Constantly align your consciousness with the Divine Purpose through prayer, adoration, singing, silence, contact with nature and all that awakens true and spiritual love within your heart.
The time has come in which powerful currents descend upon Earth, each time with more intense impulses that will move not only the inner worlds, but each space of the human consciousness, from its cells to its spirit.
This is co because humanity must return to the beginning of its purity, it must enter the Time and the Grace of God so that this world becomes sacred again.
And, when these universal currents find resistance from the souls and in human lives, they generate shocks, imbalance, friction, in order to break through the walls of indifference in the consciousness.
But if a being prays and creates by himself, little by little, the path to reach God, these currents will act in their consciousness as a Grace, as a sublime wind that pushes the boat into deeper oceans, so that this boat moves and reaches its destination.
Therefore, child, do not fear, only align your consciousness with the Divine Purpose and do not resist that which leads you to inner growth and to the maturing of your consciousness. Thus, all will be fulfilled.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Supreme currents descend from the Heavens in this new cycle, Rays that come directly from the Heart of God, and which are unknown to men and women, vibrations created to dissolve the old time and unite Earth with the Time of God, called the Real Time of the Universe.
The Mirrors of the Cosmos converge their energy into specific points of the planet, which are receptacles of the sacred, they are called Enclosures of Love. Those vibrations will accentuate the purification, both of beings and of the Earth, and everything will move inside and outside of men and women, so that, thus, all become worthy of being called Children of God.
The supreme currents that come from Heaven build the path of return to the Heart of God. Know how to see this moment as a grace and let yourselves be transformed and corrected.
Peace will reign in the hearts of those who trust in God, beyond the tests and appearances. And though your human side you will suffer with everything that will happen in the world, within you will pulsate the certainty of Eternal Life, beyond the Earth, of the life in God.
Pray and strengthen your own faith.
Unite with one another, beyond the difficulties and miseries that you will see emerge in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters. It is the power of unity that will be able to transmute and transform all those things.
True unity, erected on the basis of love and fraternal life, the unity that comes from God and is reflected in you, that is what will sustain you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Find the center of your being by meditating upon the Truth and on the divine presence. Do not let the forces of chaos confuse your mind and conduct the purification of your bodies according to their condition of confusion and evil. Seek the center of your being in silence. Place your consciousness in the Cosmos, in the Creator of all things.
The powerful currents that come for the transformation of the Earth have already started to descend over the planet and over beings, and everything within and outside of humanity will intensify.
Let this intensity touch your being and find you in peace so that its action within you is transformative, strengthening the best in you and giving you sufficient inner strength to purify and purge what is of the old humanity.
If your strength is consolidated in your human aspects, you will suffer a lot, child, because the energies that are descending into the world will pull your human condition out by its roots and everything that was based on it will be destabilized.
So then, breathe deeply, become silent and seek the Consciousness of God. Visualize the stars inside of you, and allow the Truth to gain strength within you so that you know it is beyond any experience lived on Earth, and it is there, in the Truth of God, where your consciousness and your heart must be.
The world shakes and your heart shakes with the world. For an instant, halt the flow of your thoughts and make your heart peaceful so that the world may become peaceful with you.
Everything is a question of placing your consciousness in the right place to go through this transition, being a peacemaker rather than someone who needs peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
On this day of grace, My dear children, your Heavenly Mother descends with all of the Treasures of Heaven, to place them and store them within this new Marian Center, which will timidly be born through the efforts and the prayers of those who may want to reciprocrate with Me.
For this reason, on this day, I bring in My Hands seven of the hundreds of celestial spheres that are kept in the Greater Kingdom, so that, sowing them in the spiritual consciousness of this Marian Center, they may open and radiate the celestial principles for which they were brought here.
This spiritual science, that today, the Ever-Virgin Mary awakens over this Marian Center, will help the purpose that this simple but humble space will fulfill within the Divine Will.
