Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"My hour is ending with you and you will have to remember all the wonderful things I taught you throughout the last times.

You cannot forget the first lesson:

That you love one another as I love you; that you serve Me in the world through the least and humblest of your brothers, for truly I tell you, if you are serving the least of Mine, it is Me that you will be serving.

Remember what I once told you:

When I was hungry, you fed Me.

When I was thirsty, you quenched My thirst.

When I was cold, you kept Me warm.

When I was in prison or sick, you visited Me.

Whatever you do or wherever you serve, remember that it is Me you are serving.

I come to bear witness that in Love all things are possible and souls can be set free."

Christ Jesus


Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta who, in spite of being in the void and in solitude, knew how to find the Lord in her neighbors.

And everything she sought in inner compensation faded away. Her faith became stronger and was consolidated in simply fulfilling the Will of God and comforting the poor, in body and spirit.

It was in this way that Mother Teresa found God and merged into Him, even though she did not entirely perceive Him.

Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, strengthening yourself inwardly, neither in the sensory world nor in a mystical union with God, but rather in a palpable faith and a constant overcoming, proving and experiencing the Presence of God in those most in need, being nothing to the world and to the self, and everything to God, everything to the Heart of the Redeemer, Who tiredly beat in the poor and the oppressed, in the lonely and the lost.

Seek, child, to live your desert, consolidating your faith. Know that each desert brings a leap into infinity and this happens in many ways.

If you thirst for sensations and inner experiences, thirst for self-realization and seeing God, and yet He keeps you in the void, discover that maybe the Will of God will be revealed to you where you least expect, in that space where it is hard for your love to reach, where your resistances block your steps and do not allow you to enter, where your weaknesses prevent you from discovering the need for love. There is God, waiting for you.

In the desert, leave your desires and aspiration, your needs, your deepest anxieties. And when you have nothing, the Creator will show you where He is hidden, calling for you, seeking your gaze, your faith, your heart.

Who knows, child, maybe your desert will be the desert of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, where God is revealed from the outside inward and from within your fellow being to your inner being.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I Am like the water that quenches all inner thirst, who comes to Me will never thirst and will always be filled by My Fount.

I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who provides higher light for souls. All those who come to Me will receive what they need. I will always attend to everything you ask of Me, because for Me, souls and their salvation come first.

I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who aids the heart that pleads and that cries out for the Lord.

I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who listens to the suffering spirit, I am Who brings it relief in its moment of greatest pain.

I Am everything that you believe I Am, because I come from an infinite Source and toward that Source I lift up all those who call for My Name.

I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am the Shepherd, but I am also the Pilgrim.

I Am the reason for your life and the reason for your existence.

I Am that I Am.

I thank you for quenching your inner thirst in Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

DAILY MESSAGE OF SAINT JOSEPH, TRANSMITTED during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira and the city of São Paulo, Brazil, TO THE VISIONARY SISTER LUCÍA DE JESÚS

In your prayers, contemplate the doors of Heaven that open to the Earth, approaching the Kingdom of God to this world. Contemplate in Heaven the different Sources of Grace that exist in the universe and that are spiritually nourished by the constant Love of God for His creatures.

See, with the eyes of your heart, that these Sources open to the Earth and that this spring of love and life is poured out upon those who need it most.

In this world of spiritual thirst, where souls need the Divine Love so much, even if they do not perceive it, child, with your word and with your heart, open the doors to these eternal Sources.

Contemplate the awakening hearts throughout the world, the fallen who are rising; those who were dead are now alive, returning to live spiritually. Contemplate the joy that is being born within those who have lost hope. And, above all, contemplate the Joy of God for being able to reach the hearts of His children.

Make your prayer become a moment to bring life, true life for this planet.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Revelation of God to Humanity

The Revelation of God to humanity, My children, is eternal and begins when the human heart is maturing and awakening more than in wisdom but, in humility.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens when the heart is simple and recognizes its own smallness, not limiting the divine wisdom and existence to its comprehension and to everything that has already been revealed.

The Revelation of God to humanity does not stop, but from the patriarchs to the present day it deepens and only culminates in the full unity of the being with God, in their return to the origin.

Humankind itself is the Revelation of God.

It is the true self-knowledge, which is not a human science, but a spiritual and divine science, that leads you to the Revelation of God Himself.

At the same time, humans beings are the closest creatures to God, yet the most distant. 

