The soul that strives in prayer opens the Doors of Heaven and gives God the permission for higher Laws to be active on Earth.
These Laws descend to the planet through their prayerful word, pierce the deepest levels of their inner world and thus, reach those places of the world most in need, guided by the purity of intention of the prayerful soul.
To pray from the heart is to enter into the Heart of God, to stand before His Sacred Books, in which His Plan has been written for this world and for all life; in this way, in light of His Truth, the soul receives from God the gift of manifesting its designs and the Grace to do so.
To pray from the heart, even if in the void and in the desert, is to walk the path of faith which, invisible to human eyes, draws to Earth the true potential of the creatures of God.
To pray is to unite with Truth. For this reason, child, even if it is difficult for you, even if you are in the void or in an absence of all inner sensations, know that it is simply the awakening of faith that you need to experience. The faith that leads you to keep praying even in the void, the faith that places you before God, even though you may not know it, the faith that brings you closer to who you truly are.
Live this faith every day; seek to know it through the living experience of prayer done with love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Search for the science of illumination within you, and know that it is nothing more than the living of the Purpose of human creation.
Illumination is the act of finding the Creator again within yourself and to discover the path and the doorway to Divine Consciousness within your own self.
By living union with God, you will understand His Presence in all things; you will know what the essence of life is, of learning on Earth, and the reason why each being inhabits it.
To illuminate the consciousness is to find the Creator and know yourself to be a part of Him and this, children, is achieved through experience, with the constant search to find God.
Sacred books will guide you; philosophies and true religions will help you find the path for this; but nothing has any meaning if each one of you does not search within yourself for the experience of unity with your Creator.
To pray is to seek the path of communication with God. To communicate with the Father is to create the link of your souls with Him so that you may be able to gradually enter into His Truth and receive the revelation of His Presence.
Seek for the Light of God so that He, in you, may illuminate the abysses of this world. The time has now come in which the little lamps must be on the table, and this is done, children, not with the light of humankind, but with the Light of God in human beings.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus
Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.
My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.
Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.
My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.
It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.
In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.
Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.
First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.
The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.
Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.
An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.
Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.
Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.
My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.
On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.
The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.
The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.
Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.
Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you.
Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.
To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.
I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Wisdom is a gift that comes from the very depths of the Heart of God. It was with Wisdom that the Creator expressed the manifestation of His Spirit as a Creator Source for Life.
Wisdom is a gift that unites you to the Divine Purpose and leads you to think within the Thought of God and to feel within His Heart.
Wisdom causes souls to read within the sacred books of the Divine Plan and thus, although their minds are not aware, their hearts, which are bridges between the soul and material life, can definitely grasp and feel the Divine Will so that they may lead their lives according to that Will.
Wisdom comes to the world through Grace and Mercy, and crying out for that Grace, you can achieve it. However, children, it is granted to you for a reason. To receive the gift of Wisdom, you must be pure of heart and free of personal intentions and self-will.
Wisdom descends upon those who make their lives available to God and offer them for the fulfillment of His Plans.
In these times, Wisdom is no longer just a divine gift that the soul receives to accomplish a spiritual task. It is a necessity of the human consciousness because it will unite you with God and will allow that, in the depths of your beings, the bond with the Creator will never be lost, no matter what happens around you.
Therefore, children, cry out for the grace to receive the gift of Wisdom in your hearts. Offer your lives to God so that He may make them instruments for the expression of His Will.
In a time of profound ignorance, indifference and inner confusion, be instruments and vehicles of Divine Wisdom on Earth.
Hearts need guidance to reach God and, until everything happens, until the return of the Redeemer is a reality, wise hearts available to God are needed to be the light of the world in times of darkness.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When God spoke to the prophets, their eyes were lifted up high with a cry, because around them there was nothing but chaos and wars. God spoke to the prophets because, with clamor, they lifted their words up to the Father and awaited, from Him, the answer in order to find peace in their hearts.
God never stopped speaking with men; it is man, child, who no longer lifts up his eyes and heart to listen to the Father.
The prophets cried out for their people and awaited an answer from God. Now, little do beings cry out fervently to the Father and beings do not wait for His answer, but simply ask according to their own will and beg for it to be fulfilled.
