Today, child, express gratitude to God for all the cycles experienced, for all the graces and mercies, for all the talents and gifts, for each blessing and each test you were able to go through.
Today, thank God for His Presence, for His Words, for the awakening that day after day deepens in your heart, as in your consciousness.
Give thanks for the gift of life, with all of its difficulties and obstacles, because you know that in spite of all the chaos and all the illusion that surrounds the world, there is a spiritual purpose for all things and a higher Will that guides the souls who open themselves to it.
Give thanks for the profound Love of God and for His constant Faith and Hope. The Creator trusts in the triumph of each heart, beyond its miseries, because He knows the perfect essence with which each one was created.
Be thankful, because the Father is always searching for ways for you to find the path of Redemption. Be it through His Son, through His angels, through the Celestial Mother, or the saints and the blessed that guide souls to the Heart of God; there is always a guardian watching over you, accompanying your path, and praying for you not to become lost from it.
Fill your heart with the essence of gratitude because, today and always, this is the doorway to Heaven, the door to a new cycle full of God.
Through gratitude, you will find peace and inner renewal.
Through gratitude, you will learn to love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dive without fear into the dark night of the soul, night that presents to you the emptiness, the solitude, the inner dryness, the nothingness.
Dive without fear into that night of renunciations in which you find no gratification in your inner world but which, without your knowledge, is strengthening your faith and your spirit for the time that will come.
Do not distract your mind and your heart with the things of the world in order not to recognize within yourself a deep darkness, a void of renunciations and solitude. This is what the Creator wants you to live now: to immerse yourself in this inner state of absence of everything, even if you do not understand it.
There, in that darkness, continue seeking your Lord and persevere beyond yourself to find Him, even though your search seems eternal and without hope of reaching its finality, its goal.
God places you within a space of inner darkness, but His Eyes continue over you, His Love continues over you and His Grace and Mercy continues over you. When you have passed through that moment and that test of strengthening your faith and your union with God, beyond your inner and outer senses, it is then, child, that you will be able to find Him in all things.
When the dark night comes to the planet, your feet will not fear to step and will walk without being afraid of getting lost, because they will know that behind this darkness are the Eyes of the Father, contemplating the Earth, and that, at some moment, all human life will live the learning that this night brings; strengthening their faith, all beings will learn to find God in all things.
Today, live the solitude, renunciation, emptiness and darkness as a service and an offering that you make to your Lord and trust that He will never abandon you.
You see the path and it is dark, but under your feet, hidden from your eyes, are the Hands of God, sustaining your steps.
Open yourself to begin this coming new cycle, conscious of what God expects of you in this time. Live that dark night as your new inner and planetary mission.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate, within your prayers, the feeling of Love from God who, comprehending the duality of the universe, manifested to His creatures the Sources of Grace, healing and love from the cosmos.
Contemplate the feeling of Love from God who, knowing human fragility, created within the Earth sacred enclosures, receptacles of the records of the purest experiences lived by beings, in Heaven as on Earth, receptacles of the most sublime energies that circulate within Creation, receptacles that attract to the planet the spring that comes from the Divine Sources of the cosmos and which is shed upon Earth for the souls who need it most.
Learn, in your prayers, that all these Graces are available to the beings who acknowledge needing them and who, aware of their miseries, clamor to the Father for His Mercy. And this Mercy descends carrying all the divine assets manifested by the Lord, for the evolution of His creatures.
Learn that the feeling of Love from God is not extinguishable and It only grows, multiplies and renews itself. Therefore, never forget, in your prayers, that the Father expects you to ask, so that all may be given to you.
Thus, raise your word and your heart, and ask for healing for the diseased, ask for Grace for the forsaken, ask for Love for all beings, ask for Mercy for this planet.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cry out to God so that the flow of healing that comes from the Source of His Heart may descend upon the Earth and permeate the beings.
Cry out so that the Heart of the Archangel Raphael may be ignited as a sublime mirror of light, awakening and activating the emerald mirrors that pulsate throughout the center of the universe.
Cry out so that this cosmic net of healing may concentrate its emanations on the Earth and reach those who need it the most.
May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that, once again, the planet may feel its love and its power. May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that its core may be the eternal dwelling of your Celestial Mother.
Cry out, child, with love, so that the doors and the portals may open, in Heaven as on Earth, and the souls may finally cross the threshold of their redemption.
May the sick of body and of spirit not lose the opportunity of again finding peace. May the Kingdoms of Nature also be worthy of restoring themselves and of within re-establishing the unity with the purpose of life.
May this divine aspiration be a part of your most intimate inner aspiration. Thus, child, cry out so that when the sun is setting at dawn, it may always illuminate this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In your prayers, contemplate the doors of Heaven that open to the Earth, approaching the Kingdom of God to this world. Contemplate in Heaven the different Sources of Grace that exist in the universe and that are spiritually nourished by the constant Love of God for His creatures.
See, with the eyes of your heart, that these Sources open to the Earth and that this spring of love and life is poured out upon those who need it most.
In this world of spiritual thirst, where souls need the Divine Love so much, even if they do not perceive it, child, with your word and with your heart, open the doors to these eternal Sources.
Contemplate the awakening hearts throughout the world, the fallen who are rising; those who were dead are now alive, returning to live spiritually. Contemplate the joy that is being born within those who have lost hope. And, above all, contemplate the Joy of God for being able to reach the hearts of His children.
Make your prayer become a moment to bring life, true life for this planet.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be merciful with those who most need redemption and who become lost in their arrogance, pride and vanity. Remember that perfection dwells in God and that everything that exists on this Earth is in the process of evolution.