The divine presence within you and the unity that you hold as a silent potential in your essence makes you close to God. However, My children, ignorance and indifference push humankind away from themselves, from what you truly are, and consequently move you away from God and from the Truth.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens with the awakening of thirst for superior life, with the discontent of the spirit with all that life in matter offers to it, with the discontent of the spirit with its own expression in life.

When the spirit is discontent with itself and with the world, it moves within the being so that this spiritual discontentment impels the consciousness to seek superior life, to deepen in the awakening and the self-knowledge that, in truth, is the knowledge of God within you.

The Revelation of God to humanity deepens as human consciousness evolves, and what for the patriarchs was an inexplicable and incomprehensible feeling of God, and only an experience of God, without explanations; at this time it can become a profound and scientific revelation of human existence and of the existence of God.

The Creator Father is simple, and in His simplicity He keeps His Mysteries. But the human mind places barrier over barrier to know God, and few are the ones who deepen in His Presence.

This, My children, is the time of the Revelation of God to humanity, because a new cycle is coming, which will be culminating for human consciousness. 

The time has come for history to be renewed.

The time has come for the new prophets, the new apostles, the renewal of holiness and faith in the human heart, because just as God awakened and raised the prophets and peoples of pure faith in the past, in order to prepare the birth and the coming of His Son to the world, also today, My children, peoples and nations, hearts and spirits will raise to prepare again the arrival of Christ into the world.

The return of your Lord will be definitive and will mark the end of a time, because the last words of the scriptures will be fulfilled, and the Gospel that He left in the world will be renewed by the new revelations that the Son of Man will bring to the Earth.

His Word will be life and will reveal to the world the superior Truth, to which many have been blind, though it has always been here.

Before the arrival of Christ, just as in the past, the Revelation of God will be given first to the prophets of the new time, and the universal Gospel of Christ will begin to be written with the truth that is already emerging in the hearts of humankind.

The New Testament is being fulfilled at the same time that the Revelation of God to humanity is deepening, so that you can write the New Scriptures; the Laws that will dictate the new life.

Open your hearts to the Revelation of God, because everything is being said to awaken and to prepare the hearts and spirits of humanity for this new and definitive cycle.

I love you and bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Go and seek the Heart of God beyond the human miseries.

The errors are a way of recognising your own imperfection and seek, beyond the superficialities, that which is real, which is true.

God, child, offers you to learn through the knowledge of His Grace, awakening in your heart a profound faith in your Father and Lord Who, from the beginning of His Creation, until today, finds ways of demonstrating His Love to His children.

But it is also possible to know God through tiredness, through the constant errors, through the miseries that overflow the human condition without an apparent solution.

There the heart seeks a hope, something that is more real than its miserable condition, something that dissolves, with its truth, the illusion and the mirage of the labyrinth of vanities.

There is when the heart halts and thinks: God.

There is when the consciousness, that knows the occult meaning of life, finds a space, between the distractions of the personality, so that it descends over the being a drop of Grace, and this drop starts to transform everything it touches.

A drop of God satiates the thirst of the souls and gives them back life, but a river of the Divine Presence turns them into His instruments, living sources in a world that has thirst for Truth and that dies for not seeing the source before their eyes.

He who was thirsty and was satiated can no longer see the thirst before his eyes and do nothing, because he knows the emptiness and the illusion, and this makes him despair.

But know, child, that everything has its time and freewill gave men the election of knowing God through love or clamouring for Him in the deepest of the one own miseries.

Know, however, that the Gaze of your Father is always attentive on His children, it does not halt and it does not get distracted. A simple movement is enough for Him to respond with a river of Graces to those who deserve Justice, because the Creator of the world is the God of Mercy and His Heart is renovated and it rejoices in the awakening of each human heart.

Choose, today, to surrender to knowing the Love of God and hold on to it by the power of His Grace or continue to descend deep in the abysses and to clamour to God consumed by your miseries.

The Father will never choose for you. He will only wait for your gaze to meet His, for your hands to reach out for His, for your heart to transcend time, tiredness, distraction, vanity and ignorance and, in a sincere prayer, return to the Father.

Go toward God.

Your father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter and dive into the deepest abysm of the Mercy of Your Lord.

Let yourself be flooded by an unfathomable mystery that is beyond Grace, and often beyond Divine Justice.

Allow your being to discover the Infinite Love of God that is hidden in the depths of His Mercy, and bathed in this healing balm, restore in you and in the world the most painful wounds, and the apparently indelible marks of human consciousness.

