Dear children,
Never forget to pray for those who are spiritually condemned and do not know it, so that the Grace of consciousness and of awakening may reach each one of them.
My children, today I ask you this, because the majority of humanity is in this situation and, if you pray for those who are condemned, you will be granting to your Heavenly Mother the possibility to intervene for each one of these children.
To be spiritually condemned is not something so material, but rather profoundly internal.
Therefore, today I call you to pray from the heart for all those souls that, for decades of planetary history, find themselves under this spiritual condition that oppresses them and does not allow them to take any step toward the Divine Light.
As you pray for them, they will not only receive a Grace and a reprieve at some moment in life, but also those parallel worlds of suffering and agony, created by the very humanity of the surface, become liberated and closed forever, carrying forward the liberation of the spiritually condemned.
The planet, as a state of consciouness that feels and lives what humanity does to it, also manages to breathe and restore its consciousness and spiritual life.
Praying for those who are condemned and do not know it is like lovingly asking for the angels to send a message to the inner worlds of these lost souls so that, by means of Divine Grace, they can reconsider and again find the path to God that they had lost.
Therefore, My children, as you consciously pray for the spiritually condemned, you will also be praying for the nations and all they hold as experience and learning.
Everything can be contemplated in prayer. Prayer brings consciousness and discernment. Prayer indicates the inner path to be followed, a path that the entire humanity needs in this cycle of liberation and forgiveness.
The center that gives an impulse to all this movement of the power of prayer is the Love of Christ, which brings to all the merciful Love of God, which justifies errors and converts them, granting pity and redemption to souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When hearts pray for peoples and for cultures, for nations and for the religions of the world, with their intention, they rescue that which is purest within beings and attract toward Earth the Original Thought of God for the expression of the peoples.
When you pray for the different religions to be true paths that lead hearts to God, you are rescuing the original principles that inspired the existence of religions, as a way of being a guide for human beings and, in this way, children, you help those who are lost in their ignorance and make the paths, which should take them to God, the path to their own perdition.
To pray for peoples and for nations is very important in this time, it is to place the purpose of your prayers on something higher, and to include all of humanity in your prayers.
You are at the point of deepening your union with God and of beginning to feel His Love for each one of His children, to feel the importance of peoples, the importance of the existence of each creature of the Earth.
For this reason, children, I come today to tell you that you must not tire of praying for life, for human beings and for the lower Kingdoms. Do not tire of sincerely praying for nations, for religions and, in short, for this human project. Because the hour has come for the times to change and for life to be renewed. The time has come for the definitive cycle, which includes all existence.
Thus, pray so that there may be peace, pray that there may be love and, above all, pray so that the Truth may unite you on a single path, which is the narrow doorway to the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Mercy of God that descends upon the world through the prayers of His children. These are times of miracles and inexplicable spiritual Graces.
Announce with your heart the Presence of God. Unite your heart to the choirs of angels and archangels that proclaim the victory of your Lord in the battle of this world.
Unite your voice to the deepest prayers of those who cry out for peace. Surrender your life, consciously, for a greater purpose.
Prayer, child, is the perfect key that opens the doors of Heaven and the hearts of men, which brings down the original principles of the Thought of God, to life and to beings. Like a rain of new codes, it cleanses beings of their old standards of conduct and restores them, revealing the truth that was hidden in their essence.
Prayer is this celestial melody which, when it is sincere, runs through the Universes and spreads through the air, bringing the Good News of renewal to all beings, of all the Kingdoms. It enters deep into the seas and restores the spirit of the oceans; enters the depths of the Earth and heals its internal registries; enters the depths of beings and makes them worthy children of God.
So pray with your entire being. Pray from the heart and see, that which I tell you to do, become fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Hear My words, Oh God. I pray for the beings of this world, that they may awaken to Your Love; that they may find Your Peace.
I pray that the indifferent hearts open to the truth about themselves, that they may have the Grace of seeking the path of forgiveness and of redemption.
I pray that those who are awake, awaken even more, so that each day they may draw ever closer to the Divine Will and the return to the celestial origin.
I pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, that they may be relieved of their pain and may find peace and the path for their evolution, in love and in brotherhood with human beings.
I pray for the consciousness of the Earth, that it may no longer suffer and may find the hope of being in God, under Your Laws, under Your Will, fulfilling Your Plan.
I pray, Oh Father, for the life You created, that it may return to Your Heart.
Today, I look at the world and simply unite My Heart with Yours, Oh God, to thus create a path of union between the consciousness of humankind and Your Sacred and Infinite Heart.
Hear, Oh God, this prayer for peace and grant peace to the world.
So be it.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In your prayers, learn to listen to the voice of the planet and its Kingdoms. Listen to their clamor, which becomes calmer and quieter just by being heard.
The Earth cries out for unity among beings, for communion among the life that inhabits it and evolves upon it. Allow that your prayer also be for the consciousness of the planet and for its Kingdoms. Let your silence be a prayer for hearing the cry of the world and thus, for repairing it.
Listen, because nature itself also prays in the sound of the wind, of the trees, of the birds, of the animals, in the silence of life.
The expression of nature is a prayer that, when beings become silent, they can understand and participate in it. Place your words in this prayer for unity and become a part of the prayer for life.
God also speaks to you, child, through the silence of nature. Learn to listen to it.
When beings learn to live in prayer and in communion with life, then they will know peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing the Grace that God grants you, every day, of not being alone on this path of transformation and healing.
Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing that each one of your brothers and sisters and companions on this path are chosen by the Father so that they could be with you, because, through their presence in your life, you will be able to learn to love more each day.
