Silence and gratitude, two keys and important attributes to learn to recognize and to listen to the Voice of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that dissolve misunderstandings and open the way to receive the Wisdom of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that attract providence and, at the same time, Grace.
Without silence and gratitude one cannot contemplate the next step of God, a step that is reflected and manifested through His children.
Seek silence and gratitude to become aware of the heavenly treasures entrusted to you through the unique work of the Love of God.
Without silence and gratitude no safe decision could be made, and no project could be built and manifested.
It was silence and gratitude that allowed the redemptive Work of the Lord to be carried forward.
It was silence and gratitude that established communion between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, through the Holy Eucharist.
Silence and gratitude are what enabled My Son to accept and bear the Cross.
Silence and gratitude are what help to accept and adhere to the designs and requests that the Father presents.
Without silence and gratitude there is no light and without light there will be no understanding.
Ask yourself how the silence and gratitude are within you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Cross the desert in the confidence that within yourself you will hear the Sacred Voice of God, the Divine Voice that will encourage you to remove from your path the stones and thorns that hinder the free walking of the seeker of the Kingdom of God.
So that this mission may be possible, extirpate from yourself the vices and customs that undermine your spirituality.
Begin today to work upon your vice of criticizing. Be brave."
Christ Jesus
When the time comes, Knowledge, Truth and the Light of the Universe of God will reveal itself on its own, and there will be no dogma, doctrine or institution that will be able to hide what will emerge within the beings, just like in the heights of the Heavens.
The cosmos within creatures will pulsate, and from this same infinity in Heaven will emerge the signs of a new time, of a new life that reveals and manifests the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom not understood and still unknown to humankind.
When the time comes, the silence of those who persisted will be their greatest instrument to allow the revelation of the truth, because the truth will not emerge from the words of human beings, but rather from their living examples, the signs of Heaven, and the very Voice of God who, after having been in silence, will allow His Word to resound with the power of a thousand trumpets over the world.
For this reason, do not want to convince, do not want to do it yourselves, do not want to transform the world with words, but rather with example, the testimony that speaks for itself. And when humankind becomes silent, the Voice of God will reverberate.
Let His Kingdom, always alive in those who allow for Its expression, be what will reveal the path to the world.
Let these be your constant aspirations: with the example, announce; with the word, pray and proclaim the Grace of God; with your life, express His Kingdom; with your heart, renew His Love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your spirit is tired, My child, enter into the Presence of your Creator, being aware that He is in everything, and simply be grateful.
Thank and offer the Father every emptiness, every desert, every distress, your concerns and misunderstandings, your joys, your conquests, your victories and His victories within your heart. Thank God for everything.
Be thankful when He makes Himself felt, when, for a second, you seem to hear His Voice.
Be thankful when you pray and when your heart is relieved, when you are able to regain peace and joy, even if it is for a short while.
Be thankful when service revives you, while helping your neighbor, the Grace of God floods your heart and you are able to feel alive, to love, to rejoice, and, therefore, to bring peace to those who suffer.
Also, be thankful when you think that you do not have the opportunity to serve as you had wished.
Be thankful when you only have the same brothers and sisters beside you, every day, and ask for the Grace of being able to see in each of them the need and opportunity to serve so that, when you are ready to love, the Grace of God may descend upon you and flood your heart as well as your neighbor's heart.
Thank God for being conscious of the urgent times of the planet, for knowing how to pray and worship, for knowing how to be grateful, even in pain and emptiness; for knowing that He is always there, even in His deepest silence.
Gratitude, my child, is the bond that unites you to God, no matter the circumstances of your lives or that which you may feel and perceive within your heart. When you thank God, it is as if you are saying to the Lord:
May this be your permanent prayer, because, in this way, child, you will always be able to perceive how the Creator guides you beyond your human understanding, how He heals, molds and converts you, according to His Will. Therefore, always and in all circumstances, be thankful.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After experiencing the meeting with God, hearing His Words and participating in the revelation of His Designs, souls must then grow, strengthened by Celestial Laws; they must live everything they have learned and, with their lives, they must disseminate the Grace that they have received, in their examples, their love and the profound emanation of their hearts.