The purpose of the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation is to attract from the Divine Universe the powerful and healing currents that will help in the restoration and rehabilitation of the Minor Kingdoms and the Greater Kingdoms, as the devic, angelic and human are.
This Marian Center will shelter souls in the service of prayer, but will also safeguard the essence of each one of the Kingdoms, which needs help and spiritual assistance, so that in the next phase of the planet, the essence and the matrix of the Kingdoms may develop another degree of evolution.
Thus, everything that may be generated here, in this Marian Center, will have its repercussion in the immediate future as well as in the distant future. Everything is part of a spiritual and divine construction.
The Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation will contribute through sowing the bases for the life of the Kingdoms in the next stage of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call for the salvation and healing of the Kingdoms of Nature.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Sacred Oceans – Part II
In the deep waters of the oceans, all marine life creates the conditions so that in the seabed, through the living beings, a balance that is vital for the sustenance of the planet and the purification of waters may be established.
On the spiritual and nonmaterial levels it happens in the same way, as the Mirrors and Intra-oceanic Precincts play a vital role in the physical-spiritual sustenance of humanity.
These Intra-oceanic Precincts are connected to all physical life present at the bottom of the oceans, and certain sea species, such as dolphins, whales, turtles and other beings of the Animal Kingdom, represent, on the inner level, the guardians of these intra-oceanic spaces.
The same happens with the marine corals and with the so-called plankton, plant species of very high spiritual vibration that act not only physically, generating balance, but also on the spiritual level, generating harmony among the different oceans.
In this sense, each species, element or Kingdom present within the depths of the oceans, is part of a great ecosystem of spiritual life, whose presence is irreplaceable on this type of planet, as is the Earth.
If today, within the oceans, there are imbalances among the species, this is part of a degeneration that the first human beings caused in the origins of the Earth; because within the scale of evolution, all manifested Kingdoms were correctly designed to live in harmony and not in conflict.
However, in spite of the maladjustments that exist among the Kingdoms of Nature within the oceans and the imbalances caused by the contamination and the exploitation of the seas, the Intra-oceanic Precincts, guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy, collaborates to the essential awakening of the balance and harmony lost after many experiences.
These Intra-oceanic Precincts, which are not physical but spiritual, have inhabited certain regions of the planet for a long time, and as poles of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Mirrors that capture the impulses of the Universe, they generate an atmosphere of greater protection and safeguard for all that has to evolve within consciousness, as well as in all manifested life.
The Intra-oceanic Precincts are like great magnets that attract toward themselves, from the universe, the cosmic currents that nourish and repair spiritual life so that a greater balance may be established.
The counterpart of these Intra-oceanic places is made manifest through the whales and the dolphins, sea species that have the physical and mental ability of retransmitting very potent impulses of peace and harmony, which are emitted by the Intra-oceanic Precincts, and through these species, these impulses of light travel miles until they can reach the other side of the world.
Sea life and intra-oceanic life constitute one of the great discoveries that the human being will have to awaken within themselves so that, becoming aware of what the Creation of God truly represents, they begin to love it and respect it, so that the cycle of evolution of the species may never be altered again and, in this way, the evolution of the planet may never be altered again.
Everything will start from the consciousness and the maturity that human beings may be able to awaken in relation to the Kingdoms.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Songs of Figueira – “Stellar Regent”
In this song there is a precious invocation to the Spiritual Hierarchy, in which the terrestrial consciousness can find a revelation of its true being.
What is necessary is the intercession of a Stellar Regent, which would be the perfect and direct bridge, so that the higher aspect of the human being may attain a correct correspondence of its being through the communion with the Supreme Consciousness.
The song mentions a mountain, sacred symbol of the upliftment of consciousness. The mountain is also this pure and immaculate place where we can find the Brotherhood, so that the door of return to our origin may be opened.
