Dear children,
On the eve and at the door of next August 8, I call you to a conscious preparation so that each of the Words of My Son may become flesh within you, and thus, He may be able to see His last apostles inwardly preparing for His return to humanity.
This conscious preparation is not only through the prayer that emerges from the heart, but also through the interest in the instructions that My Son will impart, because we are already in the final cycle of the task of the Sacred Hearts and souls need to be aware of the existence of the Plan of God. Thus, there will be hearts that, with all the effort, will carry forward the task of raising awareness of the Divine Plan, so that the Sacred Purpose may also be accomplished in the rest of humanity.
This passage, from one cycle to another, will place humanity before the opportunity of choosing.
Let us pray, My children, so that the choices or the decisions of souls may be in accord with the Plan of the Creator.
This time will define the next stage for all.
The change will occur in the hearts open to receive it; thus, the veils of worldwide blindness will be removed and all will be able to see reality.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Never fear to definitely cross the thresholds of the lower consciousness.
The Love and the inner strength of My Son, in the Sacrament of the Altar, will take you and help you to gradually on your own transcend the human condition.
You must know that it is not only you who redeems and surpasses yourself, but rather it is the human race that is also assisted to live redemption, to some degree.
For this reason, keep your faith and your trust ignited within the center of your heart, for it is there where the Love of God will triumph, above any condition or adversity.
God will always recognize your sincere efforts and your momentum to live Christic and divine Love a little more.
Remain at peace and continue forward. Remember that My Son gave you His parables and talents so that, through them, you may learn to serve Him and worship Him.
Everything has its timing. It is not intelligent to force change, because change comes when the soul and the mind of humankind understand that everything has its cycle.
Walk in the direction of the Purpose of Light that is before your gaze. Follow it, and the creator universe will send you it's assistance so that you may accomplish it. Thus, the new apostles of My Son will be formed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Understand that this is a time of transition and that you are at the doorway of a new time in which the old human being will no longer have the place they always thought they had, because everything will be renewed when I return to the world.
This is the time to be free of the old self, and all are being faced with this time.
It is an event that, until now, nobody has experienced.
The more open the heart is to the changes, the less it will suffer, because all will have the chance to go past that barrier that separates the current time from the Real Time.
But your consciousness must be expanded and, without prejudice, receive the change of cycle as has happened many times, except that this new time that is approaching is not the same or similar to any other.
It is a time in which everything will be reconfigured so that the weight of the errors of humanity will no longer be the obstacle that will get in the way of the elevation of consciousness.
Thus, in this unconditional openness, the Spiritual Hierarchy will be able to help so that consciousnesses which take the step may go forward to meet the new time, without the weight of yesterday nor the guilt of the past.
The new time will bring a very powerful current of healing.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The universe has and holds a history, that most do not know, but which is visible and real to the Eyes of God.
This history is part of different learnings and experiences that marked the process of evolution forever.
A history through which the great Creator Fathers have worked in order to be able to reverse it from the spiritual plane where it was gestated.
For this reason, the Creator Fathers themselves took charge of finding a solution because, for this life system on Planet Earth, these histories would need to be worked upon further in order to be modified and transformed, because the weight that duality generates makes of this history a state and a process of purification or of resistance, similar to a cosmic or stellar event.
Through this, I want to express to you that this moment has already come and this moment is now, a place and space in which all human beings will truly come to know themselves and will be able to become aware that it will be necessary to experience change, but a change from the consciousness, so that it may then be experienced throughout the rest of the being.
To face this moment and this history is to be facing something that would seem incredible, but that the higher being of each consciousness lives, experiences and remembers all the time.
The only key is to accept that which is beyond comprehension and the capacity to love it or not; in this way, through this attitude, the consciousness will be ready to cross the thresholds of possible errors committed which, once purified, will no longer be in the unconscious of this Universe.
I thank you for understanding the science of My Words!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
We have reached the last month of the alternate year for humanity, a month in which hearts are called to be in Christ and so that the inner Christ may emerge, purify you and renew you for another year, so that you may continue to serve the Most High.
But it is also a month in which inattention and distraction will be the premises for the life of hundreds of people of this humanity.
And to not fall into that trap, idealized by My enemy, you must be attentive, vigilant and with your consciousness elevated toward the Universe, because for the human race a chronological year ends, but for the spiritual Hierarchy a change of cycle occurs again, and this new cycle will be full of challenges because it will be an important duty to be able to concretize many projects.