After experiencing the meeting with God, souls must then define themselves, be reconfirmed and walk onward to discover the Divine Presence within themselves, and thus, hear His Voice in each instant of their lives.
Each meeting with God brings an impulse that must resonate within the being and manifest in human life through deep transformations, achieved by those who have heard the Voice of the Creator.
The Voice of God resonates, children, and must not only be heard, but also be made flesh and life in all His children.
The time has come to not only be called disciples and companions of Christ but, above all, to testify to His Presence and the echo of His Voice with your own life. The Gospel of the end times have already begun to be written, and it is done through the Words of God, and through the testimonies of His children.
You must be witnesses of the Words of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While chaos expands and human comforts reveal their illusion, souls that have committed themselves to Christ from the beginning look at their own lives, seek meaning, and do not find it.
While the false human fortresses and all the castles built upon sand begin to be overthrown, the souls that have committed themselves to Christ from the beginning look around, searching for how to support themselves, and do not find it.
Thus, they begin to look at their own hearts; thus, their eyes turn towards the High and, within themselves, they find the deep silence of their souls, tired of living lost and empty of real purpose.
And in the Heart of the Infinite, in the center of Creation, they find the luminous Gaze of God, more radiant than a thousand suns, full of an unknown Love, that embraces, supports, awakens and leads to the purpose of their lives.
The Creator is calling souls by their names, by their true and first names, so that they awaken, because it is not in the world and in its illusions that they will find the meaning and the answers to their deepest questions.
Human life, as it manifests today, children, is losing its meaning, and it will only reveal the fragility and ignorance of humanity when they are separated from God and, consequently, separated from themselves, from their inner truth.
Do not fear losing that which has already been lost; do not fear to release that which has already fallen; do not fear to let die that which has never been alive, because it is when you give up the illusions that you find plenitude.
And you will wonder how you have been prisoners for so long within invisible and unreal bars that vanish with one blow.
Souls that listen to the Voice of God are to respond to His call. The time has come.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In these times, My children, the designs of God for humanity are transformed at every moment. His Purpose is the same, unchangeable in the face of what happens, but the way to fulfill it will be transformed every second, according to the response of humanity and to the material and spiritual events that precipitate upon Earth.
I only ask you to be obedient, may you know how to renounce when it is necessary, may you always know how to shape your own plan and will to the Plan and Will of God.
Obedience and the internal, human and spiritual adhesion, to all commands of the Hierarchy, will be the keynote of this time.
So as to not be mistaken, follow the voice of God.
To fulfill His Plan until the end and to be the triumphs of His Heart, let yourselves be guided and transformed by Him.
The faith in your hearts will be your fortress, peace will be your sustenance and the constant prayer will keep balance within your minds, souls and hearts so that nothing will make you perish.
Be meek of heart and firm of spirit, be precise in obedience and faithful in walking without looking behind.
Each moment will be guided by your Creator because this is His Work and your lives must be instruments in the Hands of God in order for everything to be fulfilled.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into my heart like in Jerusalem,
multiply the bread of virtues
and satisfy the hunger of my soul.
Heal the deepest wounds of my inner leprosy,
caused by misery and sin
that lead me into falling, again and again, upon the ground.
Let me touch Your tunic, hear Your Voice
and receive Your Gaze.
Let me feel Your Kingdom,
experience it and discover it
revealed within me.
Reflect the Celestial Truth
within the mirror of my heart
and call me to follow Your footsteps
upon the hills and up to the Cross.
Let the power of Your Presence
perpetuate the covenant that you made with my small
and poor spirit.
Make my being sacred, Lord,
in likeness to You, Child of God,
so that I may serve You, love You
and with You renew life
throughout the Universes.
Let My prayer be the perpetual prayer of souls that aspire to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Peace reigns in hearts that silence their mouths, minds and hearts to listen to God.
When the murmuring and clamoring stop for an instant and yield their place to silence, souls bow down before God to hear His Voice and His Designs which are also silent but full of Love, and They can permeate hearts and bring them clarity, certainty, answers and, above all, peace.
Silence, children, is also prayer.
In silence, your spirits can elevate beyond the dimensions of conflict and chaos and be in a safe place to converse with God.
