Keep vigil, in prayer with your Lord, so that in these times He may find His companions and apostles awake, aware of the agony and the passion of the planet, truly ready to surrender their lives for Christ, through the small and big sacrifices that bring them closer to God.
Make an effort every day to offer something more of yourself to the Father, in the name of the whole of humanity. Let your prayer, your song and your surrender deepen and each day become more sincere and unconditional because of being the instruments and the vehicles of your union with Christ, of your service to His Plan of rescue in this world.
Pray and be in vigil with the Lord, because it will be in this way that you will be accompanying His steps. It is in this way that you will be consistent with His spiritual presence in this world. It is in this way that you will prepare His path of return to Earth and will be worthy of being with Him in the institution of His Kingdom.
Let prayer be the water without which your soul cannot live, and let sacrifice be the food for your spirit. In this way, child, every day you will be closer to God, and as a result, you will elevate this world and its humanity with you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Christ says to His companions, "Come and follow Me", they heard His call like thunder within; something that, with a single sentence, awakened their spirits and gave them the impulse to follow a new life. But all this took place on the spiritual levels, while their minds continued thinking and questioning, and their emotions continued unstable and susceptible to the influences of the world and of the human mind.
The apostles followed Jesus because of the potency of His Presence, without knowing who He was. His teachings transformed them, His Presence brought them security and peace. Everything that He did was extraordinary, like a true dream, something different from everything that had happened throughout time.
Spiritual life was the axis of society, and all the people felt honored by being beside a true prophet, united with the Love and the Power of God. But when the Passion of Christ began, while during His agony, the apostles saw in Christ the humanness of fear, sweat blood, suffering, and their beliefs shattered, their structures broke apart, and all the glory that in some way nourished their more human part, from one moment to the next, withdrew, knocking their vanity and their human condition to the ground.
To come to know the sacrifice placed them in an inner struggle between the mind, the soul and the heart, where their assurance ceased to exist, and their knowledge seemed to disappear. The Plan of God was revealed as something different from everything they thought and the renewal of His Love first occurred upon the Cross, and then in the Glory.
Today, children, the path of Calvary has begun for you. After years of extraordinary spiritual experiences, which uplifted you and transformed you, now the sacrifice comes to confront your human condition and overcome the barriers that stop you from living a full surrender, for the renewal of Love.
The cross of these times comes to reveal to you the outcome of the Plan of God, which will show to be different from anything you imagined. You will face contradictions and challenges that will forge within you an awakening of faith and the renewal of Love.
You will finally understand that the union with God begins in the Cross and then in Glory. It is through unconditionally living His Love that you will achieve unity with Him.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the book of your own lives in your hands, write with awareness, each new page, each chapter, each story.
With consciousness, build your own destiny and the destiny of this humanity, not in the sense of controlling your own existence, but rather in the sense of giving God permission, through your behavior, your actions, so that He may guide your steps and His Laws may govern your lives.
To write in the book of your own existence is to know that in all things the Universe respects human free-will, and even though the Lord, your Father, has the authority to transform all things with a single breath, He waits in silence for the definition of the steps of His children.
Thus, today I tell you that you must write in the book of your own life, conscious of each decision, of each definition, action, and thought, because everything that you emanate and manifest opens the way for certain Laws to act in your lives.
Life is creation and vibration. The Universe and the Cosmos move based on living Laws and Rays, which come from the Thought of God, to give life to the Universes and the dimensions.
In this time, be more aware of the Whole, of Life, of your fellow being, and in all that you may do, know that you are attracting a new chapter, a new experience to your stories and to the story of Creation.
It is time to begin to build the new life, and that begins with you being aware that the builders of this Work are you yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At this time, everything is allowed.
It is allowed that humanity express the imbalance that is inside of them, through excessive actions empty of love, empty of God. And at the same time, it is allowed that the spirit of unity pulsates within the pure of heart and manifests in the expression of love between races, cultures and religions.