The aspect that is expressed in the song “Stellar Regent”is the so-called vibration of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which, like a cosmic pole, attracts to the Earth, and all of its humanity, to the currents of the sidereal space, that are nourished by the Source of Creation.
From the Consciousness of the Hierarchy, the impulse that the terrestrial beings need is born, so that, in these definitive times, they may be able to rise in plane and vibration.
As the song says, this leads the human being, who joins the Hierarchy, to never again forget it, especially in the moments when the very being will have to face its spiritual reality.
This remembrance that the song reveals leads the spiritual human beings to be aware that they come from a universal origin and that they will have to fulfill a universal Will.
When souls have the grace of knowing all of this, and nevertheless, waste the opportunity, their spiritual life goes back and the Universe makes space for the consciousness to learn what it has decided to learn.
This song helps us not to be ungrateful, to respond adequately, according to what the spiritual Hierarchy needs, in order to eradicate the indifference and the lack of love from the planet, so that brotherhood may reign among beings.
For this reason, as the song says, the Hierarchy always emits a signal so that the consciousness may be able to awaken, and thus, reciprocate in the designs that go beyond three-dimensional life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
To the singers of My Heart
Dear children,
Universal life, which is infinite and unknown, can reflect itself on Earth by means of its great Mirrors of Light, as well as through the mirror-souls.
In this day of a new celebration and offering, your singing souls will participate, together with the Heavenly Mother, in a planetary task that will radiate through music.
The music offered for the healing and upliftment of humanity has its own science, which allows it to contact higher universes of consciousness where powerful currents of healing and harmony flow and circulate, which are in this time, of great help and support to humanity.
By means of the offering that will be made today by the choirs of the Communities-of-Light, the Spiritual Hierarchy will attract, as a cosmic magnet, these necessary currents so that the planet and humanity may reach in some plane, a process of spiritual and inner healing.
Thus, singing children, each musical piece and each presentation that will be offered today, will contribute so that the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy, in its greatest state of Original Purity, may intercede for the consciousness of humanity, so that new attributes may awaken in the souls.
From the higher universes, a network of Greater Mirrors will start working, so that by means of them, and of the inner attunement of each singing soul, a spiritual communication may be established, which will open an internal door for these impulses to descend from the spiritual orbit of the planet, toward humanity.
In order for souls to be able to approach Universes of this level, the channel of music will build this condition, and thus, the spiritual impulses will reach those hearts, which with sincerity, are connected with the development of the whole task.
Therefore, the meeting of music today will be different and even deeper in its spiritual counterpart, as from these levels, non-material Laws will activate to help humanity and in consequence, the planet.
Each meeting of music that has taken place, with effort and love on the part of My children, has demonstrated to the spiritual Universe a possibility to deepen in the scope of the Plan of Rescue of the Hierarchy, as well as in the healing of humanity.
In this gala night, in which your souls will be clothed in the best attributes of love and brotherhood, may all that is offered today resound again in the spiritual level of the planet, so that more positive effects of healing and redemption continue to manifest in this race.
As Mother, I wish you a gorgeous meeting of love and of upliftment.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today, in a special and extraordinary way, two important meetings will be carried out, the special meeting with Christ and the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations.
This demonstrates to your hearts that there are no borders nor distances, and that, when the souls are united in Christ, everything is possible.
These two celebrations will not only have impact in Europe, but also in the whole world.
Two epicenters of light and of prayer will be acting today on the planet: from the city of Cologne, in Germany, and from the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.
This way, and by these means, the Spiritual Hierarchy will be able to work in a more profound realm of the consciousness of the nation of Germany, and of its regent angel.
Through the Marian Center of Figueira, the Divine Hierarchy will make use of the impulse of prayer for the nations of the world so that a powerful current of love may permeate and embrace the hearts that need the most.
The meetings of today will promote an uncommon conjuncture in these times. Thus, the Celestial Universe will descend again to work with humanity and, by means of both epicenters of light that will open in Germany and in Brazil, the Divinity will be able to intercede again for the planet.