Thus, I invite you to remember the Hierarchy and all that the Hierarchy will give impulse to in this new stage. Because in the same way that the clock time runs, the cycles also change and the opportunities will only come around once.
December of 2019 is the preamble to the last times with the Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
These are times of spiritual needs, but also of material ones.
These are times when only the opening of the heart and willingness will allow for bringing healing and redemption for souls.
Therefore, this is the time for embracing the needs of those who suffer, as well as welcoming those who have never been loved.
This is the time to express what each heart holds, to awaken good, peace and solidarity.
In this sense, I wish to tell you that just as the seasons change, the needs of the souls also change.
For this reason, through the pilgrimages, I take you and place you before meeting all needs, mainly those that require greater love and forgiveness.
This is why the experience with the Sacraments during these last years have represented the possibility that all could learn to avail themselves of the Christic Love, in order to know how to share it and give it, in the same way that I give you My Heart as a safe refuge.
Thus, I wish to tell you that only during the pilgrimages, beginning with the next meeting of prayer for the Amazon, pilgrims shall be welcomed and, according to their needs, they may approach one of the Sacraments in order to receive it.
For this, as from the next month, the 4th shall be eliminated and on the 5th and 6th, during the process of the Marathon during the morning, Sacraments shall be offered to those who need them.
In this way, two or three confessionals, two spaces for the Sacrament of Baptism as well as for Foot-Washing, and one space for the Sacrament of Anointing and the Anointing of the sick shall be placed.
Thus, while the exercise of the Marathon is taking place, the spiritual needs of souls will be served, and at the same time souls will receive the Graces they need.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To be in My Heart means to live great responsibilities, to assume great tests and to go through great challenges.
To live in My Heart represents an eternal commitment and not a fleeting one, a responsible and mature commitment that may lead you to live My Plan and its manifestation upon the surface of the Earth.
To be in My Heart represents something more than a feeling, something more than that which can affect emotions.
To be in My Heart means to live a spiritual, but also a material responsibility. It is to carry forward a purpose, a goal, a mission that the Father presents to you, time and again.
Therefore, to live in My Heart means many things. Something that you should discover, day by day, because to be in My Heart is to be before God. It is to hear Him, it is to know how to respond to Him and it is to know how to proceed according to what His Will presents.
To be in My Heart is a moment of constant definition. It is to learn how to overcome your own abysses. It is to learn how to dissolve the barriers of consciousness and of mind. It is to learn how to love, more each day.
Therefore, I give you My Heart as a testimony that it is possible to experience God and fulfill His ardent wish to see His children within His infinite Purpose, because to live in My Heart is also to assume a commitment with Me, within all of this Work of redemption and of peace, at this time, while everything is at stake with the advancement of things; human situations, the processes of the nations and the experiences of great conflicts, which humanity must learn to heal by itself, by means of the profession of its faith and of its trust in the Father.
To live in My Heart is to live sacrifice and then live greater sacrifices, which will lead you to experience great renunciations, moments of facing transcendence for each being in order to receive from Heaven the great treasures, the gifts of the Universe, the Wisdom and the Knowledge of God.
To live in My Heart is to die to oneself, it is to place another first so that others may also be placed first and thus, fraternity may be lived, a fundamental base of brotherhood, cooperation and of solidarity among souls.
To live in My Heart means that something greater must be fulfilled in this time, which goes beyond the limits of your consciousness, of your perception, of your interpretation and of your point of view.
To live in My Heart is to surrender to emptiness and to the void. It is to be confident in that which is unknown, that which is non-material, that which is not palpable, that which no one can control.
To live in My Heart is to surrender to the Power of God, to dissolve human power, which is small and fragile.
To live in My Heart is to learn in new schools and in new academies. It is to forge and awaken within each being its true mission, its purpose and the reason for being here, in this time.
To live in My Heart is also to renew, to rejoice, to again find, day by day, the meaning and the reason to serve God. It is to know that, beyond all or under any circumstance or difficulty, love must be first so that it can act and work within hearts, so that it can heal deep wounds of the consciousness and of the personality, so that the ego of each human being can learn to overcome itself, learn to surrender so that it can be transformed, so that it can be sublimated, so that it may be dissolved in the Light of God, which is the Light of Love and of Divine Consciousness.