The prophets knew how to receive the Grace and Justice from God and they knew that this Justice was true. Men of today expect Grace and repudiate Justice, because they want to love a God who fulfills their own will.
Learn, child, from the former prophets, who perpetuated their words and dialogues with God in the sacred books, not because of their holiness but because of their faith, because their respect and love for the Father was unconditional and this was what made their contact real.
Learn from the former prophets to understand, in these times, the corrections from God. He never stops being God and never stops being full in love. Choose, then, to be in God and in love and welcome His corrections when they come into your life so that you may be purified and become worthy of returning to the Father.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At these times, you will not find an answer to your questionings neither in science nor in the sacred books, nor in religions. Everything that man has manifested up until today, even if it was inspired by God in other times, will not manifest the answer and the understanding for what humanity will experience in this world and that, as a consequence, will be experienced by the whole Universe.
Just as nobody was able to explain the actions of the Son of Man, from His predication up until His Cross, in these times, child, nobody will know how to explain what you will live as humanity.
It is in the Heart of God that you will find the answer and the refuge. It is in the Heart of God that you will find encouragement and breath. It is in the Heart of God that you will live in peace, which will be incomprehensible for the majority of men. And you will transform, into love, what for many will be "divine injustice."
Those who never addressed God, and who only worshiped and proclaimed the things of the world, will late cry out, demanding Heaven for an opportunity that has always been given to them. Those who limited Divine Wisdom to the human mind will search in books, written by the hands of men, and will not know how to explain, understand or accept what they will live, and they will shout: "My God! My God!", when seeing manifested what they always denied existed.
Those who were humble of heart and only certain of their own ignorance, will not fear to cross the Portals that will open upon the world and they will marvel at the Sublime Existence that will manifest on Earth, feeling within themselves the relief and aid that they so waited for. Their heart, united to the Heart of the Father, will know how to recognize the presence of the Son of God in His return to the world, and everything that they had to live and surrender in order to be in that moment, will seem very little. Their humility will grant them the grace to recognize the greatness of Christ.,
Now clean and purify your heart, My child. Do not spend time in vanities and indifferences, but know that the greatest treasure you can have is an empty heart, available for God, and united to Him. Build this unity within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Life passes, ephemeral and simple in what is palpable to you, to reveal an Eternity and a sublime Truth. Every expression of life that is not material does not perish and endures, to demonstrate to humankind where their heart must be.
The memories, the learning experiences, the examples, the teachings, the true feelings of Love, all of this remains alive, inside and outside of humankind and also in the Heart of God and in the Sacred Books, as part of the history of humanity, as part of the history of the renewal of the Heart of the Father.
Life passes so quickly in order to reveal a Truth and a mystery that transcends the body and human understanding: there is a reality that exceeds all the wisdom that humanity has already known; there is a Life that transcends everything that today you understand as life.
See, children, how the Eternal knocks on your door so that you may enter into the Time of no time, into Real Time.
Let this moment not be a loss to you, but rather a link with the Truth, because your instructor on Earth leaves the world to raise you to the Universe. Everything he learned in life, he will elevate to a Greater Life, and the sublime learning experiences that he will live in the Universe will be revealed to your heart, as a higher teaching.
Therefore, embrace this moment as a step towards Infinity. Let this new cycle, of your instructor and master, in this and in many lives, elevate you to new cycles, as Work and as beings in evolution.
The one who accompanies this moment with gratitude will take a step towards Infinity and will place, not only their heart, but a part of the human consciousness, closer to God, in His Eternity.
Eternity, children, is not death. Eternity is Life revealed.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as in a previous cycle, I conducted you through the path of humility, of service, which goes beyond the works of charity, and I also taught you about the love for the Kingdoms of Nature, and now, children, I come to teach you to elevate yourselves beyond the human condition.
As a divine contradiction, in reality, children, I come for you to know the Truth and diminish the power of illusion. Your hearts are anchored on the Earth because you do not know the Truth about yourselves, nor about God, His Kingdom, His Plan; you do not know the Truth about Life and you spend the days of a unique cycle of definition identified with something that is not real.