Where it is most needed, there is the abyss of the Mercy of Christ, as an inexhaustible Source and a divine answer to all the clamor emitted with the heart.

Come and give your "yes" in the name of humanity, so that this Source may surge and overflow upon the world to heal it and restore it in its most intimate spirit.

Pray and cry out in the name of humanity, asking the Father for His luminous abyss of Mercy to be revealed to the world so that humankind may know not only the God of Justice, but also the God of Mercy.

Discover that every sin can be healed and every debt is justified by the Blood and by the Water that, poured out from the Body of Christ, made the Source of infinite Mercy for the world be born.

Before true repentance and surrender proclaimed with the heart, all souls can become worthy to drink from the Source of Divine Mercy.

Therefore, child, go, and, at the Feet of God, pray for an opportunity and repent from the heart.

If your sins seem small to you or if you are not aware of your debts to God, cry out anyway; ask the Father to replace the dark abyss of your miseries with the deep and luminous abysm of Divine Mercy and never tire of crying out, not only for your salvation, but for the salvation of the whole world.

Mercy is the answer to souls who have lost hope and, if they are ignorant before this Grace, cry out yourself for them so that they receive an opportunity to raise their eyes to God and realize that He has always been there with His Arms open, flowing from His Chest an eternal stream of Mercy, which many cannot see.

Allow your heart to know the Divine Source of Mercy and let your soul awaken the devotion, the love and the faith that make it a bearer of this Mercy for the world.

Love to know Divine Mercy; love to be an intercessor between God and the lost souls that do not know and do not seek His Mercy.

Just think that while you try, while so many souls are lost, the Source of Mercy overflows in the world like a river that passes before someone who is thirsty and cannot see. And you, child, can be the finger that points to the waters and, through your sincere prayers, in the levels of the spirit, obtain merits so that those who are most in need may reach Mercy.

Understand this mystery and, before a world full of sins and perdition, love to be a bearer of Divine Mercy and, even if it is in solitude with God or in your most silent actions, cry out for Mercy and be Mercy for the world.

The Divine Messengers arrive to Poland not only to heal the deep wounds of a suffering nation, but above all, to renew the commitment of humanity with Divine Mercy and to teach souls to be instruments of Divine Mercy for the world.

Embrace with the heart this Mission that God gives you and wherever you are, be a bearer of the Mercy of Christ.

Your Father and Friend,

 The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To transform the human condition, it is necessary to know it profoundly.

Since its creation, children, since you arrived on Earth with veils covering your eyes, your consciousnesses, humanity got used to live one illusion after the other, and not only ignored its past and future, but also believed to be something it was not.

Because of the present planetary situation of chaos and perdition, not finding a meaning for their own lives, many search for the truth, and the unbridled thirst makes them drink of the water from any fountain that may show up as if it were the purest and most crystalline of all.

You must take care, children, of the water you drink, of the knowledge you search for, because all waters can satiate the thirst of who was dry in spirit, but if you continue drinking of water contaminated by the power and human vanity, you might end up dying in spirit, diagnosed by ignorance, when you believed having found the truth.

Drink of the water that God sends you through His Messengers and trust that it has all you need. The once who drinks of two fountains – sinning by the desire for power and possession of new knowledge – might drown in their anxiety.

Drink of the water that washes, transforms and purifies you and not of the water that makes you greater and brings vanity to your souls, confusing them.

True knowledge nourishes the consciousness and matures the spirit and not the personality. I also tell you that often an instruction will come from God that you will understand with the soul, not with the mind. Even so, even if it is incomprehensible to you at this moment, it will transform you and lead you to new steps, in which one day you will be able to understand what has gotten you there.

Drink from the fountain of love, of sacrifice, of service, of prayer. In it you will find all sciences.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I will always be among those who most need My Love and in a special way My Omniscient Divine Mind is projected peacefully upon those who in truth invoke My Greater Name.

I Am the Son of the God of Humility.  Those who come to Me find a safe path to reconciliation and to peace.  In My Merciful Heart exists no deserts, there only exists the Source of Life that will nourish you and will quench your inner thirst.

Today I want to dedicate My Gratitude and Blessings to those who pray because it will be only through them that I will be able to reach the sick humanity in spirit and in consciousness.  It is by means of the praying souls that My Flocks are gathered in this time to silently prepare in the depths of My Heart the return that each child has been waiting for, for such a long time.