To live in My Heart is to assume the end of times, it is to know where to be and what to do, it is to contribute, to collaborate, it is to serve, it is to give of self. It is to embrace the call with fervor and devotion and, in profound reverence, it is to fulfill it so that the Light of God can enter the world and the consciousness of humanity even more.
To live in My Heart is to cease to be what you are, what you believe, what you think.
To live in My Heart is to cross the threshold towards emptiness, it is to lose the sense of property and of human control, it is to submit, it is to let oneself be humiliated, it is to surrender for the existence and the experience of a Greater Love that moves the whole Universe and everything that was created.
To live in My Heart is to decide to imitate Me, to represent Me, to be My apostle, to not waver before difficulties, to assume with courage and bravery each one of the tests.
To live in My Heart is to learn to overcome tests. It is to blindly trust that no one will lose the path because the one who is in My Heart will never lack light, will never lack peace nor discernment.
To live in My Heart is to learn to forgive oneself and to forgive others, it is to know that, in this moment, spiritual and physical healing is fundamental within humanity.
To live in My Heart is to close the doors to evil, to adversity, to obscurity and to darkness; it is to assume to live change; it is to make an effort every day to attain a greater state and degree of love for those who do not love, for those who suffer, for those who are lost.
To live in My Heart is to assume the planet and its humanity together with Me. It is to do something for the nations of the world, for the peoples, for the cultures and for the religions.
To live in My Heart is to seek the essence of Christic Love in an untiring way, without stopping, without ceasing to walk and to row this boat that takes you to the port of My Heart.
To live in My Heart is to be in solidarity, it is to understand oneself, it is to go a little beyond the understanding of the mind and of the consciousness, it is to embrace the Universe just as the Universe embraces you. It is to truly participate in an inner communion with the Spirit of God in order to bring peace and redemption to the world.
To live in My Heart is to decide to die for Me under any circumstance, whether it be spiritually, mentally or physically.
To live in My Heart is to give testimony for Me. It is to say that I am returning and that in this time I announce Myself to the world by means of the Word of God for each one of your hearts and your lives so that you may be ready, available and attentive to this great event of the Return of Christ.
To live in My Heart, companions, is to eradicate indifference, omission and lack of brotherhood.
To live in My Heart is to dissolve lack of love, lack of hope and human disturbance.
To live in My Heart is to be able to attain Light and to give this Light to your brothers and sisters by means of the example, the conversion and the redemption of your lives.
To live in My Heart is to elevate your consciousnesses, it is to be able to embrace the cross that I give to each one of you and it is not to fear to carry it, in spite of what may happen or of what it may take.
To live in My Heart is to let yourself be driven by My Love to overcome the limits of consciousness and thus live as the whole Universe and its Hierarchies live.
To live in My Heart is to not give up, it is to say “yes” and try again, every day, until you can live it and represent Me.
It is simple to live in My Heart. For this reason, many still do not do so, because they are in their own hearts, and while you are in your hearts, in your own self, I will not be able to be within you.
What I ask you is that you submit, that you trust and surrender. Because to live in My Heart will not make you suffer, but rather will make you expand your consciousness, your service and, above all, the expression of your love for the planet and for humanity.
In this Marathon of the Divine Mercy, may all be able to return to My Heart, and may those who are already in My Heart be able to lead those who are not, due to different circumstances or fears.
May you be able to feel in My Heart the Love of God, may you feel welcomed by His Temple and by His Wisdom. Because it is in this Love of My Heart that you will be able to live brotherly love, in the love of the souls that serve God, in the love that strengthens, that dispels darkness, that transmutes ignorance, indifference, human evil.
May living in My Heart be a triumph for each one of you so that this triumph may be in each one of your nations, which you represent at this time.
May living in My Heart be, for each one of you, the possibility of healing and the redemption of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature.
My Heart is open, in Mercy and in Pity. Before the time of Divine Justice arrives, call the whole world to live within My Heart, because My Heart suffers for those who are still not in It.
My Heart is a portal to the Cosmos and to Divine Consciousness.
My Heart is the threshold that will lead you toward peace and toward the experience of the apostolate of these times, the apostolate of the end of times.
Live in My Heart so that the world can reconcile and humanity can reconsider.
In these days, may your prayers build the bridge for you to enter My Heart, and in My Sacred Heart know the reality of all that your Master and Lord feels, all that He lives and experiences from what He sees and observes in the world.