The Time of God is approaching and nothing nor nobody will be able to stop this event. The definition that marks this cycle talks about how each being, and the consciousness of the planet itself, will cross the threshold to a New Life. Will you become dust like everything that comes from it? Or will you leave the dust to the wind and allow the nothingness, which you seemed to be, reveal the unity with God and make you part of an infinite Whole?
I come, in this cycle, to help you to define your paths. It is not that the voice of just one Messenger is not enough, because God in Himself, in His silence, is sufficient, but the presence of three Divine Messengers, instructing humanity in a unique and extraordinary form, never seen before, is the symbol of the perpetual Mercy of God; during a time in which the traits of His Justice have already began to appear, as in the writings of the Sacred Books, which dictate the destiny of humanity.
Therefore, children, in this cycle, let gratitude permeate your hearts and drink from the Words of God as a thirsty being who knows how to value each drop of water that is offered to them. This is the Water of Life in a time of spiritual thirst. Drink and multiply this gift for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My child,
The more you search for God, the more you will enter into the Knowledge of God and the more you will love Him Who is in everything and encompasses all life.
Let your heart enter into the Knowledge of God when you pray; when you read the words that He sends you through His Messengers; when you enter into the mystery of the Sacred Books and allow the inspiration of God in the words and in the life of the prophets inspire you; when you enter into true communion with Nature, with the Kingdoms, with life.
Do not lament for not loving God as you would want to or how you felt was the correct way to love Him.
Do not lament for not having the circumstances you believe necessary to seek God, because the search for God is in your heart, and your heart is with you wherever you are.
As much as you are in a situation of chaos, God continues to be inside of you.
As much as you are in an inner desert, God continues to be inside of you.
As much as you are submerged in the distractions and the tasks of common human living, God continues to be inside of you.
And today I tell you that it is with very little that God makes Himself felt in your heart. You do not need to know about great sciences and transcendental philosophies, because the Truth of God is revealed in you in what you truly are.
What exist are paths that help you to arrive; hands that extend through the sacred words that God delivers to the world through the spiritual sciences, through His Messengers, through His prophets.
Seek God and accept the Hand that extends to your heart through His Words.
Seek God in a sincere prayer and let Him reveal to you the immensity of His Presence, of His Existence; that He may also show you the smallness of your life, of your problems, of your lamentations.
Raise your consciousness in prayer, so that God may reveal to you His simplicity.
Yield your mind to His Divine Heart and allow His greatness to dissolve your small-mindedness.
It is now time, My child, to truly raise yourself, rise yourself to the Heart of God.
You are called to love Him above all things and to express that love through your life, and for this, you must give room for God to express Himself in you.
Many paths were presented to you, many Hands came to help you. Synthesize all of that in you inner world and find in you the Presence of God.
Silence to feel Him, silence to listen to Him, silence to express God, who is alive in your heart.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and, when your prayer is true, it will reach the Heavens and will not only unite your heart to God, but the hearts of all those who need His Presence.
Serve and, when your service is true, it does not matter what you do, it will have spiritual repercussions that will be unknown to you, but that in the invisible of your actions, will become the engine of the world transformation.
Love and, when your love is true, it will heal the wounds of the past, the present and will prepare, for the future, a life of learning experiences in love and not in suffering.
Sing, and may your singing be true, a prayer with melodies that uplift your heart to the Father, just as the birds do, giving the day to God at the beginning of every morning.
Silence yourself, and may your silence be true, may it not be filled with anguish, rancors, resentments or feelings that close your mouth to hurt your heart.
May your silence be healing and bring peace, first within yourself, then to the world.
Listen to the words of God, those written in the Sacred Books of this world and transmitted by His Messengers.
If your reading is true, it will open your heart so that you can recognize the Voice of the Father within you when the Voice of His Messengers no longer echo over this world.
And thus, child, whatever you do, do it with truth and full of spiritual transparency.
