurora is concretized, the next stage will come about.
It should be emphasized that, if all the necessary help through the campaign of the 333 Uruguayan pesos is not concretized, the Light-Network will receive a notice to collaborate again until this objective, which is a mission for everyone, is fulfilled.
Let us together keep building the foundations for a new and fraternal humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part II
The fundamental manifestation of Aurora on the surface is based on love among siblings, on an honest and true love that is built within the fraternity of Christ so that, following this, the Principles of the Celestial Father, those principles which inspire the Project of God, may be present within humanity.
In order to make all of this possible, in this new year, it is necessary to contemplate the needs of Aurora which are being carried out, stage by stage, with the collaboration of the stewards of the Work. This will allow the Center of Aurora itself to receive the celestial treasures on the inner planes; sacred tools that will make it possible to accelerate the process of the redemption of humanity.
For this very important reason, Aurora needs the collaboration of everyone to make the manifestation of its Sacred Center possible, as well as that of group life, which must have the necessary structures so that a New Humanity may be able to count on this Island of Salvation.
When I told you yesterday that Aurora has not yet completed its manifestation, it was to have you understand that the Spiritual Hierarchy still has plans and projects here, which must be materialized within the life on Earth so that the physical spaces which Aurora has may also be contemplated for the realization of the Purpose and the Plan of the Hierarchy.
The Kingdom of Aurora is not just a space for the inner knowledge of beings.
The Kingdom of Aurora must be a completely manifested space so that the task of Aurora may take place on the surface.
The time has come to be able to embrace the Project of the Hierarchy so that, on Earth and for these end times, universal life may be a reality experienced and felt by each serving heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part I
Companions and brothers and sisters of Mine:
It is not by preference nor any other reason, but it is necessary that you do not forget that Aurora still has not finished materializing on its surface and, in order for this to become possible, you must be aware and collaborate with this sacred space which, with humility, receives you to shelter your spirits in the essence of healing and of love.
This was one of My main reasons for coming to Aurora and to carry out the next Marathon of Divine Mercy in this beloved Marian Center, if it had happened.
My reason and spiritual motive was to tell all of you who have come to Aurora about the importance that this manifestation has to Me, since Uruguay as a country has already lost its spiritual character, and this principle has so far been sustained by My faithful companions who live in this village and who, day after day, with effort and hope, pray for the triumph of love in this homeland.
After the first few years, in which Aurora made itself visible to all on the physical plane, it stopped its manifestation; from there, pending needs remained for the permanance of Aurora.
The first need is the finalizing of its Marian Center which, as it does not have its physical bases finished and its needs supplied, will not be able to mirror nor receive certain treasures of the Hierarchy that will help the liberation of souls.
Within the communal area of Redención 1, the construction is still pending, with the help of all, of a large kitchen and a dining hall to welcome all who need to eat; this is also a part of the manifestation of Aurora.
It is still necessary, in Redención 2, to improve and build a set of lodgings that can be available for the moments of large meetings; as well as improving the bathrooms, given the requirements for visitors.
The areas of Redención 2 and Redención 1 need to develop a sustainable system for the maintenance of the plantations and the alternative collection of water for irrigation.
In Redención 3, it is necessary to improve the spaces for co-existence with the Animal Kingdom since this is one of Auroras tasks for the future; also needed is fraternal and supportive maintenance and labor for repairing and rebuilding the houses which already exist.
The presence of people for longer periods of time in Aurora is necessary in order for everything previously described to take place. There must be servers who understand, beyond the material aspect, what the spiritual and physical presence of Aurora means in a country that has already condemned itself to a violent purification.
I wish to avoid the chastisement that Uruguay deserves, before the Universe, by means of the offer of Aurora on the surface because, if these needs are not met, souls will not awaken nor be healed of the past and, even further, Uruguay will not be able to have a new opportunity.
I leave everything that the Kingdom of Aurora needs for 2019, not only for the Uruguayans, but also for the whole world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart and for considering Aurora as a door to your redemption!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
From the deepest Love of God, emanated the Fount of Healing.
