When men assault life and imbalance the Laws, the Laws themselves, sooner or later, return as a consequence of human actions.
After so many centuries of outrages and of indifference towards life on Earth, now the time has come when the Laws of Equilibrium and of Return begin to show the consequences of human actions.
The same seriousness of the actions caused by men in the consciousness of the planet will return in the expressions of the imbalance of Nature and in the disasters caused by the own works of humanity.
Throughout the four corners of the Earth, the return of the Laws will be seen and there will be nothing able to stop them because this was the learning humanity chose when building its life on Earth.
Those who are consistent with the Divine Laws, that comply with them, obey them and love them, will be worthy of gathering the fruits of a higher life, those fruits that, perhaps, will not be known in this world but in others.
The only thing the Creator asks of you is that you may work untiringly to balance the imbalances of this world and that you may not continue to feeding the currents of chaos, anger, discord, but be aware that you must attract to the world the evolutionary vibrations that will make it worthy of a new life.
Before the negative consequences of human actions, it is time to bring balance with service, prayer, fraternity, hope and, above all, love.
Meditate upon what I tell you and make your lives the weight that positively balances the scales of the Justice of God for this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the hearts of the nations are oppressed and clamor for peace, unite, children, to this request and elevate your voices to God, asking for wisdom and light for humankind, so that through them peace is established.
I know that many people think that we repeat again and again: “Pray! Pray! Pray!”. And it is so because beings have not yet discovered the true potential of prayer. If you prayed every day with your hearts, you would notice that prayer transforms you, transforms life around you and transforms this world.
It is not the wars, the protests and the conflicts that will bring peace to the nations. It is prayer that unites the human heart to the Divine Wisdom, so it can deal with the specific imbalances of these times.
Prayer is what calms the human impetus of impulsivity and places beings into a state of peace to make the correct decisions, according to God’s Will and not their own.
It is prayer that makes you see the events of the world with neutrality and with wisdom, in order to know how to help.
Prayer is what opens the doors of the world for new Laws, new standards of living, that give you the opportunity of participating of a new time.
It is prayer that dissolves, from the mental planes of the planet, the ideas of destruction, wars, malice, outrage, so that they do not manifest in the world; even if all this happens within silent levels of consciousness, where only the heart can reach.
Prayer is an exercise of humility and therefore allows beings to lose their human arrogance in order to allow God to guide and lead life within this world, because He created it and only He can lead it to His Purpose.
Prayer, children, is much more than everything I have said to you. But, to enter this mystery, you need to pray with your hearts and to deepen each day in the communication with God.
I bless you and inspire you to pray with your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In everything that you do, place the power and action of the Divine Mercy.
Wherever you go, take within you the graces you have received so that all beings, through you, may know peace.
In your words, manifest the power and the Gift of the Divine Mercy and tell your brothers and sisters only those things that the Creator, full of Mercy, would pronounce to His children.
Look at your fellow being with a look of Mercy and feel for each being the love that is born in the Heart of God when He is before His creatures.
Aspire, child, every day, to be an instrument and a vehicle of Mercy. Thus, you will make worthy your existence and the sacrifice that God lived for you, on the Cross and in the Calvary of this world.
Allow for the Blood shed on the Cross to convert your most profound human condition and transform you into a being full of Mercy.
I bless you at this time and pouring on you the graces that come from God, I ask you: plea for Mercy but, above all, let your heart be the Mercy of Christ itself.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Since you emerged in the Heart of God, until you reached Planet Earth to live an experience of love, a long story has been written in the Universe.
Marked in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, as the record of the learning experience of the creatures of God, your evolution will forever remain stored so that you can learn from the triumphs, as well as from the errors, and not fall again into the same difficulties that have led you into decadence, as beings and as humanity.
Just as the Mirrors of the Cosmos turn to Earth to radiate light and peace, they also place over the human consciousness, My children, the records kept in the Universe about the history and the evolution of each being. It is in this way because the time has come to remember, so that, with the degrees of love and awakening that you live today, you may heal and forgive what you lived in the past.
In the same way, all the positive and evolutionary learning experiences that you have lived as consciousnesses, spirits in evolution, will also be radiated to Earth, because you will need them in this time in order to know how to act before the difficulties that will present themselves.