Souls that learn to become silent learn to enter into true contact with Infinity, because they are not only asking or wanting to rise up through their own effort but rather to know how to be silent, trust and allow themselves to be touched by the Hands of God that guide them into contact with higher life.
Silence is also part of the path that leads you to God. Know how to perceive the moments for crying out, for singing, for pleading or simply becoming silent in order to hear the Voice of the Father, to allow Him to guide you to the Infinity of His Kingdom, to the mysteries of His Creation.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the Lord was in the desert, preparing His Heart for the surrender that He would experience by means of the Cross, His Mother Mary was already gathering together the disciples and the holy women and informing them about the Kingdom of God, about higher truths and about the path that is trodden to reach them, which is through humility, service, surrender and, above all, the love for God and for life.
At the same time that Christ was defeating the temptations in the desert, He was tested in His most human part and thus, He would take refuge in the Divine Heart of His Father; the souls that had committed to Him from the beginning of their existence were also led inwardly to the inner desert. At that moment, they recognized their weaknesses and were preparing for something greater, even if it was unknown.
The triumph of the Messiah was not understood by the majority of humanity, because the Will of God had no likeness to the ideas of humankind; but those who spiritually committed to Christ were ready and, sooner or later, they would be able to unite with the essence of the surrender of the Lord, to follow in His footsteps.
I tell you this, children, because as the spiritual time of Lent goes by, your hearts must go deeper into the meaning of the cross, you must observe the temptations and defeat them with silence and prayer, with the awakening of faith.
Let not your attention be on the laughter of the enemy, but rather on the Word of God. Hear His Voice and walk closer to Him, within yourselves.
Lent ends with a profound definition of the souls that are willing to accompany Christ and, in each cycle, in each new Lent, a greater, broader and more complete definition draws closer, until the day comes for entering Jerusalem, not to be acclaimed, but to experience absolute surrender.
Thus, do not forget the depths of what you are called upon to live; do not forget about the inner and divine greatness that you have committed to participate in.
The day of the cross is known only to God. Until this time comes, it is a cycle for walking more and more toward the Father, to merge into Him and to be One with Him so that the surrender of your lives may be fruitful, in Heaven as on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From cycle to cycle, re-experience the call of Christ within you.
Within your heart, child, contemplate the sea of your life, of your story and of your surrender and, along the shores of this sea, find the Gaze of your Lord that is seeking your eyes.
Without fear, start again walking toward your Savior and allow Him to ask you for something new, a deeper surrender, a more perfect yielding.
At His Feet, leave the net of all your desires and aspirations, all that you were pursuing in the sea of life, trying to conquer it, even if it were something spiritual or even if it were something for Christ.
Listen to the Voice of your Lord calling you to enter into His Heart. And empty of everything, go with Him to fulfill His designs, cross deserts, heal your own heart and thus, grant healing, be deeply loved and, in this way, grant the Love of God to souls.
Never think that you will just surrender your life to Christ one day, but rather, child, surrender, every day. Listen to His Voice in each instant; open the way within you so that Christ may reach the most hidden spaces of your being.
I am speaking about surrender and yielding every day. Perceive that these are the keys of this time; they are the bases upon which your spirit is safe in God and in His Will. This is what He is calling you to live at this moment because, in this way, you will grow, in this way, you will fulfill the designs of the Creator for your life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Wisdom of God may flood your spirit, your mind and your heart.
Always seek the answer for your deepest questions, as well as for each decision you make in the simplest things of your daily life.
Create a link with the Spirit of God, called Holy Spirit, so that It may illuminate each expression of your consciousness, from your words, actions and feelings to your innermost thoughts, ideas and aspirations.
In this time of so much confusion in the world, child, it will be the Spirit of God that will guide your soul and through you many more souls that would otherwise be lost in this world.
This is the moment for taking the correct time to pray and, before each decision, unite your consciousness with Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God dwells within you and animates you from your soul to your cells. And so, you just focus your attention upon that which is real and become silent in order to hear It.
The Will of God and His designs are not far from the thought and the reach of humanity. But to be united with God and to hear Him, you need to make the proper space for the Father within you.