Transform your life into a sacred act and thus you will see being fulfilled in you as it was said in the beginning; you will see emerge in you that which makes you like God; you will see illusion being dissolved so that you may live what you truly are.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the Purity that springs from the Fount of the Heart of God inundate souls and renew them.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God permeate beings and awaken them.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God fill hearts and reveal Peace to them, reveal Love to them, and reveal Grace to them.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reach all souls and lead them to the Truth, hidden until today, of the perfect union between their Celestial Mother and God.
May Purity, children, dissolve ignorance from the human consciousness, and above all, the pride that prevents it from reaching Divine Mysteries for believing that in its smallness all knowledge, all wisdo.m, and all truth can be kept.
May Purity open your eyes and cleanse them so that they may see the world and life always as if for the first time, like someone who is facing something that is completely unknown to them.
May Purity allow you to see everything as if for the first time and may the interest for that which is new open the doors to the Mysteries of God for you
Blessed is the heart that contemplating its Divine and Celestial Mother, discovers Divine Motherhood in Her.
Contemplate the Son of God, but also contemplate the First Tabernacle that held Him, and discover that as it is on Earth, so it is in Heaven.
Know and recognize the Greatness of your Divine Mother every day, with the simple gratitude of being before Her Immaculate Heart, for Her silence talks greatly to the heart that knows how to listen beyond words.
Contemplate the first and eternal Tabernacle of Creation, which is the Womb and the Heart of Mary, that held within Herself not only the Son of God, but also everything that was created by the Father.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reveal to you this and many other mysteries that are in Heaven as on Earth.
Be eternally grateful, and in simple gratitude, you will see the Heavens open before your hearts for revelations that humanity must know and that are not to be found in the Sacred Books.
This is the time of the new revelations.
May hearts open to the Truth and may the Purity that springs from the Heart of God grant you the Grace of Awakening.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everything that the Universe may tell you or reveal through instruction will lead you to the Truth and your eyes will not be blind; on the contrary, through divine instruction, you will manage to see a part and a little more than what you can normally see.
In this way, you will be able to be up to the events and in a spirit of premeditation, you will know what to do and how to proceed.
Thus, knowing everything the Universe reveals to you through instruction, you will walk firmly and even though at some point that instruction may seem extreme for the life of a being and for the definition of a consciousness, you will learn to thank it every day for not being absent or far from the Truth, which only tries to place you on a new level of awakening.
Know, then, to love the instruction just as it is and you will be able to be prepared to receive and hear new revelations, which in these times will only try to place souls on the correct path of definition and surrender.
In spite of everything, humanity has been warned many times that there would come a time when the Time of God itself would separate the chaff from the wheat and that everything would be said.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who always blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
Second Message
The time has come for the great transition in which times will unite, where the old human will be left behind, so that the New Human can be born.
For this moment you must be prepared, because you have never lived it and have never felt it.
I am here as the Master and Lord to be this bridge, to take you first to My Heart and later to live what you have to live.
Because it is already written, everything is written, from the beginning to the end.
As I Am the Beginning, I Am also the End and everything will pass through Me, so that men understand it.
If the soul is united to My Heart, nothing will happen because it will have guidance, it will have understanding and wisdom to comprehend everything that will happen in this next time.
I come as the Lord of Silence to speak to the inner worlds, because it is there where everything resonates, because it is there where everything is heard, because it is there where everything germinates and flourishes for the Grace of God.
I come to call the men and women of the Earth to look inside themselves and not so much outwards, because outwardly everything will get worse, you know it better than I do, you can see it every day in the events of life, in the news, in all communications.
But I come to use all these media to redeem them, just as I come to redeem the men of the Earth for second time.
Everything you do in My Name will have an incalculable value for this time, but you must do it as I wish and not as you think.
To know how you must do it, you must first be in My Heart, in a true and transparent way. Second, you must assume a true commitment and not a tepid one. Third, you must fulfill My Will in a decisive way, affirming in your lives the realization of My Plan on this surface.
Thus you will be doing everything in My Name; because many do things in My Name but not in a true way, not as foreseen by My Will and the designs that My Father has given Me for each of your lives.
I need, in this way, strengthened servers; I need servers within My Fire to help concretize everything that is written and that has not happened yet.
For that reason, I come from the Universe to generate the great awakening; because there is still time, although most do not listen, there is still time.