Love the growth of your brothers and sisters so that they may find in you an impulse for transformation and not a wall of where to stop.
Be merciful with those that least deserve it, for this is the essence of Divine Mercy.
Be merciful with yourself, not in order to indulge in your faults and miseries, but so that you, as a miserable being, may also receive Divine Mercy, and be a bearer of that grace toward the Earth.
Mercy is the essence of life. God created humankind with an act of Mercy and, by the same action, He makes them walk the path of return to His Heart.
In this life, in order to reach God, it is enough to open oneself to receive Mercy, to allow oneself to give Mercy and, above all, to become an instrument of this Divine Source.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Giving birth to a new humanity is allowing your souls to express what they truly are, letting the similarity with God emerge from within and be revealed to the world and, above all, to yourselves.
Giving birth to the new humanity is loving the things of Heaven more than the things of Earth, and knowing that life in this world is just a moment in time and space and that, in order to be here, you have hidden within your spirits a story and a reality that reveals the true motive for the chaos on Earth, of duality and, above all, of the great need for love.
Contemplate this life as a moment of transition, as a school that helps you take an evolutionary leap, forgiving and healing unknown mistakes with the power of love.
The new humanity will be born to renew the genetics of all life, from a new race generated in love, and that will express this love, even with its breath. With the new humanity, life in the cosmos as on Earth will never be the same. Everything will be renewed.
The new humanity within yourselves invites you to a battle against retrograde human tendencies, against the condition of egoism and lack of love. A battle that is fought in the consciousness, mind, emotions, hearts, and even within your cells so that they give space for a new archetype of life, and comprehend that this degenerated condition of humanity must come to an end.
The new humanity within yourselves brings e new time and a new meaning for life. Embrace this transformation with gratitude and without resistance, and you will see that, where love rules, peace rules, and there lies no fear or anguish. It does not matter what happens in this world, your fortress will be sustained in the Heavens.
If you wish to open space to the new humanity, love wholly. If you do not know how to love, serve and help your fellow beings, thus, you will awaken love.
Above all, beyond loving and serving, pray, because this is the dialogue with God, and only the Father keeps you firm at this time.
Your Father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While in the Heavens, a divine event is being prepared, on Earth there are few beings who are accompanying the divine dimensions.
The celebration of Christmas, above all, occurs with the start of a new cycle, throughout all life; the Kingdoms of Nature, the elements, the stars, the time, the cosmic rays, the universe, the cosmos. Life enters into a new cycle, marked by a spiritual rebirth. It is the remembrance of the moment in which the Creator transformed all laws so that He Himself could become a material and human creature.
God the Father changed into Father and Son, manifesting the mystery of the likeness with His Heart. As from that event, nothing remained the same, and the laws of spiritual and material life entered a new cycle.
After the death and resurrection of Christ, that change in the laws continued on its course, because the Creator did not manifest on Earth just to give a chance of salvation to human beings; He came to awaken an archetype of life, institute new laws, and send a sign of its renewal into the cosmos.
In this way, He gave humankind a path and an example to imitate, to follow, to renew throughout its whole evolution.
Each Christmas, when nature and material and spiritual life enter into a new cycle, that offering of God is renewed and awakens a Christic unity with the Father, within beings who are open of heart.
Year after year, throughout the centuries, the enemy of God tries to distract souls and cause them to become lost, but his craft does not reach divine laws, and the impulses of the Creator are unchangeable during each new cycle. The awakening depends on the will, attention and openness of each being.
Each cycle that goes by, these laws draw closer to Earth and take greater shape within human life, with their natural divine vibration confronting, within all beings, everything that does not belong to the new cycle.
Thus, in this period of cosmic and universal renewal, it is important to have the heart united with God, and not resist the transformations.
Allow yourselves to be renewed, so that you may be potential renewers of the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walking toward Bethlehem is moving toward a meeting with the unknown, empty of expectations and completely certain that the Plan of God and His promises are being accomplished.
Walking toward Bethlehem is following the Will of the Father, manifested in the events of your lives, with peace and gratitude, in the certainty that everything is fulfilled according to celestial designs.
Even though the path is long and tiring, even though the inns have their doors closed, and humiliation is the chalice that God has given you to drink, continue to walk and trust.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually setting aside your dreams, aspirations and desires; setting aside your plans and thoughts about how the Plan of God is to be accomplished, because the Creator will always surprise you.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually allowing yourself to be transformed and polished by the path so that, when arriving at that humble manger, you finally understand the Will of the Creator and give thanks for His Wisdom.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to welcome within yourself the difficulties and tests, and even after so many humiliations, being ready to forgive, just like the One Who is being gestated within you, and will come to forgive all things.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to say 'yes' to God and persevere, even when humankind says 'no' to you.
Walking to Bethlehem is giving permission for a new life to emerge and not being afraid of all the corrections and transformations that this new human will cause within you and in the history of the Earth.
Reaching Bethlehem is giving birth to the first step of a new cycle. It is there, in Bethlehem, where you will understand the Divine Will for this planet, for you will find humility, simplicity, unity among the peoples, cultures, religions and hearts, and, above all, the love that renews all things.
Allow yourselves to be guided toward Bethlehem, and there, everything will begin to be accomplished. This path is held within you. You have My blessing for finding it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, and while you pray, discover who you are and what you came to do in this world. Seek, child, the essence of your origin in God and, through the Heart of the Father, trace the path of your story until reaching this planet, within this soul that you are.
Understand that the Earth is a school of love and of redemption, and humbly embrace this opportunity, letting those divine Gifts be expressed within you.