Thus, pray and seek His Wisdom. Become silent and listen to His Voice. In this way, you will always take the correct steps for fulfilling His Will.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to respond to the call of God; a call that invites you to meet the spiritual and physical needs of this planet in redemption.
The time has come to listen to the Voice of God, which strongly resonates in the hearts that have already awakened.
From His Word will come the strength to move on. From His Love will come the help for renewal each day in the fulfilling of His Plan. From His desert, but also from His Kingdom, will come the experiences that will forge an unbreakable fortitude in those who walk.
Thus, listen to the Voice of God within you and follow His call. There will be no other cycle, there will be no other time.
There is only a great need, children, of being in the correct place and carrying out the responsibilities that your Celestial Father gave you from the beginning of humanity.
The tests are intensified, but the Graces are also multiplied. Know how to take the Gifts of God so that they may be the foundation under your feet, and carry on in prayer, in communion and in surrender.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Invoke the Sacred Names of God, and the Creator Father will show Himself to your little heart.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and feel how His Presence and Love are revealed, how His Voice can be sensed and His healing is carried out within you.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and come into communion with the Heart of your Creator. Let Him show you His Truth, His most pure inspiration for all life and the perfect Plan that He has designed for you.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and cry out for the establishment of His Peace in the world. Cry out so that His Grace may descend upon all hearts and flood those who need the most, transforming lives and attracting toward Him the hearts of His children.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and listen to the Voice of the Father, just as the peoples of the desert listened to it. Enter the desert of your heart and cry out for peace. Let the Father prepare in you His Return and establish in your heart His Kingdom.
Invoke the Sacred Names of God and live peace. Let peace expand upon the world.
Know, child, that your God and Creator is here, in you and in everything. Invoke His Name to recognize His Presence.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Listen within you to the Voice of God that speaks to you, the Voice that calls you to serve Him and to pronounce His Word of Life in the whole world.
This is the Voice that resounds in the Cosmos. This is the Voice that comes from Heaven to awaken souls to the Love of God, to compassion, to healing and to redemption.
Listen to the Voice of God within you and the essential purity will re-emerge from within you.
Unite yourself with the living God Who is in Heaven.
Comply with His Promises.
Live His Commandments and apply in your life the duties to God so that you may be a participant in His Celestial Kingdom, so that you may receive in your heart His impulses of Light, which will someday make you free, a participant of the Supper of Redemption, and thus you will receive the Sacrament from the Spirit.
Your soul will receive what it needs and will thus take a new step.
I come to this kingdom, to the Kingdom of Fatima, to rekindle it, as it once was rekindled by the presence of the Divine Mother and of all of Her angels.
The time has come to celebrate this meeting and to make you participants, in a conscious way, in the Mercy of God. Thus, the doors to light will remain open and the sacrifice of the Son of God will keep being recognized by the men and the women on Earth.
All will be part of this new Supper that the King will celebrate when He returns to the world for the second time.
But now, I come in Divinity. I come under the impulse of the Breath of the Spirit so that the Gifts of God may be poured out upon you. Such Gifts that at some moment will convert into talents. Talents that I will need, in this hour and at this time, to be able to help souls, to be able to save and rescue them from the dark abysses of the Earth.
It is from here, from the Source of the Kingdom of Fatima, that the world will be able to recover its innocence, the innocence it lost by the manifestation of wars, by the inequality among peoples, by illnesses, by madness, by hunger and error.
My Mercy will lead you to the essential Purity and in the essential Purity you will find God again, you will become aware of the meaning of your existence and you will not regress because I will be by your side strengthening and tempering your spirits, transforming your miseries, redeeming your human aspects, transfiguring them into My eternal Light.
The Glory of God descends over the Kingdom of Fatima, because Its Celestial Church approaches and descends over this place to unite with the Shrine consecrated to God.
The inner worlds balance. A period of peace touches souls and makes them aware of the truth. Perdition is deterred. The apostles take their steps toward the Lord and fulfill His commandments, His designs and their duties.