It is allowed that families dissolve and live the laws of chaos and disharmony, generating conflicts and lack of love amongst beings who have united to learn together how to love. But, in the same way, it is allowed for families to heal themselves and express the archetype of a new life, evolving and growing as a family group, walking towards God.
It is allowed that chaos dissolve the inner peace of beings and to cause them lack of hope. In the same way, it is permitted for an unknown love to emerge from the heart of those who say yes and who believe in the miracle of the renewal of the Love of God through their essences.
Everything is allowed, but everything happens according to the choices of each being.
It is allowed that there be chaos and evil in the world, but it is also allowed that a love capable of healing all things may emerge.
Therefore, in these times of definitions, when the heavenly laws touch the Earth to battle with the false laws of the world and to institute a new life, decide and define yourselves according to the purity of your essences, following that which is within you and that which makes you similar to God.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Only through love can you overcome yourself.
Only by fasting of what makes you remember the desires and superficialities of the world are temptations defeated so that in prayer you can balance the inner world.
Only with peace can you overcome the eagerness for power.
Only with the wisdom of silence is the ignorance of pride and vanity overcome.
Only by beginning within yourself is the world transformed.
Only when you make room for the New Human and New Life to born within yourself will you see it emerge on Earth.
Only through the union with God can true peace be reached.
Only through surrender and self-donation can true love be known.
Evolution is only completed when you are able to love all types of life, with all of its Kingdoms, and thus collaborate in its evolution, in its steps towards the Infinite.
Fast of distractions and you will reach peace; fast of superficialities and you will find silence; fast of yourselves, serving others, and you will discover the sense of surrender and the principle of love.
Search within yourself for unity with God.
Everything has already been said to you. What is necessary now is not knowledge, but the experience of it, in wisdom; the internalization of it, in silence.
Only when you live what you already know will you be worthy of the revelation of greater mysteries.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Look to the horizon and walk toward the new Sun that begins to rise. Let your heart be fixed on this Light and on the path that leads you to it.
Go with firm steps so that you inspire others. Go with your heart in peace, so that you may help those who have lost hope.
Let the sieges and the darkness of the path pass with the cycles and the old time of this Earth, and continue walking toward the new Sun.
To walk toward the new Sun is to love in spite of the mistakes, the fears and the human condition.
To walk toward the new Sun is to forgive, knowing that within each being there is an essence that is waiting to express itself.
To walk toward the new Sun is to serve those who are far away and in the same way, learn to serve those who are around you. Let there be no distinctions between the hearts in need because the need for love is unique in every place.
To walk toward the new Sun is to search for God within oneself and, in prayer, dive into His mystery.
To walk toward the new Sun is to see that the old time ends and that, with it, all illusions collapse, but still do not lose hope of a new life.
To walk toward the new Sun is to begin to be new, practicing what you already know of the new life. If you know it is born from love and it exists to be an expression of the Love of God then, child, begin now to be a part of this life. Be love for a world that is thirsty for renewal and peace, be water in the desert of the last days.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See, child, the world starts to enter a new cycle, a new time, and the heart of the Earth will no longer beat to its own rhythm but rather to the rhythm of the Heart of God.
See that your heart also starts to beat in a different way. The impulses that come to your soul are no longer the same; the light intensifies, its rays illuminate or blind, according to what there is inside of the beings.
See, child, that the layers that separate the planet from the universal reality begin to dissolve. The seasons will not be the same any longer, the air will not be the same and everything inside and outside of humanity begins to transform.
This is not a time to fear but rather to awaken. A time to deepen into your inner life and recognize that which brought you here; a time to look inside and recognize oneself, and then recognize the infinite; a time not to think, but to be.
See, child, each step of yours today defines your history and part of the history of this world. You have in your hands a pen that writes in the book of the history of human evolution, through your acts, feelings and thoughts.
Allow your mind, always so childish, to understand the reality of these times as they are. No longer see the spiritual life as if you were watching a film that will end at some moment, and then you will return to your ordinary life, because the Laws will no longer allow you to see evolution in that way.
It is time to discover. This is a cycle of revelations and, more than that, a cycle of internal and planetary definitions.