Pray and seek the truth about yourself, seek to understand and feel the universe, Divine Creation, and life as something much broader than life on Earth. Seek to understand yourself as something much broader than your body, mind, emotions and soul.
Meditate on the Sacred Scriptures so that, permeated by the knowledge that God has already given humanity, you may be worthy of receiving and experiencing new revelations in this time.
You are in likeness to the Father, Who holds an unfathomable mystery. The Body of God is life manifested throughout the different universes, the Soul of God is a subtler dimension of this life, and the Spirit of God is the non-material Source that animates all things.
In this way, understand, child, that your body must become a sacred temple of a much broader life than the one you know. Your soul holds another more subtle aspect of this life, of all the experiences of your evolution. And your spirit is that living cell of God, that beginning of the new, which was created to renew all things.
Revere Divine Creation and seek the space to come out from human superficialities, and find within yourself a universe as sacred as the one you contemplate above you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Life should be permeated by transparency, transparency while serving, giving your best to your fellow being and, at the same time, recognizing your own limitations, not to offer more than or less than what you can give.
Transparency while praying, being before God with the sincerity of your hearts, not because God does not see you as you are, but because this is a moment for you to recognize your own debilities, and to be impulsed toward transformation by Divine Grace.
Transparency in being so that, day by day, you let your fellow being see what you really are, and your relationships with your brothers and sisters in the world be permeated by the spirit of truth and sincerity, the one that must be full of the Love of God.
Transparency through the word, for your mouth to only pronounce the truth and not want to increase or diminish the facts, but to only show what is real, so that by the word that creates, the truth is shaped within the life of beings.
Be transparent in love, opening to welcome yourselves and the fellow being as they are, not wanting to transform your own essence into something that belongs to others, nor wanting the fellow beings to be as you want.
Be transparent, mostly before God, because it is in the sincere dialogue with the Father that you will learn to love the truth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing the Grace that God grants you, every day, of not being alone on this path of transformation and healing.
Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing that each one of your brothers and sisters and companions on this path are chosen by the Father so that they could be with you, because, through their presence in your life, you will be able to learn to love more each day.
My child, open to know how to thank God every day for what He manifests in your life. Give thanks for the challenges, give thanks for the difficulties, give thanks for the moments of frustration and the moments of weariness.
Give thanks for moments such as this, in which Heaven opens before you to listen to your pleas, and God, in spite of being in all things, at this moment places His eyes upon you and attentively receives your prayers.
Give thanks because, in a time so difficult for the planet, the Creator granted you a spiritual family so that, like the Sacred Family, you may be able to walk together toward Bethlehem. Give thanks because your brothers and sisters and companions made themselves available to overcome the difficulties of this time with you.
Perfect days will not come, and the time that has past will not return so that you can again experience what your personality already knows and wants to continue living.
In Bethlehem, everything will be unknown, and after the birth of Christ within you, nothing will be as it was. Each day will surprise you, not because they will be days like what you want them to be. The events will surprise you because, if you give permission, this New Child within you will overcome all the challenges through love, one after another, and each day, the love will be renewed within you. This will be the difference between that which will be experienced by those who allow Christ to be born within them, and that which will be experienced by those who do not allow it.
It will not be outside of yourself where love will reign. The time will come in which this world will unite with what is real, with the Time of God. But until then, it is within you that this Kingdom must dwell, just as it dwelled within Christ, from His birth until His Holy Cross.
The cycles are renewed, until humanity is able to achieve the Will of God. For this reason, today, child, I come to call you to a spirit of gratitude so that, through it, you may allow yourself to be surprised, again and again, not by the life of the world, but rather by the love that is renewed within you and overcomes all things.
That same love lives within your brothers and sisters, because the Father granted you the Grace of walking with a spiritual family, so that whenever you lack love, you are able to look toward your brothers and sisters, and a simple smile may renew you.
So, open yourself to live this that I tell you, and so it will be. This is what God builds in your life through days such as this.*
I leave you My blessing and My peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Message transmitted during the Saint Joseph Group Effort, in the Light-Community of Figueira.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, children, we will continue walking to Bethlehem, but this time in a different way.
At each step, you will contemplate the sky, the horizon, and the Earth and you will more deeply understand the events of your own life.
You will see that you are not alone on your path and that your suffering and your effort transform into an infinite grace when you truly understand why you are walking.
When My feet touched the Earth and with My divine Wife I walked to Bethlehem, I lived many things that history does not know about, that are not written in the sacred books, but, yes, in the depths of My Chaste Heart and in the Reliquary that I consecrated for you. Our walking was accompanied by the angels and the whole Universe contemplated us.
Despite My heart of a man, born on this Earth, being inwardly fearful, unsure about the treasure I brought, the treasure I guarded, I did not cease to contemplate the stars and know that the Eyes of God were upon Us.
The Creator was silent, but in His silence, He held us and observed the tests we experienced, because My heart, in learning, still needed to learn to trust in God. I needed to understand the grandeur of the plans of the Father, that are not anything like the plans made by humankind.
On that night, I wanted the whole world to contemplate the Son of God, not only to pay Him honor and glory, but because I knew that within that little child was kept the doorway for the redemption of all life, and My heart aspired that all beings of this Earth could be before Him. But the plans of the Father were different and were not anything but perfect.
The Universe contemplated us, and all those who shared in the truth of God knew that His Child was coming to the world. In the four corners of the Earth, those hearts truly united with God stopped for an instant and in their hearts felt something new beginning to happen, even though it was still a mystery to them.