Although appearances are confusing, no one will be forgotten, and the hearts will rekindle in the fire of My Love, will feel the impulses of My Soul, will receive the blessing of My Spirit and I will liberate you from the chains, prisons and errors. And thus, the nations will be liberated, the peoples will reconcile and there will no longer be conflict.
Hunger will not be the cause of so many evils. Corruption will not be the origin of so many defects. Omission will not be the path toward the indifference of human beings because the whole world, humanity, the planet, will become aware of the truth, some time before I return to the world as a beam of light amongst the clouds, like a Sun within a sun, as a greater Star amongst so many stars.
The Universe will mobilize, the higher stars will respond and the solar system, of which they are a part of, will receive the last grand impulse that will spring directly from the Heart of the King for all souls, for all self-summoned and especially for those who were not called.
The meaning of being here on Earth will be reborn, because from the Kingdom of Fatima the impulse will arise that will lead this part of humanity to its awakening and to definitively move away from ignorance, from spiritual blindness, from indifference.
Receive then My Message with joy. May the whole world hear the Word of God through His Son so that humanity is born again under the Wisdom of God and His understanding.
May this Marathon be celebrated as the perfect union with the Celestial Father, as the confirmation of all apostles before all Principles and Wills of the Father so that His Designs may descend to the Earth and incarnate in the human beings who must asume the Plan.
May the inner worlds hear this good news. Heaven descends again over the Kingdom of Fatima so that purity may awaken in the sleeping hearts, in the souls that made a mistake by ignorance and by error.
Bring everyone to Me. Place the whole world in My merciful Heart, and you will not lack peace.
I Am your High Priest, your Governor and your Master. I Am the Shepherd of all sheep and, at this time, I unite all the flocks under the First Law, the Law of Love.
And thus, the hells will close and the doors to Light will open so that everything may be illuminated and no one lose the hope to persist, just as I persisted for you until the end, and even more, until this time, and I will persist until I return to meet you physically, to give you My Peace, My embrace, and deliver to you the glorious Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, that elevates you in unity.
May Europe listen to this call, just as We listen to your prayers. The Lord of the Universe returns to meet you to make souls participants in the Redeeming Communion and in the great time of Mercy.
May this Marathon be an offering of love from each prayerful heart so that God may keep pouring His Grace upon the world, in spite of the errors and all evils. Because the triumph of the Plan of the Father is in the heart that loves Him profoundly and without conditions. There lies the freedom of humanity forever.
In jubilation and hope for this reunion, under the mantle of the Kingdom of Fatima, I bless Europe and the whole world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May Peace be in all. Amen.
Listen to the Voice of God within you and from His Supreme Heart receive all the impulses so that you can transform.
Through God, receive the keys that you need to be able to go through the times.
Drink from that fountain of knowledge that the Heart of God emanates time and again.
Open to be able to recognize, within yourself, His majestic Presence, and set aside everything that distresses your heart.
Receive from the Universe everything that you need within the Law of Equilibrium and of Harmony.
Live a greater learning in each cycle.
In each step, experience the opportunity to love and to forgive.
Do not cease to look toward Heaven and to feel the Presence of the Father; let His Spirit fill you. Participate in Sacred Unity, feeling yourself to be a creature of God, a part of the Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the Voice of the Creator is pronounced in the world through His Messengers, in its teachings, it brings sublime Truths that are hidden in Existence, in the sense of life, in the roots of Creation.
The Father speaks to you about these things in this time, because it is time to uplift your consciousness, as beings and as humanity, so that supported by the Truth, you may go through the last tests and moments in which you are immersed in the illusion of the Earth.
Rise up, not to be indifferent in the face of the atrocities of the world, but rather so that you can help the planet from another point of your consciousnesses, from where the aid you bring to the world comes from God and not from your poor and human heart.
In order for the experience of love on earth to be real, it must be experienced within the Divine Consciousness. Your hearts, children, must be in God and there be renewed in Love, because it is the Love of the Father in you that is renewed, and not just the human love.
Wisdom and Divine Knowledge, which the Creator causes to descend to the world at this time, are for your consciousnesses to expand, that you may understand the range of the Love of God, which is not shut up in the hearts of humankind, but moves and manifests in all life, even beyond this world, in all of Creation.