From His purest aspiration that each being may attain Perfection, the Fount of Redemption was born.
From His purest aspiration, that beings may be liberated from their errors and from the duality that they live on this planet and in this Universe, the Fount of Liberation was born.
And as the union of this Divine Purpose, for all beings, the Consciousness of Aurora was born in the Heart of God, as an emanation of His Feminine Principle.
Aurora was born as a state of consciousness, which concentrates within itself the maternal energy which comes from God, united with His profound Love for creatures. Because it was thus, within this consciousness of maternity and of Love, that the Principles could gather: the Principle of Healing for all spiritual and material infirmities; the Principle of Redemption for all errors and mistakes lived by beings; and the Principle of Liberation, so that, regardless of the degree of the bonds to which a consciousness was submitted, everything could be liberated.
This state of consciousness, called Aurora, brought new hope for the Universe. Aurora is the Light that emerges resplendent after a cycle of darkness. Aurora is the possibility, that all beings receive, of returning to God in this Universe and in all others. Aurora is the expression of the Love of God for life.
So incommensurate is the Love of the Father, that He, placing His Eyes over the planet and contemplating the human errors and deviations, delivered to humanity one of His most beloved treasures: the Consciousness of Aurora.
This cosmic and universal Principle of God, created to help Him in the evolution of all beings, was projected and placed within the planet, in spaces that safeguarded its presence and that became sacred by Aurora.
This Aurora, sometimes explosive, sometimes silent, has never been understood by human beings.
This state of divine consciousness, after welcoming within it the principles that emerged from the Heart of God, also concentrated in itself rays and emanations that came from the heart of the Archangels, called Elohim, and the Sublime Mirrors of God, called Emerald Mirrors, because they concentrated within themselves the necessary vibrations of Healing so that all beings, born of the Divine Source, could return to it.
The Emerald Mirrors that concentrated within the Consciousness of Aurora hold in themselves the registers of the Origin of each being, of each race, of each essence, of each planet, of each star, of each Kingdom of Nature. They hold within themselves the records of the Origin of Life. Because it is through them that Healing takes place: when those who have deviated from Divine Purpose receive, from the emanations of the Emerald Mirrors, the purest Thought of God for themselves, the original vibration of His creation. And thus, they can convert their errors and return to the Father.
Aurora is not only the Healing for the planet, but Aurora is also the Healing for all Life; however, so great is the Love of the Father, that part of this Consciousness was given to the Earth, as a symbol of the importance of the planet for all universal and cosmic evolution.
The time has come for Aurora to be profoundly known and revered by the beings who recognize the Truth in the divine revelations, and who understand with the heart the grace of being within the Consciousness of Aurora.
Live in Aurora, My children, with the reverence of the archangels. Feel yourselves within the Divine Consciousness and as participants of God's purest Love for life. Because this is Aurora.
May all beings recognize in Aurora this Divine Grace because, through gratitude, they will cross its portals and receive Its Healing.
Aurora is the manifested Love of God. And today you are invited, My children, to awaken to this Love.
Through you, may the Graces of Aurora finally arrive in this wounded world because the planet needs it and, more than that, the Creation needs it.
I bless you and thank you for loving the Divine and Cosmic Consciousness of Aurora. Its mystery is revealed so that you can awaken.
I love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I return to a place called Aurora, which throughout times has donated itself completely and which, in the silence of its imperceptible Kingdom, has sustained the Banner of the Redeemer, despite the challenges and trials.
Today, I return to a place that was witness of the Presence of God, a place that was chosen by that same Father to carry forward a planetary task.
Today, I return to the origin and the place where everything had once begun, and all of this gladdens Me, because I know that Aurora will never be forgotten, it will be like the bird that is reborn to again give testimony of My Presence in the world.
For this reason, I chose to return to Aurora, so that all those who had once and throughout times benefitted from it, will never forget that they owe very much to this Kingdom of Love.
Aurora will be reborn as a Mirror, and will be firmly sustained like a sword.