Some will see Me coming in Glory, others will recognize Me through inner dialogue, but those who do not listen to Me, who will help them?

For this in this era in which you live, an era advanced in matter but slow in spirit, My Heart wants to provide you with gifts that may help you to awaken the talents of the spirit.

Some will awaken the talent of joy that will heal the sadness of those who live in the desert of loneliness.  Others will awaken the talent of charity, that which will balance the lack of donation among brothers and sisters of a same divine project.  In other beings will be awakened the talent of fidelity and of supreme will, that which will serve to order and evolve the future humanity.  And an unforgettable talent for My Heart is the talent of the true love, that which spiritually builds all that seems to be separated and that repairs the hearts that feel dissatisfied in soul and in life. 

Before My Return, the Holy Spirit of God will reveal these talents, those that will permit to dissolve the evil in the heart of humanity and that will raise again all of those who, by their own actions, have fallen into the abysm of the Earth.

Give thanks day and night for being able to be conscious in this great spiritual moment that today you live with Me, because in your name many have today received Mercy and Pity.  I Am present in the heart that trusts, in the meek, loving and the peacemaker.  I Am returning to the dwelling of the pure ones and of those who are willing to tell Me: “Yes Lord, come to me and stay in my heart”.

May in this hour of Infinite Mercy spring from your beings the eternal gratitude to your God of Love.

Under the Greater Good of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus


In the hour of the Divine Mercy My Heart descends to the Earth and illuminates it with infinite repairing Graces for all of the souls.

But that sinful and offended soul that approaches to My Source of wonders during this hour of Infinite Mercy will be able to recognize in My Consciousness the Divine Love that heals and redeems all of the lives upon the Earth.

For this, during the hour of Mercy give Me your miseries, those that My Heart knows from the beginning so that in this way, by means of My Mercy, they may be liberated and redeemed.

I Am the Light for the world and for the hearts. That one who is directed to Me will find an answer and in this way they will unite their heart with Mine, and together we will get to know in depth the celestial universe and, consequently, the Source of My Mercies.

But there must exist in you an absolute trust in My Presence and in My Redeeming Work. It must be fulfilled in those who in truth may always be merciful with their familiars.

The Source of Piety hopes to rescue you from perdition and from the spiritual deviation that the enemy propagates as idea and thought. The one who really seeks the answer about the subjects of life, I tell you that they will find it in the Unfathomable Source of My Divine Mercy.

I want that your souls make the decision to be rays of My Mercy for the entire world. For this to happen your trust in My Being will be enough and to not fear that I will remove what is old and arid in you because I will always quench your inner thirst.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Most Sacred Heart!

Merciful Christ Jesus


At this hour of Mercy My Great Thirst for souls is quenched through the prayers of all of the devoted souls. At this hour of Mercy My Rays pass through the wounded, lonely and sick hearts bringing for all of them an inexplicable state of peace.

Besides, at this hour of Mercy all of those who pray who are united to My Blessed Heart help Me to open the spiritual source that permits the washing of the stains of the sinful hearts and permits the saving of the souls that are lost.

Who trusts in My Mercy will be able to understand My Mystery of pure and unfathomable love for humanity. For this, day by day, I call My ones, so that they may help Me to rescue the part of the world that is still spiritually blind and deaf.

For this I count much on the shepherds, those who out of love I have entrusted the priesthood and the sacred ceremony of the Eucharist so that they may feed the spirit of the People of God.
Through My Mercy you will find the path of your conversion and forgiveness.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


When a door of evil is closed by the presence of the sublime and wise Love of God between the brothers and the sisters of humanity, the Holy Spirit of Christ again fully organizes the consciousnesses, carrying them one more time to the encounter with the true spiritual mission that My Father has entrusted to them.

For this do not fear that your vestments may fall from your beings or that they may be taken off, as they were from My Glorified Body because from you will be taken off the old so that you may be covered by the Holy Spirit.

When My Heart communicates to you the hour of changes it is so that the hearts may be prepared for the path of transcendence and of purification. Whoever drinks from the bitter chalice of the emptiness of oneself will afterwards be with Me to drink and to dine of the chalice of Reparation and of Redemption.

But it is urgent that the past be transmuted by My Merciful Rays so that your beings may receive absolution and forgiveness. I know that sometimes My Disciples feel lonely before so much dryness of the desert and, out of instinct seek to quench their thirst in other fountains that could be dry.