Why do I tell you all these things? It is not just to tell you a story; it is so that you may see, children, that you are truly walking toward Bethlehem, to that sacred cradle of the new life that you are to build with your own hands. Just like in that time I gathered the straw and set up the cradle of the Son of God, you too will build that sacred space in which He will be able to be reborn and to which He must return.
I know that you would all aspire for the whole world to hear the words of God through His Messengers, not to pay honor or glory to this place, but because you know that here is the doorway to redemption; you know that the Son of God found His dwelling place here and that through this simple place He blesses the world.
But I tell you, children, that you must trust, because the Will of the Father is not anything like the will of humankind. The Universe contemplates you and the Eyes of God are placed on you.
In spite of His silence, the Lord shelters you, and the outcome of this story, in spite of containing many tests, difficulties, transformations, will be something unique; the manifestation of the Divine Will, will surprise hearts and consciousnesses and will transform you into that which God thought of for this humanity.
That path to Bethlehem is long. How many times I grew tired, with swollen, painful feet, and My heart also in pain as I contemplated My divine Wife making such an effort, with the Child God kept in Her womb.
That Divine presence sustained us, renewed us, and together with the angels, allowed us to continue walking until reaching the goal of fulfilling the promises of God, written in the sacred books, and to get to Bethlehem so that the Son of God could be born.
I know how often you feel tired and it seems that your feet can no longer walk, your aspirations are not concretized, and you would like this path to perhaps be a little different so that those you love did not suffer so much.
Today, children, open the eyes of your hearts and contemplate the Son of God within you, silently gestating on that path to Bethlehem; let Him sustain you, guide you, and renew you.
Open the eyes of your hearts and contemplate that place full of angels and archangels, that also accompany you, and also guide you so that you do not feel alone, carrying that God hidden within you.
Let your spiritual life be deeper, and at the same time, more alive, so that you may understand the times you live, not just as a sequence of tests and purifications.
This planet is being purified and you are being purified because something unique, pure, divine is waiting for you, and you need to be ready for that moment.
No longer seek the comforts of life in Nazareth; walk on this dark night to Bethlehem; let your bodies feel the tiredness of this journey; let your human condition be frustrated for wanting to live something different. But above all, children, allow your hearts to be surprised by the grandeur and the beauty of the Plan of God.
Knock on the door of the hearts of the world and announce to your brothers and sisters that the Son of God is here, and do not be afraid of being humiliated, to see those doors close, of understanding human ignorance.
Those who are to be in Bethlehem, in that small grotto, will be there, and shepherds and kings will gather together to contemplate the truth, without distinction of race or of social class; there, souls will be transparent and will commune of the truth of each other, because the Son of God will make them transparent.
Contemplate your days in a different way; feel yourselves to be participants in that walk. You are not going to Bethlehem for a census, to experience parties and meetings; you are walking to Bethlehem for a universal event in which Creation will enter into a new cycle and nothing will be the same.
In telling you all these things, I place in your hearts each one of the lessons that I lived so that on this day, in which you are still in the darkness of that path, you can be renewed and trust in the Eyes of God that observe you.
As in Bethlehem, Heaven opens in this place; all the mirrors turn to the Earth, as do all the hearts. The laws stop to give way for a new law, for a new life, because the Creator, in Bethlehem, renewed His creation and brought life to His love.
In your hearts, children, let God give life again to this love that He wants to manifest within each one of you; you were created for this.
May this next Christmas represent the opening and the beginning of a new cycle, in which you must be a little more mature and understand the Will of God a little more.
Today I just wanted to leave these words in your hearts, because I know that many do not understand these times, nor the Will that God has for your lives. The commitment with God is something spiritual, inner; it is something between each heart and its Creator. When you are sincere and humble, you will know where to be to fulfill the Divine Will.
The first communion with Christ was at His birth in Bethlehem, when the Earth communed of the Divine Presence that came into it as a living body and blood for its redemption.
After the Most Holy Mary, it was the planet itself that communed of the Divine Presence, when the Child Jesus came to the world. All those principles are kept in the living and consecrated Eucharist.
When the Creator was born in Christ, He Himself, in His silence, gave them communion of His Presence and said to the planet: This is My Body and My Blood so that you live in it eternally, and in this way, learn how you are to walk and what you truly must be.
The communion with Christ was renewed time after time throughout His Life until, at a certain moment, that child made man renewed His surrender to deepen it, and gave not only His existence, but also that which humanity most feared.
He conquered death so that each being could understand that His presence transformed all the laws and that, being in Him, life is eternal.
All those principles, everything that I speak to you about is hidden in the consecrated Eucharist; that is why today, as a Priest consecrated by the Lord, I convert these elements into the Body and the Blood of Christ and I bring to you the memory of the day in which He changed the bread and the wine, lifting them up, blessing them and giving them to His companions, saying to them: take and eat of it, for this is My Body; take and drink of it, for this is My Blood. At that time, as today, all the Universe contemplated the Earth, because humanity was being renewed, and although it did not understand, lived the mysteries of Creation a little more.
Today receive the Body and the Blood of Christ, that is given to you again to redeem your sins and give you a new life, so that within you that life may gestate, and at this next Christmas, being in Bethlehem, it is renewed.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ and in it is to be found all the history of Creation. Receive with gratitude this Grace that the Creator grants you every day, in all the shrines of the Earth. Give honor and glory to Him who is only worthy of receiving it.
Your Lord is here today and His Voice manifests in the echo of His Messengers. May His Will impregnate your beings so that you may enter into His Plan and live that Plan for all the days to come.
With these words I thank you and I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Continue in peace and experience that journey to Bethlehem with gratitude. Do not forget, children, that it does not matter what you experience as tests, challenges, humiliations, misunderstandings; the end of that path has already been mapped out by God, and His Will can only be understood when lived.