As the Lord of Silence I come to reverberate the Words of God within the inner worlds where the new humanity will be built, from where the New Human and the new consciousness for this planet will emerge, which will be far from self-destruction and abandonment.
I come to build new bridges for souls, so that hearts can cross them and meet what is eternal, visible and true in the divine.
Therefore, I will count on the help of the angels and the Archangels to carry out this last spiritual impulse.
Therefore, as Lord of Silence, I also pilgrimage in search of the flocks that have been away from Me for a long time and that now have the Grace to return to My Heart in a conscious and true way.
To all those flocks that I will gather again, I will give My Banner of Peace to represent Me as ambassadors on this planet.
It is still necessary to continue generating peace on this planet, in the face of everything that happens every day.
It is still necessary that My Voice continue resonating in the hearts so that all may open to My Divine Will, which is supreme and invincible.
Today I come to talk to all the inner worlds of beings on Earth.
Today I come to talk to all, without exception, because it is there where My seeds of Light will be kept; some will germinate in the next times, and others in the next life, in the next world, in the future humanity.
Everything is part of a silent, patient and sensitive construction.
Nothing is for now, because humanity is not yet ready to live the total surrender that God needs.
But I come to encourage you to make the necessary efforts, to change the ways of daily life, to acquire evolutionary and healthy customs, to have prayer and Communion with Me as a foundation for spiritual life so that you are protected from everything, and above all from My adversary.
Because if you take those foundations as something sincere and essential, you will not perish, despite the obstacles and the tests you will know how to go on transcending the barriers, the abysses and all disturbance.
Do not miss the opportunity to strengthen yourselves in these times.
Do not miss the opportunity to mature in these times and to be true servers, just as God needs it.
In your inner worlds you will always find the answer. Do not look for other guides or teachers, because you will not find them. Humanity is sick and everyone is sick in some degree, in a spiritual or physical way.
Humanity enters fully into its time of purification that is something that is profoundly unknown, no other civilization, no other race in any other era has lived what you live in these times. Therefore, everything is new for you.
But if you maintain your trust in My Merciful Heart, if you meet the requirements that I have dictated for an evolutionary and true life, you will not perish, you will have inner strength to be able to live everything, no matter how hard it may seem.
It is necessary that the old garments be torn so that may be born the pure spirit, that spirit of truth that is within you and that has been trapped for centuries, due to lack of love, to lack of mercy, to lack of peace.
I come as the direct Messenger of God, so that in your inner worlds My Word may resonate, for, the time of definition has come and in a short time everything will be allowed for humanity to choose the next stage of its evolution.
Meanwhile, I gestate merciful and simple hearts through the Love of My Heart.
I do not come to ask the world for anything difficult and distant.
I come to ask humanity to surrender, once and for all, since its ways of life, its way of thinking and acting is deteriorating the Universe and the next stage.
I would like to tell you, in truth, the very opposite, but My commitment is to dictate to you the truth, as it is, however difficult it may seem.
There is still time to surrender, there is still time to repent and to release the human power so that the Light and the Plan may triumph.
There is still time for you to place at My Feet the swords and shields that only bind you to battle and that imprison you to pain; those are the symbols of your most difficult aspects that must still be surrendered to My Heart of Light.
I bring you the Source of My Mercy to allow you all the Graces, although many do not deserve them.
I suffered for you on the Cross, and at this time I also suffer for you, in another way, which is unknown to the world.
I come to point out with My Hand those whom I have chosen, to follow a single path, which is the path of Christianity and not of spiritual diversities.
I come to redo the primitive Church in these times. I come to reconstruct the Creed in all the men and women of the Earth, because it has been distorted by many of My followers, throughout the centuries and the times.
I can only remove some things. I just need you to pray with Me so that everything can be sustained in these critical times.
I will not offer joys to hearts, but sacrifices and great pressures.
Only those who are willing to be in Me all the time, I will not let go and I will guide their path step by step, so that they do not fall into the abysses of these times.
I will be like a torch of Light in front of their chest, I will be that incandescent flame before all the darkness of the Earth, and I will illuminate with My Fire and with My Mercy all the steps that will be given by My new apostles, the apostles of these times.