My child, open to know how to thank God every day for what He manifests in your life. Give thanks for the challenges, give thanks for the difficulties, give thanks for the moments of frustration and the moments of weariness.
Give thanks for moments such as this, in which Heaven opens before you to listen to your pleas, and God, in spite of being in all things, at this moment places His eyes upon you and attentively receives your prayers.
Give thanks because, in a time so difficult for the planet, the Creator granted you a spiritual family so that, like the Sacred Family, you may be able to walk together toward Bethlehem. Give thanks because your brothers and sisters and companions made themselves available to overcome the difficulties of this time with you.
Perfect days will not come, and the time that has past will not return so that you can again experience what your personality already knows and wants to continue living.
In Bethlehem, everything will be unknown, and after the birth of Christ within you, nothing will be as it was. Each day will surprise you, not because they will be days like what you want them to be. The events will surprise you because, if you give permission, this New Child within you will overcome all the challenges through love, one after another, and each day, the love will be renewed within you. This will be the difference between that which will be experienced by those who allow Christ to be born within them, and that which will be experienced by those who do not allow it.
It will not be outside of yourself where love will reign. The time will come in which this world will unite with what is real, with the Time of God. But until then, it is within you that this Kingdom must dwell, just as it dwelled within Christ, from His birth until His Holy Cross.
The cycles are renewed, until humanity is able to achieve the Will of God. For this reason, today, child, I come to call you to a spirit of gratitude so that, through it, you may allow yourself to be surprised, again and again, not by the life of the world, but rather by the love that is renewed within you and overcomes all things.
That same love lives within your brothers and sisters, because the Father granted you the Grace of walking with a spiritual family, so that whenever you lack love, you are able to look toward your brothers and sisters, and a simple smile may renew you.
So, open yourself to live this that I tell you, and so it will be. This is what God builds in your life through days such as this.*
I leave you My blessing and My peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Message transmitted during the Saint Joseph Group Effort, in the Light-Community of Figueira.
Father, in the desert of the hearts of men, build Your Temple. Find, among the fragile and wind-susceptible sands, the rock of consolidation of the union between Your Love and the human conscience.
In the middle of the distractions of the world and the endless noise that men cause, in order to not hear Your warnings, receive, O Lord, the cry which is emitted in the silence of a sincere heart.
Your children, many times, do not have the strength to elevate their verb and lift their voice, but in the depths of their interior, where Your Cosmos finds the microcosm of the human heart, there is lifted, in silence, the cry of the souls that seek You.
You, who listens to what screams in silence, receive the prayers of those who are weak and make them strong in You, so that they may rise in Your Name.
To those who recognize their nothingness and find themselves prostrated in their smallness, You, Lord, will raise them, because they gave you space and permission so that in them no human power dwell, only the Power that comes from You.
Pull out, from the core of those who cry to You, their most retrograde human condition, and the sin that lives in their cells, convert it into Original Purity.
Demonstrate Your Grace through the humble, and that in them the proud may find inspiration and surrender to You.
Learn to break those who are full of themselves. Learn to surrender to the Lord and you will see the Spirit arise from the dust and from the Spirit, the New Life.
So be it.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
.I come to you to give My Message of Peace for those who suffer and lack Jesus, the Consoler. My Son is eternal consolation because His Spirit heals the souls to redeem them and liberate them from all faults before God.
Therefore, dear children, search today for Jesus, the Consoler, through prayer so that your souls may be partakers of Divine Mercy. Recognize, My children, that without Jesus you will be nothing. He is the power that vitalizes you and leads you to find the spring of love, the unfathomable source of forgiveness that many of My children need.
In this aspiration, raise all pleas to Heaven so that My Maternal Heart may be able to collect them and keep them as a gift in the Eternal Heart of God.
Many of My children expect good times for life. They are the ones who do not change in the heart. Therefore I invite you to prayer, to elevate the thought towards God and thus allow His One and Only Law, the Law of Love, to act on the reality of your lives.
My children, for the new Holy Spirit of Peace to fill your hearts, first you need to erase from them all pain or separation that exists among creatures. You, as praying beings, already know that humanity is very divided before God for the lack of true charity towards others, charity that starts with the emanation of the love of the heart.
Never forget, My little children, that the Love of My Son, which must reside in your hearts, is the Love that will allow you to heal all the past. Follow the steps of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My little children,
Thank you, because on this day I have collected with My hands of Mercy each one of your pleas made for this humanity in need. Thank you also, dear children, for waiting for Me to receive My Message of Peace on this 25th of April.
I want to tell you that I have been in Medjugorje because there, in that Kingdom of Prayer and Devotion, My other children were waiting for Me. Thus, My children, you are able to know what the Omnipresence of My Immaculate Heart is like and how, in My Mission of Peace for the world, all of you accompany Me through the pathways of the prayer of the heart, which in this time must be a flame that guides you and shelters you.
As the Mother of Graces I pour My Immaculate Spirit over the nations that most need God, Forgiveness and the Mercy of My Son.
Today I want to invite you to continue on the path of prayer, because if it is true and it is born from the heart, it will be able to transform you.
Dear children, I accompany you through this path that you are traveling, a path of consecration to God that will lead you towards the Infinite.
My children, keep, especially, the presence of My Heart and the Heart of Christ during these days of encounter with Me so that it may help you in the moments that will come.
I thank you, dear children, for accompanying Me on this path of prayer that is awakened through My Maternal Presence in the world.
I thank you also for accompanying Me to the Apparitions in Portugal, for God has something prepared for each heart that opens itself and trusts in My call.
Once again, today I say to you: thank you!
From the Light of the Immaculate Heart,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more