After traveling for so long through this path of mistakes and corrections, of deviations and renewals, the time has come to concretize the divine thought. This will happen with those who know how to say "yes" until the end, overcoming their retrograde conditions every day, sublimating with the light of the spirit that which is reluctant to change and wants to remain in the cycles that have already passed.
Meditate on what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time of this world goes by and, in the Universe, the Time of God is approaching.
The cycles are transformed, the laws are exchanged so that other laws will be the impulses received by life.
Within the beings, spirits scream, and those who realized strong commitments with God can no longer remain in their ignorance and in the common living of their days.
The rays that spiritually descend from the Heavens moves, within the souls, the need to awaken; moves within those already awakened, the need to mature; and moves in those who are mature, the need to deepen. Nothing will remain as it is.
The Time of God will bring restlessness to all beings because their cells will be changing vibration, their essences will approach their origin, their spirits will see in the horizon the possibility of returning to God. Everything will move you towards evolutionary life.
Listen to the voice of your hearts. Know how to respond to your souls and, before a divine call, always say "yes".
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Trust in God and in His Plan beyond all things. Seek the foundation and renewal of love within yourself above all events, inside and outside of yourself.
The planet has already begun its period of purification, and your inner world will also see emerge those things that you have not wanted to see and alter within yourself.
Know that everything will happen for a higher good, for the establishment of a new life. And simply let your heart flow with the Laws that will begin to establish themselves in the world, in spite of their being invisible to the human eye, because they come from a universal and divine reality.
May this cycle be marked by faith and by the love for the Plan of God, in the certainty that every transformation occurs so that this Will may be accomplished.
Do not lose sight of this Greater Love, this purpose that comes from the Father and, with gratitude, focus your living heart on the present, going through each instant without losing the aspiration to love, without losing the hope that love is the first Law that will govern life on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you place your thought in God, you may draw His Will into your life.
When you place your heart in God, you can be in the Divine Presence and the Father, your Creator, can live in you.
When you place your consciousness in God, you bring His Kingdom to Earth and, from you, life begins to go through a transformation until it reaches that perfect principle that was thought of by the Creator.
To pray for an instant is to place your thought in God.
To pray and to serve, making the prayer around you alive, is to place your heart in God.
To pray, to serve and to be compliant with what you would be if you were certain that the Eyes of the Father are always observing you, is to live with your consciousness in God, seeking to please the One Who observes you, to console His Heart from all indifference and, more than that, to ardently aspire that all beings, wherever they may be, can participate in the grace of living in God.
Therefore, pray, child, and practice being with your consciousness in God. Not so that you feel persecuted but rather so that you feel yourself to be loved, accompanied and protected, and that this same Love that you receive causes you to love more and better.
Live with your consciousness in God to draw the New Life to this world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To those who persevere
Look at the horizon and let your eyes contemplate that which cannot be seen by a common glance, but that can be found with the glance of the heart.
See and feel the dawning of a new life, which begins within you and little by little manifests on the horizon of this world.
Today I have brought you the sun so that you may remember that the Will of God moves all things and, just as it moves the weather and the clouds in the sky, it also moves and transforms your inner world so that, free from darkness and obscurities, you may find what you truly are.
Believe today, children, that the new life begins to manifest itself within and outside of you. Believe in the power of God which transforms you, which awakens the love within beings and which reveals to you the true purpose of this humanity.
Each day, I come here so that this purpose may be more alive within you. I want to teach you to love the Plan of God above all things and to perceive that it manifests itself beyond your miseries and imperfections.
On this day, I want to demonstrate to you the power of unity so that you may feel that you do not work only with physical situations when you comply with my request of being here. While you are gathered here, My heart acts in your inner world, balancing and healing your weaknesses so that you may learn to love one another.
Believe that on these days everything can be healed because the Hand of God works in you, while your hands unite with the hands of your brothers and sisters to fulfill a task.