But I will not promise recognitions, vainglories or greater prizes.
My friends are very few, but My servers are many, and in them I have the foundation of My Infinite Mercy.
I do not want the world to go through a next cycle without knowing the truth. But I say this to all continents, all nations and all peoples, and I hope that My Message reaches all possible languages in order to be able to save many more souls who hope, one day, for My Return.
Although it may not seem so, I am returning.
My Hour has arrived, just as My Hour on the Cross arrived. But now I will come to liberate the world, and I will come to expel the demons that have incarnated on Earth to make it succumb.
The planet will finally be the New Eden and the souls will never suffer again, they will not know what pain is and neither guilt; on the contrary, they will know what is the joy and bliss of being in the Kingdom of God forever.
May God sanctify these elements so that the souls may be sanctified, someday, by the Sacred Spirit of God.
May God sanctify this space so that prayer may have a planetary effect at this time and beyond this country.
Because, in spite of the rise of nation against nation, nations will also be united, hearts will be united in the Purpose of Christ for the triumph of Redemption.
Beloved Celestial Father, sanctify everything You have created in the image and likeness of Your Consciousness.
Sanctify all that exists and all that is offered in Your Highest Altars so that in these times the Love of Your Heart may triumph, and the souls that are suffering the most may be redeemed. Amen.
Sanctify Lord, the first thing that You have created in this world, water, so that the souls learn to quench their inner thirst and are always nourished by Your Spirit.
May it be established here, Beloved Father, the Communion between Heaven and Earth, between souls and Your Heart, so that Your Sacred Will may triumph.
And now, I will leave here blessing Ecuador and the world, so that these days of prayer that we will share together, may be flowers in My Garden of Mercy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The world will be wondering why would I have to come to a place where I had already been, where faith is alive and souls seek My Immaculate Heart?
Here I am, My children, to renew the hearts of humankind and redirect their goals, reignite their faith and bring them a healing that goes beyond the body.
My Immaculate Heart comes to institute a universal, celestial and divine healing, which reaches the depths of beings and is reflected in their souls and hearts as an awakening to higher life.
Humanity still is very imprisoned in itself, children, and the things of God only interest humankind if they bring them some benefit.
I come because France needs to wake up. The water that I brought forth here comes from God, to wash your spirits and hearts, and not only your bodies.
The greatest healing that I allowed to be born here is the healing of consciousness, of humanity that was blind to the Divine Presence. And here I return, because once again humankind have put blindfolds on their eyes and closed the doors to God.
Contemplate the God that is beyond human actions and is found within your own heart; a God that shows Himself to the eyes of His children in the strength of the mountains, in the purity of the waters, in the mirror of the heart.
Contemplate the God that speaks to your spirit and that awakens within you the potential for true love; a God that is beyond institutions and beliefs, and unites all of them when they open to the Truth and to Divine Unity.
Contemplate the God that is beyond this world and even beyond the stars; a God that is at the same time on High and within His creatures. In this way, He demonstrates that the infinity He is, is held within His children.
Contemplate the God of Truth, which is not limited to the human mind and its understanding; a God that is in the sacred books, but is not confined to them, for He encompasses all of life and what is unknown to you of it.
Contemplate an infinite God, single and powerful, that because of His goodness has made Himself small, in order to dwell within creatures; a God that rejoices with little and that is silent at the great errors of His children, without losing the hope that they will be able to return one day to His Heart.
My children, with the soul, contemplate the real God, your Heavenly Father, from Whom all things come, and not only this world.
See on the horizon the firmament in which He hopes that, one day, you may walk with your spirits redeemed and awake to universal life.
Contemplate God as full of mysteries as the human consciousness. What you know about Him is as little as what you know about yourselves. Uncover the Divine Presence and in It, find the truth about your own being. Allow the heart to rise up beyond the spiritual boundaries, and that in a true prayer, it may feel and know what it is unable to explain, but can experience. This truth is the healing for the world. This awakening to a union with God is what will bring you to know peace.
My children are sick in spirit, in mind and in body because they do not know God and thus, they do not know themselves, their own destiny and the true potential that is hidden within them.