All of those who on this day are truly connected with the development of both meetings will receive the necessary spiritual impulse that will prepare you for the next stage.
I will be very attentive to the offerings that My children make from the heart today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let the healing and redeeming current of Aurora enter into the depths of your being, so that unknown after-effects of the consciousness may be erased by the stream of the Aurora of love and of forgiveness.
When you open your heart to this mystery, it must first enter within you, so that it can then be revealed, and this knowledge may become a part of you.
Thus, when you are in Aurora, Aurora is within you, and there is nothing or anybody that can break this inner communion with the Essence of Healing for souls.
Always be grateful for being in Aurora, because it can make of you a new being, filled with the principles of redemption and of forgiveness.
Let the unknown Aurora always be in you, even if you believe it is not possible. It is active when the human heart and soul simply open to receive this powerful divine energy.
Receive, then, this balm of the Aurora of Love, and may all the spiritual unredeemed after-effects dissipate in order that the Principle which is Aurora be able to cause the principle of your conception to be reborn.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Souls will come to the surface of the Earth that will renew the planet in this acute cycle and they will bear within themselves the impulse of Christification.
Souls will come that will awaken to universal life, and as a consequence, with their awakening they will stimulate the interest of other souls in the Christic path.
Souls will come that will emit the precise note, which will help transform a greater part of things and which will cause movement in the position of those who have spiritually become stagnant.
Souls will come that will help change the cycle, and the whole universe will give impulse to this awaited movement. Time will change and all consciousnesses will have the possibility of receiving this impulse and of converting their lives.
Souls will come that will modify the currents in a positive sense, and all the universal fluids will be spontaneously retransmitted through them.
Souls will come that will awaken the planetary Christic life and will, for a short time, attract a current of universal peace, before the world is completely purified.
Souls will come that will be able to change events and that through their youth will motivate the change and the true ascension of consciousness.
Souls will come that, guided by Myself, will manifest an inexplicable state of Grace, something that will benefit the rest of humanity; they will be free souls that will aspire to comply with the promise of preparing the awaited coming of Christ.
These souls are near and the hour already indicates this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Queen of prophets
Through the ages, My Son has sent Me to the world to warn it and correct it about the imminent danger.
Thus, through the ages and as at this moment, My Maternal Consciousness has chosen the new prophets amongst all souls, who determinedly have announced the words and the message of the Heavenly Mother.
At all the moments when humanity was in gravest danger, the Queen of prophets awakened consciousnesses so they would render this greater service, which comes directly from the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spirit that fosters all celestial revelations for this Universe.
Thus, the Queen of prophets appeared in different moments of the history of humanity to awaken the lineage of the prophets in simple and selfless consciousnesses, which means a service of surrender to the rule of higher Laws that guide the consciousness that is summoned to this end.
The Queen of prophets has the mission of demonstrating, through the prophets, that Her message is universal, divine, and timeless; that it is able to serve all souls in their instruction, transformation, and change.
The message of the Queen of prophets in all ages always tries to guide, warn, correct, and raise awareness in all of humanity, in a nation, or in an individual.
The prophets have the task of subordinating themselves to spiritual principles that are not under their control, and cannot be manipulated by any consciousness. The gift of the prophet is based on their spirit of humility, on inner work with detachment, and mainly, in each day loving more the mission that the Queen of prophets has chose them for to accomplish with this humanity.
For the Divine Universe, there are temporal prophets and timeless prophets. It is something that leads directly to the Holy Will of the Spiritual Universe through the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The temporal prophet is awakened for this mission by Deity itself; that is to say, by the Eternal Father through the Firstborn Son and the Mother of God, who have the highest authority to offer consciousness to a soul on this great and selfless service.
Therefore, the temporal prophet can serve as an instrument for a time in order that a specific purpose be accomplished, a specific spiritual end, which is guided by the Mother of the World. When this purpose is achieved on the surface of the planet, the temporal prophet or messenger of the Heavenly Hierarchy stops receiving the instructions or messages from Heaven in a natural way.