Aurora will always go to meet the valient ones, and will fill with its light those who seek it with humility.
Aurora is the portal that will again take us to the feeling of eternal gratitude.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Beloved ones,
I am here again with all of My precious children to keep celebrating, inside and outside of the heart of My faithful children, the advent of Christ, the advent of the New Humanity.
Today My Heart of Mother is nestled inside of the heart of the faithful, of the devotees, of the unconditional, those who say YES to My Immaculate Heart and to the powerful call of the Son of God for these times.
In them I find consolation and relief for My Universal Consciousness, which, although it comes from the Creative Source, still feels pain for what it sees in this world and above all for the infinite ignorance and indifference that humanity suffers from in this planetary time.
I am asking the Eternal Father, with humility, as Mother of everybody, that in His Infinite Mercy He allow Me to be together with you for the longest possible time, because I see that many imperiously need My maternal instructions.
However that, I have total trust in that everything that has been delivered by Us, the Divine Messengers, has found inside of the consciousness of each one, a space to sprout, grow, give fruits and also flowers, seeds that can be sown in other souls.
In this new anniversary I want to thank My beloved Aurora, to its Kingdom of Healing and of Redemption for having been the home, here on the planet, that in this cycle has opened its doors and its heart to receive the Universal Mother, the Mother of God, the Co-Redeemer of the Savior.
As never before a Kingdom of Love donated itself without conditions to the Greater Will, placing the Plan of Love, almost unknown, in first place, with full humility, love and confidence.
To this, My House on the planet, I give today the teraphim of My Immaculate Heart, so that it may always be available for the souls.
This Immaculate Heart will radiate Healing and Redemption, Divine Forgiveness, Liberation and Rehabilitation to all the souls that come here seeking a new opportunity for their lives.
Here, this Heart, united to the powerful Light of the Archangel Michael, will liberate from the oppression to all the spirits that come, with sincerity and humility, seeking to be pure, free, seeking to be healed of the diseases of the soul, those which sicken the minds and the bodies.
Here, the Mother of God will leave open forever the healing of the soul and of the spirit, the possibility for the beings to be washed and purified by the Codes that Christ reached when He shed His Blood on the Cross.
Every consciousness that enters in this place with reverence and humility, recognizing that it walks in a sacred ground, a space in which the Redeemer placed His Feet again on this planet, after two thousand years, will receive from the Universe what it needs to go forward, to serve the Son of God in the preparation of His path of Return to the world.
Here will be forged the Warriors of Mercy.
Here the valiant souls will receive their instruments, those that they will play together in the great symphony of the planetary rescue in the end of times.
Here the Warriors of Peace will wait for the great signals from Heaven that will announce the great coming of the Son of God.
Here will be the place where the Warriors of Light will illuminate, with the Sun of their interior, the path for the souls that should come to find the lost way.
Here, in the Aurora of My Heart, will rise the spiritual columns that will sustain the fallen ones, those who will find God for the first time and, as a celestial miracle, will place their souls on the ground to offer them to the Redeemer when He returns.
This Aurora of My Heart, which with so much humility and rejoicing always waits for Me, will be the school of those who, through its essence and instruction, will govern the Promised Land, when, after the Great Transformation, the New Humanity arises in the dawn of a New Era.
To you, My Beloved Aurora, Hail!
Hail your pure and humble heart, My Love grows in your presence!
I love and bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Universal Mother
At the doorway of the Kingdom of Aurora, your Heavenly Mother prepares the great stream of spiritual impulses that will be given during the first days of August.
The Kingdom of Aurora will be lit again as a Mirror so that humanity may receive from the Universe the spiritual help it will need for defining the next steps of the race.
Aurora, as a Center of healing and redemption, will offer to consciousnesses this gift of being able to abandon the past and be able to enter the inner schools of redemption so that someday they may experience rehabilitation.
Aurora, as a Sacred Center of God, will carry forward this spiritual movement of cosmic redemption so that the human beings present at this time may receive the Grace to free themselves from the ties of consciousness and enter into the school of forgiveness.