Nothing that you live on Earth has its roots on the planet. You came here to consolidate a learning experience of love and to heal the records and experiences that need healing, because, although it may not seem like it, children, in this world you have everything you need for this.
As the Time of God draws closer to the time of the Earth, higher realities also gradually become visible, and what was in dimensions that were not accessible to the human consciousness before, in its current condition, begin to be revealed.
This happens, My children, because you have already experienced much in this world, and before you destroy your own lives and life on Earth, due to ignorance and human sleep, your Creator Father begins to awaken you.
The spiritual life and the life of true prayer are the keys to live these times with peace.
Understand that everything will get out of your control so that you may learn that the only true power is the one which comes from God, and the way to participate in Divine Power and Wisdom is surrendering one’s own arrogance and human control, recognizing that, without the Love of the Father, you are merely nothing.
Do not fear these times; just awaken to the truth that emerges and, before difficulties, just like before grace, keep yourselves in true prayer. Thus, you will not lose peace.
Do not resist the records that emerge from within you, which, radiated by the Mirrors of the Cosmos, reach the Earth; because knowing the truth about yourselves will turn you humble and will draw you closer to God.
If you do not recognize what you must heal and transform, you will always remain in the illusion of human vanity. But if instead, beloved children, you open your hearts to surrender, to forgiveness, to healing, you will know that the only perfection is to be found in God, and you will draw closer to it to find peace.
My blessing and My graces will always be upon your lives, you only need to let yourselves be transformed in prayer and in peace, live the impulses that come to the world in this time.
The moment has come to enter the Time of God; do not fear, just pray. And the greater the intensity of the vibrations that descend from the Universe to transform you, the closer you must be to the Heart of the Father, in prayer.
I bless you and thank you for opening from your hearts to the Celestial Instructions.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray as if it were the last opportunity to cry out for this world. Forget yourself and focus your heart on those who really suffer and endure without receiving the love they need to get out of the abysses they are in.
Trust humbly in the power of prayer and do not allow your mouth to pronounce empty words in those moments when you are ready to pray. Remember always that this is your greatest service, that without prayer there is no planet, there is no love, there is no Evolutionary Plan that will manifest because for the human being to be worthy of entering the Time of God, they must first surrender and take the first steps in their transformation.
Today I tell you, child, that there is no better path to humility than prayer, which places you surrendered and transparent before God, and that through surpassing the limits of your own needs, reaches the hearts that suffer and do not know love.
Remember today and always that if you want to reach the Father, if you want to fulfill the Will of God for you and for the world, start praying sincerely, and go deeper each day in your prayer, so that it may become more and more real.
It will not do any good, My child, for you to do many things, to think so much about yourself if, in the end, your heart has not surrendered to a greater Plan.
The path to redemption is simpler than you imagine. Prayer itself will teach you to pray, as long as you are sincere and persistent in what is more than a spiritual practice; it is a planetary need.
Pray and I will hear you, and I will unite My Heart with yours so that you may walk this path with faith, and little by little, you may reach God, uplifting your heart and the human heart as a whole to the Creator.
You Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Renew yourself every day in the fount of peace and of prayer that comes from God. Do not let your being miss the change of cycles due to being distracted and imprisoned by previous cycles. Life in this time has a dynamic and firm rhythm and to accompany it, it is necessary to be in prayer and in peace.
Prayer will make you vigilant so that you may act with wisdom when necessary.
Prayer will bring peace when the events of the world erase hope from the hearts of many beings who did not know God.
Prayer will renew your strength and your commitment to the Father when fear and indifference emerge from your human bones.
Prayer will bring you to God and will guide your path of return to the Heart of the Father, even when He seems far from you.
Prayer protects. Prayer shelters. Prayer unifies. Prayer transforms.
Pray, child, and never forget to pray.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The more you dedicate yourself to God, the more united you will be to His Heart and the more you will perceive His Purpose and His Will for this world.
What humanity calls intuition becomes sublimated, deepened and transformed into union with the Divine Will. The one who is fully united to God does not intuit anymore; he knows, because his union with the Father makes him a participant in the Plan and thWill ofe Creator.
Unite yourself, more each day, to God, child, because there will come a time in which your life and life in this world will be carried forward by this deep union, because neither outside nor inside of you, will you find an answer to what will happen in the world if your heart is not united to the Source and from it receive the instructions and indications for life.