The timeless prophet is that consciousness which came originally to fulfill a divine purpose throughout their life; it is something that cannot be under human manipulation or control, because it is the very Spirit of the Feminine Consciousness that guides this kind of spiritual mission.
Timeless prophets do not consciously know the moment when their task of service will end; only the Universal Father knows the moment, which is when His Will determines it.
The prophets of the Queen of Heaven do not arise or awaken - either individually or collectively - for this mission, because it is the very need of assistance in humanity that causes the Celestial Hierarchy to choose and call any consciousness for this purpose.
The seed of humility and of acceptance of the Purpose are the primary foundations for the development of prophets, because their task in this field is not of their ownership, nor beneficial to them. The lineage of the prophets is focused on the fulfillment of Divine Will, which presents itself at each new stage.
The Queen of prophets is the ruler of these consciousnesses; Her impulses make the prophets of all ages receive the impulse to selflessly give of themselves more each day, and to learn obedience.
The prophets of the Queen of Heaven have the most difficult task amongst all the known lineages, such as those of the Governors, the Caretakers, the Guardians, and the Mirrors, because they must present the Divine Word to the world, which is to say, the message that the prophets receive will always mobilize and reverse the state of all situations.
For this reason, the instruction received by prophets at different times led the consciousness of humanity to make a change in its attitude before it was too late.
The message received by different prophets contacted by the Most Holy Mother at different periods has always shifted the position of the Church and all the consciousnesses that in many cases during Marian apparitions, considered the message to be false.
Humanity does not value the message that is sent through prophets, nor the gift of fraternal service that has been developed by other holy consciousnesses.
The human consciousness has always been in need of divine intercession and of mediators such as the prophets, to be able to correct planetary life. The message that the prophets of the Queen of Heaven receive causes these consciousnesses to shift their position, to transform, because the same divine message that emanates from the Celestial Hierarchy has a voltage and an impulse of spiritual energy that dismantles any structure, modifies and ennobles it when the consciousness is sincerely open.
The prophets of the end times have the task of bringing the world closer to the powerful currents that, through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, will come to modify the present direction of the consciousness of humanity.
For this reason, both in the prophets and in the other lineages, the consciousnesses that are most awake to selfless service to the plan and for humanity will be living receptacles of all the spiritual impulses that will reach the planet to transform it.
The Mother and Queen of prophets carries out Her co-redemptive work in these times through different prophets in the world, who faithfully show the fruits of the transformation of their lives and of their paths as a service to humanity, in an act of absolute renunciation and of adherence to higher Laws which help the human being of the surface.
The Queen of prophets is the spiritual administrator of the redemption of the world, and She announces Her message through instruments, to remind the world that the human consciousness can and must fulfill the Greater Will in these times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The silence of the heart can say many things to the soul and this silence can calm down the mind and the hurt feelings. For this, only through Me will the disciple find the strength to continue walking among the stones and the thorns of the path.
My Luminous Heart will always provide you with wisdom, but only when you renounce to what you believed is bad. In this time the only path is Divine Love. If you do not invoke nor live by means of this Love of God, few will be able to bear the universal currents that will remove the mistakes in the many hearts.
A good heart bears all of the fires, but the fire of human friction destroys and separates the essences. This is one of the fires that many souls live because they lack the Divine Love of My Father.
Be seekers of this Love that heals and redeems all. Be brave in order to face the tests that I send to you day by day. The only thing that I ask you is that you love one another as I loved you, and as I continue to love you because in this positive and divine Love evil will not enter, as the enemy, if it were touched now by the Christic Love, would be redeemed and the world would be another.
Humanity still has much to learn until it recognizes that without God nothing can be done. Only Love constructs the new and oncoming times.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for searching for the Divine Love of God!
Your Peace maker, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more