Let your consciousnesses expand, entering into the Divine Science, so that you may thus see life and all that exists as expressions of the Love of God. In this way, children, you will be able look at yourself and at your siblings and feel the Grace of God.
And when your eyes shed tears, it will be to share the pain of the Father for souls, it will be to, with them, wash the wounded Heart of God, and cleansing the Heart of God with the water that comes from your souls and expresses in your eyes, you will be generating merits for the salvation and redemption of those who are lost, of those who cause and suffer injustice, of those who are blind and blind their siblings.
Thus, find a new way of helping the world, and even in the solitude of your hearts, have everything in your life be for Love of Creation, of Life, of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I speak to the heart of the old human so that they may yield and become new, renewed in God by His deep Love.
I speak to the lapsed heart of a lost humanity, so that, knowing itself to have strayed, it may seek the path of return to the Heart of God and enter the path of its redemption.
I speak to the miserable, to the sinners, and to the indifferent, so that they may know that by recognizing their miseries, sins, and indifference, they may change and create reason for Mercy to descend upon the world and permeate not only their being, but all life.
I speak to those who consider themselves small and to those who consider themselves great, so that each one, yielding up their vanities, know that it is not by wanting to be small or great that they will reach God; it is by being nothing, disposing with greatness and smallness to the Father, knowing that everything only gains meaning in God.
I speak to the world by a higher Will, making My voice the echo of the Sovereign Voice of the Creator because He sends His Messengers to warn and guide humanity. Therefore, listen to the Messengers of God, as the Voice of God Himself speaks to you. In gratitude, revere the grace the Father grants you.
Know that if you are hearing these words, they are for each one of you; it is God Himself who called you by name to listen to His Voice.
I speak to you, My child, because this is the Divine Will. It is enough now that you follow these words, so that you understand what the Creator expects of your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Grow up and be faithful to God in all ways.
Do not let yourself be carried away by the influences of this world or by that which is within yourself, which, not yet having found the path for redemption, permanently influences you to spiritually regress.
When there is confusion within you, stop your steps for an instant and think of God; contemplate the starry sky, the infinite above you, which you can find wherever you are, and remember, child, that a Higher Plane awaits you and that it is no longer time to be entangled in human and petty things, but rather to consolidate your union with the Infinite.
Listen to the Voice of God, which is pronounced for you not only because of a Grace, but because of an urgency that is not only planetary, it is universal.
For you, the days go by the same and you little perceive the change in the times, because your heart has gotten used to everything and even chaos has become normal.
Stop your heart for an instant and look within yourself; ask yourself how far you have advanced in love and in fraternity. Observe where you are and resume the purpose of your existence. You are not on Earth to be a triumph of the world, but rather to be a triumph of God. What you conquer in the world belongs to it, but what you conquer for God is eternal and is multiplied beyond dimensions, as merits for the evolution of all of life.
Therefore, observe yourself, stop your steps and see if within you, you are building a bridge to the Heart of God. Listen to your soul. Is there fullness in it? Or is there the silence of a soul tired of not being heard by its own being?
Fullness, child, is spiritual; it is between you and God. Wherever you are, you can be filled, because it is enough to give attention to what lives in you, waiting to manifest in the life upon this world.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Listen within your heart to the sweet Voice of the Mother of God, the celestial melody that in your chest lights the Fire of the Love of Christ.
In silence, listen to Her warm words and feel how within you the Peace of the Divine Mother can resound.
Withdraw into the deepest core of your inner temple and find the Queen of Heaven governing your consciousness and your life, making you a participant in Her consoling and divine Love.
Receive the presence of the Highest through the Holy Mother.
Commune of the humility and simplicity of the Mother of Heaven.
Make your heart like that of the Divine Mother, in feeling and poverty, so that your soul may receive the gifts coming from the Grace of God.
Open the deepest core of your temple so that the Mercy of the Divine Mother may work.
Feel Her Love near you.
Feel Her maternal caress and dissolve any bitterness.
Let the breath of the Holy Spirit reach your life and perform wonders for these times.
In your heart listen to the sweet Voice of the Mother of God.
It is time to experience reconciliation.
It is time to ask for peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more