But I tell you that the true Christic and chaste love between beings is born when the truth is revealed between them, because there is present the wisdom of God and the love that may be able to exist between souls that will be able to be purified so that you may love each other in spirit and in fraternity.

For this I have asked you to love each other. I have asked you to love one another as you are so that you may learn to love the soul of each consciousness, because this is your inner goal.

When the love of My Heart is present between beings will be lived the pure Love of God, as My Mother Mary and the Most Chaste Joseph lived it on the Earth. Believe in this love and nourish yourselves through spiritual love, in this way your sensation of emptiness will disappear. I am returning as the renovated source of love that is absent in all of humanity.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in the Source of My Christic Love.

Christ Jesus.


In silence I will await the return of the souls, of those which I have more thirst for.

For this, the prayer of three in the afternoon together with Me opens the paths for those flocks that must unite themselves to My Pathway. I return for all and I hope that more hearts may be able to prepare themselves to receive Me.

I follow the steps that My Sheep take, the steps that you take towards the Light of My Heart but the prayer of three in the afternoon will always be the bridge that will unite you to Me.

I gather in this time all of the working souls, those that again will return to join My redeemer Task for the souls that are still asleep. I will vigil for all of them.

May the most needy enter into My Trust because I will bring them something precious for those who may have followed with love each one of My Steps. The opportunity is for all.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


The one who quenches My thirst will be with Me in the Kingdom of Heavens.

The one who comforts and glorifies My Heart wounded by humanity will be called Blessed.

The one who considers Me the first one in their life will be a venerable sheep of My Holy Flock.

The one who deeply confesses to Me their sins and perturbations will be forgiven every day by Me .

The one who fully trusts in the love and in the immensity of My Sacred Heart will be called Son of God.

The one who works for love of the Good and pacifies conflicts will be a little shepherd of My Sacred Heart.

The one who loves Divine Justice without understanding it and that lives it as the Only Will of God will be called Server of God.

In those that live Me, feel Me and open to Me the door of the heart, My Heart will be able to have a dwelling and it will be able to guide them through the paths of peace and of good.

Do not fear for anything, but be true at the time of living the merciful law of God because in this way your souls will be transparent like the water and pure like a flower. Seek the truth of My Father above all of the things of life because in this way you will be able to understand His blessed mysteries of the Creation, the blessed mystery of His Magnificent Will.

Day by day I am with you, receiving from your souls all of the true impulses of your being. Be strong in prayer and brave in the love of the Whole. Be always peace makers by means of the Word of the Gospel, be humble before the unexpected events of life.

The key to transcend oneself is the venerable law of silence because in silence one learns to live and to be like God wants His children to be in this time.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to the call of My Sacred Heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior of humanity.


My friends and servers of My Heart:

Today I announce again My Love for you and for this I ask you to unite your hearts to Mine so that My Light may guide you. I am with you all the time in the same way that I am with many souls that need My Mercy to be able to reach faith in the heart.

I still have thirst for many souls, of souls that live in sin and that do not recognize the love of the Father God.  For this My Spirit is mediator for all before God in the same way that the Spirit of the Universal Mother is for all Her children.

Dears, today I want you to be able to perceive and to feel the greatness of My Thirst for those who still deny me in life and in soul. From love for all of you I have met hell and I have gone to this place to redeem those who were distant from the love and from the unity with My Father. As Son of the Most Holy Trinity I have given Myself entirely for all, as in Life, as in Soul and Divinity, even before My sacrifice on the Cross.

I carried the weight of all of you on My back to thus relieve you from the great universal judgment that could have happened in that time of My presence upon the Earth. From love I prevented the law from condemning you, I resurrected from love of the Plan of God and to demonstrate that the magnificence of God is great and powerful as is His Love for all creatures.

I fell on the ground more than three times but the on first three falls My humble Heart liberated you from many evils that were intending to destroy the Plan of God. I relieved humanity during centuries and centuries and I continue sending to the world My Mercy.

Now the new time is coming to prepare the advent of My Spirit, Glorified and renovated by the celestial powers of the universe. Many perhaps will not recognize My new Face but all will feel that I Am the Server who returns to deliver love to all. In you I manifest My works of redemption and for you I manage to present to the Father the offers of love.

I leave here My presence so that you may always remember it because I want to teach you to unite Heaven and Earth in a unified reality of God. You must let yourselves be worked by My Fire so that the new wineskins, empty of themselves, receive the Light of My Sacred Spirit.