Here I am, beloved children, to reveal to you that the truth is found in the simple and sincere things of the heart. I came to ask you to learn to forgive and understand others, so that they do not alienate the Creator from their lives because of being empty of love and of meaning.
I come for the youngest, who cannot find God because they came to the world to bring the new, and cannot express themselves when faith is not renewed and does not show them the door to a true path. I come to show you this path, which is not a new religion, but rather a renewal of faith in the human heart, so you may find the Truth and universal life.
My children, above all, I am here for your essences, because a nation without God is a nation without life and without spiritual meaning. Open your eyes, because the Creator has not withdrawn from your lives; it is humankind who closes their eyes in order not to see Him.
Open your hearts and discover the Divine Presence in the depths of these mountains, and in the purity of its waters, hear God Who calls you to return to His Heart.
If you listen to My Call, there will be a time of peace so that hearts may be strengthened in light of Justice.
I love you and bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and the Immaculate Conception
Raise your consciousness up like the mountains and feel part of a great mystery.
Before your eyes all the secrets of the Universe are being unveiled.
The safest keys are given into the hands of the humble.
The Portals into infinity open so that the most simple are able to pass into the innermost spaces of universal life.
In a cyclic and harmonious way, the most sacred treasures are shown to those who want to see them so they can recognize within themselves the greatest treasure of Creation, Love.
The sojourners in faith light their torches in the Great Fire of the whole of existence and illuminate the dark paths of those who still cannot recognize their own inner light. They never separate, because, in their depths, they know a purpose must be fulfilled.
Because of this, little by little, the veils of consciousness fall away so that each spirit, as well as each heart, may become aware of the effect of its deeds and experiences of yesteryear.
But, in the face of the sign of Truth, the travelers bow down because they know that upon their path there has always been the infinite hand of Love that guided and safeguarded everything.
The eyes of those who have not surrendered fill with intense tears, at last, they can feel that it is only love that transforms, elevates and heals all things.
The time has come for the seekers of the path to place all swords at the foot of the Temple so that the surrender of all mistakes may be accomplished.
While the mirrors light up before the gaze of the pure, the first moments of an unforgettable peace are reflected within the scenario of life.
Each step the pilgrim takes is a step that the sleeping humanity takes.
Each unconditional surrender is the Cross of the redeeming victory that is shaped on some part of the surface.
Thus, what is far from hearts begins to draw closer, and the Source of Love returns with an unknown momentum.
The Work is done in the name of the indifference of the majority, and the arches of light open, beyond everything, to those who did not deserve to see them.
The apostles feel within themselves the action of Mercy, and nobody remains without knowing that the time of redemption approaches.
The gardens of souls are prepared, a place where the Master, among masters and sages, will place His humble Feet.
In the meantime, everything is purified within and outside of consciousnesses in order that the majority may be free from old mistakes.
A light of renewed hope emerges on the horizon and everyone can see it.
Thus, you are again called to the living of true love.
Those fallen into darkness are removed from those spaces.
Love becomes Mercy to save whoever wants to be saved.
The time of the clock is showing the promised hour.
May the followers of the Light and of the storms wash their feet in the Fount so that, cleansed, they may sit at the table, awaiting the Great Master.
An inexplicable wisdom descends into even the most foolish minds. The purpose is that the hardest of heart may open to the coming of the universal Truth.
The paths of old and heavy histories are modified.
Justice and its severity are changed by the action of Love and its eternal power.
Everyone is gathered together, in spite of their differences and histories. All, without exception, are placed for a moment in the Arms of the Divine Father.
All perceive that there have never been winners or losers, but rather souls that experienced various paths of redemption.
Thus, the new sun rises in the universe of those who were in the shadows, and the Light begins to blossom like the roses in a winter garden.
Everything is transformed. Grace, as a greater principle, makes everything possible.
The soldiers, holding hands, unite to concretize the last phase of the Plan of Redemption.
In the Books of the Universe these moments are written.
May the inner ears be attentive to hear the sacred word of the Light that transfigures all things.
In unity, the banner of redemption is raised.
In love, the Return of Christ is fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more