All of the Spiritual Hierarchy is working toward this.
We are in unity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Children,
From the Heart of God Gifts and Graces emanate on this day for the liberation of the planet, and your Heavenly Mother comes to decree Her triumph in this place through this liberation and the Peace that emanate from My Immaculate Heart.
The Sacred Immaterial Rays that come from the Heart of the Creator touch Earth today, and Its signs become visible through nature. Nothing will remain as it is, inside and outside of humanity, and its mud will be extirpated and purified.
I come as your Heavenly Mother, as your Universal Mother, to prepare the path for the new dawn of Aurora, which next August will shine again in the hearts of humanity and on the horizon of the Earth.
I come to unite My Heart to the heart of Aurora giveing a sign to the world that its liberation is not only near as it has already begun with My Presence.
The heart of Aurora again gives signs so that the pulsing of its life may once again illuminate the abysses of this world. But, for Aurora to resume its place, My children, it is necessary that humanity know how to conduct the events in union with the Heart of the Hierarchy and that it follows, step by step, the Will emanated by God for the Earth.
The silence of Aurora will gradually give way to its healing word, and the expansion of its light will be visible. But, while this moment is prepared, accompany your Heavenly Mother step by step, because everything has its time and place.
The expansion of the heart of Aurora will take place gradually, so that its light crosses the horizons and reaches the hearts of humanity, the Kingdoms of Nature and the depth of the consciousness of the planet, liberating all kinds of life from the darkness that still dwells in this world .
But this must happen without wounding; its fire must burn, but not wound. Its heart expands and comes alive, respecting the Laws that rule this world, because thus humanity has chosen to learn.
To those who do not understand My Words, because they do not know the Aurora of which I speak, I say to you, just feel its grace in your hearts and let it expand, taking its corresponding place, because this is the Will of God.
My children, your Heavenly Mother, on this day, comes to prepare a very important moment: the expansion and return of Aurora of the dawn, to illuminate the hearts of the world.
Pray with me, pray so that the nations open up to the Will of God; pray so that the Plans of the Creator may be fulfilled on Earth; pray so that, in the depth of a true prayer, your Father Who is in Heaven may find the necessary permission to help this world.
There is still much to happen for God's Plans to concretize and, with Power and Peace, your Celestial Mother comes to unite the Scepter of God to the Scepter that rules the Aurora of My Heart, so that, gradually, it decrees its return and its triumph.
Beloved children, today I also come to give you a special Grace, through the beloved soul that offers itself every day so that My Plan may continue fulfilling itself. Soul that, like Me, united her heart to the heart of Aurora, so that this world might always have an opportunity to be healed.
Know, My children, that, with the simple surrender of a few, My Heart will work miracles on Earth.
With this I tell you not to give up surrendering your lives to God; do not give up taking steps toward union with the Heart of the Father and, in spite of everything that happens on the planet, never lose hope that the healing that comes from the heart of Aurora will extend to the world and touch all life, bringing back to the sacred what was lost and distorted by human misunderstanding and ignorance.
I am your Heavenly Mother, the One who shows you the way to reach Christ and, on Earth, I left you an earthly spiritual mother, so that she would point to the Father together with My Heart and that, united to Me, she might tirelessly work for the rescue of souls.
Unite with this mother soul that I gave you, because today I tell you that, upon her, your Father, Who is in Heaven, has placed His trust.
Therefore, today, do not only pray for Aurora to dawn again; also pray for the awakening of Unity on all this Work of Love, and may the hearts know how to recognize the instruments that the Father placed on their paths to never get lost.
Everything is part of a unique construction; listen to My Voice and unite with Me, and thus, My children, you will not confuse yourselves and you will be able to make triumph the Heart of God trough your lives.
I bless you and ask you to accompany Me, preparing with the heart the final awakening of the Aurora of the dawn.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother.
Beloved Children of the Most High,
During the Passion of My Lord, your Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel showed Me, from the inner planes of My Consciousness, that at the end of time, in distant places of this world, communities of followers of My Son would meet to pray, receive Me in spirit and they would be instructed by Me.
