A nation that rises in true prayer is a nation that begins to return to the Heart of God, that builds in its depth the awakening of the new life and union with the new time.
A nation that prays opens the doors for spiritual awakening, for Truth to be revealed, for its past, present and future to find meaning, and so that everything may be understood in the essence of the heart.
A nation that prays is one that approaches its Origin in unity with the Creator and allows the Kingdom of God to be upon the planet, generating merits so that other peoples may find redemption and awakening.
A nation that prays is one that attracts peace to the world, to grant hearts the possibility to learn through love and not through pain.
Therefore, children, pray for the nations, but also pray as a nation; pray on behalf of peoples, of cultures, of hearts, on behalf of the planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer will be your support and your Guide within all inner and planetary cycles.
It will be through prayer that you shall overcome temptations during agony.
It will be through prayer that you will renew your strength amid tiredness and spiritual and physical fatigue.
It will be in prayer that you will find the meaning to move forward.
It will be through prayer that you will be able to transmute and to sustain this planet.
It will be prayer what will allow you to carry the cross of these times.
It will be prayer what will cause you to die to yourself and find the void that unites you with God.
It will be prayer what will give you the strength to rise to a new life.
It will be prayer what will aid you in taking the correct steps for the awakening of Love, which will make of you a Christ of the New Time.
Prayer is the vehicle that will carry you into concretizing the Plans of God.
Therefore, pray and see My words become fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Even when your body may be weak and your heart tired, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though you do not seem to have strength and your spirit seems to have no faith, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though in the nations, hearts are losing hope, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though the chaos seems to cover the world and the manifestation of a New Life seems distant, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even when inside and outside of beings, anguish and fear reign, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
If at least one heart is capable of remaining in God, this, child, will be enough so that, in His time, the Creator may find the path open to reach the Earth.
Supported by the gaze of His children, the Lord will return in glory so that, with His Presence, He may restore hearts, re-ascending the essences and bringing joy back to those who have lost hope.
Let the divine promise be enough for you, just as for God your mere upward gaze toward His Heart will be enough.
If you just wait with faith, everything will be accomplished.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your heart hurts and is filled with anguish, go to the foot of the Cross, touch with your hands the Feet of Your Lord, and remain there.
Put your hands on the Hands of Christ and begin to feel His Wounds. Close your eyes, allow the living memory of His Passion to be shown to you, and remain there.
Let your silence lead you to the Heart of Your Lord and may your prayer, silenced, become an offering of reparation.
You will feel, in your chest, pain greater than yours. This is the pain of Christ, a drop of the infinite ocean that He assumed in order to save you. Learn thus, child, to convert your burden into prayer, your petition into an offering and your silence into a balm that welcomes the Heart of Your Lord.
Your anguish will become small before the anguish of Christ for the world. Your sorrow will disappear inside of His sorrow for souls.
Allow your tears to become a bridge to rescue those who are lost. Offer your silence for those who do not know how to listen to God. If you are not able to pray, let your prayer be the act of holding the hands of Christ and, at a given moment, you will perceive that your hands, which had come to ask, will be there to support, and your pain will transform into an offering. Seeking healing, you will repair the Heart of God.
Your tears will unite in the ocean of His Grace and, even though you thought that you were here to ask, you will be serving this world.
On this day of reparation, learn to make, of everything in your life, an opportunity to repair the Heart of God and relieve the suffering of the souls of this world.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May prayer be your first thought before beginning each new day. Think of God, of His Plan, of His Will and, in a simple dialogue with the Creator, thank the Father for another opportunity to learn about love.
Therefore, child, pray for this world and for its Kingdoms; pray for the souls and for all the life that inhabits it.
Pray for the consciousness of the planet and for those that silently sustain this world, within levels still invisible to your eyes.
Pray for the purpose of each being, for the purpose of this planet and of the whole Universe, even though it is unknown to you.
Pray for the Plan of God, not only for your life but for all life, beyond the Earth.
Understand that, just like this world, all other worlds were created with a Divine Purpose and pray that all may find this Higher Will.
Pray for the return of Christ to the Earth, so that all beings may be ready to look into the Eyes of the Lord and recognize Him, and thus repent their faults and achieve Redemption.
Pray for those who must accompany Christ in His second coming to this world, so that all may be awake and their commitment to the Lord may be alive.
Pray for the new life and pray for the new humanity, so that all beings may allow themselves to be defeated and surrender before God, and a new life may emerge from them.
The most important thing in your life, child, is prayer.
Pray sincerely and pray truthfully. Deepen in your spiritual life. Thus, difficulties will not weaken you, nor will the Truth haunt you; but within you, all will be revealed and your inner world will be ready for all cycles, willing to face everything that will come.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer for the New Life
May awakening take place within the hearts
and consciousnesses
of those who have committed themselves
to the renewal of the Love of God.
May prayer be the Living Water
that keeps the hearts clean,
the minds at peace and the spirits pure
to respond to the Celestial Call.
May service be the torch
taken up to ignite the hearts
that have lost hope,
and may it renew them in love, in faith
and in the joy of being alive.
May knowledge be the reason
for the constancy of the beings
in the Plan of God
because Wisdom vivifies and strengthens them
with true foundations to reach the Father.
May fraternal life be the sustenance and the strength
of those who aspire to participate In the New World,
for they know that anything can only be built
by loving others in unity.
May the love for the Kingdoms of Nature be a sign
that Redemption has been fulfilled
and that the One Thousand Years of Peace
begins to manifest on Earth
which, worthy of a new name,
returns to the Heart of God.
So be it.
Your Father and Friend.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more