Believe that, during the group services that I requested of you, you can heal your lack of love, of fraternity and of unity with your fellow being. Give yourselves the opportunity of working united with those with whom you have some difficulty and, during this service, observe and seek the best virtues of your brothers and sisters. Do this as part of an inner deepening, as part of your evolutionary path and as an offering for the planet. Everything will happen within your hearts, but I tell you: the virtues of your brothers and sisters will bring what you lack. And without perceiving, you will be receiving from the other what you need to transform yourselves.
Heal the disease of humanity of seeking the miseries, the difficulties, and the imperfections of one’s neighbor and seek in your brothers and sisters the virtues, the gifts and the Grace of God, so that you may know what each one can give that is best to the Plan of God. Thus, I tell you, you will heal not only yourselves, but the whole human consciousness.
May each group service represent a new inner step.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the Kingdoms of Nature, God finds His dwelling place.
In the Kingdoms of Nature, the Creator expresses His perfection.
In the Kingdoms of Nature are kept the mysteries of the Universe and the keys to enter the new life.
In the love for the Kingdoms of Nature lies the expression of the new man.
In the love for the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing for all physical and spiritual illnesses and weaknesses, because the secret of life is the mutual support amongst everything that was created.
If you want to live healing, serve and heal the Kingdoms of Nature. If you want to rise to God, help a tree to live its upliftment. If you want to learn how to live love, let yourselves be loved by the Animal Kingdom, and with them, learn how to express the love that exists within you, without fear or shame. If you want to be firm and faithful, learn with the offering of the minerals. If you want to be transparent and express likeness with God, contemplate, love and revere the oceans.
The Creator has granted you the grace to renew yourselves every day through the renovation that the Kingdoms of Nature constantly live.
Renew yourselves in love, contemplating the Kingdoms.
Overcome yourselves in love, serving the Kingdoms.
Be more love, living in communion with the Kingdoms and, thus, you can be called worthy children of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While souls pilgrimage within the Marian Centers, they comfort the Heart of God and relieve the wounds that human indifference causes in the depth of this Sacred Heart.
The souls that peregrinate at the Marian Centers are also restorative because they are not only healing and repairing their own being and spirit, but they are healing and repairing human consciousness, so often distant from the Heart of the Father.
To peregrinate to the Marian Centers is like walking to the House of the Lord, climbing the steps to His Celestial Church and being before His Divine Altar, to live redemption and thus open the doors for others to also be able to live it.
In these times of chaos and of indifference in the world, the Heart of God finds His encouragement and joy in the souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers, because, in spite of their lives and responsibilities, they recognize the importance and urgency to create a real bond with God withinin their interior.
This world, children, needs restorative souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers not only to find Peace, but also to open the Fountain of Peace to the world.
The souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers are also seeding beings because, like birds of light, they seek the seeds of the new life in the Source and take them to their homes, cities, nations, fertilizing this principle of newness in the human consciousness.
The pilgrims who arrive in the Marian Centers receive from the Father His Grace and bring it to multiply in the world, wherever they are.
The importance of peregrinating to the Marian Center is still unknown to many, because the mysteries that are kept as spiritual treasures in the inner counterpart of the Marian Centers have not yet been revealed to the human beings.
Happy are those who pilgrimage to the Marian Centers because they become instruments of the Lord and bearers of the new life over the Earth, even though they do not know it.
Today, children, I thank you for being pilgrims and for having come to the Marian Centers in search of peace.
Joyous are those who receive with love and shelter in their hearts, the Love of the Hierarchy. Multiply what you have received. Be peace-makers in this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am the Mother of the New Humanity, the Mother of the New Being, of the New Human, which gestated within the Womb of the Servant of God, just as His Firstborn Son expresses perfection and likeness with the Father.
I come, My children, to place each one of your essences in My Heart and in My spiritual and divine Womb, so that you may be reborn and that, from your victorious redemption, the New Being and the New Life on Earth may arise.
Fruit of the redemption and rehabilitation of beings, fruit of the reconciliation between men and God, fruit of the awakening of hearts, in order to remember their Origin and purpose: this is the New Life on Earth; this is the Life that I come to establish through you, by Divine Will and Purpose.