I thank you. Continue in peace and with your hearts full of God.
While I rise up to Heaven, I will ask you for a song that is special to the Heart of God, because it causes His blessings to descend like rain on this planet. This melody was received into your hearts as a divine song because the Creator Himself exhaled it so that in this way, you learn to attract His Graces to Earth. When you sing it, your hearts become pure, and it is that very purity that opens the path so that these blessings may reach the most hidden places of this Earth, and the most solitary souls, for an instant, no longer feel alone, because they know that God is with them.
So sing, and while you sing, imagine all those things: the blessing of God spreading over the world, permeating hearts and the Kingdoms of Nature, the valleys and the oceans, all of life.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Science, the mother of all sciences, is Divine Love.
Love renews, transforms and changes all laws, in all dimensions.
From the Love of God was born the expression of all manifested life, in this universe and in all others.
From the Love of God emerged His Spirit and His Son, Sources of new life that are the origin of all the rays, all sound and all colors that vibrate throughout the different schools of life.
From the Love of God were born the angels and the archangels, His emanations that multiply this divine Power for all beings and protect it within them, so they may always have the possibility of developing love within themselves.
From the Love of God emerged the essence of human beings, like a seed of a new source, a drop, that when multiplied, transforms into a new sea. This is the essence of humankind, this is what they carry within them: a potential renewal of all life, called love.
Seek this mystery within yourselves and let this small drop of God within you multiply, grow and, at its peak, become a new source of life.
Within you, children, there are to be found new cosmos, full of possibilities, in which all creatures can find a renewal. This is your mission as beings, as children of God: renew all things.
Love and you will see a new life emerge within you.
Love and you will see divine principles dawning within you.
Love and you will institute a new life on Earth because love changes the laws of the past that guided humanity, and it gives all beings the opportunity to begin again.
Love, discover and live the purpose of your existence.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the Grace of God descend upon all families of the world. May hearts learn to mutually love, respect and serve one another, for the purpose of drawing a new life to the Earth.
May the Grace of God dispel from the hearts of the youngest the disrespect and the lack of love they have for their parents.
May the Grace of God dispel from within parents the feeling of possessiveness and lack of understanding concerning their children.
May each being have an open path for the fulfillment of their spiritual mission, and may spiritual and inner debts not be a reason for human separations, misunderstandings or an incapacity to forgive.
May the members of the same family elevate each other so that, in this time, they may be ready for what will come.
Pray, children, everyone pray for peace.
Today's families are the foundation for tomorrow's new life, and if you want to see the new time and the new humanity emerge upon the horizon of the world, you must pray so that these may be held as sacred principles for life, as the bases for a New Earth.
Pray, children, from your heart, so that a new pattern of life may be instituted upon the Earth, and love may triumph in the hearts of humankind.
Pray, and do not forget to pray.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you place your thought in God, you may draw His Will into your life.
When you place your heart in God, you can be in the Divine Presence and the Father, your Creator, can live in you.
When you place your consciousness in God, you bring His Kingdom to Earth and, from you, life begins to go through a transformation until it reaches that perfect principle that was thought of by the Creator.
To pray for an instant is to place your thought in God.
To pray and to serve, making the prayer around you alive, is to place your heart in God.
To pray, to serve and to be compliant with what you would be if you were certain that the Eyes of the Father are always observing you, is to live with your consciousness in God, seeking to please the One Who observes you, to console His Heart from all indifference and, more than that, to ardently aspire that all beings, wherever they may be, can participate in the grace of living in God.
Therefore, pray, child, and practice being with your consciousness in God. Not so that you feel persecuted but rather so that you feel yourself to be loved, accompanied and protected, and that this same Love that you receive causes you to love more and better.
Live with your consciousness in God to draw the New Life to this world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Universe makes you see something within yourself that you must transform, do not justify your faults because of your human condition, which makes you feel incapable of transforming.
Life places you before your miseries because your heart is full of the Grace and the Mercy of God. Through you, child, the Creator not only transforms and converts the faults of your heart, but also the ones of all those who really do not open to transform themselves.
Decide, within your heart, to be another, according to the designs and the Will of God. Decide to allow the blessings that the Creator gave you to become fruitful, like the gifts of Christ that, multiplied within you, become a balm for all souls that thirst.
Decide to love the Plan of God, to love and respect His Will for your siblings and pray that this Will be fulfilled.
Pray, crying out for yourself.
Pray, pleading for another.
Pray, begging for the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let the Purpose of God descend upon you like a powerful current that leads you to the fulfillment of the Laws in an harmonious way and without resistance.
The Purpose of God is alive and permeates the atmosphere of life, traversing and enveloping this world constantly. To find it, it is enough that your heart searches for it and tunes into it, aspiring to fulfill the Will of God above all things.
When you have this live and true aspiration inside you, it acts like a magnet that attracts the Purpose of God and makes it descend upon you, attracting to your mind the intuition and necessary ideas for its fulfillment, and opens a path in your life for the expression of the Laws and their manifestation.
It creates in your consciousness a suitable condition for the Purpose of God to manifest itself, loving and searching for the the Divine Will. In this way, it develops the power of faith and knows that, above all, you must be firm in the Will of the Creator for your life and all of Creation.
Love the Divine Thought, child, even if you do not know it. Know and be certain in your inner world that God has created you with a unique purpose, and this is the Purpose the Father has for your life.
Besides what God Wills for you, there is the union of His Will for all His creatures. That is the Plan of God. This Plan is formed through the expression and perfect manifestation of the Divine Thought for each being.