The union with God begins in prayer but is built in the consciousness. What I am telling you does not take only one daily moment to reach this. You need to love and want to be united to God above all things, knowing that this is an urgency in your life and in life on Earth.
Day to day, in your actions, in your thoughts, in your relationship with your fellow beings and with life, manifests the fruits of your prayer and brings the union with God to your consciousness. In this way, some day, you will experience what I say.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be firm in prayer and in unity with your brothers and sisters, in the certainty that you are in the right place and that, in this time, there is no other place to be except for where the Hierarchy is, where God allows you to serve the planet and awaken love.
Silence the doubts in your heart, strengthening your faith. Pray for peace in the nations because, in this way, you will not only be clamoring for the planet but creating a network of light that, through the unity between those who pray, consolidates and protects the Work of the Divine Messengers in the world.
The Prayer for Peace in the Nations, child, was a Grace granted to you by God so that, wherever you are, you feel united to your brothers and sisters and, above all, to your Celestial Mother. In Her Divine Heart, the Most Holy Mary welcomes all the pleas and true intentions and converts them into a source of redemption and salvation for the souls and for the Kingdoms of Nature present on the planet.
Know, child, of the importance of the Prayer for Peace in the Nations in times of transition because your words, uniting with those of your brothers and sisters, overcoming borders and differences, will keep within all of you the Graces that the Father granted you; it will help you to multiply them and mature them within yourself so that they may transform you into a peacemaker in this world, which needs peace so much
If you pray, everyday, for peace in the nations and embrace this purpose as a priority in your life, you would be opening the path so that the Mercy of Christ, your Lord, would continue to pour out over the world and so that your Heavenly Mother may grant the world a greater time of peace; a peace that does not depend on all the events that accelerate on Earth, for within you it would be immutable.
Trust in what I tell you and pray for the establishment of peace, so that, just like you, other beings of the Earth may awaken and feel the Peace and the Love of God in their hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Love of God, although hidden and intrinsic in the interior of all men, since its creation, does not develop in your hearts alone. The Love of God needs to be cultivated, multiplied and donated to grow.
The Love of God, within the beings, needs to be known and sought to express itself, needs to be donated to multiply itself, needs to be lived, so that in this way it may be renewed and surpassed within the beings.
The Love of God is within you, child; you only need to search for it and you will find it, you only need to ask the Father and He will show it to you, you only need to enter into a praying dialog with God so that He may let you know His presence inside of you.
When a being knows God, knows and experiences the presence of His Love within, all grief seems small, all desert becomes calm, turning into an opportunity to grow and to unite even more to the Father. The tests become small, not because they stop being difficult, but because the soul that recognizes the Love of God also recognizes its own smallness and the smallness of everything.
Therefore, child, in order to overcome these times with the heart in peace, ready for service, for surpassing yourself and, above all, for love, search inside of you for the Love of God and let your heart know the Father, as He knows you, let your heart love Him as He loves you and thus, in this divine dialog of prayer, you will serve the world and attract the Peace and Love of God to the Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into My Heart of Peace so that your steps to God may be safe.
Enter into My Heart of Peace so that I lead you to that perfect Will that the Creator emanated by thinking of your little heart.
Enter into My Heart of Peace so that there is peace in your little life, and the conflicts, obstacles and difficulties are dissolved.
Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I teach you to be a peacemaker on Earth.
Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I transform you into an announcer of the Presence of Christ in this world, a living witness of His Eternal Presence, and of His coming return.
Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I may teach you, in My silence, many things and may My Love supply you and nourish your spirit, so that you do not seek in the world or outside of yourself, what only God can give you.
Enter into My Heart of Peace in a sincere prayer, in a true prayer, in a confession between Mother and child, because, as your Universal Heavenly Mother, here I am to listen to you, to understand you, to correct you and to shelter you.
Enter into My Heart of Peace in a true dialogue with Me, because I love you, My child, and I hope that your heart returns to the safe harbor of My Spirit, where I can sustain you, so that you, in a permanent service and in donation, sustain others, who could not manage and did not know how to reach Me.
Do not forget to enter into My Immaculate Heart of Peace, do not forget to be in Me. In My silence, I have the answer and the encouragement for all of your doubts and difficulties; in My embrace, I have comfort for your spirit and renewal for your soul.
Do not remain in the world hopeless and without peace if you have a Heavenly Mother who has been given to you by God, at the Cross of His Son, at the height of His Love and His Mercy.