And once you have entered My Heart, be part of the fire of My Love so that I can illuminate the world and all consciousnesses that need it because, companions, if there is not love in this time, nothing will be possible.
The Love that comes from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit will save you, will redeem you and will reconcile you with the Heights, with the Universe. And you will find the Truth, you will find the way out and you will raise your heads to contemplate the horizon of My Return.
May your hearts unite with My Heart and may your prayers touch the Heart of the Father so that He may allow you to enter My Heart.
In this way, may we be in brotherhood and in fraternity, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
With the Light of My Wounds, I continue to illuminate the darkest spaces of the consciousness of Argentina so that more souls from this country may have the opportunity to be reborn, to awaken and to love.
With the Light of My Wounds, I justify before the Celestial Father the mistakes that humankind continues to commit and thus, the Law of Mercy and of Grace, in an extraordinary way, grants moments of forgiveness to the most lost and sleeping hearts.
With the Light of My Wounds I transmute the precarious conditions of the consciousness and move forward with the liberation of the most corrupt states of the consciousness of the nations, so that they do not miss the opportunity of seeing God.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring hearts closer to the truth so that each one may recognize it must change, even further, aspects of the consciousness that prevent the freedom of taking steps in the evolution of the being.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring healing to that which is sick and I cure the inner wounds that do not allow souls to experience renovation.
With the Light of My Wounds I open the doors for you to feel and to find God again.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Through the passage and the visit of the Divine Messengers to the nations of the world, certain ideals and projects created in the function of the human mind are deactivated so that the rest of humanity not be affected, nor interfered with.
For this reason, and also for others, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to bring souls into an awakening of the consciousness, and to encounter their greater commitment with the Heights.
In this time, the Celestial Hierarchy is present in humanity because humanity, as peoples and also as nations, easily deviate from the path of the sacred and of redemption.
And so, the strong currents of My Divine Mercy draw closer to humanity to carry them into the act of their repentance and so that within the world there may exist instruments of Christ, capable of representing Him within the phase of planetary rescue.
The Son of God comes to the world to offer souls an opportunity capable of redeeming and healing human life and, by means of Grace, granting humanity special assistance so that change may take place within them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the time of My Mercy, I make the merits of the Passion descend so that souls may have an opportunity of awakening and of redemption.
Therefore, the time of My Mercy is important for your Master and Lord because at this moment the Redeemer and souls have the opportunity of reviving, not only the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, but also the most potent powers achieved through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of your Lord.
I come in this hour to concede to Italy the extraordinary and expiatory Grace of being able to reconcile with God and with His entire Plan of Love and of Forgiveness, for I know that souls need much Mercy in order to reconsider and change, just as God needs it from all the Italian people.
If at least a group of Italian consciousnesses made the change that Heaven is begging for, Italy, as a nation, would be forgiven of very many errors, and this country would reach a high degree of conversion and of redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
We begin to work on the inner planes with all that the Celestial Father expects will happen through this new Pilgrimage for Peace, which once again touches the soil of Europe, so that souls may be blessed by the Love of God.
From now on, the Marian sanctuaries of Europe will become large and important epicenters of light and of salvation so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may be able to work with souls that will need to awaken in this time.
The time has come in which hearts are to re-ignite with fervor and praise for God so that these souls may find the path toward the expression of the Purpose which brought them to the Earth.
Thus, the spiritual Universe prepares to prompt great changes so that the majority of the souls of Europe may find the path of redemption and of peace.
Everything has been prepared to commence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My son and My daughter,
If you do not change, nobody will be able to make you change.
The change of your consciousness will promise transformations and renunciations, inner demands and challenges.
If you do not change, you will never be elevated to be able to recognize in yourself the action of Divine Will.
God has a perfect Design for every soul, but the Celestial Father will never demand that you live it.
This is the reason why the souls of the world suffer and lament, because they are resisting living and experiencing the Will of God.
To live Divine Will is to do and fulfill what goes beyond the liking or the opinion of the consciousness.
To not fulfill, in this time, what the Father needs of each one of His children is to turn your back on the Universe.
To resist fulfilling the Greater Will to live a personal want will always end in an uncertain destiny.
There are clear examples in the history of humankind of the effects of personal will.
To live the Will of God is to free oneself from the self, every day, it is to work a little more with humility, it is to completely surrender, even with limitations. But, above all, it is to trust and love beyond the self.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
How many beautiful things My Father has made me reveal to you.