They would prepare the second coming of the Lamb of God to the world.
Right after this vision, My Beloved Son, while He was agonizing on the Cross, announced that He was handing over humanity to Me to take care of it until His return.
Today I see manifested on the surface of this world, in lands distant from the Holy Land, in another land that is also holy, those communities, which today are Christian, prepare the second coming of Christ.
Today I see before Me those consciousnesses that the Great Announcer Gabriel showed Me and I hear His words again: these will be the faithful, those who will open the door to hundreds, thousands, millions and who will be the new companions of the Redeemer.
In that moment of so much pain, this vision and these words calmed My Heart and I was filled with hope.
Today, when you are standing before Me striving to fulfill each one of My requests, facing difficult tests, often without fully understanding the Designs of the Father, I want to thank you for the fidelity and commitment that you give us and I want to announce to you that I will be with you until the last day of your lives, accompanying and guiding you from the inner worlds.
A day will come when I will no longer appear publicly, I will not speak to you through your brothers and sisters; but within your souls, a loving place has been built for your Heavenly Mother, in which I live and I will always dwell.
In that place we will meet until God calls you to His side.
Today, which is a special day for this world, a day that God chose to give you one of His daughters, who would perform a hard and demanding work, I want to give all of My children the Gift of Fidelity, an essential gift for these times, which will be a column of light over which My Son is building His Celestial Church within your spirits.
Today, on the ground of this grand Kingdom of Aurora, I bless you and lift your souls up to the Feet of the Creator.
The promise of Archangel Gabriel has been fulfilled so far. Strive and reach the end, because that will be when Heaven will definitely descend to Earth.
I love you, bless you and revere your spirits in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for being with Me today,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Message
May My Words resprout in the hearts of the simple and of those who have decided to follow Me unconditionally.
I am glad to know that some have understood what I say about My Work and that have allowed Me to fulfill My Purpose in this place, at this Marian Center in the Kingdom of Aurora.
Because, even though indifference is still in the minds of many men, there are hearts that manage to follow My Path; and it is through those hearts that I fulfill My designs to be able to sustain this planet and this humanity.
A great mission still awaits us in Europe in the months of June and July, something that the Father is delicately thinking of being able to accomplish through the efforts of those who are willing to serve Me; and this includes everyone, without exceptions.
Each one must fulfill their part at this moment of the Plan; all the pieces must be positioned in their correct places so that the Project can work and move forward. No one can exclude themselves at this moment from what they came to accomplish in this life, no one.
Each one of you has a key with which you will open a door so that a new opportunity may take place, and that goes beyond your personality, even from your own spirit.
It is necessary for souls to understand that the Work is an engine in dynamism; it is a constant flow of Laws and of principles that, from cycle to cycle, descend to Earth to save humanity.
I do not need you to fulfill My designs in a perfect way, but rather in a true way; this will bring transparency to your lives and your paths; this will make you true to one another, and will also make you true before Me.
I only need that you truly serve Me, so that the projects that the Father has given to Me can be fulfilled by means of the souls that serve Me, from time to time.
Today I come for an Uruguay that has decided to close the doors to God, in many ways.
And why do I say this? Because you will see it in their examples, in their actions and decisions.
In truth you can already see it in everything that has been decided in this time and that is out of the balance of the Plan and of Justice.
The Father, the Universe and the Hierarchies do not desire the condemnation of the country, but rather its salvation.
The awakening of very few will allow the salvation of many, but not as everyone expects it.
It is important to become responsible for the decisions made, of which the majority of souls do not have consciousness about what has been decided. This causes great debts for those who have made the decisions, on a spiritual and material level.
But with the last part of Mercy that I come to pour, I come to save the last ones, those who truly want to repent and live the path of Love and of Justice.
The nations are compromising the awakening and the evolution of the souls; and this is something that will be more evident at the end of times.
For this reason, the art of prayer allows to block those projects that are not of God, but of men.
We are entering the cycle of the last impulses that Uruguay will receive, so that at least the minority may do something for their land, just as the other nations of the world, which will be called to declare before the Father in the end of times.