My Child, when everything seemed lost to the companions of Christ, who saw Him suffer on the Cross, He gave them an eternal and kind Mother, and in the same way, He does it again, when souls are lost for forgetting that they have a Celestial Mother who will support them whenever they elevate their eyes to the Heavens, and their hearts to God.
I simply wait for you to call Me and pray with Me.
The world, My child, will go through greater difficulties and tests that will seem insurmountable. Thus, learn today to enter into My Heart of Peace; build today the path that leads to My Mantle, and when this world is most in need, you will be a guide for lost souls, for you will know the way to find Me.
With love in My Heart and Grace in My arms, I extend them into the world to speak directly to the heart of each one of My children: enter into My Heart of Peace and find Me there, so that I may tell you what I most want from you in this time, and help you to fulfill your mission.
On this day I bless you, and thank you for listening to My Words and entering without fear into My Heart of Peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Assert yourself in the power of prayer…
Dear children,
In times that will come, humanity will violently purify itself and it will not be this way because the Eternal Father establishes it, but the purification of the humanity will come hand in hand with all incoherent actions that will be committed by the humanity of surface, which will affect many people.
It is in this way that in these times, prayer will be the shield and at the same time the spiritual remedy against all mental, psychic and emotional infection, which is consequence of the global mismatch that humanity has attracted to itself and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
Prayer will cover with light and peace those who practice it with heart and not for obligation.
On the other hand, humanity will not know how to sustain itself, not even spiritually, the moment in which the purification unleashes in the consciousnesses overnight.
But prayer will offer, to those who live it with heart, an inexplicable balance, capable of neutralizinge spaces or entire cities, because its power is unknown until today.
While the world is being purified, many consciousnesses will realize too late all they never offered to God and how far they have been from the Source of His Eternal Love; this will be the most difficult moment for most of the humans of the Earth.
But prayer will make of the prayerful souls, crystalline essences, not bound to the debts of the past; they will be as mirrors of light that will reflect, wherever they go, the codes of redemption.
This will be part of the last phase of the apostleship in these times.
While the planet is being purified, unknown human situations or causes never seen before in the health of humanity will appear, which the scientists will consider: without explanation.
But these causes will have their roots in the lack of love. Souls that do not pray nor seek union with God in these times will, little by little, fade because the love in their interior will not be enough, since this love is based on the personal needs and not on the divine essence, which is what moves love in the Universe.
In this time, the true prayerful ones will have a special mission, and the love that they have generated inside themselves through the works of good, of charity and of peace, will make that all of these consciousnesses that will be as “dissected living beings” by the lack of love, may receive this divine energy of love that will save them and redeem them.
Here, My children, I speak of inner revelations that will emerge little by little, as humanity fully enters the transition of the Earth.
Many consequences and inexplicable events that humanity lives today are generated by a great worldwide imbalance: by conducting abortion of innocent souls, by the unmeasured killing of animals for human consumption and by the wars that are consequence of a worldwide sin that has increased over the past three years.
In this way, the humanity that has not been redeemed by Divine Love, that denies the existence of the celestial and invisible worlds, will live what it has sown; and what it will live in this last cycle will not be for lack of spiritual assistance, but for the indifference before so much world inequality.
But prayer will make of the prayerful beings, impenetrable shields of light, capable of enduring the purification of the planet; in truth, these prayerful souls were chosen by the angels to accompany the current and acute planetary process.
I did not wish to offer an apocalyptic message, but this is what humanity has started to live since the last August 8.
This world reality must reach the consciousness of all servers of light, because with the support and prayer of all, it will at least be lighter for some.
Dear children, in these times prayer will become the most effective and powerful spiritual tool in the moment of being pronounced with heart.
If souls knew about the power of prayer, maybe their own debts and sins would not be purified through pain, but rather through the love that the prayer itself awakes, a love that is not human nor from this tridimensional world.
In this sense, the prayerful life in the end of the times will become priority for the awakened hearts to understand that, without prayer, the exit and the enclosure to be far from chaos that will reign on planet will never be found.
Prayer will make you remain in the world to serve it and to learn, but without being in it. All this will all be the beginning of a preparation that will define the battle during the Armageddon.
I thank you for accompanying Me in prayer.
Who loves you and guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more