I am donating myself to all and I also teach you the importance of living charity to reach a holy transformation. I want to consecrate your souls to My Heart, I want to sanctify your spirits so that thus may be manifested, the power of the redeemer love upon the world. I am calling My flocks, I am congregating you after two thousand and thirteen years because it is the time of the rescue.  

Under the Mercy of God, be humble and blessed.

Thank you for guarding in simplicity My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


From the Heart of the Universe today I come to your encounter. In the name of Jesus, My Maternal Soul comes to heal and restore hearts.

Dear children,

Today I invite you again to enter into My Immaculate Heart so that your inner dwellings, in spite of everything, may be able to find, see and feel the Omnipotent Presence of God. If you only enter into My Immaculate and Maternal Heart your little lives will be quenching the great thirst that My Son has for all souls.

My children, that today your hearts may be fountains that emanate love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Dear children, that your essences may be as the inexhaustible waters that, converted into rivers of Mercy, may quench the thirst for love and peace of all the souls of the world by means of service.

As the Mother of the Universe and of the Earth, today I come to manifest My Love to you in a time of great changes in the consciousnesses and in the life of all My children.

Little children, in the face of the great faults that are committed day to day by humanity, today I invite you to consider your lives of prayer to be an exercise that may repair the Kingdom of the Heavens. Therefore, may your lives never forget to find the inner child, because in this way My Son will pour over you the Gifts and Graces of Redemption and Mercy.

If the world simply prayed a little more, the Light of the Most High would be another fountain that would calm the thirst of all His children. But as long as there are hearts that are closed to My Maternal Call, all that will be left to My children is to grow, as a seed grows from within the earth. But this seed must not lack the Water of Life , the inexhaustible fountain that causes the true hearts to emerge in the creatures.

My venerable children, I am here to teach you to walk under the Love of God and so that your eyes may not lose sight of Mercy on the horizon.

Dear children, today I invite you to love the Creation as God has manifested it for all, and this will begin through your love for the magnificence of the Kingdoms of the Lord.

Praying with fervor for this world, I call you so that during this day you may remain in My Maternal Kingdom of Love, because you need it, as does humanity. Therefore today let us flood with love the hearts that are empty and without God.

You still have time to change from the heart! For this I am with you!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Thank you for responding to My call for peace and for the conversion of the hearts that each day distance themselves from the Love of the Creator.

My children, do you really know why you are My dear children?

Because I want to teach you to love no matter what the circumstance.

Because I want to open your Inner Temple to the Glory of God.

Because I want you to open your eyes to the Light of God.

Because I want to erase conflict and lack of peace in all My children.

Because I want you to pray with Me and to remember how important it is to unite to one another in prayer.

Because I want to recognize your hearts as I recognize, as Mother, the Heart of My Son.

Because I want the souls to be one, as My Son and I are one with God.

You are My dear children because Jesus entrusted your path to Me from the beginning.

Because I want the world to be a Kingdom of Peace.

You are My dear children so that you may learn to forgive, to reconcile and to live in the Love of God.

Because I need your sincere response in prayer as in the communion with Christ.

Because I want to consecrate your lives so that humanity may be consecrated.

Because I want you to be humility in life to quench the thirst of those that are alone.

You are My dear children because I want you to live in Peace, because in Peace you will always find Light and shelter in the Heart of God.

Because it is necessary to liberate the causes of the past to be born under the Light of the new.

Because I want you to be in God.

Because I want you to live as souls and to let go of all control.

You are My dear children because I want to reveal to you the only truth, the truth of love, which will lead you to be able to forgive and thus reconcile your hearts.

Dear children, all My intentions are united by means of prayer; it is the path that will lead you towards the Truth and the Life that Jesus represents.

You are My dear children because I love you as hearts and as essences, because God observes the beauty that He created in you through the power of His Love.

My children, when you are empty, God will fill you with His Eternal Love and your faith will become as strong as iron. Nothing will prevent your life from being joy, even in the arduous tests.

When you are in God nothing will separate you from Him because there, Jesus, His Kind Heart, and My Maternal Heart will be with you illuminating for you the path towards Eternity.

Open your Inner Temple to the Great Heart of God and you will be perpetually in His Trust.

I am here today because you have prayed with Me, and this Grace has descended through My Maternal Arrival in each one of your lives.

Be brave and never stop the pulse of love in your hearts.

I am celestially thankful for your inner pilgrimage!

Joy for your day.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