All creatures are part of the Plan of God, as unique parts of a celestial "puzzle." Therefore, take care in your daily life, so that all your brothers and sisters have the opportunity to become triumphs of God, and pray for this Greater Plan to be fulfilled.
By example, service, gratitude and, above all, with love and respect for your fellow human beings you will see manifesting in your life this and all the things that I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer for the New Life
May awakening take place within the hearts
and consciousnesses
of those who have committed themselves
to the renewal of the Love of God.
May prayer be the Living Water
that keeps the hearts clean,
the minds at peace and the spirits pure
to respond to the Celestial Call.
May service be the torch
taken up to ignite the hearts
that have lost hope,
and may it renew them in love, in faith
and in the joy of being alive.
May knowledge be the reason
for the constancy of the beings
in the Plan of God
because Wisdom vivifies and strengthens them
with true foundations to reach the Father.
May fraternal life be the sustenance and the strength
of those who aspire to participate In the New World,
for they know that anything can only be built
by loving others in unity.
May the love for the Kingdoms of Nature be a sign
that Redemption has been fulfilled
and that the One Thousand Years of Peace
begins to manifest on Earth
which, worthy of a new name,
returns to the Heart of God.
So be it.
Your Father and Friend.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace reign today in all hearts and among all peoples.
May, through your prayers, love and respect for all nations and cultures be gestated in the human consciousness.
Joyfully express gratitude for the diversity of this planet, which makes it unique in the Universe for the ample possibility that beings have to learn how to love.
United with Our Lady of Guadalupe, may your hearts learn to give due importance to all peoples and may you love and cherish the pure expression of each one of them.
Each people, as well as each culture, has a higher purpose to manifest. Today, children, pray for this purpose so that nations may recover their purity and find the perfect principle of Divine Will for themselves.
Pray so that each nation may express their best in this world. Cease to judge cultures and religions but rather pray that they all find the Will of God and that this Will leads beings into expressing, experiencing and being the Love of God, constantly renewed in His creatures.
Today is a day to be thankful for the existence of peoples, cultures, and nations.
Today is a day to cry out to the Father so that, in His Heart of Love, He may unite all the paths that lead to Him.
Today is a day to place the heart within the Sacred Heart of Our Lady of Guadalupe and learn with Her to establish peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your fortitude be always in God and with the eyes of observers may you always perceive your own weaknesses as a part of the human condition, that which, with His Breath, the Creator can transform and convert.
Always place your weaknesses at the Feet of God and let Him show you, in the silence of your hearts, that which you could not confess to, because you did not wish to see it, so that empty before God, you may receive the grace of beginning again.
Let true prayer uplift you and communion with the Cosmos strengthen you.
In this time, children, you will look at yourselves and you will not see more than dust and miseries. But if your gaze and your heart are supported by the power of prayer, with your attention on the Universe, you will be able to understand the temporary things of life without losing faith in the Truth, which waits for you to awaken.
Let the light, more brilliant than the sun, eclipse your eyes and remove them from the human blindness. It is time to say "yes" to God, becoming firm in His Presence and in His Grace.
You still have time to receive Mercy and to transform your destinies. Do not let the opportunities go by without their entering, filling and transforming your hearts.
Pray, children, and inwardly contemplate the Infinite. Let the hope of returning to what is real never disappear from your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In everything that you do, place the power and action of the Divine Mercy.
Wherever you go, take within you the graces you have received so that all beings, through you, may know peace.
In your words, manifest the power and the Gift of the Divine Mercy and tell your brothers and sisters only those things that the Creator, full of Mercy, would pronounce to His children.
Look at your fellow being with a look of Mercy and feel for each being the love that is born in the Heart of God when He is before His creatures.
Aspire, child, every day, to be an instrument and a vehicle of Mercy. Thus, you will make worthy your existence and the sacrifice that God lived for you, on the Cross and in the Calvary of this world.
Allow for the Blood shed on the Cross to convert your most profound human condition and transform you into a being full of Mercy.
I bless you at this time and pouring on you the graces that come from God, I ask you: plea for Mercy but, above all, let your heart be the Mercy of Christ itself.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
To persevere spiritually is not to struggle against the world for the establishment of one's own dreams and aspirations. To persevere spiritually is to surrender to God and stay surrendered, in spite of all difficulties, desires, and temptations that emerge from the heart, the body, and the mind.
To persevere spiritually is to kneel when you feel safe and bow down when you feel firm, for there is no safety or firmness except in God. There is no safer place than the Heart of the Father.
To persevere spiritually is to cry out for Mercy even when you feel your heart to be clean, in the certainty that there is always something unknown to redeem, in one's own consciousness or in the human consciousness.
To persevere spiritually is to know the vastness of the Universe and the infinitude of the Divine Creation, and thus, always deepen the union and the knowledge of God, because the Father always has something new to reveal and teach His children.
To persevere spiritually is to trust in the promises of God through Christ and to be certain that, whatever may happen in this world, someday His Words will be fulfilled, and His promises will be life.
To persevere spiritually is to walk toward being nothing, more each day, discovering and loving humility, learning and allowing oneself to transform through renunciation, discovering a communication with God in the mystery of silence and solitude.
Persevere spiritually, children, because this is the time to be sustained and to be firm in God, until the fulfillment of His promises.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wisdom is a gift that comes from the very depths of the Heart of God. It was with Wisdom that the Creator expressed the manifestation of His Spirit as a Creator Source for Life.
Wisdom is a gift that unites you to the Divine Purpose and leads you to think within the Thought of God and to feel within His Heart.