With My Love united to the love of your hearts, I come to remove the power of illusion, of indifference, of human will and of the wickedness that permeates the hearts of humans. And making you free from all evil and clean from all stain, I come to give you the Grace of being worthy children of God, worthy representatives of Your Creator Father on the Earth.
I come to awaken ambassadors of peace and good, precursors of a New Time, in which duality will be overcome by the power of Love and Unity, which will reach the Earth through the sincere prayers of the children of God.
I come to demystify the celestial mysteries so that illusion may cease to be the truth in your lives and that, awakened to the true meaning of human existence, you may get to know the divine mysteries, the universal life and the celestial dimensions, which have always been hidden from your hearts, and now they must express themselves.
Pray, my children, for a redeemed America, for nations that lay their faces on the ground and, in humility, cry out for peace and for forgiveness.
Pray for a planet that awakens to Unity among beings, and pray for Love to be a necessity within each being. A necessity that makes you overcome arrogance, pride and vanities, which until today have led you to perdition and deception.
Pray for the Americas and also for the planet. Pray that, until the end, all nations may have an opportunity to know peace and Truth, and knowing the Truth, they may choose between the old and the New Human.
Pray for ignorance to be dissipated from the hearts of beings. And pray so that the Truth may reveal to you that Love must prevail beyond all human understanding and science, beyond religions and cultures, beyond differences and borders, and even dimensions, so that nothing else may separate you from each other, and nothing may separate you from God.
Today I pray with you before God, and I cry out to the Father for a New Life. I cry out so that the Being that is being gestated within Me be born in your essences and, as mysterious as the birth of My Son Jesus, you may express the New Life and the New Human.
I love you and bless you, and with My Heart full of Love, I thank you for making My words and My divine aspirations a reality.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the New Humanity
Pray, not only in a moment of urgency and agony, pray for a new life, pray for the awakening of your heart and your consciousness to a new time, to a superior reality.
Pray for all nations, pray for the continents and the seas, because the time for the great trial of the Earth has come and humanity cannot be indifferent before what happens in the planet.
Pray to bring peace, pray to know how to discern and so that wisdom may permeate your spirit, mind and heart, removing from your consciousness the powers of fear and insecurity.
Find your refuge in God, child, contemplating the greatness of His Plan for the hearts of men, and pray so that this Plan, which is perfect, may descend upon the Earth and upon the human consciousness.
Pray that the hearts may know love and that love itself may give them an impulse to unity and transformation. Pray for there to be peace and that the ignorance of men may dissipate. Also pray for those who will awaken late and will need an opportunity to live their own redemption.
Pray so that in the hearts of men there always be piety and humility, so that they may know how to forgive and reconcile with their fellow beings and with God.
Pray without ceasing and without fatigue; pray because this is the tool for these times that opens the doors so that all the virtues that will sustain the Earth may descend upon you and upon the world.
Pray and do not get tired of praying.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never lost His joy and hope.
Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never stopped placing Peace and Love in the hearts of His Own. He taught them how to establish a new life and to draw the Kingdom of God into the world, even if persecutions and shadows came upon them. Christ taught them to never lose the hope and the joy that the Kingdom of God, living within themselves, brought them.
Today, child, God announces a cross, a purification, and an absolute surrender to you; He announces a Passion that stretches beyond the hearts of humankind and reaches the consciousnesses of nations, reaches the most profound core of the peoples and religions.
God announces a difficult cycle to you, unknown, because it is different from everything you have experienced and from everything that humanity and the Divine Creation have experienced throughout their evolution; different from the Passion of Christ, which in reality was a preparation and an announcement of what you will experience in these times as beings, and as humanity.
However, child, God also speaks directly to your heart, so that you do not lose hope, do not lose faith, do not lose joy and the spirit of announcing and proclaiming, until the end of your life, that a new time and a new human being are about to come.