I would like to speak to you about the wonders the Kingdom of the Father has, the Kingdom that is in Heaven, and how much the souls could live within it, if they truly offered themselves to God; but first I must tell you about the world and its humanity because there is a part that it must resolve by itself; and this will begin with the sincerity of the heart and of life.
It urges Me to know that there are companions within My Work who still do not understand what is happening at this moment, because they do not dare to see the truth, the need that emerges in these times to be attended to, leaving behind the personal life of each being to attend to humanity and, above all, the planet that is its home.
You must understand, companions, that at this time there must exist a place in the world where you can set your feet, and that it may be a safe place, without conflicts nor disturbances; without wars and without tribulations; a place where a little peace and hope reigns.
If My servants place their attention in what is external and not internal, how will they perceive the reality of these times?
Before your eyes a suffering world is shown, it is time to help it; it is time to be aware that a purpose must be fulfilled and that it has not finished; that it is neither transient nor static.
The awakening of humanity continues; the redemption of humanity continues, and it is necessary to perceive this reality without entering into indifference or omission.
Because, more efforts will live those who have separated from My Path than those who are already with Me, within My Path.
Everything that I have given you will never be wasted. All that I have given you will someday be witnessed before the Universe.
For this reason, those who are confused, or believe to be confused, reconsider.
I do not come to speak to you of something practical or material, but of something deeply internal, which begins and ends in you, and that affects the spirit through its decisions and actions; through its feelings and also through its thoughts.
You must not overshadow your original essence, its purity. It must be immaculate and at the sight of the Light of God, so that it remains in contact and in communion with the Divine Spirit.
Look within yourselves for the answer and you will realize that what I tell you is true.
Let those who have not understood the Plan at this time seek the answer within themselves, so that they have the opportunity to be led back towards the path of the Brotherhood.
Today I come to show to Mine, for the first time, a feeling of bitterness for those who disappoint Me, for those who do not join Me after everything received, after everything lived and shared.
Offer this Marathon so that the Plan can be fulfilled as it is written and not be modified by the decisions of My companions, or of those who are no longer on My Path and still have their commitment signed on High; an indelible commitment, impossible to alter.
Each one will have the opportunity to live the moment of their definition, and that will be between the soul and God. The tools and means were given for you to prepare for this moment.
Who is with some obstacle to be by My side is because they have not done things well, and have not been attentive and vigilant to the events that are approaching more each day, and that bring the changes of the human consciousness.
I promised to always tell you the truth and today I bring you My Truth; the Truth that I see of the world and of humanity; the Truth of those I see; of those who are by My side and hesitate.
It is time to stand before the Throne of the Father and ask oneself: What am I doing?
Not to blame yourselves or to be frightened, but to see reality with neutrality and improve it with a renewing spirit and joy.
I do not need from you sorrows or uncertainties, worries or afflictions; I already receive enough of the world every day and I hope that more, more hearts will relieve Me, without bringing more worries or afflictions to My Heart.
Relive My Passion as the symbol of My Love for you, throughout the times and generations. From there draw out the internal forces to be able to carry on, just as I did, at the worst moment of My Life, in the greatest loneliness, at the great moment of My surrender for humanity.
Be brave and do not be discouraged. Face your transformation as part of My Celestial Victory and do not give your brothers more work with your insignificant life complications. Take responsibility for what you are not doing and you will truly grow, without illusions.
You know to who I am talking. Let each one assume their part, with maturity and without comments.
Because those who should be here sustaining the Plan with Me, are distracted, in themselves, as is humanity.
The planet, as a consciousness, is agonizing and needs souls in eternal service to God. Many more souls in eternal service to God, much more than the sufferings that humanity generates, day by day. That will balance the times and the events, and it will not be necessary to live neither the pain nor the anguish that millions of souls in the world live due to their spiritual blindness.
Open your heart even more so that My Words may work deeply and not remain in the superficial.
