When your spirit is tired, My child, enter into the Presence of your Creator, being aware that He is in everything, and simply be grateful.
Thank and offer the Father every emptiness, every desert, every distress, your concerns and misunderstandings, your joys, your conquests, your victories and His victories within your heart. Thank God for everything.
Be thankful when He makes Himself felt, when, for a second, you seem to hear His Voice.
Be thankful when you pray and when your heart is relieved, when you are able to regain peace and joy, even if it is for a short while.
Be thankful when service revives you, while helping your neighbor, the Grace of God floods your heart and you are able to feel alive, to love, to rejoice, and, therefore, to bring peace to those who suffer.
Also, be thankful when you think that you do not have the opportunity to serve as you had wished.
Be thankful when you only have the same brothers and sisters beside you, every day, and ask for the Grace of being able to see in each of them the need and opportunity to serve so that, when you are ready to love, the Grace of God may descend upon you and flood your heart as well as your neighbor's heart.
Thank God for being conscious of the urgent times of the planet, for knowing how to pray and worship, for knowing how to be grateful, even in pain and emptiness; for knowing that He is always there, even in His deepest silence.
Gratitude, my child, is the bond that unites you to God, no matter the circumstances of your lives or that which you may feel and perceive within your heart. When you thank God, it is as if you are saying to the Lord:
May this be your permanent prayer, because, in this way, child, you will always be able to perceive how the Creator guides you beyond your human understanding, how He heals, molds and converts you, according to His Will. Therefore, always and in all circumstances, be thankful.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XV - Choose God at Each Instant
A suffering soul, that in this life seemed not to know the joy and the love that others have the opportunity to experience, questined God a question, asking Him: "Lord, I see the world and I find inequality, souls that rejoice and souls that despair, souls that are strengthened by You and souls that lose their strength and do not find meaning for their own lives. Tell me, then, You, Who are the God of all, the same and the One, what is the reason for the imbalances of the world?"
And contemplating the sincerity of the soul´s suffering, the Lord responded: - "I Am the God of all beings, the Father and Lord of all life, the Only and the Triune God, the God of Love and Truth. But life, little soul, is designed by Laws that maintain the balance of the evolution of all consciousnesses and lead them according to their own choices. My Love for souls is the same; with the same hope, I wait for hearts to return to Me; but the suffering or the joy in this world is not a decision that My Heart makes regarding creatures.
What is bliss for you? Where do you see that humankind finds joy in their hearts? Because to be in true joy, a soul only needs to be in Me, and although they may suffer with the pain of humankind, My Love in their heart does not let them perish.
The suffering of the world, little soul, must make you understand the fragility of human life that is distant from Me. The true pain that souls feel is for being distant from My Heart or for ignoring My Presence. A soul may have everything in matter and still be profoundly empty and unhappy, just as a soul may not have anything and yet possess the greatest of all joys, which is to be in My Heart. But this, little soul, is a daily decision, a constant and permanent, of souls that choose to be in Me rather than in the world.
For this reason, when you feel emptiness and suffering in your heart, ask yourself not where I Am, but rather where are you. My Heart is in you, but are you in Me?"
May this dialogue remind you, children, that you must be in God to understand that life is made of Laws that do not descend at random from the universe but rather are attracted by each soul that chooses, through their actions, thoughts and feelings, that which they will attract to their own lives.
Know how to choose God, every day, at each instant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you have no strength, offer God your weaknesses, your human feebleness, your smallness.
When your heart seems empty, offer God this space, so that it may be Him, and not the world, who fills this emptiness within you.
When your song has been muted, offer God your silence and pray with your thought, so that it may be Him, and not the world, who fills your mind.
When your body is tired, offer God the steps taken, all the service experienced and each merit attained, and perceive, in this way, My child, that there is always something to offer your Creator, the One who awaits, not only for your triumph, but for your whole being, from smallness to greatness, from what you know to what is still a mystery to you; place everything in the Hands of God.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
More and more, child, seek to imitate the emptiness and the nothingness of your Lord.
Allow yourself to be an instrument in the hands of God and it does not matter if you are lifted up and acclaimed, it does not matter the sacrifice and the weight of the cross, the humiliation, the solitude or the abandonment.
Allow your consciousness to penetrate into the truth of every event. While you serve and your service is lifted up before the eyes of humankind, may your heart be placed in the truth that everything you do is for the manifestation of the plan of God on earth.
And when the Lord asks you to renounce, or gives you tests and humiliations that forge within your being the unity with him and the inner emptiness, allow your consciousness to be molded according to His will.
Know that all the great deeds, as well as the great renunciations, build the plan of God with the same intensity, just as your Lord, who began to build a bond with the souls upon the mounts, amid miracles, but consolidated the covenant between humanity and God, empty of Himself, on the cross on Calvary.
Deepen every moment in your surrender and in the sense of the truth of your faith so that you always remain in this truth.