Announce to the world that it is enough to open to Love and not resist the transformation; it is enough to live obedience and not to give way to tiredness and loneliness; it is enough to cry out to God and know how to find Him in everybody and in all life situations, because Love triumphs beyond human fears, Love triumphs beyond your pride and vanities, Love triumphs beyond suffering and lack of hope.
Love makes the Cross a fount of Mercy, it makes sacrifice a surpassing of the Love of God, and makes the surrender of the old human the emergence of the new human being and the new life, that will finally express the likeness to the Heart and the Kingdom of God.
Listen with attention to My words and do not let them go by like the wind, because in their simplicity I give you the keys to overcome all evil and to find God again.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Behold, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven, through which all souls will have to enter at the moment of their definition.
When Mercy and Justice have already descended upon the world, when peace has consolidadted in the hearts of those who have opened to receive the Love and the Kingdom of the Mother of God; when darkness has settled into the heart of the ungodly who cry out, who will weep for a new opportunity, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven so that all souls may enter through them.
The first one will be narrow, simple, and luminous; the second will be as wide as the sea, but its destination will not lead to the Kingdom of the Heavens nor to the kingdom of the world, but to restart, to the void, to nothingness.
Up until the last moment of time, of this world, the Creator will try to rescue and awaken His Children; but those who insist on deceit and, with the malice of their hearts, condemn themselves, will shape their own destiny and build for themselves the path to the wide and uncertain door, empty of light and of God, for at that moment, the Father will only be able to observe His children.
The Angels of the Lord do not feel like humanity does; within their hearts only the Law dwells; their hands signal the destiny chosen by each being, their rays hasten the steps of the beings.
All those who honored and respected the king of darkness will return with him into his abyss. In his kingdom there will only be moans and darkness until the end of the Thousand Years of Peace when the day of Redemption will also come for them.
Prophecies will cease to be prophecies, which are called threats for those who do not know God. His promises will be true for everyone.
Those who have honored the King of kings, the Son of God, the Truth of beings, with Him shall see the fulfillment of His promises and in Him will serve until the end of their days, until the day of Unity, of the return to the Heart of the Father.
Empty your hearts of the sins of the world and do not surrender to the temptations of these times. Remember that, like this prophecy, everything that you live today has already been prophesied to you, and no one has been left unadvised of its definition.
''Persevere'', says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Hold firmly to one another's hands. Life in the world is losing its meaning for those who do not discover their only meaning is the renewal of Love.
Do not listen to the voice of those who sow discord; rather, cry out to the Father so that unity may reign and, embracing your brothers, strengthen one another and make your fortitude indestructible.
The narrow Door of the Lord will open for beings and inside of it, infinite will be the Mercy, eternal will be the Life in Christ.
''Confirm yourselves! Renew yourselves!", says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Those who do not want to continue walking toward the Light shall fall, by their own weight, by your side, but you keep your eyes lifted to God. The Creator should be your eternal goal.
Your Father and Companion until the end of days,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
How to build a New Life on Earth
The New Life on Earth, dear children, begins with the Grace of God. It is from the Heart of the Father that the principle of the new is born and converts into a Grace for all of humanity. This sublime Grace that brings all the codes and attributes of a new being, the patterns of behavior for a new life, descends upon Earth through the path of light created by the hearts that pray.
Your Father and Creator emits this Grace to the Universe, that then is led by His angels to Earth, and the angels of God are attentive to the pleas and prayers of the sincere hearts, so that through them these principles of the New Life fertilize Earth.
When the hearts that pray unite themselves to the power of prayer, instruction and wisdom, which comes from God, these Graces find the bases to settle; they find a fertile ground to develop in and become fruit of prayer on the ground of Divine instruction, and then, the New Life begins to flourish.
The next step, My children, is to create a condition for the transformation and redemption of the old human being, and this is reached through selfless service, which can begin within your homes or encompass a situation of planetary emergency. Everything that takes you away from yourself and leads you to someone else’s need is considered by God as an act of service and love which awakens the new human being from within.