Wisdom causes souls to read within the sacred books of the Divine Plan and thus, although their minds are not aware, their hearts, which are bridges between the soul and material life, can definitely grasp and feel the Divine Will so that they may lead their lives according to that Will.
Wisdom comes to the world through Grace and Mercy, and crying out for that Grace, you can achieve it. However, children, it is granted to you for a reason. To receive the gift of Wisdom, you must be pure of heart and free of personal intentions and self-will.
Wisdom descends upon those who make their lives available to God and offer them for the fulfillment of His Plans.
In these times, Wisdom is no longer just a divine gift that the soul receives to accomplish a spiritual task. It is a necessity of the human consciousness because it will unite you with God and will allow that, in the depths of your beings, the bond with the Creator will never be lost, no matter what happens around you.
Therefore, children, cry out for the grace to receive the gift of Wisdom in your hearts. Offer your lives to God so that He may make them instruments for the expression of His Will.
In a time of profound ignorance, indifference and inner confusion, be instruments and vehicles of Divine Wisdom on Earth.
Hearts need guidance to reach God and, until everything happens, until the return of the Redeemer is a reality, wise hearts available to God are needed to be the light of the world in times of darkness.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and unite your heart with the Heart of God, because there is no longer anything to be said for the planet, other than to go deeper in your prayers and union with the Father.
Souls still have not perceived the times in which they are living, and their eyes still have not opened to see the agony of the world and, above all, the agony of the Heart of the Father in the face of everything that is experienced on Earth.
Beings continue imprisoned in their problems and needs; they still clutch to their plans, as if time flowed according to their will.
Child, I know that you do not hear, but the Earth screams and groans, and its cry is manifested in the hearts that suffer wars and conflicts and in the souls that are imprisoned in their illusions.
I know that you do not perceive it, but in the face of all that, the Heart of God becomes silent, and in His Silence, He prays so that beings may find peace in His Heart.
How little the planet needs in order to find peace! If all beings discovered that in true prayer the beginning of all transformation and all good are to be found, there would be peace.
If each being prayed to God, the One Creator, present in all life, even if according to the understanding of each religion and true spiritual path, they could understand and respect the schools that beings experience in order to find peace; they would know that, as each being is at a different evolutionary degree, many paths that lead to the Father are necessary. But one day, Child, all of those paths will meet at the apex of human evolution, which is Love.
When the heart prays, it enters into the Wisdom of God and understands these and many other things. Through human ignorance, there are wars, disrespect and lack of love.
Pray, and you will find wisdom. Pray, and you will find peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your heart enter the Source of Divine Mercy every day. Be knowledgeable of the Presence of God in your life.
Seek to know, child, how the Divine Science acts, and you will see that very simply, with very little, the Lord transforms all things and grants new opportunities of healing, forgiveness and redemption to those who did not deserve them.
Draw close to God in prayer every day, so that your union with the Father does not remain at the same point but rather deepens, consolidates and becomes ever more part of you.
To walk the path of union with the Heart of God is the meaning of your existence and this path becomes longer or shorter according to the yielding of your heart so that you cease to be a part and return to the All.
If you love God, you will know His Divine Mercy and thus, child, you will cry out day and night for souls to receive that Mercy and, together with you, may walk the path of return because you will understand that nothing is gained by returning alone to the Father. The Whole is formed by the Unity with all parts.
Thus, love God and love your siblings. Love life and always aspire that, through Divine Mercy, all beings may return to the Heart of the Creator.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Find the center of your being by meditating upon the Truth and on the divine presence. Do not let the forces of chaos confuse your mind and conduct the purification of your bodies according to their condition of confusion and evil. Seek the center of your being in silence. Place your consciousness in the Cosmos, in the Creator of all things.
The powerful currents that come for the transformation of the Earth have already started to descend over the planet and over beings, and everything within and outside of humanity will intensify.
Let this intensity touch your being and find you in peace so that its action within you is transformative, strengthening the best in you and giving you sufficient inner strength to purify and purge what is of the old humanity.
If your strength is consolidated in your human aspects, you will suffer a lot, child, because the energies that are descending into the world will pull your human condition out by its roots and everything that was based on it will be destabilized.
So then, breathe deeply, become silent and seek the Consciousness of God. Visualize the stars inside of you, and allow the Truth to gain strength within you so that you know it is beyond any experience lived on Earth, and it is there, in the Truth of God, where your consciousness and your heart must be.
The world shakes and your heart shakes with the world. For an instant, halt the flow of your thoughts and make your heart peaceful so that the world may become peaceful with you.
Everything is a question of placing your consciousness in the right place to go through this transition, being a peacemaker rather than someone who needs peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Voice of the Creator is pronounced in the world through His Messengers, in its teachings, it brings sublime Truths that are hidden in Existence, in the sense of life, in the roots of Creation.
The Father speaks to you about these things in this time, because it is time to uplift your consciousness, as beings and as humanity, so that supported by the Truth, you may go through the last tests and moments in which you are immersed in the illusion of the Earth.
Rise up, not to be indifferent in the face of the atrocities of the world, but rather so that you can help the planet from another point of your consciousnesses, from where the aid you bring to the world comes from God and not from your poor and human heart.
In order for the experience of love on earth to be real, it must be experienced within the Divine Consciousness. Your hearts, children, must be in God and there be renewed in Love, because it is the Love of the Father in you that is renewed, and not just the human love.
Wisdom and Divine Knowledge, which the Creator causes to descend to the world at this time, are for your consciousnesses to expand, that you may understand the range of the Love of God, which is not shut up in the hearts of humankind, but moves and manifests in all life, even beyond this world, in all of Creation.