The situation of the planet will place many tests, misunderstandings and challenges in your path, but your heart must be in the Christ of Calvary, empty, with Him, going through the Passion of this world to culminate as a chalice full of God poured upon the Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From cycle to cycle, re-experience the call of Christ within you.
Within your heart, child, contemplate the sea of your life, of your story and of your surrender and, along the shores of this sea, find the Gaze of your Lord that is seeking your eyes.
Without fear, start again walking toward your Savior and allow Him to ask you for something new, a deeper surrender, a more perfect yielding.
At His Feet, leave the net of all your desires and aspirations, all that you were pursuing in the sea of life, trying to conquer it, even if it were something spiritual or even if it were something for Christ.
Listen to the Voice of your Lord calling you to enter into His Heart. And empty of everything, go with Him to fulfill His designs, cross deserts, heal your own heart and thus, grant healing, be deeply loved and, in this way, grant the Love of God to souls.
Never think that you will just surrender your life to Christ one day, but rather, child, surrender, every day. Listen to His Voice in each instant; open the way within you so that Christ may reach the most hidden spaces of your being.
I am speaking about surrender and yielding every day. Perceive that these are the keys of this time; they are the bases upon which your spirit is safe in God and in His Will. This is what He is calling you to live at this moment because, in this way, you will grow, in this way, you will fulfill the designs of the Creator for your life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Surrender your heart into the Hands of God, O soul so small and fragile!
Let your life be suspended in the Hands of the One who created you so that He may place you on the correct point of your evolution.
Live, being an expression of the love that you receive every day from your Creator Father.
Let your desert be fertile, like the deserts that, through the Grace of God, blossom and express the miracle of life, even in the aridity of the world.
Let your little soul be a source of faith through the persistence of your heart in the face of the challenges and trials of life.
May it not matter to you whether you are last or first.
May it not matter to you whether you are hidden or elevated in the eyes of humankind.
May it matter to you to serve and love more each day, to close your eyes to the illusions of the world and open them to the universal Truth that is revealed to you.
May it matter to you to enter into the depths of your heart and there find not only a Living God full of Graces, but also a Crucified Spouse who calls you to be like Him, every day, with the full surrender of your heart.
May the pain of the world matter to you, the pain of those who suffer and who do not find relief, and may the Grace of God upon you make your little life a fount for those who are thirsty; even though you will often drink, you will feel thirsty and empty.
May your emptiness not be filled by the world and its illusions but rather by God and His mysteries, by the faith that He places in your heart, in times of desert and solitude.
Seek relief in service; seek support in charity, in those who will always be in a worse condition than your little soul which, in spite of being so fragile, was chosen by God as a chalice for His spiritual Gifts.
It is not for you to judge the Will of the Lord, but simply to accept it, just as your Mother Mary did who, being small and simple, made Herself a Chalice and a Tabernacle so that the Living God could come into the world.
Be you, beloved soul, like your Divine Mother, and every day surrender your smallness into the Hands of God, because in your nothingness He will do everything.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In these times of assaults and inner conflicts, become silent and place your consciousness within God.
Be in the light of His Heart and cry out for His Mercy, contemplating His Cross, His sacrifice and His triumph for you.
Contemplate all that Christ experienced until reaching the Cross: the moments of recognition, of glory and of joy, but also the assaults, the battles, the humiliations.
Feel the tired Heart of your Lord, yet full of faith, full of the certainty that the Will of His Father is accomplished and manifested through persistence, courage and firmness.
Contemplate the Heart of your Lord and ask Him for a heart like His, willing to suffer, but ready to love; firm in compassion, but also in justice; transcendent in Grace and overflowing in Mercy. A wise heart in the face of assaults, strengthened in faith before the voids; a heart that is pure before the mysteries and simple before the unknown.
Ask your Lord for a priestly heart like His, so as to recognize within a neighbor the possibility that Mercy may be expressed.
See, within your brothers and sisters, souls sent by God to fulfill a mission, and you, child, be a bridge to the Heart of the Father, a doorway to His infinite Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To come to be a knower of God, after having crossed the abysses, gone through the tribulations and the voids, you must persist in prayer.
The Rosary, children, will be your shelter in all stages of the desert.
The Holy Rosary will support you when your hearts are weak.
The Holy Rosary will protect you when your hearts are besieged.
The Holy Rosary will elevate you when your hearts are free.
The Holy Rosary will show you the Face of God when your spirits have become whole in prayer, surrendered to the Father and when your one and real aspiration is to reach Him.
It is from the hands of the Most Holy Mary that you will come to Christ and emulate His path.
In the same way that your Lord was fully and wholly united with His Celestial Mother and was thus safeguarded by Her silent and hidden prayers, both in the desert and on the Cross, so must each one of you be. With your heart intimately united with the Heart of Mary, allow yourselves to be guided and protected by Her.