From the beginning of my Apparitions I have been gestating the New Life in your lives, and I have called it “Heavenly seed” of the Light Network. There I traced the path so that your hearts could take one step at a time and, almost without realizing it, you were transformed by that very Grace which you allowed to act in your lives.
The Light Network gets together for prayer, instruction and service, and the result of this union is healing, which is a manifestation of the principle of the New. Those who followed My steps with plenitude, and did not fear to receive the Grace and Mercy of God in your lives, gather the fruit of the new human being which will be born inside of you.
Through the Planetary Light Network, the Creator takes to the four corners of the world the principles of a New Life, and sows them in the Earth so that His Grace can act in all the continents, and transform the human indifference into high degrees of love and wisdom.
The Light Network, My children, is not formed by perfect consciousnesses nor even holy ones, but the only aspiration of your Divine Mother is that Her children be symbols of loyalty, fruits of Mercy, souls that open themselves to redemption and who surrender before God to learn to fulfill His Will, and not one’s own, letting the Father transform your lives into vehicles of peace for the Earth.
The Light Network is the channel for your Divine Mother, who comes to the world, nourishing you with new codes when your beings, through their own redemptions, attract an opportunity for redemption for all life on Earth.
Today, renew your compromises as members of the Light Network, which begins on Earth, and must reach the Infinite because life on this world is just the beginning of a renewal that must extend itself to all Creation; it is the awakening of love that will transform all life.
Today I bless you and bring you the Grace of Loyalty so you can be that which I invite you to live, and with plenitude, manifest the Light Network that rises from the Grace of God, and reaches all the Universes.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, Rose of Peace
Just as in a previous cycle, I conducted you through the path of humility, of service, which goes beyond the works of charity, and I also taught you about the love for the Kingdoms of Nature, and now, children, I come to teach you to elevate yourselves beyond the human condition.
As a divine contradiction, in reality, children, I come for you to know the Truth and diminish the power of illusion. Your hearts are anchored on the Earth because you do not know the Truth about yourselves, nor about God, His Kingdom, His Plan; you do not know the Truth about Life and you spend the days of a unique cycle of definition identified with something that is not real.
The Time of God is approaching and nothing nor nobody will be able to stop this event. The definition that marks this cycle talks about how each being, and the consciousness of the planet itself, will cross the threshold to a New Life. Will you become dust like everything that comes from it? Or will you leave the dust to the wind and allow the nothingness, which you seemed to be, reveal the unity with God and make you part of an infinite Whole?
I come, in this cycle, to help you to define your paths. It is not that the voice of just one Messenger is not enough, because God in Himself, in His silence, is sufficient, but the presence of three Divine Messengers, instructing humanity in a unique and extraordinary form, never seen before, is the symbol of the perpetual Mercy of God; during a time in which the traits of His Justice have already began to appear, as in the writings of the Sacred Books, which dictate the destiny of humanity.
Therefore, children, in this cycle, let gratitude permeate your hearts and drink from the Words of God as a thirsty being who knows how to value each drop of water that is offered to them. This is the Water of Life in a time of spiritual thirst. Drink and multiply this gift for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Third Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Relieve me from my sorrows, Lord.
Please, Master,
may Your divine Love be reborn within me.
Make me humble and simple each day
so that I may not lose the fortitude
of always sustaining myself in You.
Allow me, Lord,
to love more deeply.
May the divine Love that You teach us
help me to abandon indifference.
May my heart and my life, dear Jesus,
be true representations
of the Work of Your Redemption.
In adoration,
may I feel You and reencounter You.
Within each step that
I must take towards You, Lord,
may I have enough courage to do so,
and may I live enough humility
in order to carry it out.
My Lord, Celestial King,
visit the temple of my Soul,
consecrate it to Your Divine Spirit
so that my whole being may be an instrument
of Your magnificent Work.
Leave my feet bare of the past,
of rancor and resentments.
Wash me, Lord,
with the nonmaterial Water
of Your Fount and thus I will be renewed
because You will have granted me
Your Grace and Your Mercy.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you with the Sign of the Cross,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more