Let your consciousnesses expand, entering into the Divine Science, so that you may thus see life and all that exists as expressions of the Love of God. In this way, children, you will be able look at yourself and at your siblings and feel the Grace of God.
And when your eyes shed tears, it will be to share the pain of the Father for souls, it will be to, with them, wash the wounded Heart of God, and cleansing the Heart of God with the water that comes from your souls and expresses in your eyes, you will be generating merits for the salvation and redemption of those who are lost, of those who cause and suffer injustice, of those who are blind and blind their siblings.
Thus, find a new way of helping the world, and even in the solitude of your hearts, have everything in your life be for Love of Creation, of Life, of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Trees and life - Part III
Although the potential of trees is alive and they purely express the love for God through their beauty, their harmony and their elevation, the task of trees on this planet has not been accomplished yet.
Like all beings, trees also came to the world to live a learning of love, but what differentiates the learning of the Kingdoms of Nature from that of human beings is that the Kingdoms need the expression of love from humans in order to evolve.
Trees fulfill their function of maintaining the union between Heaven and Earth and are always inspiring hearts to turn to God and to their own self. But in life together, with other trees, in the forests, in the woods, many times they express typical characteristics of the retrograde condition of this world, such as competition and struggle for life, thus destroying the lives of other trees.
For the Kingdoms to express absolute love, they must receive this love. Trees are constantly trying to assist humanity so that one day they may realize that evolution is only complete when assistance is mutual.
I tell you these things, children, because everything that God manifested in life was to lead you to higher degrees of love. And now that the greatest Commandment, that you must love your neighbor as yourselves and God, above all things, is now in your consciousness, today I come to complete this Commandment, because the human consciousness is ready to understand: Love your neighbor and the Kingdoms of Nature as yourselves and God above all things. Thus, you will understand that the Father is in everything: in your neighbor as well as in the Kingdoms, inside of you and all around you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
A pilgrim is one who, knowing their miseries and imperfections, and above all, conscious of the needs of the world, knows that only in God will they find the cure for their ills and relief for this world.
A pilgrim is one who, even without knowing it, hears the voice of their soul and goes to meet the Father in the sacred places that He has blessed and consecrated as Sources of Life for all beings.
A pilgrim is one who, being simple of heart, knows that their dwelling place is not in this world, but is in the Heart of God, in their celestial origin, from where all life emerged.
A pilgrim is one who arrives surrendered to the House of the Father and allows their heart to not only drink of the Sources of Peace that the Creator opened for the world, but they also are willing to be a bearer of peace for those who need it.
A pilgrim is one who walks towards God, and at each step, empties their heart a little more so that, when facing God, they find a space within where the Father may deposit the talents and gifts that the pilgrim must take to the world.
Be pilgrims in this time, bearers and sowers of the new life. Within the Sources of the Marian Centers, seek the graces that the world needs and distribute these graces as you walk.
Today I bless the House of the Pilgrim and I consecrate it so that here you may learn to be pilgrims.
May those who arrive to this place receive from God His Mercy, His Peace, and His Graces, and that, leaving here, they feel in their hearts the aspiration and the need that many other souls receive what you received.
Be pilgrims, sowers, and multipliers of the Graces of God. Let the Graces of the Father transform you, and through you, transform the world.
By the Will of the Creator Father, Here I open an inexhaustible Fount, of His Peace and of His Grace, which will flows through this alter to all the hearts that, with faith, come here to drink from this Fount.
Always remember that the pilgrim is one who arrives at the sacred places not only to seek something for himself, but to take to the world what it truly needs.
Souls are dying in life, perishing for thirst of God, because they do not know Him and do not search for Him; they do not perceive His presence. Therefore, children, be pilgrims of My Most Chaste Heart, and bring awakening, the Graces of God, His Mercy, and His presence to the world. That will happen through the examples of your hearts.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Trees and life II
When the Lord created the planet and manifested it through His purest Thought of Love for life, He put into each detail of Creation a deep spiritual science in which everything that lives and inhabits the Earth contributes towards the renewal of Love and towards the return to the Heart of God.
The duality, chaos and evil created by humankind are fruits of the deviation of the human consciousness from the Heart of God. Through their choices, beings choose to be in God and discover, in communion with Creation, the path of return to His Heart, or they choose to remain in the illusion and entanglements of human limitations.
The Creator allows certain things to exist in order to guide humanity towards overcoming and the mastery of oneself and not towards the abysses of the world, through which souls enter every day.
Nature is still a mystery to be unveiled by the human consciousness, and that will not happen through their limited science, but rather, through their heart that is capable of entering the divine science and understanding it through the simple presence of the Spirit of God.
Trees, children, are the bond that keeps the Earth united to Heaven and do not allow the human consciousness to totally separate from God. In spite of human actions, wars and indifference, trees silently penetrate with their physical roots, into the depths of the Earth and, with their spiritual roots, reach the center of the planet, maintaining the union between life on the surface and the essence of the Earth.
With their treetops, trunks, branches, leaves and physical flowers, trees maintain the path of elevation to the Heart of God. And with their spiritual treetops, they reach the Heavens and nourish themselves in the Sublime Sources so that, by transforming the air that life breathes on Earth, they may also bring the graces and the spiritual food that allows consciousnesses not to lose peace and the possibility to love.
Trees were born to serve and they love their service thus, children, despite being outraged so many times, they do not cease to grow, bloom and offer their fruits in this world.
Contemplate the donation of trees and, sending them your eternal gratitude, let your consciousnesses be guided to the essence of the Earth and to the highest of Heavens, remembering in this way the true reason for their existence.
Trees do not forget what they were created for. Through them, you should also start to remember.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more