Knowledgeable about the deserts as well as the cross, knowledgeable about death and the faith in resurrection, knowledgeable about the overcoming and the apostolate, knowledgeable about the celestial mysteries and the deep mysteries of the human consciousness, Your Most Holy Mother will always guide you.
And so, be it in the desert, in calvary, in life, in death, in resurrection or in the face of the celestial mysteries, trust in the guidance and the support of the Mother of God, the untiring Servant, thought of, manifested and sent by the Creator, to lead His creatures toward His Heart.
In Mary, see the Hands of God, which cross the dimensions to seek you and, in the Holy Rosary, see the bridge and the correct connection to remain united with Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Open your heart and I will show you that My Presence is beyond what your eyes can see and My silence reveals more mysteries than a thousand words pronounced every day.
Open your heart and I will show you that the path of renunciation is a bridge that the soul creates to cross the abysses of the world and reach God.
Open your heart and I will show you that universal mysteries are to be found when you allow all concepts about yourself to be lost.
Open your heart and I will show you a silent and humble path, revealed and deep, the same path that I indicated to the Most Holy Mary when I expired in Her arms: the same path that She showed Me through Her seeing, when She said to Me: "go."
Open your heart and let the freedom of the void enter within you, the depths of knowing oneself united to all things, beyond the senses, the feelings, or the thoughts. Let the meanings of God, of His Essence, of His Heart be revealed to you.
I want to show you a new path, a new cycle, in which My Heart will be with you and will teach you to find the infinite in your own heart, through silence and a simple union with God.
Feel, child, in your heart, the same love that your Most Holy Mother and the little Child Jesus felt when, in silence, they saw My Spirit merge into the Divine Spirit and discovered the essence of Eternity, of Omnipresence.
My Heart breathes the Breath of God and lives within His Grace; thus, you will always find Me, silent as the air, in all the instants of life.
Open your heart to a new cycle, a new time, a time that will be experienced by all of humanity, a cycle that will be experienced by all of Creation.
The time has come to climb the Calvary of this world, to discover what it is to be a human being. You already have all the keys for this; now walk toward the cross, toward the revelation of Love, toward God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dive without fear into the dark night of the soul, night that presents to you the emptiness, the solitude, the inner dryness, the nothingness.
Dive without fear into that night of renunciations in which you find no gratification in your inner world but which, without your knowledge, is strengthening your faith and your spirit for the time that will come.
Do not distract your mind and your heart with the things of the world in order not to recognize within yourself a deep darkness, a void of renunciations and solitude. This is what the Creator wants you to live now: to immerse yourself in this inner state of absence of everything, even if you do not understand it.
There, in that darkness, continue seeking your Lord and persevere beyond yourself to find Him, even though your search seems eternal and without hope of reaching its finality, its goal.
God places you within a space of inner darkness, but His Eyes continue over you, His Love continues over you and His Grace and Mercy continues over you. When you have passed through that moment and that test of strengthening your faith and your union with God, beyond your inner and outer senses, it is then, child, that you will be able to find Him in all things.
When the dark night comes to the planet, your feet will not fear to step and will walk without being afraid of getting lost, because they will know that behind this darkness are the Eyes of the Father, contemplating the Earth, and that, at some moment, all human life will live the learning that this night brings; strengthening their faith, all beings will learn to find God in all things.
Today, live the solitude, renunciation, emptiness and darkness as a service and an offering that you make to your Lord and trust that He will never abandon you.
You see the path and it is dark, but under your feet, hidden from your eyes, are the Hands of God, sustaining your steps.
Open yourself to begin this coming new cycle, conscious of what God expects of you in this time. Live that dark night as your new inner and planetary mission.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not allow, on any account or reason, that the tree of the fruits of the Wisdom of God dries up and that its roots stop penetrating into the depths of the earth, so that, in this way, the tree may stay strong.
From time to time, storms, deserts, droughts or heavy rains will come; but I will not allow anything to knock you down.
Trust in Me. I Am the Tree of Life and whoever lives in Me will not perish.
I have everything to give you, just as I have the power to take everything away from you.
Throughout time, I will place you in scenarios never experienced before because I will need you to suffer for Me, or that you be glad for Me, in each moment.
Let the sap of My Wisdom run through every part of your being like water that purifies but at the same time calms.
Do not despair nor be anguished because, in the greatest inner void, just like in the greatest desert, there I Am. Firmly take My Hand and just say to Me: "Come, Lord Jesus", and there I will be.
I Am the refuge of the distressed. I Am the hope of those who despair. I Am the motive and the reason for every stage of life.
Do not fail to say to Me: "Lord, I trust in You", and I will give you My Trust, again and again, as I have already given it to you, so that you may feel comforted and firm for the coming steps to be taken.
Nourish yourself from the Tree of Life and take the fruits and the gifts that My Heart yields.
Come to Me and all will be at peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more