At this time, I am bringing all the Rays of My Consciousness for you to know and identify them. This will remove what is obstructed in the consciousness, it will heal wounds and elevate the souls to the Purpose of God.
I thank you for accompanying Me with truth and without lukewarmness in the heart.
I bless you and encourage you to loyalty.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hear within your heart the voice of Aurora and feel how its subtle vibrations resound in the depths of your being.
This is the regenerating love of Aurora that shelters souls of untiring service, that with its healing Light embraces tired bodies.
Hear in your heart the greater melody of Aurora and how it transforms all that it encompasses in the consciousness of the being.
This is the powerful current of Aurora that emerges from the depths of your spirit to give of itself as a Principle of Love and as a Source of Healing.
May this current be recognized in the inner worlds which, after a long journey, re-engage with the original principles of the Greater Healing Source of the inner Aurora. Its lights illumine the spaces and everything receives an impulse of upliftment and of harmony.
Let this meeting with Aurora be the moment of awakening again and of re-encountering the foundational bases of the healing for souls.
Let the melody of love resound within!
Let Aurora be a reencounter with the true being, at the core of the spirit!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
Pray, when the night seems to fall over the sky of the Earth.
Pray when the difficulties are great, and the challenges seem impossible, because in this way, My children, the Grace of God will always come to assist you.
Pray so that the world may receive the healing it so much needs, and may neither the wars nor the chaos cause the faith of your hearts to wane.
Pray when darkness approaches, when solitude seems infinite and emptiness takes over your inner world, and persevere.
From the perseverance of your hearts will be born the merits for a new life.
From the healing of your souls will be born the merits for the healing of the planet.
From the sun lit in your hearts, in spite of the difficulties, will be born the merits so that Aurora may rise again in the sky of the Earth and within beings.
From the fortitude of your hearts will be born the merits so that the weak of spirit may rise again.
From the invisible of your hearts, I build the universal triumph of God.
In the silence of your lives, I teach you to imitate My Steps and to transform the Earth in the anonymity of a celestial victory.
So that the world may know the Grace of higher life, persevere, and have faith in the invisible.
What is a mystery to you today will be tangible to you someday. But, before touching, you must believe, feel, and live under the Grace of what is not seen.
Have faith and strengthen the faith in your hearts.
Trust will make you free of doubts and you will know how to recognize within yourselves the portals of the new life, because you will already be part of it.
Build now, within yourselves, what will make you guides of the new humanity, because it is through knowing how to go beyond yourselves and the difficulties of these times that you will be able to guide others.
It is by trusting in what is invisible to you today that you will be able to guide beings to the path of their redemption, even when there is no light over the world. Because you, children, will not depend on the light of the Earth, but rather on the light that illumines your inner self.
Pray in the presence of doubt, pray on facing error, pray on facing temptations, pray on facing indifference, pray when you feel separate and distant from one another, and more than that, pray, pray a lot, when you feel distant from God.
Today I tell you, My children, that a great mystery is drawing closer to your lives.
The planet is facing the birth of the new human being, which will be painful, but also, it is facing a light that is unknown to you, in spite of it having been here since the beginning.
Pray to recognize the truth, pray so that the truth can be before your eyes, and even though it is invisible, that you may be able to see it.
The rays of Aurora that are being born within the Earth are already illuminating a part of the planet, and those who open themselves to its rays and to its light will never be in the darkness of this world.
Pray, My children, and feel that I Am part of this New Aurora, which as it is born on Earth, is also born in heaven, in the depths of the infinite, and illumines all spaces, renewing them with the balm of the Light of God.
Pray in order to know how to trust, pray to awaken faith and do not let yourselves be deceived or darkened, do not let yourselves become cold by this night that you live on Earth.
May the rays of the New Aurora warm your hearts and reveal a new path to you where Heaven and Earth unite, where that light that was ignited in the depths of the Earth finds part of itself in the infinite. And in this mystery the Creator reveals to you that the same Aurora is born in Heaven and on Earth, and that is where My Immaculate Heart is.
Pray so that, more than understanding what I tell you, you may live it.
I bless you, today and always.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more