How many mysteries have been unveiled to the world to generate the expansion of consciousness.
How many experiences and testimonies have been told to all, of what My unshakeable Love for humanity has meant and means.
Likewise, the Source of the Love of God is still inexhaustible. The divine prodigies keep acting and granting miracles to souls.
But when will humanity change.
Therefore, I am returning in this next Sacred Week to witness, once again, the greatness of the Love of God in the hearts that vivify it and serve Him unconditionally.
I am returning to grant to the world the peace it needs so much, and I am opening the doors of My Heart to welcome all of your needs.
But this time, I will tell you that it is time to change so that humanity may change and accept redemption.
I am returning to be very close to those of Mine, who are called to follow My path.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
For Me, it is not important that you make mistakes many times, what is truly important is that you try, again and again, to come out from the point where you once were, although many times you do not know how to begin to change.
Attitude and inner effort alone are worth much more than hundreds of words. Therefore, persevere with faith. With faith, cry out and never lower your arms.
Your Lord God deeply knows your being and He, who is infinite in Pity and Mercy, will help you.
Allow, then, that inner change begin to take place within you, no matter the results or delays. Just place in your heart the aspiration that someday you can live My Divine Attributes.
Keep yourself firm in prayer and strong in faith. Thus, day by day, you will conquer new results; because in truth everything starts in the small, in what is invisible, simple and truthful.
Everyday, give yourself more and more to God because, in this way, your consciousness will be within the revelations of His Mystery.
In the end, everything ends in love, because it will be love that one day will manage to free you and lead you to the goal.
Trust in Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
All effort done for God's Plan, that is true, is much more recognized than hundreds of sins because behind the true effort is the love of the human heart.
This effort which is offered for an unknown cause is considered as part of a profound change of consciousness and part of a profound change of humanity.
This is how the Celestial Father gladdens His infinite Heart because His children who make an effort show, each day more, by means of love and dedication in life, that everything can be overcome and redeemed.
This is the time in which the sincere efforts of the hearts is considered and appreciated by the Higher Spheres, because even though it is a material effort, it also holds the internal effort which leads to the profound change of being and of all its most immature aspects.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I know that sometimes you get tired and fall asleep before Me, but do not worry, My Apostles also fell asleep during the culminating night of My Agony.
Now your tiredness is understandable, it can come from sustaining the fulfillment of the Plan for a long time, of living the permanent purification, of struggling and fighting against My enemy; facts, that the majority of humanity does not know and ignore, because it is spiritually asleep.
I come to encourage you, so that, regardless of how you are, you continue working for Me for love, so that the Purpose and all the Wills that My Father desires to concretize in humanity, are fulfilled.
This is the time of great changes, of challenges, of deserts and tests.
Follow My Path despite all the fatigue. I assure you that the victory of My Kingdom lies within you.
In My Arms you will rest and restore your consciousness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I will always wait for you, day and night, until you can finally reach Me in order to live the inner encounter with My Spirit, until the return of your Lord. I will come to you by means of Communion, of prayer, of confession and of the living Love of My Heart.
I want to be present all the time, close to you, so that you continue to realize, in this hour, the moment that your Master and Lord is living for humanity. I want to have you close so that you accompany Me in this cycle, since there is much to be done and to work out for this suffering planet. It is still necessary to expand and carry My Love to the world so that the souls may truly repent and change their lives forever.
Therefore, I bring you the support for your consciousnesses through the Sacred Sacraments. I bring you the opportunity to carry with Me the heavy spiritual cross of humanity because together, We must triumph in love, and for love, live eternally.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.
Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.
Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.
Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.
Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.
Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.
Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When the Universe makes you see something within yourself that you must transform, do not justify your faults because of your human condition, which makes you feel incapable of transforming.
Life places you before your miseries because your heart is full of the Grace and the Mercy of God. Through you, child, the Creator not only transforms and converts the faults of your heart, but also the ones of all those who really do not open to transform themselves.
Decide, within your heart, to be another, according to the designs and the Will of God. Decide to allow the blessings that the Creator gave you to become fruitful, like the gifts of Christ that, multiplied within you, become a balm for all souls that thirst.
Decide to love the Plan of God, to love and respect His Will for your siblings and pray that this Will be fulfilled.
Pray, crying out for yourself.
Pray, pleading for another.
Pray, begging for the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more